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June 02, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-06-02

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2,700 Seniors
Will Graduate

Star Of New Play...



Here June 15
President Ruthven To Give
Commencement Talk
And Present Degrees;
Deans Also Will Speak
Rev. Henry Lewis
To Give Invocation'
Approximately 2,700 seniors will
climax their college careers at the
University's 96th annual Commence-
ment exercises Saturday, June 15.
Beginning on the campus at 5:40
p.m., the academic procession will
proceed down State Street to Ferry
Field, where the prospective gradu-
ates will be seated in the stands
facing the speakers' platform. The
invocation will be delivered by the
Rev. Henry Lewis of Saint Andrew's
Following the invocation President
Ruthven will deliver the Commence-
ment Address, "Never to Grow Old,"
following a custom established in
1936. Previous to that time the Ad-
dress was always given by someone
not connected directly with the Uni-
versity, Cordell Hull presenting it in
Degrees To Be Presented
Presentation of degrees in course
by President Ruthven will take place
immediately after he has spoken, pro-
ceeding by colleges and schools, with
subdivisions by departments.
Dean Edward H. Kraus will pre-
sent seniors of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts for the
conference of degrees by the Presi-
dent, who will be followed by Dean
James B. Edmonson who will present
seniors of the School of Education
and Acting Dean Alfred Lovell, pre-
senting seniors of the College of En-
gineering, in that order.
Next graduating students of the
College of Architecture and DesignG
will be presented by Dean Wells I.
Bennett, followed by Dean Albert C.
Furstenberg's presentation of seniors
of the Medical School. Dr. Howard
A. Haynes, director of the University
Hospital, will present graduating
Senior Group Introduced
Seventh group of seniors to be pre-
sented for the award of degrees will
be those from the Law School, in-
troduced by Dean E. Blythe Stason.
Prof. Howard B. Lewis, director of
the College of Pharmacy, will pre-
sent the eighth group, seniors from
the College.
Following the pharmacists, Dean
Russell W. Bunting will introduce
seniors of the School of Dentistry,
and Dean Clare E. Griffin will pre-
sent seniors from the School of Busi-
ness Administration. Next will be
students graduating from the School
of Forestryeand Conservation, intro-
duced by Dean Samuel T. Dana.
President Charles A. Sink of the
School of Music will present the
twelfth group of seniors, those from
-his School, while Dean Clarence S.
Yoakum will present recipients of the
master's degree of the Graduate
School as the final group of students
receiving degrees in course.
Vice-President Shirley W. Smith,
secretary of the Board of Regents, will
then call the seniors to the speakers'
platform for the presentation of
dummy diplomas. (The regular di-
plomas will be distributed in Yost
Field House following the cere-
Recipients of doctoral degrees from
(Continued on Page 2)
Summer Film

Series Planned
By Art Cinema
The University Art Cinema League
yesterday announced a new series
of films to be show.n in the Rackham
Building Auditorium during the
Summer Session, opening with an
American cycle of films on Sunday,
June 30.
An American documentary film
including "The River," "The City"
(which had a record run last year
at the New York World's Fair), "The
Plough That Broke the Plains" and

* ' *
Molnar Play
Closes Year's
Drama Season
'The Guardsman' To Open
At Mendelssohn June 11
For Commencement
The 1940 Dramatic Season will
fete Michigan graduates this year
with the final commencement pro-
duction of Molnar's "The Guards-
man" which opens Thursday, June
11, at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre for a week's run.
Mady Christians, distinguished
Viennese actress who has appeared
in "The Winter's Tale" here for the
Season, will play the leading role
of the actress who tires of her actor
husband. The husband will be en-
acted by John Emery, an exper-
iencedbBroadway actor, who is mar-
ried to Tallulah Bankhead. Cecil
Humphreys, British player of both
stage and screen, will also be fea-
tured as the critic.
Play Is Gay Comedy
Ferenc Molnar's play, which the
Dramatic Season committee chose.
for its gaiety as fitting to the fes-
tivities of commencement week, was
recently revived with great success
on Broadway by Alfred Lunt and
Lynn Fontanne. The story revolves
about the disguise assumed by an
actor husband which allows him to
make love to his wife as a stranger.
Fearing to discover that she is un-
faithful, he reveals the disguise. The
denouement is a surprise.
Performances will be held Tues-
lay through Saturdaybevenings with
matinees Thursday and Saturday.
Due to the fact that Saturday, June
15, is Commencement Day, the eve-
ring performance will begin at 8:45
,.m. and the matinee at 2:00 p.m.
All other shows will be at the usual
time, evenings at 8:30 p.m. and the
Thursday matinee at 3:15 p.m. Tic-
kets are available now at the Men-
delssohn box office.
Cast Well Known
The principal players are well-
known to theatre going audiences.
Miss Christians has made her repu-
tation in both Europe and America
as leading lady for Max Reinhardt,
Orson Welles and Maurice Evans.
Cecil Humphreys started acting in
1910 and has since toured the Bri-
tish Empire and America with a.
(Continued on Page 2)

Seven Plays
Are Planned
For Summer
Michigan Repertory Group
To Present 12th Selason
July 26 ToAugust 13
O'Neill, Anderson
To Be Represented
Featured in the twelfth season of
the Michigan Repertory Players will
be seven outstanding plays, to be
presented from July 26 through Aug-
ust 13, the technical director of the
group, Prof. William P. Halstead,
of the speech department, announc-
ed yesterday.
Opening the season, July 26, will
be "The Critic," by Richard Brinsley
Sheridan, which was presented here
during the regular Play Production
season. The farce satirizes the he-
roic drama and Elizabethan drama-
Maxwell Anderson's "The Star
Wagon," a play of supernatural
theme emphasizing good old days
in contrast to present materialism,
will begin July 9.
The 1921-22 Pulitzer prize play
"Beyond the Horizon" will follow the
Sheridan production, beginning July
10. Professor Halstead described the
O'Neill play as one depicting "psy-
chological conflict."
"Two on an Island," Broadway
success of the current season, will
open July 17. The play, Professor
Halstead said, is similar in theme
and treatment to "Street Scene,"
Elmer Rice's previously most suc-
cessful work.
Aldrich is the newest comedy sen-
sation of the country today, as a pic-
ture was made from the play, star-
ring Jackie Cooper, and a radio serial
has been running featuring the trials
and tribulations of the well-mean-
ing but blundering high school stu-
Henry Aldrich will come to Ann
Arbor, starting July 24 . "What A
Life," the high school farce by Clif-
(Continled on Page 7)
Varsity Places
Eight On Star
Cinder Team
Eight members of Michigan's Big
Ten Championship track team were
included among the 39 cindermen
selected yesterday to represent the
Wester'n Conference in its annual
meet with the Pacific Coast Confer-
ence stars at Evanston, June 17.
Sprinter Al Smith was chosen to
run in both dash events. Warren
Breidenbach and Jack Leutritz will
compete in both the 440-yard dash
and on the mile relay quartet. Stan
Kelley and Jeff Hall are entered in
the 220-yard low hurdle event, and
Dye Hogan will represent Michigan
in the half-mile run.
Despite his absence in the recent
Big Ten outdoor meet because of ill-
ness, Capt. Ralph Schwarzkopf was
selected to compete in the two-mile
run. Captain-elect Don Canham,
who is undefeated in the high jump
this year, will carry the Big Ten hopes
in this event. n

Army Backs.
FDR Request
For Authority
Proposal To Call National
Guard To Active Duty
OK'd By High Command
Senate's Opposition
Seen Formidable
WASHINGTON, June 1. -(P)-
Amid mounting opposition in Con-
gress to President Roosevelt's request
for authority to call the National
Guard to active duty, the Army High
Command contended today that the
possibility of "dangerous develop-
ments" in this hemisphere made it
essential that the request be granted.
Gen. George C. Marshall, the Army
chief of staff, issued a formal state-
ment supporting the President's
proposal after opposition among
Senators had reached formidable,
President Had Authority
Mr. Roosevelt already had author-
ity to call the guard into service,
General Marshallgsaid, "but under
that call it would be impossible to
send any units of the National Guard
to assist a regular division in any
one of the possible situations which
might arise in this hemisphere."
"It is necessary that more troops
be made available, trained, and sea-
soned, to enable missions to be car-
ried out without denuding this coun-
try of ground troops in a state of
sufficient preparation to meet unex-
pected eventualities in some other
Developments Not Needed
The Chief of Staff did not say
what the possible "dangerous devel-
opments" in this hemisphere might
be. But Senator Minton (Dem-Ind),
had expressed belief to newsmen pre-
viously that the President might
have in mind the possibility of hav-
ing to occupy British French and
Dutch possessions in the New World
if the Allies were defeated
If need for such action arose,
Minton said, regular troops would
have to be used and the National
Guard called out to man defenses
in the continental United States.
General Marshall's statement fail-
ed to quiet criticism of the Presiden-
tial request among Senate members.
Senators George (Dem-Ga) and
Austin (Rep-Vt), both supporters of
,he President's foreign policy, joined
Senators forecasting that Congress
might remain in session continuously
'Air Transport
Crashes, Kills
Four Workers
Sabotage Inquiry Started
As New Navy Plane
Fails In First Flight
LOS ANGELES, June 1. -(P-
Crash of a great new Douglas DC-5
air transport while on a test flight for
the Navy killed four employes of the
aircraft firm today and sent investi-
gators scurrying for evidence of pos-

Budget Boost Seen Indicative
Of Fear For Allied Position

(From Associated Press Dispatches) f
American eyes ' turned from an
Allied tragedy in Flanders to scan
the sombre implications of President
Roosevelt's reaction to it on the
national defense home front.
The fresh blow delivered against
her foes by Germany in Flanders
sent Admministration estimates of ur-
gent American defense needs sky-
rocketing up another billion and
more before echoes of national re-
action to the President's first de-
fense emergency request had died
down. Behind that action must liep
a re-appraisal by the President of
Franco-British ability long to con-
tinue the fight.
FDR's Action Significant
From that point of view, Mr.
Roosevelt's action in doubling his
request for emergency defense ap-
propriations has grave significance.
It hints at confidential advices from
Lon'don and Paris painting a far
gloomier outlook for Allied recovery
than even the stark figures of Allied
Flight Course
Will Be Held
Th Summer
CAA's Invitation Accepted
By University Officials;
TrainingIsOpen To 75
A flight training course here this
summer for 75 college students be-
came a reality yesterday when the
University accepted the invitation of
the Civil Aeronautics Authority to
hold the course here, according to
Prof. E. W. Conlon of the Aero-
nautical engineering department.
All students residing here between
the ages of 18 and 25 must pass a
physical examination, equivalent to
the one given commercial pilots, in
order to apply for the 75 training
positions, 25 more tQan took the
flight training course this spring. The
training will enable students to re-
ceive a pilot's license.
The medical examination, room
and board, insurance and medical
care will be included in the three
months' fee of $40.
Members of the faculty, student
assistants, and pilots at the Ann
Arbor airport will train the students.
Applications are available at the aero-
nautical engineering offices.

losses in men, ships and war gear
would reveal if known.
The confidence of official Wash-
ington in ultimate Allied triumph
already had been deeply shaken by
successive German victories in Nor-
way, Holland, Belgium and Northern
France. Even before the "Battle of
the Bulge" in Flanders had col-
lapsed, and the Germans reached
the English Channel, some Amer-
ican technical experts rated German
chances of ultimate complete victory
as high as 60-40.
Held Same View
Mr. Roosevelt seemed to share
that view even before he doubled
his defense appropriation request of
two weeks ago. If that is the fact,
the new defense budget, out-moding
the original before it could be more
than roughly sketched into legisla-
tion or concrete plans for creation
of a vast new industry, is a dark
official American commentary on
the situation in Euorpe. It would
mean that in Washington inner gov-
ernment circles there is stark fear
that the end of Allied resistance
might come in months, not years.
Defense Estimates Doubled
Unquestionably only a new factual
situation in Europe of gravest im-
port to this country could have
moved the President to double his
emergency defense estimates within
a span of days.
Any circumstance of the war, like
the battle in Flanders that drew
heavily on Allied reserves in men,
stores, weapons and air units, would
scale down estimates of the time
France and Britain could endure
and the time' this country would
have to make ready for whatever
the future holds. The President's,
new program appears earmarked
more directly toward stepping up
the marshalling and equipment of
the "initial protective force" of a
million men than toward enlarging
a wide-based expansion of essential
war industries to 'meet any future
Rites To Be Held
For Mrs. Bursley
Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph A.
Bursley will be held at 4 p.m. today
at the St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Rev. Henry Lewis officiating.
The bearers will be her son-in-law,
John S. Winder of Schenectady, N.Y.,
her nephews, Fritz K. Kleene, Thom-
as H. Kleene and John K. Kleene of
Detroit, and Collins L. Carter of Al-
bion, and Arthur T. Cabot of Spring-
field, Vt.

Southern Industrial
Area Bears Brunt
Of Intense Attack
French Block
Somme Drive
(By The Associated Press)
A great aerial expedition of Nazi
bombing planes swarmed over south-
ern France yesterday afternoon,
sowing death and destruction in the
heart of the famed Rhone Valley in-
dustrial section and striking the
port of Marseille heavily.
At least 46 persons were killed in
the mass bombing raid, one of the
heaviest of the war, which came in
the wake of Adolf Hitler's military
victory in Flanders.
In Marseille, Mediterranean port
and France's second largest city, 30
persons were killed. In the Lyon
industrial area 16 met death and
80 or 90 were wounded.
56 Nazi Planes Downed
The French said 56 German planes
were downed in all the day's fighting
against 16 French losses. Of the
losses inflicted on the Rhone Valley
raiders they said only a "certain
number" were downed.
Two heavy bombs fell in Marseille.
A British ship laden with cotton was
sunk in the harbor.
Industrial sections of central east-
ern France were heavily bombed. The
French said many of the raiders were
shot down in this area,
The Nazi armada roared into
France across the Rhine north of
Basel, Switzerland, in droves of 21
to 36 planes. They struck, first at
French air bases; communications
and factories in the Rhone Valley
around Lyon.
Swiss patrols tangled with one of
the raiders which ventured over neu-
tral Switzerland's border, downing
the craft and killing its four occu-
Dunkerque Attacked
While the French blocked an at-
tempted Nazi "on to Paris" drive
against the Somie line, the Ger-
mans hurled shell after shell into
Dunkerque, where the last of the
Allied northern armies were embark-
ing for England.
Lord Gort, commander of the Bri-
tish Expeditionary Force, returned
to England from Flanders with this
firm declaration:
"We shall meet them again. Next
time victory will be with us."
Nelson Is Sunk
Authorized Berlin sources an-
nounced the sinking-date, place
and circumstances unstated-of the
33,950-ton battleship Nelson, flag-
ship of the British home fleet, and
the Nazi high command reported
three enemy warships and eight
transports were sent to the bottom
off Dunkerque during the day.
In addition, the Germans said they
shot down 40 Allied planes in the
day's operations. The British report-
ed the destruction of 40 German
planes and 33 others damaged or
destroyed in fierce combat off the
Allied port of escape.
The vague announcement told on-
ly of the sinking of the dreadnaught
with 700 of its 1,320 crewmen but,
for "military reasons," omitted when,
where or how the Nelson, one of
Britain's newest and mightiest cap-
ital ships, was sent to the bottom.
Apparently diverting armored di-
visions from the Channel battle, the
Germans intensified their Somme
offensive in a drive which began
Friday and still was continuing last

Roosevelt And Mussolini
Exchange Messages
ROME, June 1.-(P)-A new ex-
change of messages between Presi-
dent Roosevelt and Premier Musso-
lini was reported tonight while Italy's
warlike motions multiplied, especially
near the French border.
The impression prevailed in diplo-
matic circles, however, that the re-
ported exchange had not retarded

German Bomber Armada
Attacks Lyon, Marseille;
Report Battleship Sunk

Whitford Kane Will Take Lead
In 'Boyd's Shop' Here Tuesday

S ink Reveals More Ambitions'
Plans For Choral 'Uion Series

sible sabotage.
Douglas officials
they found no such
their first checks.
The nine-ton plane

said, however,
indications in
zexploded as it

The 62nd annual Choral Union
Concert series has been planned on
a more ambitious scale for its 1940-
41 season than ever before, President
2harles A. Sink of the School of
Music announced yesterday.
Opening on October 23 with a song
recital by the noted contralto, Mar-
ian Anderson, the concerts will be
presented through the winter until
Mar'ch 4 in Hill Auditorium. The
May Festival has been scheduled for
May 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Highlighting the series will be the
performance of the New York Phil-
harmonic orchestra under the lead-
ership of John Barbirolli on Sunday
afternoon, November 24. Two tradi-
tions will be broken at that time,
for it will be the first Sunday con-
cert scheduled, and the first time
that a Choral Union concert has
been broadcast internationally. The
Columbia Broadcastin -' System will

here in 1938: November 18, the Don
Cossack Chorus, composed of Rus-
sian exiled at the time of the revolu-
tion who are now American citizens,
which will be conducted by Serge
Jaroff; and on November 24, the
Philharmonic concert.
On December 3 the Metropolitan
Opera star. Richard Bonelli, bari-
tone, will be presented in a full
song recital; December 11, the elev-
enth annual performance here of
the Boston Symphony orchestra con-
ducted by Serge Koussevitzky. This
will be the last concert before the
Christmas vacation,
In January the concerts will con-
tinue on the 15th with a piano recital
by Vladimar Horowitz; January 28,
the Minneapolis Symphony orches-
tra will play its first concert in Ann
Arbor, conducted by Dmitri Mitro-
poulos; on February 20, the Buda-
pest String Quartette; and on March
d fl..n......... - .- - - --. . .. ..,I

The dead:
Harry E. (Bud) Bogen, 29, West
Los Angeles, pilot.
William Benson, Santa Monica,
flight engineer.
Walter M. Mulvaney, 38, Burbank,
crew chief.
James Jewart, Inglewood, inspec-
Benson's father is Philip A. Ben-
son, 158 Lincoln Road, a Brooklyn,
N.Y., bank president.
Inquiries started quickly from
three directions-the Navy, Civil
Aeronautics Authority and Douglas.
Wreckage of the great DC-5 was still
flaming when police threw a guard
about itbpending a probe into pos-
sible sabotage.
Census SjbowsSlow Rise
DETROIT, June 1.-( P)-Weeks
after the 1940 census-takers have
finished their doorbell-ringing, pre-

The much-heralded American pre-
miere of St. John Ervine's "Boyd's
Shop," will open Tuesday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, with the
talented Irish actor, Whitford Kane,
in the title role.
Kane, who is well-known to Ann
Arbor audiences, will be supported
in the Dramatic Season production
by Helen Trenholm, Canadian ac-
tress, Horace McNally, Hiram Sher-
man and Carrie Bridewell, former
Metropolitan Opera star.
The play, which ran successfully
in Dublin's famous Abbey Theatre
and also in Liverpool, is scheduled
for a New York engagement if it is
received well here. Lee Shubert, one
of the more important Broadway
producers, will fly here Friday for
the evening performance.
"Boyd's Shop" is an Ulster com-
edy redolent of middle-class North-
ern Ireland life. As in the past, Er-
vine has based his effort's bid for
popularity on the effect of strong
characterization. Kane, who is the
Irish playwright's personal friend:
points to the play's "richness in wis-
dom" as an outstanding feature.
The play is directed by Prof. Val-

declared that "Boyd's Shop" is his
idea of an ideal wartime play. He
pointed out that it has no social sig-

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