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February 22, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-22

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VOL. L. No. 101 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEB. 22, 1940


Russia Orders
Home Experts
From Turkish
Industry Posts
Kremlin Calls For Exodus
Of Technicians After
Recent German Move;
Press Talks Of War
ISTANBUL, Feb. 21.-()-Soviet
Russia today called home hundreds
of Russian technical experts em-
ployed for years in Turkish industry
under a Russian-Turkish agreement.
Their exodus will follow closely
that of technicians from Germany,
Russia's partner. Russia already was
liquidating her commercial organiza-
tions in this country and Germany,
Turkey's World War ally is doing
The Russians, ordered by the
Kremlin to leave immediately, were
expected to embark with their fami-
lies for Odessa, Russian Black Sea
port. The Russian Embassy at An-
kara first received the order and then
notified those affected.
Turkey Is Worried
The Russian action came at a time
when the Turkish press openly is dis-
cussing the possibility of war in this
part of the world in the spring, per-
haps centering about Russia's rich
oil fields in the Caucasus, just across
the Turkish border.
President Ismet Inonu and the
Turkish general staff recently in-
spected the Russian frontier and
they are expected to survey the Greek
and Bulgarian border fortifications
Usually reliable quarters reported
today that 50 Britisn engineer offs:
cers had arrived at Adrianople 0
inspect the fortifications on the Bul-
garian frontier, where work recently
was stepped up by the army.
On War Footing
Turkey, an ally or Great Britain
and France but so far a non-belliger-
ent, is virtually on a war footing and
has been looking to her fortifications
on all borders as well to her domestic
Accordingto the Turkish press
Turkey will enter the war the mom-
ent any foreign ower attacks the
Balkans. Intense military prepara-
tions, in cooperation with Britain and
France, have been under way for
months in this strategic region, key
to Europe's "back door."
Class Of 1940
To Collect Dues
One Dollar To Be Solicitec?!
From Each Member
Senior dues of one dollar per stu-
dent will be collected by the Finance
Committee of the Class of 1940 start-;
ing next Tuesday in Angell Hall, it
was announced last night by Mar-
garet Neafie, '40, treasurer.
The three-fold purpose of the dues
this year is as follows:
1. Pay for the senior class page in
the 'Ensian.
2. Pay for incidental expenditures
such as posters and stationery.
3. Set up a class fund which will be
turned over to the Clai Officers'
Council of the Alumni Association.
The money will be used to keep class1
organization together after gradua-t

tion by maintaining contacts be-
tween officers and members and pro-
viding for reunions at five-year in-
The Finance Committee consists of l
Don Nixon, chairman, Wally Hinkle,3
Jack Luxan, Louis Grossman, Miriam 2
Szold and Ann Platt. Ruth Chapard,X
Jay Rockwell, Gordon Laing. andf
Dorothy Nichols are also on the com-I

Dorm Workers
Protest Heard
By University
Certain "suggestions" made by Uni-
versity dormitory workers will be
"taken under consideration" during
the next few days by University offi-
cials, it was announced yesterday
following a conference between Vice-
President Shirley W. Smith and repre-
sentatives of an AFL union of dormi-
tory workers.
The conference had been requested
by members of the union, who claimed
that wage rates and working condi-
tions were below adequate standards.
Vice-President Smith announced
after the meeting that he had heard
"certain definite requests," and said
that the University would "take them
under consideration."
Mr. Smith said that a "clear prom-
ise" had been made to the workers
that dormitory officials would not
"discriminate" in any manner against'
employees who joined the Union.
Representatives of the labor union
announced that the meeting had been
"successful from every standpoint,"
and said that they expected to meet
with University officials sometime
early in March.
Among the "suggestions" which
were made at the meeting, the labor
leaders said, were proposals for "bet-
ter wages, better working conditions,
better overtime wages, and improved
regulations in general."
Egyptian Curse
Branded False
By Steindorff
University Lecturer Says
Articles About Tombs
Are 'Merely Stories'
A scientist who has outlived the
men of his generation, Dr. Georg
Steindorff, famed Egyptologist and
former professor in the University of
Leipzig, came to Ann Arbor yester-
day to present his views on peoples
of ancient Egypt.
Aged Dr. Steindorff, who is one
of the founders of the modern study
of Egyptology, discredited the popu-
lar belief that an ancient curse falls
upon present-day defilers of Egyp-
tian tombs.
In an interview fpllowing his lec-
ture in Rackham Amphitheatre, Dr.
Steindorff branded the numerous
newspaper articles about the sup-
posed curse as "merely stories." He
explained that only one curse against
the opening of tombs existed, and
applied in the distant past to the
Egyptian practice of reutilizing
crypt stones for building purposes.
The unfortunate deaths which
have been attributed to the King
Tutankhamen excavations were ob-
viously caused by natural forces, he
asserted, the last death taking place
15 years after the tomb's discovery.

Michigan's Three Year Old Ice Carnival
Will Present 'Silver King', Skating Show

All A'Students

Swedish Town

Are Announced I Is Bombarded

A three year-old campus baby
which makes a shivering appearance
each winter will let out a lusty bellow
at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Coliseum
and then slap its royal rattle on the
noggin of a local big-wig.
The monicker of the gurgling in-
fant is the University of Michigan
Ice Carnival. The cranium to be
crowned tomorrow night by the tot's
celluloid scepter is that of Footballist
Forest Evashevski '41, henceforth to
be designated the Carnival's "Silver
Two developments yesterday marked
the extensive preparations for the
frozen-water frolic. They were:
1. An air-mail cargo of "treasure"
to be distributed' by the Silver King
during the evening was shipped from
New York City, the only place where
such treasure can be found.
No Jitterbugs
2. Local long-hairs clapped a ban
on rug-cutting after the regular pro-
gram, as had been announced. Ob-
jections were raised by the rink man-
agers, in a stirring condemnation of
jitterbugging, jiving and hep-cats.
Earlier, the program for the Ice
Carnival had been announced by re-
lays of public relations counsellors.
Leading the show will be the Detroit
Olympia Skating Club and its stars,
Erice Jaddec and Evelyn Denne, as
solo events. Robert Gach, Arcade
shutter-snapper, may burlesque the
antics of a bewildered photographer
who .attempted to cover last year's
Carnival. Others on runners will be
two skaters from Michigan State Col-
lege and Mary Francis Greschke and
Betty Courtwright, Ann Arbor figure
skating champions.
Free Skating From 9:30-11 P.M.
The free-skating session will last
from 9:30 to 11 p.m., having been
lengthened because of the dancing
Final entri were announced for
the fraternity and sorority skating
relays to be heldas part of the pro-
gram. Sororities entering are: Alpha
Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicrom Pi,
Chi Omega, Collegiate Sorosis, I1elta
Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta, and Delta
Delta Delta. Fraternity teams are:
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi,
Phi Psi, Chi Psi, Delta Upsilon and
Sigma "Phi Epsilon.
Included in the program to be given
by the Olympia Club are group and
solo numbers. Solos and pairs by
Miss Greschke and Miss Courtwright,
will also be presented as will waltzes
featuring ice figures.
Tryouts For Spanish Play
Will Be Conducted Friday
Final tryouts for the annual Span
ish play, "Zaragueta," a "ccmcdy of
customs" by Ramos Carrion an1
Vital Aza, will be held at 3 p.m. to-
morrow in Room 312 Romance Lan-
guage Building.
Seven men and four women are
needed for the play, which will be
held April 1. Any student is eligible
to try out, even though he is not
studying Spanish at the present time,
according to Dr. Charles Staubach,
director of the play.

-,c v Y .. '' ..

muscle man, is
the University
"Silver King."

-- Photo by Merriman.
Forest Evashevski, football captain and a all-around
the successor to Michigan's carnival queens officials of
ice carnival announced today. Evashevski will be a
Shown with him in the picture above is Mary Francis

Greschke, Ann Arbor figure skater.

'Unofficial Editor' Tom Patterson
Resigns His Position With Daily


If This Isn't Hiccuping
Record, What (Hic) Is?


Robert McLean, '43, has been tak-
ing drugs, standing on his head,
drinking water while plugging his
ears and denying accusations of
drunkenness for 45 hours now, but his
hiccups show no sign of stopping.
McLean's persistent affliction,
which the dictionary defines as a
"series of spasmodic inspiratory move-
ments," began Tuesday afternoon.
Since that time, he said last night in
an interview intermingled with ex-
QrnIn In s, n i aa ,a a a r


When youthful newspapermen re-
turn to visit their alma mater, point
No. 1 on their itinerary is a trip to
the Student Publications Building
and Tom Patterson.
They come back to see the tall,
handsome typesetter because in his
five years with The Michigan Daily
he has proved himself the amateur
journalists' best friend. When head-
lines didn't count and the fast-ap-
proaching deadline proved too much
for the night editor's composure, it
was Tom Patterson who saved the
situation by writing the headline on
the linotype without outside help.
When a late story was rushed in sec-
onds before the paper was due to go
to press, it was Tom Patterson's
nimble finger which performed the
seemingly impossible and had the
story ready in time.
Thrt's all over now. Last night
Tom Patterson announced he had re-
signed his position with The Daily to
become vice-president and general
manager of the Patterson Brothers
printing firm.
"There's one last thing I'd like to
do for the boys, though," Tom said
as he leaned back in his typesetter's
chair. "So tell 'em there'll be a keg
of beer waiting Friday afternoon."
461 n_ ,____ ,, a nnnra_. llum % T

Catholic View
Will Be Heard
In Faith Series
Washington's Rev. Furfey
Will Give Second SRA
Lecture Saturday Night
Presenting the orthodox Catholic
viewpoint on the "Existence and Na-
ture of Religion," The Rev. Paul H.
Furfey, professor of sociology at the
Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
will deliver the second lecture in the
current Student Religious Association
series on religioneat 8 p.m. Saturday
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Delivering the belief of the Catholic
who is both scientist and clergyman,
Father Furfey is one of four noted
speakers who are being brought to
the Campus by the SRA to discuss
the different viewpoints they hold on
the question of religion.
Father Furfey, who is a Fellow of
the American Association for the Ad-
vancement f Science and co-director
of the Catho. ,University's Center for
Research in G ild Development, has
been supplied with a copy of Prof.
Anton J. Carlson's lecture, which was
delivered here last Friday and which
attacked religion on the grounds of
science. It is expected that his lec-
ture will, in part, deal with Profes-
sor Carlson's stand.
Ruthven' s Ten
Years Honored
New York Alumni To Fete
President At Banquet
President Ruthven's 10 years of
service as president of the University
will be celebrated tomorrow night at
the Annual Banquet of the University
of Michigan Club of New York, to be
held in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.
Dr .Ruthven himself will be the guest
of honor.
Representing the University and
giving short toasts to Michigan will be
Regent Edmund C. Shields, Shirley
W. Smith. vice-president and secre-

Michigan Team
Swims Against
Gophers Today
Wolverines Have Enough
Strength To Take First
Place In Every Event
Minnesota's mermen are prepared
for the worst today, for they are play-
ing hosts to the Michigan superman
swimming team in the Gopher tank
Fresh from a record-smashing 70-14
triumph over Michigan' State, Matt
Mann has brought 14 of his Western
Conference and National Collegiate
champions to Minneapolis to extend
Michigan's dual meet win streak to
To say that Minnesota doesn't
stand a chance tonight is putting it
mildly. The Wolverines, with the
strongest array of talent in Michigan
history, can and will win as they
Even with a record of four wins
against two setbacks, Neils Thorpe's
aggregation can't be considered a
threat to Matt Mann's unblemished
record. While Michigan trampled
over Iowa, 63-21, the Gopher mermen
fell before the same Hawkeye attack,
Mann left two of'his aces at home,
but it won't change the complexion
of tonight's affair. Even with Bill
Beebe and Strother "T-Bone" Martin
out of the Michigan lineup, the Wol-
verines still have enough power to
win every event.
In the diving, Mann has Capt. Hal
(Continued on Page 3)
Finnish Dancers
To Be Featured
At Relief Concert
Finnish folk dancers wearing au-
thentic costumes of Finland will ap-
pear in the program of the campus
Finnish relief concert to be given
Tuesday in Hill Auditorium, Toivo

In Four Schools
Announcement of students who re-
ceived all "A" records in the en-
gineering college, the school of busi-
ness administration, the pharmacy
school, and the graduate school was
made by University officials yester-
Graduate School
Students who received perfect rec-
ords were:
Harold F. Allen, Henry N. Bershas,
Jack Bookstein, Jean Brown, Kuo
H. Chao, Irving M. Copilowish, Mor-
ris Dansky, Joshua Domashevitsky,
Kenneth Evashevski, Lawrence J.
Giacoletto, Harold M. Helfman, Rob-
ert Herzog, George L. Hill.
Frederick M. Hoblit, Howard S.
Hoyman, Ingeborg V. Kayko, Wm. L.
Kichline, Arthur Klein, Chas. A.
Ormsby, Chas. E. Rickart, Frank G.
Ryder, Fannie L. Shisler, Jean P.
Slater, Henry S. Smith, Taft Y. Tori-
bara, Donald J. Vink, Bernard Vino-
grade, Clyde Vroman, Max A. Wood-
bury, Sherman A. Hoslett.,
College of Engineering
Robert R. Allen, Charles B. Arm-
strong, Claude O. Broders, Don B.
Carson, Jarrett R. Clark, James M
Eastman, Frank J. Feely, Jr., Edward
A. Gaugler, Allen F. Gilliard, Her-.
bert D. Hamilton.
Lewis O. Heinze, Harper H. Hull,
Herbert L. Misch, Kenneth M. Nel-
son, Carl J. Oxford, Earl Schaefer,
Bernard Shacter, Cornelius R. Skutt,
Frederick B. Sleator, Lewis F. Smith,
Charles M. Thatcher, Robert T. Wal-
Business Administration
Elizabeth Helen Christen, Elinore
Evelyn Clark, Douglas A. Hayes. 1
William Lee Austin.
1,400 Persons
See Benedict'sx
Science Show
Demonstration'Of Magict
Thrills Large Anidence
In Rackham Auditoriumx
More than 1,400 students, faculty
and townspeople yesterday heard
and saw Dr. Francis G. Benedict's
combination lecture and magic show
in Rackham picture hall.
Before his demostration Dr.
Benedict contended that there is a
basis for a comparison between sci-
ence and magic. He said "that magic
has shown you truth is much farther
from being obvious than you believe."
In proving his contention, Dr.
Benedict utilized the scientifically
impossible technique of regenera-
tion. After cutting a dollar bill di-
agonally with his so-called magic
scissors and marking the serial num-
ber on a big white card, he ased
two audience representatives to burn
it. Handcuffing himself to these two
students, he rubbed the ashes delib-
eratley, a n d methodically drew
out the same dollar bill burned only
a few seconds before.
Talking of the magician in the lec-
ture which was entitled "Science and
the Magician," Dr. Benedict pointed
out that mystification of the audi-
ence might be accomplished by a
trick, illusion or magical effect. Trick,
he defined as "purely a mechanical
or digital procedure involving skill."
An illusion, he said, is "a glorified
trick made possible by parapherna-
lia." As for magical effects, which
are the highest art of the magician,
he said they are "procedures demon-
strating seeming violations of natural
Crandall Picks

Eight Women To Compete
In Contests This Year
Eight women who will participate
in inter-collegiate women's debate
this semester were named yesterday
by Mrs. Frederic 0. Crandall, wom-
en's debate coach.
The negative team which will make
the trip to Purdue University March
12 will consist of Barbara Newton,
'41, and Janet Grace, '42. The two
teams which will meet University of
Indiana squads here March 14 and
Elizabeth Lightner, '41, and Jane
Krause, '41, on the affirmative and
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During Soviet
Airplane Raid
Scandinavia Has Worries
As Result Of Violation
Of Swedish Neutrality;
No Casualties Reported
STOCKHOLM, Feb. 21.- () -
Swooping Russian planes today
bombed and fired the little Swedish
border town of Pajala, an incident
that threatened to rekindle the fiery
Swedish movement for intervention
in Finland.
Although all of Pajala's 3,000 resi-
dents escaped death and the shower
of 134 bombs was believed aimed at
Finnish territory just six miles away,
neutral observers expressed the opin-
ion that Swedish "activists" now
would reopen their drive to help Fin-
land "so vigorously that any other
help is unnecessary."
34 Bombs Explosive
Townspeople estimated that 34 of
the bombs from the heavily laden
raiders were explosive, the remaining
100 incendiary. The fact that there
were no casulaties was credited to a
timely warning .flashed from the
border and by the heroic work of a
girl telephone operator who stuck at
her post.
Most of the lethal load was drop-
ped in the center of town.
Among the demolished buildings
were an apartment house and a saw
mill from which workers just had
time to flee. Bombs rained about a
church in which terrorized townsfolk
had huddled, shattering many of its
Bombers Fly Low
The weather was clear and the
bombers flew a low as 3,000 feet.
The Swedish government ordered
its envoy to Moscow, Vilhelm Assar-
sson, to make an immediate and vig-
orous protest at the Kremlin.
Weight was added to the theory
that there would be a resurgence of
the "activist" movement by the chief
of the Swedish Finland committee
just back from Finland. He an-
nounced tonight that an agreement
had been reached with Finland
whereby the Swedish committee
would intensify the recruiting of
Swedish volunteers.
Girl Is Hurt
In Auto Crash
Three Car Accident Resulfs
In InjuryOf Detroiter
Miss Alice Pettibone, 16 years old,
was seriously injured last night in a
freak three car accident at the corner
of Geddes and Forest while riding in
a car driven by Mrs. Dena V. Brezette,
26, wife of Warren E. Brezette, Spec
Miss Pettibone suffered a deep gash
across her face requiring numerous
stitches and lacerations about the
skull. University Hospital officials
said last night that her skull was not
fractured. Mrs. Brezette was not ser-
iously injured..
The accident occurred when Mrs.
Brezette's car, travelling west on
Geddes, collided with a car driven by
Sylvester Eldridge, 35, Negro, who
was going north on Forest. The auto-
mobiles careened up on to the side-
walk on Forest and turned back into
the street, ramming a parked car be-
longing to Norman Van Cor of New
York City. The parked car was only
slightly damaged, but the other two
were demolished.
Miss Pettibone, from Detroit, has
been living with the Brezettes in this

city at 2014 Geddes. Eldridge resides
at 602 Gott. Eldridge was uninjured,
according to officials at St. Joseph's
SRA Inaugurates
Oriental Seminars
Outlining the philosophy and cus-
toms of Hinduism, Mrs. Francesca
Thivy, a graduate student from In-
dia, inaugurated the first of a series
of seminars in Oriental Religions,
sponsored by the Student Religious
Association, last night at Lane Hall.
Designed to furnish information
which is not provided by University
courses in religions, the seminars will


Mich. and a dozen other towns.
Throughout the mid-west and west
he is famed in printing circles as one
of the faset tv npnsetters and haet

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