FOUR THE MICHIGAN rjAltY vVEWITSDAY, MAY 22.. 1940 T H E M..I.HIG A........... WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Possibility Of U. S. War Arouses __; 4 /7 Storm Of Protest And Suggestion -1{ r Z Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer .Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the usme for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; y mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVEISItNG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 4207 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO *'SOSTON LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISC'j Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M.rChandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky . Howard A. Goldman . Donald Wirtchafter . Esther Osser Helen Corman . . . Managing Editor . ditorialyDirector . . . AsCity Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: BERNARD DOBER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. University's Plan For Adult Education *. * FOUNDED ON A POLICY that edu- cation is more than schooling, state-wide adult education programs developed by the extension of University facilities and the cooperation of progressive communities has laid the cornerstone for the University's current progress. Challenged by the vital need for com- munity education, culture, and recreation and the expansion of higher learning beyond the campus, the University has taken the first steps to provide adult education in its widest sense throughout the state. Realizing that the task of providing such an all-inclusive program is beyond the facilities of any 'single ;institution, the University has fos- tered a plan of cooperation with other institu- tions of higher learning offering similar advan- tages and with the philanthropic foundations of the state connected in various ways with such a program. At the basis of the plan, however, is the individual community. Urgent solicitation by the community or local agency is the first impetus recognized for the extension of this voluntary plan. Facilities provided by the University fall into two classes. In the first place, a consultation service is offered for the formation of a com- munity council and for the survey of existing local resources. From the findings of this study, a recommendation is proposed to remedy or expand the present inadequacies of the com- munity. The community council representative of the different social agencies of the community are advised on how to establish best a broad program of community activity. PARTS OF THIS PROGRAM have been a community school including vocational training for the unskilled, forums for the ex- change of information and opinion on social and economic affairs, increased recreational fa- cilities, nursery schools, the care of crippled children, and programs for the prevention of juvenile delinquency. In this program the University provides its second service, instructional personnel from the staff of the University for the staff of the local school. Music, speech training, parent educa- tion, and health education are but a few of the fields of interest covered by the instruction of the University professors. AS ONE of the ghost advanced examples of community programs of the state, Dowagiac, Michigan has attracted state and national at- tention for its progressive program. This has inspired more than 25 communmies to follow its notable success. Likewise th organization of the Branch County Community Corporation on a county basis is founded, eighteen separate towns and townships, to make possible more community participation and activity. With the cooperation of all social agencies of the county represented in the Corporation the waste of over-lapping functions has been eliminated. Having youth centers at Coldwater and Quincy, young people of the district have been afforded vocational, recreational, educational, and guid- ance facilities otherwise impossible. With the financial aid of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, a well-equipped hospital has been erected to serve the county. In view of the predicted stationary popula- A Mother On Ilyrna To the Editor: MAY I commend you for the excellent articles In The Daily of which you are the author? Your answer to Prof. Hyma in Saturday's edi- tion is what has prompted me to write you at this time. When I read your previous letter, I was impressed with your restraint in not con- demning the man who was so obviously allowing his emotions to temper his discretion. Since reading .in the Detroit News that Prof. Hyma has declared: "It is my opinion that in the very near future our faculty will be obliged before admitting new students to our University to inquire into their political views as well as into their scholastic standings," I am convinced he lacks more than discretion, and is a very dan- gerous man to have on the faculty. I am thank- ful that my son has never been in his classes. Mother of a Student Col. Chas. A. Lindbergh, Columbia Broadcasting System, Care of WJR, Fisher Tower, Detroit. Dear Sir: I wish to commend you for your immortal radio address. I could not help feeling moved by the words of the greatest statesman since Lincoln. It is the answer to a perplexed, sorely distressed, and fearful people. In its calm, un- biased, dispassionate consideration of the pres- ent American problem, it should do much to shape the destiny of the Americas It is not for me, a physician, to judge the merits of a political plan of action, but, as a part of the Public Health movement, Tcannot help being struck by the similarity of your proposal to the mode of action in use today in Public Health. First the survey to accurate- ly appraise the existing conditions and as a result of this the fomulation of a policy to determine the final action, the program by which the objectives may be realized. By your utterances, you give new faith and new hope to American youth and certainly offer the way out of a difficult and dangerous situa- tion, which all Americans have been seeking. The words of America's greatest citizen cannot and must not go unheeded. Marshall W. Meyer, M.D. The Student And War To the Editor: No one will deny that the United States must have adequate defense. But-is Roosevelt's armaments program designed simply to pro- vide adequate defense? Two possible alternative DRAMA JAMES E. GREEN ,"UT OF the melange that was the Drama Sea- son's second offering of the 1940 season (sometimes known as Shakespeare's "The Win- ter's Tale") some new features that are worthy of noting emerged. It would be difficult to write about the play as a play or the production as a production so I shall content myself with point- ing out these features that made even the pre- sentation of a notably bad play a very enjoyable evening's entertainment. That the play failed to transport the audience into its own Never-Never Land was not the fault of a cast that was, on the whole, a pretty able one. But either because of faults in the structure of the play itself or be- cause of insufficient imagination applied to the production or even possibly because of an in- curably realistic streak in your reviewer, the production did not seem completely successful in'sustaining the mood or moods upon which its appeal depends. But now to the aforementioned notes which I shall attempt to transcribe from some rather il- legible jottings on the margins of a program . . .. Mady Christians is a very fine actress and gave a beautiful performance but I kept feeling that she had wandered in from another play. She presented a fine study in genuine emotion but genuine emotion hardly appeared to be in any great demand . . . Almost the same thing can be said about Grace Mills, who gave her second ex- cellent performance in a supporting role in as many weeks. The atmosphere of the masque which pervades the final scene makes good act- ing, if not impossible, at least out of place ... Even if there were no other reason, I could recommend attendance to see Hirma Sherman's lunatic gambollings in the role of Autolycus. One really can't be sure of the professional ethics of some of Sherman's antics but it really doesn't matter much because his scene-stealing was usu- ally all for the best. From my reading of the play I don't remember Autolycus as a particularly uproarious figure, but in Sherman's hands he became one of Shakespeare's finest efforts ... ... My career as a drama reviewer has been a short one but should I spend the rest of my life in these none-too-fertile fields Joseph Holland's interpretation of Leontes gave me a standard by which I will be able to measure all "ham" act- ing. This is not out-of-hand condemnation for, it is difficult for me to picture Leontes played straight. However, I could not help but feel that there was an increment, which grew as the play progressed, in Mr. Holland's performance that was strictly gratuitous . . . The much-lionized and over-publicized Miss Barrymore gave a per- motives rear their ugly heads: (1) defense of England and France rather than defense of America, and (2) creation of an artificial and unnecessary problem around which political unity and therefore political strength can be gathered. The politicians of America can get no unity around the real problems facing Amer- ica --unemployment and insecurity - because they have no real solution to offer to those problems. Either the understanding or the courage, or both, are lacking in the Democratic Party and the Republican Party alike, to intro- duce and carry through the only measure that will return the United States to prosperity without benefit of war. That measure consists of a bold and relentless attack on the monopoly controls and the concentration of income and wealth which are resulting in artificial price structures and inadequate wages and salaries, which mean low purchasing power followed by decreased production and-unemployment. And what is our Government doing in the face of this situation? President Roosevelt called together an industrial parley where representa- tives of Big Business were to figure out ways to hasten deliveries of armaments to the Allies. The American people need food, shelter, cloth- ing, education, health, recreation-our Govern- ment devotes its energies to speeding up the delivery of airplanes, guns, ammunition to the military authorities of France and England. In Mr. Roosevelt's industrial parley there were no representatives of rank and file labor, of farmers, of youth-those majority sections which will be most affected by the actions of the parley. The industrialists in conference with Mr. Roosevelt can- -and are only too likely to-gear the whole of American industry into a program of armaments building at the expense of living standards, and at the expense of the civil rights of those who object to less and less for popular consumption and more and more for war destruction. What can we-the students, the factory work- ers, the farmers, the small businessmen, the professional workers-do to prevent the gearing of our economy to war production? 1. We can insist on an armaments program based on needs of defense, not hysteria. 2. We can insist on economic and military ,cooperation with Latin America on democratic principles, not on the basis of imperialistic dic- tatorship. 3. We can insist on demonstrating America's sincere opposition to unwarranted aggression by placing an embargo on goods to Japan. 4. We can demand representation of rank and file labor, youth, farmers, and all other productive sections of society on any special boards or commissions created by the govern- ment. 5. We can demand that the munitions indus- try be nationalized to stop profiteering in muni- tions. 6. We must demand the maintenance and ex- fension of social legislation and civil liberties. 7. We must demand the abolition of monopoly control with its artificial price structures and its concentration of wealth, which are keeping from us the jobs and the security which we must have if our country is to remain at peace-and if our country is to remain a democracy. Ann Arbor Unit of New America Young Gulliver Suggests . . To the Editor: ffHIS SENTENCE in the last paragraph of Professor Slosson's letter in Tuesday's Daily might well serve as the starting point of a dis- cussion on America's role in the war: "As to the frequent charge of being a 'warmonger,' I can testify that I have spent-literAlly-most of my free time for twenty continuous years writing and speaking for world peace, pointing out the danger of the very war that has come to the world . .." No one, it seems to me, can doubt that state- ment. For my part, I am willing to testify that during my four years on campus I have seen no more sincere and determined fighter for world peace than Professor Slosson. And yet I know that I am not alone in regarding Professor Slosson as a very dangerous man, a man who may be very effective in persuading freshmen that it is our duty to do and die for Merrie Old England. Most of the people who have written letters to The Daily in the past few days have not concerned themselves with an attempt to resolve such a strange contradiction. In a few words: Everybody is for peace, from President Roosevelt to Earl Browder to Father Coughlin; yet some of the people who are for peace are busily engaged at this minute in push- ing us over the abyss. We all want peace, but we don't know how to fight for it. So that the basic problem is not, Do we want peace? The basic problem is: How are we going to fight for peace? LET US EXAMINE the situation as reasonably as we can. I am not asking that we be dis- passionate--no one but a moron could be dis- passionate in times like these. I am suggesting that possibly we can get farthest with an im- passioned reasonableness. It should be fairly clear by now that we will not get peace by following the Roosevelt path. By the Roosevelt path I mean the familiar argu- ment, advanced by a good many faculty men, that Hitlerism must be destroyed before it de- stroys "our civilization." Granted that we can abolish Hitlerism by fire and sword, it hardly follows that we are safeguarding our peace by so doing. To smash Hitler our economy must rew Pean SRobetS.As L. W. (Chip) Robert, secretary of the Democratic National Committee, has a plan for refunding war debts, also for selling more supplies to the Allies and at the same time ensuring Western Hemisphere defense. Briefly put, it is to take a mort- gage on the British fleet in lieu of war debts. In other words, the British would make a small token payment, then promise to turn their fleet over to the United States on the war debt in case of default. In return, the Johnson Act would become inopera- tive, and the United States would extend immediate war credits. Behind this, of course, is not so much the matter of war debts, but the very real fear that the United States may lose its greatest bulwark of protection-the British fleet. How important the British fleet is to American defense is only just per- colating to the general public. Real fact, however, is that the United States is not now prepared to defend both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, and will not be prepared for four more years. It would take at least that long to build a second fleet. The keystone of American defense has been: 1. A big navy in the Pacific. 2. Friendship with Great Britain, which rules the waves of the Atlantic. According to the Chip Robert plan, Great Britain would enter into a contract with us to deliver the re- mains of her fleet in case of defeat. Legally, this might give the British an excuse for not signing away their ships to Hitler. Actually, a good part of the fleet- at least in North Atlantic waters- would be out of commission before the British surrendered. However, some British vessels still remain in South American waters, at Singa- pore and in the Mediterranean. League, that the main enemy is the British Empire. WE ARE LEFT with two alterna- tives. First,- a thorough-going isolationism. Second, a consistent struggle against our own govern- ment. I omit the pacifist position because it appears obvious that the pacifists are going to do nothing but repeat monotonously that they will not fight under any circumstances. Such statements will impress neither Roosevelt nor the Draft Board. The isolationist position is no stronger than that of the pacifists. If Roosevelt had received, last week, a million postcards asserting that The Yanks Are Not Coming," it is hardly likely that he would have re- vised his address to Congress. The President is fully aware of the tre- mendous isolationist sentimnt of the American people. Yet it does not deter him. It does not deter him be- cause he is fully aware that with events in Europe breaking right, he can swing the isolationist sentiment over to his side overnight. That is obviously the game he is playing. And he will succeed (take the case of Professor Hyma, who could swing in a few days from isolationism to war-mongering) if the American people are not convinced in time that isolation in itself cannot keep us out of war. THE CONCLUSION, I feel, is ob- vious. The time is past when we could sit down blithely and dash off a postcard to FDR, asking him please to lift the Spanish Embargo, or cut down on arms expenditures, or keep us out of war. White House Secretary Stephen Early let the cat out of the bag when he announced the other day that most of the letters received opposing the President's arms pro- gram "were signed with foreign names." That is the extent to which appeals to the government will be heeded. Our only hope for peace is a con- sistent, day to day struggle against the government. We must fight with all our strength against every step which the War Deal takes. We must convince more and more people every day that the only way to fight against war is to fight against the enemy at home, for socialism. If we should have learned anything from the first World War, we should have learned that the main enemy is at home. To those of you who agree with me: Be forewarned that you will be called fifth columnists, Hitler agents, traitors. You will be told that you are impractical, visionary, crackpot, idealistic . . . But remember that when Karl Liebknecht got up in Ger- many twenty-five years ago and thundered that the main enemy was at home, he was told that such a (Continued from Page 2) be sent to the League in care of Miss Ethel McCormick. The writer of the script used for production will be paid $100. The Wednesday afternoon record- ed music.programs, given in the Men's lounge of the Rackham Building, have been concluded for this semester. It is intended that a similar series of programs be presented during the Summer Session. Academic Notices The Doctoral Examination of Frank Raymond Blood will be held at 4:00 p.m. today in 317 West Medical Building. Mr. Blood's de- partment of specialization is Bi- ological Chemistry. The title of his thesis is "The Intermediary Metabo- lism of Some Sulfur-Containing Componds Related to Cystine." Dr. H. B. Lewis as chairman of the committee will conductthe examina- tion. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum The Doctoral Examination of Irv- ing James Cantrall will be held at 1:30 p.m. today in 2047 Mu- seum Building. Mr. C/rntrall's department of specialization is Zo- ology. The title of his thesis is "The Ecology of the Orthoptera and Der- maptera of the Edwin S. George Re- serve, Livingston County, Michigan with Notes on Habits and Life His- tories." Professor F. M. Gaige as chairman of the committee will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of' the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examina- tion and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakn The Doctoral Examination of Israel Albert Warheit will be held at 2:00 p.m. today in 204 UH. Mr. Warheit's department of special- ization is Germanic Languages and Literatures. The title of his thesis is "Jung-Wien as a Literary School, Schnitzler, Beer-Hofmann, Hofmann- sthal, 1890-1914." Professor H. W. Nordmeyer will. conduct the examination. By direc- tion of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of invit- ing members of the faculty and ad- vanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant per- mission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum The Doctoral Examination of Fran- cis Edward Throw will be held at 2:00 p.m. today in the West Council Room, Rackham Build- ing. Mr. Throw's department of spe- cialization is Physics. Tie title of his thesis is "Some Investigations into the Mechanism of the Geiger-Muller Tube Counter." Professor O. S. Duffendack as chairman of the committee will con- duct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chair-. man has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the ex- amination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be pres- ent. C. S. Yoakum The Doctoral Examination of will be held at 2:00 p.m. today in 21 Angell Tall. Mr. Crit- May 22, in 21 Angell Hall. Mr. Crit- tenden's department of specialization is Geography. The title of his thesis is "Population Patterns of the South- ern Appalachian Mountains." Dr. P. E. James as chairman of the committee will conduct the examina- tion. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privi- lege of inviting members of the facul- ty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum The Doctoral Examination of Gio- vanni Giovannini will be held at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, May 23, in 3223 Angell Hall. Mr. Giovannini's de- partment of specialization is English Language and Literature. The title of his thesis is "The Theory of Trag- edy as History in Renaissance and Neo-Classical Criticism." Professor N. E. Nelson as chairman of the committee will conduct the ex- amination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral can- diates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examina- tion and to grant perlmission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum The Doctoral Examination of Lynn DeForrest Abbott, Jr., will be held at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, May 23, in 315 West Medical Building. Mr. Ab- bott's department of specialization is Biological Chemistry. The title of his thesis is "Glycine Precursors: The Availability of Some N-Alkyl Glycine Derivatives for the Synthesis of Hip- puric Acid by the Rabbit." Dr. H. B. Lewis as chairman of the committee will conduct the examina- tion. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privi- lege of inviting members of the facul- ty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Lectures Medical Students: Dr. Richard Harrison Shryock, Professor of His- tory at the University of Pennsyl- vania, will present an Extracurricu- lar Lecture to the Medical School at the Rackham Lecture Hall on Thurs- day, May 23, at 4:15 p.m. Subject: "Cults and Quackery in American Medical History." All Medical School classes will be dismissed at 4:00 p.m., in order that the students may attend this lecture. All interested students and laymen are invited. Dr. Bruno Meinecke, of the Latin Department, will give a demonstrated lecture on "Ancient Grecian Music", on Thursday, May 23, at 8:00 p.m. in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. The public is cordially invited. Today's Events Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ing at 4:15 p.m. today. Mr. Amos S. Newton will speak on "Determina- tion of crystal structure by Fourier analysis of x-ray diffraction pat- terns." Junior Mathematical Society will have a picnic at the Island to- day, leaving from in front of An- gell Hall at 4 o'clock. All interested in going call Sally Lev or Ted Hilde- brandt. Machine Design Motion Economy- A 1600 foot movie on "Machine De- sign and Motion Economy" will be shown at 7:30 tonight in Room 348, West Engineering Building. This film was shown at the A. S. M. E. annual meeting last December. It is supplied through the courtesy of the General Motors Corporation, Saginaw Steering Gear Division. All interested are invited to attend. Mimes Meeting at 7:30 Room 323, Michigan Union. sion of new opera plans closing of business. tonight, Discus- and the Alpha Nu Speech Society will meet tonight at 7:30 in room 304 in the Union. Cercle Francais: Meeting tonight at 8:00 in 408 R.L. A.S.M.E.: The final meeting of the year will be held tonight at the Union at 7:30. Mr. Ben Beyer and Mr. Tom Jeffords will speak. Mr. Fred Jennings will present "The Junior En- gineer in Industry." Election of offi- cers for the coming year will be held after the talks. All engineers are in- vied to attend. The Slavic Club will meet at te International Center tonight at 7:30. All members are requested to at- tend. The Jewish History class will meet at the Hillel Foundation tonight at 7:15. Women's Club will meet today. The following gardens will be open during the afternoon:L Mrs. E. B. M~ains, 1911 Lorraine Place; Mrs. John Brumm, 1916 Cam- bridge Road; Mrs. 0. R. Greschke, 1258 Ferdon Road; Mrs. Bradley Pat- ten, 2126 Highland Road; Mrs. Ra- leigh Schorling, 403 Lenawee Drive; Mrs. G. E. Killins, 401 Lenawee Drive; Tea will be served at the home of Mrs. J. H. Kemper, 2605 Bedford Road at 4:30 p.m. Coming Events The English Journal Club will meet Tuesday, May 28, at 8 o'clock in the West Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building. There will be election of officers, and further examination of the question. "How much histori-