THE MICHIGAN DA MICHIGAN DAILY 1I =:i 'U' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summner Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,, $4.00; by mail, $4.50., REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVEftS1NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO -BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary . Mel Fineberg . , a . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager . Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratkco .nJane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM ELMER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Flood Control, A Pressing Problem . . T HE FLOOD SEASON is here again! Dangerous ice jams damming the waters of the Ohio River to potential flood stages have spread that ominous message among the thousands of lowland dwellers in the Ohio River Valley. To these unfortunate people, floods mean destruction of homes, ruin of property, and in- evitable loss of life. Last year they faced the same perils. The previous year saw the same terrible floods. Next year appears to offer no relief.. The answer to this problem appears to be two- fold: soil conservation, with an eye to eventual complete flood control after a long period of years; and actual, immediate flood-control dams. The Federal government claims to have em- barked on a major soil conservation program, designed-in part-to cntrol floods. No im- mediate results, of course, have been realized as yet from this program. BUT WHAT about the second alternative? What dam projects have been started at the headwaters of the especially dangerous Ohio River, which takes annually so many lives and destroys so much property? Precious few! And surely not enough to control that raging tor- rent of water which cuts a wide swath of de- struction in the Ohio River Valley each spring! The Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers, which converge at Pittsburgh to form the Ohio River, certainly are good centers at which to start valuable flood-control projects But the wa- ters must be checked even closer to their sources. The great Appalachian watershed, sending wa- ters through hundreds of rivulets into the mighty Ohio, should be the ultimate object of the plucky army of flood controllers now in action. - Howard A. Goldman. Youth's Attitude Toward Peace . . A LOT HAS BEEN SAID and written lately on the attitude of today's youth. The American Youth Congress in Wash- ington drew the fire of, among others, the Dies Committee, John D. M. Hamilton and Gene Tunney, and the admonitions of President Roose- velt. America has come upon the paradox of an older generation that is urging fire and energy and a youth that is pleading caution. The older generation has tried to set up this sort of test : either you support Finland, you want arms and money and perhaps even men sent to the Mannerheim line, either you crusade for Finland, or you are a Communist. The test is not a true one. It straddles the two extremities and ignores the vast range of attitudes in between. Most of us youth are sincerely sympathetic with Finland. We be- lieve her to be clearly in the right. Her choice was either .to become a vassal state like Lithu- ania, Latvia or Esthonia or to fight, and her David-like resistance amid her snows and frozen Lakes appeals to our under-dog sensibilities. But we do not want to fight for Finland. We do not believe our blood can bring improve- ment into Europe. As a consequence, we will do whatever we can to prevent America from taking any step that will bring her nearer to the war. SrTrMTRT +hisio nn-riAa1sti It rn11d h mothers throw into the scales of Versailles? How welcome will we be, regardless of whether we fight or no, at the peace tables of the future? The youth of today believes' that America can be of greater service to the world by re- maining free of Europe's wars, by keeping her- self free and solvent. We have repeated this again and again, and it is invariably lost in the shuffle. Doubtless it is true that some of us, leaning toward Moscow, use this attitude as a front, a "good" reason for our real motives. There were those in the ranks of the Youth Congress who booed President Roosevelt's defense of Finland. But there were many more who agreed with the resolution opposing "all forms of dictator- ship, regardless of whether they be Communist, Fascist, Nazi or any other type." It seems to us that the older generation can be as justly indicted in this present situation as youth has been. Why, we ask, is there so much more fervor for Finland than there was for Poland and Austria, Why does the Scripps- Howard chain of papers run the address of the Finnish relief agency now when it did not pro- pose aid to Poland last September, Is it only that Finland's is a "holier" war, that justice is more surely on her side, that she paid her war debts to us?l ALL THESE THINGS are true, but they are not the "real" reasons. The most important reason for the older generation's avid support of Finland is that Finland is fighting Communism. Red-baiting has been a popular sport of the press and the industrialists since the days of A. Mitchell Palmer. But it has been an indirect warfare. You fought the "reds" in the labor unions and the universities; you sicced Dies on un-American activities; you took pot-shots at Earl Browder. And all the time you were more or less shadow-boxing. Now for the first time the red-baiters are given a chance to actually do something against Communism, to take pokes at real adversaries. For the first time you can overtly pay to have a Communist shot. There are a lot of us who do not seriously care what happens to Communism. We think that crusades against any belief are wrong, that John Hamilton's refusal to send a Republicaf speaker to the Youth Congress was bigotry. But in this policy of civil laissez-faire we do not grind any axes for Moscow. Our interest is in keeping America out of war, and we see in the anti-Communist enthusiasm that is sweeping America's older generation a threat against peace. - Hervie Haufler. WPA Economy In Lansing .. . HE DEDICATION of Lansing's $1,- 000,000 WPA built water softener plant tomorrow will mark the end of a 15-year struggle by city officials and civic-minded resi- dents bent upon putting an end to inconven- iences and economic waste due to the city's "hard" water supply. More than 300 of the WPA workers employed on the project have been invited to attend,the ceremonies. Strictly modern in every sense, Lansing's water softener plant has been pronounced the finest of its kind in the United States. It is estimated that the taxpayers and water-users will 'save approximately between $150,000 to $200,000 annually through the plant. Although Lansing's water, which is obtained from deep wells scattered throughout the city, is safe and pure, it contains elements which make it almost impossible to obtain suds with ordinary soap. The water has also been a source of constant damage to plumbing fixtures and has resulted in large and numerous plumbing bills. To overcome this chronic expense, many householders had installed their own softener systems. The others who could not afford this capital investment were put to an estimated annual expense of $7.50 to $10 each for fluids and mixtures intended to reduce the resistance to soap. THE PLANT has a capacity up to 20,000,000 gallons of water daily, but at present the average is slightly in excess of 8,000,000 gallons daily. Despite its size, the plant will only re- quire six men to operate it-four operators, a part-time chemist and a laborer. The actual cost of building the plant was $936.000. Of this amount, the WPA contributed $486,000 and the city, $449,000. The plant is constructed of monolithic con- crete, used for economy and efficiency and is another sign of WPA planning. WPA workers did all the landscaping of the grounds. As an extra added attraction, artists on the WPA art project in Detroit designed the huge 32-foot statue of a woman pouring water from a shell into a jug and also a four and one-half foot ceramic fountain located in the main vestibule of the plant. Another striking feature of the construction is a two-mile pipeline built by WPA workers to carry off deposits removed from the water. Some of the wells supplying water are 10,000 feet from the building. It is with pride that Lansing points to its economical, efficient, modern and decorative WPA constructed water softener plant. - Helen Corman. A School For Jurors "Twelve good men and true" has been handed down as an accurate description of the select group charged with meting out justice. Fre- quently such a body, which sometimes include women, proved to be true enough but not in- variably good in the sense of capacity or cap- ability for jury service. Now comes the League of Women Voters in Philadelphia with a concrete plan for better- ment. This organization has e stablished a school for would-be jurors so that they may ac- quire a broader understanding of their duties and responsibilities. Public interest exceeded expectations. The Philadelphia judge who supervises the rlae hbelieve in fostering- a hetter atitud n- t GuLLIVER'S CAVILS By YOUNG GULLIVER A View On Roosevelt THE SPEECH of the President of the United States before the delegates to the American Youth Congress in Washington last Saturday was the most open and unabashed piece of war-mongering that has been heard in this country in some years. Franklin Roosevelt has now taken his rightful place at the head of the American war-mongers.., He made himself quite clear. He told 4,000 young people who had come to Washington to press demands for Youth Aid, for the American Youth Act, for civil liberties, for adequate hous- ing, that "In the case of jobs for you young people, let me make it clear in the beginning that it is not at all certain that your oppor- tunities for employment are much worse today than they were for young people 10 years or 20 years or 30 years ago." Is this the Great Champion of the Forgotten Man? Let's be quite clear about this: THERE IS NO MORE FORGOTTEN MAN, ANL MORE THAN THERE WAS A FORGOTTEN MAN 10 OR 20 OR 30 YEARS AGO. If everything isn't dandy now, you know what you can do about it. And don't come to Washington with your constant com- plaints: "Don't seek or expect Utopia overnight. Don't seek, or expect a panacea-a grand new law that will give you a handout-a guarantee of permanent remunerative occupation of your own choosing." He could have put it in three words. He could have said: Go to hell. Or maybe: Go to war. Roosevelt had a syllogism in his speech which went something like this: There is a youth problem in this country. There is also an old-age problem. Therefore the youth problem isn't very im- portant. Secret Diplomacy? 0F COURSE it doesn't make sense, but why worry about it? It will make sense soon enough. He has nothing to worry about from old people, and the young people will be stuffed into uniforms and sent off to fight the Russians. You don't believe it? Consider what he said about. the Russo-Finnish war. Resolutions against the granting of American loans to Fin- land are "unadulterated twaddle, based on 90 per cent ignorance of what they were talking about." Such an assertion carries the implica'- tion that people who believe that American loans to Finland are the first step towards involve- ment in a Holy War are either morons or are not in possession of all the facts. If Roosevelt has information about the war which the Ameri- can people do not have, why doesn't he make it public? How much secret diplomacy is going on behind the scenes? What is Sumner Welles doing in Europe? Why is Roosevelt suddenly exercised about the Russian invasion? He said in his speech: "More than 20 years ago, while most of you were very young chil- dren, I had the utmost sympathy for the Rus- sian people. In the early days of Communism I recognized that many leaders in Russia were bringing education and better health and better opportunity to millions who had been kept in ignorance and serfdom under the Imperial Re- gime." Is that true? How does it square with the speech which he made in Milwaukee on Aug. 12, 1920, when he said that "If America had been a member of the League of Nations, the Polish nation would not be today fighting Bolshevism with its back to the wall. If America had been able to throw into the scale the splen- did moral force of its hundred millions of people the Bolshevik armies would not be where they are now." We can go back even further than 1920. The New York Times of Oct. 30, 1915, ran this head- line: FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT TALKS WAR -MUST BE PREPARED TO DEFEND HOMES, HE SAYS. Roosevelt's Record SHORTLY AFTER he was saying that "War does not mean the mobilization of an army. It means the mobilization of a nation. Every citizen must take his part. That means we must have universal national service." Such was Roosevelt's record before America's entrance into the first World War. We are only now beginning to realize his record-and his role-before America's entrance in the sec- ond World War. He is the founding spirit be- hind the infamous M-Day Plan, The Industrial Mobilization Plan. Hanson Baldwin, military expert of the New York Times, says that "The industrial mobilization plans of the U.S. are probably more advanced, comprehensive and efficient than those of any other nation (pos- sibly excepting Germany) . . ." There is no reason under the face of the sun why anyone should harbor any more illu- sions as to Roosevelt's aims and character. He has come out as the representative in the American executive of those very profiteers, war-mongers and economic royalists whom he has been supposedly attacking for the past six years. His hypocrisy in the Finland affair is all the more disgusting when you remember that it was Roosevelt who, by his failure to raise the illegal embargo on Loyalist Spain, con- demned the Spanish people to the degradation and misery of a fascist dictatorship. With ob- scene haste, he recognized the Franco junta the day after Franeo entered Madrid. To Ma- drid he sent a Mr. Alexander Wilbourne Weddell, who addressed the following words to the Franco press: "There existed, it is true, two waves of propaganda in my country until recently, but 7( hope the American people will understand the reality of this historic moment. The Spanish people must not doubt that in the United States +anp-tn ne a Aon A.rnimi jar4 +ar I'm fnrnt4...a 1he Drew Pearson and Q i oberS.AlHenC (Go0 WASHINGTON - Inside story of the mystery-shrouded cancellation of Father Charles E. Coughlin's recent Sunday broadcast is that his ecclesi- astical superiors finally have spoken. Coughlin has been told bluntly that he cannot continue his racial and political fulminations on the air- and remain a Catholic priest. If he does, he will be unfrocked. This ultimatum was delivered through his censor by Archbishop Edward Mooney of Detroit, Cough- lin's diocesan superior, with the full approval of Vatican authorities. Three developments prompted the Archbishop's firm-handed action. First and foremost was the fear that the priest's anti-Semitic tirades were being construed popularly as having the approval of the church. This is a matter of grave concern to most church leaders, who point out that Coughlin's racial views are con- trary to Catholic doctrine. Second is Coughlin's reputed con- nection with the Christian Front, some of whose members are now under indictment for conspiracy to overthrow the government and for st e a 1 i n g government munitions. Coughlin's defense of those under in-cmn a nagdhsspros ditm nthas enragedthi supeiors Guilty Of Disobedience Third is ',ne fact that he has been guilty of disobedience in connection with his radio activities, specifically with a broadcast on Jan. 28 in which he attacked the religious character of Supreme Court Justice Frank Mur- phy. Archbishop Mooney had ordered the deletion of certain portions of this speech. Coughlin had agreed to abide by the Archbishop's ruling, but then turned round, defied instruc- tions and delivered the previously censored references to Murphy. On the following Sunday, Feb. 4, Cough- lin's entire speech was censored and the priest was forced to cancel it. The rejected speech, according to inside sources, was another defense of the Christian Front. The crackdown followed a long controversy within the Catholic hierarchy on the 'wisdom of taking the radio priest off the air. It is no secret that many church leaders feared that such forthright action might create a schism. However, this policy of temporizing has now been abandoned because of the great- er harm his superiors believe his radio harangues are doing the Church. This much is certain: If Coughlin remains on the air in the future, he must steer clear of racial prejudice or else suffer the consequences. Apostolic Delegate Church concern over Coughlin has disclosed another situation involving the Apostolic Delegate in Washing- ton, Amleto Giovanni Cicognani. Some of the clerical higher-ups feel that he side-stepped the Cough- lin issue for much too long, and favor his recall. Pope Pius XII, who as papal secre- tary of state came to the United States in 1936 partly for the purpose of disciplining Coughlin, is known to disapprove the priest's radio talks, and it is reported also that he has been disappointed at the failure of the Apostolic Delegate to take some restraining action. Secret White House social note: Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lewis were in- vited to the White House to dinner not long before the CIO chief issued his blast against Roosevelt in Co- lumbus. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis replied that they had a previous engage- ment. Usually, an invitation to the White House is a command. Wonder if the impending blast at Columbus had something to do with the Lewises' regrets? Louisiana Scandals One of the most important chap- ters in the long and variegated story of the Louisiana scandals still re- mains partly untold. It is the chap- ter on "hot oil" and just at this mom- ent it is a question of considerable concern to Washington officials. For Louisiana is now seething through one of its bitterest election campaigns-a gubernatorial run-off between the brother of the Late Huey P. Long and Sam Jones, an indepen- dent attorney, scheduled for Feb. 20. Behind Earl Long is the old Huey Long gang, and more than anyone else, Mayor Maestri of New Orleans, most powerful figure in Louisiana. Behind Jones are most of the other candidates who ran in the first pri- mary, plus all the elements rebel- ling against Hueyism. Unquestionably the biggest ec- onomic issue in the campaign is oil -particularly hot oil. Maestri is one of the biggest oil operators in the state. Maestri also served for seven years as commissioner of the Louisiana conservation department, in which and Juniors: The Dayton Power and- Light Company, Dayton, Ohio, has a limited number of summer positionsI for selected undergraduates in E.E. Those interested call at Room 274 W. Engr. Bldg., and if interviews are desired later, notify Mrs. Shutko in the same office. Choral Union Members: Choral Union rehearsals will be resumed to-1 night at the School of Msic Build- ' ing on Maynard Street.. All mem- bers are expected to be present. Choral Union Members in good standing will be issued pass tickets for the Bartlett and Robertson concert, Wednesday, February 14, between the' hours of 9 and 12, and 1 and 5. Graduate Students: I would like to meet all graduate students interested in teaching on Thursday afternoon, February 15, at 4:15 p.m. in 205 Mason Hall. T. Luther Purdom Director University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Summer Employment: All students who wish to register with the Bureau of Appointments for summer jobs are notified that registration forms may be obtained Tuesday through Friday of this week at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12, 2-4. Final registration date will be Friday, Feb- ruary 16. Students 21 years of age and over are particularly urged to en- roll. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service examinations. Last date for filing application is noted in each case: MICHIGAN: Motor Equipment Repairman B, salary range: $105-125, Feb. 23. Motor Equipment Repairman A, salary range $130-150, Feb. 23. Institution Stores Clerk C, salary range $80-100, Feb. 23. Stores Clerk C, salary range $80- 100, Feb. 23. Institution Stores Clerk B, salary range $105-125, Feb. 23. Stores Clerk B, salary range $105- 125, Feb. 23. Liquor Store Clerk Cl, salary range, $95-110, Feb. 23.. Game Ornithologist II (open to men only), salary range $200-240, Feb. 28. UNITED STATES: Radio Inspector, salary $2,600, Mar. 4. Assistant Radio Inspector, salary $2,000, Mar. 4. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Women Debaters: All women in- terested in debating for the second semester meet in Room 3209 A.H., Thursday night at 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. Tryouts on the subject of federal housing will be held on Tuesday, February 20 at 7:30 p.m. Phi Sigma: No meeting this week. The Congress Cooperative House, 909 East University, is accepting ap- plications for board this semester. An appointment for an interview may be obtained by telephoning 2-2143, or coming to the house. Cooperative Boarders: Katharine Pickerill House, girls cooperative, 328 E. William St., is open for applica- tions for boarders for the second sem- ester. Phone 2-1454. Academic Notices Mathematics 58, Spherical Trigo- nometry. Preliminary meeting to arrange hours, Wednesday at 4 o'clock in 3011 Angell Hall. Anyone unable to attend, please leave schedule in the Mathematics Office. Far Eastern Art: Office has been moved from Museums Building to 5 Alumni Memorial Hall. F.A. 192 Art of China and Japan: Tu., Th., 9:00 meeting place to be arranged. F.A. 204 Ceramics, F.A. 206 Mediaeval India, F.A. 208 Special problems: Hours and meeting places to be arranged. Consultation hours 9-11:30; 1-3 daily. All first meetings of Classes will be held in Room 5, basement Alumni Memorial Hall. James Marshall Plumer, Lecturer on Far Eastern Art Mathematics 390, Seminar in Topo- logical Groups. It is proposed for the group to read and discuss Pontrjagin's Topological Groups together. Persons interested please communicate with Prof. Ayres. Preliminary meeting to arrange hours on Wednesday, at 4:30 p.n. in 3201 A.H. Mathematics 193, Introduction to the Theory of Sets. Preliminary meeting to arrange hours, Wednes- day, at 5 o'clock, in 3201, A. H. Class in English for Foreign Stu- dents: A non-credit special course in English for foreign students will be given at the International Center this semester on Tuesday and 'Thursday evenings from 7:15 to 8:15. The Tues- day evening class, taught by Miss Aileen Traver, will be devoted to building an English vocabulary. The Thursday evening class, under Miss Adeline Pierce of the University Speech Clinic, will be a speech-cor- rection clinic intended to help stu- dents to develop a correct pronunci- ation. By special permission a stu- dent may enroll for one of the two hours only. Foreign students in need of this assistance are urged to regis- ter at once. J. Raleigh Nelson Concerts Choral Union Concert: Bartlett and Robertson, the two-piano team, will give a recital Wednesday, February 14, at 8:30 o'clock, in the Choral Union Series, in Hill Auditorium. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Francis G. Benedict, former Director, Nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, will lecture on "Sci- ence and the Art of Deception" under the auspices of the Department of In- ternal Medicine at 4:15 p.m. on Wed- nesday, February 21, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Georg Steindorff, Professor Emeritus of Egyptology and former Director of the Egyptological Collection, Univer- sity of Leipzig, will lecture on "From Fetishes to Gods in Egypt" (illustrat- ed) under the auspices of the De- partment of Oriental Languages at, 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, February 21, in the amphitheatre of the Rack- ham Building. The public is cordially invited. Attention Medical Sadents: Dr. Malcolm T. MacEachern, Associate Director of the American College of Surgeons, will give a lecture in the Horace H. Rackham Lecture Hall on Wednesday, February 14, at 4:15 p.m. His topic is: "The Role of the Hos- pital in Graduate Education for the Physician or Surgeon Desirous of Pro- per Preparation for His Specialty." All medical students will be dismissed from classes and are requested to at- tend. The lecture is open to Hos- pital staff members and interested laymen. Today's Events Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet in Room 319 West Medical Build- ing, at 7:30 tonight. Subject: "De- amination and Urea Formation-The Role of Ornithine and Arginine." All interested are invited. Mathematics Club will meet to- night at 8 in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Dr. Scott will speak on "Convergence of Continued Fractions." Botanical Journal Club will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room N.S. 1139. Reports by: Byron Janes, "Influence of auxin upon the distribution of food substances in plants." Ruth Schorling, "The nature of the cellulose wall with special reference to the work of Mrs. Farr." Maxwell Mead, "Oxygen regulation of dormancy of the potato." Sam Wildman, "The conduction of organic food materials with special reference to the work of Crafts." Varsity Glee Club: Special rehear- sal for all members tonight at 7:30. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) 225 A.H.; section 20A (TuTh at 2) in 2219 A.H. Philosophy MWF at 10. Philosophy MWF at 10. Philosophy MWF at 2. Philosophy MWF at 9. 32 meets in 306 M.H. 34 meets in 205 M.H. 108 meets in 406 M.H. 114 meets in 401 M.H. Playwriting (English 150 and 298) will meet Tues. evening, 7:30, in 3212 A.H., not Monday in 3217 A.H., as in the catalogue. Kenneth Rowe English 301c (English Hellenism). Members of the course will meet at 4 p.m. today in 3209 A.H. English.232. Organization meeting will be held on Wed., Feb. 14, 4 p.m., 2213 A.H. English 293 (Bibliography. This course will not be offered during the second semester. English 298. Students in my sec- tion who have not already reserved a period for consultation should do so, this week. I shall be in the Hop- wood Room every day from 9 to 12 a.m. R. W. Corwden I