PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1940 Report Shows Student Interest In Music Appreciation Records By ROBERT GIBSON The idea that all college students1 are jitterbugs, interested only in the swing and transient favorites, is dis- proven by the actual sales records of the Michigan Association for Mu- sic Appreciation. According to figures issued by the Ann Arbor store at 601 Williams Street, more than 40 percent of the 2000 records sold to date in Ann Arbor went to students. The students were quick to seize the opportunity to secure recordings of the masters at the low price made possible by the association. According to Prof. Glen D. Mc- Geoch, assistant professor of the history of music, the "natural spon- taneous eagerness of the student to possess the works which they have studied, and their desire to study the standard works of thetmasters have sold the students on the series." In commenting on the recordings, Prof. McGeoch said that great in- terest has been aroused because the records are good, they are played by excellent organizations, and are representative of the masters. This week Cesar Franck's Sym- phony in D Minor is being issued in Ann Arbor. It is one in a series of 12 recorded symphonic masterpieces which are being made available by the Music Appreciation Association. ;ncluded in the series are Schubert's Symphony No. 8 in B Minor, Bee- thoven's Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Tschaikowsky's "Nutcracker Suite" and other symphony favorites. 10-Week-Old Infant Saved BySurgeons Surgeons at University hospital announced Friday that complete success had come after an unusually delicate operation on a ten-weeks Band To Play At Traditional Tulip Festival Travel To Holland Friday For Annual Concert; Expect 6,0001 To Attend Social Work Courses Attract 142 I tnand for niIr(A s tcial Vorkers'1 1 Pul:o nId So i l:I Admintu tion of 59 to 142. This. the report says, in- has resulted in a substantial increase tie School. dicates that more social workers are in the enrollment of the Curriculum stdents registered in th ' Cu'ricu- begiimng to feel the need of a de- in Social Work of the Graduate School, according to the recently pub- lished report on the first ficv years, Lun at present include 19 who al- gree and that special students prob- d possess an advanc il degree. ably form the majority of those ex- 180 enrollees represent 61 col- cludcd through raised entrance re- i old baby girl which involved com- More than 6,000 persons are ex- plete rearrangement of the infant's pected to attend the Universityl vital organs. Band's concert when it travels to' The operation, which was per- Holland for the annual Tulip Fes- formed three weeks ago, was under- tival on Friday. taken only after consideration of The traditional spring celebration the severe complications which will bring visitors from all over the might have resulted had the child state to watch Holland residents esand universities, wi 1' abou quirements. of theCurculum-;third coming from 4:o Univer- Percntage of students taking hill- The Curriculum, intended to equip sj , and 14 from Wayne Uwversity, time work in the Curriculum has in- men and women for public and social While the number of students not creased very little, the report indi- work and to train special investiga- candidates for degrees has decreased cates. This, it says, is probably due tors, offers more than 40 distinct from 46 in 1935, the year of the first to the fact that many candidates for curses and opportunities for case r-gistration, to 38 this year, candi- degrees must study while holding reg- wcrk, It is a part of the institute of dates have increased in number from ular positions outside school. FOR Ailine 9ejenatkh4 CALL ANN ARBOR AIR SERVICE Phone 730F14 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. been permitted to live in her post- natal condition. Preceding the operation, the child's intestines were pushed up into the chest cavity, the heart was forced to one side, and one lung had col- lapsed because there was no room for it to function. Nourishment could not be given easily before the operation, but now hospital officials announce that the child is eating regularly and is gaining weight. operations of the sort involving the rearrangement of an "upside down" stomach are not unusual at the University hospital, but this op- eration is considered to be among the first of its kind ever performed. The infant is the child of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Bauman of Hope, Michigan. dress in Dutch costumes, scrub the streets and honor the tulip. The concert will be held out of doors in an amphitheatre built es- pecially for the festival. Members of the band will leave Morris Hall at noon Friday for Holland. They will return to Ann Arbor Saturday. The cornet trio, Leslie Grimard, '41, Albin Johnson, '43, and Richard Baker, Grad, will be featured in the concert. They will play Walter Smith's "Bolero." The rest of the program includes the Finale of Tschaikowsky's "Sym- phony No. 4 in F minor"; the "Eury- anthe Overture" by C. M. Von Weber; "Voices of Spring" by Jo- hann Strauss; a march, "Bandstand in Hyde Park" from the Fresco suite by Hayden Wood; and Morton Goulds "Tropical" and "Prima Don- na." . ...... a SHOWS TODAY at 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. lDress tit) properly here ift costs but little 6or best. appe4-0 al e. STUDENT AAGENCY DRY CLEANING 1209-A SOUTH U PHONE 9088 PICK UP AND DELIVERY Suits and dresses 75c CASH AND CARRY Suits and dresses 6.9e A V, I i 11 SENIORS! - Tear out this clipping and save it for next year's use: THE MICHIGAN ALUMNUS Seeking Professional and Social Contacts in His New Home Joins a University of Michigan Club >wing are the Secretaries of these clubs. Contact them when you arrive at home: Mich.: Thomas J. Gwyn, 913 S. Franklin St. i 1 Marquette, Mich.: Lawrence D. Kooker, c/o Philip B. Vayne, Ind.: Herman Lewis Steinbach, U. S. Navy Spear, 110 S. Front St. fice, General Electric Co., Fort Wayne. Memphis, Tenn.: Edward W. Kuhn, 2720 Iigbee Ave. Vorth, Tex.: Vernon F. Hillery, 2528 Waits. Menominee. Mich.: William E. Anderson, Box 100 fort, Mich.: Dr. Paul W. Pate Miami, Fla.: K. S. Keyes, 501 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. ,d.: Robert W. Atkin, 716 Buchanan St. Midland, Mich.: Mrs. Melvin H. Pike, 613 W. Ellsworth I Haven, Mich.: F. C. Bolt, Sec., 300 Washington St. Milwaukee, Wis.: Stark Smith, 3235 N. Marietta Ave. SRapids, Mich.: Robert A. May, 726 Grand Rapids lMinneapolis, Minn.: Charles F. Noonan, 1300 Soo Line Rina apids, Bldc.: o et A a,72 r n a i sBldg. ional Bank Bldg. Missoula, Mont.: S. Blair Hutchison, 415 S. 6th St., E. Falls, Mont.: Julius J. Wuerthner, Mayor, City Monroe, Mich.: H. M. Comstock, 29 E. Front St. oie Fallich.: Miss Angelene Malszewski, 1347 Mt. Clemens, Mich.: Miss Eunice E. Houghten, 110 North Pfointe MR. : is A gln lse si 37Ave., Mt. Clemens iford Rd. soMt. Pleasant, Mich.: Byron P. Gallagher, 500 S. Main St. rd, Conn.: Reid Hartsig, Assistant Supervisor, Munising, Mich.: Miss Dorise M. Waring e Travelers Ins. Co., 700 Main St . Muskegon, Mich.: William C. Kratz, 1270 Palmer St. gs, Mich.: Charles W. Zink, 438 E. Center St. Newberry, Mich.: Dr. A. L. Swanson ale, Mich.: Mrs. Athur B. Castle, 72 S. Broad St. New Orleans, La.: Philip R. Wheeler, Masonic Temple, .d, Mich.: Mrs. Charles K. Van Duren, Het Loo 333 St. Charles St. er, Waverly Road New York City, N.Y.: Bruce C. Forbes, 120 Fifth Ave. ulu Hawaiian islands: Joseph V. Hodgson, 305 Niles, Mich.: Jerome W. Wood, c/o Niles Steel Tank Co. xander and Baldwin Bldg., Honolulu North Dakota: Max A. Wishek, Ashley, N.D. n, Tex.: Dr. R. Sheldan Wolfe, Houston Medical Ncrtheastern Wisconsin: Edwin N. West, Benton, Bosser, iter, 2418 Travis St. Becker & Parnell, Appleton, Wis. , Mich.: Mrs. August Schmitt, 721 S. Mich. Ave. Northern New Jersey: Lodge D. Staubach, 383 Hillsdale apolis, Ind.: Erle A. Kightlinger, 1300 Fletcher Ave., Nutley, N.J. ist Bldg. Northville, Mich.: Mrs. Levi M. Eaton, 365 EatonDr. Mich.: Lloyd T. Smith, 332 Union St. Oklahoma City, Okla.: Melvin W. Jaquier, 1919 W. 17th fountain, Mich.: Henry C. Hogberg, Norway, Mich Olympia, Wash.: Harold P. Tray, 113 Seventeenth St. aunty, Mich.: Fred Godlove, R.R. No. 1, Iron River Omaha, Nebr.: Dr. Olin J. Cameron, 1520 Medical Arts iod, Mich.: J. E. Murphy, Supt of Schools, Box 613, Bldg. rley. Wis. Owosso, Mich.: James S. Miner, 202-3 New Miner Bldg. n, Mich.: John P. Bromley, Accountant, Consum- Pasadena, Calif.: Lyle Stainfield, 385 E. Green St. 11 Peoria, Ill.: Loren W. McOmber, 144 High St. Philadelphia, Pa.: Carroll H. Van Harteveldt, c/o Atlantic Refining Co., 3144 Passyunk Ave. Phoenix, Ariz.: Everett M. Ross, R No. 6, Box 617 Pittsburgh, Pa.: Harold R. Schmidt, 1017 Park Bldg. Plymouth, Mich.: Clarence H. Elliott, City Manager, City of Plymouth Pontiac, Mich.: Herbert J. Wettlaufer, Manager, Michi- gan Bell Telephone Co., 54- E. Huron St. Port Huron, Mich.: Raymond L. Comb, 1104 Sixteenth. Portland, Oregon: Harold F. Wendel, c/o Lipman, Wolfe & Co., Department Store. Portland, Me.: A. Thomas Lehman, Vice-President and Actuary, Union Mutual Life Ins. Co. Portsmouth, 0.: Edmund J. Kricker, Kricker Bldg. Puerto Rico: Raul Benedicto, Box 205, San Juan Rochester, Mich.: Miss Louise A. McIntyre, 501 W. 3rd St. I I ........: .. w I .LliL4&. L LJ1flj1j911CS..)1 II