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May 23, 1940 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-23

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THE MIi-,'IITf, AN 11A ffV


aTas MTCHa t .V 1 VCY11 L 3' 1LY 1

yasvayw u['!l j Mill4 r.Q, Au'lu

Banquet Today
Honors Heads
Of Glee Club
Installation Of Officers,
Movies Of Spring Tour
Will Precede Serenade

Polling Places And Times

The annual Installation Banque
of the Varsity Men's Glee Club wi
be held at 7 p.m. today in the Unio
followed by the second half of th
traditional spring serenade.
The newly elected officers to b
installed are Charles Brown, 41
president; James Berger, '41, vice
president; Cary Landis, '42, secre
tary and Robert Lovell, '42, treasure
The student manager will be an
nounced at the banquet. Prof. Davi
E. Mattern of the School of Musi
will continue as director of the clul
Featured at the banquet will b
moving pictures of the club's spring
concert tour taken by Landis, an
also records made of the Annua
Spring Concert in Hill Auditorium.
Invitations as special guests of th
club have been extended to Dea
Walter B. Rea, Pres. Charles A. Sin
of the School of Music, Herbert Wat
kins, faculty manager of the Gle
Club, and Stanley- Waltz, manage
of the Union.
Following the dinner, members o:
the club will continue serenading coe
groups at Couzens Hall, Mosher-Jor-
dan, Stockwell, Kappa Alpha Theta
Collegiate Sorosis, Chi Omega, Kap-
pa Delta, Alpha Phi, and Gamm
Phi Beta. The serenades startec
last Thursday when the club visite
other dormitories and sororities.
Heinen Names
Union Deadline
June 1 Set As Final Date
For Life Membership
All graduating male seniors had
better shop early for their Union
life memberships, Charles Heinen;
'41, secretary of the Union, warned
yesterday, because there are only
nine more school days until exam-
inations, the deadline for getting the
gold pin and certificate.
The certificate and gold pin which
is given without charge may be called
for at the business offices of the
Union, located directly beneath the
front stairway. Any senior who has
completed four accredited years of
academic work is eligible to receive
a life membership. Summer session
work is given credit in determining
eligibility for a life membership. ,
The tradition of Union life mem-
berships began in 1926, and since
that time upwards of 12,000 pins
and certificates have been given, an
average of 800 a year.
Anmng Will Speak
To Astronomers
Prof. N. H. Anning of the mathe-
matics department will discuss some
mathematical phases of the moon's
orbit around the sun at today's meet-
ing of the Observatory Journal Club
which will meet at 4 p.m. in the Ob-
servatory lecture room.
The announce topic, "An Anomal-
ous Orbit", will be discussed from
the mathematician's viewpoint, a
phase often overlooked in the usual
astronomy course, and should be of
interest to mathematicians as well.
The ObservatoryJournal Club, com-
posed of members of the astronomy
staff, meets at irregular intervals to
discuss news and events of interest
to the astronomer.
Tomorrow's meeting will be pre-
ceded by a tea.
Club Reelects Officers
Le Cercle Francais reelected all of
is present officers at its last meeting
of the year. Carrie Wallach, '41, will
continue as president; George Kiss,
3rad, vice-president; Alice Ward, '41,
secretary, and George Sabagh, '42,

Order your Subscription
for the
Michigan Alumnus
$2.00 for 1 year

10:00 BPi;]) ueL
11 :00 Dick ('unley
12:00 Ward Quail
1:00 Art Schoenberg
2:00 Dick Baer
3:00 Dick Baer
4:00 Dick Baer
Union Lobby
10:00 Chick Zolla
11:00 Bob Sibley
12:00 Bob Sibley
1:00 Dick Strain,
Dave McKinney
2:00 Ruby Fried
3:00 Ruby Fried
Jim Rossman
4:00 Ruby Fried
Jim Rossman

II.03 aiail
12:00 J:ai lmWinuke
1:00 Tom Goodkiiid,
Jack Grady
2:00 Bruce Suthergreen
Ronald Shanck
3:00 Bob Matthews,
Ronald Shanck
4:00 Bert Ludy
Ronald Sha ick
West Engineering
Second Floor--Above Arch
10:00 Aaron Kahn
11:00 Ira Katz
12:00 Bob Steinberg
1:00 Leon Landsberg
Jim Pierce

:00 Bob Hoffmnan,
4:00 BoI) loffman,
Mdt. Zeriman
116 Law
3:00 Fred Anderson
4 :00 Fred Anderson
2042 Natural Science
3:00 Bob McWilliams
4:00 Bob McWilliams
Lobby of East Medical
3:00 Buel Morley
4:00 Buel Morley
Basement Lecture Room
3:00 Jim Hall
4:00 Jim Hall

Stump Speakers
W-(ll Get Prizes At
Prize i of b- 1 ps and gavels
madt e lIg W WodWill be presented
to the wn ,ners of tie Stump Speak-r
ers' Society's speech contests at the;
11th annual Tung Oil Banquet Tues-
day in the League Ballroom.
The types of addresses which will
be judged are the Hall of Fame talk,
nominati some engineer to the hon-
ored group, the raconteur of story
telling speech: the project talk con-
vincing someone of the merits of a
certain idea; thedebating lecture
and the after dinner address. An
addiional prize will be awtarded to the
man who has done most for Sigma
Rho Tau, honorary speech society.
Gov. Luren D. Dickinson, featured
speaker at the Banquet, will present
his first address on this campus on
"Character in Democracy."
The "Cooley Cane" which is given
annually to the leading member of
the society, will be presented at the
dinner by Charles 0. Probst, '39E,
last year's winner.
Tickets are available at the League
and at Ulrich's and Wahr's
Worley To Preside
Prof. John S. Worley of the De-'
partment of Transportation Engineer-
ing will preside at the annual state
safety meeting which is being held
today and tomorrow at Lansing.

Allies Check
Enemy Forces
Dec ;'IvvBattle Expeced
At Ypres And Arras
(Coutinued from Page 11
advice to Americans re'ently in otlher
parts of Europe.
A surge of optimism swept Britain
and France at the day's news from
the warfront.
"Our troops are holding the Ger-
mans at all points," the French said.
"Even the rumors are better today."
General Maxime Weygand, Com-
mander of the Allied forces, was de-
scribed as "really satisfied."
The British, joining the French
in retailing the- Allies' good news.
told of large-scale bombing attacks
on the German main line of commu-
nications and military objectives in
Germany itself.
Moreover, they said their own
front had held firm all day and that
counter-attacks had been delivered
between Arras and Douai.
Up in Belgium, along the line of '

the Scheldt, the Belgians,
conter-attacked successfully.

and Renewals Only
(instead of $5.00)
3582 - 715 Hill


Punch the '40 in 1939-40 on all voters' identification cards.
Only men vote for the Union vice-presidents.
No electioneering on the same floor of the ballotting under threat of disqualification.
Last man on each polling place please bring ballot boxes and unused ballots to the
Student Offices-Michigan Union.
Each man should stay on duty until relieved.


Actress Cites
Req ire ments
For Success



Co-Ops Elect Fried New Council Head
dward Fried, '41, was elected Rochdale Cooperative House and is
sident of the Inter-Cooperative at present a member of Brandeis
ncil for the coming year at the Cooperative House. The Inter-Coop-
ncil's meeting yesterday. erative Council is an organization
ried, who comes from Long Beach, representing the nine cooperative
Y., has been a member of the rooming houses on campus,

Pens - Typewriters - Supplies
"Writers Trade With Rider's"
302 South State St.

today and tomorrow at Lansing.
_______ __________________ U

Mady Christians walked into a
Speech 41 class yesterday to watch
University students emote.
Bona fide daughter of the theatre,
protegee of the internationally known
Max Reinhardt, star of Broadway
and Hollywood, and at present lead-
ing "lady in the Dramatic Season's
"The Winter's Tale", she was not ex-
actly interested in picking up point-
ers from the aspiring Thespians, but
revealed that the visit sprang from
her interest in colleges as a training
ground for the legitimate theatre.
The class, conducted by Frederic
0. Crandall, worked with short in-
tepretive scenes, and afforded her the
opportunity to watch some of their
fundamental stage preparation.
"It's all very fine," confided the
affable, light-complexioned actress
afterwards in an interview, "that is,
as an appreciation course. But as
for actual professional training-it
lacks so much!"
Although complimenting Crandall
on his "excellent direction," Miss
Christians pointed out that while
'inner visualization' and emotional
development are definite requirements
in young hopefuls, diction and tech-
nique will secure them parts.
"First appearances are so import-
ant," she explained. "If a youngster
cannot project his voice, nor sound
his vowels correctly, a producer will
look no further. I think diction,
thus, should be the starting point."
Miss Chritsains, who has associat-
ed with such actors as Maurice Ev-
ans in "Hamlet" and "Henry IV",
and successful Hollywood actors in
"Come and Ge It" and "Heidi", de-
clared that after technical training
here students seeking a career on the
stage might gain small town and stock
"A combination of both University
and stock training is the best pos-
sible background preparation," she
opined finally, but questioned the fu-
ture of the horde of stage aspirants
graduating each year. "Only those
with striking talent should be en-
couraged," she warned. "The stage is
honestly a heart-break career. I
"The Winter's Tale", a Shakespear-
ean comedy, will continue its run at
8:30 p.m. today at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.

azine has come to occupy such a high place in the
A nos -for news-

and a stomach for whiskey

THE CITY ROOM knows him no more.
He has passed on to some private and personal
Nirvana of his own, where every typewriter has
all its keys and a bottle waits at every four-alarm
And the only epitaph he would have wished is
this .. ."He was a good reporter."
His greatest, and most unconscious, character-
istic was an insatiable curiosity. He seethed with
questions. Nothing was as it seemed, and he picked
frantically at surface facts until the shell broke and
the muck, or the treasure, underneath was exposed
to his greedy mind.
i With or without the vine leaves in his hair, his
sense of news verged on the occult. He knew bish-
ops and gunmen, politicians and pickpockets, and
treated both the great and the sham with the same
casual impertinence. His mind was a brimming
pool of assorted facts, which he turned on and off
like a tap.
Under a glass-hard exterior, he had a heart as
soft as mush. He rooted fiercely for the underdog,
perhaps because he was so much the underdog
He got paid very little-and when other people
talked of the "profession of journalism" his was
the loudest laugh.
. Sometimes he grew out of it. Sometimes he be-
came a famous columnist, a noted author, or even
an Editor. But mostly he grew old at 45. And
when he saw a new youngster in the City Room he
figured the best thing he could do was to take him

But he left behind him a legacy of incalculable
,value to the nation. For he established the tradi-
tion of good reporting as the foundation of a free
What happened? Who did it? Where? When?
As long as these questions can be asked by good
reporters free to write the truest and frankest an-
swers they can find, freedom will have survived.
True, since the days of the old-time reporter,
both men aqid minds have changed. The reporter
of today is a better man than his predecessor. He has
to be. He is better-educated, better-paid. Neither
he nor his editor can get away with the cheap sen-
sationalism of yesterday's Yellow Journalism-and
neither of them insists on any special license to
get drunk. The reporter's passport today is re-
spected everywhere, and he is expected to live up
to the code of his profession.
Too, America's appetite for news has grown
sharper. It takes some 25,000 local reporters and
1,888 daily newspapers to gratify it. Altogether,
300,000 men and women are engaged in telling
you what is happening in the world, with all the
trimmings you're accustomed to-comic strips,
women's pages, photographs, society notes, advice
to the lovelorn, columnists, cartoons, editorials,
crossword puzzles.
But whatever the extra values newspapers and

For the Newsmagazine has, as grist for its
weekly mill, all that has been found out by all the
world's good reporters. Sometimes these good re-
porters are TIME's own correspondents or legmen.
Sometimes they work for one of the great Press
Associations. Sometimes they are obscure people
whose nuggets have been buried on page 10 of
some little-read publication. Sometimes they are
men and women in TIME's home-office, who-at
one end of a wire-probe a reporter three hundred
or three thousand miles away until a few confused
facts become a well-ordered, living story.
The world is the good reporter's hunting ground.
No man can tell where a nose for news may pick
up the scent. Stories may break in the White House,
the Holland tunnel, the Balkans, the South Pole,
Number 10 Downing Street, or 1913 Central Ave-
nue, South Bend.
No man can anticipate TIME's stories. The News-
magazine is as unpredictable as the warring,
struggling, creating, cock-eyed human race, whose
historian it is. Only this is certain..
In today's world the true adventures of your
fellow humans, gathered and told by good report-
ers, make more absorbing reading than anything
in the world of make-believe.
This is one of a series of advertisements in
which the Editors of TIME hope to give College
Students a clearer picture of the world of news-
gathering, news-writing, and news-reading-and
the part TIME plays in helping you to grasp,
measure, and use the history of your lifetime as
you live the story of your life.

Send Your
for Proper Cleaning

magazines may offer today,
one thing remains the same
... the heart of a free press is

T T. - a IA

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