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February 22, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-22

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DAY, TTM 'M 1940

?A~Q~ ~ T~~DLY Pu,. 2~ 1~4O
I ______________________________ U


i2L EDITOR jqsi 2JU /

F:-o M<A JM m
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mall matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary
Mel Fineberg
Business Manager

Editorial Staff
Business Staff


Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager. .


Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
In Our Texts.
headline above an Associated Press news dis-
patch that appeared in the Ann Arbor News of
Tuesday. Unbiased presentation of any contro-
versial subject is likely to draw censure, one rea-
lizes immediately upon reading the "head." But
the story which appeared beneath it brings up
the question of the justice of such criticism.
Parents of Philadelphia school children, it
seems, have been asked to seek the ban of a
book termed "very, very un-American" by Mrs.
Ellwod J. Turner, secretary of the Daughters
of Colonial Wars, because it tries to give chil-
dren "an unbiased viewpoint instead of teach-
ing them real Americanism. All the old his-
tories," she is quoted, "taught 'my country, right
or wrong.' That's the point of view we want
our children to adopt. We can't afford to teach.
them to be unbiased and let them make up their
own minds."
Mrs. Turner's attack upon the "very, very
un-American" text is a perplexing thing, likely
to arouse a number of equally perplexing ques-
tions in the minds of thinking people-as well
as considerable indignation at its injustice.
In the first place, it makes one wonder what
she means by "Americanism"--a term used to-
day to cover a multitude of questionable virtues
and practices. It seems that Mrs. Turner feels
Americanism implies a dogmatic shouting 'that
everything this nation or its people has done,
does and will do is utterly beyond reproach,
regardless of moral or ethical smut attached to
the act. It implies, further, that little or noth-
ing should be done to remedy the trifling im-
perfections that do (not) exist in this country.
In the second place, Mrs. ,Turner's attack
makes one wonder just what should be meant
by "Americanism." Democracy, we have been
told from time immemorial, is the keystone of
the principles upon which the governmental
and social systems of this nation have been
built very well. Democracy means granting that
all men are free and equal, that all men are to
have equal opportunities. Refusal to admit;
faults in our nation's past and present history
is not included in this definition nor in any
sane definition of Democracy and of what should
be mieant by "AmericanisiL."
That the "textbook war" Mrs. Turner is at-
tempting to start is unjust cannot be denied if,
one realizes the import of her statement that
children must not be taught to "be unbiased"
nor *permittedto "make up their own minds."
This means the injection of dogma-political ec-
onomic and social dogma-into the very basis
of our educational system and eventually, all
our institutions.
This does not fit in with our ideas of Democ-
racy-at the very least, Democracy should per-
mit anyone from child to octogenarian to think
for himself. And regimented thinking is what
is the rule in dictator-run nations-so for "real
Americanism" we must not permit our children
to think for themselves.
Such; turtailment of thought nt only denies
Americans-the people who are supposed to be
filled with "Americanism"-their basic rights
as citizens of a democracy, but it also threatens
the operation of that very democracy. It makes
ridiculous that otherwise-plausible adage of
"my country, right or wrong."

To the Editor:
Today, after two "Letters to the Editor" in
The Michigan Daily announced that sorority
women were being forced to contribute to Fin-
nish relief, the benefit was announced for the
first time at Panhellenic meeting. The dele-
gates wished to write this letter to clarify the
sorority women's stand.
Panhellenic delegates are to inform their
houses of the drive and give each member an
opportunity to contribute if she wishes. No
member will be forced to contribute.
Any forcing in the other direction, that is,
any interference with students who sincerely
wish to give, is obviously poor taste.
The letter "Jordan Speaks" suggests that
someone walked up and down dormitory cor-
ridors, not making studentsdonate money, but
forcefully prevailing upon them not to give,
and to sign a letter urging others not to give.
Panhellenic's interests are not isolated in the
Finnish cause. We agree that money is also
needed for our own Americans and are sorry
that the campus Red Cross drive netted so
little. We note with approval that Mr. Hoover
can raise 23 million dollars for Jewish welfare
as well as conduct the Finnish Relief campaign.
Panhellenic is glad to have had a part in the
sales of Chinese goods in thedLeague Under-
graduate Offices this year, and last summer to
have helped the benefit for medical aid to
China, which was similar to the Finnish relief
As proof of the gratitude of his people to all
Michigan students, Mr. Waung of the American
Bureau for Medical aid to China sent the fol-
lowing letter:
"We are very much pleased to be informed
by Mr. Utah Tsao, President of the Chinese Club
of the University of Michigan, that the 'Ice
Cream Festival' was a wonderful success. The
proceeds realized at the festival and there-after
amounts to $810, which will be used for pur-
chasing one chassis ambulance. We have al-
ready placed an order for one ambulance and
have asked the Studebaker Corporation to cable
for delivery at Hongkong. We are expecting a
cable from the Chinese Red Cross acknowledging
the delivery of the ambulance in a few days.
The American Bureau for Medical Aid to
China is very grateful to you for your sympa-
thetic interest in this humanitarian cause, and
for your valuable contribution."
The women of the Panhellenic Association
hope they may, of their own accord, help a simi-
lar humanitarian project, that of relief to Fin-
land, meet with the same. support and success.
The Panhellenie Association.
of the University of Michigan.
There was some doubt in the minds of the
audience at Lydia Mendelssohn last night as to
whether Play Production's primary intent was
to bury Caesar or to praise him. In all justice
however, it must be said that their production of
Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" did wind up on
the credit side of the ledger. One mature and
very able performance on, the part of John Jen-
sen as Brutus, and Valentine B. Windt's ability
as a director and producer saved the per-
The play "Julius Caesar" is the tragedy of a
noble and honorable man whose honor and no-
bility force him to act the part of the assassin on
the body of the man he loves. John Jensen, who
played Brutus, succeeded in making that inner
conflict come alive upon the stage, a task that
few student actors could have performed. His
slips from character were few and minor and
he never succumbed to the ever present tempta-
tion to declaim rather than speak his lines, a
temptation which some of his fellow actors
made -little effort to resist. Jensen is not yet a
finished actor, but he did give the best individual
performance that has been seen here since Eddie
Jurist left.
T e production suffered at times, and espe-
cially in the latter portions, from some bad cut-

ting. The battlefield scenes were hacked miser-*
ably. This in itself would have been no great
crime were they just battlefield scenes and no
more. But in these scenes the real tragedy of
Brutus is 'brojught to culmination. In the play
as written, the self-inflicted death of Brutus is
the'last noble act of a great mind. In the play
as produced, the death of Brutus is but one
episode in a typical Elizabethan catastrophe
scene. Tht final smell in our nostrils is of
blood and not of honor and nobility.
The single set that was used throughout,
coupled with lighting that was at times striking,
allowed the complete mobility that is absolutely
necessary to any staging of this play. A very
great part of the credit for the colorful en-
semble effects must go to Emma Hirsch, who
designed the Elizabethan costumes.
The motivation for the characters of Marc
Antony and Cassius is as complex as one can
find any place in Shakespeare. Arthur Klein,
who played Antony, displayed this complexity at
times, but every so often, would rear back and
declaim at a spot somewhere above the last row
in the balcony. It is not fair however, to dis-
miss his performance with only these mVords.

To tle Editors:
We too, gentlemen, have been blastd into
writing a letter. After reading the vicious at-
tacks on the American Youth Congress we think
that it is time for those who were in Washing-
ton at the Congress to put the campus straight
on the issues that are so distasteful to other
contributors to this column.
First, the fact that the AYC refused to con-
sider any resolutions condemning the Soviet
Union for its invasion of Finland is no basis for
calling the congre Communistic nor does it
demonstrate that the members of the Congress
were unsympathetic to Finland. The fact was
that the Institute was not a resolution-forming
body, Judging from the reactions of the 5,000-
odd delegates, they feared that loans to Fin-
land, or any belligerent, were a step closer to
involving the United States in war.
Secondly, those who attack the Congress in
regard to its conduct are grossly misinformed.
As members of the President's audience, we be-
lieve we are qualified in saying that the dele-
gates showed deep respect for him in spite of
the fact that he told us that we were ignorant
and consequently should refrain from any sort
of action. As for Mrs. Roosevelt. we do not
think that the congress as a whole should be
condemned because a very small portion of it
saw fit to vocally disagree with some of her
statements. As a matter of fact, in concluding
her talk she commended us upon our ability to
listen politely to speakers with whom we did
not agree.
The story about bad, noisy children in army
barracks and hotels seems to have been grasped
with great relish by those who are afraid of real
issues. We wonder if they are as quick in their
condemnation of American Legion conventions.
It is indeed unfortunate that so few of the
metropolitan papers printed anything concern-
ing the true purpose of the congress. The inci-
dents related at the open forums by southern
share-croppers, young maritine workers, by
numerous delegates who were truly concerned
with jobs, peace, and civil liberties were repre-
sentative of the problems facing American youth,
and showed the true character of the Congress.
It would be far more intelligent for those at-
tempting to smear the Institute to learn more
about what really went on at the congress than
to smugly condemn it basing their condemna-
tion on the biased incomplete newspaper re-
William estirt '4.
Al rvin Lerner, '42.
Drew Peson
Robert S.Allei
WASHINGTON-There was a great deal more
than appeared in the headlines behind the Swed-
ish announcement of no help to Finland. Ac-
tually, the Swedes were ready to go much fur-
ther, even throw their whole weight into the
war against Russia. But they got no encourage-
ment from the Allies.
What happened was this. On Feb. 7, Daladier
and Chamberlain'met in Paris, where the French
Premier urged that the Allies come to the im-
mediate rescue of Finland with actual troops. He
pointed out that Finland was sure to crumble
unless she received material aid, and tha~t with
the German and French armies stymied along
the West Wall, it would be a good idea to create
a second front where the armies could get at
each other.
Chamberlain said he would take the matter
under consideration and went back to London.
Next day, the Swedes and Norwegians in-
formed the Allies that since it would take some
time for French and British troops to reach Fin-
land, they-the Scandinavians-would be will-
ing to give immediate and major aid to Fin-
land provided they had a hard-and-fast pledge

from the Allies that they would support them in
case Germany attacked from the rear.
In other words, the Scandinavian countries
would throw their armies outright into the war
against Russia and the French and British
would send troops to help keep the Germans
out of Scandinavia.
This also Chamberlain took under advisement.
A week dragged by. Part of another week.
Confidential reports from the Finnish front for
some time told that the Mannerheim Line was
crumbling. Finnish troops were exhausted.
They had been fighting continually with almost
no rest.
However, Chamberlain and the British cabinet
still debated.
Meanwhile the Nazis had learned what was
being proposed, and began to bring press*,re
on Sweden and Norway. They were warned that
cooperation with France and Britain in aiding
Finland would bring a direct attack on them by
The Swedes and Norwegians, however, still
waited for London. Finally, last week, Cham-
berlain acted. But all he did, however, was per-

I'd Rather
-- By Samuel Graf ton --
Except for liquor in a few one-;
bottle-a-week communities, no goods;
are rationed in America. We may
buy all we want of shoes and suits and
beef and butter, and never need to
have a ticket punched. The Ger-
man male, for example, is only allowed
to buy (if he needs them) one over-
coat and two suits. He is in a bad
way, compared with the American
male, who may buy all the suits and
overcoats he wants to buy. He may
have eighty overcoats, like George
Jean Nathan.
I looked up the American produc-
tion figures on suits, to see how much
better off we are than the rationed
Germans. Somewhat to my dismay,
I found that we manufacture, in this
country, only one-half suit per man
per year.'
We seem, also, to produce only one-j
sixth of an overcoat per man per
year. Something must be wrong. We
are not at war. Yet if we rationed
our output on a production-divided
by-population basis we would have to
cut below the German allotments.
We should have to limit individual
purchases to one suit every two years
and one overcoat every six years.
We do much better at table than
almost any European nation. Yet
even in food the American per capita
figures bear an interesting relation-
ship to European ration restrictions.
Each Britisher, for example, is to be
restricted weekly to about one and
one-half pounds of fresh beef or mut-
ton, plus one-half pound of ham or
bacon, making two pounds, plus an
unlimited quantity of sausage and of
liver, kidney, tongue and other mis-,
cellaneous organs.
These restrictions allow well above
two pounds of meat per person per
week. Our American production
allows only two and one-half pounds
per person per week.
A ration restriction of two-fifths of
a brassiere, one-third of a sleeping;
garment and one-half of a corset per
woman per year would make American
women write bitter letters to the
papers. Yet we produce no more than
this. If all American women could
afford to buy all they needed of such
garments and went into the stores
and laid their money down, three
would have to share each set of pa-
jamas or nightgown, on the present
production basis. This is impractical
and some other solution would be re-
The English are limited to four
ounces of butter per person per week.
Our typical annual butter produc-
tion (including butter made on farms
as well as in factories) is 16.5 pounds
per person per year, or about five
ounces per person per week. We are
one ounce better off than the English,
who are at war.
I will not keep it secret that the
reason for these quaint statistical re-
sults is that many Americans buy far
less than even the low "per capita
average" and les than they would be
allowed to buy (if they had the
money) in abbelligerent country un-
der war conditions. This being the
case, one wonders precisely where to
draw the line for these Americans be-
tween the blessings of peace and the
horrors of war.
They get it in the neck all the
time, without a Hitler. They have
to eat small and wear inferior gar-
ments without even the warming
consciousness that they are doing it
for democracy. They are just doing
it period.


rules on petition in discipline cases;
and routine business- t
A. H Lovell m
Deadline for Change of Elections, 2
College of Literature, Science, and a
he Arts: No course may be added
after the end of the third week of
the semester. This correct informa-a
tion conflicts with the statement G
(page 37, "Announcement, College ofo
Literature, Science, and the Arts")Y
which reads, " No student shall be
admitted to a class after the end ofA
the second week of a semester." TheB
last day for adding course is Satur-
day, March 2, the end of the third h
E. A. Walter
Students and Faculty, College of P
Literature, Science, and the Arts: t
Grades for laboratory courses, in A
which extensions of time were auto- d
natically granted until the end of the b
first semester 1939-1940, should be
reported as soon as possible, but not p
ater than Saturday, February 24.
Grades for courses in this category, a
ot reported by February 24 will auto-
natically be lapsed to E. The courses $
ffected by this regulation are listed
n page 38 of the Announcement of(
>ur College.
E. A. Walter s
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Those s
who have recently consulted me about
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships and have a
aken application blanks to be filled M
>ut are urged to bring in their appl- 2
,ations as soon as possible. a
F. E. Robbins
School of Education Students, d
Changes of Elections: No course may s
be elected for credit after Saturday, o
March 2. Students must report all
changes of elections at the Regis- w
rar's Office, Room 4, University Hall. F
Membership in a class does not cease
or begin until all changes have been
hus officially, registered. Arrange-
nents made with the instructors areA
not official chnges
Library Hours on Washington's s
Birthday: Today the Service Depart- i
ments of the General Library will be l
open the usual hours, 7:45 a.m. to d
10:00 p.m. The Study Halls outside
of the building and the Departmental
Libraries will be closed. e
All Freshman students who were in I
the Hopwood Contest should come to t
the Hopwood Room for their manu-
scripts this week. The room is open
from 2 to 5:30 p.m. p
R. W. Cowden
Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowships:
Graduate Fellowships, each with a sti-
pend of $500 for one year, have been i
established by the Honor Society of b
Phi Kappa Phi. These Fellowships t
will be administered in accordance 1
with the following regulations:-
1. The Fellowships shall be award-1
ed to undergraduate members of Phi4
Kappa Phi, each of whom wishes tot
enroll as a candidate for an advanced
degree in a graduate school in some :
American College or University. Ad
student registering in a professionali
school such as Law or Medicine is not
2. The recipients of these Fellow- 1
ships shall be selected from among a
list of applicants as prescribed be-
(a) Those eligible to apply for onek
of these Fellowships shall include1
members of Phi Kappa Phi who, dur-c
ing the year preceding the proposedl
graduate study, were elected to mem-t
bership in the society asseniors.
(b) Applicants for these Fellow-I
ships shall be filed on or before thee
15th of March with the Secretary ofC
the Society Chapter in which the ap-t
plicant was elected to memberibsp.
(c) Each Chapter of Phi Kappa
Phi shall select each year the one
applicant whom they consider the
most worthy of receiving one of these

(d) A Committee of the National
Society shall award the Fellowships,
not more than one from each Chapter.
(e) In selecting the most worthy
applicant, each Chapter as well as
the National Committee of Award,
shall give primary consideration to
the applicant's promise of success in
graduate work as revealed by previous
scholastic record, testimonials from
teachers and merit of proposed plan
of graduate study.
(f) The final awards shall be made
not later than June 1st,
3. It is expected that those accept-
ing these Fellowships Will devote
their full time to graduate study
throughout the academic year and
will not at the same time hold other
remnuerative scholarships or Fellow-
ships, nor any salaried position other
than a remission of tuition or fees
provided no return service is required..
B.S. Swinton, 308 Engr. Annex
The University Burea* of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information

(Continued from Page 2)

Associate Specialist in Social Group
Nork, salary, $3,200, March 18.
Complete announcements on file at
he University Bureau of Appoint-
vents and Occupational Information,
01 Mdson Hall. Office hours: 9-12
nd 2-4.
Summer Placement: The University
3ureau of Appointments has received
call from the American Express
oncessions, Inc., for young men to
perate the guide chairs at the New
York World's Fair, 1940. All appli-
ants must be available by May 1.
anyone interested, report to the
3ureau of Appointmets for further
ualifications, 201 Mason Hall; office
lours 9-12, 2-4.
, The Bureau of Appointments has
eceived notice from the City of
'ittsburgh of Civil Service Examina-
ion for Summer Recreation Work.
l applications must be filed by Fri-
lay, March 15. 1940. Applicants must
e bona fide residents of Pittsburgh.
Police Guard (male) salary $5.00
)er day.
Head Swimming Guard (male) sal-
ry $5.50 per day.
Swimming Guard (male , salary
5,00 per day.
Summer Recreation eader (male)
;female), salary $5.25 per day.
Head Counsellor (male) female),
alary $5.00 per day.
Junior Counsellor (male) (female),
alary $2.50 per day.
Complete announcements on file
t the University Bureau of Appoint-
nents and Occupatinal Information,
01 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12,
nd 2-4.
Advanced Studies in Religion: Stu-
tents interested in Graduate Scholar-
,hips or Fellowships in Religion at
ther Universities may call at Room
, University Hall, and consult Ed-
ward W. Blakeman, Counselor in
religious Education.
Central Committee members for
~.sembly Ball must leave a list of
heir committee members together
with their eligibility cards for the
;econd semester on the bulletin, board
n the undergraduate office of the
eague for Elaine Wood before Mon-
Lay, February 26.
All Campus Fencing Tournament
ntries should be submitted t Ray
1hambers or the office of the Itra-
mural Sports Building today. The
ournament will begin Friday.
Senior Lit Students: Class dues are
payable Feb. 26-Mar. 1.
Academic Notices
The readng e nminton, previgus-
y announced in this column, i to
be repeated on Friday, Feb. 23, for
he benefit of students who aw~ed
ate at the earlier examinatn or
who could not come at that tne.
rhs examination is to be held at
4 p.m. in Room 4200 University sigh
School; the purpose is the sae as
hat of the one given earlier. It will
serve as a means of selecting stu-
dents for a special non-credit corse
n the improvement of reading which
is to be organized shortly. Any stu-
dent interested in this program is
urged to attend the examinatioi.
Flying Club Flight Training Course:
All students who intend to enter the
Flying Club flight training c~rse
later in the year are urged to s in
on the C.A.A. ground school, held
Monday Wednesday and Friday at
two periods: 6:45 to 7:45 and 4:45
to 8:45 in 1042 East Engineexing
Building. These classes are free of
charge. Before soloing, a knowledge
of air traffic rules is absolutely essen-

Faculty Concert: Thelma Lewis,
soprano; Mary Fishburne and Joseph
Brinkman, pianists; Hanns Piclk, vi-
oloncellist, and Wassily Besekirkgsky,
violinist, will give a recital in Hill
Auditorium, Wednesday, Feb. 25, at
4:15 o'clock, to which the general
public is invited without admission
charge. Accompaniments for Miss
Lewis will be played by Grace Wilson.
American Indian painting, South
gallery, Alumi Memorial Hall, until
March 1, 2 to 5 p.m. Auspices of
Ann Arbor Art Association.
Art and Industry, ground floor,
Architectural Building, courtesy Col-
lege of Architecture and Design,
University Lecture: Dom Arnselm
Hughes, O.S.B., Prior of Nashdom
Abbey, Burnham, Buck, England, and
Honorary Secretary-Treasurer of the
Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Soci-
ety, will lecture on "English Mediae-
val Music from 900 to 1500" under
-.1- n A Lf +V., Af. f Af14

driving a hard bargain. They pro-1
pose to stop Russia if Sweden will sell
all her high grade iron ore to Ger-
many, none to Britain . . . Britain
may have let the Finns down, but it
was Britain also who coked up the
Finns last October and encouraged
them not to yield to Russia.
When Tom Dewey arrived in Port-
land, Ore., for his Lincoln Day ad-
dress, he called a press conference
and told assembled journalists the
first thing they would tackle was the
pictures. He posed for several flashes,
then announced that the press con-
ference proper would start.
However, one photographer, Ralph
Vincent of The Portland Journal,
took a few additional candid camera
shots, to which Dewey objected.
"See here, young man," said the
youngest Presidential candidate, "I
can't unlax as long as you keep
snapping those things in my face." .i
Unabashed, the irrepressible Vin-
cent turned to Lem Jones, Dewey's
secretary. "That's what I like about
Roosevelt," he Warked in a stage
whisper. "He cooperates."
All State delegations at the Re-
publican National Committee meet-
ing voted en bloc during the ballot-
ing for a convention city, except
South Carolina. . . "Tieless Joe" Tol-
bert of Ninety Six, S.C., most colorful
figure at the meeting, voted for Chi-
cago while his daughter, Julia Tol-
bert, a national committeewoman,

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