MICHIGAN DAILl.h.....Y. .. THE MICHIGAN DAILY J5ie EDITOR ed Jo/I- Cihbe DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN fi , I- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Sessiol. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reerved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; 'by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERI.SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO - BostoNl- LOS ANG"ES -SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler. . Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman. Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor * . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor S. . . Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . . . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager. Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: JAY McCORMICK The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. Auto Dealers And Competition . . E MERGING FROM the widespread criticism of monopolistic, price- fixing trusts, is a constantly growing admiration of the genuine competition prevailing in the automobile industry. The honesty and thorough- ness of this competition cannot be questioned. 'ut it is ironical that this very competition is serving to destroy its most ardent perpetuator- the automobile dealer. Relationships between automobile manufac- turer and dealer continue to retain a precar- iousness matched by almost no other industry. So precarious, in fact, that according to a sur- vey made by the National Association of Auto- mobile Dealers, 64 per cent of the existing deal- ers during a ten-year period went into bank- ruptcy. Even in comparatively prosperous Ann Arbor, there has been a significant proportion of them "going under." This bankruptcy rate is conspicuously high. But there is no mystery as to its causes. Even a superficial study will reveal three fundamen- tal, interdependent reasons for it. 1) Manu- facturers employ fatally coercive policies and practices to high-pressure their dealers into selling their cars, a practice inevitably resulting in -high-pressure retailing, 2) A dealer's fran- chise depends wholly upon the whim of the producer, and 3) The public, naturally taking advantage of the situation, uses "horse-trade" methods in buying automobiles. LET US EXAMINE the conflict between the dealer and manufacturer. Realizing that a dealer's bread and butter depends on his franchise, we will be able to understand some of the undignified (to say the least) merchan- dising plans used by the manufacturers. So brogd are these plans, according to Ruth Brindze In a recent article in the Nation, that producers "define the accounting system which must be used, the amount of capital which must be invested, the location and size of the show room and display signs, the sum which must be contributed by the dealer for advertising, and the number of cars he must buy, (at the regular price) during the 'clean up' period when the Manufacturer is about to bring out a new model and wants to get rid of last year's cars . . . the Oealer not only has to make his quota, but he has to sell the particular models which the manufacturer tells him to." (Testimony in an T hearing.) Taking cognizance of these f"cts, and not even considering the struggle he dealer encounters with his used car prob- M, we can readily see that a fairer, less dis- criminatory system is sorely needed. There is one solution to the question of dealer and producer relationships. As with the worker (and it seems to us that a salesman is definitely in this category), the answer lies in organization. "In unity there is strength." Industrial tyranny is combatable only by mutual cooperation and action. It is unfortunate that dealers are so prone to recognize this. Now that the CIO is as powerful as it is, GM maintains amicable rela- tions with it. Do the dealers doubt that GM, for example, would refuse to recognize a united group of its own super-salesmen? OUT LET US EXAMINE the mutual problem existing between the buying public and the dealer. On one hand, we find a prospective purchaser shopping for the best offer obtainable, trying to auction off his old machine at its highest possible valuation. On the other hand, Morissey Replies To the Editor: A GREAT DEAL of unpleasant misunderstand- ing seems to have arisen concerning my re- cent letter, in which I ventured to assert that the United States ought not to support the British Empire because it is unworthy of our support. Some of my critics feel that I do not fully appreciate the horrors of Hitlerism. Or, as Professor Slosson puts it, "only a bomb or a concentration camp will convince me" that it is a danger to the world. However, I not only regard the Nazi government as one of the worst enemies of liberty and decency, but also as one of the most imperialistic. These three features make it a very detestible thing. Nor do I be- lieve that a German colonial empire would be any less oppressive than the present British Empire. But at this point my agreement with most of my fellow citizens ends. For I am absolutely certain that the surest way to make Hitlerism (or something different from it only in name) a permanent feature of the political constitution of Germany is to permit that country again to suffer a military defeat. The only other alterna- tive is extermination of the German people, so that they will be unable to desire revenge. DOES ANYONE question that, in the now- doubtful event of an Allied victory, the Ger- man people would be made to suffer for the crimes of their rulers? If anyone is so naive as still to hold any such illusion, let him reflect on the recent speech of Duff Cooper. Since one side must lose, it is only tragic justice that the vindictive winners of twenty- two years ago should taste their own bitter medicine, whatever their form of government may be. Not only should this country abandon Eng- land and France and their Empires to their well-deserved fate, but we should divest our- selves entirely of those narrow Anglo-Saxon prejudices which are responsible for the notion that, just because many admirable political reforms have originated in England, and a few other auspicious events have happened there, that these things confer everlasting political power on English-speaking peoples. If there must be colonial empires in the world, it is only fair that Italy, Germany and Japan be given a chance at dominion-building since Eng- land has already had this privilege for three centuries. Regardless of Professor Slosson's logic, it is more just that a new robber should rob the old, than that the old should enjoy forever his stolen loot. - James H Morrissey Let Them Talk To the Editor: RICHARD BERLOW'S LETTER in yesterday's Daily is an interesting example of the grow- ing Fascist mind in America. The granting of free opinion and speech to all who express your own ideas is exactly the program of the Nazis and Fascists. We must disregard his fun- damental misunderstanding of party ideologies and concentrate on the basic evil of his stand. The present war is, of course, of immediate interest to all of us from a variety of viewpoints. The Hymas are moved by their emotions, the Preusses by their narrow-mindedness (their in- ability to grasp the complete picture); the Slos- sons by their forgetting the fact that there are people living in the countries they talk so glibly about. The isolationists are those who are ac- tive Nazis (an inconsequential minority), those who are conscientious objectors (people who dislike noise) and those who are humanitarians, and see nothing of value to the people of the world in this war. THERE IS one other type in this country- that type in which Mr. Berlow falls. Moved by a doubtless sincerity in assuming that this is a holy war (however misguided in this belief) they allow their ardor to run to the extremes of Fascism in an escape from the very evil they dread. I do not say that Mr. Berlow is a member of the current shirt groups; I merely claim that his mental processes are those in vogue in Ger- many and Italy. And I think that in this coun- try, the greatest danger is not from Europe, but from this sort of unreasoning, militant pa- triotism at home. In America, we must forget this Chauvanism, and look at the world in a cold, objective gaze. We must not let this "America right or wrong" policy dominate our reason. The minute we do that, we become nothing more than a logical consequence of the situation, has begun to decline only recently-- a result of one producer's concerted advertising campaign to make himself to appear saintly and protective of the consumer-and make the dealer a dastardly villain who pads the bills of the innocent consumer. YET a solution to the retailing problem of the dealer is far from an impossibility. The main barrier is the used car. It must be ad- mitted that a used automobile has a definite intrinsic worth, no matter what price is painted on the windshield. Logically, then, there is no reason why a car should not be sold and traded for its actual worth. A plan that did this would stop the endless haggling and would save the necks of many of our more conscientious dealers. We would suggest this plan: The dealers should set up a cooperative agency which would scientifically and impartially determine the value of a buyer's automobile, this value being accepted as the only figure at which any dealer would make a trade. This proposal, assuming Fascist. The only real progress is made through a tolerant attitude, and not one of a subjec- tive tolerance for everything we as individuals believe in. I DO NOT THINK it necessary to take sides in this column as to whether or not we should go to war. My point is that we must look at this thing impartially-accept all sides, however fantastic they may appear-and then, in the light of calmer reason, aetermine just whether this war is worth the sacrifice or not. I main- tain that we will not be allowed to judge im- partially if we fall prey to the same sort of militant patriotism as swept us into the last war. The days of Babbitt, are, I hope, nearing their end. So far I have approached Mr. Berlow's stand from the point of view of our relation to the world scene. I have done this, because I know that his stand originated from the world scene. My advice is for him, whatever his stand upon our entrance into this war, to divorce from his mind the Fascist patriotism which has so ob- eiously obsessed him. That may be done only by adopting the fundamental doctrine of democ- racy at home-that of "let him talk!" Com- munist, Zionist, Nazi, House of David. GOP, DAR and fraternities and sororities all have their place on the American campus. There must be no discrimination if we are going to get a 'comprehensive view of our times, and that, I think, is one of the chief reasons for coming io a school as cosmopolitan as Michigan. -- John Keats Law To the Editor: HAVE NO DESIRE to enter into the present controversy regarding the possibility of en- try, by the United States, into the conflict in Europe. To those who declare that they will not fight, if ordered to do so through process of law, however, I should like to quote from six cases decided by the United States Supreme Court on January 7, 1918 (245 U.S. 366)-: "The service which may be exacted from the citizen under the army power is not limited to the specific purposes for which Congress is ex- pressly authorized, by the militia clause, to call the militia; the presence in the Constitution of such express regulations affords no basis for an inference that the army power, when exerted, is not complete and dominant to the extent of its exertion. "Compelled military service is neither repug- nant to a free government nor in conflict with the constitutional guarantees of individual liber- ty. Indeed, it may not be doubted that the very conception of a just government and its duty to the citizen includes the duty of the citizen to render military service in case of need and the right of the government to compel it. "The power of Congress to compel military service as in the Selective Draft Law, clearly sustained by the original Constitution, is even more manifest under the Fourteenth Amend- ment, which, as has frequently been pointed out, broadened the national scope of the gov- ernment by causing citizenship of the United States to be paramount and dominant instead of being subordinate and derivative, thus oper- ating generally upon the powers conferred by the Constitution. "The constitutionality of the Selective Draft Law also is upheld against the following objec- tions: (1) That by some of its administrative features it delegates federal power to state offi- cials; (2) that it vests both legislative and judi- cial power in administrative officers; -(3) that, by exempting ministers of religion and theolog- ical students under certain conditions and by relieving from strictly military service members of certain religious sects whose tenets deny the moral right to engage in war, it is repugnant to the First Amendment, as establishing or in- terfering with religion; and (4) that it creates involutary servitude in violation of the Thir- teenth Amendment." Philip C. Pack, Major, J.A.G.D., N.G.U.S. Are They Pacifists? To the Editor: I AM FED UP with people (President Roosevelt, Mr. Karlstrom, certain professors take note) who parrot over and over "I am a pacifist" and yet have no conception of the true meaning of the term, Let it 'be understood first that a pacifist fights for nothing, Karlstrom to the contrary, not even life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness. He retains his self respect by overcoming with reason a desire to fight and then he works with all of his energies to achieve those things by non-violent means. Example: Jane Addams, Ghandi, Bertrand Russell. Secondly, pacifists oppose not only war but armaments, regardless of Roosevelt's designa- tion. And he does not aid warring powers by sending supplies or giving them "moral support." Even Webster is on the right track. You will find in the 1936 edition, ironically enough listed in the front under "New Words," this: "pacifist -one who opposes military ideals, emphasizes the defect of military training and the cost of war and preparation for it, and advocates set- tlement of international disputes entirely by ar- bitration." But beyond all this is the commonly accepted pacifist point of view called "the pacifist way of life"-the method of meeting the everyday problems by application of the basic principles of Jesus (not isolated quotations Drew Pe~,sos RbertiAIe5 Before the late Douglas FairbanksC died he had a remarkable conversa-v tion with Hitler's Minister of Propa-t ganda, Herr Joseph Goebbels. Intel-$ ligence officers to whom Fairbanks told the story are now dusting ito off and examining it carefully to see what significance it has in regard to Hitler's future conduct toward thea United States. Fairbanks and his wife, the formert Lady Ashley, were vacationing atS Venice one year ago. Goebbels also had come to Venice, and the town was so decorated in his honor thats the Fairbanks home was about thec only one along the Grand Canals which did not fly the swastika. Later at the Lido, Fairbanks waso introduced to Goebbels, who called2 him "Zorro," no doubt remembering Fairbanks' picture, "The Mark of Zorro." At a dinner, Goebbels satc beside Lady Ashley and became ex-o tremely frank about Nazi ambitions,b predicting that Poland would be6 taken in the near future.F Lady Ashley countered that while Hitler might be able to take over some of the war-born states of Eu- rope, his philosphy never would be accepted by the Low Countries. e To this Goebbels replied: "Oh, France and Great Britain are tired old men. They will never fight." Invasion Of U.S. The conversation then went on to the United States, which Goebbelsf described as a country of "niggers and Jews." "They will never fight," he said.- "Our political philosophy will sweepa the world. When it comes to Amer- ica, we shall conquer you by methods and means of which you know noth-c ing." Later, Goebbels said Germany'sb greatest shame was the fact that she was without a great fleet, hadt been forced to scuttle it at Scapa Flow after the World War. Regard-e ing this sorrowful incident Hitlerx had practised the philosophy off Gambetta, "Think of it always, speakc of it never." And since Hitler's greatest ambi- tion was to secure a new fleet, he planned to let the British off lightly if they surrendered their navy to Germany.f Goebbels did not specify whom the4 fleet was to be used against, but as he left the Fairbanks he mades this boastful farewell: "See you in the United States in eighteenI months." Fairbanks at first did not pay much attention to the remark, but I later got to thinking it over. Finally he decided to report thesconversa- tion to intelligence officers. Fleet For DebtsI The Chip Robert proposal to can-c cel the war debts in return for a mortgage on the British fleet has received a lot of support on Capitolt Hill, but not among officials famil- iar with Great Britain. They point out the British are already pretty sour on the UnitedI States, and that any proposal con- nected with war debts (which they1 consider non-existent) would make; them so bitter that they might pur- posely dispose of the fleet in a way9 prejudicial to the United States. In fact, the attitude of the British toward the United States is com- pared to that of General Jan Syrovy,1 the one-eyed commander of the Czech army. He became so sour at Great Britain after the surrender of Munich that he served as go- between in arranging the alliance between Hitler and Stalin. Naval Instruments The Justice Department has just bumped into the discovery that U.S. submarine periscopes, naval range- finders and other important tech- nical equipment used by the Army and Navy is being manufactured in partial cooperation with a German firm. The American company involved is Bausch' and Lomb, well-known manufacturers of optical instru- ments, while the German firm is Carl Zeiss of Jena. The whole matter came out during an anti-trust prosecution by the Justice Department, which ended this week in a consent decree by which Bausch and Lomb agreed to refrain from monopolistic practices. Perhaps more important, they also agreed to supply the Navy with ma- rine range-finders for the new cruisers. Previously they had been unwilling to guarantee delivery for several months. The Justice Department began its investigation of the eye-glasses trust in an effort to bring down the price of spectacles. Bausch and Lomb was among the companies investigated, and Justice Department agents turned up a contract the company had signed with Carl Zeiss. Undr this contrmt Busch and _ (Continued from Page 2) i Utilization Representative, salary,C $3,200, June 17.e Field Home Electrificaion Special- ist, salary $2,600, June 17. The INDIANA STATE BUREAUa OF PERSONNEL announces existinge vacancies for well-qualified Psychia-p tric Social Workers. Salary range:f $150-195.d The Bureau has also received thet official May Civil Service Bulletin forn New York City. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours:r 9-12 and 2-4.p The Inter-Cooperative Council Per-d sonnel Conunittee is accepting appli-c cations for room and board for next" semester. For further information call Har-s old Osterweil, 7250, or Dick Shuey,P 2-2143.J Any girls interested in living in an cooperative house next year with girls of other religious, racial, and culturalo backgrounds, please call Stalker Hall,a 6881, and leave their names and tele-e phone numbers. Academic Noticesc History 12 Lecture II: A reviewv lecture will be given in Natural Sci- ence Auditorium from 3 to 4 p.m., Tuesday, May 28. Preston W. Slosson Psychology Master's Examination will be held Saturday, May 25, at 2c p.m. in Room 3126, Natural ScienceI Bldg.1 The Doctoral Examination of Har-C old Edward Wallace will be held at 9:00 a.m. today in 3089 N.S.r Mr. Wallace's department of spe-t cialization is Zoology. The titleF of his thesis is "Life History and Em-t bryology of Triganodistomum muta-t bile Cort (Lissorchiidae, Trematoda)."c Dr. G. R. La Rue as chairman oft the committee will conduct the ex-e amination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral can-t didates to attend the examination, and to grant permission to othersI who might wish to be present. I C. S. Yoakum c The Doctoral Examination of John Frazer Lamb will be held atr 4:00 p.m., today in 247 West Engineer-t ing Bldg. Mr. Lamb's department of I specialization is Electrical Engineer-t ing. The title of his thesis is "Ant Investigation of the Peak, Average, and Effective Currents and Voltages Occurring in the Series Ferro-Res-c onant Circuit." Professor M. B. Stout as chairman of the committee will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting membersP of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examia- , tion and to grant permission toI ohers who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum The Doctoral Examination of Wal- lace Alger Bacon will be held ate 3:00 p.m. oday in 3217 Angelle Hall. Mr. Bacon's department ofI specialization is English Language and Literature. The title of his thesis is "Shakespeare's Dramatic Roman- ces." Professor Paul Mueschke as chair- man of the committee will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoralf candidates to attend the examinationl and to grant permission to othersj who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination of Ralph E. Bennett will be held at 1:00 p.m. today in 1129 Natural Science Bldg. Mr. Bennett's department of specialization is Botany. The title of his thesis is "Morphology, Cytology, and Physiology of Perithecial Forma- tion in Pseudoplea Briosiana." Professor L. E. Wehmeyer as chair- man of the committee will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakun Doctoral Examination of Thomas Kenneth Haven will be held at 3:00 p.m. today in the East Council Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Haven's department of specializa- tion is Business Administration. The title of his thesis is "Investment Banking Under the Securities and Ex- change Commission." Professor R. G. Rodkey as chair- man of the committee will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral stry. The title of his thesis is "The Lipotropic Action of Some Sulfur- Containing Amino Acids and Relat- d Substances." Dr. H. C. Eckstein as chairman of he commitee will conduct the ex- amination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candi- dates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum The Doctoral Examination of Law- rovitchSkitsky wiU be held at 3:00 P.m. today in the West Council Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Skitsky's department of specialization is Psy- chology. The title of his thesis is "Instances Versus Generalizations: A Quantitative Comparison of Discur- sive, Statistical, and Experimental Approaches to the Conceptual Sub- ject Matter of Traits by the Method of Judgments Passed on the Perfor- mance of Judgment." Professor H. F. Adams as chairman of the commitee will conduct the ex- amination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral can- didates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum The Doctoral Examination of Ang- Tsung Liu will be held at 10:00 am., Saturday, May 25 in 1026 East En- gineering Bldg. Mr. Liu's department of specialization is Civil Engineering. The title of his thesis is "Density Re- lationships as They Affect the Struc- tural Properties of Stabilized Soil- Cement Mixture." Professor W. J. Emmons as chair- man of the committee will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examina- tion and to grant permission to oth- ers who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum The Doctoral Examination of Her- bert Clay Weller will be held at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, May 25, in 2006 Angell Hall. Mr. Weller's department of specialization is Speech. The title of his thesis is "Vegetative Rhythm Determinative of Speech Patterns." Professor J. H. Muyskens as chair- man of the committee will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum The Doctoral Examination of Flor- ence Ely Day will be held at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, May 25, in 2009 A.H. Miss Day's department of speciali- zation is Fine Arts. The title of her thesis is "Mesopotamian Pottery: Parthian, Sasanian, and Early Islam- ic. Professor J. G. Winter as chairman of the committee will conduct the examination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral can- didates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Today's Events Deutscher Verein: The picnic and elecion of officers will be held today. Meet in front of the Rackham Build- ing at 5 o'clock. Westminster Student Guild of he First Presbyterian Church will hold Open House tonight, 9:00-12:00. All students are cordially invited. Conservative Services will be held at the Foundation tonight at 7:30 p.m. The Fireside Discussion which will follow will be conducted by Prof. Clark Hopkins, of the Greek Depart- ment, who will give an illustrated lecture on "The Excavations of the Jewish Synagogue in Dgra." A social hour will follow. The public is cord- ially invited. A meeting of all students intereste in participating in the activities of the Forensics committee of the Hillel Foundation for the year 1940-41 will be held at the Foundation this after- noon at 4:00. Coming Events Bilhgical Chemistry Seminar pn Saturday, May 25, at 10:00 a.m., in Room 319 West Medical Buildiig. Subject: "Some Relationships of the Essential Amino Acids." All inter- ested are invited. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. the Founders' Room. Michigan Union. U