THE MICHICAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY America's Fifth Column Fright, The First Stage Of War Hysteria y' ._ -', I 1II : ratm n m -.--.- ., Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during 'the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a. second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4,00: Wy mail, $4.50. REPAREENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVE6i.S1NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative, 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. ChICAO SOSTON Los ANGELIS - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193940 By EMiLE GELE Column 1-2-3-4-SWASTIKA. Again a campus wag .has expressed his distorted sense of humor at the University's expense. But his crude joke contains more substance than satir- ical whimsy this time. The Fifth Column is growing on the American public's minds and on government officials' nerves. General un- easiness is gradually mounting toward a hys- teria reminiscent of 1918. Martin Dies has been dashing about the country with his ism shovel for several years; but last week, for the first time in months, one of his stereotyped reports aroused vigorous ap- proval in the House. Thousands of aliens in Detroit now face unemployment as a result of a government order prohibiting their employ- ment in plants manufacturing materials of war for the Army and Navy. German aliens were not specified, nor Russians, nor Italian, nor Spanish. But all aliens. And they cannot get on relief rolls! Roosevelt shifted the immigra- tion and naturalization service from the Depart- ment of Labor to the Department of Justice. All aliens are to be under the direct supervision of the '.I. The governor of Georgia demanded that all aliens be fingerprinted and registered. The Michigan Unemployment Compensation Com- mission asserted that only citizens will be given jobs. The New York City Council passed a reso- lution -insisting that the governor convene a special session of the legislature to prepare anti-fifth column statutes. Professors Hyma and. reuss have both expressed resentment against the campus "potential traitors" and were probably convinced of fifth column ac- tivities by the incident Thursday. What does it all mean? It means that public opinion is swinging at a modern blitz tempo to- ward the sentiment that produced the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917-18. First come the aliens. Not aliens of particular nationalities, but all aliens indiscriminately. These indi- viduals, because for various irrelevant reasons they are not citizens, are arbitrarily deprived of a fundamental civil liberty-the right to earn a living. Second will come those who call themselves peacemakers, "the Irish, the Communists, the Anglophobes, and the Naziphiles," as they were listed recently. As public opinion is infected with war fever by the political and intellectil leaders of the nation, the pacifists (their even- tual epithet) will become a minority and receive the treatment always afforded minorities in a period of hysteria. Absurd? What could be more absurd than a man murdering his neighbor on the mere suspicion of subversive activity? Yet it happened in Grand Rapids this week. Suspecting his neighbor of sabotage, the man walked up to him, said "Fifth Columnist, I don't like your actions" and shot him down. An indi- vidual case of national war neurosis. Preparedness is the word of the day. It takes the form of billions being properly spent for defense and thousands being improperly treated because they dare to practice democratic pre- rogatives. How fast the reaction, will progress cannot be prophesied. But the extremes of its progress can be measured by, the Sedition Act of 1918 which imposed a $10,000 fine and 20 years imprisonment upon any persons who would "wilfully utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous or abusive language about the form of government of the United States, or the Constitution . . . or the flag ... or the uniform of the Army or Navy. or bring the form of government. . . or the Con- stitution . . into contempt . .. or advocate any curtailment of production in this country of anything necessary or essential to the prosecu- tion of the war." Modern celerity can whirl the United States to the brink of this despotism even during peace- time. Arbitrary discrimination against aliens is the first step. How far the witch-hunt will spread and to what extent Ku Klux Klan meth- ods will be legalized time alone will tell--and probably soon. Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager. . Women's Business Manager 'Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM NEWTON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily' staff and represent the views of the writers only. Music And The War . . TWENTY-THREE YEARS and some odd days ago Americans were play- ing the band, waving the flag and dying for their native land-all three actions excellent ways of displaying patriotism and letting the world know that it is about to be made safe for the continued existence of Democracy. Sunday night the band was played again, and the tune was patriotic. A comparatively new song, "A Ballad for Americans" has been termed "jingoistic" by some people, "isolation- ist" by others. At any rate, the piece, featured Sunday over station WGN, has caused quite a sensation of late, and its popularity calls to mind the effect music had on Americans during the First World War. What really matters is the fact that the American song-smiths and song-swingers have begun to turn out and feature patriotic airs at concerts and on radio programs. Music ob- viously has charms, and it also has a great deal of power, a strong capability of moving people blindly and hysterically to action. Mu- sic is one of the world's most forceful forms of propaganda, partly because many people do not recognize it as such. IF WE DECIDE to enter the war-IF-we cer- tainly do not want to do so because of a patriotic tune. War is a serious business, as Hitler is demonstrating today. One who is about to embark upon a course of war is en- titled to know, at the very least, what he is getting in for, and he should not be driven into it blindly, his ears ringing with "God Bless America" and pretty speeches by Congressmen. Let the music agencies of the country give voice to our collective patriotism. But at the same time let us know ourselves what they are doing, and let us count ten slowly every time we feel ourselves being enveloped with patriotic feelings when "The Star-Spangled Banner" is played. That way, we will enter a war-IF we enter one-knowing that it is the right course, not merely feeling that it is because some com- poser of music has extolled the glorious history and unparalleled virtues of this country. William Newton The Allies I Our Markets .. . T HE SUCCESSIVE STEPS of the British Government in taking over British holdings of American stocks and bonds obviously point to the time when these secur- ities will be needed for payment for American war supplies. This problem of payment, how- ever, is clearly a matter more for the future than for the immediate present, since Allied war purchases from the United States have not, at least until recently, represented a heavy financial burden. The extent of this burden and the degree to which purchases to date have consumed Allied financial resources cannot be measured by the value' of their purchase of war goods from the United States. While the Allies have bought heavily of American aircraft, iron and steel, copper, aluminum, etc., they have offset these in part by reduced purchases of American farm and other products. Part of the cost, moreover, has been met by the increased value of their own exports to the United States. Washington Merry-Go-Round By Drew Pearson and' Robert Allen (Editor's Note-Subject of the following sketch, Representative Ross Collins of Mississippi, gets The Washington Merry-Go-Round's Brass Ring for his efforts to improve the Army. This is the first of a series of Merry-Go-Round disclosures of in- efficiencies in our national defense.) WASHINGTON-During twenty somnolent years after the World War, the U.S. Army drilled its men, policed its posts, played polo, counted out army property from socks to ash-cans, ran its post exchanges, and performed all the other humdrum, prosaic duties of a peacetime army, unworried over the modern military trends which were to make Europe a shambles. During most of those twenty years, the chief thorn in the side of the Army was a cherub- faced, rotund Congressman from Mississippi who refused to let the Army go to sleep. His name was Ross Collins; and with disconcerting consistency he kept taunting the Army with the fact that what it needed was more tanks, armored cars, airplanes and fewer horses. "Have you investigated the number of horses in the Air Corps?" Congressman Collins once asked General John F. Preston, Inspector Gen- eral of the Army. "No, sir," replied General Preston, who was testifying before Congressman Collins' Appro- priations sub-committee. "I know at San An- tonio they did have some for polo and exercise." "For the officers or for the womenfolk?" in- quired Mr. Collins. "No, sir, for the officers." "For airplane duty?" persisted Mr. Collins. "For airplane duty," General Preston replied. "They must be flying steeds," grunted the Congressman. Watches Army Money Ross Collins is in a strategist position. For years he has sat on the sub-committee on mili- tary appropriations, where he could watch every item spent on national defense, and help to shape the policy of the Army. And the Army came to hate him. They called him a pacifist. They tried to contribute to his defeat back home in Mississippi. They hated him because he was always trying to goad them into adopting the type of wea- pons with which Hitler is now sweeping Europe. And today the Army, a little belatedly, admits that Ross Collins was right. When asked why he began to urge a mechan- ized army ten years ago, when the General Staff was none too enthusiastic, Collins drawled: "Look up and down Pennsylvania Avenue. Do you see any horses and buggies? No! People are all travelling in motor cars. Then why should we handicap the Army by putting them back in the horse and buggy days? "Or take khaki cloth. We all know that it will not stop machine-gun bullets. So why expose our soldiers to them? Hitler doesn't. He manufactures armor for his men, armor in the form of tanks. "We are the greatest scientific and industrial nation in the world, but we have applied our science and industry to everything except our military defense." MacArthur's 'Chinese Army' Congressman Collins blames General Douglas MacArthur for handicapping the mechanization of the Army, and pays tribute to the present out of his weapons. That's why Germany de- veloped the airplane, the tank and the armored car to such perfection. "That's the secret of our national defense today. We don't need a lot of foot soldiers, as MacArthur would have us. It is harmful to mobilize them without equipment. It is far easier to train men and to equip them, and if you train them with outmoded weapons you have to train them all over again. "What our army needs is less gold braid and trolley wire on its uniforms, and more overalls. Put every man in overalls, and you'll have a lot better defense than if he has stripes on his pants." Old Officers Another complaint Congressman Collins makes against the Army is that it is run by old men. Many of its officers, he says, are war-time clerks frozen into the Army during the World War, who remain because they couldn't make a living elsewhere. During the Hoover Administration, Collins inserted in the army appropriation a cut of 2,000 inefficient and old officers from the rolls. A howl went up from the Army such as has not been heard since Admiral Cockburn burnt the'Capitol in 1814. Eventually toe provision was defeated in the Senate, and there has been no tampering with the Army's outmoded pro- motion system until this year, when a provision for the retirement of officers over 60 seems sure to pass Congress. Today the Army has come around to consider Ross Collins a real friend. But he still is criti- cal, and recently held the 1941 War Department appropriation bill up to ridicule because out of about a billion dollars only $100,000,000, or one-tenth, is to be spent for equipment-and Collins considers equipment far more important than manpower. Army Hostesses However, the Army will never forget those pungent days when the sarcastic Gentleman from Mississippi was trying to rouse it from its lethargy, and when he cross-examined Ma- jor General C. H. Bridges regarding army host- esses: "I know you want ladies around the post," said Collins. "These schools have 4 way of putting uniforms on the best looking girls and making honorary colonels of them. It's part of a plan to play up sex appeal. You are putting women into the Army every chance you get." Or again, when examining the Chief of the Air Corps as to why aviators needed bands, the Gentleman from Mississippi said: "I suppose you take your bands up in the air with you--an instrument in every plane- to play heavenly music to the angels." Cabinet Shake-Up In the works behind those secret White House powwows with Republican chiefs is a triple Cabinet shake-up. The President wants to re- place Navy Secretary Edison, who will retire shortly to run for Governor of New Jersey, with Colonel Frank Knox; Labor Secretary Fran- ces Perkins with Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia: and War Secretary Woodring with a choice not yet made. The whole plan depends largely on whether Knox can be persuaded to enter the Z~ EDITOR ;etioii A Nomination To the Editor: My nomination for the most ludi- crous statement ever made by a United States Senator is the follow- ing excerpt from Senator Key Pitt- man's speech of May 22: "It was the ,oncensus of the foreign committee members that the legislation"-re- 'erring to the proposal to sell U.S. ;army and navy planes to the Allies- "would violate international law." WHAT INTERNATIONAL LAW? This thinking in a vacuum can lmost rival the choicegems that one encounters in the Daily editorial columns. Please include me with such not- ible bloodthirsty warmongers as President Roosevelt, Professors Slos- -on, Hyma and Preuss. Hopefully yours, Fred Niketh, '41L Wipe Out Hiderism? 'o the Editor: What about this war? It is on everyone's mind, and we are con- cerned about it--at 22, single and in apparent good health I don't see how I could miss the first draft- for what? To fight another war to end all wars? To wipe out Hitler- ism? Hitlerism represents a disease-a symptom of the society that allowed it to develop and accepted it. What if it is wiped out? Might it not return in worse form follow- ing a major war in which we were involved? Hasn't democracy a bet- ter chance to survive in those coun- tries that are not drained in man- rower, resources and animosity by becoming involved? Isn't collectivism in some form bound to come? Wasn't Mr. Barnes on the right track when he id that this is a question "of the wr g people doing the right thing, though more brutally"? None of us is anxious to see Nazi Germany returned the victor, but we, the youth of America, would be- ware of this "neutrality" that is 95% pro-Ally. We know that Hitlerism trium- phant constitutes a threat to us, but how direct? How soon? Can, we lend effective aid to the Allies by joining them now or in the near future? An important phase of the War is to be decided in these next few days, before we could give any more effective help to the Allies than now. And too, some think Ja- pan is a more vital threat to us. Perhaps we should take "all effec- tive measures short of war" to aid the Allies, though this might involve us at some future date. But when we know the wreck of humanity that is caused by modern warfare, when one of every four Dutch soldiers is reliably reported killed in only five days of fighting, the youth of America, certainly the college youth of America, are not blinded by the brass bands and pa- triotic fervor of the moment. This is no glorious adventure. As one observer has said, we would do well "to be cool in our thinking, while heated in our indignation." - R. A. Hirsch, '40' Another View On Lindbergh In his radio broadcast recently Colonel Lindbergh advised the Amer- ican people to "stop this hysterical chatter of calamity and invasion that has been running rife these last few days." Let us put to one side the question of "invasion"-since Colonel Lindbergh himself believes that the country needs "a greater air force, a greater army and a greater navy," which is all that the advocates of more adequate national defense have themselves been saying. Let us consider instead "this hyster- ical chatter of calamity" that also annoys him. The "hysterical chat- ter" is the talk now heard on every side that the democracies of France and Great Britain stand in immi- nent danger of defeat by Germany. Colonel Lindbergh is a peculiar young man if he can contemplate this possibility in any other light' than as a calamity for the American people. He is an ignorant young man if he trusts his own premise that it makes no difference to us whether we are deprived of the historic de- fense of British sea power in the Atlantic Ocean. He is a blind young man if he really believes that we can live on terms of equal peace and happiness "regardless of which side wins this war" in Europe. Colonel Lindbergh remains a great flier. - New York Times SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1940' VOL L. No. 172 Notices Seniors: The firm which furnishes diplomas for the University has sent the following caution: Please warn graduates not to store diplomas in cedar chests. There is enough of the moth-killing aromatic oil in the aver- age cedar chest to soften inks of any kind that might be stored inside them, resulting in seriously damaging the diplomas. Shirley W. Smith Commencement Tickets: Tickets for Commencement may be obtained on request after June 1 at the Busi- ness office, Room 1, University Hall. Inasmuch as only two Yost Field House tickets are available for each senior, please present identification card when applying for tickets. Herbert G. Watkins To All Members of the Faculty and Administrative Staff: If it seems cer- tain that any telephones will not be used during the summer months, please notify the Business Office, Mr. Peterson. A saving can be effected if instruments are disconnected for a period of a minimum of three months. Herbert G. Watkins American Red Cross: Will all those who wish to contribute to the fund now being raised to aid the suffering thousands of Europe please bring your donations to the office of Assist- ant Dean Lloyd Woodburne, Angell Hall, or to the Information Desk in the Business Office,University Hal. You may have a receipt for your contribution and may also designate the country in which you wish your contribution to be used. Lloyd S. Woodburne Herbert G. Watkins Committee Student Loans: There will be a meeting of the Loan Committee in Room 2, University Hall, on Tues- day, May 28, for the consideration of loans for the Summer Session% and fall. All applications to be con- sidered at this meeting must be filed in Room 2 today and appointments made for interviews. Candidates in the recent Engineer- ing Council, Union, Daily and other elections may call for their Eligibility Cards at the Student Offices in the Michigan Union. To Members of Phi_ Eta Sigma there is offered one or more scholar- ships of $300 each from the Thomas Arkle Clark Memorial Fund, to be used by a member for the first year of graduate work. The scholarship grant is based on high scholastic record, evidence of creative ability, evidence of financial need, promise of success in the chosen field, and individual personality. For further details, inquire at the Dean's Office in Room 2, University Hall. JGP script deadline is November 15. The deadline for synopses or first acts is July 1. All material turned in during the summer should be sent to the League in care of Miss Ethel McCormick. The writer of the script used for production will be paid $100. Academic Notices Notice: By error the name of Vse- volod Lawrovitch Skitsky was incor- rectly given in the notice of his doc- tor's examination in yesterday's Daily Official Bulletin. Doctoral Examinations: Florence Ely Day, Fine Arts; Thesis: "Meso- potamian Pottery: Parthian, Sasani- an, and Early Islamic." Today, 9:30 a.m., 2009 A.H. Chairman, J. G. Win- ter. Ang-Tsung Liu, Civil Engineering; Thesis: "Density Wlationships as They Affect the Structural Properties of Stabilized Soil-Cement Mixture." Today, 10:00 a.m., 1026 E. Eng. Chair- man, W. J. Emmons. Herbert Clay Weller, Speech; The- sis: "Vegetative Rhythm Determina- tive of Speech Patterns." Today, 2:00 p.m., 2006 A.H. Chairman, J. H. Muyskens. Marion Elizabeth- Pellett, Bacteri- ology; Thesis: "The Gas Metabolism of Saprophytic Acid-Fast Organisms with Special Reference to Bacillus Canadian Chrysler Plant Imposes Language Rules WINDSOR, Ont., May 24.-U)- Disturbances between Canadian em- ployes and those of German extrac- tion prompted the Chrysler Corp. of Canada today to post notices in its three Windsor plants prohibiting the use of any but the English and French languages on company prop- erty. Violations of the order, the com- nanv said. wonli raeslt in dmiil- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Phlei." Monday, May 27, 2:30 p.m., 1564 E. Med. Chairman, M. H. Soule Milton John Roedel, Chemstry; Thesis: "The Structure of the Diazo- phenols." May 27, 2:00 p.m., 309 Chemistry. Chairman, C. S. Schoep- fle. Hattie Bell Q. Ross, Speech; The- sis: "Dietary Consistency and 'Hab- its and Affective Nutritive Processes in Their Relation to the Development of Specificity, Including peech." May 27, 1:30 p.m., West Council Room, Rackham Building, Chair- man, J. H. Muyskens. Carl Henry Schachtsiek, Germanic Languages and Literatures; Thesis: "Eugen Wolff als Literarhistofiker. Ein Beitrag zur Beurteilung der Schererschule." May 27, 2:00 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Building. Chairman, H. W. Nord- meyer. The Bluebook in Geology 130 will be given Wednesday, May 29, instead of Friday, May 31. English 32 (Mr. Rowe's section): The assignment for Mon., May 27, is King Oedipus. Psychology Master's Examination will be held today at 2 p.m. in Room 3126, Natural Science Bldg. English I and II: Final Examina- tion Schedule, Saturday, June 1, 9-12 a .m. ENGLISH I Halliday, 205 M.H.; Hanna, 205 M.H.; Stocking, 205 M.H. ENGLISH II Arthos, 2003A.H.; Bader, 1035A.H.; Baum, 1025A.H; Bertram, 1025A.H.; Boys, 1025A.H.; Calver, 103A.H.; Engel, C Haven; Everett, C Haven; Ford, C Haven; Giovannini, 25 A.H.; Green, 25A.H.; Greenhut, B Haven; Haines, B Haven; Hart, B Haven; Hathaway, 2225A.H; Helm, 2013A.H.; Helmers, 16A.H.; Leedy, 103R.L.; Ogden, . 103R.L.; O'Neill, W. Phys. Lect.; Peterson, 212 A.H.; Robertson, W. Phys. Lect.; Schenk, 2225A.H.; Schroeder, W. Phys. Lect.; Stibbs, W. Phys. Lect.; Walker, 2029A.H.; Weimer, 35A.H.; Weisinger, W. Phys. Lect.; Wells, 1035 A.H.; Woodbridge, 2029A.H. English II Make-Up: Saturday, June 1, 7-10 p.m., 1025A.H. Only those students with a conflict at the regularly scheduled time (see above) will be admitted. Physical Education for Women: Individual sports tests will be given during regular class hours -on Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 27, 28 and 29 in the following activi- ties: Archery, Golf, Riding, Swim- ming and Tennis. The canoeing test will be givenon Tuesday, May 28, at the Canoe Livery from 1:00 to 3:00. Students wishing to take these tests are asked to sign up at the desk in the Women's Athletic Building. Concerts Graduation Recital: Beryl Hrri- son, violinist, of St. Louis, Michgan, will be heard in recital, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree, Mon- day evening, May 27, at 8:15 oclock in the School of Music Auditorium, on :Maynard Street. The Public is invited to attend. Today's Events Biological Chemistry Seminar to- day at 10:00 a.m., in Room 319 West Medical Building. Subject: "Some Relationships of the Essential Ami- no Acids." All interested are invit- ed. Suomi Club meeting at the Inter- national Center, 7:30 tonight. Elec- tion of officers and social hour. Pi Tau Pi Sigma members, who are making the inspection trip to pe- troit today, will meet at 1:00 p.m. in front of the West Engineering An- nex. Coming Events German Table for Faculty Xm- 1rrs will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. the Founders' Room, Michigan 'Union. All faculty members interested in speaking German are cordially invit- ed. There will be a brief infornal talk by Professor Henry W. Nord- meyer on "Thomas Mann's 'Lotte in Weimar'." Graduate Tea on Tuesday, May 28, 4:00-6:00 p.m., in the West Con- ference Room, Rackham Building. Dean C. S. Yoakum of the Graduate School will speak on "Personnel Ad- justment." Acolytes meeting Monday at 7:30 in the Rackham Building. Arthur Burks will read "A Modification of One of Charles Peirce's Classifica- tion of Signs." The Annual Picnic will be held Sunday, June 2, at 3:30 p.m.