Argentine Lass Wins Carnival Honors I Davis To Survey IVMcGeoch Call sMoz nngmeers uiaii Eastern Tour Qn Inspection Yisits In Niagara Falls, New York, Washington To Feature Annual Trip B LeavesApril 6 Plans for the second annual eastern engineering inspection trip to take place over Spring Vacation were an- nounced yesterday by Carrington Hpward, '40E. The tour of eastern industrial plnts will leave Ann Arbor'by special ihartered bus on Saturday, April 6, returning Sunday, April 14. The cost of the entire trip, based on prices for a similar trip last year, according to 6H*ard, will be approximately $40 per person, including transportation, food and lodging. sightseeing and visits to hydro- electric power stations at Niagara Falls will highlight the first stop- over in the eastward trek. Visited on the drive down to New York City will be the Corning Glass Works, in Corn- ng, N.Y. Tuesday in New York City will feat- tWe an inspection tour of the Ameri- can Telephone and Telegraph Long Lines Department and La Guardia 'ield. Evening plans have not been was announced yesterday. The plant of the Federal Shipbuild- Ing and Drydock Company will be shown the group enroute to Washing- on, D.C,, where tours of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Bureau of Standards and general sightseeing have been planned. F'eatured on the return route will be inspection tours of the Westing- house Electric plant and the Jones and Laughlin and Aliquippa steel Works in Pittsburgh. Fa iue Cho en For New Co-op Brandeis House Officers Headed By Ed Fried Twenty members of the recently formed men's cooperative house chose as their name Brandeis Cooperative 'House 'in recognition and 'honor of a consistent champion of liberalism 'and the common people, associate Justice of the United States Supreme court, Louis Dembitz Brandeis, it was announced today. Officers of the new house, which was formed between semesters, are president, Ed Fried, '40; steward- purchaser, Robert Runyon, Grad.; treasurer-accountant, Harold Oster- ~weU, '41; house manager, Bill Rock- Well, '41; 'ad secretary, Richard S ason, '43. 'Ninth student cooperative house onpthe University campus, the Bran- deis House operates on an individual mnembership charge of $3.75 for room and board per week, Fried said. Other members include: Benjamin Kamberg, '41,, Kenneth DeHaney, '42, Joseph Francati, '43, Laurence Mas- cott, '41, Erwin Clahassey, '42, Hugh Curtis, '42, Wesley Webb, '42, W. S. Chen, Spec., Tussel Braga, '41, Rich- ard Borup, Grad, Harvey Goodman, '42, John Funk, '42, George Ham- burger, '43, David Lachenbruch, '42, and Robert Speckhard, '42. 1'4bssifled THE MICHIGAN DAILY C LASS I F IE D A DVERTISING RATES Effective as of February 14, 1939 12c per reading line (in basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum of 3 lines per inser- tion. These low rates are on the basis of cash payment before the ad is inserted. If it is inconvenient for you to call at our offices to make payment, a messenger will be sent to pick up your ad at a slight extra charge of 15c. For further information call 23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard Street. TYPIN G- I TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 34 VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist and notary public, excellent work, 706 Oakland, phone 6327. 20 TRANSPORtTATION -21 I LASS FROM ARGENTINA-Keeping honors within her family, 1tos- ita Maria Martinez (above), 13, was named queen of -the Buenos Aires Carnival, just as her twin sister was named last year. She wears the costume of the Spanish dancer. Scientific Marvels To Be Shown Music poured out of a coffee pot of the past year for the benefit of is only one of the mysteries to be a mixed technical and non-technical displayed here in a popular science audience. lecture "at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the In the "singing coffee pot" demon- Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build- stration, music will be "poured" out ing. of the pot by means of a modulated Sponsored by the department of beam of light passing from a light electrical engineering, the demon- source in the handle of the pot, stration lecture will be presented through the stream of water and here by Dr. Phillips Thomas, re- onto a photo-electric cell concealed search engineer for the Westing- in the table top. The transfer of house Electric and Manufacturing sound through the medium of light Co. is accomplished by a special neon Styled as "Science Marvels Unfold light whose intensity is varied to World's New Horizon," the presenta- correspond to the modulation of the tion will introduce some of the more sound wave. The reverse change back spectacular scientific developments to electrical impulses and thence to light is affected by a photo-electric n Ar n cell connected to a loud speaker. Fine Arts Institute To Display Books Shows Daily at An oriental book bazaar featuring Ending Today a display of Oriental books from the Harvard Library and various private libraries will be held from 4 p.. to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow at the far eastern art office in' Alumni Memorial Hall. All books on display will be for sale. Profits will be added to the 'Chinese art fund. or Extra Directory HAL KEMP CAR I .BAND "Harve LAUNDERNG-9 Friday I "THE Gi ACE HAND LAUNDRY-Wants only one trial to prove we launder your shirts best. Let our work help you look neat today. 1114 S. Univer- sity. 19 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 16 FOR RENT FOR MEN-Modern front room; innerspring mattress; oil burner; $3. 901 Packard. 301 STRAYED, LOST, FOUND --1 LOST-Hamilton wristwatch, leather strap. Finder please call S. D. Mar- riner at the Law Club. 298 MISCELLANEOUS--2O SPECIAL-$5.50 Machineless Per- manent, $2.50; $3 oil cocona, $1.50; end permanent, $1; Shampoo and fingerwave, 35c. Phone 8100, 117 Main. 36 COLLEGE BEAUTY SHOP: Offers good work at low prices. Special ofi permanents, $1.95. Shampoo and wave, 50c all week. Open eve- nings-phone 2-2813.- 303 WANTED-Girl to share 3-room apartment. Close to Campus. Call 2-3569. i I I