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September 19, 1939 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-09-19

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irned By 118
t'his Summer
ary College Awards
Perfect Averages;
gineersReport 25
hundred and eighteen stu-
earned 'A' scholastic averages
of their courses during the
Summer Session, it was an-

Sophomores Seek To Avenge
1938's Black Friday Defeat

r college 50 students
and in the engineer-
tudents had perfect
zel Altman, Eleanor
lyn H. Clark, Morris
E. Robinson, Frank
1 L. Taggart, Bertha
M. E. Champion,
ton, Helen Roberta
ce B. Baker, George
Kenneth L. Bovee,
"hampion, Roxy E.
V. Ewing, Joseph B.
eth W. Jewell, Leah
r, S. Kenneth Lot-
Masson, Leonard V.
E. Morrette, Everett
r Mary M. Roll, De
r, Paul E. Stevens,
fsky, Frank C. Suda,
Augusta E. Anketell,
erger, Orlo M. Gill,
er, Margaret E. Hof-
.n E. Alden, Robert
Berger, Irma R. Ber-
Bowden, Roland W.
G. Castle, Thomas
.nus R. Cranmer,
oder, Alice G. G.
. De Sisto, John R.
pras, John F. Durr.
ykstra, Leonard E.

Last Year's Class Fracas
Climaxed By Freshman
Raid On Union, League
On the night of Oct. 29, 1938, the
class of 1942 wreaked freshman ven-
geance on their erstwhile colleagues,
the sophomores, and turned the class
of '41 (at least those hardy enough
to venture out that fateful night)- in-
to the pantless wonders.
It was the night of the annual
freshman-sophomore battle, t h e
night that Ann Arbor householders
lock their doors and windows, that
upperclassmen retire discreetly to
their rooms, that the Ann Arbor
police force closes its eyes to the half-
clad gangs that roam from one end
of town to the other looking for
blood and pants-in, short, "Black
On the night of Oct. 29 last year
1,500 freshmen and i sophomores
(mostly freshmen-the sophomores
seldom seem enthusiastic about
"Black Friday?') gathered Piround
campus to take part in the tradi-
tional de-panting exercises.
The sophomores held sway for the
first five minutes of the fracas that.
lasted from 8 to 12 p.m., but were
swamped by a howling hoard of
freshmen that came streaking across
the campus fromeWashtenaw Ave.
where they had been trying to. rout
sophomores out of fraternity houses.
They clashed behind Alumni Me-
morial Hall and after completely
outnumbering the pantless sopho-
mores, the freshmen made their' first
attempt to "crash" the Union, a tra-
ditional maneuver.
However, Fred Luebke, '39, presi-

dent of the Men's Council, dampened
their ardor somewhat by appearing
in the Union door with a baseballmbat
and threatening to tonk the first man
who rushed the door. The appear-
ance of a few bedraggled sophomores
sent the mob surging back to Alumni
Memorial Hall for a short fracas. and.
left Luebke temporarily holding the
So the gang turned its attention,
after several minor scuffles, to the
League, and since none of the ladies
who haunt the undergraduate offices
saw fit to appear in the door with
a baseball bat, they had little diffi-
culty in forcing their way into the
ballroom. Charlie Zwick provedas
much the diplomat as Luebke the,
soldier and by playing the "Victors"
and giving the freshmen a fight talk
he coaxed them out of the League
and they sought other battlefields.
Sweeping back to the Union, the
mob, enraged by the jeering of on-
lookers, swept the guardian of the
Union, baseball bat and all, off his
feet, and succeeded in ducking seven
sophomores in the Union pooL That
marked the end of hostilities for the
evening. Two minor injuries were
reported by the Health Service, but
the sophomores' pride sustained an
injury which remains the lot of this
year's sophomores to heal.
Michigan NYA Places 244
(Special to The Daily)
LANSING, Sept. 19.-Once again a
record number of youth left the
Michigan National Youth Adminis-
tration rolls for employment in priv-
ate industry as 244 found jobs dur-
ing August, according to Orin W.
Kaye, State Youth Administrator.

Strikers Hold
Six U.S. Vessels;
Reports Say President
Will Order Maritime
Commission Takeover
NEW YORK, Sept. 17.-(iP)-Amid
unverified reports of possible presi-,
dential intervention, striking na-.
tional Maritime Union seamen still
held six American ships in port to-
day as stranded Americans clamored
from across the Atlantic for' passage
home from Europe's war zones.
The report that President Roose-
velt might order the Maritime Com-
mission to take over the ships, ont
the declaration of an emergency, cir-
culated along the water front, but
spokesmen of both the commission
and of the United States Lines dis-
counted that possibility.
As the strike for bonuses, insur-
ance, increased ship personnel and
continuance of wages if crews might
be interned moved toward its fourth
day, these were the developments:
Sixty-nine British seamen brought
here to man two oil tankers refused
to sail unless they received $5,000
insurance and wages equivalent to
those paid American sailors.
Members of the National Maritime
Union, (CIO) said that they would
welcome presidential intervention.
A possibility was seen that two
other ships being readied for Euro-
pean voyages, and three vessels due
within the next two days, might be-
come involved in the strike, if it pon-
A hearing for 12 striking seamen
tomorrow, to determine if the strike
warrants suspension of their sea-
mens' certificates, was prepared by
Capt. George Fried, supervising in-
spector of the Bureau of Marine In-
spection and Navigation.
Seventy seamen of the strike-
bound United States Lines' American
Trader were signed off, leaving the
way open for a new crew to be signed
The strike started Friday when
crews of the American Trader and
the American Traveler refused to toss
off lines.
Organized In 1921
The School of Education was or-
ganized at the University of Michigan
in 1921, and today has an enrollment
of 2,086 students, and 30 faculty mem-
bers. The degree of A.B.Ed. or B.S.Ed.
may be received after completion.of a,
two-year course in the Literary Col-
lege and two years work in the School
of Education.
t.. ____________________

Ann Arbor's Blue Book of famous
personages who have visited here is
a veritable directory to the great
names in a dozen fields of endeavor.
Writers, musicians, artists-all are
ranked scores deep in the roster of
notables who have appeared here.
During the school year of 1938-39,
no less than five famous authors
spoke to Ann Arbor audiences- These
include: Lloyd C. Douglas, author of
"Magnificent Obsession" and other
novels, who addressed the Michigan
Kiwanis Convention last October;
Alexander Woollcott, "The Town
Crier," with "While Rome Burns"
and the "Woollcott Readers" to his
credit, who lectured on the Orator-
ical Series; poet Louis Untermeyer,
who spent two weeks here lecturing
and meeting students informally in
class sessions; Bertrand Lord Rus-
sell, English author and thinker,
whose denial of the existence of God
aroused strong religious controver-
sies on campus last spring; and Carl
van Doren, author of "Biography of
Benjamin Franklin," who gave last
year's Hopwood lecture.
Renowned Authors
Other writers who have visited here
in the past include: Thomas Mann,
Christopher Morley, Max Eastman,
Edna St. Vincent Millay and Dr.
Victor G. Heiser.
The Choral Union Series and May,
Festival annually draw the greatest
names of the musical world. Last
year's Choral Union brought such
musical pacemakers as Bartlett and
Robertson, piano duo, the Boston
Symphony Orchestra under the baton
of Serge Koussevitzky and the Roth
String Quartet. Lawrence Tibbett
made his fifth trip to Ann Arbor;
Jose Iturbi his third. Yehudi Menu-
hin, child prodigy grown into mature
genius, returned after two years of
List the greatest musical leaders of
the era and you will find most of
their names on Ann Arbor's register.
Paderewski, Martinelli, Heifetz, Krei-
sler, Rachmaninoff, Flagstad, Galli
Curci-all have appeared during Ann
Arbor's musical festivals.
Swnig Here Too
The lighter side of music has its
representatives in numerous bands
and orchestras, ranging from slow
and sweet to hot and fast. Benny
Goodman has played to dances here;
so has Kay Kyser (1938 J-Hop),
Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Count
Basie and Henry "Hot Lips" Busse
(1939 J-Hop), Fletcher Henderson,
Jimmy Lunceford, Red Nichols. The
aces of swing, and the aces of jazz
before them, have set the tempo for
innumerable Michigan dances.
Politically, Ann Arbor has at-
tracted- some of' the most influential
statesmen of the day. Last spring
Eduard Benes, ex-president of Czech-
oslovakia, whose role in Europe was

one of the most important, as well as,
the most tragic, during the Munich
crisis, expressed to a local audience
his views on the march of events that
wiped his country off the map.
Four of the leading presidential
possibilities for 1940 have attended
the University. They include: Thom-
as Dewey, New York's "crime buster,"
Attorney General Frank Murphy,
Senator Arthur It. Vandenberg of'
Michigan and Senator Burton Wheel-
er of Montana.
New York City's Mayor La Guardia'
has visited here recently, as has Gov-
ernor Horner of Illinois- Norman
Thomas, three times the presidential
candidate of the Socialist party, spoke
here last March. 4, on "Students,
Democracy and War."
Famed actiors who have appeared

Ann Arbor Has Famed "'Blue

4> 54

Dramatic Season Philip Mei
Gladys Cooper topped a 9
stars including James Bel
Hoey, Harry Irvine, Whitfc
and Wesley Addy.
A survey of programs c
seasons reveals names wh
been featured on marquees
atres throughout the wor
mova, Violet Kemble Cool
Cowl, Pauline Lord, Blancl
Mme. Leontovich, Aline M:
Margalo Fillmore and Effie
Beer and WI

231 South Sta
Phone 5933


are legion.

During the 1939

See You at the SUGAR BoWL-
Sake This Test

Before School Starts
Choosing a delightful place to eat becomes a
simple task when put to this test. Try the
SUGAR BOWL today - we know you'll be


Michigan Coed Reports Europe,
Though Cabmn Ready For War


nmill, Marvin s
1. Heikkinen, Eu
Karl G. Kessler
Walter K. Long
tson, Marion M
Mercer, Mary E
kagawa, John D
Oakman, Marjori
M. Perkins,. Bar
eborah G. Selin
r, Betty M. Steni
E. Uhler, Hermar
ert Vanderlinde
Raul ,L. Weisman
use, Eleanor E

. Europeans in at least nine coun-
- tries, seen about a month ago through
, the eyes of the ordinary traveler,
seemed disinclined to believe war
. imminent, according to Agnes Crow,
. '42. Miss Crow, returned from a two-
. month tour with eight other young
e women, visited France, Switzerland,
- Italy, Germany, Hungary, Norway,
. Sweden, Denmark and England.
- Mary Alice McAndrew, '40, and
n Betty Smith, '41, were in the party.
, The group found Paris gay, Miss
'1 Crow said, but grim preparations were
being made for war. Windows in
many homes and factories had been
painted blue. Volupteers were dig-
ging trenches on 'the site of the 1937
International Exposition. The av-
' erage Frenchman appeared worried,
but not frightened by the prospect of

tries, she reported, appeared entirely
The group reached London in early
August, and saw there the most in-
tense war preparations. Trenches
were dug in Hyde Park, where anti-
aircraft . batteries were also located.
The party was thrilled by a practice
blackout, during which the famous
"blimp barrage," searching beacons
and anti-aircraft gunners attempted
to foil a sham air raid.
Londoners volunteered for ambu.
lance squads, de -. contamination
squads and other emergency groups.
London was frightened (chiefly by
the horror of air-attacks), Miss Crow

109 South Main Street

w~ ats to

thought, but London
prepared for war.

is thoroughly!

Jeff rey, Frank W.
Maytham, Jerome
Moore, Robert J.
H. Roberts, Roy A.
C. Thode, Hadley
V. Stockard, Donald
Weyrich, Robert A.

Men Rank High
Scholastic Survey
as marks were concerned,
advantage for a man stu-
ve in a dormitory last year,
to scholarship records re-
de public by the registrar's
he University.
s men students as a whole
the lowest grades of any'
ion of the students on the
scholarship chart, men liv-
'mitories were highest of all
ship. All men students had
oint average of 2.49, while
ig in dormitories average

Gas masks were for sale in Berne,
the capital of Switzerland, Miss Crow
reported, and orders for sandbags
were being filled in Geneva, seat of
the League of Nations. Beyond these
signs, she added, the country ap-
peared calm and "very neutral.
During the party's short ' stay in
northern Italy, Miss Crow saw a few'
soldiers on railroad trains, anti heard
that army maneuvers were being held
in Trent. However that entire re-
gion was more concerned with happy
vacationers, she said, than with war.
Heavy troop movements, both on
trains and in city streets, indicated
Germany's preparation for war. Every
other man in the street was in uni-
form. Yet, while in Munich, Miss
Crow saw an art festival, the big-
gest event in the year, in progress.
The German people did not expect
war, she said, but they showed a piti-
ful lack of knowledge of what was
going on They are fanatically de-
voted to Hitler, she added.
In Hungary, the party heard opin-
ions that the Magyars were not. in
sympathy with the Reich, although
they were "playing ball" with Hitler.
A sealed train carried the party
across the dismantled Czech state.
From 'all appearances, Miss Crow ob-
served, Bohemia's borders are being
closed to all who wish to enter or
leave. All three Scandinavian coun-
I _

Michigan Flier
Sent To Canal.



Transfers Barnett
Panama Field

Real Home' Cooking
Main Dining Room - Second Floor

(Special to The Daily)
2nd Lieut. James E. Barnett of De-
troit, former University student, has
been transferred from this station to
the .Panama Canal Department at
Albrook' Field, C.Z.
Barnett was one of a group of 14
officers to be transferred to the Canal
Zone. The group flew from here to
Brownsville, Texas and thence
through the interior of Mexico to Al-
brock Field.
Barnett graduated from Cooley
High School of Detroit in 1935 and
attended the University for three
years. He graduated from the Air
Corps Advanced Flying School, Kelly
Field, Texas in February 1939 and
has since been stationed here at Sel-
fridge Field.
Towr Club Beer
Obtainable from your
neighborhood dealer.


' I


with a
and 4

":~- S "
1\ \ l . // / \}'fl
A portable typewriter will help
students in school work. Teach-
ers like to read typewritten


nt Directory
Be Out Oct.



This is the perfect style
team . the ensemble
of fashion -leading men.

his year's Student and Faculty
ectory will be ready for sale in
e for the Michigan State foot-
game, Oct. 7, the earliest publi-
on date in its history, Richard
erman, '40, Ensian business man-
r, annournced yesterday.
he directory, which contains the
ie, Ann Arbor and home addresses,
ne number and class of every
lent and faculty member in the
versity, will be published for the
t time by a board of junior edi-
instead of the one man leader-
p of other years. Its price will be
usual 50 cents.




Replacement Shades
for I.E.S. Lamps
a Complete Showing of
and Lamp Shades
For Students' Study Rooms

Speedline Goronas have piano-
key action, floating shift,
touch selector, typebar speed
booster, full-size standard
keyboard - everything you
can reasonably desire in a
Call at our store and try the
new models. Easy terms.


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color versions .. style
wonders in modeling ..
a grand sport combina-
tion . casual, com-
fortable, foungy and
thoroughly smarts
JACKETS $12.50 to $25.
SLACKS $6.50 to $8.75
Wid & Co.
S'ae Street on the Campus


314 S. State St. (Opposite Kresge's)
DEALER: New L. C. Smith and Corona, Royal, Underwood,


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Remington, Noiseless portables. Used office and portable






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