PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1940 PAGE ~OT3R WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Writers Discuss Parts Of Current Governmental Program On Aliens Edited anj managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; bY mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVEtt-SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldm~a Donald Wirtchafte Esther Osser Helen Corman Editorial Staff . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor n. . . Associate Editor . . . . ASports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff . . . . Irving Guttman Manager . . Robert Gilmour Manager . . Helen Bohnsack ng Manager . Jane Krause Business Assistant Women's Women's Manager Business Business Advertisi NIGHT EDITOR: EMILE GELE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A Newspaper Gets Another Try 0 . . N THE LAST DAYS OF 1939 the presses of The Chattanooga News, long one of the most actively liberal newspapers of the New South, stopped, and regular publica- tion was suspended. Widely lamented was the death of The Chattanooga News by those who are interested in the progress of liberal journal- ism, and throughout the nation liberal journals published mournful obituaries. But progressives in Chattanooga and its environs were deter- mined that from the ashes of the old would arise a new liberal publication, one with sufficient strength and stability to carry on an effective fight against reactionary tendencies in that sector. This month that determination bore fruit with the appearance of The Chattanooga Tribune. The story behind the death of The Chatta- nooga News is most revealing of the continual struggle for existence which marks the course of any liberal newspaper in present-day Amer- ica. Ostensibly the cause of its demise was the result of foreclosure action against its editor, George Fort Milton, taken by Milton's stepmother,rwho held themortgage againsttThe News. But something more than a financial struggle between family factions was involved. Back in 1934, Editor Milton, long an articu- late supporter of the Tennessee Valley Author- it, opened an editorial campaign to bring cheap municipal electricity to Chattanooga, at that time served by a subsidiary of Commonwealth and Southern. An acrimonious fight between the opposing groups ensued. The utilities com- pany joined with its supporters in withdrawing its advertising from The News. No device was shunned by the entrenched interests to main- tain their control of dispensing electric power in Chattanooga. In 1935 by a three-to-one vote the people of Chattanooga expressed their sup- port of public power. But the victory of The Chattanooga News was short-lived. Almost immediately a new com- petitor, The Free Press, sponsored by a local grocery magnate, Roy McDonald, cut into the afternoon field. For three years thereafter, The Free Press garnered more than fifty thousand dollars in advertising from the state branch of Commonwealth and Southern, whereas the utility advertising of The News dwindled to less than two hundred fifty dollars. Later a congressional investigating committee reported that an attorney for the Tennessee Electric Power Company was the largest holder of pre- ferred stock on The Free Press. Faced with this new competition The Chatta- nooga News suffered successive financial blows. Late in 1939 McDonald of The Free Press ar- ranged to buy out the floundering News by making a deal with Editor Milton's stepmother, who proceeded to take foreclosure action despite frenzied efforts by Milton and his entire staff to stave off the death-blow. On December 16 The News plant was permanently darkened. The utility interests had played their game well. But George Fort Milton, heartened by mani- festations of public interest in his journalistic activities, started almost at once to build up a new liberal newspaper for Chattanooga. 'With the concrete support of six hundred persons in Chattanooga combined with that of one hun- dred progressives throughout the nation, The Chattanooga Tribune is now an impressive real- By EUGENE MANDEBERG According to the new plan of home defense, the United States is preparing war materials in various private factories throughout the country. To prevent sabotage by foreign agents all aliens will be fired from factories manufac- turing essential war products. Aliens will also be ineligible for relief. This plan may be ad- mirable from a super-patriotic point of view. American citizens will be put to work and the foreigners will not be taking the money we Americans rightly deserve. More than that, no loyal American would attempt to wreck factories or equipment. But we would raise the question: What are we going to do with the millions of aliens who will be thrown out of jobs by the war indus- tries? How are these people going to exist if they cannot work and if they are not able to secure government relief? And we realize that dismissal of aliens from factories engaged in manufacturing war materials will not be the full extent of job loss to aliens. They will be released from every line of work, for every employer will live in constant fear of sabotage. It is safe to assume, therefore, that several million aliens will be without work and with- out the means of getting aid from the govern- ment. These people are human bengs, even if they are not citizens; even if they have foreign names. They too have the desire to eat and sleep under a roof. They too have a right to live. If the government throws them out of work, it must. provide some means for their existence. The government has four possible courses open to it. First, it can send all aliens back to their mother countries. Second, it can herd all aliens into concentration camps (or emergency camps, war camps, alien camps or whatever other name you wish to apply). Third, the government can allow these people to exist as they are able, doing odd jobs, begging or starving to death. Fourth, it can provide an adequate system of relief for all aliens cast out of jobs by the war manufacturing project. To the first three alternatives there are ob- vious flaws. To send aliens back to their native lands would be a relatively simple way of mur- dering them. With most of Europe at war, their chances of living very long upon arrival are slim. Putting them in concentration camps, or turning them loose on the streets is just an- other way of slow death, besides being undemo- cratic and un-American to the highest degree. The last solution would seem to be the only way to take care of the aliens in this country. They must be provided for if we take away their means of providing for themselves. Until we have seen a definite plan for ade- quately taking care of all foreigners, thrown out of work because they are aliens, we cannot be in favor of the new defense program. It will take five years at the least for them to become American citizens, neither they nor we can afford to wait for them to become naturalized. Action must be taken now, before all aliens lose their means of support. Che Drew Persa Robert S. Alet ~GO$ WASHINGTON-The French aviation situa- tion is desperate. How many planes have been smashed is not definitely known-perhaps no even by the French themselves. But most of their air force on the Western Front has been put out of business. It is estimated that at least an equal number of Nazi planes have also crashed, but Germany started with about 18,000 planes, the French with about 2,000. One big handicap to the French is that they were counting upon British air support. The original tactics were for the French to do the bulk of the land fighting, with the British rein- forcing in the air. But this was before anyone realized that Hitler was going to break through the French lines and head straight for the Channel. So desperate was the French plight that they wanted to buy any kind of plane, even those considered too old for the U.S. Army. The War Department estimates it has more than 1,500 out-of-date planes. However, the Secretary of War issued an order no later than March 14 prohibiting the sale of surplus army material even to third parties who might conceivably resell them to France and England. LitesI PIlte Purcluses Meanwhile the delivery of airplanes already ordered by the French and British proceeds with tragic slowness. Here are the inside figures, illustrating how long it may take the United States to turn out 50,000 planes for itself: Allies ordered up until May: Airplanes, 5,758; Motors, 15,627. Delivered to Allies: Airplanes, 1,829; Motors, 3,933. Undelivered: Airplanes, 3,929; Motors, 11,694. This includes planes ordered only after the war started, and the fact is that France was much more far-sighted than England and began ordering planes on the American market long before war broke. It was a French pilot, killed in San Diego, that caused such a furore in the By WINSTON 11. COX The Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill Monday which entails the fingerprinting and "mugging" of all aliens on the soil of the United States. This bill, if passed by both houses and signed by the President, would mean that all aliens and non-citizens within the boundaries of the United States would be on file in complete iden- tification. Undoubtedly there would be a large clamour about civil liberties by certain groups, notably the aliens themselves and those who 'use" the aliens. But such a cry would be uncalled for. For a number of years the FBI has been trying to get people to submit to the fingerprinting process for their our protection and benefit as a sure way of identification. There is no reason why a law-abiding citizen should not want to sub- mit to the process on two counts. One, he has nothing to fear. Two, the files are not kept for the purpose of identifying criminals. And now that aliens will perhaps be requested to submit to it under penalty of law, some peo- ple might connect this act with others which are being enacted by business and the govern- ment as a means of suppressing freedom of living in these chaotic times. But let us look at it in this light: Suppose one has a hotel which he keeps as a service, true a profitable service, but a service, nevertheless, to the people who wish to use it. The people who come in have no right taken away from them. They are allowed to carry on just as if they were in their own homes; with one exception. They must register and under their own names and with their correct home address. Surely such a procedure is not an infringe- ment upon their civil liberties, but is a pre- caution taken by the hotel against any action they might take against others, or any action others might take against them, or any action they might take against the hotel. In any of the cases the hotel is perfectly justified in such action. In fact, if it did not do so, it would be foolish. If there is any fault to be found with the bill that the Judiciary Committee has just passed, it would be that it waited until the nation isI necessarily affected by another continent's chaos before bringing forth such a bill. And not only should it apply to aliens, but to everyone. Such identification of the people by the government is more of a protection and benefit to the people than it is to the govern- ment, especially in these times when facts are to be believed above a person's word. SDRAMA By JAMES E. GREEN It is difficult to keep from using the word "message" in talking about the Drama Season's third offering, Sidney Kingsley's "The World We Make." It is not primarily a thesis play but somehow the plight of an insane girl trying to become sane in a world that is insane itself seems to be the plight of all of us. The solution which Kingsley offers, a clinging to something that is closely akin to animal faith, to under- lying sympathies in the face of bewilderment and chaos, is perhaps not a solution that can stand any ultimate test, but for most of us, as for the characters of the play, it allows us to go on in the business of everyday living. Kingsley treats his characters and his story with a high degree of realism and always avoids the pitfalls of sentimentality that sometimes seem to lie in wait for him. There was more, of course, to last night's per- formance than just a cogent timeliness. More than any of the other productions offered this year it overcame the difficulties of repertory production. The general level of the acting was much higher than in any of the other plays and its pace and mood were much more of a piece. As a piece of dramaturgy it was skill- fully put together from its opening scene in the hospital to its highly emotional final cur- tain in a city tenement. The focal point of the play lies in the charac- ter of the girl and the stage presence of Madge Evans in the role carried her over some lapses in her acting. She was at times stiff but in the highly emotional scenes in which is centered the essential matter of the play she performed beautifully. If her grasp of the character was not always sure, at least her understanding of its essential demands was generally complete. Herbert Rudley, who played the part of the man who is able to reorientate the girl, repeated his Broadway success here. His interpretation of the part was always certain and clear. In the past few years the Drama Season has had some unfortunate experiences with young male actors and it is indeed gratifying to see one who does more than look like an actor, in fact, acts like one. The much-heralded performance of Tito Vuolo as Rocco lived up to all advance notices. Dialect comedians, because they are "sure-fire" stuff, are usually dangerous for the serious playwright. But Vuolo's acting combined with Kingsley's writing fitted the hilarious burlesque of the part smoothly into the structure of the play. And Mr. Vuolo was ably supported by an old favorite of Ann Arbor audiences, the canine, Crab, who scored her second smash hit. Louis Calhein gave his third successful performance of the season but since I must see the play on ' These Foolish Things 4. . By T MA HATER We have just started writing this column and we already have an as- sistant. Sam, his name is, and he comes from Montana. His home is in a little town twenty miles from Butte called Hoosicsumpscett, which is Indian, for little town twenty miles from Butte. We haven't found anything defin- ite for Sam to do yet, outside of cleaning our pipes, but he looks like a valuable man to have around. Sam can tell you almost everything: he gets information on the races, he knows where two will get you twenty if, and even how to go about get- ting your business rival's knees broken with a baseball bat. Anyone desiring the job of assis- tant to Sam, can find him at The Daily any afternoon around five, or earlier if the women's staff is having a meeting. * * *{ We were all over to Sam's room taking turns wearing his Tom Mix Straight Shooter suit, when Saul,; roommate to Sam, slipped into the room from the fire-escape. Without a word, he oozed over to the door and bolte it, drew the blind and then flung the word "Moujik" at us. Having done all this, he gave us the sly grin, anq disappeared into the right inner pocket of Sam's new tweed jacket. No one paid any attention to Saul' -no one ever does-but the word "Moujik" had us interested. Sam, organized searching parties and the name finally turned up as a twenty- to-one sure thing at Belmont. And so it was that five o'clock found us all, still without Saul, hunched around the wireless, pre- pared for whatever Fate had to offer. Nobody stirred. In fact, Sam stopped breathing completely, some-! thing he frequently does under pres- sure. It was a tense moment. Then it came. The announcer, called it: "Into the stretch, it's Mou- jik and True Lou, neck and neck. It's going to be close. Now it's Mou- jik by a neck. Now it's True Lou., Still neck and neck. And here comes Dancing Doll. And the winner- Rosemont!"' Just as soon as Sam starts breath- ing again, we shall reorganize those searching parties and go on off after' Saul. * ~* Some stoop-shouldered fellow handed us this squib one murky night and then vanished. We are printing it in the hope that he will identify himself and call for it: Tobacco is a nasty weed. I like it. It satisfies no normal need. I like it. It makes you tall, it makes you lean; It takes the hair right off your bean It's the worst forsaken stuff I've seen. I like it. ART By ROWENA LaCOSTE- The three-room exhibition of works of art by Michigan artists which opened in the galleries of the Rack- ham Building Monday, May 27, has proved to be of considerable impor- tancc. Representing the works of artists of this state only and cover- ing a wide field of mediums and techniques the show marks the end of a year's study of contemporary American art made by the Art His- tory Section of the Faculty Women's Club and sponsored 'by them with the support of their Board. Prominent for its genhe treatment is a painting called Danes, the best of three works exhibited by Carl Hoerman of Saugatuck and perhaps the best painting of the exhibition. Also in the group that stands out to the casual observer is People, Landscape and Machines, and Win- ter Fishing by Ernest Scanes, Girl in the Yellow Blouse by Rowena Pen- nock, Aida by Robert Herzberg, Su- gar Lanes, Trinidad by Dudley Moore Blakely, and New England Hills by William Greason. At the same time, in the lobby of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, the Ann Arbor Art Association has placed its annual spring exhibit toremain for the duration of the Dramatic Festival. The water-colors of Donald Gooch make good use of the cool tones of green to give a polite subtleness to his Poplars and North Lake, while the geometric study in The Alley by Margaret Bradfield and in Kings- vile by Margaret Chapin attracts more attention than the color. The DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Otherwise the locks will be cut off and the material removed. All students who wish to apply for aid through the National Youth Ad- ministration for next year, 1940-41, should leave their home addresses with Miss Smith, Room 2 University Hall, before the close of this semes- ter. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students Automobile Regulation: The follow- ing schedule will mark the lifting of the Automobile Regulation for stu- dents in the various colleges and de- partments of the University. Excep- tions will not be made for individuals who complete their work in advance of the last day of class examinations. All students enrolled in the follow- ing departments will be required to adhere strictly to this schedule. Colleg of Literature, Science ,and the Arts: All classes. Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. College of Architecture: All classes. Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. College of Pharmacy: All classes. Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. School of Business Administration: All classes. Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. School of Education: All classes. Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. School of Engineering: All classes. Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. School of Forestry and Conserva- tion: All classes. Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. School of Music: All classes. Tues- day, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. School of Dentistry: Freshman Class, Tuesday, June 4, at 12:00 Noon. Sophomore Class, Saturday, June 1, at 12:00 Noon. Junior Class, Satur- day, June 1, at 12:00 Noon. Senior Class, Friday, May 31, at 12:00 Noon. Hygienists, Friday, June 7, at 5:00 p.m. Law School: Freshman Class, Tues- day, June 4, at 12:00 Noon. Junior Class, Wednesday, June 5, at 4:30 p.m. Senior Class, Wednesday, June 5, at 4:30 p.m. Medical School: Freshman Class, Thursday, June 6, at 12:00 Noon. Sophomore Class, Saturday, June 8, at 12:00 Noon. Junior Class, Satur- day, June 8, at 12:00 Noon. Senior Class, Tuesday, June 4, at 5:00 p.m. Graduate School: All classes. Tues- day, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. Candidates for Master's Degrees, Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. Can- didates for Doctor's Degrees; Wed- nesday, June 5, at 12:00 Noon. Office of the Dean of Students Library Hours on Memorial Day: On Thursday, May 30, the Service Departments of the General Library will be open the usual hours, 7:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Study Halls outside of the building and the De- partmental Libraries will be closed, with the exception of Angell Hall Study Hall and the Economics Li- brary, which will be open from 8:00 to 12:00 a.m. and 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. Wn, W. Bishop, Librarian. To the Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The eighth regular meet- ing of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic session of 1939-1940 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, June 3, 1940, at 4:10 p.m. The reports of the several com- mittees, instead of being read orally at the meeting, have been prepared in advance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the June meeting. The Registrar's Office again wishes to express its appreciation to the fac- ulty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for its splend- id cooperation during recent sem- esters in reporting grades for pros- pective graduates within forty-eight hours after each examination. Prompt reporting is necessary this semester in order that the list of graduates may be submitted to the Regents on Thursday preceding Commencement. The Registrar's Office also reports that recommendations for depart- mental honors for members of the graduating class have already been made by many departments. Other departments wishing to make such recommendations are urged to do so before June 10. Edward H. Kraus AGENDA 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of May 6, 1940 (pp. 636- 637), which were distributed by cam- pus mail. 2. Memorial to the late Professor Roderick D. McKenzie. Committee: Professors J. W. Eaton, J. K. Pollock, C. F. Remer, and R. C. Angell, chair- man. 3. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with the call to the meeting: a. Executive Committee, Professor W. F. Hunt. b. University Council, Professor W. G. Rice. c. Executive Continued from Page 2) Professors J. E. Dunlap, Chairman, S. D. Dodge, and L. C. Karpinski. 5. Retirement of Professors H. P. Thieme and W. B. Ford. 6. New business, The Intramural Sports Building will be closed Friday, June 7, at 6 p.m. All lockers must be renewed for the summer session or vacated on or before that date. The fee for the summer session, June 24 to August 16 is $2.00, with a $.50 refund when the lock and towel are turned in. The Intramural Sports Building will be closed Memorial Day. Contemporary Affairs Test: Stu- dents who took the American Coun- cil on Education Contemporary Af- fairs Test may secure their scores (percentile and raw) by reporting to Room 4009, University High School, today at 3:30 p.m. JGP script deadline is November 15. The deadline for synopses or first acts is July 1. All material turned in during the summer should be sent to the League in care of Miss Ethel McCormick. The writer of the script used for production will be paid $100. Deutsches Haus (German Lan- guage Center) reservations for room accommodations for men, and lunch- eons and dinners for men and women may still be made at the summer Deutsches Haus. Make reservations at the German Office, 204 U.H. Academic N'otices Mathematics Final Examinations (College of L.S. and A.) will be held in the regular classrooms except for the fpllowing, which will be held in. the rooms specified: Math 2, Section 5 (Craig) 302 South Wing. Math 4, Section 2 (Elder) 18 An- gell Hall. Math..4, Section 3 (Anning), 302 Mason Hall. Math. 52, Section 2 (Greville) 3011 Angell Hall, Math. 103, Section 2 (Anning) 306 Mason Hall. Math. 120 (Greville), 3011 Angell Hall. Math. 122 (Greville) 215 Agell Hall. Math. 123, Section 1 (Carver) 3201 Agell Hall. Doctoral Examinations: Joseph Randle Bailey, Zoology; Thesis: "Relationships and Distribu- tions of the Snakes Allied to the Gen- us Pseudoboa." Today at 2:00 p.m., West Council Room, Rackham Build- ing. Chairman, A. G. Ruthven. Sheng-Chin Fan, Mathematics: Thesis: "Integration with Respect to Upper Measure Function." Today, 3:15 p.m., East Council Room, Rack- ham Building. Chairman: T. H. Hildebrandt. Baxter Levering Hathaway, English Language and Literature; Thesis: "The Function of Tragedy in Neo-Classic Criticism." Today, 7:30 p.m., 3221 A.H. Chairman: C. D. IThorpe. Nelson Vernard Seeger, Chemistry; Thesis: "The Structure of Some Pyri- dine Derivatives." Today, 4:00 p.m., 309 Chemistry. Chairman, C. S. Schoepfle. Willard Anderson Hanna, English Language and Literature; Thesis: "Robert Elsmore: A Study in the Con- troversy between Science and Relig- ion in the Nineteenth Century. Thursday, May 30, 9:00 a.m., 3221 A.H Chairman, L. I. Bredvold. Final Examination for Geography 118 Friday afternoon, June 7, 2-5, will be held in Room 35 A.H. Closed book, no blue books needed. All map work must be checked to avoid an in- complete in the course. Zoology 1 Final Examination: Sat- urday, June 1, 2-5 p.m. A-L inclusive, West Physics Lecture Room; M-Z in- clusive, Room 103 Romance Lang. Bldg. Conflict examination: Sat., June 1, 7-10 p.m. in Room 2103 N.S. Bldg. History 50: Final examination,. Thursday, June 6, 2-5 p.m. Sections 1, 2, 3 and 5 in Room C, Haven Hall. Section 4 (Thursday, 2) in 225 A.H. History 12: Lecture Group II: Final . examination Thursday p.m., June 6. All students must bring outline maps a of Europe as well as bluebooks. Mr. Slosson's, Mr. Stanton's, Mr. Crist's and Mr. Ewing's sections will meet in Natural Science Auditorium; Mr. Spoelhof's sections will meet in 3017 A.H., and Mr. Rupke's sections will meet in Room G, Haven Hall. Room Assignments for Final Ex- amination in German 1, 2, 31, 32, Tuesday, June 11, 2-5 p.m. German 1: All sections 1025 A.H. German 2: Philippson, Diamond, Gaiss, 25 A.H. Graf, Braun, Willey, 231A.1. Striedieck, Broadbent, C H.H. Edwards,Pott, Schachtsiek, 1035 A.H. German 31: All Sections, B H.H. Ge~rmn 32: Tiamnd Phiiwi,,,cv