THE MICHIGAN IAIty THUE SDA . A" U I[(M1I'If ? yNwV Nr 4 pi S7'VDr { WAT f r i raver-u-P 4,~m~ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control or Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter., Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; 'oy mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVER.ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO -SOSTON * LOS ANGELES -SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler . Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler . Milton Orshefsky . . Howard A. Goldman. . Donald Wirtchafter . . . Esther Osser . Helen Corman . Business S Business Manager Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Managing Editor . Editorial Director . . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor * Associate Editor . . Sports Editor . Women's Editor . Exchange Editor StaffI Irving Guttmani Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: ROSEBUD SCOTT The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Political Club Offers Training... W ITH POLITICAL AFFAIRS of the nation taking the stage once more with November elections drawing near, students are beginning to think about voting and the problems and responsibilities it entails. And they are doing this in spite of the fact that war news has crowded politics off the center of the stage. Recently there was organized at the Univer- sity a chapter of the College Republicans of America. Regardless of what the actual results of the work of this organization may turn out to be, its aims are certainly excellent and prom Ise very worthy effects. First of the purposes of the organization is to educate college students in political affairs, supposedly from a standpoint of the greatest good to the nation as a whole and not to pro- mote the general rise of the Republican Party. This is to be accomplished through holding mock political conventions, rallies and other practical forms of instruction. In addition, the club is furnishing students with copies of absentee voting laws from all states where they exist. This is probably the most important of the forms the "instruction campaign" is taking. It is undeniably important for the youth of the country to take an interest in the politics of the nation. Through the organization and function of political clubs this interest will be increased, and methods of participation in pol- itics will be pointed out. Any such organization or series of organizations should be hailed as something of potentially great good. It is a healthful sign to see the foundation of political clubs for young people--may many more be organized. -- William H. Newton LETTERS TO TlE UEDITOR Hyma' s Students Reply To the Editor: WTE, AS STUDENTS of the University of Mich- igan and as friends of Prof. Albert Hyma, wish to testify on his behalf in answer to the many false accusations which have been directed against him in the last few days. We feel that we are in a position to know that these accusa- tions have been based upon a misinterpretation of Professor Hyma's statements. By partial quotation and half-truths it has been made to appear that he is not only against freedom of student opinion, but that he is also a war- monger. We who know him personally, and as students in his classes, wish to assure all those interested that he is neither of these. We are devoted advocates of peace and of freedom of opinion, and as such we wish to see Professor Hyma treated fairly. Signed by 43 Students Open Letter To FDR To the Editor: It should, I believe, be brought to the atten- tion of our campus that on Monday President Roosevelt was the recipient of an open letter signed by thirty-five editors of college news- papers in twenty-four states throughout the country demanding that America remain at peace and that "this generation, born into the First World War, shall not die in the second." The letter was released from the National Of- fice of the American Student Union, through which the joint signatures were gathered. Bob Bratz, editor of the Sam Houston State Teachers College Houstonian, Huntsville, Texas, added to the letter, "a decided majority of students here will agree with me in approving this letter." Among the other signers were John S. Ammarell, Jr., president of the Middle Atlan- tic States Intercollegiate Newspaper Associa- tion, and editors of the newspapers in the state universities of South Dakota, Washington, Ala- bama, Oklahoma, Maine, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina and Idaho. The release of this open letter to the President marked the climax of the first half of a two- week "peace blitzkrieg" being conducted by the ASU in conjunction with local peace councils and college newspapers in all parts of the na- tion to demonstrate student opposition to any form of intervention in the European War. The ASU office announced that over 100,000 stu- dents had participated in 60 college rallies and one-hour stoppages on Thursday and Friday of last week. It predicted that an additional forty meetings would be held over the Memorial Day holiday. The letter follows in full: "Honorable Franklin D. Roosevelt, White House, Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. President: "As editors of our campus newspapers, we address this letter to you as an expression our sober judgment, and the desires of the majority of the students in our colleges. "This year's Commencement exercises will take place against a background of rumbling war drums and booming cannon. The Class of 1917 is buried beneath the wooden crosses over- seas; the future of the Class of 1940 rests on the issue of war and peace. "Will our diplomas be turned into bayonets?" is the question on the lips of every graduate and undergraduate. "Mr. President, the proposals of loans and credits to the Allies now before Congress, your billion dollar request for increased armaments, for a speed-up in armaments production, for 50,000 planes, your speech to the Pan-Aerican Scientific Congress all indicate clearly the road you have chosen-the Wilsonian road to war. The lessons of the last war convince us that this nation will serve humanity best by solving the problems of our own people, by building a forward-moving democracy, by refusing to aid and abet in any way a war which serves no justice, no people, no true progress. "We join the million students who demon- strated their desire on April 19 that America remain at peace, who are resolved that this generation, born into the First World War, shall not die in the Second." This open letter is another confirmation of the belief of Michigan students that in their determination to keep out of war they are not alone, but that they are on the contrary joined by the overwhelming majority of students throughout the country, and by the American people in general. Hugo M. Reichard, Grad. Allies Blunder Contemplated in retrospect, the blunders of Europe's democracies during the years when Hitler was building his war machine assume that unforgivable magnitude which only hind- sight can give them. Te most egregious mistake of all, it seems to us now, was the failure to heed their own leaders who warned that, in modern war, air power was certain to assume stupendous, per- haps decisive, importance. Chicago Daily News tume department. A separate crew from the lighting department works on that angle of the production. However, the greatest difficulty encountered by the drama department was securing good acting. For financial reasons, ad 9 AbertS Men WASHINGTON-One of the things which is holding up the manufacture of more military equipment for the Army and Navy is the fact that so many U.S. factories are sending machine tools to Japan. The War Department has just finished a con- fidential survey of the machine tool industry and finds that most American plants are work- ing on orders for the Japanese. Machine tools are all-important in the munitions business, because they are used to equip new factories expanding to meet new national defense orders. As far as the War Department is able to ascertain, Japan has plenty of machine tools, and is storing many of the new shipments now received from the United States-for emergen- cies. Japan also continues to be a big importer of U.S. scrap iron, and also is storing it for the future. There are two reasons why President Roose- velt has asked special powers of Congress to embargo shipments of materials which are con- sidered vital to the defense of the United States. He expects, as soon as authorized by Congress, to slap an embargo on scrap iron and machine tools to Japan. COP Blasts The barrage of Republican blasts against a coalition Cabinet which has strafed the country recently was no spontaneous meeting of minds. Neither was it aimed entirely at the President. It was aimed much more against the Republican Party itself. Inner GOP master minds admit that their political chances have been almost as hard hit as the shattered Allied lines in Europe. Prior to this catastrophe development GOP election prospects appeared very bright indeed. It looked as if the campaign would be fought chiefly on Republican ground; that is, on do- mestic issues. Also, it was doubtful whether Roosevelt would run. But the Hitler blitzkrieg changed this situation overnight. The Allied disaster, its ominous implications to the United States, and national defense pushed everything else into the background. The GOP no longer could take an ambiguous "peace" stand, but has been torn wide open on the war issue. Powerful elements within the party were publicly clamoring for American aid to the desperate Allies. It is a secret of Republican congressional leaders, but they had to intervene forcibly to prevent some of their followers from intro- ducing bills repealing the Johnson Act, which bars credits to the debt-defaulting Allies. Meanwhile every Nazi victory drew Demo- cratic lines closer together, cut the ground from under the inner party foes of a third term, and daily made it more certain that the President would run. Counter Offensive This was bad enough, and Roosevelt's move to bring one or more Republicans into the Cab- inet made it worse. To National Chairman John Hamilton, Penn- sylvania boss Joe Pew, Hoover and other inner moguls, the consummation of this plan meant the finish of their election hopes. With several Republicans in the Cabinet and Roosevelt head- ing the Democratic ticket, the GOP wouldn't have a chance. Something had to be done fast to block this. After a series of hurriedly called secret confer- ences and much long-distance telephoning, a two-pronged counter-offensive was launched, one airhed at the President, and the other at Colonel Frank Knox plus other Republicans who might be offered Cabinet posts. The barrage on Roosevelt was opened by Colonel Lindbergh's speech pooh-poohing any invasion danger. In inner GOP circles this is credited to Hoover via his close friend, William Castle, former Under-Secretary of State. Castle has advised Lindbergh on most of his speeches, accompanied him to the radio station when he made this one. This was followed. up with the carefully spaced statements by Landon, Hoover, Repre- sentative Wadsworth, House Floor Leader Mar- tin and others demanding that the President renounce a third term as the price for GOP participation in the Cabinet. The counter-attack within the party was largely undercover. Heavy pressure was brought on Knox not to accept a Cabinet offer, and it was strongly intimated that any Republican who did accept a Roosevelt Cabinet appointment would be vigorously opposed for confirmation. Oldster Aviators ® The President didn't mention it when he an- nounced the new expanded civil pilot .training program, but oldsters as well as youngsters now can learn to fly. Of course the older people will be very few in number compared to the thousands of men between 18 and 25. But there will be three or four schools especially assigned to training them as part of an experiment by the Civil Aeronautics Authority. For several years the CAA has been fostering the development of so-called safety planes; that is. ships that are spin-proof. Spins are the cause of most crashes. Several such craft FIRE &WfTCR by mascott Editor's Note: It was~ finally decided yesterday after this column was writ- ten that the proposed debate between Prof. Albert Hyma of the history de- partment and Max Schachtman, na- tional secretary of the workers Party. would definitely be held at 7:45 pm. today at the Masonic Temple. ONE OF THE rather big intellec- tual events of Memorial Day today was the originally scheduled debate between Prof. Albert Hyma of the history department, possibly the most discussed personage on campus at the present time, and Mr. Max Schachtman, national secretary of the Workers' Party. Professor Hyma and Schachtman were supposed to discuss "Socialist Opposition to the War" and "Aid to the Allies," at 7:45 p.m. today at the Masonic Temple. We don't know whether the debate will be held today or where, when and if it will be held. But we do know, after a brief telephone con- versation yesterdayafternoon with someone over at the Temple, that the debate will probably not be held at the Masonic Temple. 'The Temple will be closed all dad Memorial Day," he who answered the phone at the Temple testified. So students, who sometimes cut across the street on which the Ma- sonic Temple is located, while they wander toward the local beer em- poriums, may see the Temple in com- plete darkness tonight. I* '~ f WC lI v P B To a certain extent, we're sorry the debate willnprobably notrbe held.y We don't care who the speakers are f as long as they are sincere. And wef believe the speakers, Hyma and Schachtman, in expressing their points of view are sincere. It's always been a pet notion of ours, and we're backed by such good authority as the Bill of Rights, that I everyone should have the right toc speak sincerely what they feel to be right. We still believe that the truth can only be discovered by the free 1 clash of ideas in an open intellectual market. * * *f BUT THE above mentioned debate did not exactly "send" us. We'd t be much more interested in the de- bate and would support it much more fully if there were another speaker on the panel; a speaker representing these students who are in no way affiliated with any rad-1 ical groups but who are wholeheart-I edly opposed to American entrancer into the war. There are 3,000 students at thec University of Michigan who stood in front of Hill Auditorium on a coldr Friday morning last April to indi-f cate their opposition to war. Manyc of them had cut their 11 o'clockr classes to attend that rally. Manyt of them had given what can un- doubtedly be considered valuable1 time to work hard and long to make that rally a success. And the vastf majority of those students at that rally were not affiliated or in sym- pathy with any radical group or organization. Recently there have been eitherj presented or planned two debatesl on the war situation, past and pres- ent, which could be considered mis- leading. In short, the campus has seen a debate between Pro-Allies Professor Slosson of the history department} and Mr. Multila of the Young Com- munist League and may see another debate between Pro-Allies Professor Hyma, also of the history depart- ment, and Mr. Schachtman, repre- senting a section of the Fourth In- ternational. And possibly as the re- sult of these debates, the impression could be created that student opposi- tion to the war and to aid to the Allies is concentrated in the radical ranks. This is exactly the impreion that a .few of those favoring Amer- ican participation in the war would like to see created. But that impres- sion, that opposition to the war is concentrated in radical ranks, is horribly, terrifically, totally wrong. We repeat and we stress, for it can- not be emphasized too strongly, that there are thousands of students, the majority of students opposed to war. who cannot be labeled radical. To do so is almost criminal. ** s STUDENTS at Michigan State Col- Slege(full title) may well deny the description of the place as "cow college" but recent events seem to have given the lie to their claims that "State" is an -educational insti- tution. one of State's prize students of animal husbandry and pathogenic grain diseases was recklessly driving a truckful of live calves across the East Lansing campus recently when the truck suddenly came up against a high curb, lurched and spilled out all of the calves in the rear of the vehicle. The latter animals imme- diately began stampeding around the campus, bleating raucously and in- cessantly. The din was so terrific that the college authorities, meeting G (Continued from Pie 2) C. F. Remer, and R. C. Angell, chair- nan. 3. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with the call to the meeting: a. Executive Committee, Professor W. F. Hunt. b. University Council, Professor W. G. Rice. c. Executive Board of the Graduate School, Pro- fessor A. E. R. Boak. d. Senate Ad- visory Committee on University Af- fairs, Professor C. D. Thorpe. e. Deans' Conference, Dean E. H. Kraus. 4. Elections: a. Six members of the University Council, five to serve for three years and one to substitute for Professor W. B. Pillsbury while he s absent on leave during the first semester of 1940-1941. b. Two members of the Administra- tive Board. Nominating Committee: Professors J. E. Dunlap, Chairman, S. D. Dodge, and L. C. Karpinski. 5. Retirement of Professors H. P. Thieme and W. B. Ford. 6. New business. Engineering Students: Will all those having lockers in rooms 323, 325, 331 and 335 please remove locks and equipment on or before June 15. Otherwise - the locks will be cut off and the material removed. Faculty, School of Education: The regular luncheon meeting of the Faculty will be held Monday, June 3 at the Michigan Union. Student Loans: There will be a meeting of the Loan Committee in Room 2, University Hall, on Tues- day, June 11, for the consideration of loans for the Summer Session and fall. All applications to be considered at this meeting must be filed in Room 2 on or before Friday, June 7, and appointments made for inter- view. Registration Material: Colleges of L.S.&A., and Architecture, Schools of Education, Forestry, and Music: Summer Session registration mater- ial may be obtained in Room 4 U.H., beginning June 1. Please see your adviser, secure all necessary signa- tures, and complete registration be- fore June 22. Architect classifiers will post a no- tice when they are ready to confer. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Notice for Contestants in the Hop- wood Contest: All students winning prizes are to come to the Hopwood Room between 8 and 12 Saturday morning. All contestants are requested to call for their manuscripts at the Hop- wood Room on Monday, June 3. The room will be open from 8 to 12 and from 2 to 5:30. Copies of the judges' comments on individual manuscripts may be obtained at the desk. All students who have competed in the contests including those who com-I peted in the freshman contest are in- vited to the Grand Rapids Room of the League for an informal meeting with Mr. Henry Seidel Canby at 8:15 p.m., Friday evening, May 31. The University bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following United States Civil Service examina- tions. Last date for filing applica- tion will be June 24. Stationary Fireman (High Pres- vill be closed Friday, June 7, at 6 .m. All lockers must be renewed for he summer session or vacated on or efore that date. The fee for the summer session, June 24 to August 16 is $2.00, with a $.50 refund when the lock and towel are turned in. Women Students who have left swimming suits in Locker 88 at the Union Swimming Pool may get them by calling at Barbour Gymnasium. Academic i]\t 1 s Mathematics Final Examinations (College of L.S. and A.) will be held in the regular classrooms except for the following, which will be held in the rooms specified: Math 2, Section 5 (Craig) 302 South Wing. Math 4, Section 2 (Elder) 18 An- gell Hall. Math.4, Section 3 (Anning), 302 Mason Hall. Math. 52, Section 2 (Greville) 3011 Angell Hall. Math. 103, Section 2 (Anning) 306 Mason Hall. Math. 1?0 (Greville), 3011 Angell Hall. Math. 122 (Greville) 215 Agell Hall. Math. 123, Section 1 (Carver) 3201 Agell Hall. Zoology 1 Final Examination: Sat- urday, June 1, 2-5 p.m. A-L inclusive, West Physics Lecture Room; M-Z in- clusive, Room 103 Romance Lang. Bldg. Conflict examination: Sat., June 1, 7-10 p.m. in Room 2103 N.S. Bldg. Room Assignments for Final Ex- amination in German 1, 2, 31, 32, Tuesday, June 11, 2-5 p.m. German 1: All sections 1025 A.H. German 2: Philippson, Diamond, Gaiss, 25 A.H. Graf, Braun, Willey, 231A.H. Striedieck, Broadbent, C H.H. Edwards, Pott, Schachtsiek, 035 A.H. German 31: All Sections, B H.H. German 32: Diamond, Philippson 25 A.H. Pott, Ryder, Schachtsiek, 35 A.H. Nordmeyer, 203 U.H. Reich- art, 201 U.H. Van Duren, B, H.H. FinaldExamination for Geography 118 Friday afternoon, June 7, 2-5, will be held in Room 35 A.H. Closed book, no blue books needed. All map work must be checked to avoid an in- complete in the course. Anthropology 32 Final Exam June 3, 2-5 p.m.: Students whose last names begin with the letters A-L go to West Physics Lecture Room, those from M-Z to 103 Romance Language. English 45, Section 1 (Rowe) final examination will be held in 1035 A.H. Economics 175: Special consulta- tion sessions (not lectures) for re- view purposes will be held in 215 Ec. on Monday, June 3, at 3 p.m.; Thurs- day, June 6, at 7:30 p.m.; Snday, June 9, at 3 p.m. Engineering Students with respect to Drawing 3: The conflict examina- tion in Drawing 3 will be given Sat- urday morning 8-12, June 1. Others who have no examination scheduled at that time may also take the Draw- ing 3 examination which is scheduled for June 11. History 12: Leciure Group II: Final examination Thursday p.m., June 6. All students must bring outline maps of Europe as well as bluebooks. Mr. Slosson's, Mr. Stanton's, Mr. Crist's and Mr. Ewing's sections will meet in Natural -Science Auditorium; Mr. Spoelhof's sections will meet in 3017 A.H., and Mr. Rupke's sections will meet in Room G, Haven Hall. E.E. 7a, Building Illumination will receive its final examination on Sat- urday, June 1, 9 to 12 a.m. in Room 246 West Engineering Building; or alternatively, on Friday, June 7, 9 to 12 a.m. in the same room. Written reports and problem solutions will be received until June 7. Please return any publications you do not wish to retain for purpose of reference. H. H. Higbie Doctoral Examinations: Willard Anderson Hanna, English Language and Literature; Thesis: "Robert Elsmere: A Study in the Con- troversy between Science and Relig- ion in the Nineteenth Century." To- day at 9:00 a.m., 3221 A.H. Chairman, L. I. Bredvold. Gustav Gunnar Carlson, Sociology; Thesis: "Number Gambling, A Study of a Culture Complex." Friday, May 31, 1:00 p.m., West Council Room, Rackham Building. Chairman, R. C. Angell. Harold Joseph Dawe, Chemistry; Thesis: "An Investigation of the Re- lationship of the Stability of Suspen- sions to Their Interfacial Free Sur- face Energies." Friday, May 31, 4:00 p.m., 309 Chemistry. Chairman, F. E. Bartell. Carl Thomas Devine, Business Ad- ministration; Thesis: "Inventory Valuaton and Business Income." Fri- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN sure), salary $1,320. Stationary Fireman salary $1,200. Associate Materials ary $3,200. Assistant Materials ary $2,600. (Low Pressure) Inspector, sal- Inspector, sal- Contribu io i To Playwriting. . . HIS IS THE STORY of a good idea and what came of it. George Pierce Baker, as. a young instructor of English at Harvard fifty years ago conceived of a plan to revolutionize the teaching of play- writing. Up to that time the study of plays in the university had been treated just as any other academic subject; it was something to be con- sidered in the classroom, but student produc- tion of plays was out of the question. Baker wished to change all this. As the foundler of the college workshop often told his classes, "Write what you know to be true about your characters, and write nothing that you do not know to be true." If the art of play- writing was to be taught, the student must not only .read plays in the classroom, but must ac- tually have his own products put on the stage before an audience. The tools of the stage, such as scenery, lights, and other props, must also have more than a passing acquaintanceship with the writer of plays. This twofold idea was the end to which Baker strove, for the two parts hung together. The result was the Harvard 47 Workshop, so called, because the playwriting course was English 47. Years after the establishment of the Harvard drama group, Baker transferred his activities to Yale. Here he proceeded to build from scratch a drama organization worthy of a place along Senior Chemist (any specialized branch), salary $4,600. Senior Chemical Technologist (any specialized branch), salary $4,600. Chemist (Any specialized branch), salary $3,800. Chemical Technologist (any spe- cialized branch), salary $3,800. Associate Chemist (any specialized branch), salary $3,200. Associate qhemical Technologist (any specialized branch) salary $3,- 200. Assistant Chemist, salary $2,600. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. To All Students having Library Books: 1. Students having in their possession books drawn from the Uni- versity are notified that such books are due Monday, June 3. 2, The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Tuesday, June, 4, will be sent to the Recorder's Office, where their semester's credits will be held up until such time as said records are cleared, in compliance with the regu- lations of the Regents. Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian All students who are registered with the Bureau of Appointments for a teaching or business position are requested to record their summer ad-