T MI IGAN AIL ' ,- -- Jii i I ViL - -1 v of Uique a niz ation T rgrssve, oehdc Quantitaive specraT analsis erott- ale Co-p rs Name~d rses Are tJh Elected H:ef nods wiU be disused by ProX.Rap Started; ad; ion I ~To Of Kellog Be In April ly earngcompletion p, tot4 9 its iaceas th ;titutton of its kIid in the the W.K. Kellogg Foundation of Graduate and Posgradu- servitce. e in that it is the only In- evoted especally to gradu. d work for dentiss already rofession. )etal Building still rema8ins ,n studying to lbecome dentists J~e oreeiethirtranig V~A erection of the Institute sstatd afew changes in the gh the formal dedication of Ttitute will inot tk lc building. Beginning yester- l~sinchlden's dentity e dntistry, oral surgery, root ceraic4s andprosthesis are en 40 and 50 registrants are Sfor~ these two-week courses until March~ 8. AlreadIy start- ure preventive dentstry an ,gery. More than 50 dentists8 pork in these courses. Ui dedication of the Institute n~ delayed until April 3 in have it occur sim~ultaneously School of Dentistry's home>- At this time, President Ruth- accept thbe Institute on be- he University. agles Elects Officers gls junior engineeig honor elected offices atits regular Suday in thea Union. Ed ,4 elected as the new presi- weeing John Harwood. Pete was elected secretary and A. Sawyer 0f the physics departmrent at 6 p.m. today in the Union before The Engineering Mechanics Col- loquim will meet at 4 p.m. today in Room 314 of the West En~gineering Annex. William H~. Harvey will pre- sent a paper on the "Calculation of Slopes, and Deflections of Beamns with Tranverse and 'Axial Loads Utilizing the Method~ of Supeposition." A. slide demonstration of~ automatic transmissions will be shown to SAE m~embers at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union by N. L. Blume of the Olds- mobile eecutive office.' Meetings today : A.I.E.E. at & p.m. in the Union, Sigma Rho Tau at 7;30 pm. in the Union and Engineer- igCouncil at 7:15 p.m. in Roanm 244 Wiest Engineering Building. Miclilgan Leads. In Inunabula Uuierjty Top~s Big Teni In Old Rare Books Leader of the group of unversi- of inuablthe University rnk the country, y J fifteent entuyfrm wi trest thegUerwniay.o hca y10 ietyFologivercntofdrthe Crnell urde iedr lasetslaca ewiious Oter tanMchgath ol ALV7IV111 - 1 _ _ _ ' IE h be tts I sS e cre ta y Recognizing the definite need in Washtenaw County for an independ- Stanley Lebergott, Grad., Detroit, ent paper to print the labor news, was lecedpesident of the Rochdlale j the Unity Hal Board started thie Cooperative House at a recent 'house "Washtenaw Progressive" more than meleting. one year ago, which is today consid- Other officers elected were: Rich- ered one of the county's best labor and Ebbetts, 142E, secretary; Donald papers, according to Rev. H. P. Mar-I Downe, '42, assistant house mianager; ley, chairman of the board of editors.. Lew Feldtman, '40E, house manager; 4, o csa~.bIt-~o br, Paul Bann~er, '41~, treasurer; Charles is the policy of the semi-mo~nthly .edcs,'1,pu sIg~et paper to which students, faculty andHrocW tkJr,'l sewd townspeople contribute. The paper William Galusha, '42, assistant stew- has a circulation of 3,000. arnd and Joe Domar, Grad., account- ... ant,. T'oday's issue of the Waslhtenaw Six new mem~bers have been admit~ Pzogressive is the first on~e to appear ted into th~e house this semester. They this semester. In it is featured an aeCaiCn~m~~n .~l~cm intrviw wth embrs f te goupFred Tietzel, '43E~, O1to Chady, '43, of 11 men and one woman who were Loren D. Wicks, '42", and EGilbert Ban- released recently the FBI in De- ner, '41F&C. troit. A feature story on the adoption There are 20 residen~ts and four of a four year old Spanish refugee boarders at the Rochdale House this girl by a Univyersity Hospital nurse is.,sempester. also included. _________ "Will's Way," appearing for the first time in today's issue, is written New Ar~aa mCob by Will Canter, a, former Daily con- r tributor. Editorials, labor notes and To HerM&DowelI a feature story on Lillian Wald, the____ foune~~ f te fis~ yl~p nure x. iRobert H. Mc~owell, associate, service in, 189., are also listed among in Grek and Latin, will a.ddress, the the articles in today's issue. first open meetng of the niewly Copies may be purchased singly ~ ~ bs~et'cl~~ oily or byrmyearly ssubscriptulons.soc.eWy or y yarl susciptons K.W.Al-Thaqafa, at 8 p.m tomorrow in Peterson,, chairma~n of the Trades the Rackham Am~phiheatre whaen h~e Council, Albert Waxman, secretary- pa o"ptrbtpsfthAre treasurer of the Board and rep resen- to the World Social Order.~ tatives from various unions in the ~ coelw~b~i h ~ county are included on the general East, haMc towell as bar i te Wear bo~,d. ,Arabian countries andhas studied at ®u °len~gth their culture andI history. Ale- v-i Tliacqaf a isthe newest student organ- izpation, on camnpus and ways formied J]Pubic, or Arab studenits and thoe .o~ther Heath o Pstu~dents and faculty m~embers whgw are interested in Aabian cul urean Dr. Luther T. Purdom, director of history. the Bureau of Appointments and Cc- cupational Informiation, will speak 4 Upilon ry~~ou ts Are Called a. public health assembly at 3 p.m. to- morrow in the west~ amphitheatre of Tryouts for the executive under- the West Medical Building. graduate staff of the Michigan Union, The lecture, originally scheduled allhcampus, men's organization were for last week, will be on the topic 4 V- called for by Don Treadwell, . 40, cational Guidance." Professional stu- president. The meeting will be held dents engged in public health work~ at 5 p.m. today in Room 302, he said. will compose the assemnbly which is Freshmen who are eligible and inter Wpen to all those interested in the ested in the Union, Tare invited to at- subject. tend.. HospitalD Lisplays Cornwall's Historic MedicalPiniting The original Dean Cornwell paint- ing "Beaumont and St. Martin," de- picting an historical moment in med- in the lQboy o0 they Uiversty I~os- pital. Showing Doctor William Beaumonlt at the bedside of 4Aleis St. Martin, the painiting captures a moment in the period of observation and experi- mentation that revolutionized the stu~dy of gastric digestion. The painting, exhibited by courtesy of John Wyreth and Brother, has touired universities and medical soci- eti~es during the past year, appear- ing at Yale, Chicago, Johns Hopkins, and the American Medical~ Associa- tion Convention at St. Louis. The picture is one of a series oef canvasses entitled "'Pioneers of American Medi- cin~e." -FishierAttend Metin r. Charles A.Fish~er, director of the Exensin Service, isattending the Viual Educaton, Supervised Cor- respoiadene.Study and Adult Edu- cation, Supervised Correspondence cation sections of t; cation Association~ Thursdayin St. Lo Dr. Fisher wlr vention ai afuur education society. .ough MIvChIGAN Today and Wednesday THERE'S ROMANCA JUST AROUND THlE CORNER FOR YOU with'Mr.Smjith' ~in thI3 glowing Lubitsch love stork! )ort m the ion= meeting of floe MARGARET JAM VXRT SULLAVAN S IN ERNST LUBITSCH'S NO W, DAft THE . CORN1 JOSEPH FRANK MORGAN * ScH4.DKR .DKR w \ AUT - ,", .1 IQQQ%0 4*1 I Also - "INFORMATION PLEASE" WORLD NEWS thin dy '4SLIGHTLY HO~NORABLY~ 1 I I-- Ry JUNE Mc KEE -- Whil Prof. WaldoA~bbot went over to Holland to. discuss rdie at Hope College last week, Jerome Wiesner, Chief Radio Technician, attended the Broadcast Engineering Conference in Columbus, where 40* broadcasters from all over thle country conveed to discuss television. Another page from "The Diary of the Goddess of the Ilan Ses"will be aired at 2:45. m.today over' WCAJ and WMBC. Directed b~y Jack~ Silcot, Grad, and i4 Fra. Firschild, '44 i involves dramatized news versions of humnan interest happenings in Michi- gan Tose i thecast inlue ar guerite Mink, '4.1, Doris Barr, '40, M~ary Jordan, '40, Jean Muth, '40, Paul Chiarles Bowen, '41; and Hlarold Spur- way, '40. Fritz 3?e ries, '40,an - pounces. Then "Wh~om, Do. You Know? will be discssed by the U~niversity Regis-~ trar, IraM. Smthregarc~pgSome Reasons Why People Do Nott *JpA's When There Are Jobs in the "Your WJR at 3:3Q todajy. Janet Burns, '41, will anone LI Daily at-4-7-9 P.M. Now Playging! !I " AIAJIJTIC s 40gW StMore""DikFw ,- mH~m at . "Com'B ig Bof Wlfams "Dhted by , CARTOON f I,"Harvest Tun~e" COMINGicm FRIDY~ I HAL KEMP II WORLD NEWS "I is t " 0. *er IE GRA1P'jS F Wljr4TII ----- 000 The Ann' Arbor Iontq