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May 28, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-28

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except 'Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.'
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan -as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; '4y mail. *4Z.0
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 NiAoIsoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193940
Editorial Stafff

-Hervie Haufler .
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
*.City Editor
* . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . * .Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

by moscott
LIKE A PROFESSOR attempting to decide
which trick question to use on a final, we
pondered incessantly on the name for this col-
umn. We finally agreed on "Fire and Water."
To a certain extent we were impressed by
Esquire's "Sound and Fury." But to an even
greater degree, there remained somewhere in
our mind the recollection that "fire and wa-
ter" was mentioned by Shakespeare and some-
thing like "fire and water" led someone out of
Egypt. These latter examples, of course, give
us class.
THEN, TOO, "Fire and Water" seemed appro-
priate because that title will probably char-
acterize this column. At times we'll get hot
as censored over something or other, and at
other times we, like water, will probably be as
insipid as "These Foolish Things," the anemic
blurb that will appear tomorrow by another
alleged columnist.
** *
We hereby vehemently deny that "Fire and
Water" has any relation or connection with
* * *
THE BIRTH OF A COLUMN, at least in the
naming of the new-born, is almost as diffi-
cult as the birth of a baby. We first thought
of naming this every-other-day epic, "Sink or
Swim." Not that we particularly admire the
works or outdated philosophy of Horatio Alger,
but that "Sink or. Swim" seemed to us to carry
a new 1940 significance. In short, we believe
that the U.S. today is faced with a choice of
either going to war and thus on the road to
fascism, American variety, or to real peace by
creating a better democracy at home. Perhaps
its not as black and white as all that, but "Sink
or Swim" to a very great degree seems to sym-
bolize the situation. "Sink or Swim," however,
could very easily be misconstrued. Besides, it's
a bit corny.
* * *
FOR A LONG TIME, we also considered the
title "Foul Is Fair."
It happens that there have been two things
in this rather short life that for sheer suspense
have impressed us iflost. One is a meeting of
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The other is the meeting of the three witches
in the first scene, first act of Macbeth. We
won't mention the former, however.
But we thought of naming the column in
honor of that famous line from the witches'
meeting that runs something like this:
"Fair is foul and foul is fair,
"Hover through the midnight air."
WE BELIEVED that there is no better com-
mentary on modern affairs than "Foul is
Fair." Perhaps there is no better description
of present world planning than that of three
witches sitting around a boiling cauldron plot-
ting Macbeth's fate.
But Colonel Haufler turned up his Kentucky
nose at "Foul is Fair." For reasons known only
to God and Kaintuck.
* * *
To all those who suggested that we name this
bit "Fifth Column," we here and now thumb
our nose in utter disgust.

Drew Peorsos
Rober SAlls . "
WASHINGTON-One of the things which Alf
Landon reported to President Roosevelt was
that the Middle West was no longer isolationist,
and that probably three out of every five peo-
ple in that area felt that the United Staes
should or would get into the war for its own
However, after he had been in Washington
for twenty-four hours Landon added that nei-
ther he nor the people of the Midwest realized
how woefully unprepared the U.S. Army was.
Basis for that unpreparedness goes back pri-
marily to the fact that the United States, a
peaceful nation, has not wanted a large stand-
ing army and has not voted the funds for it.
But in addition to that, it remains an unplea-
sant but inescapable fact that the Army has
made pitifully poor use of what funds were
voted, and that up until recent months it has
been bogged down with inertia, its eyes closed
to modern war methods just as complacently as
those of the aristocratic officers of England.
Whenever a U.S. Army officer has opened his
eyes, .he has been promptly knocked over the
head as a reward for his energy.
One Anti-Air Gun
TODAY the most modern anti-aircraft gun
used to protect London and Paris is the 90-
millimeter. Of this type of gun, the U.S. Army
has exactly one. And only 50 to 60 are provided
for in the 1941 appropriation bill. The Army
has 448 3-inch anti-aircraft guns but in Europe
these are considered almost obsolete.
Real secret of the Army's stagnation is the
promotion system. It is based entirely upon the
time when a man walked into a recruiting of-
fice during the last war, or graduated from West
Point. The whole basis for promotion is length
of service.
An officer may be the most brilliant youngster
in the Army, or the laziest. It makes no differ-
ence. He keeps his rank until a sufficient num-
ber ahead of him die off. Then he is promoted.
The effect of this on army morale is devas-
tating. There is no premium on efficiency.
There is no impetus for outstanding ability.
Every officer knows that if he keeps reasonably
sober, is not absent without leave, keeps his
company accounts straight and lives long
enough, a certain number of years will see him
promoted. If he works harder he will not be
proirioted faster. If he tries to work out new
plans for mechanization and motorization it
will not hasten his advancement one iota. He
merely has to wait.
It is this system of promotion by inertia that
has contributed so materially to the present
somnolent state of our military defense. And
building a billion-dollar edifice of national de-
fense upon the faulty foundation of personnel
inefficiency is like throwing good money after
The Army has some superb officers-in fact,
some of the finest in the world-and if given
free rein they could build up a real national
defense. But they are bogged down and sapped
by the system that surrounds them.

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
.Helen Bohnsae
.Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michgan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of'the writers
Than k You,
Mr. President ...
T WAS a quieter, calmer President
who spoke to America Sunday night.
His speech was one the President of a peace-
desiring nation should make. This time, instead
of arousing war hysteria by painting grim pic-
tures of Nazi forces blitzkrieging our hemisphere,
he told America that there is no need for panic,
that the country's every resource is being com-
manded for preparedness, that America is being
made ready. He described how government and
industry are working in the closest cooperation
to build America's defenses. All this was inval-
uable in quieting a highly inflated hysteria that
he had himself done much to stimulate.
Mr. Roosevelt asked for united support behind
his defense program, and he apparently has it.
Those of us who hate to see great sums of money
spent for machine guns and mortars when they
are needed so badly for welfare and relief realize
that American can do nothing else. Preparation
will have the support of all of us, as long as it is
preparation for defense and not for aggression.
H] PRESIDENT, however, did not say any-
thing about aid for the Allies. There, it
seems, many of us would have had to part com-
pany with him, since he has already given his
"moral" support. Although few of us can fully
understand the enormity of an Allied defeat,
neither can we accede to those who would drain
off American resources and credit to England
and France. How can we hope to equip England
and France-and America? And how could we,
if we went that far into the conflict, ever let the
Allies lose, even if the price of victory was an-
other A.E.F.?
There are other things in the speech with
which one can find fault. Although Mr. Roosevelt
declared that there would be no magnate grow-
ing rich and fat off the carnage of Europe, he
pointed to no way that war-profiteering would be
curbed-and every day we see war bankrolls get-
ting fatter. His chat also avoided his heretofore
customary assertion that America can stay out
of war---a point that will doubtless give fresh im-
petus to the belief that our entrance is inevitable.
YET these are minor objections and are over-
balanced by the beneficial effects of the calm
viewpoint which the President expressed. Add to
this his declaration that internal progress in
America must not be sidetracked by the war,
and the assets of his chat are increased a hun-
dredfold. He affirmed that so.cial legislation,
old-age and unemployment security, and wage-'
hour regulations must remain in force, and we
hope he means it. It would be too great a con--
cession to war hysteria to permit the social
structure of the last few years to come tumbling
- Hervie Haufler
Heights Of Propaganda
Propaganda has proved itself.
It has attained a goal far beyond the fondest
hope of its most ardent proponent. It has
"swung into line" that most cautious of all hu-
mans, the Kentucky mountaineer.
The mere fact that propaganda penetrated
to such a remote corner of the earth's surface
is tribute enough to the ability of its agents.
Batt the fact that it convered one of that shrewd

John Dewey
On Education
rally to the support of democ-
racy or perish with it, the yearbook
committee of the John Dewey So-
ciety contends in its fourth yearbook.
"Teachers for Democracy." Monop-
olistic control of the national in-
come, the editors say, threatens to
foster accumulation of wealth until
democratic principles are destroyed
and the schools which have grown
out of the American democratic way
of life are materially weakened.
As the instruments, of the expand-1
ing economy of America's frontier
stage of development. our schoolss
functioned as "escalators" to lift in-
dividuals from one economic plane
to another, the committee says, ex-
plaining that schools in this period
were responsible for training the,
personnel of the new "professional,
clerical, and supervisory functions."'
Afraid that continued expansion
of education would create an "edu-
cated proletariat," businessmen, aid-
ed by the depression and the crisis
in monopoly capitalism, have suc-
ceeded in bringing the "escalator"
almost to a standstill, they declared,
but nevertheless professional fields
are so overcrowded today that "the
school is no longer the gateway to,
opportunity, but often as not opens
only to frustration anddespair."
Preserve Democratic Values
O PLAY a positive and construc-
tive role in our society, they de-
clare, free public education faces
the task of "preserving, enriching,
and giving new meanings to the
democratic values in our economic,
social and political life."
The teaching profession at large,
together with most members of the
middleclasses, like to identify them-
selves with the very moneyed in-
terests that "threaten the economic
and political foundations of democ-
racy," the editors charge, with the
result that they continue to maintain
an "orientation of thought and in-
terest that is inimical to all the pro-
fession stands for and to the neces-
sities of life in our society."
Educators must choose, they be-
lieve, between supporting the status
quo with its outmoded teaching
methods and ideals, anddserving an
"organismic" concept of education in
which the patterns and methods of
teaching are continually adjusting
themselves to changes in world con-
ditions. Teaching can best serve
democracy, the writers contend, by
incorporating into the educational
program the ideals and principles of
a democratic way of life and by
building the meaning and the value
of democracy into all that they teach,
in such a way that the emergent
patterns of acting and thinking of
growing minds can understand them.
"The piece-meal, sprawling, atom-
istic curriculum of the traditional
school is doubly self-defeating in
the field of teacher education," the
authors declare, recommending wide-
spread reforms in the present pro-
grams of teacher-educating institu-
Instructors Need Training
niques of democratic social ac-
tion, instructors themselves need
thorough training in such action,
training seldom available today, the
writers say, pointing out the advis-
ability of in-service training to keep
teachers in active service up-to-date
in their classroom educational meth-
The program of professional edu-
cation should be so organized that
theory could grow out of actual prac-
tice situations, and could be revised

by those situations, the editors feel,
and the entire program should be
systematically planned with a view
to the achievement of a limited num-
ber of basic objectives.
The committee suggests that in-
stitutions for training teachers ac-
quire a number of cooperating
schools in their neighborhood, in
addition to campus laboratory class-
es, to which they may send their stu-
dents for varied teaching experience..
Would Keep Specialization
SPECIALIZATION would have its
place in the committee's new
scheme of things, but not as signifi-
cent a place as it has today. Special-
ization, by itself, would be more or
less divorced from the teaching field,
the emphasis being placed, rather,
on the social significance of the
technical findings. Although they
believe that some exceptional men
might be able to combine training
in a specialty with that in a broader
knowledge required of teachers, they
suggest that, in the majority of cases,
a series of scientific analysis of their
findings. They advocate the max-
imum use of specialists without al-
lowing the specialities to dominate
Contrasted with specialization,
general education is considered to
be of great importance. Education
.of this type, the authors explain,'
is shaped by the particular profes-
siona needs of the individual, and

tive bulletins are published by the
University of Michigan several times1
a year. These bulletins are mailed
to all graduates and former students.
In order that you may receive these,;
please see that your correct address
is on file at all times at the Alumni
Catalog Office, University of Michi-
gan. Lunette Hadley, Director.
Engineering Students: Will all
those having lockers in rooms 323,
325, 331 and 335 please remove locks
and equipment on or before June 15.-
Otherwise the locks will be cut off
and the material removed.
Freshmen and Sophomores, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
All stud'ents who will have less than1
60 hours of credit at the end of this1
semester are urged again to see theirI
Academic Counselors before leaving
the campus to have their fall elec-
tions approved. Your cooperation1
will be much appreciated.
Arthur Van Duren
Chairman, Academic Counselors'
All students who wish to apply for
aid through the National Youth Ad-
ministration for next year, 1940-41,1
should leave their home addresses
with Miss Smith, Room 2 University
Hall, before the close of this semes-
J. A. Bursley,
Dean of Students
To Members of Phi Eta Sigmna
there is offered one or more scholar-
ships of $300 each from the Thomas
Arkle Clark Memorial Fund, to be
used by a member for the first year
of graduate work. The scholarship
grant is based on high scholastic
record, evidence of creative ability,
evidence of financial need, promise
of success in the chosen field, and
individual personality. For further
details, inquire at the Pean's Office
in Room 2, University Hall.
Deutsches Haus (German Lan-
guage Center) reservations for room
accommodations for men, and lunch-y
eons and dinners for men and women1
may still be made at the summer
Deutsches Haus. Make reservations
at the German Office, 204 U.H.
Physical Education for Women:
Individual sports tests will be given
during regular class hours on
Tuesday andWednesday, Mayt 28
and 29 in the following activi-
ties: Archery, Golf, Riding, Swim-
ming and Tennis. The canoeing test
will be given on Tuesday, May 28,
at the Canoe Livery from 1:00 to
Students wishing to take these tests
are asked to sign up at the desk in
the Women's Athletic Building.
{ Academic Notices
History 12, Lecture II: A review
lecture will be given in Natural Sci-,
ence Auditorium from 3 to 4 p.m.,
Preston W. Slosson
English II Make- p:ASaturday,
June 1, 7-10 p.m., 1025A.H. Only
those students with a conflict at the
regularly scheduled time (see above)
will be admitted.q
English I and II: Final Examina-
tion Schedule, Saturday, June 1, 9-12
Halliday, 205 M.H.; Hanna, 205
M.H.; Stocking, 205 M.H.
Arthos, 2003A.H.; Bader, 1035A.H.;
Baum, 1025A.H.; Bertram, 1025A.H.;
Boys, 1025A.H.; Calver, 1035A.H.;
Engel, C Haven; Everett, C Haven;
Ford, C Haven; Giovannini, 25 A.H.;
Green, 25A.H.; Greenhut, B Haven;
Haines, B Haven; Hart, B Haven;
Hathaway, 2225A.H;
Helm, 2013A.H,; Helmers, 16A.H.;

Leedy, 103R.L.; Ogden, 103R.L.;
O'Neill, W. Phys. Lect.; Peterson, 212
A.H.; Robertson, W. Phys. Lect.;
Schenk, 2225A.H.; Schroeder, W.
Phys. Lect.; Stibbs, W. Phys. Lect.;
Walker, 2029A.H.; Weimer, 35A.H.;
Weisinger, W. Phys. Lect.; Wells, 1035,
A.H.; Woodbridge, 2029A.H.
Conflicts in Final Examinations
in the Engineering College must be
reported by today. See bulletin
board at Room 3209 E. Eng. Bldg. for
D. W. McCready
Mathematics Final Examinations
(College of L.S. and A.) will be held
in the regular classrooms except for
I the following, which will be held in
the rooms specified:
Math 2, Section 5 (Craig) 302 South
Math 4, Section 2 (Elder) 18 An-
gell Hall.
Math. 4, Section 3 (Anning), 302
Mason Hall.
Math. 52, Section 2 (Greville) 3011
Angell Hall.


(Continued from Page 2)

Gaiss, 25 A.H. Graf, Braun, Willey,
231A.H. Striedieck, Broadbent, C
H.H. Edwards, Pott, Schachtsiek,
1035 A.M.
German 31: All Sections, B H.H.
German 32: Diamond, Philippson,
25 A.H. Pott, Ryder, Schachtsiek,
35 A.H. Nordmeyer, 203 U.H. Reich-
art, 201 U.H. Van Duren, B, H.H.
Doctoral Examinations:
Robert Eugene Gaskell, Mathe-
matics; Thesis: "A Problem in Heat
Conduction and an Expansion Theor-
em" today at 2:00 p.m., East Council
Room, Rackham Building. Chair-
man, R. V. Churchill.
L. Adeline Pierce, Speech; Thesis:
"Rhythm in Literature Parallels the
Scale of Specificity of Speech De-
velopment: A Biolinguistic Study,"
today at 1:30 p.m., West Council
Room, Rackham Building. Chair-
man, J. H. Muyskens.
Dorothy Gail Engle, Chemistry;
Thesis: "Basic Chromic ,Nitrates."
today at 2:00 p.m., 309 Chemistry.
Chairman, R. K. McAlpine.
Joseph Randle Bailey, Zoology;
Thesis: "Relationships and Distribu-
tions of the Snakes Allied to the Gen-
us Pseudoboa." Wednesday, May 29,
2:00 p.m., West Council Room, Rack-
ham Building. Chairman, A. G. Ruth-
Sheng-Chin Fan, Mathematics;
Thesis: "Integration with Respect to
Upper Measure Function." Wednes-
day, May 29, 3:15 p.m., East Council
Room, Rackham Building. Chair-
man: T. H. Hildebrandt.
Baxter Levering Hathaway, English
Language and Literature; Thesis:
"The Function of Tragedy in
Neo-Classic Criticism." Wednesday,
May 29, 7:30 p.m., 3221 AM. Chair-
man, C. D. Thorpe.
Nelson Vernard Seeger, Chemistry;
Thesis: "The Structure of Some Pyri-
dine Derivatives." Wednesday, May
29, 4:00 p.m., 309 Chemistry. Chair-
man, C. S. Schoepfle.
Graduation Recital: Donn Chown,
baritone, of Grand Rapids, Michigan,
will be heard in a voice recital, in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree, to-
night at 8:15 o'clock, in the School
of Music Auditorium on Maynard
Street. The public is invited to at-
Graduation Recital: GraceWilson,
Pianist, of Detroit, Michigan, will give
a recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the Master of Music
degree, Wednesday evening, May 29,
at 8:15 o'clock, in the School of Mu-
sic Auditorium on Maynard Street.
The public is invited to attend.
Lecture on Soil Conservation: Dr.
IW. C. Lowdermilk, Assistant Chief
of the Soil Conservation Service, will
give an illustrated lecture on "Soil
Erosion at Its Worst, and a Hundred
Dead Cities" in the armphitheatre of
the Rackham Building at 10:00 a.m.,
Wednesday, May 29. Dr. towder-
imilk is one of the leading athorities
in the country on soil erosion and
soil conservation, which he has stud-
ied for many years in various parts
of the world.
All students in the School of For-
estry and Conservation are expected
to attend and all others interested
are cordially invited.
Today's Events
The Eng'lish Journal Club will meet
tonight at 8 p.m. in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. There will be election of offi-
cers, and further examination of the
question, "How much historical data
is required to understand a text in
English literature?"
f /

Scabbard and Blade: The meeting
announced for 7:30 tonight at the
Union has been changed to 8:15.
The Division of the Social Sciences
will hold its annual informal dinner
party at the Washtenaw Country Club
on Packard Road at 6 p.m. tonight.
All members of the Division are urged
to attend.
Graduate Tea today, 4:00-6:00 p.m.,
in the West Conference Room, Rack-
ham Building. Dean C. S. Yoakum
of the Graduate School will speak
on "Personnel Adjustment."
Deutscher Verein: A brief business
meeting will be held today At 5:15
p.m. in 203 U.H. All members axe
urged to be present.
League Dance Class Committee: In-
terviewing for next year's dance class
committee today and Wednesday
from 4:00 to 5:30 in the Undergrad-
uate offices. Girls who cannot be
present must call Margaret Whitte-
more 9654, or will be dropped from
the list.

Sidney Kingsley's "The World We Make"

The following column was written by Charles
Leavay, who has devoted considerable time and
thought to Sidney Kingsleyhas a playwright. I
prefer, therefore, to present his considered thought
as an introduction to this week's drama offering
rather than my own rather eclectic criticism.
- James Green
THE WORLD WE MAKE, which opens at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Tuesday night, may not
have won a Pulitzer prize as did his 'Men In
White,' nor did. it achieve the great financial
success of the long-running 'Dead Run,' and
yet it is the best play that the young Mr. Sidney
Kingsley has written. There is distinction in
its superiority to both as theatre and as liter-
In a manner, too, 'The World We Make' serves
as spiritual balm to the writer. From October,
1935, until November, 1939, Mr. Kingsley was
noticeably absent from Broadway and the the-
atre. After his success with 'Dead End,{ the
author had enthusiastically written a third
play which he called 'Ten Million Ghosts.' The
critics called it a bad job, and other things,
as it deserved, the public remained away in
parades, and it closed after eleven performances.
Even the fact that Orson Welles was playing
the lead proved of no consequence in those
pre-Martian days. The result was a case of
temperament and hurt feelings, and Mr. Kings-
ley looked with escapist glances toward 'the
coast.' But there was too much theatre in the
playwright, too much Broadway, and he deter-
mined to show them. As he did! For when he
produced 'The World We Make,' dramatized
from Millen Brand's novel 'The Outward Room,'
he came through with a play showing new
breadth, new depth, new importance to his
product. It was his best effort, and it had those
terrible critics sitting up and pounding their
typewriters in a sweat of thankful labor and
glowing adjectives.
THE WORLD WE MAKE is a beautiful piece

him. The achievement of a place in the world,
of a job to fill, of mutual love, of a sense of
importance and self-respect-all of these come
to give her a victory over the numbing weak-
ness which has been her terror.
Again, as in his other plays, Mr. Kingsley
is earnest, spirited, full of conviction, and dra-
matic. Yet he has achieved a new height. His
understanding of, and regard for, plot and mo-
tivation, both of which had been very obvious
defects in his earlier work, now show significant
NO PANDERING to colorful incidents for their
flamboyant quality, their uniqueness, no
overbalancing hokum, no pressure on his char-
acters to compel them to -fit into the mold! None
of these tricks from 'Men In White' and 'Dead
End'! Mr. Kingsley has taken the pathetic and
intriguing character of a young girl troubled
by fears that move spirit-like in the caverns of
her mind, sets her out in the pulsating and
absorbing life of a tenement district where she
meets a new kind of existence, a living that is
full of laughter and color, of warmth and un-
certainty, of drabness and kindness, where liv-
ing is fundamental, where sre is drawn into
life and out of herself.
She is Mr. Kingsley's play. She is the heart
of the entire work. And in achieving this pivotal
conception, this solidity of line, he finds the
prime motivating factor, the factor that makes
for unity and for logic, the factor his other
plays have needed so much.
He continues to show in 'The World We Make'
a tendency to cling tenaciously to the super-
realistic setting that characterizes all his plays.
If the present production succeeds in playing
down the ostentatiously elaborate and distract-
ting set for the laundry scene, which was. used
in the New York production, it is probable that
the entire play will be benefitted. Too frequently
the settings of Mr. Kingsley's plays have been
startling to the detriment of the story. And

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