SA'URDA, JUNK 1, 1940 T' E MICHIGAN DAILY D nee Tonight Horace McNally Sets Example Dance Tonight Horace McNally Sets Example Is Tinal Fling' For Cloistered Law Students "Final Fling," the last dance of the season at the Union, will be held from 9 to 12 p.m. today, Dick Scher- ling, '42, social chairman, announced. As each couple enters the ball- room, they will receive "lucky blue- books," each one graded. Among the grades will be three A's. During the intermission, the D.A.R.'s will be called to the band- stand and introduced. They may then spend their reward in the Tap- Room, or at their tables on the ball- room terrace. Bill Sawyer's band will finish a successful season at the annual "Final Fling," which is by way of be- coming another one of Michigan's numerous traditions. Scherling says that this band is now considered the outstanding college dance band of the country. Roses, spring flowers, gardenias -all appropriate for graduation c day. Priced well-and beauti-. ful. Remember the day; she'll V never forget! Chelsea FLOWER SHOP 203 E. Liberty Phone 2-2973 fl I v-,. - 0 Cl T i i v . . 1 Dramatie Season In 'The World W Defends Stage Player e Make' Morals . By GRACE MILLER There is an answer to the moan of the lawyers for the past week, "We wakeful; oh, pity us!"; why don't they wriggle out of the clutches of Police- man Day, and take up life behind the footlights as Horace "McNallyl did? McNally, who has appeared in "Pygmalion", "The Winter's Tale", "The World We Make", says, "I've given up ambulance-chasing to chase drama agents." So throw away your briefs and fat law books, and come along, you in the Law Club whose alarm clock ran down the other morn- ing. College Drama Is Valuable However, hitting a more seijous vein, McNally added, "There can be no substitute for dramatic work and training in college, whether one is planning on the stage as a career or not." He went on to say, "The most forceful way to teach Shakespeare is to act it." McNally studied law at Fordham University, where he spent much of his time in dramatic production, play- ing everything from Caliban to Oth- ello. After graduation he was ad- mitted as a member of the New York State Bar, and practiced law for a short time. But the love of good poetry, and the joy of feeling and transmitting moods and emotions never left him; he abandoned his law temporarily and undertook an intensive course of study at the American Academy of Arts. He has distinguished himself as an HORACE McNALLY Flower Show To Start Today At Field House Variety Of Arrangements, Gardens, And Blooms, To Be Seen InD isplay Conventional and conventionalized flower gardens will be seen under' the gaily striped canopy of the FieldT House at the Ann Arbor Flower Show from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. today through Monday. Around a centralized 150-foot pool .will be a tea garden, with "coke" bar, 22 individual gardens, miniature ar- rangements upon glass shelves, and -pecimen blooms. Along the paved terraces will be seen graceful garden statues, and the latest creations ini garden furniture. The individual gardens will be seen from the tea garden.. They should 'offer valuable suggestions and ideas in design and plant ma- terial. Among these gardens will be a herb garden, a fireplace garden. an evergreen garden, a children's garden, a bird garden, a cacti gar- den, a cottage garden and a "mod- ern" garden. Near the entrance will be a school children's display of flower arrange- ments, and actual gardens. In the balcony will be a garden library, a photography exhibit, a scientific ex- hibit and an exhibit of landscape architecture. A flower booth at the door will offer boutonnieres and in- formation. Around the pool will be a border of naturalistic clumps of birch and wild flowers on one side, and long ribbons of white and apricot-colored petunias on the opposite side. Along the petunia border will be paved ter- races, separated by tall partitions of tamarack trees. At the end of the pool, opposite a fountain, will be three bronze sta- tues and brick terraces of bright flowered geraniums. Beyond this will be a broad esplanade of tanbark, which is to be flanked with tall to- piary hedges forming niches for sculpture and benches. Marcia Connell Named In List OfBetrothals Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Connell, of Dharoit, have announced the en- ,agicrunt of their daughter. Marcia. to Russell S. Strickland, son of Mr.) and Mrs. S. A. Strickland, also of Detroit. Miss Connell and Mr. Strick- land were both graduated from the University in 1939. The wedding will take place in September. Miss Connell was affiliated with Djelta Gamma sorority and Mr. Strickland was a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Miss Connell was also a member of Phi Beta Kap- pa, Phi Kappa Phi. Mortarboard, and Wyvern honor societies. While on campus she was also prominent in extra-curricular activities. She was women's editor of Gargoyle, and chairman of the orientation commit- tee of the League. She also served on Freshman Project, Sophomore Cabaret and JGP committees. Miss Connell was elected vice-president of the senior class, and was also se- lected to be the "Michigan Girl" at the 1939 New York World's Fair. Rev. and Mrs. Harvey G. Clark, of Dayton, announce the engagement of their daughter Nellie, '41, to William du Bois Mills, '41, son of Mrs. Wil- liam Mills, of Flint. Prof. and Mrs. Brinkman, of Ann Arbor, announce the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth Ruth, '40, to Charles Glenn Killins, also of Ann Arbor. Miss Brinkman is affiliated with Kappa Kappa Gamma. Mr. Killins received his bachelor of sci- ence degree today. ..... Importance of wearing the proper gown, lined with yellow and blue. academic costume at Commencement Edging of the hood should be of satin, exercises was pointed out yesterday silk or velvet of the color distinctive by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant of the subject named in the diploma, to the President. Bachelor's, master's and doctor's de- The student habit of flipping the grees shall be distinguished by length tassel on the mortarboard to another of hood and width of edging. side upon completion of graduation is Mortarboard caps of black serge a custom without legitimate grounds, or worsted covering shall be worn for he said. The American Council on all degrees, with tassel of black or Education, he pointed out, has ruled the color of the faculty to which the that the tassel-flipping operation is degree belongs. Recipients of doctor- a mere "superstition." ates may wear tassels made oe gold Recipients of the higher degrees, thread on the regular cap. While Doctor Robbins commerited, are per- tassels may hang on any side, the mitted to wear corresponding gowns cap is an integral part of academic at Commencement. This, however, dress and should not be removed ex- does not include permission to wear cept during prayer. the hood which goes with the new Colors Denote Faculties degree, he emphasized. Colors distinctive to the various Gowns for all bachelor's degrees faculties to which degrees pertain should be black serge or worsted, with follow: arts and letters, white; phil- pointed sleeves; for master's degrees, osophy, dark blue; science, golden black silk, serge or worsted, with long yellow; engineering, orange; archi- closed sleeves; for doctorates, black tecture, brown; law, purple; medicine, silk, with open round sleeves, faced green; pharmacy, olive-green; den- down the front with velvet and with tistry, lilac; forestry, russet; educa- three velvet bars across each sleeve. tion, light blue; business administra- The velvet should be either black or tion, drab; library science, lemon; of the color corresponding to the fac- public health, salmon pink; music, ulty or subject to which the degree pink. belongs. These regulations relevant to the hoods Are Important use of academic costume are taken Hoods for all degrees should be from the "Regulations for Academic made of the same material as the' Costume," actor on Broadway, in summer com- panies and on the road. What's more, the man is not merely an accurate re- flection of Yank or Hamlet or the coarse Louis of "The World We Make"; here's a man 'with little love for the affectations and highly stilted mannerisms of the theatrical world. He is far from the type of actor who would corner the theatrical world, and leave no room for the amateur stage. In his own words, McNally feels that sincerity above all things is essential to an actor. Will Play Lead "Ann Arbor must think I'm a dope," he grinned, "after seeing me as a half-wit, and then as a half-brute," But then again, this may be a good way to overcome the handicap (or is it) you see typified in the picture. However, he will have a chance at straight acting when he plays one of the leading roles in "Boyd's Shop," which is to open next week. "About this lawyer business," he put in bluntly, "I really have no high- sounding advice concerning either the stage or law." PARTY PICTURES for the whole year STILL AVAILABLE Place your order NOW for those pictures you forgot during the year. "Bob" Gach 14 Nickels Arcade DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) are now available at the Broadcast- ing Service, Morris Hall: "'Tis of Michigan", "I Want to Go Back to Michigan", "When Night Falls, Dear", "Goddess of the Inland Seas", "In College Days", "Laudes Atqua Car- mina", "Drink, Drink", "The Yellow and the Blue", "Nottingham Hunt", "Holy Mountain." There are also records of the University Band play- ing "Finlandia", "Pavanne", and "Lake Michigan Suite", as well as one record of Louis Untermeyer reading some of his better known works. JGP script deadline is November 15. The deadline for synopses or first acts is July 1. All material turned in during the summer should be sent to the League in care of Miss Ethel McCormick. The writer of the script used for production will be paid $100. Academic Notices Doctoral Examinations: Russell Bowers, Economics; Thesis: "The Realization of Income and Fed- eral Income Tax Procedure." Today, 9:00 a.m., West Council Room,Rack- ham Building. Chairman, W. A. Paton. Coral Edison Demaray, Greek and Latin; Thesis: "Studies in the Lan- guage of Hermas." Today, 9:30 a.m., 2009 A.H. Chairman, Campbell Bon- ner. Robert Merrill Hubbard, Chemi- cal Engineering; Thesis: "The Roll- ing-Ball Viscometer and the Viscos- ity of Normal Pentane." Today, 9:00 a.m., 3201 E. Eng. Chairman, G. G. Brown. Charles J. McGaw, Speech; Thesis: "An Analysis of the Theatrical Cri- ticism of William Winter." Today, 2:00 p.m., East Council Room, Rack- ham Building. Chairman, L. M. Eich. Carl Hart Schaaf, Political Science; Thesis: "Parties and Elections in Sweden." Today, 10:00 a.m., East Council Room, Rackham Building. Chairman, J. K. Pollock. Adam Henry Spees, Physics; Thes- (Continued on Page 6) I' 'I _.l0 Sit die Occaiion"- Just the Thing~ BoTH-i the June graduate and the June bride are looking forward to one of the biggest moments of their lives. Naturally they want perfection in every detail. For many of them that means while from head to foot and all the way through. Slips, girdles, panties - all in shining ... for your travel hat. A silk crepe turban that will go with everything. You can get it in white, black and white, navy and white. Sizes 21'% to 23. $J.95 219 South Main white. or Hickory's Lace Lastex Girdle Pantie Girdle in White-$2.95. ... Lace Trimmed Slip - $2.95 to $7.95. __A__ rl t5, .T Traveling This Summer? If you are, have you considered using TRAvELERS CHEQUEs? These checks are safe, efficient and easy to use. They are accepted everywhere and can be cashed only by you. Don't take the chance of having .nari,1n~cr" n.'mt nmin . jr u.,,.r~nrn ritinnAI NVLT-IJ . I (I NOVELTY PURS7