THE MICHIGAN DAILY ULLIVER'S CAVILS By Young Gulliver Gulliver awoke yesterday morning feeling extremely fraught; and if you've never felt fraught, you've missed something. The immedi- ate cause was a nightmare in which Gulliver had been locked in the stacks of the Library and told to find a book which contained the word whisper unprefixed by the word sibilant. Which turned out to be hard, very hard-the leading character in each of 2,363 novels spoke in a sibilant whis- per, and there was nothing you could do about it. Then Gulliver tried to find a murmur which wasn't a subdued murmur, and that wasn't any easier. Gulliver was surprised, too, at the number of people who were shocked at Morty Q's discovery of the missing liner Bremen in the Union pool. Those who knew Morty well weren't even per- turbed, since Morty, in the past three years at Ann Arbor, has sworn (before a notary public) to having seen. chartreuse camels on State Street, mauve rattlesnakes in his bedchamber and vari- ous gaudy hippopotami in the Women's League. Morty would do better if he'd stick to Pepsi Cola. Before going one step further Gulliver wants to call to your attention the following AP dis- patch which came in over the Daily teletype: NEW YORK, Sept. 29.-(1P)--STOCKS LOWER; PEACE FEARS HIT LIST. Memo to Wall Street: Peace is hell, ain't it gentlemen? Gulliver must admit, however, that it was an- other AP dispatch which made him feel warm all over. This one requires a few prefatory re- marks. Gulliver is quite used to being laughed off his feet at public gatherings, but lately it's been getting a little irrit ting. The last few times it happened because Gulliver spiritedly de- fending the non intercourse complete embargo program of Daily editors Petersen and Maraniss, pointed out that the US' loss in European war trade might be made up (at least partially) by an increase in trade with South America. In other words, Yankee Imperialism (or, if you pre- fer, profitable Good Neighborliness). Oh boy, was that funny. The crowd was hysterical. Gulliver sat down with his customary fixed smile on his customarily beet red face. Then came the AP dispatch from Buenos Aires: the Argentina State Railways is buying $500,000 worth of railway equipment from the United States. This was attributed to the fact that Ger- man industry found itself unable to keep its end of a barter exchange agreement. All right, dopes, who's laughing now? Gulli- ver is laughing (and the Pullman Company is probably giggling with delight.) Nor can Gulliver let this day go by without an irritated squeal of protest at the interview with Dr. Hashinger in Sunday's Daily: Dormi- tories Bring Collectivism, Fraternity President Declares. Gulliver will sternly repress the de- sire to make a nasty two letter insertion in Dr. Hashinger's name. The good doctor is of the opinion that the dormitory system is a direct blow at the American ideal of family life. Dr. Hashinger's trenchant analysis leads Gul- liver to the conclusion that he has been wrong in his estimation of Ann Arbor landladies and fraternity houses. It turns out that the average landlady is a sweet, motherly soul, May Robson- ish, who is dedicated to the ideal of bringing a little more light and warmth into her boys' rooms. And it turns out that the average fra- ternity house is a homey little nook, chockfull of Home Sweet Home placards, doilies, petitpoint, knitting, tatting, and hemstitched curtains (and no Benny Goodman records). The average dor- mitory, on the other hand, looks something like this: You enter the front door to find the hall- way decorated with pictures of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin, before each of which you have to make obeisance. Within are a group of reedy looking rats, smoking marijuana, busily spitting on pictures of momma and daddy, and laying plans for the speedy blowing up of Angell Hall. How about it, boys? Gulliver now comes forth with a history .mak- ing proposal. He is organizing a club open to. all who think that cavilling is pointless and that this is a dandy little world. The club is tenta- tively entitled the Little Leibnitz League. All you have to do to join is to submit three reasons why you think the present situation in Europe is the best of all possible situations. The League's coat of arms consists of a laughing hy-' ena rampant on a field of semi-nude chorus girls. Its motto is: TOUJOURS GAI. AS OTHERS A 0 To the Editor: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to take arms against a sea of troubles or against Dr. Edward' H. Hashinger, national president of Sigma Nu fraternity, is a matter of speculation. I have no immediate desire to do either but the doctor made some remarks in self-defense of fraternities that were a distinct challenge to those not affiliated with fraternities. As a freshman, it is perhaps impertinent to "back-talk" a university professor, but even a, lowly freshman (and worse still an Independ- ent) has the right to reserve some form of opinion. Dr. Hashinger termed the dormitory sys- tem of student life as a backward movement, and a tendency toward collectivism and social- Drew Perso andu Robert S.AIIen low WASHINGTON-No one in Wash- ington is advertising it, but already there is British interference with American shipping in certain areas Kept in the dark, but significant has been the British detention of a vessel belonging to the American West Afri- can Line which was carrying supplies to Monrovia, Liberia, to build the American Legation. The vessel was held up by the Bri- tish at the port of Freetown on the coast of Sierra Leone, a British West African possession. The vessel was searched and finally released. The supplies for the American Le- gation were carried under the diplo- matic seal of the United States, but despite this they apparently aroused British suspicion. State Department officials are mys- tified as to why the British were in- terested in these Supplies. Their only explanation is that the supplies might have included dynamite for blasting the foundation of the lega- tion building. The new legation will stand upon a rocky point. The American West African Line flies the American flag, and its agen- cy is the Barber Steamship Line of New York. 2 No War Tycoons One important factor behind the President's plan to disband the War Resources Board was a short para- graph buried in the 1939 version of the Army's Industrial Mobilization Plan which he did not see. The Mobilization is the blue-print of a semi-dictatorial super-govern- ment which the General Staff pro- poses in case the U.S. becomes , in- volved in war, and here is the para- graph which Roosevelt missed: "The personnel to fill positions of responsibility in the War Resources Administration should be obtained from the patriotic business leaders of the nation. The effect of strong and intelligent leadership is more important and will do more to secure voluntary cooperation of industry and civilian population than will any arbitrary regulations or organifation charts that may be prepared, no mat-, ter how they may appear." Roosevelt had read the 1936 ver- sion of the Mobilization Plan, which did not contain this language. But some of his militant advisers, shocked by the heavy J. P. Morgan repre- sentation on the War Resources Board and by the Wall Street-manned emergency brain trust set up by Secretary Morgenthau, took the trouble to examine the 1939 version. What they found confirmed their fears that the military boys, sup- ported by certain Administration big shots, were quietly planning to shelve the normal government machinery in the event of war and set up a super-government of big business. So they lost no time bringing the tell-tale paragraph to Roosevelts at- tention. To say that he didn't like its pointed implications is putting it mildly. Penty Of Experts Significantly, the Pre.ident an- anounced the exit of the War Re- sources Board without informing either the Army or Navy of his in- tentions. They knew nothing about it until they read the news in the papers. But Roosevelt was not so secretive with his inner circle advis- ers. "The Government has plenty of ex- perts to handle any emergency that may arise," he declared in effect. "In 1917 the Government was small and ill-equipped to cope with the great. problems that arose when the coun- try went to war. The situation is far' different now. The Government has] been greatly expanded and has ex- perienced and expert personnel toI meet any emergency. "For example: There would be no need to set up a Food Administrator,1 as was done in 1917, because the Agriculture Department has both the power and personnel to do such a job. And that goes for practically all other phases of activity. We, don't want or need any super-gov-; ernment run by big business men either in peace or war. From my experience in the Wilson Cabinet I know that in more than one instance highly-touted business tycoons were flops as public administrators. The first list of names sent to Roosevelt for appointment to the War Resources Board had as chair- man Bernard Baruch, head of Wil- son's War Industries Board. Also on the list was the name of Leonard Ayres, the Cleveland statis- tician, as representative of the public, and that of Edward McGrady, able former Assistant Secretary of Labor,f as spokesman for labor. is more an outcry against the slight decline of pledges. One other item, and the one upon. which the remonstrance is almost en- -,_ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m., 11:00 a.m. Saturday l . wr i i TUESDAY, OCT. 3, 1939 VOL. L. No. 8 Notices, Michigan Education Association: Faculty members of the University' of Michigan wishing to join the M.E.A. are urged to send their dues and enrollment cards to Mrs. Olga Vedder, University Elementary School, not later than today, in order t h a t receipts and membership cards may be returned to them in time to avoid the inconvenience of enrollment at the association con- ference in Detroit later this month. The University constitutes one dis- trict in the Michigan Education As- sociation and all faculty members are eligible for membership. Dues are $3.25 per year except for those with salaries below $1,000, who pay $2.25. Enrollment cards may be obtained from Mrs. Olga Vedder, University Elementary School. 3201 A.H. Proposed subject: Con- tinued Fractions. German 205: Will meet from 8-9 on Wednesday in Room 201 U.H. and from 9-10 in 301 U.H. E. A. Phflippson. Math. 315, Seminar in Algebra. First regular meeting, Wednesday, 4-6 p.M., Room 3201 A.H. Subject: The- ory of Ideals. Engineering Mechanics 3a. The class in E.M. 3a, Experimental Dy- namics, will be ,given on Wednesdays from 4 to 5:15 p.m. in Room 314 En- gineering Annex. English 47 will meet in 3231 A.H. at at 7 o'clock tonight. F. W. Peterson. Biological Chemistry Seminar. The seminar in Biological Chemistry will meet in Room 319, West Medical Building, at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Oc- tober 4. The subject to be discussed is "Phosphoric Acid Esters of Car- bohydrates and Carbohydrate Deriv- atives-Some Recent Studies,." All interested are invited to attend. J. M. Trytten. f The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information C has received notice of the following United States Civil Service examina- 1 tions. The last date for filing appli- cation is noted in each case: 'Student Aid, Optional Subjects: Salary: $5,600. Oct. 16. Agricultural Economics, Agron- omy, Biology, Engineering, Foresty, Horticulture, Range Management, Soils, and Home Economics. Principal Statistician. Salary: $5,-. 600. Oct. 16. Senior Statistician. Salary: $4,600. Oct. 16. Statistician. Salary:- $,800. Oct. 16. Associate Statistician. Salary: $3,- 200. Oct. 16. Assistant Statistician. Salary: $2,- 600. Oct. 16. Principal Transportation Econo- mist. Salary: $5,600. Oct.. 16. Senior Transportation Economist. Salary: $4,600. Oct. 16. Transportation Economist. Salary: $3,800. Oct. 16. Associate Transportation Econo- mist. _Salary: $3,200. Oct., 16. Assistant Transportation Econo- mist. Salary: $2,600. Oct. 16. Principal Industry Committee Ad- visor. Salary: $5,600. Oct. 23. (Wage and Hour Division, Dept. of Labor.) 4 Senior Industry Committee Ad- visor. Salary: $4,600. Oct. 23. Industry Committee Advisor. Sal- ary: $3,800. Oct. 23. Medical Guard-Attendant. Salary: [$1,620. Oct. 23. Medical Technical Assistant. Sal-] ary: $2,000. Oct. 23.l Chief Engineering Draftsman. Sal- ] ary: $2,600. Until further notice. Principal Engineering Draftsman. Salary: $2,300. Until further notice. Senior Engineering Draftsman. Salary: $2,000. Until further notice. Engineering Draftsman. Salary: $1,800. Until further notice. Assistant Engineering Draftsman.I Salary: $1,620. Until further notice. Complete announcements on file - it the UNIVERSITY BUREAU O 1 APPOINTMENTS AND OCCUPA- TIONAL INFORMATION, 201 Ma-' son Hall.'Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Noices Graduate Students: Dr. V. E. Hull, Examiner in Foreign Languages fort the doctorate, will be in his office, 120 Rackham Building, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Fri- day each week. Anthropology 31, will meet in Room" 1025 AH Monday, Wednesday and Fri-s riday at 9 a.m., instead of Room 25 AH, beginning Monday, Oct. 1. l English 125, will meet in Room AH, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 a.m., instead of Room 1025 AH, be- ginning Monday, Oct. 1.}. English 297. My section will meet this Wednesday evening at 7:30 in1 Room 407 General Library.1 R. W. Cowden.t English 125, will meet in Room 25, AH, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. instead of Room 1025 AH, beginning Monday, Oct. 1. Math. 370, Seminar. Preliminary meeting to decide on hours and sub- ject, today at 3 o'clock, in Room Fox Hunting Restricted Philosophy 34. Section meet ngs will be held as f ollows: Setlop. I, Wednesdays at 10 in 401 M.H.; Sec- tion II, Wednesdays at .11 in .a401 M.H.; Section III, Wednesdays at 11 in 407 M.H. On Mondays and Fri- days the entire class will meet in 205 M.H. Today's Evens JTunor Research Club. The :Oc6ber meeting will be heldt 7:30 .m. tonight, in the amphiheatre of the Horace H. Rackham School for Graduate Studies. Dr. Earl C. 0'- Roke of the School of Forestr will speak on "Some Practical Problems in Research on Wild Animals." University of Michign Glder Club will hold its first meetng to- night, from 7-9 p.m., 348 West En- gineering Building. flues payable at that time. Let's have everyohe out to start in on the fun. Freshman Glee Clubi: Rehearal and tryouts today, 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. All freshmen who want to lean Michigan songs andi program music from the Varsity Club library are invited. Freshmen admitted to Vr- sity Club second semester. The Avukab, local chapter of the National Student Organization, wl have an open meeting at.'the illel Foundation tonight at 7:tO p.m. All students are welcome. Coming Events Association Forum: Dean J. B - Monson of the School of Education will lead a discussion. on "Rell in and Education," at Lane laU, Wed- nesday night at 8 p.m. All stuleits at the University are welcomne to take part in these Forums at which cur- rent social problems are discussed from a religious point of view. International Center: The Interna- tional Center announces the following program for this week. Wednesday, Oct. 4. Eight to twelve. Open house. Prof and Mrs. Nelson, assisted by the Advisors to Foreign Students, will be at home to all for- eign-born students of the University at the Center. Thursday, Oct. 5. Four o'clock. Tea. Seven o'clock. Speech Clinic. Friday, Oct. 6. Recreatin Night.' Seven o'clock: All interested in in- door sports will meet and go:with Mr. Ochs to the Intramural Bldg. Seven- thirty: Beginners clss in bridge under Mr. Magee. Eight o'clock: Bridge tournament to be organized for the semester. Chemistry Colloquium will meet In Room 303 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 4. Donald G. Thomas will speak on "Hydrozy- naphthyldiphenyl carbinols." Chemical Engineers: The A.I.Ch.E. will hold its- first meeting . of the year in the East Engineering build- ing, Room 1042, on Wednesday, Oct. 4. Colonel Fox, formerly of the Chemical Warfare Service will speak on "Chemical Warfare." Everyone is welcome. Chicago Club: On Wednesday eye- ning, at 7:30 p.m. in the Uffion, T6om 302, will be held the first meeting of the Chicago Club. This club membership is open to all men from Chicago and surrounding area. All interested are invited to attend. LONDON-(P)-The British gov- ernment advised the house of com- mons today that sportsmen might be asked to make sacrifices to aid wartime economy. Agriculture Minister Dorman Smith said the government was considering whether to restrict fox hunting. elude fallacy. Fraternities are not the only organizations with the only facilities for the continuation of cul- tured life. Culture has a far greater American Student Union member- ship meeting Wednesday, Oct. 4, at 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Tennis Club, women students: Those interested in coming out for Teinis Club are asked to meet on Wednesday