Cash And Carry Position IsDefended
In Detail By Duesenberry And Rosa
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Editorial Staff
t Maraniss "
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in L. Linder
an A. Schorr
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. Associate Editor
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Having withdrawn an earlier letter until the
Editors made their Sunday reply, the writers now
wish to take up further the defense of cash and
carry. That will involve two steps: first, a direct
rebuttal to the Sunday article, and second, an
addition to Professor Slosson's criticism of non-
The writers were pleased to find the Editors so
ready to accept the central thesis of their first
letter: that non-intercourse is not at present an
alternative; and that cash and carry is far pre-
ferable to the status quo. But the editors, after
thus glancing to either side, have drawn the
blinders tighter around their eyes.
We Are In A Dilemma
They go on to state that ". . . in such a war
the United States has no legitimate interest."
That is true, insofar as the imperialist aims of
either side are- concerned, we have no legitimate
interest. However, like it or not, we are in a
dilemma ;anything we do affects one side or the
other. And it is our legitimate interest to learn
which of the effects, produced by our conduct,
will do most toward keeping the U.S. out of war.
To argue in your own vein, it is well to remind
you that by cutting off all trade with the allies,
we directly aid Germany just as much as did the
allies when they "directly aided Germany at
Munich." But it is not on moral grounds, such
as these, that the writers choose to argue. Those
grounds may well be left in the custody of
Professor Slosson. The purpose of this letter is
to show on economic, social and political grounds
that a policy of non-intercourse cannot solve
the dilemma.
Assuming for the moment that . the Daily
editors could eventually win the American people
to their cause, what would be the actual results
of a policy of complete non-intercourse?
We will lose in trade not merely the five per-
cent mentioned by the editors (i.e., the trade
with belligerents) but also the bulk of our trade
with neutrals, amounting to an additional three
per cent. For if an isolationist policy is to be
effective, we cannot sell to neutrals who, by
reason of attractive war prices, will resell goods
to belligerents. Our export trade, in the last
year for which figures are available, was approxi-
mately four billion dollars. Messrs. Maraniss.
and Petersen correctly state that the loss of this
trade would in itself be a rather negligible fac-
tor However, they show their incompetence in
economic analysis by failing to consider the far
reaching cumulative effects which such a loss
would have upon our economy. They are like
young surgeons, trying to argue that it is no more
dangerous to leave open an artery than to re-
move an appendix.
Income Would Drop
Non-intercourse would result in a decline in
the price of American wheat, for example, - re-
sulting in a loss of income to our farmers; fewer
automobiles, typewriters, and other manufac-
tured products would be sold abroad; and further
unemployment would result in the affected in-
dustries. But the tale does not stop here. The
farmers with smaller incomes and the workers
on unemployment relief would buy fewer con-
sumers goods and thus cause further unemploy-
ment and further price declines. The cycle would
be repeated indefinitely so that our national in-
come would be cut by at least twelve to fifteen
billion, rather than four. Moreover, the low
profit expectations of business men would prob-
ably cut off what little private investment is
taking place today.
The writers can see no safe method, short of
fascistic regimentation, for counteracting the.
abandonment of large sections of our productive
facilities, and the creation of tremendous un-
employment, which must result from the loss of
all export trade. In view of the present attitude
of the American people toward a spending pro-
gram, any proposal to ease the adjustment by
;means of large spending activities, is merely an-
other pusillanimous avoidance of the real issue.
Does not the care exercised by the state depart-
ment in extending the reciprocal trade program
show the danger of sudden alteration of our
trade balance? The widespread objection to
even the smallest of Secretary Hull's changes
indicates the danger.
Fascism Hight Result
When you have thus forcibly reduced the
American standard of living, endangered Ameri-
can freedom, crippled American industry, and
lowered the minimum level of security, do you
suppose our people will be any less receptive to
war propaganda? It is commonly admitted that
the proletarianization of large sections of the
German middle class was one of the major causes
of fascism in that country. Do not'the Daily
editors realize that to wipe out the income and
security of large numbers of people engaged in
export and allied Industries will have the same
If we were to allow Messrs. Maraniss . and
Petersen to lead us into the slough of a depres-
sion, deeper than that of 1932, the desperation
of the populace would make them easy victims
of fascists and war-mongers. Moreover, the
fascist elements in this country are, to a large
extent, identical with the warlike element. And
since fascism is essentially a war economy, one
is inevitably followed by the other.
Should Help Allies
It has been shown that the isolationist pro-
posal is not only costly but dangerous. Let us
now consider the positive virtues of the cash and
carry proposal. If, on the one hand, the allies
are certain to win the war, it follows that any-
thing we can do to help them will shorten the
war. And certainly any contribution to shorten-
ing the war lessens the danger of our eventual
participation. On-the other hand, should the
allies be losing, American sentiment would cer-
tainly crystallize behind any move to aid them
in their extremity. The trend of the latest
Gallup polls strongly bears out this contention.
It seems logical, therefore, that we should trade
with the allies to avoid such an eventuality.
Finally, the cash and carry plan will keep our,
economy on a sound basis. And there is far
less danger of our entering a war when our people
are prosperous than there is when they are
In summary, then, the writers believe the*
the cash and carry program is the only safe
means of steering between the Scylla of war and
the Charybdis of fascism.
-James Duesenberry
-Robert Rosa
iness Mgr., Credit Manager
Business Manager
Advertising Manager
ns Manager
Drew Pedrso4
Robert S.Allen
prised if Herbert Hoover comes b
(Continued from Page 3)
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.: 11:00 a.m. Saturday
Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zengvia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
Harriet S. Levy
'he editorials published in The Michigan
ly are written by members of The Daily
f and represent the views of the writers
'd: Finis
RHE NEWS from Washington that the
President will disband the War Re-
sources Board within two weels is the most en-
couraging bit of information that has emanated
from the Capital since the summoning of the
special session of Congress. It is the first indica-
tion that there are some men in Washington
these days who have not accepted the "fact"
that we must necessarily be drawn into the war,
and who are beginning to think in terms of
The appointment of the War Resources Board,
charged with the administration of the Indus-
trial Mobilization Plan, inevitably aroused the
fear that by actively preparing for war, the
United States was taking the first step toward
participation. And when Edward Stettinius,
chairman of United States Steel, and a half
dozen other industrialists with close connections
with Morgan and DuPont firms were nominated
to the board, the further fear arose that the
plan was- an attempt to install a business dicta-
torship, safeguarding profits at the expense of
labor and consumers.
Both fears were well grounded. The main
objective of the Industrial Mobilization Plan,
according to army and navy leaders, is to obtain
adequate munitions and supplies for the armed
forces as promptly as possible, and to plan for
the exercise of such control of our economic life
as will aid prosecution of a war. It is undoubt-
edly true that if we do get into a war there
will have to be some central agency to administer
the control of finance, foreign trade, labor and
prices. There can be no waste of efficiency if
a modern war is to be waged successfully.
But the United States is not yet at war, and,
if the Congressmen can be taken at their word,
every effort is being made to keep us out per-
manently. The exclusive presence, then, of men
whose associations and, general conditioning are
inimical to the expressed desires of the major-
ity of the American people, on a board which can
control the entire economic life of the country
creates a dangerous situation. If there is a
need, and there clearly is one, to study the actual
and potential resources of the country, and to
suggest methods of integration and coordination,
the job should be entrusted to the National Re-
sources Committee. Composed of men who have.
proven;their allegiance to the progressive ideals
of the Administration and their interest in the
commnon well-being, the National Resources Board
could accomplish the task of appraising the
country's resources, without at the same time
arousing fears that democracy would be sacri-
ficed either to war or to profit.
-Elliott Maraniss
Father And Son... -
Lindbergh, Senior, on the World war:
"If there is anything more absurd than to call
this a 'war to end war,' it is to characterize it
as a 'war for democracy.'
"All real democrats will suffer just as deeply
and mortally as the boys in the trenches. The
novement toward good government will be set
back more than we have advanced in a genera-
ion. I'll probably go down. You are younger
and may live to see a recovery from this shell-
hock to civilization . .
"Instead of more democracy, either politically
r inrutria.1v there will h e l e. ictatnrs will
into the international food relief pic-
ture with the express blessing of his
political enemy, Franklin Roosevelt.
Conversations to this effect have
been taking place behind the scenes
during the past week. They originat-
ed when friends of the ex-President
began flooding the White House, Red
Cross, and Jewish refugee committees
with suggestions urging that Hoover
head a new international relief set-
Those close to the White House
had no idea that Roosevelt would re-
spond, since there has been no love
lost between the President and the
ex-President. Advisers were amazed,
however, when Roosevelt took the
idea under serious consideration.
He suggested, in turn, that Mr.
Hoover outline a definite plan. A
great many ideas for war relief have
flooded Washington with nothing
concrete about them except that Mr.
Hoover should take over the reins.
None of them has been very practical,
partly because only one country, Po-
land, is suffering and it is impossible
geographically to reach it.
Those around the White House
could not be sure whether the Presi-
dent was passing the buck back to
Hoover, or whether he welcomed the
idea of securing his services. Any-
way that was what he did.
NOTE: It will be recalled that when
the United States entered the World
War, ex-President Theodore Roose-
velt offered his services to the United
States to head an immediate military
expedition to France. Woodrow Wil-
son, whose relations with T.R. were
comparable to those between F.D.R.
and Hoover, was much embarrassed
and vetoed Teddy's offer.
Hoover Vs. Moley
It is not supposed to be known, but
when Professor Moley's articles, high-
ly critical of Roosevelt, first appeared
in The Saturday Evening Post, Her-
bert Hoover sent word that he hoped
the President would answer them.
Hoover asserted that in the part of
the articles pertaining to him,
Hoover, Moley had made 22 griev-
ous errors, and that he would like
to make a public statement to that-
Roosevelt sent word back that he
didn't think it was a good idea to
dignify the articles with a reply. He
said that Moley was fond of quoting
Elizabethan poets, but that there was
one quotation which Moley did not
use. This was:
"Kings may love treason, but the
traitor hate."
Lindbergh's Data
Colonel Lindbergh gave some start-
ling information regarding Ger-
many's air force to the little group
of Senators with whom he lunched
the other day. Among other things,
he told them that Germany was
about to launch a new type of bomb-
ing plane which could remain in the
air for 48 hours, and which would
be capable of flying across the At-
lantic and back. -
German factories have been per-
fecting this bomber ever since May
and will have it in the air shortly.
It is intended, not for raids across
the Atlantic, but raids against ship-
ping over the Atlantic.
In other words, these new German
bombers would be able to swing far
out beyond Ireland along the routes
of transatlantic steamers and re-
main in theair for two days scouting
for ships. If the bombers are all
that Lindbergh expects them to be,
they should put a terrific crimp in
British shipping.
Another startling piece of infor-
mation which Lindbergh dropped at
the private senatorial lunch was that
Germany was developing a pursuit
plane capable of reaching 500 miles
an hour. This should be able to
chase any Allied plane out of the
European Air Strength
Lindbergh also discussed at length
the respective strength of the Euro-
pean air fleets. The Russian he
brushed aside as not worth bothering
about. Russia, he said, is turning
out a lot of planes, but of poor qual-
German aviation, Lindbergh said,
is now more than twice as strong as
France and England combined. The
French are slow and making poor
progress, but the British, he said, are
picking up and in six months should
be abreast of the Germans. The
quality of the new British planes is
excellent, and they are not handi-
capped by lack of materials as are
the Nazis.
Lindbergh said that the reason for'
the present British aerial inactivity
was the fact that they could not risk.
an aerial showdown at present. Their3
air force is too weak. However. Lind-
DeWitt, Ermad
Gribble, James Joseph A.-
Juliber, Gustave Scheker
Knight, William Donaldr
Leopold, Benjamina
Lynn, Jean AudreyI
Martin, J. R.d
McKinnon, Margaret E.
Sharpe, George M.
Waggoner, D. E.
Section 4 at 4 o'clock.
Abbey, Helen
Anthony, Ralph FrankC
Barrett, George Knapp
Cheever, Dwight Martint
Domashevitsky, Joshua
Goold, Robert C.
Hartley, Donald Tomlins
Jenness, Beverly Jeanne
Jensen, Thomas Arden
Leder, Arnold E.
Mills, Charles M.
Norton, Liges
Salomonson, Herman LaMar t
Stickels, Jeannette Helen
Wezelman, Sol Meyere
Wilner, Samuel
Winston, Howard Harold
Math. 327, Seminar ;n Statistics.t
First regular meeting today at:
3 o'clock, in 3201 A.H.1
Today's Events
Zoology Club: Professor A. Frank-
lin Shull will speak on his European
trip in the Amphitheatre, Rackham
Building tonight at 8 p.m. Profes-
sional zoologists and assistants on the
staffs of the various zoological unitsI
of the University and graduate stu-
dents in zoology, and their wives, are
invited. .I-
R.O.T.C. Measurements for uni-
forms will be taken today between
the hours of 8:30 .m. and 4:30 p.m.
Varsity Glee Clu: Important re-
hearsal and try-outs for new mem-
bers, tonight at 7:30 p.m., Michigan
Union. All "Trial by Jury" cast must
report without fail. Choral Union
members are excused in time for this
Physical Education for Women:
Swimming tests will be given this eve-
ning at 8:30 pm. at the Union Pool.
This notice is of particular impor-
tance to upperclass students who
have an incomplete in Physical Edu-
R.O.T.C. Rifle Team: There will be
a meeting of all old members and try-
outs, this afternoon at 5 p.m. at
R.O.T.C. Headquarters.
Student Senate will hold a meeting
this evening at 7:30 p.m., in
the Michigan Union. All Senators
are urged to attend. Please obtain
eligibility cards and bring them to
the meeting. If unable to. attend,
leave proxies with Hugo Reichhardt
or Martin Dworkis.
International Center, Speech Clinic:
A class in English speech under the
direction of the University Speech
Clinic will be organized at the Inter-
national Center this evening, at 7
o'clock. It will be conduc.ted by Miss
Pierce, who taught the class last year
so successfully. This course is intend-
ed for foreign students who need im-
mediate and expect help in improving
their spoken English and in develop-
ing greater acuteness in hearing and
recording the spoken word. Those
who wish this work should enroll to-
night. It is imperative that they be-
gin with the class.
Transportation Club: The Univer-
sity of Michigan Transportation Club
will hold a membership smoker
tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan'
This Club meets- twice a month,
bringing in movies and outside speak-
ers on subjects pertaining to railway,
highway, air, and marine transporta-
tion. The Club also sponsors numer-
ous inspection trips to railway and
other transportation facilities. Mem-
bership is open to all students, re-
gardless of which school or college
they are enrolled in, as long as they
have an interest in the subject of
transportation. Old members and
other studentg interested are invited
to attend.
Women's Archery Club: The first
shoot of the Women's Archery Club
will be held this afternoon on Palmer
Field at 4:15. The meeting will be
followed by a supper at the Island.
Hillel Debate Team: Tryouts for the
Hillel Debate Team are being held
every afternoon this week at the
Foundation from 3 to 5 p.m. Come
prepared to give a three-minute'
speech on any topic.
Women Fencers: The first meeting
of the Women's Fencing Club wil
take place this afternoon, at
4:30 p.m. in the Fencing Room of
Barbour Gymnasium. All those hav-
ing had the equivalence of one sea-
son's fencing are asked to attend. Pro-
gram for the year will be presented.
Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m. Sun-
day, Oct. 8. Those attending will
divide into groups for hiking, bicyc-
ling, and canoeing, and will later re-
turn to the Rackham Building for
refreshments. All faculty members
and graduate students are welcome.
In case of rain, there will be an in-
door meeting.
Physical Education for W men:
Skill tests in archery, golf, canoeing,
riding and tennis will be given at the
Women's Athletic Builing on Friday,
Oct. 6 at 4 p.m.
This notice Is of particular impor-
tance to upperclass students who
have an incomplete in Physical Edu-
PF Lambda Theta: There will be a
meeting of Pi Lambda Theta Friday
afternoon - at 4:30 p.m. in the Pi
Lambda Theta Room of the Univer-
sity Elementary School. All mem-
bers, whether they have been affiliat-
ed with Xi Chapter or not, are ur-
gently asked to attend.
Fencing Instruction: All students in-
terested in instruction in fencing
should report to the Intramural
Building on Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday at 4:30 p.m.
Stalker Hall. Bible Class led by pr.
Brashares at the First Methodist
Church, Friday night at 7:30 p.m.
Stalker HalL A group will leave the
Methodist Church at 9 p.m. Friday
for a steak fry at the island. Reserva-
tions must be made for this. Call
6881 before Friday noon and we will
have a place for you. Small charge.
The Congregatioial Stdent Feow-
ship is having a party Friday night
Oct. 6, from 9 to 1 o'clock. There will
be dancing, games, and refreshments.
Everyone is welcome. Admission 25
Attention-University Women The
following schedule- gives the time at
which interviews are toebe held for the
Silver Survey in the League Council
Room. Each girl has' been placed
within half hour intervals, and please
be prompt as possible., The inter-
view will only take about three min-'
utes..° Ydu will notice that there are
several vacancies Friday morning an
It would be greatly appreciated If any
girls who 'have free hours between 9
and 12, would come to be interviewed.
Let's all cooperate!
Friday, Oct. 6:
9 .to 9:30.
Dorothy Shipman
. Jean Tibbets
Betty Meyer
Katherine Macks
Doris Sealay
Betty Gross
Barbara Johnson
9:30 to 10.
Winifred McAllister
Margaret Cermak
Barbara Benedict
Helen Marsh
Mary Meloche
Betty Sutton
Betty Steinhart
10 to 10:30.
Phyllis McGeachy
Frances Bonisteel
Betty Roberts
Jean McKay
Lois Baxter-$
Dorothy Jane Coy
Angie Roknich
10:30 to 11.
Selma Chibnik
Nora Kennedy
11 to 11:30.
Barbara Bassett
Pauline Bogart
Myrtle Prussin
Mary Elizabeth Easterly
11:30 to 12.
Doryce Helfrick
Pudge Krieghoff
1 to 1:30.
Mary Alice McAndrew
Betty Nichols
Sue Stevenson
Martha Cook
Jane Nussbaum
Jerry Wilson
Mary Culbertson
Jeanne Morgan
Lura Jane Stewart
1:30 to 2.
Rachel Johnson
Dorothy Bogart'
Rhea Jane Easton
Barbara Guest
;nn Vicary
Clare Ford
Rosa Silverman
Anne Hawley
. Lois Longan
2 to 2:30.
Mary Jane Legros
Ella Stowe
Barbara Brehm
Louisa Penny
Barbara Simonds
- Marilyn Jennings
Anne Kingston
Pattie Haislip
2:30 to 3.
Ruth Kinzie
Betty Asselin r
Betty Dickmeyer
Lillian Zimmerman
THERE is sabotage in Ann Arbor. Gulliver an-
nounces this after reading his mutilated
column in Tuesday's Daily (this is by way of an
alibi). It seems as though the big trouble~isn't
g;'ng to come from crafty Japanese industriously
taking candid camera shots of Hill Auditorium,
but rather from a group of termites who have
hidden themselves in The Daily building with
the purpose of nibbling pieces out of Gulliver's
Anyway, Gulliver is going to repeat the item
which mysteriously disappeared from his Tues-
day stint. It concerns a letter to Morty Q, whisk
Gulliver borrowed from Morty's mailbox (the
dirty dog). The letter (which Gulliver tore into
quarters and swallowed to avoid suspicion) went
something like this. Dear Mr. Q: As a member
of the Hopers For Better Things Club, I writ
to state that it is our duty to keep Paul McNutt
in the ranks of the Democratic Party, lest some
morning we should wake up to read in the
headlines, McNutt Bolts! (signed) Marley Drake.
Gulliver hereby appoints Mr. Drake a charter
member of the Little Leibnitz League, with the
added suggestion that he amalgamate his Hopers
For Better Things organization into our more
practical League.
Notice to members: Meetings of the Little
Leibnitz League will be held every Saturday
noon in camera.
Before relinquishing his hold on this space for
the day, Gulliver wants to report the remark
of one of our wittier coeds in regard to Lady Of
The Tropics, the Robert Taylor-Hedy LaMarr'
epic at the Majestic. "Oh, that's quite a picture,"
murmured the wench. "It stars the two most
beautiful women in Hollywood!"
* * *
W E NOW present Miss June Harris, known to
readers of last year's Daily as the most able
writer of doggerel on the campus. You can
judge for yourself:
The University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information has received
noticeof he nfollowinz Civil Service exam-
Assistant Physiologist (Plant Hormones
Investigations). Salary: $2,600. Oct. 2.
Biochemist (Nut Investigations). Salary:
$3,800. Oct. 2.r
Pomologist (Fruit Breeding), Salary:
$3,800. Oct. 2.
Associate Agronomist (Forage Crops).
Salary: $3,200. Oct. 2.
Assistant Pathologist (Corn Investiga-
tions). Salary: $2,600. Oct. 2.
In former years
Young men's careers
Were relatively stable,
A financier
.Or engineer
Were looked upon as able,
But gone the days
Of olden ways
Mechanical or cleric
To make their dough
Young men now khnow
Professions esoteric.
Forget the books and slide rules, lads
And leave collegiate cloisters
A noble life awaits you, men,
As culturers of oysters.
How bourgeoisie
Is a dull M.D.
What cause for our elation?
But we'd shout in glee
If we found that he
Did nut investigation.
It's not a surprise
When a bookkeeper dies
His presence is hardly missed
But a world forlorn
Would moan and mourn
A prize pomologist.
For this is the 20th century, lads
Though the world be rent and torn
Think of the glory attending to
The pathologist of corn.
--June Harris