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May 21, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-21

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TUES DAT, MAT 21, 1940

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Campus Views On War Question



w 5
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail, matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.0, 'y mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Represent hive
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Ronald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

. . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate "Editor
. . . . Associate . Editor
Associate Editor
S . . . Sports Editor
. . . . Women'sE ditor
* . . .Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager . .
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers


Presidential campaign
And War Emotionalism .. .
THE ATMOSPHERE in Washington
last week was unmistakably sur-
charged with emotion and near-hysteria. The
hoarse cries of militarism resounded in response
to Pitsident Roosevelt's armaments message.
Voices advocating the lifting of the ban on loans
to the Allies were heard in the cloak-room and
halls of Congress. The individual Congressmen
were especially attentive to the cables from
abroad and no less attentive to the reactions
to those cables by their constituents at home.
Tense and grim were the hasty and frequent
conferences among the functionaries of the
\ State Department. Obviously America was tak-
ing several, inherently tragic steps toward the
war "frame of mind."
No political realist will deny the strong like-
lihood of the swift passage of the increased
arms program, as well as all the other mea-
sures designed to "bolster the national de-
fense." The opinions of those idealists who still
hold the now antiquated belief that public
monies should be exclusively devoted to con-
structive projects will be almost entirely over-
looked. The available evidence indicates that
the so-called "defense" legislation will have
priority rights in Congress, and that it will
encounter comparatively little effective oppo-
WHILE the pressure of developments abroad
no doubt lends considerable justification to
the intensified concentration on defense mea-
sures, this new trend in national policy towards
a pronounced militarism is something less than
completely desirable. It is a particularly un-
fortunate trend in an election year, for it will
tend to becloud important questions which the
electorate should answer unhampered by the
"crisis" atmosphere. It will tend to relegate
domestic issues to a position in the campaign
out of all proportion to their true importance.
By general agreement widespread unemploy-
ment is still considered the nation's Number
One domestic problem. In the approaching
campaign each political organization should
carefully formulate its own solution for the
alleviation of this problem. But the various po-
litical chieftains will probably be deceived by
the salutary, though temporary, effects on in-
dustrial conditions of the expanded arms pro-
gram, and thus ignore the pressing immediacy
of the still-remaining problem of unemploy-
ment. Assuming that the United States enters
the present war, even after the war is completed
unemployment will not have been miraculously
cured. It will still be mute testimony of a par-
tially diseased economy. Thus is it tragic that
this important domestic issue will undoubtedly
not receive the serious attention of political
parties which it surely deserves.
NOR IS unemployment the only domestic
problem which will meet the probable fate
of de-emphasis during the campaign of 1940.
The need for improving the relations between
capital and labor, the necessity of deciding upon
a satisfactory public power policy, and the
desirability of determining a civil liberties pro-
gram capable of preserving internal democratic
forms will perhaps also suffer neglect.
The campaign of 1940 should also feature
a scrunulouslv conducted examination of the

To the many readers who have sent in letters
on the current international situation go The
Daily's thanks. Because of space limitations, it
has been impossible to print all of them. We
have been attempting to give all opinions ex-
pressed adequate presentation. Writers are re-
minded that letters should be no longer than
400 words at the most and that names must ac-
company contributions Names will be withheld
if requested. Letters should be typewritten, if
Campus Represent ation
To the Editor:
ON MAY 14, Professor Hyma made his now-
famous attack on "potential traitors" on
the Michigan campus at Adrian. On the same
day that the first letters of protest appeared
in The Daily, Don Slaiman, of the local Trot-
skyite group, coincidentally challenged Profes-
sor Slosson to debate a representative of the
Workers Party on the topic of "Aid to Allies
vs. Socialist Opposition to War." When Pro-
fessor Slosson declined, Professor Hyma accept-
ed the challenge.
The Daily on the 18th quoted Professor Hyma
as saying the debate "will also include treat-
ment of the question of the duties owed a gov-
ernment by the people under it." In other
words, the debate is not to be confined to the
original proposition, but will be a means for
Professor Hyma to amplify the remarks he made
at Adrian. Although he may not have so in-,
tended, a very great number of students who
oppose war have been accused of treason. If he
is going to continue in that vein, we should be
represented on the platform. Is Max Schacht-
man, national secretary of the Workers Party,
the man we want to represent us?
What conclusion will the State press, which
widely published Professor Hyma's statement
in an unfortunately brief form, draw from this
debate? It will be none other than that the
University of Michigan students, already prac-
tically called "fifth columnists," have imported
a revolutionist to answer Hyma.
This ludicrous situation in which the non-
radical, war-hating bulk of the campus finds
itself "represented" by a man with whom it is
as much out of sympathy as it is with Professor
Hyma, should be cleared up. I suggest that the
editor of The Daily-who is to be commended
for his handling of the Hyma affair-select a
faculty member or a student leader who will
fairly represent the majority viewpoint, and
proffer him as Professor Hyma's opponent in
a debate, and that a new proposition be drawn
up, so worded as to focus attention-on the real
point of conflict.
Naturally, if Professor Hyma chooses to hold
a public argument with the Fourth Interna-
tional, he has a right to do it, and it is none
of our affair. But do we want these two view-
points to be taken as representative of the alter-
natives in the mind of the campus?
- Robert Anderson
Again Hyma
Daily is contrary to the principles enun-
ciated by President Ruthven in his speech before
the New York alumni on February 26, 1938.
Surely if Mr. Hyma believes that students'
views should be subject to a censorship im-
posed by their professors, he should not think
of opposing the views of his own superior! Let
me refresh his memory with a few excerpts.
"It should be apparent to any thoughfultper-
son that no school is properly contributing to
the education of its students if it insists on
putting their minds in strait-jackets... .
"A society which wishes to offer development
to a people's energy, intellect, and virtues can-
not succeed by the efficient, large-scale pro-
duction of cowed, culturally adrift, factory-
made minds, whose owners become slaves of
tradition, cannon fodder for scared or selfish
adults, and units resistant to progress for a
better world... .
"The college should be an agency to teach
persons to think, and to seek enrichment, not
to teach them what to believe and what not
to believe.
"The valuable assets of civilization can never
be preserved by propaganda or force, not only
by throwing open the books of society to the
critical examination of each generation of
- Robert Rosa

Answer To Morrissey
To the Editor:
HARDLY THINK that Mr. Morrissey's letter
calls for an answer. If the recent events in
Czechoslovakia, Poland, Holland, Belgium, Nor-
way and Denmark do not convince him that
Hitlerism is a danger to the world, nothing but
personal experience of a bomb or a concentra-
tion camp ever will convince him. The ludi-
crous spectacle of Mr. Morrissey weeping with
one eye because Britain has a colonial empire,
and with the other because Germany hasn't
one, will not win him the favor of logicians,
whether they be imperialists or anti-imperial-
ists. But his letter raises issues vaster than
itself. How far, and why, should the United
States be sympathetic with Great Britain?
Some would lay emphasis on ancestry, lan-
guage and civilization. But our national an-
cestry is very mixed, and admiration for a
national culture need not extend to approval
of its political policies. For instance, if Ger-
many were now governed by Lessing, Goethe,
Schiller, Kant, or in their spirit, there would be
a very good case for giving to Germany the
dominion of the whole world. But since, under
the Nazi rule, Lessing would be shot for de-
fending the Jews in his Nathan der Weise,

to be the Reverend Mr. Marley's point, that our
political sympathies should follow ideological
rather than national lines.
Now, the political record of Great Britain,
though far from faultless, can be compared
point by point with that of its totalitarian oppo-
nents. Though British democracy, in the full
sense of the word, dates back only to the Reform
Acts of the nineteenth century, as early as the
thirteenth century England enjoyed a far more
liberal and representative government than any
that exists today in Russia, Germany, Italy or
the lands which they dominate. To the historian
the very name England recalls Magna Carta,
the Petition of Right, the Bill of Rights, Parlia-
ment, juries, the common law, habeas corpus,
colonial self-government, Milton's Areopagitica,
Mill's Liberty, free speech in Hyde Park, a pow-
erful press, trades unionism, the cooperative
movement, the anti-slavery movement, the fQee
trade movement, the thousand and one other
charters, statutes or movements of liberalism
and reform that make up so much of British
WHILE the foreign record of Britain is mixed,
like that of every other nation, even here
the good seems to predominate. Surely it would
not have been for the greater freedom of the
world that Philip II of Spain, Louis XIV or
Napoleon of France, Wilhelm II or Hitler, of
Germany, should extend their own despotic sys-
tems over the whole of Europe, and in each case
Great Britain was the chief obstacle in the way.
Britain was fighting in her own interests? Of
course she was, but it is fortunate that in so
many cases British welfare coincided with the
welfare of other nations too. From Canning's
time to our own the main protection of the
Monroe Doctrine has been the British fleet.
I need hardly say that my own pretty obviou;
sympathies would be the same if the British
Commonwealth were to disappear tomorrow.
There would still be democratic and republican
France, liberal Czechoslovakia, well-governed
Holland, Switzerland and Scandinavia to con-
trast with the totalitarian tyrannies as holding
out, even in the chains that would bind them,
an ideal of a better "way of life." There would
still be the danger to our own liberal institu-
tions (derived mostly, by the way, from British
origins). Yes, I am Anglophile, but even if I
were not I would still be no less Naziphobe!
As to the frequent charge of being a "war-
monger," I can testify that I have spent-liter-
ally" most of my free time for twenty continuousI
years writing and speaking for world peace,
pointing out the danger of the very war that
has come to the world, and urging timely coop-
eration to prevent it. I was sure that our com-
placent isolation was a fool's paradise, even
in the golden 'twenties, and such it has proved
to be. Those who have a better peace record
than mine can throw the first stone; if others
try, I will fling it back into the glass houses
of their own inconsistency!
Very sincerely,
-Preston Slosson
Cherished Ideals
To the Editor:
DURING the past week I have noticed in the
columns of The Daily several statements
by Professor Hyma which imply that he is will-
ing-if not anxious-to have the United States
become embroiled in the present war to save
"cherished American ideals." Without going
into the much discussed question as to whether
this is truly a war for that purpose, I must make
a serious objection to his letter to The Daily
on Sunday. In it he states:
"It is my opinion that in the very near
future our faculty will be obliged before ad-
mitting new students to our University to
inquire into their political views as well as
into their scholastic standings. The faculty
is very willing to improve the reputation of
our University.
If Professor Hyma is so desirous of preserving
our American concepts of freedom and liberty
that he would have us go to war to save them,
it appears paradoxical to me that he should be
willing to undermine one of our basic tenets
of democracy-freedom of political thought.
Dr. Hyma does not bluntly state that he would
restrict the admission of students of "differ-

ent" political dogmas to this University, but he
certainly implies that that would be his aim.
State universities were founded with the pur-
pose of giving education to all who were scholas-
tically competent, regardless of race, religion,
or political beliefs. If Professor Hyma considers
the full implications of his statement, he will
realize, I believe, that from his letter one might
accuse him of being a "traitor" to American
ideals. What would be the purpose of going to
war to save these ideals over there, if we lose
them in our own United States? Fulfillment of
Dr. Hyma's statement could certainly go a long
way towards the abolition of one of our cher-
ished civil liberties - freedom of political
thought. By doing this we certainly will not
"improve the reputation of our University."
Yours truly,
- Robert Warner, '43
Roosevelt, Dewey Lead
The box score of delegates chosen thus far
to the Democratic and Republican conventions:
Democratic, (1,094 votes)-Pledged to Pres-
ident Roosevelt, 117; semi-pledged (by prefer-
ential primary vote) to President Roosevelt,
230; pledged to James A. Farley, 381/2; pledged
to William B. Bankhead, 22; pledged to John N.
Garner, 5; unpledged, 6712.
Rnihieann (1.000 votes)-Pledged to Thomas

'A Winter's Tale'
that the Drama Festival is of-
fering as its second production has
neither the profundity of Hamlet nor
the richness of Romeo and Juliet but
intelligently and imaginatively acted
and produced it should have consid-
erably more than antiquarian inter-
est for Ann Arbor playgoers.
Shakespeare's tragedies are great
drama to the modern student and
spectator because of the great poetic
depth of the world that they por-
tray, his comedies present a whole
host of unforgetable characters who
are the very incarnations of the uni-
versal Comic Spirit; but is not nearly
as easy to determine and isolate the
appeal of the romantic comedies.
Their scenes are laid in mythical and
exotic kingdoms where all the miles
are inches and all of the oceans kind
but they might as well be laid in
Cloud-Cuckoo-Land. Their situations
are improbable, the motivation of
their characters absurd, their matter
the matter of pure melodrama, but,
despite all of this, they still have an
ability to capture and hold the imag-
ination of the theatergoer. And all
of this that can be said about the
whole group of plays can be said
about "A Winter's Tale." It shows in
small many of the characteristics
that makes "The Tempest" one of
Shakespeare's greatest triumphs.
The "plot" of the play consists of
two tales, not laid one upon the oth-
er in familiar Shakespearian fash-
ion, but rather presented one 'after
the other, to be tied together in a
miraculous last act. The first part
gives us the unreasoning jealousy
of Leontes with its seeming tragic
consequences, the second the plea-
sant love tale of Florizel and Perdita.
The first is filled with tragic pas-
sions and tragic deaths, the second
with "noble" emotions and pastoral
play. The recognition scene which
ends the play and brings the two
together somehow manages to keep
the mood of both.
Valentine Windt in cutting and
arranging the play for modernspro
duction has used the two part struc-
ture as a basis for division rather
than the customary division by acts.
He has, according to word that has
filtered out from the shadows of the
theatre, preserved the charming ar-
tificiality of the genre in acting and
Brotherhood Of Man
To the Editor:
AGREE with J. B. Brandywine
that peace movements should
not be party movements. Nor can
I, nor do I wish, to defend total-
I am a pacifist, and a firm be-
liever that the state should exist
for the individual, not the converse.
Let's not speak of "fighting for de-
mocracy" against anything else. Let's
rather speak of individuals fighting
for their own valued rights.
Life and the pursuit of happiness
are God-given; Liberty must be
fought for. The prime instinct in
man is self-preservation not state-
preservation. The United States is
not threatened with armed invasion,
nor will it be likely. Therefore a
great deal of natural justice is on
the side of (B quote) 'selfish and
non-thinking people.'
Intelligent men have always rec-
ognized the futility of war as final,
or even temporary settlement of dis-
Basically we fight for our own
lives. Let's put aside "totalitarian-
ism, Fascism," etc., for the moment.
many of us who are unwilling to]
sacrifice our lives recognize no
"Hereafter," many fear the lack of

its existence. We, then, are thank-
ful to the Creator for whatever span
of life we may expect, and look on
it as the most absurdly precious of
our gifts, since we expect no more.
What fools to throw away this gift
without deep forethought!
WE RECOGNIZE the brotherhood
of man. That means we recog-
nize kinship for the Germans as well.
Can we possibly blame individuals
as we are, under a more stringent
system, for the crimes of a handful
of leaders. Shall we kill these peo-
ple to get at their leaders? No more
can we blame the rifles in their
Europe can nearly be called a pack
of mad dogs. With an ocean of pro-
tection between, we need not attempt
to shoot. Which would one shoot?
Let's not be eager to add to the
carnage and destruction of life by
giving again the flower of our peo-
ple. Killing has never been ade-
quately judged or justified by fur-
ther killing.
-h Karl Vincent Karlstrom
German Strategy

Candidates for Master's Degrees,
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. Can-
didates for Doctor's Degrees; Wed-
nesday, June 5, at 12:00 Noon.
Office of the Dean of Students
The list of students who have been
admitted to the Degree Program for
Honors in Liberal Arts for the com-
ing academic year is given below.
These students should make an ap-
pointment to see Assistant Dean Lloyd
S. Woodburne in 1208 Angell Hall on
'Tuesday of this week:
Ralph W. Adams, Betty L. Altman,
Elizabeth A. Burkheiser, Jack H, Co-
hen, Yale Forman, Judy K. Gold,
Theodore W. Hildebrandt, Elizabeth
A. Howard, Doris J. Jones, Grace E.
Miller, Ruth M. Parsons, Seymour
E. Podolsky, Marvin B. Rodney, Harry
Schagrin, II, Shirley R. Silver, Robert
Solomon, Martin M. Spitz, Anthony.
Stampoli s, Betty Jane Whitehead,
Betty Ann Zunk.
Academic Notices
The Doctoral Examination of Lloyd
Deacon Black will be held at
3:00 p.m. in 21 Angell Hall.
Mr. Black's department of specializa-
tion is Geography. The title of his
thesis is "The Peopling of the Middle
Willamette Valley, Oregon."
Dr. R. B. Hall as chairman of the
committee will conduct the examina-
tion. By direction of the Executive
Board, the chairman has the privi-
lege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and
to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.;
C. S. Yoakum
The Doctoral Examination of Irv-
ing James Cantrall will be held ata
1:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 22, in
2047 Museum Bldg. Mr. Cantrall's,
department of specialization is Zo-
ology. The title of his thesis is "The
Ecology of the Orthoptera and Der-
maptera of the Edwin S. George Re-
serve, Livingston County, Michigan
with Notes on Habits and Life His-
Professor F. M. Gaige as chairman
of the committee will conduct the
examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examina-
tion and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakun
The Doctoral Examination of Frank
Raymond Blood will be held at 4:00
p.m., Wednesday, May 22, in 317
West Medical Building. Mr. Blood's
department of specialization is Bi-
ological Chemistry. The title of his
thesis is "The Intermediary Metabo-
lism of Some Sulfur-Containing
Componds Related to Cystine."
Dr. H. B. Lewis as chairman of the
committee will conduct the examina-
tion. By direction of the Executive
Board, the chairman has the privilege
of inviting members of the faculty
and advanced doctoral candidates to
attend the examination and to grant
permission to others who might wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
The Doctoral Examination of
Charles VanValkenburg Crittenden
will be held at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday,
May 22, in 21 Angell Hall. Mr. Crit-
tenden's department of specialization
is Geography. The title of his thesis
is "Population Patterns of the South-
ern Appalachian Mountains."
Dr. P. E. James as chairman of the
committee will conduct the examina-
tion. By direction of the Executive
Board, the chairman has the privi-
lege of inviting members of the facul-
ty and advanced doctoral candidates
to attend the examination and to
grant permission to others who might
wish to be present.

C. S. Yoakum
The Doctoral Examination of Israeli
Albert Warheit will be held at 2:00
p.m., Wednesday, May 22, in 204 UH.
Mr. Warheit's department of special-
ization is Germanic Languages and
Literatures. The title of his thesis is'
"Jung-Wien as a Literary School,
Schnitzler, Beer-Hofmann, Hofmann-
sthal, 1890-1914."
Professor H. W. Nordmeyer will
conduct the examination. By direc-
tion of the Executive Board, the
chairman has the privilege of invit-
ing members of the faculty and ad-
vanced doctoral candidates to attend
the examination and to grant per-
mission to others who might wish to
be present.
C. S. Yoakum
The Doctoral Examination of Fran-
cis Edward Throw will be held at
2:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 22, in the
West Council Room, Rackham Build-
ing. Mr. Throw's department of spe-
cialization is Physics. The title of his

(Continued from Page 2)

Graduation Recital: Hubert Fitch,
pianist, of St. Joseph, Missouri, will
be heard in recital in partial fuilfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree, tonight at
8:15 o'clock in the School of Musc
Auditorium. The public is Ivited
to attend.
Today's Events
Botanical Journal Club will meet
tonight, 7:30 in Room N.S. 1139. Re-
ports by:
Hugh Loveland, "Review: Manual
of California Shrubs."
Marvis Schwartz, "Anatomy in
chaparral shrubs." "Review: Desert
Wild Flowers."
Ed Phillips, "Plants of Crater Lake
National Park."
LeRoy Harvey, "Literature of
North American Graminae."
Pharmaceutical Conference, College
of Pharmacy: The annual Pharma-
ceutical Conference, sponsored by the
College of Pharmacy, will be held in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building at 2:30 p.m. today.
The guest speaker will be Dean
B. V. Christensen of the College
of Pharmacy of Ohio State Univer-
sity, who will speak on "Recruiting
for the Profession of Pharmacy."
Mr. Arthur Secord of the Department
of Speech will also discuss "Develop-
ing an Effective Personality," and
Dr. Arthur Curtis of the Department
of Internal Medicine will speak on
"Sulfapyridine and Anti-sera in the
Treatment of Lobar Pneumonia."
The evening meeting will be held
at 7:45 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham Building. Dr. Bradley
M. Patten of the Medical School will
present his "Micro-moving Pictures of
Living Embryos at Various Stages in
their Development." All interested
are invited to attend both the after-
noon and evening sessions.
The Romnance Language Journal
Club will meet today at 4:15 in RoOm
108 R.L. The following papers will
be read:
Charles A. Knudson: Stream-lined
in English and French:
Charles N. Staubach: Propaganda
in General Language Tests.
A chairman of the Club for next
year will be elected at this meetiri.
Graduate students are cordially fi-
Tan Beta Pi meeting for instalea-
ti6n of officers tonight in the Mich-
igan Union at 7:15.
The Pre-Medical Society Will
elect next year's officers tonipht
at 8:00 in the East Am -
theatre of the West Medical Bud-
ing. All those interested in holi'
office shouldscontact Leonard Knft,
chairman of the elections commit
as early as possible, since each can-
didate must submit a petition for
election by Monday, May 20.
Sigma Rho Tan election of offics
in University Club Dining Room in
the Union at 7:30 tonight. Ann ul
after dinner speech session. Please
note change of room. Refreshments.
Student Senate will present a sym-
posium on the topic: "Can Anerica
Stay Out of the War?" tonight at
7:30 in the Union. Speakers: Prof.
Lawrence Preuss, Political Sciehce
Dept., Prof. Arthur Smithies, E -
nomics Dept., and Herbert Witt.
Christian Science Organization
will meet tonight at 8:15 p.m. in the
chapel of the Michigan League.
The Conversational Hebrew clas
will meet at the Hillel Foundation
tonight at 7:00 p.m.

Coming Events
Junior Mathematical Society will
have a picnic at the Island on Wed-
nesday, leaving from in front of An-
gell Hall at 4 o'clock. All interested
in going call Sally Lev or Ted Hilde-
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May
22. Mr. Amos S. Newton will speak
on "Determination of crystal struc-
ture by Fourier analysis of x-ray dif-
fraction patterns."
Machine Design Motion Economy:
A 1600 foot movie on "Machine DI-
sign and Motion Economy" will be
shown at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May
22, in Room 348, West Engineering
Building. This film was shown at
the A.S.M.E. annual meeting last
December. It is supplied through
the courtesy of the General Motors
Corporation, Saginaw Steering Gear
Division. All interested are invited
to attend.
Varsity Glee Club: Installatidn

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