Weather Continued Cloudy; Moderate Snow Today I- LL lit igau uaittj Humanitarian For Polish Edi W. VOL. L. No. 105 Z-33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, Feb. 28, 1940 PRICE FIV i Raging Water Drives 3,000 From Homes In Californlia 1 i Union Opera Premiere Today Renews Glories, Feminized All-Male Cast In 'Four Out Of Will Ridicule Coeds In Musical Show Five' Cloudbursts And Melting Snow Swell Streams Of Northern Sections Many Highways Are Impassable SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 27. -(P)- Waterways, turned to raging torrents by cloudbursts and melting snow, drove as many as 3,000 persons from their homes today in a score or more northern California cities. Almost'nine inches of rain fell in 24 hours at seve'ral points. The storm, in its third day, left river conditions critical. More rain was in prospect, and flood conditions equalling the ravages of December, 1937, were predicted by the weather bureau. In Sacramento, Gov. Culbert L. 01- son declared flood conditions had caused an emergency in Yolo County and he ordered National Guardsmen to evacuate more than 70 familis forced from their homes. May Reconvene Legislature 1 Gordon Garlanct, speaker of the state assembly, said he was consider- ing reconvening the legislature "for the purpose of taking such action as may be necessary under the unusual conditions caused by devastating floods." The legislature recessed last Sunday after a special session which considered relief issues.- In the rich Sacramento Valley "the situation appears to be grave," the weather forecaster said. "I would ad- vise vigilance in patroling of the " ~ levees." In the town of Napa, 35 miles north. of San Francisco, some 500 persons were rescued from flooded homes by boats. The Napa River had hurdled its banks, flooding hundreds of acres, and the city was confronted with an- other1danger-a high tide tonight. 300 Maroned At Winters, 15 mles southwest of Woodland, 300 persons in a federal migrant camp were isolated and ma-t rooned after tWo feet of water swepts through their temporary shelters. Int another migratory camp near Marys-t ville, 450 persons were removed tot higher ground.v The 500 persons in Pescadero, 50 miles south of San Francisco, foundt half their town under water at the dawn of the wet, gray day.a Highway in the flood area werec impassable in many instances. . Despite the grave danger to hun-.. dreds of persons, and the peril of thet rescues, no loss of life had been re- ported. No one could count the damage, but great destruction to crops, andv some livestock, was inevitable. p Horton To Talk In SRA Series] A Protestant Theologians ViewpointIs Theme Presenting the third in the cur- t rent Student Religious Association lecture series on "The Existence and- Nature of Religion," Prof. Walter M. Horton of Oberlin College will speak on the viewpoint of the Protestant theologian at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Professor Horton, who teaches the- ology in the Oberlin Graduate-School and the philosophy of Christianity in Oberlin College, follows to the ros- trum Prof. Anton J. Carlson, who at-. tacked orthodox religion, and The Rev. Fr. Paul H. Furfey, who ,tookc the position of the Catholic priest.w Well-known as a minister of the Baptist Church, he spoke here re-t cently at the conferences sponsored i by the Extension Service and the Michigan Council of Churches ando Christian Education.V tc McDowell To Talkn On Arabian Cukire t( -Contributions of the Arab peoplesS to the world social order will be dis- n cussed by Dr. Robert H. McDowell, k associate in Greek and Latin, at 8 t p.m. today in the Rackham Amphi- t theatre as part of the first open meet- c ino- of the Univarsitv's unest Aident l By l[ERVIE HAUFLE A campus tradition will start upon its comeback trail tonight when the Union Opera, "Four out of Five", goes before the footlights of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. There was a time when the Opera, itsAnn Arbor engagement concluded, went on tour throughout Michigan, then on to Cleveland, Philadelphia, Baltimore, .New York. There was a time, during the Opera's "golden age" in the twenties, when an Opera Set an attendance record for amateur theatricals at the Metropolitan Op- era House in New York City. All that was abandoned in 1930. For nine years the tradition of the Union Opera has lain dormant. Two abortive. attempts at revival in 1934 and 1935 only deepened its sleep. No National Tours This year on a modest scale, with no national tours in offing, the Opera has been revived once more. The in- centive was given when Mimes, hon- orary dramatic fraternity, solicited for scripts and found a good one-by Max Hodge, '39, former editor of Gargoyle. The movement gathered momentum this fall when a survey conducted by the Union revealed that there; was -enough masculine talent on campus t make an Opera possible. The, revival effort ,bore fruit when .the Union Finance Com- mittee voted a budget for one more attempt. The machinery began to rollf A dozen student committees were or Student Senate Consid ers Plan To Reorganize Will Devote Spring Parley To Goverinent Forum; Opii ons_,ToBe IAsked1. The Student Senate, believing Itself unsatisfactory as a representative student governing body, has decided to devote the annual Spring Parley to a forum on government in order to discover student opinion and wishes. Plans for the Parley and sugges- tions made at last week's meeting to "reorganize the Senate into a formid- able representative body with certain definite delegatpo powers" will be presented for discussion at this week's meeting at 7:30 P.m. tomorrow in the Union. In a form letter sent to Senators yesterday, Secretary Arnold White, '42,-lamented that not even a quorum was present last week when these plans were first su'ggested. However, he pointed out, the plans were made and will be presented for ratification tomorrow. White explained that the suggestions included a proposal to in- corporate resolutions aising from the coming Parley into a new, consti- tution which would define the Sen- ate's responsibilities and powers. At present, he pointed out, the powers of legislation are ambiguous and the Senate lacks proper coordination with the student body and with the Uni- versity administration. U.S. Attitudes 'On Belligerent Nations :Aired United. States attitude toward foreign nations engaged in armed conflict were 'discussed' last night when six varsity men's debating teams met six squads from the Detroit chap- ter of the American Institute of Bank- ing in Angell hall. One of the warmest discussions the evening was carried on between William Muehl, '41, and Edgar Clin- ton, '41, for the affirmative and K. R. McGingan and George Rutz for the negative. The affirmative attempted to show how the present military iso- ation and cash and carry policy would have disastrous effects on the United States, they strongly urged that we not hesitate to take a step which will keep us out of war just because it is too drastic, and drew an analogy be- tween the present policy of cash and carry and that followed in 1914 which ed us into war. ganized to handle the multitudinous problems that arose. Alumnus Ho- mer L. Heath gave invaluable aid from his fund of experience amassed while serving as treasurer of the old Operas. With this nuclear organization formed, the Opera's officials selected Roy Hoyer to direct the revival. Hoyer had staged nine of the most successful shows in the Opera's his- tory anddhad had a brilliant career on Broadway. He was the link be- tween the Opera's past and present. This is the background behind the Opera upon which the curtain will rise at 8:30 p.m. today. There is every indication of a complete sell- out for each of the four nightly per- formances and the matinee at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. There will be many men students in the audience to see what their cohorts have accomplished. But the most interesting section of the au- dience will be the co-eds. It is at them that the Opera is directed. It is for their benefit that the old maxim that "Four out of five girls are beautiful and the fifth one comes to Michigan" was revived along with the Opera. It is for their discomfort that the comedy chorus has been dubbed a "goon" line and attired in saddle shoes and cardigan sweaters. :Can Be Glamorous The cast of the Opera have in- timated that, with a little grease paint and permanent-waved wigs and frilly clothes, they can be just as glamorous as the typical coed. They will offer Jack Ree, '40, in the role of Kate Butler, as an exam- ple of an ideal college girl. They will feature Roy Rector, '40Ed, "Hedy La- Tou" in the'show, as their idea of what a glamor girl should be. As a contrast, there will be sorority scenes, Mosher-Jordan scenes in which "typical Michigan girls" will run riot. Jack Silcott, Giad, will en- .act-.the role of Mrs. Roosevelt. Men's roles will include: Tom Harmon, '41, as James Roosevelt; Casey Carter, '40, as "Madcap" Lee Grant; Al Bentley, '40, as President Roosevelt; Arthur Katz, '41, as Bill Jones, a commoner; and John Schwarzwalder, Grad, as the taxi driver. Garg Out Tomorrow; Features Are Varied Gargoyle, campus humor maga- zine, will go on sale tomorrow, it was announced last night. Featured in this month's issue will be an article on horses, the content of which will remain a secret until publication of the magazine. Other special articles include an extensive coverage of the J-Hop by Dave Donaldson, staff photographer, and a display on Capitalist Ball, an- nual business school dance, in which the names of those behind the affair will be published and exposed to Gargoyle humor. Choral Union Program Set For Next Year Marian Anderson To Open Series; Don Cossack Chorus Will Be Heard Barbioll Returns WithPhilharmonic Five vocal and instrumental solo- ists, three symphony orchestras, a string quartet.and a choral organiza- tion have signed to appear during the 10-program, 1940-41 Choral Union series, Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the University Musical Society, announced yesterday. Marian Anderson, Negro contralto, who won great applause at the May Festival last year, will inaugurate the season Oct. 23. Her recital will in- clude a group of Negro spirituals and Miss Anderson's well-known op- eratic arias. Serkin's First Appearance Rudolph Serkin will make his first appearance in the winter series Nov. 7. ,He made his Ann Arbor debut during last year's Festival, but this is his first full recital here. Returning after almost 10 years to give the third concert Nov. 18 will be the Don Cossack Russian Chorus under the direction of Serge Jaroff. Their recital will be followed Nov. 24 by the second Ann Arbor appear- ance of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, John Barbirolli, conduc- tor. This concert will be given a world-wide broadcast from Hill Audi- torium. Richard Bonelli, Metropolitan bar- itone, who was lastseen here in the concert version of "Othello" at the 1939 May Festival, will make his first appearance in recital Dec. 3. The following week, Dec. 11, Dr. Serge Koussevitsky, ill bring the Boston Symphony Ordestra -here for its 10th annual visit.. Recital ay llowowitz The seventh recital will be given Jan. 15 by Vladmir Howowitz, who has included AnntuArbor on his fr0 concert tour in America .after years of retirement. Ris visit here will be his third. Dimitri Mitropoulos will lead the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra in the eighth concert, but the exact date has ,not yet been determined. The Budapest String Quartet, heard here several seasons ago, will make its second appearance Feb. 20. Georges Ene co, Rumanian violin- st, who played a triple role of violin- :st, composer and conductor in his Festival appearance last year, will bring the season to a close in a violin recital March 4. Rubinstein Here Soon Artur Rubinstein, eminent Polish pianist, will bring the 61st annual Choral Union Series to a close when he makes his second appearance in Ann Arbor next Wednesday in Hill Auditorium. Planes Draw Fire In Flight Over Holland Mystery Warplanes Cross Netherlands On Second SuccessiveNight Trip Churchill Admits Losses To Navy Amsterdam, Feb. 28.--(P)-Anti- aircraft batteries guarding this neu- -ral Netherlands city blazed sporad- ically from 10 p.m. (5 p.h., E.S.T.) last night until 3 a.m., (10 p.m. E.S.T.) today when they were still firing at unidentified foreign war- planes., About 2 a.m. an unexploded shell fell on the roof of a house in the southern quarter of the city and. penetrated three floors, but no one was injured. It was the second successive night that Dutch anti-aircraft batteries about Amsterdam went into action to drive away strange planes.' Extensive firing was heard south of the city last night, but the high man observers were c.rtan British planes crossed into German territory ham, warned of even greater German Monday night. (The British yesterday announced their roving scouts had carried out widespread observations the night before over Berlin, northern Ger- many and German Baltic ports.) British Fleet To Get Five New Battleships LONDON, Feb. 27.--(P)-Winston Churchill,, seasoned warden of Bri- tain's sea-power, disclosed today that Germany had damaged the ritsh battleships Nelsoni and Barham, warned of even greater German at- tacks on "the sea-power by which we live," and then announced to a cheer- ing House of Commons that Britain's five new 35,000-ton battleships would shortly join the Grand Fleet. German warplanes made a mass flight over Paris, causinga 7-in- uteĀ°raid waring-the first'of 140- but dropping no bombs in one of the war's most daring raids. Dutch Historian Will Give Tal, On Hindu Art Fokker, Student Of Italian Influence On Dutch Art, Will SpeakTomorrow Dr. Timon H. Fokker, member of the Dutch Historical Institute, Rome, Italy, will deliver a University Lec- ture at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Dr. Fokker's topic will be "Hindu Art in Central Java." The lecture will be illustrated by slides of many unknown objects gathered by Dr. Fok- ker and the Indian Archaeological Service of the Netherlands East In- dies. Dr. Fokker has lectured in Am- sterdam, The Hague, Rome, The Met-I ropolitan Museum in New York City, the Detroit Institute of Art and Smith College. Born in Batavia, Java, Dr. Fokker was educated in the Universities of Leiden and Amsterdam, specializing in international law. Until the end of the World War he was in the Neth- erlands diplomatic service. He left the service to become associated with the Dutch Historical Institute in Rome. It is this Institute which devotes itself to research in diplomatic and) ecclesiastic history and in history of art and archaeology. Welles' Peace Talks Concluded In Rome ROME, Feb. 27.-(IP)-President Roosevelt's double-barrelled peace in- itiative passed speedily through its in- itial stages today as Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles concluded his, diplomatic talks in Rome and Myron C. Taylor delivered to Pope Pius XII the President's assurances of Ameri- can collaboration to bring together a Europe divided against itself . Welles, whose next stop on a mis- sion of inquiry is Berlin, rounded out his inquiries here in informal chats with the Frnenh- British and (vr- 3,000 Attend Finnish Relief Benefit Here Band Features 'Finlandia'; Glee Club And Dancers Offer Entertainment Three thousand students, faculty members and townspeople dropped their 50 cent pieces into the coffers of Finnish relief last night in Hill Auditorium and got more than their money's worth in entertainment pre- sented by the Men's Glee Club, the University Band and Finnish singers and dancers. The two University musical organ- izations formed the principal attrac- tion on the program, which was de- signed to raise funds for relief for Finnish refugees. . The Band, under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli, included in its program Sibelius' "Finlandia" and featured the first presentation of the "Lake Michigan Suite," composition written by Victor Cherven, '40SM. Albin Johnson, '41SM, was cornet soloist. The Glee Club, under the direction of Prof. David Mattern, included three Finnish songs on its program. Also sung were Handel's "Come and Trip It" and Stanley's "Laudes Atque Carmina." The Glee Club's quartet, the Midnight Sons, gave their rendi- tion of DeKoven's "A Scene in Sher- wood Forest." .Surprise of the concert was the unscheduled appearance of the De- troit Finlandia Male Chorus which sang several songs in Finnish. Con- ducting the Chorus was Carl Muston- en. Another group presented several native Finnish folk dances.. They were performed in authentic Finnish costume. Senior Dues Returns Ahead Of Last "Year A9gell Hall Scene Of Dues Collection This Week; fees Are One Dollar Senior dues payments continued well ahead of last year's returns yes- terday when another large group of the class paid their dollar annual fee, Margaret Neafie, '40, treasurer, an- nounced yesterday. Dues, which are being collected from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. throughout this week .in the Angell Hall lobby, will be used by the class in order to main- tain strong organization of the class of 1940 during alumni years by main- taining contacts between officers and members and providing for reunions every five years. Students participating in the col- lection of senior dues are Dye Hogan, president of the class; Jane Jewitt, vice-president; Herb Lev, secretary; and Don Nixon, chairman of the Fi- nance Committee. Other members of the Committee are Fred Tyler, Ruth Chartard, Jack Luxan, Ann Platt, Gordon Laing, Wally Hinkle, Dorothy Nichols, J- ius Rockwell, Miriam Szold and Miss Neafie. Riot Breaks Out in HighSchool Joint Land, Attacks Foi Finnish An Back In Noi Russians Try T O utfla Finns' Lines At Viipu By Attacki Fr I Defenders Hold Lines At Taipal BULLETIN KIRKENES, Norway, Feb. 28 --(P)--Finland's North Arcti army continued to retreat today after reaching Nautsi, eight mle south of Its former positions al Jordenfoss. Every building and house ii the Nautsiaaewas ahoe at to a day of heavy fghtng. The battle lessened somewa" late yesterday, after the Fn reached Nautsi, some 75 mles south of the Arctic coast. There was heavy fighting In the air as well as between the ground forces. By WADE WERNER HELSINKI, Feb. 27. -( I)- T Red army tonight smashed at V pur and its environs, and artiller raked no-man's land cluttered Vi ruins where more than 80,000 perso once lived, while Finland acknow edge another Russian success aba the Arctic Circle. Attacking across the ice of fro Viipuri Bay the Soviet forces tempted to force their way past i lands southwest of Vilpuri, evideni aiming at outflanking Finnish d fense lines on the western rim the Karelian Isthmus. Encirolement Was Aim Encirclement of the battpred clt already at the mercy of medium ran Rusan artillery, also ws an aimx the Russian drive, Long range Sovi guns early in the war shelled Viipu once Finland's third largest city, a2 civilians were quickly removed., Military sources said the Russia attack across the Ice was likely to r sult in heavy Russian losses since t Finns have strong defense batter] along the jagged wst coast of t bay. Groundwork for their trans-b assault was laid by capture of V Koivisto fortifications further sou which had served as anchor of t Mannerheim Line's western termi us. Attack At Sowme On land, the Finnish communlq reported a Russian attack at Somi about seven miles south of Viip and heavy fighting also on froz Naykkijarvi, a small lake east Somme along the Pero River, and Lake Ayrapaa, 25 miles east of V. puri. ' An artillery duel continued to thu der at the eastern end of the Isthm front where the Finns still hold thi first line positions despite Russi: attacks which failed to gain an inc The Russians have pounded fruitle ly at Taipale ever since the w started Nov. 30. Finland's air force, becoming mc .active on the offensive as well as i fensive, bombed an unidentified a base and munitions depot "far behi the enemy's lines," the Finnish cot munique said reporting 17 Soy planes had been shot down. ASU Debates OJn War Todal Opinions Will Be Aire Referendum Taken The attitude of the American St dent Union toward the Soviet-Fin ish situation will be discussed at membership meeting of the ASU 8 p.m. today at the Union, accordi to Robert Rosa, Grad., president. Rosa and Harold Osterweil, '41, w take the affirmative side in the debt on the question Resolved that: Wh the ASU has no sympathy with t Russian attack on Finland and spe fically condemns it as a clear act aggression, it does not want to s our neutrality prejudiced by tho acts which we consider unneutr i Memoirs Of The 'Last Mile': Students' Hopes And Sorrows Linger In Dean's 'Prayer Book' By PPAUL CHANDLER College students become serious men and women when they face a real crisis in their University life. If you don't believe it, take a glance at the "book of prayers" which sits in the waiting office of Prof. Erich A. Walters, assistant dean of the literary college. Dean Walter's office can be the "last mile" for students who have run afoul of a scholastic barrier. Or it can be the answer to their most perplexing problems. Whatever the outcome, students are aware they are facing one of the important turning points of their Ann Arbor careers. Before they can gain entrance to the Dean, students must spend anx- ious moments in the outer room. While there they have scribbled their thoughts into this "prayer book"- and the life stories there contain powerful emotion. Most of the handwritten notes ex- press some little expression of hope- hope that the authors will be per- mitted to stay in school, to drop a course, or that they will not be se- verely punished. Others are bitter. They strike out a th Tniv..r-t..n - hn f -II.+ though I'm not suited for a scholastic career I'm not afraid to work." One melancholy note was broken off before it ended because the stu- dent had to leave for the inner sanc- tuary to learn the Dean's decision. This girl wrote: "I guess like every other person I come here sadly hoping to leave gay- ly. It's hardly likely however. I'm Some of the visitors are about to be graduated, and they give their thoughts about University life in general. Many are satisfied, others write unlovely stories of four years of life speht trying to conquer the "largeness and coldness of this place." Here's the way one co-ed expressed it-lin a handwriting that was trembling: "Tomorrow I get a diploma. To me the many friendships with people from all parts of the world stand out. But the University itself-only cold- ness." Financial difficulties inspired a sorrowful good-bye message. "Per- haps I will go back, I sincerely hope so," it ended.- Pictures sketched in pencil, verse - - .1 -J.J- Tr l__ l -. Several Students In Detroit Race Injured Fight DETROIT, Feb. 27.-(P)-A fight between a group of white boys and j Negroes near Northwestern High School ended today with four of the participants requiring hospital treat- ment. Inspector John 0. Whitman of the police homicide squad attributed the fighting to mounting ill-feeling be- tween the groups. Raymond O'Hara, 18, and Otto Bar- tholma, 17, suffered stab wounds and were taken to Receiving Hospital. Harold Ericksen, 16, suffered a knife wound on the hand, and Theo- dore Gregory, 16, was hit on the head with a wrench.. Officials of Northwestern, one of the city's largest high schools, blamed the fighting on "outsiders." Two Negro youths were arrested fbr investigation of felonious assault.