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February 27, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-27

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VOL. L. No. 104



I - ____________________________


Koivisto Isles'
Loss Conceded
By Finns; Are
Key To ViipurI
Country's Third Largest
City Deserted As Coast
Forts Fall To Russians
Welles, Mussolini
Confer 'Cordially'

Economics Play Important Role
In Present Wars, Slosson Says

HELSINKI, Feb. 26. -(')-- The
Finnish army, now holding second
line positions in the Mannerheim
Line tonight acknowledged it had giv-
en up" the Koivisto Islands, around
which the Russian offensive has
surged for weeks.
These islands, just off the town of
Koivisto In the Gulf of Finland, guard
the entrance to Viipuri Bay, at the
head of which lies the deserted, ghost-
like city of Vipuri, immediate goal of
the Red forces.
The islands contain the- important
Koivisto coastal fortifications, built
as an important strategic western
anchor of the Mannerheim Line it-
self. Today's army communique did
not mention the fortifications them-
selves, but it was believed they now
are in the hands of the Red army.
(The Russians claimed to have taken
both city and fortress some days
The story was told in the terse open-
ing sentence of today's high com-
mand communique.
"On the Isthmus (of Kaelia) our
troops have given up the -Koivisto
Islands," it said., That was all.
Viipuri, normally Finland's third
largest city busy with 70,000.inhabi-
tants, today is deserted. Two weeks
ago several thousand persons still
lived there, and troops were quartered
with them, but now only a few ghost-
ly sentries remain.
Welles' Mission Meets
With 'Initial Success'
ROME, Feb. 26..-()-Undesecre-
tary of State Sumner Welles' "mis-
sion of inquiry" in Europe appeared
today to have iet considerable initial
success in conferences with Premier
MussoliniandForeign Minister Cou'nt
Galeazzo Ciano.
A communique issued tonight said
Welles' gave Premier Mussolini aE
signed message from President Roose-
"Their conversation was most cor-
dial, lasting an hour," the communi-
que added.
Nazi Transport Activity,
Paris Raid Reported
(LUXF he Associated Press)
LUXEMOUG, Feb. 26-Wde-1
spread German transport activity
was reported tonight across the bor-
der from this Grand Duchy.
Trains were numerous and long-
columns of trucks, infantry and cav-
alry could b seen.
There were teports that Field Mar-
shal Hermann Goering and four gen-
erals had visited the fortifications
opposite chternach Saturday. rs
At th sae time, from I aris,f
there wa reported the roar of air-
planes, presumably, German, shortly
before 9 p.m. tonight as antiaircraft
batteries went into action. No airx
raid alarm was given, but the guns
continued to fire for 15 minutes as
searchlights coused the skies.
Ski Club To Show
Sun Valley Movies
The second in a series of motion
pictures showing Fried, fef erI
demonstrating various phases of
skiing at Sun Valley, Idaho, will beE
shQwn at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Rackham Auditorium, under the aus-
pices of the University of Michigan
Ski Club, James Hynes, '40, announc-
ed yesterday.
The first Sun Valley movie, accord-1
ing to Hynes, drew a large audience,
and he expressed the belief that a
still larger crowd would attend to-i
day's film. There will be no admit-
tance charge.

Staff Tryouts To Meet t
There wiUl be a meeting of try-
outs for the Gargoyle Business
Grff+~i f~ainnt si 30 ( 2 d

A glance at the economic map ofj
Europe will reveal many causes for
present hostilities, Prof. Preston W.
Slosson of the history department
commented yesterday in an inter-
Looking first at the far-northern
front, he pointed to Finland's valu-
able deposits of nickel, one of the few
such major deposits in the world.
Nickel's value in alloying with iron,
he explained, makes it greatly coveted
by Soviet Russia. Further interna-
tional complications are injected in-
to this picture, he added, by the fact
that a large portion of Finnish nickel
ise owned by Canadian interests.
One of Russia's historic objectives
in the Baltic area, Professor Slosson
observed, has been to control the iron
mines of central Sweden. For that'
reason, he explained, Sweden has al-
ways fearedi the Russian menace, and
it is one of the important reasons for
Swedish alarm and feverish Swedish
armament because of the Soviet in-
vasion of neighboring Finland.
Sweden's iron, he observed, is of
unusually high grade and is easily
accessible. This fact has drawn Ger-
man interest to Swedish mines, he ex-
plained, as the German iron ore,
though plentiful enough, is.of a com-
paratively low grade.
In Lorraine, Professor Slosson com-
mented, Germany lost her most valu-
able iron mines, and now produces
less than one-third of her iron de-
mands. He pointed to recent figures
showing that 41 per cent of German
iron imports have been coming from
Another great German weakness,

Gives Speech
On Musicology
Prior Of Nashdom Abbey
Presents A Description
Of Mediaeval Music
A description of English Mediaeval
music between the years 900 and 1500
was furnished yesterday in a Uni-
versity Lecture by the Very Rev. An-
selm Hughes, Prior of Nashdom Abbey,
Burnham, Buck, England and honor-
ary secretary-treasurer of the Plain,
song and Mediaeval Music Society.
Dom Hughes' lecture was illustrat-
ed by records and was presented un-
der the auspices of the School of
"English mediaeval music was in-
timately connected with European
music across the English Channel and
from Scandinavian nations," Dom
Hughes said. He explained that from
1066 to 1485 England was a country
politically the same as part of France.
Dom Hughes said he regretted that
much of English mediaeval music has
been unfortunately lost. He revealed
that most of that which was saved
is religious music, not secular, and
told of the process of preserving the
ancient manuscripts.
"Control and freedom are the two
great factors in the composition of
a vast majority of mediaeval music,"
Dom Hughes continued. "In 1900
c ntrol and freedom were introduced
in place of the usual Gregorian chants,
These chants were in fixed form, set
by authority about 450 years previ-
ously, and considered sacred in char-
acter. Composers began going out-
(Continued on Page 61

Professor Slosson said, is her lack of
oil. This weakness,he explained, is
leading to potentially dangerous con-
troversies in the Balkans, Rumania's
oil deposits being the bone of con-
About one-sixth of all German oil
imports come from Rumania, he ob-
served, but Germany is trying to
press Bucharest for even more. Both
Italy and the western Allies, however,
want supplies of this same oil, he
added thus creating the strained situ-
ation existing at the present time.
In her conquest of Poland, Profes-
sor Slosson commented, Germany
sought dominance of Polish oil fields.
However, the final Russo-German
frontier boundary gave these deposits
to the Soviets, he explained. Mean-
while, Germany expects aid from
these oil fields by supplying the Rus-
sians with the modern equipment
necessary to work them efficiently,
he added.
SH. Fokker
WilGive Talk
OneHindu Art'
Archeologist And Historian
Will Lecture Thursday;
Sponsored By University
Dr. Timon H. Fokker, member of'
the Dutch Historical Institute in
Rome, Italy, will give a University
Lecture on "Hindu Art in Centralr
Java" at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, in the1
amphitheatre of the Rackham build-
ing. c
The lecture will be illustrated by
slides of many unknown objects
gathered by Doctor Fokker and the
Indian Archaeological Service of thet
Netherlands East Indies.S
Dr. Fokker, born in Batavia, Java,t
was educated in the Universities of
Leiden'and Amsterdam, specializing1
in international law. Until the end
of the World, War, he was in thee
Netherlands diplomatic corps. HeI
left the service to become associated1
with the Dutch Historical Institute
in Rome, which devotes itself to re-
search in diplomatic and ecclesiasticr
history and in art and archaeology.
Ir. Fokker's reseach at the In-
stitute was on the influence of Ital-
ian on Dutch art and the work of
artists from the Netherlands in Italy.
He also undertook an expedition to
the Netherlands East Indies to study
Hindu art 'of the period from the
eighth to the 15th centuries.
Bridge Tournament'
To Be Held Todayr
The first weekly bridge tourna-
ment since final exam period will be
held at 7:30 p.m. today, in the Glees
Club Room of the Michigan Union,c
Harold Singer, '41, of the Union staffc
announced. These weekly events,S
held previously on Thursdays, willt
continue to be on Tuesday. Conway
Magee will be in charge.r
The second of three All Campust
Tournaments will be held next Tues-c
day, also in the Union. Registrations
for this meeting is being held in thec
student offices of the Union. En-
trants for both the weekly and thet
All Campus tourneys are required
to enter in teams of two, although
arrangements will be made to pair
single players.

Finnish Aid
To Be Today
University Band, Glee Club
Will Present Program
For Relief Of Refugees
Dances Of Finland
Will Be Featured
Via the music of Michigan's famed
band and the song of her stellar
Men's Glee Club, students of the
University will do their bit tonight
to aid the refugees of Finland.
Beginning at 8 p.m. in Hill Audi-
torium, the Band and the Glee Club
will present a program dominated
by compositions by Finnish qompos-
ers and including also the works of
many others.
Also on the program will be the
Detroit Finnish Folk Dancers who
will perform in authentic Finnish
costumes. Tickets for the benefit
concert are priced at 50 cents each
and may be purchased at the box
office in Hill Auditorium.
The Band, under the direction of
Prof. William D. Revelli, will pre-
sent eight numbers, headed by their
rendition of "Finlandia," by Sibe-
lius. Featured on the program will
be the introduction of the "Lake
Michigan Suite," third movement, a
composition written by Victor Cher-
van, 40M. The Band is playing this
number for the first time in public.
The Band will also feature Albin
Johnson, '418M, as coronet soloist.
The Band's part of the program will
be concluded by the "Semper Fi-
delis" of John Phillips Sousa.
The Men's Glee Club, under the
direction of Prof. David Mattern
will present as part of its contribu-
tion to the benefit concert three
songs from Finland-"Fight" by Fal-
tin, "Finnish Lullaby" by Palmgren,
and "Onward Ye Peoples" by Sibe-
The Midnight Sons, quartet form-
ed within the Glee Club, will present
DeKoven's "A Scene in Sherwood
Forest." The Glee Club as a whole
will also sing Handel's "Come and
Trip It" and "Laudes Atque Car-
mina" by Stanley.
ASU Will Consider
Finnish - Russian
Attitude at Parley
A meeting of the American Student
Union to vote on a referendum con-
cerning the ASU's attitude toward
the Soviet-Finnish situation will be
held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
Union, Robert Rosa, Grad., president
of the ASU, announced yesterday.
A debate on the question: "Re-
solved that: While the ASU has no
sympathy with the Russian attack
on Finlaixd and specifically con-
demns it as a clear act of aggres-
sion, it does not want to see our neu-
trality prejudiced by those acts
which we consider unneutral and
which are listed in Part three (of
the main resolution)" will be featured
on the program. The affirmative
side will be taken by Rosa and Har-
old Osterweil, '41. Hugo Reichard,
Grad., and Robert Kahn, Grad., will
take the negative side.
An informal discussion period will
follow the debate. A national ASU
vote is being taken at present on the
referendum. In order that all ASU
members may vote, tables will be
set up at the General Library from
Wednesday noon until Thursday

noon for those who will be unable
to attend the meeting tomorrow. All
members who intend to vote at the
tables, must bring either their mem-
bership card or identification card,
Rosa said.
Debate Teams
To Hold Meet
Six Squads Will Compete
With- Detroit Institute
Six men's debating teams will meet
ix squads of the Detroit chapter of
'he American Institute of Banking
-t 7:30 p.m. today in rooms on the
'ourth floor of Angell Hall.
Topic for the debates will be "Re-
Solved: That the Federal Policy of
>trict Military and Economic Isola-
'ion Be Applied Toward All Nations
lot in the Western Hemisphere
Yhich Are InVolved In Armed Inter-
iational or Civil Conflict."

Rae, Pink Lead In 39-
Cage Win Over Wildea
Sxte osT oh


Forum Hears BensonYou-ng-
Debate City Manager System

Prof. George C. Benson of the poli-
tical science department last night
characterized the city manager system
as a "method of focusing responsi.-
bility and enabling planning ahead
in municipal government."
The talk was delivered in a panel
discussion on the "Advantages and
Disadvantages of a City Manager
Form of Government" at the regular
meeting of the Ann Arbor Commun-
ity Forum in the Pattengill Auditor-
ium of the Ann Arbor High School.
Prof. Leigh J. Young of the fores-
try school, who is president of Ann
Arbor's City Council, maintained
that Ann Arbor needs no city manager
system because of its "unique posi-
tion as a university city" and the
"untiring, unselfish work of the men
who serve this city."
Mr. James W. Parry, nember of
theState Department of Vocational

budget, reports and information to
the public as constituting the main
duties of a city manager. "There are
more city managers in Michigan than
there are in any other state," he said,
claiming, however, "that just because
a city government may bear the label
of 'city manager system' that does not
necessarily mean the city operates
under a true system of city manager-
Professor Benson, admitting that
the men governing Ann Arbor are
"honest, able, unselfish" and that
"their duties were well-conducted,"
pleaded for the city manager system
in order to eliminate "red-tape and
inconsistencies." He argued that the
city manager system, by focusing re-
sponsibility on "one well-trained man
who is working full-time for the city,"
would expedite the processes of muni-
cipal administration.
Stressing that a city manager's


Union Opera's Opening Tomorrow
Will Honor Former Mimes Stars

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