THE MICHIGAN DAILY Reporter Finds, Rushees' Life Not Keen Fun' Too Much Singing Ruins Meal For Meandering Daily Staff Member (Continued from Page 1) with the meal came a change in com- panions. This time the conversation turned to the ever-popular subject of the homeliness of Michigan coeds. We had plenty to talk about, and the fel- low insisted that I smoke two of his cigarettes, even lighting them for me. I was snatched abruptly from a rather'enjoyable story by a burst of singing which came during the des- sert course. After that enthusiastic voices joined in song made futile any attempts at conversation, and I wel- comed the end of an excellent meal. Incidentally, I was told that this meal was representative of the every-day fare of that fraternity. After dinner I was passed from group to group of smiling, handshak- ing fraternity-members, until I felt much like a basketball must feel after an Indiana-Purdue game. I patted the fraternity's dog; I admired the trophies won by the brothers. I ad- mitted-seven times-that Michigan would certainly beat State; I agreed that the repeal of the Saturday class rule was "swell." I was offered count- less cigarettes, and every one was lighted for me. I actually talked with one fellow for nine minutes. I was a worn-out rushee by the time 8:30 arrived, and I breathed a heart-felt prayer of thanks to the In- terfraternity Council for setting such an early hour for the end of evening rushing. I left the house agreeing with the rushee who had said: "Rush- ing? Bah--one big muddle!" I. W. Gregg To Lecture Dr. Irwin Edwin Gregg, leader of the Detroit Unity Association, will give his first lecture on Practical Christianity, an explanation of the growth and scope of the Unity move-! ment, at 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 9, at! the house of Mrs. Eleanor Hazzard Peacock, 1808 Hermitage Road. The public is invited. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Madeline Westendorf Marie Davis Norma Vint Elizabeth Titus 2:30 to 4. M. Mitchell Mary Fran Reek Roberta Leete Ruth Coler Frieda VanderVeen Mary Anne Starr Elizabeth Meyer 4 to 4:30. Polly Donnely Mary Minor FOLLOW THE CROWD TO WEBER & KUOH N'S YOUNG MEN'S SHOP Freeman Shoes . $5, $6, $7 Peters Shoes . $3.1 5, $4.00 Coopers Hose 4 pair $1.00 Coopers Shorts.3 for $1.00 Wool Slacks $2.95- to $5.95 500 pair to select from. Coopers Sweote rs All Styles $1.25 to $5.00 Esquire Fall Hats 2.95, 3.50 Wool and Leather Jackets $3.95 to $13.50 TOPCOATS' SUITS $17.50 to $35.00_ Walk a Few Steps" And Save Dollars WEBER & KUOHN formerly formerly. Weber .Kuohn's Boot Shop Clothes Shop Corner 4th Ave. and E. Liberty We do Fine Shoe Repairing Harriett Thom Barbara Telling Margery Tate Judith Frank Mary Kay Moir 4:30 to 5. Amy Davidson Lee Burlison Mary Edna Hedges Marietta Killian Nina McLellan Joan Anderson Beatrice Kroodsra Bettie Lillie 1 - _ - - -- . __ ___ , I I DID YOU SAY YOU WANT Quink -OR AREN'T YOU PARTICULAR? -- ~t ._- $/ YERILL SAY M~ PARTICULAR t lob ... is .o gt +nrW. r I TINKER & COMPANY A ILORED CLOTHE S Yes, asking for Parker Quink is another way of saying you know what you want, and why THE HOUSE OF TWEEDS We have for your approval some hundred patterns and color combinations in the well-known HARRIS HAND WOVEN TWEEDS For these 5 Secret Agents in every bottle, end about 65% of the pen troublesl --save using a blotter! These 5 Secret Agents-not fancied but real secret ingredients-make Parker Quink an ink that does what no other ink can do. It guards any pen-a Parker or any other-from inks that clog the feed, gum the point, and corrode the mechanism. And it cleanses your pen as it writes-keeps it working like a charm. That's why Parker chemists spent 3 years developing this revolutionary ink. We wanted to protect our famous Parker Pens from being charged with faults due to ordinary pen-clogging, acid-carrying inks. Ask for Quink-be "particular"-if you want these results: 1-An ink that makes your pen a self-cleaner 2-that digests gum and sediment left by ordinary inks 3-that dries on paper 31% faster than average 4-that does NOT dry in your pen 5-that starts in a flash ! Ask for Quink and stand pat-keep your pen out of trouble. Only 15c and 25c at all stores selling ink. The Parker Pen Co., Janesville, Wis. The Pen-cleaning Iny Rich., brilliant--never watery and neve P maes w r / FLOAT DEPOSITS AWAY -MAKE QUIAK CLEANSE YOUR PEN AS IT WRITES, AND CONTROL ITS FLOW! 1 DRY QUINK 3/9.x FASTER - THAN AVERAGE ONPAPER - 8B STEPPED-UP PENETRATION - NOT BYEVAPORA TION! /IMAKE QUIR~K srAierINA FLASH RPAPEN ANDSEDtMENr ET tRETARD IYOUR PEN BY EV APOR ATION- PEN-CL.OGGING INKS!rTUs KEEP QUINK FROMDRYNGIN R RY OUR PEN! Mrsry OVER FIFTY DESIGNS, WEAVES AND COLORS IN STROOC KS SHETLANDS The fabrics you well know to be the finest in tweeds and shetlands the world produces. The price of these fabrics has been in the past beyond the reach of the large majority who would like to purchase them. Right NOW however we are Tailoring these woolens at prices which will be most attractive to the Men who like Tweeds and Shetlands and want them Tailored in the correct styles suitable to such weaves and textures. Interested? Why of course you are, so why not stop in at your con- venience and examine these Fabrics. Any weight you desire 16 to 22 oz. If by chance you are not in need of a Tweed or Shetland, we want you to look over our complete assortment of Unfinished and Finished Worsteds. Of these we have a wonderful showing and at prices which you can not overlook. OUR CLOTHES ARE MADE TO FIT AND STAY FIT TINKER & COMPANY 342 SOUTH STATE STREET at William OUR WINDOW DISPLAY of Woolens speak for themselves. We take our hat off to no one. r gummy L1 IL '± I "- The Ann Arbor laundlries have learned that the student has special laundry demands, and for just that reason they have set special prices on student bundles. Take advantage of the If Father Did the WASHNG If father did the washing it wouldn't get done, for father would soon learn that the efficient way to launder clothes is the laundry way. Quick de- livery, efficient service, neat repair work, and really clean clothes at a low price make it worth while to use your Ann Arbor laundries. VARSITY LAUNDRY 23-1-23 KYER LAUNDRY 4185 I i i WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY SAMPLE BUNDLE and Dry Cleaning Company 2 SUITS OF UNDERWEAR 4117 3 SHIRTS facilities Ann Arbor offers you. 6 HANDKERCHIEFS 3 PAIRS OF SOCKS Have Your Laundry Done 2 BATH TOWELS TROJAN LAUNDRY _L - I I rAr op.7 -0 A 1