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February 27, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-27

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dOAKDti o aI,# N
ed and managed by students of the University of
an under.the authority of the Board in Control of
at Publications.
lished every morning except Monday during the
sity year and Sunmner Session.
Member of the Associated Press
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
republication of all news dispatches credited to
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
of republication of all other matters-;herein also
red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
tclass mal matter.
orlptio , .uring regular school yeas by carrier,
by mail, $4.50.
NatioaI Advertsing Service,_Inc.
7corege P Esrsd,'~ e%4twe
"l420 MAsoAv NEW YORK, N. Y.
be-r, Assoiated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Editorial Staff


. :.



Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor
-Sports Editor



Business Staff
Less Manager .-. . . Paul R. Park
Business Mgr., Credit Manager Ganson P. Taggart
n's Business Manager . enovia Skoratko
n's Advertising Manager . . Jane Mowers
ations Manager- . . . . Harriet S. Levy
The editorials published in The Michigan
lily are written by members of The Daily
ff and represent the views of the Writers
e Relief ConcertF

I Humanitaria nismr.


people will gather in Hill Audi-
hum to express their sympathy for a people
)n whom the grim' gods of war have imposed
at hardship and want.
hese members of . the university community
1 that by their attendance at the Finnish Re-
Concert they will be giving concrete expres-
n to their recognition of the needs of Finnish
i-combatants, in de'sperate plight after three
I a half months ofwar. .
Vith this attitude we are in complete accord.
cannot' but recognize that the alleviation of
nan suffering is a duty which our common
nanity will-not let us shirk; we cannot close
eyes to the harsh reality of Finnish women's
I children's misery; we cannot pretend in- .
Terence to their lot.
UT WHEN we have given our contribution
to relief for these suffering people our job is"
at-an end. Participation in such an activity
ces upon us an even greater obligation.- We
st recognize that true -humanity cannot be
ticularized, cannot be earmarked for one par-,
ilar people, but must be based upon recogni-
i of human suffering the world over. The
igs of hunger are no less painful to an Amer-
a, Spanish or Polish child than to a. Finnish
Id. And as we listen to the strains of Sibelius'
landia this evening we must not forget the
ains of Chopin's Polonaise Miilitaire that call-
oams the Poish people who today know,
the misery tha~t war -must bring.
Ve wish it to be clearly understood that our
port of this private charitable endeavour in
way alters our conviction that the extension
governmental aid of any sort to Finland ocm-
mises our ,neutrality.'We still maintain'that
h action would establish a dangerous prece-
it under which the government would feel
lf justified in extending aid to other' bel-
events in the futur'e rom that point the
d to war is broad and has no turnings.
Carl Petersen
he 'Old Guard'
xghts Reciprocity ...
O ST OF THE Republican pres-
idential hopefuls have kept silent
the matter - of trade - policies. Their
nce has been so complete in fact, that Sen-
r Barkley of Kentucky; who says all the nice
ngs for the Democrats, has ventured the opin-
tht Senate debate on the Reciprocal Trade
reements inght not exceed a week.
Reciprocity has the Qd Guard guessing. They
uld apparently like to keep from sticking out
ir necks until the weather clears a little.
ry in his campaign, Tom Dewey put forth a
tative policy somewhat resembling the license
trol plan that was tried during the days of
e AAA. But in recent weeks his only comments
foreign policy have been blasts at FDR for
tinued recoglitio h of the U.S.S.R. In his
dress to Illinois veters, canny Senator Taft
ne as near to straddling the fence as a pol-
cian can by tendering approval of reciprocity
ile stressing the need for more effective tariff
'HESE TWO have learned by experience. They
saw Sen. Vandenberg lead with his chin not

is a -Foreign Trade Board that would take over
the trading powers of the State Pepartment and
the present tariff commission. Foe 'of "bureau-
cracy" that he professes to be, the-Senatorv'wuld
yet give his trade bureau such power as this:
the right to compel every person within the
United States to produce all ,books, contracts
or letters relating to any transaction in o0reign
exchange, the transfer of credit or payment' be-
tweeen American and foreign banks, and the ex-
port or import of securities and of gold and
THIS IS, as Mr. Lippmann points out, a policy
of;exchange control similar to the plans that
financially hard-pressed totalitarian states have
been forced to adopt. The Senator would also
copy from the dictator nations the policy of
barter agreements-trading our surpluses for
the surpluses of other countries.
Mr. Lippmann's parting criticism is that "this
policy . . . would not only wreck foreign trade
but would throw the currency and financial
markets of the United States and elsewhere
into such disorder that it would probably be
necessary, even for us, to establish government
control of all exchange actions." ,
It is on such rocks as these that the Repub-
lican hopes of defeating reciprocity are 'being
dashed. Instead of winning -converts, "hier
attack on Mr. Hull, undertaken -for campaig
reasons, is losing them friends. It'was thought
by Republican leaders,. for instance, that labor,
which has supported such policies as Matthew
well's "Buy American" program, wouldjoin in
the attack on reciprocity.' But Isadore Lubin,
federal commissioner of Labor statistics; inform-
ed labor that he had statistics to prove that the
trade agreements have created '300,000 jobs for
American workers. For this and 'bther reasons,
labor has parted company with the Republican'
attack on Secretary Hull.;
lutions passed recently by two representative
unions. The general eiecutive board of the In-
ternational Ladies Garment Workers Union,
headed by David Dubinsky, declared that -the
"reciproca trade agreements have benefitted
American consumers generally and garment =
worigers in particular." The Union wants the
Hull program continued three more years. Dan
Tobin and his teamster's union seconded the
To put the final coffin nail in the confidence;
of the Old Guard, a recent Gallup poll showed
these results: Only one of 'ten .voters under-
stands the principles underlying the IHull pro-
gram. - But among those who -do -cormiprehend,
I1 per cent think well of the treaties which Mr.
Hull has negotiated, and 57 per cent think Con-;
gress should give him power to make-isch trea-
ties. Moreover, the poll shows a -preponderance
41!f favor for the programamong'-RetublIcan t
voters as well as Democrats.
N THE FACE of such odds, the Republicans
have apparently given up hQpe that they can ;
replace the reciprocal policy by some alternative
plani, and are now concentrating on securing
the passage of an amendment -whereby 'each
treaty would have to be ratified by-the Senate-
ratification requiring a two-thirds majority, al-
most impossible to obtain. This step Would be
worse than actual defeat of the Hull 'agree-
ments, for it would ruin the effectiveness of the
present policy while failing to provide a sub-
Regardless of whether the nation favors their
stand, the Old Guard Senators will this week try
to wreck reciprocity simply as aface-savmig po-;
litical gesture. It is an 'arrant example of look-
ing backward at constituencies rather than
looking forward at the nation.
- Hervie Haufler
Literary Reith
Never was there such a time for the writing
of books as in the United States in the two
decades between the armhistlce and the outbreak
of Europe's new war. It was a period historiansd
will have to list among the golden ages of the
world's literatures.-
Already this fruition is being called the Amer-
ican literary renaissance. It might almost be;
better described as the beginning of a ature

American literature. Certainly, it is not difficult
to cite half-a-dozen novelists of these between-
wars decades better than Hawthorne, whom 'the
textbooks still present as the American-master.
Lewis set the tone for their work by demonstrat-
ing in "Main Street" and "Babbitt" that America
was worth writing about. This period also saw
Willa Cather reach her full stature. It -saw
Ernest Hemingway write "Farewell to Arms".
It produced Don Passos' great trilogy, "U. S. A.,"
Thomas Wolfe's turgid autobiographies and John'
Steinbeck's devastating indictment, "The Grapes
of Wrath."
Nor was it merely an era of novelists. It
brought forth the poetry of Vachel Lindsay,
Robert Frost, Hart Crane and Elinoi' Wylie, Carl
Sandburg's monumental biography of Lincoln,
the critical writing of Vernon Parrington and
Van Wyck Brooks and the. new history of the
Beards. It gave us the plays of Eugene O'Neill,
Maxwell Anderson, Thornton Wilder and Clif-
ford Odets.
It was the last decade that started the grim
searching to find what men live by and to what
purpose. Books began to burn with indigna-
tion. In place of the Cabells and Hergesheimers
came the Caldwells, Farrells and Halpei's -to
stir our wounds. Writers began to ask with
their readers: What is wrong with Americal
They are still asking.
-- St. Louis Post Dispatch

("Neither do -I think there is serious hope of creating
a musical audience out of people who are enthusiastic
about Gilbert and Sullivan ... I have never encountered
anyone who derived genuine pleasure from Mozart's
."Marriage of- Figaro" who actually 'became ecstatic
about "The Pirates of Penzance," or an enthusiast for
Smetana's "Bartered Bride" who would accept "The
Mikado" as a substitute.:. . . "-Oscar Levant in "A
Smattering of Ignorance.")
But you and I know,Boss, that this ain't so..
Must we condone an O. Levantean slur
Upon the genial Sullivan, Arthur (Sir)?
I pause for'a reply. And it is NO.
And why drag in old Gilbert (William S.)
To stand him up with Mozart (Wolfgang A.)4
Should poets be Oscarified this way?
You know the answer. And it is not Yes.
Still, it is Gilbert (see your "Trial by Jury")
Who celebrates the shift from joy to grief,
From Monday to Tuesday, and from mutton to
From blonde complaisance to brunettish fury.
So -amo Mozartum, yet take him in my stride;
Ich liebe Bach und auch "The Gondoliers;"w
-Et pourquoi smatter Oscar's ignorant tears?
Sure! "The Mikado" is not "The Bartered
Oysters -don't seek to taste like caramels,
Nor Scotch like sherry; Garbo wins her praises
Without the least attempt to swipe Miss Hayes',
And no one tries to be like Orson Welles.
So what? So this: I'm an eclectic fan-
(Printer, for Pete's sake follow copy there!)
.Can - for Smetana and Mozart care
And "Patience" too? You bet your life I can!
** *
In a way it is rather bad luck that the election
takes place this year rather than two or three
years hence. Given a little more time to develop
-his qualities Mr. Taft, who has gone so far in
one year of public life, would then .be as prom-
ising a candidate as the Republicans have had
for some decades.-Walter Lippmann.
Why not wait until 1944, when Robbie will
be wearing long pants,
* * *
Lines to Another Explorer
O Admiral Byrd, it's little you know,
Of -the rigors -that come with Connecticut snow;
Or Imow of the pleasure that's all-but pain
That comes with -the .drifts on Lyons Plain.
* * *
By the time it is decided what party dom-
inates the mnerican Youth Congress it'll be the
Middle-Aged Congress.
* * ,*
2 MEN, sell $1 article, your profit $1. Samples
free. Apply 135 Jay 'St., 9-11. Personnel Man-
ager.-Schenectady Gazette.
-Well, that's , one way for a manufacturer to
evade the income tax. .

'By Young qulliver
F GULLIVER has been informed
correctly, it was a swell party.
Everything was nice and cozy at Ha-
gen's last Friday night. A good stout
keg of beer-five dollar size-was
surrounded by a good stout group of
young newspapermen. They had
gathered at Hagen's to say goodbye
to Tom Patterson, typesetter of the
Daily composing room, who was
leaving town to go into business for
himself. Tom had contributed the
beer and the boys were contributing
their appetites, which turned out to1
be more than equal to the beer.
Albert Mayio, Editorial Director of
last year's Daily. (Mr. Mayio him-
self bears a strong resemblance to a
keg of beer) was nervously awaiting
Tom's arrival, for he was charged
with the presentation of a little med-
al to Mr. Patterson. Eight o'clock
came then nine o'clock, and then
(as it should have) ten o'clock came.
As a matter of fact eleven o'clock
came but Tom Patterson did not ..
It was a case of Waiting for Tom.
Mayio began to get desperate. His
speech was, so Gulliver is told, very
well turned; he had rehearsed it over
and over. Finally in despair he whip-
ped out the medal, made his speech,
presented the medal to thin air, gulp-
ed down the last of the beer, and
went home. There is no moral to
this story, and very little point. Tom
Patterson never showed up, the boys
made away with the keg of beer,
and 'that's all there was to it.
party was held. This one was a
farewell party for a young couple
who had decided to leave Ann Arbor
and seek their fortunes elsewhere.
It was a very nice party, even though
everyone was feeling a little sorry to
see the couple leave Ann Arbor.
Toasts were drunk, farewells were
evchanged; everybody was feeling
more than a little tearful by the time
the final herring had been distrib-
The next day Gulliver chanced to
see the young couple. "What," he
,said, logically enough,you' still
"Oh," they answered, "we had such
a nice time last night that we de-
cided not to leave Ann Arbor after
all ..
ULLIVER received the following
announcement in this morning's
Friends are precious treasures-
They're jewels you'd hate to lose.
Perpetuate these pleasures
By paying Senior Dues.
Nine.-hundred strong we stand
Marching on in twos-
Hold to your partner's hand
Through the bond of Senior Dues.
Margaret A. Neafie,
Class Treasurer.
NILE ° GULLIVER -was sitting
aroundtryingto dope out three
things, (1) how do you stand March-.
ing on in twos, (2) how could Miss
Neafie affix her signature to such a
monstrosity, (3) who in hell is going
to shell out a buck to the composers
of CLASS OF '40, Miss June Harris,
local doggerel expert, came dashing
in with the following poem clutched
in her hands:
Harken to -me seniors
Roue, dunce or scholar
And I'll-guarantee to save your

For the nominal fee of a dollar.
Pay a dollar down -now lads
Dissenters are but fools
For like Cornelia, Margaret thinks
Her classaniates are her jewels.
And he who cannot pay his buck
Unhappy be his lot
For when he graduates he'll lose
Every friend he's got.

SUNDAY, FEB. 27, 1940
VOL. L. No 104

will be full dress,
Meet at 7:45 for
door, upstairs.

To Members of the Faculty, Staff
and Student Body: Attention of
everyon eis called to the Lost and
Found department of the Business
office, Room 1, University Hall. In-
quiry concerning lost articles should
be made promptly at the above men-
tioned office. Articles found on the
campus and in University buildings
should be turned over immediately.
Those articles not calledmfor within
60 days will be surrendered to the
finder. Shirley W. Smith.
The University Council Committee
on Parking earnestly requests that the
parking of cars and trucks on the
ovals between the Chemistry and Na-
tural Science Buildings or anywhere
else on lawns, be discontinued. The
grass underneath the snow will be
damaged not only by the ice conse-
quent to the packing of snow, but
also by the dripping of oil from
Herbert G. Watkins;
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeeting of this Fac-
ulty on Wednesday, Feb. 28, at 4:15
p.m., in Roorm 348, Wesst Engineer-
ing Building. Agenda: Recommend-
ations from Committee on Coordin-
ation apd Teaching; Revision of Fac-
ulty rules on petition in discipline
cases; and routine business.
Students,- College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts. No course .may
be elected for credit after the end ofx
the third week. Saturday, March 2,
is therefore the last date on which
elections may be approved. The will-;
ingness of an individual instructor to
admit a student later does not affect
the operation of this rule.
E. A. Walter
L.S. and A. juniors eligible for con-
centration at the nend of the frst
semester who did not receive a blue-1
print of their record and tripliate
concentration forms through the
mail should call at one in the Reg-
istrar's office, Room 4 Universityl
Hall, for this material. All students
who have had concentration slips
signed this February should return
the white one Immediately to Room
4 in order to be included in the sec-.
and semester department tabulation.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar1
Househcads, Dormitory Directors
and Chaperons: Freshman women1
attending the Finnish Relief Pro-
gram at Hill Auditorium tonight,
Feb. 27 may have 10:30 permission.
Jeannette Perry
School of Education Students,
Changes of Elections: No course may
be elected for credit after Saturday
March 2. Students must report alL
changes of elections at the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 4, University Hall.
Membership in a class does not cease
nor begin until all changes have been
thus officially registered. Arrange-.
ments made with the instructors are
not official changes.
Preliminaries for the University
Oratorical Contest will be held Fri-
day, -March 22, at 4:00 p.m. in Room
4003 A.H. Those interested should
consult a member of the Staff of
the Department of Speech.
Louis M. Eich
The University Bureau of Appoint
ments and Occupational Jinform-
ation has received notice of the' fol-
lowing Civil Service examinations,
The last date for filing application is
noted in each case:
Chief, Research and Statistical
Service, salary,$5,600, March 25.
Assistant Mycologist (soils), salary,
$2,600, March 25.
Highway Designing Engineer, sal-

Attention: New Students: You
may secure identification cards by
calling at Room 2, University Hall.,
Senior Lit Students: Class dues are
payable Feb. 26-Mar. 1.
Academic Noie
Make-up examinations in German:
All students entitled to take them are
requested to call at the office, 204
U.H., on or before February 29, for
making necessary arrangements.
Make-up Examinations in all his-
torty courses will be given from 3-to
6 p.m. Friday, March 1, in Room ,
Haven Hall. Every student taking
a make-up must present written per-
mission from his instructor. This Is
the only make-up examination which
will be given for history courses..
ftychology 31 Makeup Examina-
tion, all lecture sections, will be held
Thursday, March 7, 7:30 to 10:30
p.m. in Room 3126 N.S.
Psychology 33 Make-u. Examina-
tion on -Friday, March 1, at 7:00 pm.
in Room 3126 N.S.
Make-up Final Examinations frW
all courses in Geology will be given
from 9-12 Saturday, March 2, in
Room 2045' N.S.
Education F48a-Advanced Foot-
ball: Class will meet Thursday eve-
nings from 7 to 9 p.n. at the Michigan
Union (room number to be posted).
Classes in Speech Correction: -A
speech class for University students
who stutter has been scheduled to
meet on Mondays and Fridays from
3:00 to 4:00 p.m. and' on Tuesdays
and Thursdays from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
at the Speech Clinic, 1007, East Hur-
on Street. Non-credit.
A class for the correction of defects
in articulation has been scheduled to
meet on: Mondays and Fridays from
3:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Speech Clinic.
Students wishing to enroll in these
classes should make direct application
to the office of the Clinic.
Teaching 'Candidates interested in
taking examinations to be held for
licenses'in the Public (Colored) Day
Elementary, Vocational, Junior and
Senior High Schools of the District
of Columbia, should make applica-
tion to the Board of Examiners, Divi-
sion X-XIII; Franklin Administration
Building, Washington, D.C. Exami-
nations for Secondary School teachers
will be given March 26 and 27, 1940,
and for Elementary School teachers
on June 10, 11, and 12, 1940. Appli-
cations should be-submitted at least
ten days prior to date of examina-
tions. Preregisite Eligibility Require-
Secondary Schools: 24 semester
hours in education, and either Bach-
elor's or Master's degree. Not over
45 years of age.
Elementary Schools: 40 semester
hours in education. Bachelor's de-
gree. Not over 40 years of age.
- Candidates must be citizens of the
United States. Further information
may be obtained at the University
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pationalInformation,201 MasonHall.
The Yiddish class being offered by
the Hfillel" FoundatiOn is being rer-
,ganied for th - second senester.
All those interested in obtaining an
elementary knowledge in 'the YiTdish
language may call the Foundation for
- further details.




including ribbons.
the concert, back

As he surveys the arena from a ringside
the President, still wearing his headgear,
"May the best hat win!"
* * *


Some of us cynicsthink that Sumner's chances
of hastening peace are no better than Orson's.
- F.P.A.
The many persons in your columns who have
attackedHbover as "never having had a human-
itarian impulse in his life"' or as being merely
a partisan bf Finland against Russia, will doubt-
-less be .much interested in an article by the em-
inent scientist'Hans Zinsser in the March Atlan-
-tic. . Iquote from page 431:
Incidentally, those who have forgotten eve-
rything about Mr. Hoover except that he was
not smart' politician enough to appeal to our
sovereign people for a second term might prof-
itably be reminded of what his American Relief
did for the Russians ... Hoover and his people
did feed many thousands who would otherwise
have starved.-and possibly did, later on,-vac-
cinated maiy millions against ceolera and ty-
phoid fever,-and were, as far as I could ascer-
tain, the only agency of mercy and compassion
practically-expressed in an empire where hatred
and persecution were the official government
policy. But the Hoover Connission was mov-
ing out at the time I entered Russia, having
spent some 50,000,000 of American moay -for
purely humane purposes ., . Even without Bel-
gium, the Russian leief work alone should give
Hoover a high place in our history.
.I comiend the whole article to the prayerful
attention of all who are interested in the facts
of modern history. For example, on page 434
there is another forgotten chapter of human
experience Just after the First World War:,
The European world, especially Germany, owes
an inestimable debt to Poland. If typhus and
cholera did not sweep across the Russian bor-
ders into western- countries during these years,
it is to a large degree owing-to the splendid san-
itary organizjation by which the Poles guarded
'their frontiers. The accomplishment of this task
by a young state, within a few years after being
overrun by hostile armies, with little help except
,that - ve h fh T.pamrnp of Nations. renresents

Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University organist, will give a recital
in Hill Auditorium, Wednesday after-
noon, at 4:15 o'clock-in:Hill Auditor-
ium. The general public, with the ex-
ception of small children, is invited to
attend without admission charge.

Income Tax.

ary range $150-240, March 9.
Prison Guard A2, Salary
$115-135, March 6.
Hearings Stenographer A,
range $130-150, March 9.
Healxings Stenographer I,
range $150-190, March 9.


Every poll for some time back has
shown the greatest opposition to the
Roosevelt administration's policies
to be among persons in the upper
income-tax brackets. The latest in-
come-tax figures make this appear
rather puzzling. Instead of being
strangled by New Deal regulations,
the higher income group has been
doing very well, for the 1938 statis-
tics show six more incomes of $1,-
000.000 and over than in 1937.
At the same time, the lower brac-
kets, recognized as the administra-
tion's political mainstay, haven't
been doing so .well. Total net income,
despite the new crop of millionaires,
decreased 9.5 per cent in that year
or some two and one-half billion
If the income-tax tables tellthe.
whole story, if economic determin-
ism is the dominant force which
some political philosophers make it,

salary j

General Clerk C; Typist Clerk C;
Stenogi-aphel',i Clerk C (open to resi-
dents of Delta County only), salary
range $80-100, March 6-
General Clerk B; Typist Clerk B;
Stenographer Clerk B (open to resi-
dents of Delta County only) salary
range, 105-125, March 6.
Complete announcements on file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours 9-12
and -2-4.
All persons registered with the Uni-
versity Bureau of -Appointments who
have not already done so are request-
ed to file a schedule of second sem-
ester classes with the Bureau at once,
Blanks for this purpose may be ob-
tained at the Bureau. -It is necessary
that this be done immediately so that

American Indian painting, south
gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, until
March 1, 2 to 5 p.m. Auspices of
Ann~ii A-borArt Association.
Art and Industry, ground floor,
Architectural Building, courtesy Col-
lege of Architecture and Design.
Exhibition: The original painting
by Dean Cornwell entitled "Beau-
mont and St. Martin," owned by John
Wyeth and Brother of Philadelphia,
is being exhibited in the second floor
corridor of the University Hospital
until March 2.

Ben Franklin's Reason
When Benjamin Franklin proposed, in May,
1787, that the sessions of the Constitutional Con-
vention be opened with prayer, he was asked to
explain the reason for his request.
Tf a .rnarrow cannnt fall without God's know-



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