Cibudy and w-arme r Saturdy;
showiers oaba le Sunday.
I.Ifr i ant
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Serves Ed-ic:ain.
Nazis Report Army
Miles FromParis
ThincladsTo Meet Pitt; Nine Defeats Purdue
Panthers Threaten
Bal Team WIns 6.5
Wolverine Track Squad
Risks Record; Purdue
Loses 11 Inning Game
Pitt's Captain Frank
Is Favored In Dash
Laying their winning streaks of
23 and 11 consecutive track meets
respectively onthe line, the Mich-
igan and Pittsburgh cinderpath pow-
erhouses clash at 1:30 p.m. today at
Ferry Field.
Pitting two of the nation's best-
balanced outfits against each other,
the encounter stacks up as 'a battle
of champions all the way. The Pan-
thers haven't been .defeated in a
dual meet since 1937, and rate as
one of the strongest aggregations in
the East. The Wolverine win streak
dates back to 1936, and for the past
three years the Maize and Blue has
ruled Midwestern track circles, cop-a
ping the last three Big Ten outdoor
Captain Ohl Favored
On the basis of his 20.7 perform-
ance against Ohio State last Tuesday
in the 220-yard dash, Pitt's Captain
Frank Ohl will be favored to win
the furlong -event this afternoon,
with his teammate, Larry Tregon-
ing, and Wolverine sophomore Bud
Piel fighting it out for second.
Ohl will compete in either she
100-yard dash or the quarter-mile,
depending on which event Coach
Carl Olson thinks the Panther flyer
can pick up the most points. Run-
ning second in the Ohio State en-
gagement, he is capable of doing the
100 in about 10 seconds, while he
has turned in 48 seconds for the
Oh To Anchor Relay
The versatile Pitt captain will also
be the choice in the broad jump over
Michigan's Culver twins, Catl and
Fred, and will round out a busy day
by anchoring Pitt's strong quartet
in the mile relay.
A sensational sophomore,. Hap
Stickel, is a good bet to cop a pair
of first places in the 100-yard dash
and the 220-low hurdle events for
the Panthers. Teammates Ohl, if he
runs this one, and Tregoning, in ad-
dition to Wolverine Piel will give
(Continued or Page 3)
Gov. Dickinson
Will Give First
Address Here
'Stump Speakers Society'
Sponsors Annual Dinner
For Engineering Men
Gov. Luren Dickinson will make
his first speech on this campus
when he addresses the engineering
students at the 11th annual Tung
Oil Banquet Tuesday, May 28, in the
League Ballroom, it was announced
Sponsored by Sigma Rho Tau, na-
tional engineering speech fraternity,
the traditional honors banquet of
the 'Stump Speakers Society' is
thrown open to all students in the
College of EBngineering. Governor
Dickinson has informed Prof. Robert
D. Brackett, faculty advisor of the
organization, that he will take part
in the program.
President Ruthven is also expected
to attend as a guest of the society.
Newton Hagar, '40E, has been ap-
nnintai gpnnpnra himan of the
Fisher-Men Defeat
Purdue As Trosko
Scores In Eleventh
The Wolverine baseball team tried
hard to be a good host to Purdue at
Ferry Field yesterday afternoon, but
try as it might, Michigan couldn't
persuade the visting Boilermakers to
accept its hospitality.
Coach Ray Fisher's cohorts com-
mitted six errors afield to provide
Purdue with four unearned runs, al-
lowed the Riveters to tie the score
twice and send the gameninto extra
innings, and left 15, men stranded
on the bases. But still the Boiler-
makers refused to take advantage of
the Wolverines' magnanimity.
In fact, Coach Dutch Fehring's men
turned altruistic themselves in the
last of the eleventh, blew sky high,
and presented the Varsity with a gen-
erous 6-5 decision.
The second game of the Michi-
gan-Purdue series will start at
2:40 p.m. today at Ferry Field.
Lyle Bond and Bob Baily will be
the opposing pitchers.
Cold and darkness threatened to
halt the game at 5-5, when Freddie
Trosko led off the eleventh with a
single over third base. Bud Cham-
berlain tried to move Trosko along
with a sacrifice bunt, and Purdue
fell apart.
Catcher Bud Fisher threw the ball
into the dirt to Harry McFerren
covering first. The Boilermaker sec-
(Continued on Page 3)
Pupils Will Be
Union Guests
150 High School Students
Will Preview 'U' Life
Approximately 150 high school
students from immediate areas of
the state are headed for Ann Arbor
today to see what University life
is all about as guests of the Union's
University Day Programs, Carl Rohr-
bach, '42, co-chaiman of the orien-
tation committee, announced yester-
Campus tours conducted by mem-
bers of the Union staff and consulta-
tions with the heads of different
departments of the University will
keep the visitors busy this morning.
Their activity is to be rewarded by
a luncheon at the Union this noon,
followed by a visit to the Intramural
Building this afternoon and compli-
mentary admission to the track meet
with Pittsburgh and the Purdue
baseball game. A dance at the Union
will complete the day's events.
Educators Fail'
In Social Duty,
Watt Declares
AFL Speaker Highlights
Extension Association's
Last Day Conference
Dr. Bruce Stresses
Need Of Expansion
Maintaining that educators have
not fulfilled their duties to society,
Mr. Robert C. Watt, International
Labor Representative of the AFL,
featured the general session discus-
sions of the last day of the National
University Extension Association's
25th annual conference here yester-
Mr. Watt contended that American
educators have "failed to teach and
assist workers in meeting contempor-
ary problems" Pointing out that
the adult worker had neither time
nor patience for formal education,
Watt argued that teachers "must ac-
quaint themselves with new ways in
order to fill the educational needs
of the workers."
Teachers Make No Contributions
Condemning the general attitudes
among educators, Watt declared that
"as far as the masses of workers are
concerned, you teachers have made
little or no contribution towards al-
leviating their distress." To remedy
this deficiency he suggested that
teachers (1) abandon "fossilized"
economics and teach sound modern
economics to the working people, (2)
concentrate on practical, not theoret-
ical subjects, (3) present the mater-
ial in a more friendly and less aca-
demic fashion, (4) use more time for
discussions and questioning.
Dr. James D. Bruce, vice president
of University relations, stressed the
need for expansion of adult educa-
tion in a luncheon lecture. He point-
ed out that since higher education
fails to produce completely mature
individuals, there is a need for edu-
catiopal facilities "beyond the cita-
dels 'of the campus."
Cooperation Needed;
Recommending that cooperation
and planning should be fostered
among state educational agency and
all institutions offering extension ser-
vices, Dr. Bruce stated that a survey
of all these tax-supported and pri-
vate agencies should preclude the
delegation of functions among the
Understanding between the peoples
of the Western Hemisphere can still
be developed, in spite of world chaos.
Mr. Charles A. Thompson, chief of
the Department of State Cultural Re-
lations Division stated at the Associa-
tion's final dinner.
WPA Will Aid Defense
WASHINGTON, May 17. --()-
The WPA disclosed tonight that, be-
cause of the serious world situation,
it was prepared to give priority here-
after to projects contributing to the
national defense. Announcing this
policy at a press conference, Col. F.
C. Harrington, the work relief com-
missioner,,.asked Congress not to re-
duce the President's requested sum.
T roopsFighting over 110-Mile Front
As Premier Reynaud of France admitted that his country was in
"peril" but predicted ultimate victory, the main battle front in Europe
was stretched along 110 miles. Germany bolstered her right flank with
troops released am~er the capitulation of Holland in her effort to perfect
the 1940 version of the Schlieffen Plan. Too, the Nasis have broken
through to Brussels and are on the way to the strategic coast ports of
Belgium. Heavy fighting was reported in the Sedan area with the
Nazis trying a flanking movement (curved arrows) while the main force
hit the center. Allied counter-attacks are indicated by white arrows.
Kendall Indicates Topography
Of Possible Germlmn Advance
Brussels Taken
As Allies Order
Unyielding Fight
British Troops Fall Back West Of Brussels
To Avoid Trap; Belgian Government
Retreats To Ostend On North Sea
LONDON, May 17 (Received in Ann Arbor at 7:25 p.m.)--An au-
thoritative Dutch source in London reported tonight that the islands
of Beveland and Walcheren had been abandoned. Both islands, in
the province of Zeeland, where the Dutch still are fighting the German
invaders, were severely bombarded, including the.towns of Middelburg
and Veere. Fierce fighting was said to be continuing on the left bank
of the Scheldt.
4' * *
NEW YORK, May 17 (Received in Ann Arbor at 11:26 p.m.)--
Heavy explosions have been heard in Basle, Switzerland, said a Rome
broadcast picked up by NBC tonight. The announcer said this led to
the belief that the French had blown up several bridges in France
near that part of the Swiss border.
BUCHAREST, May 17 (Received in Ann Arbor at 8:47 pam.)--Ital-
ian citizens living in Rumania were advised by the Italian legation
today to leave for home.
** *
ATHENS, Greece, May 18 (Saturday) (Received in Ann Arbor at
8:38 p.m.)--The war ministry early today called to the colors the 1935
military class. The class, composed of men 26 years old, will report
May 25. It was announced officially that the class, reported to number
60,000, was called for a month's training "in the use of new weapons.'"
* * *
German soldiers marched into Brussels last night and gouged so deep
into France that the Allied command ordered every man to die on the spot
rather than yield further ground.
The Allies admitted the implacable Nazi legions were within 100 miles
of Paris on the northeast, and an unconfirmed German report put the
distance at only 76 miles.
British troops were officially disclosed to have fallen back west of
_ ----- Brussels, presumably to avoid being
-U-' Acaught between the north and south
Belgian-Allied Resistance
Must Hold To Prevent
Nazi Thrust At Paris
Once past the first line of Allied-
Belgian defense, German ground
forces moving westward will be un-
impeded by any physical barriers,
Prof. Henry M. Kendall of the Geog-
raphy department, stated yesterday.
The nature of the country through
which German troops are marching
is a gentle plain and since it is re-
ported that the Nazis are already
hammering at the second line of Bel-
gian-Allied resistance, the only thing
which can possibly hope to stop the
fast-moving German troops is armed
power, he believes.
The only physical deterrent to Ger-
man ground movement into France
and Belgium is the Ardennes Plateau
which stands sharply above the land
to north and south, continuing into
France north of Mezieres and into
Germany to form the Rhine- High-
land. However, this plateau offers
no serious obstacle to Nazi warplanes,
he claimed.
The route which the Germans seem
to be following is a common one in at-
tacking movements from the east.
Throughout history invading armies
have followed this route across the
plain north of the Meuse River and
southward around the western end
of the Ardennes.
The objective of the swift Nazi
move through the plain between
Maastricht and Liege is to gain good
attacking points for which to combat
France and England more effective-
ly, Professor Kendall suggested.
A possible objective is the separa-
titon of Belgian and Allied forces by
a drive directly westward to the
Channel coast, he added.
Nazi troops are already forcing
their way through Belgium in an at-
tempt to seize Antwerp, Belgium's
most important seaport. From Ant-
werp it is only a short jaunt to Lon-
don by airplane.
One of the reasons that Nazi troops
are not making a major offensive on
Paris from the east, Professor Ken-
dall believes, is due to the series of
eight escarpments which greatly hin-
der effective ground movement from
that direction.
The Sedan movement is probably a
major attempt to move directly upon
Paris from a point where main routes
lead easily through the escarpments,
he concluded.
Hyma Accepts
Club Challenge
To War Debate
Workers Party Secretary,
Max Shaciman, To Give
Socialist WarOpposition
In response to a recent challenge
by members of the Politics Club,
Prof. Albert Hyma of the history
department, will meet Max Schacht-
man, national secretary of the
Workers' Party, May 30, in a debate
to be sponsored by the club, Harry
Tenenberg, '42, secretary of the or-
ganization announced yesterday.
The subject of the debate, "Aid to
Allies vs. Socialist Opposition to
War," will also include treatment
of the question of the duties owed a
government by the people under it,
Professor Hyma revealed, when
asked about the debate.
The challenge, originally sent to
Prof. Preston Slosson, also of the
history department, was accepted by
Professor Hyma, when Professor
Slosson suggested that a substitute
be found.
prongs of a German pincers.
The Belgian Government fled to
Ostend, on the North Sea. The fall
of Antwerp appeared imminent as
Germans engaged the city's northern
Dutch Abandon Islands
Abandonment by the Allied forces
of one of the last Dutch points of
resistance-two of the Zeeland prov-
ince islands off the southwest coast,
was reported in London.
British spokesmen said the Ger-
mans advanced generally on a 115-
mile front from Antwerp to Sedan,
and the French described the pene-
Tennis Team Defeats Wayne;
Gridders To Hold Spring Game
Danger Of American Fascism
Lies At Home, Krueger Says
"The greatest danger of fascism
arising in America lies in the failure
of this country to solve her own
tration into France as a great pocket
35 to 40 miles deep, extending from
the Sedan area to Rethel to the
Sambre River near Maubeuge.
"The fate of the Netherlands, that
of our Allies, and the destiny of
the world depend on the battle now
in its course," said General Maurice
Gustave Gamelin, Allied command-
er-in-chief, in his order of the day.
And there was none to doubt the
awesome import of his words as he
closed with the flat instruction:
"Any soldier who cannotadvance
should die on the spot rather than
abandon the part of the native soil
confided to him."
German Eight-Day Attack
The German attack in the eighth
day of its lightning-like course de-
veloped "in a massive manner," the
French command stated, and use of
the heaviest German tank divisions
converted the fighting into "a veri-
table melee."
The British said the German
tanks, huge new ones more heavily
armed and armored than those
which crunched over the Polish
plains last September, were at least
1,200-strong. They smashed the
French westward extension of the
Maginot Line to let the gray lines
of infantry through.
Holds Tag Sale
"There's no such thing as a bad
boy." Such is the guiding philosophy
of the Starr Cnmmonwealth forB nvs.
Spring football practice, the third
since Fritz Crisler took over the
coaching duties at Michigan, will
come to a close this afternoon as the
Blues face the Whites in the annual
intra-squad game at 4 p.m. at the
Stadium. There will be no admis-
sion charge.
Over 50 players will be in and out
of the contest at one time or another
as Coach Crisler takes a final look
at the men who will make up a large
part of the squad which will fly to
Berkeley, Calif., next September to
^ - nv% hn G enA- ,hia . aia annn-
Michigan's tennis team won its
sixth consecutive home match yes-
terday defeating a strong Wayne
U. squad, 7-2, on the indoor courts
at the Sports building.
In the feature match, Captain
Sam Durst pulled the expected rath-
er than the unusual as he defeated
Bill Maul, Detroit Public Park cham-
pion as well as Wayne's number one
man, 6-8, 6-2, 6-3.
Maul is probably the hardest hit-
ter that Durst has faced this year,
but the Wolverine southpaw after
a a ild-ht ti+r firs rat atta i in
Hess To Address
500 At Meeting
More than 500 high school seniors
are expected to attend the first
Vocational Guidance Conference to
be held today at the Rackham Build-
ing under the auspices of the Mich-
iaan District of Kiwanis. the Bureau
acute economic and social problems
-unemployment, insecurity, and the
continuance of a war economy,"
Maynard C. Krueger, 1940 vice-pres-
idential candidate of the Socialist
Party and professor of economics at
the University of Chicago, empha-
sized before approximately 170 stu-
dents, faculty and townspeople at
a meeting last night in Unity Hall.
The meeting was sponsored by the
recently organized Thomas For Pres-
% n