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May 19, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-19

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SUNDAY, MAY 19. 1940

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24 EDITOR eto

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; Y mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn . .
Paul M. Chandler .
Karl Kessler .
Milton Orshefsky . .
Howard A. Goldman . .
Donald Wirtchafter.. .
Esther Osser .
Helen Corman.
Business S
Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager .
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager

Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
Women's Editor
*Exchange Editor


Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Developments Point
To Third Term Candidacy
W ILL THAT MAN run for a third
This question has evoked a plethora of com-
ment by political dopesters, but none of them
have been able to put forward a convincing,
unqualified statement that he is or is not
going to run. Anti-New Deal Democrats have
cried that Mr. Roosevelt's silence is ruining the
Democratic party. Republican politicians de-
mand that he owes it to the whole country to
declare his intentions.
The attitude of those who demand a disclosure
of the President's plans can easily be under-
stood. Before they can choose the proper course
of action against the New Deal's continuance,
they must know who the New Deal standard
bearer will be. Consequently, veteran observers
consider Mr. Roosevelt's silence shrewd political
strategy. Another factor in favor of his reti-
cence is the international scene. If he declared
that he was not going to run, the effect of his
foreign policy would be lessened considerably
abroad. Foreign statesmen would treat his pol-
icy as a very temporary measure which might
easily be changed next year when another man
would take office.
T HAS BEEN the opinion of the best informed
analysis of national politics that Mr. Roosevelt
up until a few months ago had not made up
his mind. If anything, he was supposed to have
considered retiring from office. It was said that
two things would determine his attitude when
the national nominating convention convened.
First, could another New Dealer win the nom-
ination and then the election, so that his pro-
gram of economic reform would be maintained
and his position in American history be secure?
Secondly, if another New Dealer could not win,
would he be able to shatter the third term
Viewing recent developments, it is our belief
that he will run again. Consider the first point.
He has been told by machine politicians, those
whose business it is to stay in office and who
are unconcerned about New Deal philosophy,
that the Democrats will lose the election if he
does not. Pearson and Allen have pointed this
out by citing the attiudes of Hague in New Jer-
sey and Ed Kelly in Illinois. Getting closer to
the local scene, experienced politicians in the
state contend that Michigan will certainly go
Republican unless Mr. Roosevelt accepts the
nomination. As a result of this feeling, plus
some energetic undercover work by Roosevelt
managers, there is now unanimous agreement
that he can have the nomination, if he chooses
to accept.
WE ALSO BELIEVE that the second World
War and especially the invasions of Scan-
dinavia and the Low Countries have strength-
ened his chances of defeating the GOP. Public
opinion is supporting his foreign policy. The
Republicans have not attacked that policy.
Rather they have supported it. To be sure,
they have assailed him personally as a war
monger, but that charge will carry little weight
with the electorate unless they at the same
time attack his policy, for example, like Nye did
here. Since the war is the major problem in
America today, subordinating all others, and-
since Mr. Roosevelt appears to have the major-
ity of people behind him on that issue, his posi-
tion looks quite favorable.

Hyma Replies
To the Editor:
Please accept my cordial thanks for enabling
me to explain in what connection I had used
the term "potential traitors" in my talk last
Tuesday before the Exchange Club in Adrian.
Last Thursday evening, however, I asked your
night editor to call up Mr. Hervie Haufler, and
tell him that I should like to have him change
a few words in his interview article. He had
wanted me to say that I was strongly biased,
but after some reflection I could not admit such
an interpretation of my altered views. It was
not the mere invasion of Holland that disturbed
me, but rather the unjustified violation of Dutch
neutrality. Moreover, I wanted to withdraw my
criticism of the Associated Press for having pub-
lished statements of mine without first consult-
ing me as to the proper context. I still think
this was badly done, but feel that such is often
the case and cannot be helped. Altogether about
ten words had to be changed. I am sure that
if Mr. Haufler had listened to my request, he
would have seen that it was auite reasonable.
It is my opinion that in the very near future
our faculty will be obliged before admitting
new students to our University to inquire into
their political views as well as into their scho-
lastic standings. The faculty is very willing
to improve the reputation of our University.
Sincerely yours,
- Albert Hyma
Editor's Note: Not understanding what charges
Professor Hyma wished to make against me, I
called him yesterday and he told me to add the
following post-script: "I think what you did for
me was fine. It was a good explanation and it
helped clear up many misunderstandings. I did
attack The Daily two years ago in my book, but
there hashbeen a changesince then. Ibhave no
fault to find with the way The Daily has been run
this semester."
Unfortunate Youth Movements
To the Editor:
CONGRATULATIONS to Professor Hyma. He
has hit the proverbial nail squarely on the
No fault may be found with an honest and
intelligent peace stand on the part of students.
Unfortunately, however, the motives of the ma-
jority of the members of many of our campus
youth movements are rarely honest, rarely in-
telligent, and never altruistic.
There are three types of people in the United
States today who make the phrase "peace at
any price" the basis of their religion.
First, there are those who are in sympathy
with the aims and practices of the Fascist, Com-
munistiq, and National Socialistic states. This
group insists upon strict neutrality for the
United States simply because they know full
well that any help coming from us would be
used to aid the more democratic nations as
against the totalitarian states. These people
I accuse of intellectual dishonesty, if they be
thinking people, and, in any case, call them not
potential, but actual traitors.
rTHE SECOND TYPE consists of selfish and
non-thinking people who live only for them-
selves. They recognize no bond between them-
selves and their fellow men, and thus feel no
responsibility toward those who are suffering
from ruthless and wanton aggression. These
people believe in absolute rights, of which there
are none. They would reap the rewards of life
in a democracy without wishing to accept their
just share of the responsibilities necessary to
maintain our present form of government. Be-
ing short-sighted, this group would constitute
an excellent "fifth column" and as such may
be properly termed "potential traitors."
The third type consists of persons who, be-
cause of personal or close family experience,
detest to an extremity any show of force-even
if it be necessary to enable them to live as
human beings rather than slaves. Much sym-
pathy is due this group in the same manner
in which one would respond to a person of
unsound mind. They may find, as have the
people of Poland and Czechoslovakia, that there
are worse things than war.
I sincerely hope that the majority of the peo-
ple in this great land of ours still champion
the "rights of man" rather than "legalized

crime" and that they will remember that "life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are not
the gifts of God, but rather the results of in-
tense, unselfish, and everlasting labor.
- John Basil Brandywine
Postpone Election?
Speaking over an NBC hookup, H. V. Kalten-
born suggested Tuesday night that, in view of
the critical condition of world affairs, the pres-
idential election should be postponed this year
and President Roosevelt continued in office by
general consent. A similar proposal was made
by Dorothy Thompson in a dispatch from Paris
The suggestion that our patriotism or our
democracy are so weak that the nation's safety
can be assured only by a suspension of con-
stitutional processes is hardly worthy of serious
notice. If we have reached the point where it
is necessary to suspend elections even in peace-
time, democratic government has become feeble
indeed. .
In 1864, when the Union was battling for its
life in a civil war, Lincoln was advised by some
of his friends that he could not be re-elected

Hits Anglo-American Ties
To the Editor:
THE LECTURE by Dr. Barnes on the current
war situation was the most sensible and
realistic analysis which has yet been presented
on this campus since the beginning of the war
last September. Let us hope that such Anglo-
philes as Slosson, Hyma and Dumond were able
to attend. It was good medicine for them and
for others who think as they do.
Barnes was more convincing than most oth-
ers who believe that the United States should
not help the Allies. He pointed out that Eng-
land is a greater enemy of this country than
is Germany. If Americans would only do some
bold and unconventional thinking (which is
the only kind of thinking that is really fruitful),
they would realize how true this statement is.
, The British Empire is an institution which
was moulded by aggression. It can only be
supported by intimidation of the subject peo-
ples, and by keeping in a condition of relative
weakness those peoples outside the Empire who
covet some of its extensive territory.
THE FIRST of these means of supporting the
Empire, i.e., intimidating the subject peo-
ple, is well illustrated in India, where the sec-
ond largest nation in the world is held in
disgraceful subjection. This is the most fla-
grant contemporary violation of the principle
that "all just governments are derived from
the consent of the governed." It is also illus-
trated by Gibraltar, where the threatening
presence of British troops and warships effec-
tively prevent the people of Spain from pos-
sessing a part of their own land.
Such humiliation and insult to the weaker
peoples of the world can only be justified
on the theory that the English are a su-
perior race, chosen by God or Natural Selec-
tion to flaunt forever their superiority in
the faces of less successful competitors. It
is by this very theory that the English ruling
class does' justify its enviable position. No
one who is familiar with the writings of
Disraeli or Churchill can seriously deny this.
Americans are supposed to believe that "all
men are created equal," or, in other words,
that brown-skinned Hindus are just as
much entitled to independent national exis-
tence as lily white Englishmen and yellow-
haired Nordic Swedes. Hence we cannot
accept the British justification for her Em-
pire. It is based on force, violence, and
humiliation and frustration for some of the
world's most civilized nations, and on these
things alone. Hence we Americans ought
not to support this Empire; we ought rather
to rejoice at its imminent collapse.
SOME WILL SAY that in such countries as
Canada and Australia there is no case
against Britain. But even this is not so. The
English people are not giving the rest of the
world a square deal when they claim that, just
because they succeed in occupying a large island
such as Australia before anyone else, that it
becomes their privilege to exclude other people
not of their race by immigration restriction.
Japan has far greater need of expansion into
vacant areas like Australia than has Britain.
Here again, the only justification for this
monopolistic British policy is the theory that,
since the English are the best of mankind, it
is only fitting and proper that large areas of
the earth should be roped off from "inferior"
human races and reserved for the exclusive
breeding of bigger and better Englishmen.
It is to the credit of the German nation
that they alone of all the people of the
world have not allowed their national pride
to he conquered by their admiration of Eng-
land's past greatness and present strength.
Hitlerism is simply the rage of the German
people for the monopolistic system which
would crush them, if it could, just as it has
crushed the Spaniards, the Irish, and the
IT CANNOT be denied that Hitlerism is cruel
and brutal. Rage is often cruel in an individ-
ual, but the rage of a whole nation, effectively
expressed through an efficient national govern-
ment, is almost without parallel in previous
human history, Nor is it surprising that Ger-
many is fighting England with England's own

weapons, aggression, intimidation, and a su-
perior-race philosophy with which to ration-
alize these immoral acts.
But Hitlerism is temporary. If Germany wins
the war, as I hope she will, the fruits of victory
will eventually bring prosperity to the long
imprisoned peoples of Central Europe. With
prosperity will come gradually all the luxurious
virtues of comfortable human beings, among
them tolerance of minorities and charity to the
defeated, perhaps even democracy.
At any rate, we Americans should realize
that we must make the best of the coming
Nazi victory. Let us start now to be as
friendly as our prejudices will allow with the
leaders of the new Germany, remembering
that the surest way to bring some measure
of decency into its policies is to accord it
recognition as a member of the family of
nations, even though not approving of its
barbarous methods; above all, let us do all
we can to restore prosperity to the world.
A prosperous Germany will be a civilized
Germany. The so-called British and French
"way of life," which is said to be so superior
to the German way, is nothing more than
the rich way of life. Britain and France are

Drew Pedrsos
Robert S.Allen
WASHINGTON-Seeing them to-
gether you'd never know that the
President and Jask Garner have just
concluded a series of hot primary
scraps. the one expression that best
describes their personal relations is
Whatever their political differ-
ences, the two men genuinely like
each other. Illustrative of this was
their conference the day California
balloted to decide between a Roose-
velt third term or a Garner anti
New Deal delegation. There wasn't
the slightest trace of animosity be-
tween them.
Roosevelt kidded Garner about his
impatience to hurry back to Uvalde
to fish and Garner kidded him back.
"Tell you what we'll do, Jack,"
said the President. "You come with
me to the dedication of the Great
Smoky Mountains Park and then I'llI
accompany you to Uval'de for a few
days fishing. What do you say?"
"It's a deal, Cap'n," grinned the
Vice President.
When they got down to the ser-
ious business of the legislative situa-
tion on Capitol Hill, they conferred
amiably and sympathetically.
To intimates, Garner does not de-
ny being disappointed at his poor
primary showing. He admits quite
frankly that he expected to do a
great deal better. But he evinces no
bitterness, is philosophical in defeat.
And he makes one thing quite clear:
He will not fight Roosevelt if he
runs again.
Garner still is opposed to a third
term. But he will not join in any
disruptive movement at the Chicago
convention and he will not "take a
walk" should the President be re-
"I've been a party man all my
life," Garner says, "and I also be-
lieve in majority rule. I didn't bolt
Al Smith in 1928 and I don't intend
engaging in that sort of thing at this
late stage. I will support the party
ticket, whoever is on it."
1 ;1

SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1940
VOL. L. No. 167


'HIS COLUMN is being written
with one eye on the past and
one on the future. Perhaps this
is the way it should be. The one
bent on the future is intent upon
the music for the forthcoming pro-
duction of Shakespeare's "Winter's
Tale," by the Dramatic Season. We
hope we do not infringe too much
on the territory of our worthy col-
league Mr. Green if we mention that
the music for this production is
highly likely to match the calibre
of the acting of Miss Christians, Mr.
Holland, Mr. Sherman, et al. It will
be directed by Thor Johnson, of
whose ability and artistry enough
has probably been said in this col-
umn to convince even the most re-
calcitrant reader that we think he
is one of the best. The music has
been arranged by Marion MacArtor,
also of the School of Music, from
several sources which, we are as-
sured, are in keeping with the Eliz-
abethan flavor of the rest of the
work. Mr. MacArtor is, or should
be, well known to Ann Arbor au-
diences for the wholly delightful ar-
rangements and orchestrations he
produced for the Young People's
Chorus during the MayFestival. He
is one of Ann Arbor's most promising
young musicians.
THE GLANCE into the past which
we feel impelled to take at this
comparatively late date will be of
short duration. Suffice it to say
that this column is being written
partly to prove to doubters that,
rumor to the contrary, we are still
a member of the Daily staff. Not
exactly a popular member, but at
least notorious. We should also like
to thank those who have so kindly
been with us during the late unplea-
santness, those who have telephoned
and written their support and sym-
pathy, We are duly and deeply
In the future, as in the past, we
shall continue to put down our hon-
est beliefs as to the merits of per-
former or composition, secure in the
'knowledge that that is what our
readers desire from us.
its leaders as to which of these needs
ought to have been met first, we
cannot but admire the way in which
they have performed the tasks that
were selected. And let us not for-
get that all political systems under-
go evolution. Russian Bolshevitn
today is very different from the cri-
sis government which revolutionized
Russia. We can rest assured that,
twenty years after the shattering of
1-,a ,+fo Ta mr,, - hsr -a alm in


Notice to all Members of the Uni-
versity: The following is an extract
of a by-law of the Regents (Chapter
III-B, Sections 8 and 9) which has
been in effect since September, 1926:
"It will hereafter be regarded as
contrary to University policy for any-
one to have in his or her possession
any key to University buildings or
parts of buildings if such key is not
stamped asdprovided( i.e. by the
Buildings and Grounds Department).
If such unauthorized keys are
found the case shall be referred to
the Dean or other proper head of the
University division involved for his
action in accordance with this prin-
ciple. Any watchman or other proper
representative of the Buildings and
Grounds Department, or any Dean,
department head or other proper
University official shall have the
right to inspect keys believed to open
University buildings, at any reason-
able time or place.
"--For any individual to order,
have made, or permit to be ordered
or made, any duplicate of his or her
University key, through unauthorized
channels, must be regarded as a spe-
cial and willful disregard of the safe-
ty of University property."
These regulations are called to the
attention of all concerned, for their
information and guidance. Any per-
son having any key or keys to Uni-
versity buildings, doors, or other
locks, contrary to th provisions re-
cided above, should promptly sur-
render the same to the Key Clerk at
the office of the Department of
Buildings and Grounds.
To the Members of the University
Senate: Thlere will be a meeting of
the University Senate on Monday,
May 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Seniors: Senior Commencement
booklets and announcements for all
departments except Dentistry, Law
and Medicine may be ordered at the
Burr, Patterson and Auld Company,
1209 South University Avenue. These
booklets and folds are the same as
those recently offered by the vari-
ous class committees.
Senior anngmeers: Senior caps and
gowns will be distributed for the last
time on Monday, Tuesday, and Wed-
nesday May 20, 21, and 22 at the
Michigan League from 3:00 to 5:00
p.m. each day. These are available
to seniors who have paid their class
dues for $1.00 rental. A deposit of
$2.00 is also required. The gowns
will be used for Swing-Out and need
not be returned until after Com-
1 mencement.
Atomobile Regulation: The follow-
ing schedule will mark the lifting of
the Automobile Regulation for stu-
dents in the various colleges and de-
partments of the University. Excep-
tions will not be made for individuals
who complete their work in advance
of the last day of class examinations.
All students enrolled in the follow-
ing departments will be required to
adhere strictly to this schedule.
College of Literature, Science ,and
the Arts: All classes. Tuesday, June
11, at 5:00 p.m.
College of Architecture: All classes.
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m.
College of Pharmacy: All classes.
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m.
School of Business Administration:
All classes. Tuesday, June 11, at
5:00 p.m.
School of Education: All classes.
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m.
School of Engineering: All classes.
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m.
School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion: All classes. Tuesday, June
11, at 5:00 p.m.
School of Music: All classes. Tues-

day, June 11, at 5:00 p.m.
School of Dentistry: Freshman
Class, Tuesday, June 4, at 12:00 Noon.
Sophomore Class, Saturday, June 1,
at 12:00 Noon. Junior Class, Satur-
day, June 1, at 12:00 Noon. Senior
Class, Friday, May 31, at 12:00 Noon.
Hygienists, Friday, June 7, at 5:00
Law School: Freshman Class, Tues-
day, June 4, at 12:00 NoonsJunior
Class, Wednesday, June 5, at 4:30
p.m. Senior Class, Wednesday, June
5, at 4:30 p.m.
Medical School: Freshman Class,
Thursday, June 6, at 12:00 Noon.
Sophomore Class, Saturday, June 8,
at 12:00 Noon. Junior Class, Satur-
day, June 8, at 12:00 Noon. Senior
Class, Tuesday, June 4, at 5:00 p.m.
Graduate School: All classes. Tues-
day, June 11, at 5:00 p.m.
Candidates for Master's Degrees,
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. Can-
didates for Doctor's Degrees; Wed-
nesday, June 5, at 12:00 Noon.
Office of the Dean of Students
The University Unit of the W.P.A.
State Wide Museums Project, spon-
enpr by + th e avpri +- f T ripn

The WPA Department of Corre-
spondence Instruction, sponsored by
the University of Michigan Extension
Service, will hold open house Mon-
day, May 20, in its offices in the
South Department Building, North
University at Washtenaw, from 3 to 9
p.m. During the remainder of the
week, May 21 to 24, visitors will be
welcome during the regular office
hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 4.
All who are interested in seeing the
work of the Department are invited.
International Center: All students
who have orders at the International
Center for pictures of International
Night should call for them at the
office of the Center as soon as pos-
Applications for positions as Assist-
ant Personnel Manager, Assistant
Purchasing Agent, and Assistant
Treasurer will b accepted at the
Treasurer's Office of the 'Michigan
Wolverine Student Cooperative, Inc.,
until Thursday, May 23.
The list of students who have been
admitted to the Degree Program for
Honors in Liberal Arts for the com-
ing academic year is given below.
These students should make an ap-
pointment to see Assistant Dean Lloyd
S. Woodburne in 1208 Angell Hall on
Monday or Tuesday of this week:
Ralph W. Adams, Betty L. Altman,
Elizabeth A. Burkheiser. Jack H. Co-
hen, Yale Forman, Judy K. Gold,
Theodore W. Hildebrandt, Elizabeth
A. Howard, Doris J. Jones, Grace E.
Miller, Ruth M. Parsons, Seymour
E. Podolsky. Marvin B. Rodney, Harry
Schagrin, II, Shirley R. Silver, Robert
Solomon, Martin M. Spitz, Anthony
Stampoli s, Betty Jane Whitehead,
Betty Ann Zunk.
Academic Notices
The Doctoral Examination of Limas
Dunlap Wall will be held at 4:00 p.m.,
Monday, May 20, in 3089 N.S. Mr.
Wall's department of specialization
is Zoology. The title. of his thesis
is "Spirorchis parvum (Stunkard,
1923), Its Life History and the De-
velopment of Its Excretory System
(Trematoda: Spirorchiidae)."
Dr. G. R. La Rue as chairman of
the committee will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
pr'ivilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral can-
didates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
The Doctoral Examinaion of Be-
atrice Scheer Smith will be held at
9:00 a.m., Monday, May 20, in 1129
NS. Mrs. Smith's department of
specialization is Botany. The title
of her thesis is "The Effect of Various
Accessory Growth Substances on Ex-
cised Stem Tips of Helianthus annus
L. in Culture."
Dr. C. D. La Rue as chairman of
the committee will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral can-
didates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
The Doctoral Examination of Ran-
dolph Wyatt Webster will be held at
3:00 p.m., Monday, May 20, in West
Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr.
Webster's department of specializa-
tion is Education. The title of his
thesis is "Psychological and Pedo-
gogical Factors Involved in Motor
Skill Performance as Exemplified in
Dr. E. D. Mitchell as chairman of
the committee will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the

faculty and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and
to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination of Mr. Lewis
Patrick Waldo will be held at 3:00
p.m., Monday, May 20, in the East
Council Room, Aackham Building.
Mr, Waldo's department of speciali-
zation is Comparative Literature. The
title of his thesis is "The French
Drama in America in the Eighteenth
Century and Its Influence on the
American Drama of That Period,
Professor Louis I. Bredvold as chair-
man of the committee will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
The Doctoral Examination of Lloyd
Deacon Black will be held at 3:00 p.m.,
Tuesday, May 21 in 21 Angell Hall.
Mr_ weRla'earntment of sneializa-

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