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October 03, 1939 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-03

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turope's War School Books
Arena Shown Of Early Day
In Map Exhibit Are Displayc
Clements Library Display An exhibit entitled "Early Sc
Shows Army Positions Books," but containing articles
cluding early nineteenth cer
ol 17th Century Charts samplers and a Chinese abacu
now on display in the front cor
'Plus ca change, plu c'est le meme of the Main Library.
chose"-the more things are changed, The samplers, cloth squares
the more they. remain the same-is which have been sewn the lette:
the theme of the new exhibition at the alphabet, numbers, or possi
t Clements Library. "The Theatre worth-while saying, are exhibite
of the War" is shown in' a display of demonstrate the methods empi
maps, some of which date back to teach small girls of the last
1 7,and none of which are more re- tury the alphabet and number
cent than 1758. the same time showing them ho
A map of the fortified cities of the sew. Some of those on display
8aar, Rhine, and Moselle river val- nearly a 100 years old, yet
ey, pblished in 1692, is brought up stitching is still readily visible.
to date by colored ribbons showing Hornbooks On Display
the French Maginot line and the Included in the display are a
German Westwall, scene of the fight- modern reproductions of hornb
3ig between the Allies and Germany, little devices which held but
an trrows point out the cities which page of lesson for the studen
axe figuring in news dispatches from study.
Se front. England's guard against Perhaps the oldest American
her enemies is demonstrated by a included in the exhibit is a New
chart giving the location of beacons land primer, published in 1779.
In the county of Kent; these beacons book, with yellowed pages anc
were used to notify London of the worn and cracked binding, is st.
ar*oach of hostile ships. A note on good enough condition to be read.
th: chart, which wvas published in title of another primer, publishe
1764, says the watch is still kept, a somewhat earlier date but use
although the beacns are gone. England; is "Mathematics, or,
Other mpps picture the Poland of Necessary Art Made Most Easy."
692 Gibraltar in 1700, the Island of book of interest in the mathem
1&lta, Munich in 1734, an attack on division of the display is that
rague in 1741 by France and Ba- taining no fractions, which the
varla, and two maps of London and thor thought superfluous in
Paris. The scene of this year's first teaching of modern arithmetic.
t@tlefield is shown in two maps, one Six copies of the famous McG
of Scandanavia showing Danzig and readers, which sold 122,000,000 c
the other of Prussia in 1667 showing in nearly 80 years, are also displ
the oish corridor Near to them is another reader
M _ _ _culated to improve the minds an.
fine the taste of youth." It is
*t Ttitled "The Understanding Rea
iel 0 et 'Manners And Morals'
A special case has been set a
Sale Is Large for those books pertaining to "l
ners and Morals." Among the
shown are "The Polite Lady,
Uioie Seats Still Available course of female education,"
lished in 1789, and "The Brief
For Oratorical Series- marks on the Ways of Man,"
lished in 1820. These pre-Emily
Ali advance sales records in the books of etiquette are - num
history of the University Oratorical enough to give ground for infe:
Series were smashed during the last that no small part of the young l:
four days, it was announced today, time was taken up in the stud
eason tickets went on sale Sept. 28. "feminine grace."
0or two days last week lines which Among the scientific books on
reached the sidewalk were formed be- play is a first edition of Gray's
f.e the Hill Auditorium box-office, ments of Botany," published in
M rs. Lucille Walz, publicity director Various geographies and hist
of the lecture course, declared. The aire also displayed. Among the
lbby was crowded again yesterday. interesting of them is one w
Depite the demand, some choice was published only a little while
s ats are still available in both the ter the American Revolution
erved and student sections. An which contains a map inclu
lnovation this year has been a spe- the 13 states which revolted. T
dl ; student admission ticket for the are other such books which date:
ies which costs only two dollars. the early 1800's.
e entire second balcony will be set__
jfe for holders of these tickets...
Hitler Promotes Officers 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 p.m
1ERLIN, Oct. 2.-P)--Reichsfuh-
ter Adolf Hitler today promoted a
number of army officers who con-
quted his "lightning war" in Po-
land. They included Infantry Gen-
eral Johannes Blaskowtz and Artil- SHOCKING! that one woman shoul
lery Generals Guenther 'von Kluge writesuchaplay aboutother women
and Walther von Reichenau, who Hilarious stage hit--plus a might
were given the rank of colonel-gen- cast-now a screen sensation!
^"' :' 'ROSAIND
4'l'M DOING TO IEAT .v.... OSLI4

WA.LOP THAN YOU DO, An unforgettable wth
KID! MAYBE THE HARD f *mngofth an * * y, sand
WAYISTHEBESTWAY!" 9estagosuccssI Z4a$ GOOte CoaPatiOp
Mary Boland o Paulette Goddard
Phyllis Povah * Joan Fontaine
6 ~Virginia Weidler.* Lucile Watson
Q k rnFrom the Play by CURE BOOTHE
Swiss Steak-Gravy-Asparagus Tips-Mashed Potatoes
Bread-Butter-Choice of any 5c Drink...........oc
HODN VriiaW lraLuieWto





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