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May 18, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-18

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pultz-6 rr mfB i or s - - U'- - S-
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
P'ublished every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00, py mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

Answer To
I do not know what Professor Hyma will do
with my story. I interviewed him today (Thurs-
day) in an attempt to get a clearer idea of
what he meant when he said that "there are
many potential traitors on the Michigan cam-
pus." He told me that his views, published as
they were without any frame of reference to
modify them, had been misinterpreted and that
the reactions of the campus were largely "much
ado about nothing."
Now it is approaching midnight and the night
editor has just called up to tell me that Pro-
fessor Hyma wishes to change my story some-
what, that he has talked it over with several
members of the history department who think
he has struck upon a cogent indictment against
several campus groups, and that he wishes to
make his statements stronger than he had in-
dicated to me. In other words, since my inter-
view he has found that he has company and
his determination has been renewed.
I feel slightly duped. Although I knew before
today that Professor Hyma is the author of a
book called, "Christianity, Capitalism and Com-
munism," it seemed to me that he was being
unfairly maligned because of the charges in
his Adrian lecture. I took special pains to rec-
tify as much of what seemed to me to be mis-
understandings as I could. That seemed to be
Professor Hyma's wish.
These things I did because it seemed to me
that Professor Hyma might be saying things
he would later regret. This week has been a
shock to him. He told me that he had for years
clung to the notion that Germany would never
invade his native Holland, that Germany and
Holland had never fought. In his youth Pro-
fessor Hyma had been pro-German. He told
me that the invasion was beyond his under-
standing. I thought that his charges against
campus peace groups might well have gained
their impetus from the bitterness and disillusion
of this week.
In accordance with this belief I asked the
staff to refrain from writing editorials answer-
ing him, although several members were anx-.
ious to do so. Our only editorial response was
to print some of the many letters received.

Prof. Hyma
And I was wrong. Right now I suppose he is
telling my night editor just how to cut out of
my story the defense he had wanted me to
make, how to re-strengthen his incriminations
until they regained much of their original blunt-
ness. Professor Hyma has found friends.
What, in my view, is the wrong he has done?
Basically he has smeared the student body of
Michigan with what I firmly believe to be an
unjust and unfounded indictment. He has
painted a picture of Michigan students either
actively aiding or complacently standing by as
some conqueror's legions over-run their land,
and I defy him to find more than the merest
handful of such extreme pacifists. He has,
upon the slightest provocation, blackened the
University's reputation when it is already far
blacker than it merits.
Professor Hyma told me that he seized upon
the University for an example chiefly because
he was familiar with it. He admitted that what
he said about "potential traitors" might be true
of any community. Did he realize that in using
the University as his guinea pig he was fur-
nishing the University's opponents with the
very warp and woof of fresh accusations, un-
fair, unsubstantiated accusations? This will
have reverberations, for our opponents will not
care to check up on the facts.
The Daily editors stand for peace. We want
the United States to stay out of Europe, both
economically and militarily. But it would not
take a very elaborate poll to determine what
we would do if America were attacked. We may
not wear our patriotism like a chip on our
shoulders, but it is there just as strong and
just as sincere as that of the more blatant
exhibitionists. We think this is true of all but
a very few students.
As editor of The Daily, I would do anything
in my power to improve the paper's relations
with the faculty. I am somewhat bewildered
and dismayed by the solid bank of hostility and
suspicion that I encounter, and it is only reluc-
tantly that I answer Professor Hyma at all,
for I know that this reply will be added to the
other charges that have accumulated through
the years.
But I cannot submit to this.

Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

. . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Exchange Editor

Business Staff

Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are Written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Culture Institute


Education .*

21e EDITOR.....ilQ-

offers what promises to be one of
the most significant developments in the field
of education when seven departments of the
literary college cooperate to present an Insti-
tute of American Culture this summer session.
The general aim of the Institute program
is to deal with the problems of interpretation,
definition and appraisal of the fundamental
elements of our culture and with the forces
that have shaped the course of America down
to the present day. To best achieve this goal-
to attempt to give a truly balanced, integrated
and comprehensive understanding of American
life-the program will combine and evaluate
the contributions of various fields of human
research. Heads or professors of the depart-
ments of economics, English, geography, history,
philosophy, political science, and sociology will
cooperate in conducting and stimulating study
by means of round table discussions and lec-
All people in the program will participate
in the round table sessions, which will consider
five topics during the program: "Regionalism
and Nationalism," "Religion and Education,"
"Literature and Art," "Commerce and Indus-
try," and "Government and Politics." These
general discussions will be keynoted by out-
standing scholars of the country. For example,
the topic of "Regionalism and Nationalism"
will be initiated by a lecture on "American Lit-
erature as an Instrument for Cultural Analysis,"
by Prof. Howard M. Jones of Harvard Univer-
sity; this is to be followed by addresses on "The
Old South as a Laboratory for Cultural Anal-
ysis," "The Conflict and Fusion of Cultural
Groups in the Interior Plains" and "Cultural
Trends in Relation to Regional Differences."
The discussions in the round tables will be
guided by these lectures and questions of the
students sent in in advance. This will in effect
give the symposium the necessary unity and
direction to allow it to achieve valuable results.
But if discussion in a general session is to
pierce the epidermis of knowledge, the discus-
sion itself must have mature, scholarly prep-
araion of a necessarily particularized charac-
ter. The program proposes to insure this by its
organization of the students into smaller groups
for concentration into the fields of economics,
English, etc., as they relate to the current round
table topic. Each of these smaller seminars
will be led by a faculty member in the respective
field. How deeply the study in any one field
must go will depend on the degree to which that
field is found to contribute to the general topic.
It is in the round table discussions themselves
that the contributions of the specialized sem-
inars will be evaluated and integrated to form
a broad and realistic definition of American
culture. From the free interplay of ideas, evolv-
ing as they will from differing frames of refer-
ence. an intensive appraisal and interpretation
of the basic elements of our culture can be
But the program of the Institute, exclusive
of its attempt to examine our American culture.
offers a more significant contribution to educa-
tion by development of a method to study sub-
jects that involve many intricate elements such
as periods and phases of history. For it is

Slosson Replies
To the Editor:
I have read with interest Mr. Don Slaiman's
letter inviting me to debate with Mr. Max
Schachtman of the Workers' Party. My first
impulse, of course, is to accept out of hand; I
am naturally inclined to write and talk too
much anyway, and when so important an issue
as the establishment of world peace is con-
cerned I am capable of making a bore of my-
self to any extent. This very fact gives me
pause, however. Would not the campus like to
hear a debate from someone else for a change,
since so recently (and, on my part at least,
with so much pleasure) I debated with Mr.
Multila? Let me consider myself "reserve ma-
terial" to fall back on if some other debater
cannot be found.
Another point: at the Multila debate the
chosen hall proved quite inadequate and greatly
inconvenienced the audience, not to mention
the many who were unable to get in at all.
I think another such debate should be contin-
gent, therefore, on the ability of those who
have the arrangements in charge to get Hill
Preston Slosson
50,000 Planes
To the Editor:
In view of the recent speech by President
Roosevelt, we wish to point out the following:
The President has requested for us some 50,000
military planes. It would seem that this number
is somewhat in excess of our needs in view of
the fact that, at the beginning of 1939, there
were but 30,000 military planes in the world,
and of those 20,000 belonged to the Great
Powers. (The facts quoted are from The World
Almanac (1940) p. 855, published by the New
York World-Telegram).
Joe Park
Harry A. White
Open Letter To Students
To the Editor:
This is an open letter to each and every
Michigan student. It is a note to every student
in each and every university. It is a message
in which I hope to insert enough punch to slap
our more lethargic classmates into an awak-
Most of us on campus have already been told
to go home and get our guns, some of us have
even been told how soon we'll be using them.
"Before another semester comes around," one
class was told. Such talk is death talk because
it means WAR and war means death. This is
a letter addressed to those who want to live.
If you don't care about that, don't bother to
read on.
If the United States becomes involved in the
current battle, it wll mean that Mister Joe Col-
lege and Miss Betty Co-ed will have reached
the end of their rope. Joe will be bundled in a
khaki suit, dumped aboard a ship that's had

final port of call the spot where he falls, after
being hit.
That is what awaits you, Joe College. You
may be trying to close your eyes to this future;
it would be better to open them. Hopes failed
in 1917, and hopes won't do any good in 1940.
The natural question at this point is, "What
to do about it." WE WHO WANT TO LIVE can
do something about it. In spite of the allegiance
and loves of certain of our better minds for vic-
timized peoples abroad, we owe nothing to any-
one but to America and to ourselves. This atti-
tude must transgress our nation. It must be
spread with vigor, and the scope of this senti-
ment must stretch from coast to coast. Class-
mates who want to live, you must make your-
selves heard. You must support peace rallies;
you must bombard newspaper editors with let-
ters; you must shower your congressman with
statements of your simple desire to live; you
must arouse your friends who want to live at
other colleges; a peace movement must sweep
this nation like a fire sweeps the dried wood
of a forest. The whole nation must arise.
If we have guts and common sense, we'll act
now. Students, if this is a democracy, let's make
it work as such. Don't you think your life is
worth a letter, maybe five of them?
A reader might regard this as a hysterical
plea of a scared writer. It is not that. The writer
just wants to live. He thinks others in his class
want to live. He's tired of hearing people tell
him that "it's only a matter of time till we'll
be in it." He's disgusted with the indifference
and the fatalism of so many of the people
around him. And what's more, he can't find
any logical reason why we should become in-
volved. What do we owe Britain? What are
we to gain-What are we to protect, or defend,
or save . . . What did we save last time? - - ..
America had better put its own house in order
We had better save our lives this time ...
Students, wake up, or you'll die sleeping.
David Zeitlin, '40
Anot her Reply To Hyma
To the Editor:
We wish to challenge the statement of Pro-
fessor Hyma, concerning traitors on the Mich-
igan campus. Evidently Professor Hyma has
given very little thought to the situation, or
has taken a short-sighted view of the situation.
As a student of history, he should realize that
war has never settled anything. If all peace
loving persons are traitors, there must be mil-
lions of traitors in the country, even excepting
this campus. If love of peace is to be condemned
as one of the most foul of vices, then life has
little in store for any of us.
The true pacifist takes neither side in the
war; a traitor, on the other hand, sells his
country to the enemy. The so-called traitor
on the campus who refuses to allow himself to
be swayed by militaristic propaganda is none
the less a patriot for preferring peace for his
country to war. Any person who lives by reason
rather than by emotional responses will not

Drew Pednos
WASHINGTON-If the European
war continues at its present world-
shaking pace, it is not improbable
that the Republican national con-
vention will be postponed.
This possibility is being deliberated
privately and very seriously by GOP
leaders in Chicago, Washington and
New York. No decision has yet been
reached, but two strong arguments
based on events abroad make it a
better than even money bet that
the convention will be delayed if
there is no let-up in the war.
1st, it is argued that during such
titanic upheavals the people would
be uninterested in party politics
and the convention would be unable
to obtain uppermost attention either
in their thoughts or in the press.
2nd, that it would be unwise, if
not impossible, for the Republican
Party to formulate a platform plank
on foreign policy and the war. This
is because there is a strong-and
growing -GOP element " favoring
ome form of direct aid to the Allies;
in other words, agreeing with the
Battle Over Foreign Policy
On the other hand, a very vocal
minority is vehemently isolationist.
In the middle is still another group
fearful of both sides, and preferring
to take no stand. A battle-royal
in the convention between these fac-
tions might greatly embarrass any
Also, inner party leaders are wor-
ried over fighting a presidential cam-
paign on the war issue. As the mi-
nority party, the GOP is not in a
position to shift its policy overnight
to meet changing conditions. The
Democrats can do that. Roosevelt
can take the air any day and enun-
ciate what would amount to an en-
tirely new platform. But the GOP
platform, once approved by the con-
vention, is the party's stand. It can't'
be juggled around.
Note-If the convention is post-
poned until August or September, it
would actually meet on June 24, but
recess at the call of the National
Committee. In this case the Demo-1
crats probably will do likewise; for?
Roosevelt already has proposed that
both parties hold their conventions
in the autumn.
War Notes
War Department cables from the
battle front report that the French1
are being crippled by German war-1
planes which blow up their roads
behind the lines, upsetting their .
lines of communication, and pre-
venting them from bringing up shells
and reinforcements . . . . Senatorl
George of Georgia, once ansobject
of the purge, is now the staunch
supporter of the President on for-
eign policy and rearmament. He isI
giving the War Department strong1
backing for appropriations . . . Some1
of the European reports indicate thatI
the people of Norway, Denmark, Hol--
land, etc., surrendered to Germany1
because they had no great faith in]
their own governmental and econom-
ic systems Many had been depressed
by low wages ox' unemployment.
didn't seem to thinkg the system was
worth fighting for . . . When you
look back on the Spanish civil war1
and compare it with the current
surrender of neutrals, you can't es-
cape the conclusion that the Span-
iards really had backbone.

Retreat To America
One reason for the international
pessimism now pervading the White
House is the course which an Allied
defeat would be almost sure to take.
Roosevelt's military advisers have
pointed out that the British Isles,
if attacked, are certain to cave in,
or at least to be given such a batter-
.ng that the government will flee
to Canada.
The British fleet will try to save
something from the debacle, and the
most natural place for it to go will
be Canada and the British island
possessions in American waters-Ja-
maica, Bermuda, the Bahamas.
In other words, if the British Gov-
ernment is defeated at home, it will
try to savetjust.has much as it can
and rally together the rest of the
far-flung Empire-Canada, Austra-
lia, South Africa and New Zealand.
When and if this happens, espe-
cially if the remnants of the British
fleet come to American waters, then
American neutrality is going to be
put to the biggest test in history.
Roosevelt's War Prediction
There is one conference which the
President had with congressional
leaders from which he is getting no
enjoyment-even though he was ab-
solutely right. This was the confer-
ence last summer in which Roosevelt
urged Congress to revise the neu-
trality, act because war was immi-

(Continued from Page 2)
August, 1940, will be given today at
2 p.m., 400 Burton Memorial Tower.
The Comprehensive Examination
in Education will be given today at
9 and 2 o'clock in the University
High School auditorium.
The Qualifying Examination for
Directed Teaching (Education D100)
will be given today at 1 o'clock in the
University High School auditorium.
The Doctoral Examination of James
Wright Freeman will be held
at 9:00 a.m. today in 3201 East
Engineering Bldg. Mr. Freeman's
department of specialization is Metal-
lurgical Engineering. The title of
his thesis is "The Diffusion of Alum-
inum and Iron in Iron-Aluminum
Professor C. L. Clark as chairman
of the committee will conduct the
examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C.S. Yoakum
The Doctoral Examination of Har-
old Shaw Howe will be held at
2:00 p.m. today in the East
Council Room, Rackham Building.
Mr. Howe's department of specializa-
tion is Physics. The title of his
thesis is "Ammonia Absorption Meas-
urements with Guided Waves and
the Shape of a Spectral Line."
Professor N. H. Williams as chair-
man of the committee will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Sociology 260: Seminar in juvenile
delinquency . . Monday, May 20, at
4 p.m., will meet in Room E. Haven
Hall instead of the Michigan Child
Guidance Institute Office.
The Doctoral Examination of Fred
William Foster will be held at 2:00
p.m., Monday, May 20, in 21 Angell
Hall. Mr. Foster's department of
specialization is Geography. The title
of his thesis is "A Study of Land
Types and Land Use in Emmet Coun-
ty, Michigan."
Professor H. M. Kendall as chair-
man of the committee will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination of Mr. Lewis
Patrick Waldo will be held at 3:00
p.m., Monday, May 20, in the East
Council Room, Rackham Building.
Mr. Waldo's department of speciali-
zation is Comparative Literature. The
title of his thesis is "The French
Drama in America in the Eighteenth
Century and Its Influence on the
American Drama of That Period,
Professor Loui I. Bredvold as chair-
man of the committee will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
The Doctoral Examination of Ran-
dolph Wya'tt Webster wll be held at
3:00 p.m., Monday, May 20, in West

Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr.
ebster'sddepartment of specializa-
tion is Education. The title of his
thesis is "Psychological and Pedo-
gogical Factors Involved in Motor
Skill Performance as Exemplified in
Dr. E. D. Mitchell as chairman of
the committee will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and
to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakurn
The Doctoral Examination of Limas
Dunlap Wall will be held'at 4:00 p.m.,
Monday, May- 20, in 3089 N.S. Mr.
Wall's department of specialization
is Zoology. The title of his thesis
is "Spirorebis parvum (Stunkard,
1923), Its Life History and the De-
velopment of Its Excretory System
(Trematoda: Spirorchiidae) ."
Dr. G. l,. La Rue as chairman of
the committee will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of, the

Accessory Growth Substances on Ex-
cised Stem Tips of Helianthus annus
L. in Culture."
Dr. C. D. La Rue as chairman of
the committee will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral can-
didates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Today's Event
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held today at 10:00 a.m., in Room
319, West Medical Building. Subject:
"Lipid Metabolism of the Fowl." All
interested are invited.
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public from 8:00 to
10:00 tonight. The moon and the
planet Venus will be shown through
the telescopes. Other interesting ob-
jects will also be shown if time per-
mits. Children must be accompanied
by adults.
Senior Engineering Class picnic will
oe held Saturday, May 18, at 2:00
p.m. on the Island. All members who
have paid their dues are invited. Each
one should bring a glass.
Crop and Saddle Horse Show Will
ake place at 2 p.m today at the
Fairgrounds. City buses go out to
he Fairgrounds every twenty min-
utes for those who are attending nd
Tish transportation. Admission is
Coming- Events
Physics Colloquium: Mr. N. t,,. Ole-
son will speak on "The Multiple Scat-
tering of Fast Electrons" on Monday,
May 20, at 4:15 p.m. in room 1041
E. Physics Bldg.
The Junior Mathematical Club pic-
nic originally announced for Satur-
day is being postponed until Wednes-
day at 4:00 p.m. Please call Sally
Lev or Ted Hildebrandt if you plan
to go.
The Romance Language Journal
Club will meet Tuesday, May 21, at
4:15 in Room 108 R.L. The following
papers will be read:
Charles A. Knudson: Stream-lined
in English and French.
Charles N. Staubach: Propaganda
in General Language Tests.
A chairman of the Club for next
year will be elected at this meeting.
Graduate students are cordially in-
German Table for Faculty Mem-
cers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
n the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. All faculty members inter-
Usted in speaking German are cordial-
ty invited. There will be a brief in-
formal talk by Professor Theophil H.
4ildebrandt on "Etwas vom Orgel-
Institute of the Aeronautical Set-
ences: The final meeting of the Stu-
dent branch will be held on Monday,
May 20, at 7:30 p.m., in Room t,042
East Engineering Building. Final ar-
rangements for the trip to the Cur-
tiss-Wright and Bell aircraft factor-
ies at Buffalo, N.Y., will be discussed.
The election of officers for 1940-41
will also take place at this meetng.
All members are urged to be present.
Eta Kappa Nu will meet in the
Union on Sunday, May 19, at 7:00
p.m. Those members wishing to eat
in a group will meet in the Tap
Room at 0:30.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
on Sunday, May 19, at 2:30 p.. in
the rear of the Rackham Building.
An outdoor program is planned. All

graduate students and faculty invit-
The Fellowship of Reconcilition
meets in Lane Hall at 7:00 p.m. on
Monday. Mrs. Brevoort, of the Fam-
ily Welfare Bureau, will talk on
problems of social service in Ann
Congregational Student Fellowship
Picnic Sunday, May 19, at Steiner's
farm. Meet at Pilgrim Hall at 4:30,
Sunday afternoon. Make reserva-
tions at Pilgrim Hall, phone 2-1679,
before Saturday noon.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser-
mon by the Reverend Frederick W.
Leech; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church;
11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall;
7:00 p.m. Student meeting, Harris
Hall. The Reverend Henry Lewis
will lead a discussion on "Prepara-
tion for Marriage", in particular
stressing the point of view of the
Church on this matter.


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