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June 02, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-06-02

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SUNDAY, JUNE. 2, 1910

1'aqE: F SUN'I)AY, JUNE. 2~ 1940


A New Federal Theatre Is Answer
To Needs Of Actors And Country



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; 'y mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

Hiervie Haufler.
Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman .
Donald Wirtchafter.
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

* .Managing Editor
* . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* . .Sports Editor
Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff

Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager .
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager

*Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
. Helen Bohnsack
. . Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Apex Case
Brings Out Problem *.
T1HE SUPREME COURT'S decision in
the Apex case last Monday focuses
attention on a problem that has been much dis-
cussed lately in connection with Thurman Ar-
hold's trust-busting activities. That problem is
whether the best interests of labor and the
community are furthered by using the anti-
trust laws to police trade unions,
In this particular case the Apex Company
charged that the hosiery union had violated
the Sherman Act as a result of the sit-down
strike which restricted production and prevented
goods from being shipped interstate. The union
attorneys contended that there was no violation
because labor should be excluded from the juris-
diction of the act except in cases where there
was actual collusion between employer and em-
ploye to restrain interstate commerce.
Justice Stone, delivering the majority decision,
ruled that the unions are not wholly excluded
from the Sherman Act. "The judiciary has so
construed it," he said. "and Congress has not
changed the legislation which is taken as an
implicit recognition that the judicial interpreta-
tion is correct." He reiterated the principle
laid down by Taft in the second Coronado case
which states that the act only applies where
the form of restraint is on the commercial mar-
keting of goods and services. Stone then pointed
out that the Apex case dealt with a local strike
conducted by illegal means which had caused
cessation of output without affecting the mar-
keting of hosiery or its price. Therefore, the
Court decided that the case was outside the
jurisdiction of the Federal courts.
THURMAN ARNOLD has set forth that unions
will be prosecuted under the anti-trust laws
whenever boycotts, strikes, or coercion by labor
have no reasonable connection with wages,
hours, health, safety, or the maintainance of
collective bargaining rights. On the basis of
the Apex decision it appears that he will have
the approval of the courts in any case where
he can show that the marketing and distribu-
tion of goods has been restrained. Various liber-
al groups have opposed Arnold's policy as setting
up unnecessary and dangerous precedents to la-
bor. They call it unnecessary because, it is
pointed out, criminal laws against conspiracy,
violence and racketeering are on the statute
books and can be used effectively. Tom Dewey's
record in cleaning up labor racketeering in the
New York poultry business is cited as an exam-
ple. The Nation contends that Congress and
not Arnold and the courts should decide ques-
tions of public policy. "The courts and not Mr.
Arnold will ultimately decide these cases and
judges will use their own ideas of what con-
stitutes (lawful) labor activities, thus again
opening the door wide to the revised use of
anti-trust laws against labor," they assert.
Certainly, many of Arnold's prosecutions
against the building trade unions seem jus-
tified, because there is considerable evidence
that points to the collusion between unions and
certain employers which has created monopo-
listic situations to which the Sherman Act is
clearly applicable.
The other activities of labor. however, which
Arnold is prosecuting rightly should have to be
declared illegal by Congress. The legislative
branch should define clearly what is legal in

brought more than 25 experienced, capable,
professional performers to Ann Arbor for three
weeks of well-known, proven plays. Their ap-
pearance here is paradoxical, however. They
have to be good actors to be engaged for the
Season. And yet, they have to be free-that is,
unemployed-in order to accept the engage-
ment. Although all have been delighted with
the opportunity to do worthwhile parts in noted
plays, they would all gladly trek back to Biioad-
way for less reputable roles in satisfactory com-
mercial ventures. And for only a very small
percentage of these competent players are
Broadway appearances assured on their return.
Discussing their problems with them, we
found that inevitably the blame for the uncer-
tainty of their livelihoods is laid on the narrow-
ness of their field. Each year sees fewer plays
being produced on the all-important stages of
the East, and each year the ranks of actors
vying for roles increase.
THE ONLY SOLUTION to the problem, ac-
cording to these actors, would be a broad-
ening of the American theatre-going audience
through, perhaps, a national theatre. And here,
of course, .they have a great deal to say about
the failure of the Federal Theatre Projects
which was closed by Act of Congress on June
30, 1939.
With periods of service in the theatre ranging
from two to fifty years, each of the players has
had some contact with the WPA venture's ad-
ministration, or has associated intimately with
actors who have. They believe, in view of these
observations, that by pointing out the inherent
faults of the FTP and by remembering them,
there may be a chance for the successful estab-
lishment of a national theatre.
WE RECALL that the project was inaugurated
in 1936 "to give unemployed theatre people
work that they were trained to do and that was
useful to the country," according to Brooks At-
kinson, drama critic of The New York Times.
Its statistical record is impressive. It employed
simultaneously during its existence more than
13,000 persons, 50% of whom were actors; 25%
writers, designers, costumers, stage hands and
electricians; and 25% ticket takers, ushers,
cashiers, accountants, cleaners and other work-
ers necessary to insure the proper functioning
of so large an enterprise
This horde of theatre workers operated 153
producing theatres located in 28 states. The
companies played to an aggregate of 350,000
people weekly without fulfilling the demand.
Their audiences were admitted free in parks,
hospitals, CCC camps and schools, or paid no
more than 55c for an orchestra seat. Besides
this actual production work the FTP was noted
for its research library, training schools, ac-
cumulation of theatre records and the experi-
mental attitude in scenic and costume design-
MRS. HALLIE FLANAGAN, who originally
atre, was director of the project. And although
Truth And Propaganda
To the Editor:
I found the following on my desk several
months ago; it seems even more appropriate
now than it did then:
THEY MAY BE TRUE. But if they were
not true, they would be told to you anyway,
1. Our enemies are brutes, indifferent to
considerations of morality; our allies are

2. Our enemies are aggressors; our allies
have never been.
3. Our enemies are the blind followers of
a madman; our allies are sensible men fol-
lowing the only reasonable course,
4. Our enemies are shrewd, sullen, and
cowardly; our allies are sincere, God-fear-
ing, and courageous.
5. Our enemies are the opponents of de-
mocracy and freedom; our allies are the
defenders of these things.
6. Our enemies are told only lying propa-
ganda; but our news services and commen-
tators bring us the truth from both sides.
7. Our allies have always been anxious to N
arbitrate and conciliate, and have spared
no pains to avoid this conflict; but the
enemies have stubbornly refused, except
once or twice, when their arbitration was a
trick to confuse and deceive us.
8. Our enemies' morale is low and their
supplies are short; more and more of their
population is seeing how foolish they are,
and so their government will not last long.
Our allies are prepared to fight to the fin-
ish ,and are in wholehearted support of their.
governments; they will make a quick end
of it.

they admit she is a talented, well-trained stu-
dent of the theatre, most of the Season actors
have started with her appointment as one of
the basic troubles of the FTP. Mrs. Flanagan,
they assert, was experienced in the non-com-
mercial theatre and thus not fitted for the
theatre project. They point to the decision of
Congress, which decided, along with other im-
portant reasons of course that, the country could
not afford the FTP, as proof that her failure
to grasp the financial aspects of her organiza-
tion was disastrous.
They hit also the fundamental basis of the
venture-it was established as a relief project.
This fact made it necessary for the administra-
tion to give employment to many who were
not of any progressive use to the project and
to those with labor union and political pressure
behind them. It also prevented FTP from hirin
useful theatrical people.
The much-flouted red tape of federal admin-
istration was also an inherent fault, for the
whole project was slow-moving. The actors
scoff at the old FTP publicity releases that
boasted of the year or two of preparation fN
plays. They themselves have known players,
enacting the role of a butler or maid, who have
been kept in rehearsal a year.
AND, FINALLY, with the training schools
there was a tendency to coach non-profes-
sionals instead of employing experienced pepl
of the theatre. There was the fact that projects
were spread over the country, while unemployed
professional talent was localized in San Fran-
cisco and New York. The quotas in these dis-
tricts did not provide for the overflow of actors.
In the opinion of many of the Dramatic Sea-
son performers, the national theatre of the
future will have to originate with theatre groups
over the country; it cannot be a forced, emer-
gency measure. They point to the state the-
atre movement which is gaining momentum,
with one already established in North Caroli;
as an encouraging factor.
THEY BELIEVE that a union of state theatres
will be the natural outcome, and that thor-
oughly trained theatrical people will be at the
helm. This future possibility is one of the
dreams that keeps them before the footlights,
for it promises to be the ideal solution to the
problems of their art. It is important that
unemployed actors be given a chance to support
themselves honorably. It is also important that
a national theatre be built up that will strength-
en the position of all actors in this country. A
national theatre that will give work and at the
same time bolster dramatic art in the United
States will help the actors and will help the
Symposi urn
Of Editorials
Ultunate Disaster
IT IS NOT ENOUGH that the world is at war.
Not enough that earthquakes rumble and
cities crash in ruins.
No, life isn't black enough for the gloomy
professors on campus. Pledged as they are to
the sombre shades of their academic gowns,
they have grown distrustful of lightness and
good cheer. Self-abasement is in their blood;
chastisement is their spirit.
That is all very well for those who like it.
But the unhappy professors are not only dis-
ciples but its evangelists. They hunger for
conversions. They would make a dark world
darker, a depressed student body despondent.
And so examinations.
Examinations. A melancholy word at best.
Examinations. The word echoes hollowly-upon
a hollow mind. It tolls like a knell, and the
sober-faced professors say a pensive "Amen"
as they hear it. The war, the quakes-those
were the beginning. But here comes the final
plague, the seventh pestilence, the ultimate of
evil. If the world is sad, let students do their
share of mourning. Thus, it appears, the faculty
must reason.
The Weeping Wall is packed. Examination
time is upon us.

-- The Minnesota Daily
The Crimson Scores
Crimson, scored a triumph of permanent
value when, as a result of its editorial campaign
against abuses of commercial tutoring near
Harvard Square, University officials prohibited
students, on pain of severe punishment, from
accepting the "capsule education" offered.
Prior to the Crimson's campaign, a poll con-
ducted by the Student Council demonstrated
that as many as three-quarters of the students
made use of the schools at one time or another,
usually just before examinations.
- The Christian Science Monitor
American Coalition
APPARENT REJECTION of a tentative move
by President Roosevelt to establish some
kind of a coalition Cabinet recalls the fact that
President Wilson in early 1917 refused to enter-
tain a suggestion that he take members of the
opposition into his Cabinet.
Prevailing opinion even in the Republican
Party did not support the proposal but instead

NOW THAT the tumult and what
shouting there has been is over
and only the moans of the unfor-
tunate remain, it would seem that
the time has come to write a fare-
well column. Not that we really want
to write a farewell column, but eve-
rybody else on the staff has, and we
don't propose to let the Music De-
partment lose its hard-earned place
as a sensation-source second to
none. We are not going to go into
detail about what a swell bunch of
fellows The Daily staff is, or was,
because so far at least 30 of that
same staff have told you all about
how swell we all are. If you can't
believe it after that kind of propa-
ganda, our feeble echo won't con-
vince you.
We would like to compliment the
staff on its independence. All our
editors ever asked was "Is it true?"
If it was, they printed it, and that
ended the matter. From our exper-
ience of college newspapers that is
a rare condition indeed and one that
the student body may legitimately
be proud of. Such an arrangement
approaches the status of a miracle.
Reviewing The Music
Reviewing the music of the year
was not an unmixed pleasure but the
music was so good and, with a very
few notable exceptions, so perfectly
presented that criticisms were at a
minimum and the critic's function
became similar to that of a press
agent. For that we are sorry, but
there was no choice. Outstanding
in our memory are a concert by
Flagstad, who, even though the
splendor of the top voice is rapidly
leaving, remains our ideal of a great
artist, and the singing of Dorothy
Maynor, easily is most moving and
sincere artist we ever expect to hear.
Strange as it seems the best artistry
of the year came from singers. The
two appearances of Alexander Kip-
nis were added proof of this con-
NOT THAT the instrumentalists
came off without honor. The
playing of all the orchestras was
superb and there were moments
when the Philadelphia Orchestra
made the Tschaikovsky Fifth sound
like our favorite symphony in spite
of the rather low regard in which
we held it. Bartlett and Robertson
again astounded us by the simple
artistry they achieved through the
despised medium of the duo-piano.
In. the young Virovai we heard an
astounding technician who may yet
become as great an artist as he is
a virtuoso and the appearances of
Rubenstein and Bjoerling were not
without interest since the pianist
broke the strings of the bass notes
and the tenor nearly broke the
strings of his voice.
In less formal presentation the
faculty of the Music School demon-
strated its competence. In addition
to the work of Messrs. Revelli, Mat-
tern and Christian on whom we have
doted in the past, the occasional
appearances of Arthur Hackett, Was-
sily Besekirsky and the pianists,
Brinkman, Kollen and Rhead, have
all demonstrated a high artistic com-
petence and sometimes much more.
The work of Marion McArtor as an
arranger has received all too little
Big Music News
But the big local musical news of
the year is the beginning of a rise
to national prominence of Thor
Johnson as a conductor and we
should be less than acute if we
failed to record it. Faults as a con-
ductor Mr. Johnson has; his or-
chestra is often too loud for his

soloists, his commendable insistence
upon rhythm becomes a tyranny in
itself upon occasion, he gets into an
infrequent jam by his intent con-
centration on both the whole and
every minor detail thereof. He makes
his orchestra play so intensely that
now and then the string tone suffers.
BUT THE CARE for detail is also
his strength. The clarity of his
conception, the sweep of his inter-
pretation, the intuitive rightness of
his artistic feeling, the lack of sen-
timentality, the ability to drive him-
self to higherconceptions makes Mr.
Johnson the news of the year in our
book. We think you will be proud
to have known him when.
Summer Music
And so good listening and good
hearing to you one and all. If you
are around this summer you may
have an opportunity to hear the
work of any number of excellent
musicians including some of the new
compositions of Ernst Krenek (pro-
nounced Shrenek) one of the more
important composers of our time.
You also ought to hear a good Gil-
bert and Sullivan operetta and some
incidental concerts by a large num-
ber of competent musicians.
Since space remains for one more
comment let us pass on to you our
firm conviction that as the seas are
one stream so is all music one body.
iLet us have done with this outworn
conception of "classical" music on

VOL. L. No. 178
Notice to all Members of the Uni-
versity: The following is an extract
of a by-law of the Regents (Chapter
III-B, Sections 8 and 9) which has
been in effect since September, 1926:1
"It will hereafter be regarded as1
contrary to University policy for any-
one to have in his or her possession
any key to University buildings or
parts of buildings if such key is not
stamped as provided ( i.e. by the
Buildings and Grounds Department).
If such unauthorized keys are
found the case shall be referred to
the Dean or other proper head of the;
University division involved for his
action in accordance with this prin-
ciple. Any watchman or other proper
representative of the Buildings and
Grounds Department, or any Dean,
department head or other proper
University official shall have the
right to inspect keys believed to open
University buildings, at any reason-
able time or place.
"-For any individual to order,
have made, or permit to be ordered
or made, any duplicate of his or her
University key, through unauthorized
channels, must be regarded as a spe-
cial and willful disregard of the safe-
ty of University property."
These regulations are called to the
attention of all concerned, for their
information and guidance. Any per-
son having any key or keys to Uni-
versity buildings, doors, or other
locks, contrary to the provisions re-
cided above, should promptly sur-
render the same to the Key Clerk at
the office of the Department of
Buildings and Grounds.
Commencement Week Programs:
Programs may be obtained on request
after June 3 at the Business Office,
Room 1, University Hall.
Herbert G. Watkins
Commencement Tickets: Tickets
for Commencement may be obtained
on request after June 1 at the Busi-
ness office, Room 1, University Hall.
Inasmuch as only two Yost Field
House tickets are available for each
senior, please present identification
card when applying for tickets.
Herbert G. Watkins
Notice: University Commencement
Announcement: The University Com-
mencement exercises will be held on
Ferry Field, Saturday afternoon,
June 15. The gates open at 5:15 p.m.
Audience should be seated by 6 p.m.
when procession enters the field.
The public address system will be
interfered with by outside sounds,
and the audience is therefore re-
quested to avoid conversation and
moving about. Automobile owners
are asked kindly to keep their ma-
chines away from the vicinity of Ferry
Field during the exercises.
Tickets may be secured at the Busi-
ness Office, University of Michigan,
Room 1, University Hall, until 6 p.m.,
Saturday, June 15. All friends of
the University are welcome to tickets.
There will be no admission without
Incase of rain, the exercises will
be transferred to Yost Field House,
to which the special Yost Field House
tickets only will admit. These tickets
are also available at the Business
Office, Room 1, University Hall, and
will be issued 2 to each graduate.
The Ferry Field ticket will not ad-
mit to Yost Field House.
If it becomes npcessary to trans-
fer the exercises from Ferry Field,
outdoors, to the Field House, indoors,
after the exercises have started, per-
sons will be admitted to the Field
House without tickets until the seat-
ing capacity is exhausted.
If it is decided, in advance of start-
ing the procession, to hold the exer-
cises in Yost Field House, the power

house whistle will be blown at inter-
vals between 5 and 5:15 p.m. on Com-
mencement afternoon.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
For Commencement


walk in rear of North wing of Uni-
versity Hall.
Business Administration on walk
in front of Physiology and Pharma-
cology Building.
Forestry and Conservation on walk
in front of Physiology and Pharma-
cology Building (behind Bus. Ad.).
Music on diagonal walk from Li-
brary to Alumni Memorial Hall, near
Graduate on East and West walk
West of Library entrance.
Honor Guard at Waterman Gym-
Line of March: State Street to
Ferry Field.
The sounding of the University
Power House Siren at 5:00 to 5:15
will indicate that the exercises have
'een transferred to Yost Field House.
Students will proceed directly to
:he Field House and enter through
the North doors.
Members of the Faculties will enter
through the north doors and take
their places on the platform in the
Field House.
Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans and
Candidates for Honory Degrees will
assemble in the office in the North
and of the Feild House.
L. M. Gram, Chief Marshal
Attention Seniors: Commencement
announcement booklets and folds
should be available for distribution
in the various schools on Monday,
June 3. Seniors are urged to look for
detailed instructions on the bulletin
boards in their departments. Distri-
bution of orders placed with Burr,
Patterson and Auld Company will be
made on Tuesday, June 4.
Automobile Regulation: The follow-
ing schedule will mark the lifting of
the Automobile Regulation for stu-
dents in the various colleges and de-
partments of the University. Excep-
tions will not be made for individuals
who complete their work in advace
of the last day of class examinations.
All students enrolled in the follow-
ing departments will be required to
adhere strictly to this schedule.
College of Literature, Science ,and
the Arts: All classes. Tuesday, June
11, at 5:00 p.m.
College of Architecture: All classes.
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m.
College of Pharmacy: All classes.
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m.
School of Business Administration:
All classes. Tuesday, June 11, at
5:00 p.m.
School of Education: All classes.
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m.
School of Engineering: All classes.
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m.
School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion: All classes. Tuesday, June
11, at 5:00 p.m.
School of Music: All classes. Tues-
day, June 11, at 5:00 p.m.
School of Dentistry: Freshman
Class, Tuesday, June 4, at 12:00 Noon.
Sophomore Class, Saturday, June 1,
at 12:00 Noon. Junior Class, Satur-
day, June 1, at 12:00 Noon. Senior
Class, Friday,. May 31, at 12:00 Noon.
Hygienists, Friday, June 7, at 5:00
Law School: Freshman Class, Tues-
day, June 4, at 12:00 Noon. Junior
Class, Wednesday, June 5, at 4:30
p.m. Senior Class, Wednesday, June
5, at 4:30 p.m.
Medical School: Freshman Class,
Thursday, June 6, at 12:00 Noon.
Sophomore Class, Saturday, June 8,
at 12:00 Noon. Junior Class, Satur-
day, June 8, at 12:00 Noon. Senior
Class, Tuesday, June 4, at 5:00 pm.
Graduate School: All classes. Tues-
day, June 11, at 5:00 p.m.
Candidates for Master's Degrees,
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. Can-
didates for Doctor's Degrees; Wed-
nesday, June 5, at 12:00 Noon.
Office of the Dean of Students

To the Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts: The eighth regular meet-
ing of the Faculty of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts for
the academic session of 1939-1940
will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall,
June 3,h1940, at 4:10 p.m.
The reports of the several com-
mittees, instead of being read orally
at the meeting, have been prepared
in advance and are included with this
call to the meeting. They should be
retained in your files as part of the
minutes of the June meeting.
The Registrar's Office again wishes
to express its appreciation to the fac-
ulty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts for its splend-
id cooperation during recent sem-
esters in reporting grades for pros-
pective graduates within forty-eight
hours after each examination. Prompt
reporting is necessary this semester
in order that the list of graduates
may be submitted to the Regents on
Thursday preceding Commencement.
The Registrar's Office also reports
that recommendations for depart-
mental honors for members of the
graduating class have already been
made by many departments. Other

Commencement, Saturday, June
6:30 p.m.


Time of Assembly, 5:20 p.m. (ex-
cept noted).
Members of the Faculties at 5:30
p.m. in Angell Hall, Room 1223. Rhe-
toric Library where they may robe.
Regents, Ex-Regents, and Deans
at 5:30 p.m. in Angell Hall, Room
1011, the Regents Room.
Students of the various schools and
colleges, as follows:
Literature, Science and the Arts on
Main Diagonal walk between Library
and Engineering Buildings.
Education on walk North side of
Physiology and Pharmacology Build-,
Engineering on Main Diagonal

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