T H E MIChIGAN DA ILt Y THURSDY MAY 14 i, 1940 University Day To Bring 150 Here Saturday Program For Prospective Students Will Include' Campus Tour, Dance ,Union Is Sponsor' The campus population will be considerably swelled on University Day, Saturday, when approximately 150 high school students from areas surrounding Ann Arbor will be the guests of the Union, Carl Rohrbach, '42, co-chairman of the Union orien- tation committee announced yester- day. . University Day is the now tradi- tional get-acquainted opportunity for many prospective University stu- dents who reside in the state. Sat- urday's meet will be the second such event held this semester, the first having been held March 30 attended by 150 high school seniors. The morning activities will con- sist of campus tours conducted by imembers of the Union staff and consultations with the heads of dif- ferent departments of the University. A luncheon at the Union will con- clude the morning events and pre- pare the visitors for a tour of the Intramural Building in the after- noon. Whether the high school visitors prefer track or baseball, the Athletic Association has arranged to accom- modate them by offering compli- Imentary attendance to either the track meet with Pittsburgh or the baseball game against Purdue. The afternoon activities will be concluded with a dance at the Union from 4 till 5 p.m. University Day is becoming an in- stitution, Rohrbach said, - having been established by the Union about three years ago. Fisher To Present Recital For Degree Frank Fisher, '40SM, of Canton, Ohio, will present a violin recital at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the School of Music Auditorium in partial fulfill- ment of the degree Bachelor of Music. Fisher, who has been a pupil of. Prof. Wassily Besekirsky for several years, will be accompanied by Burton Page, pianist of Denver, Colo Scheduled to be heard on the pro- gram are Bach's "Concerto No. 2", Zsolt's "Dragon Flies", Cui's "Cava- tina", "Introduction and Rondo Ca- flliosioso" by Saint-Saens and "Son- ata No. 3" by Brahms. Law Quad All eyes of the law profession are focused on Washington, D.C. this week as the American Law Institute, American Judicature Society, and the National Conference of Judicial Coun- cils open their annual conclaves. Mr. Herbert Harley of the Michi- za n Judicature Society is attending the national convention of that body, and Dean E. Blythe Stason and Prof. Lewis M. Simes of the Law School are attending the national conven- tion of the Law Institute. The Law Institute is a body com- prising approximately 450 of the out- standing lawyers and legal scholars in the country. Its chief function has been the restatement of existing law and the drafting of model statutes to be sent to state legislatures with the recommendation for adoption. Professor Simes has been working for a number of years, in cooperation with the institute, on a restatement of property law. Prof. John B. Waite of the Law School is presenting a model statute on juvenile delinquency at this session for its consideration. The American Judicature exists for the purpose of legal reform and the improvement of the administra- tion of jusice. Althouigh he is not attending the convention of the Conference of Judi- cial Councils, Prof. Edson R. Sunder- land of the Law School and secretary; of the Michigan Judicial Council, is at present directing an investigationc of inferior courts with the view ofF recommending improvements in thet familiar office of the justice of the peace. Daniels Wins SpeechContest Analyzes Negro Problemsl In Professional Field James Daniels, '42, was chosen, winner of the second Speech 31 con-, test for his analysis of "The Prob- lems of the Negro in the Professions"t and Russell La France, '42, placed second with his speech, "Poll Tax and Democracy." Citing existing racial prejudices and economic standards, Mr. Dan- iels pointed out the difficulties of a professional student who seeks to establish himself in a community. Mr. La France criticized ihe lack of representation and suffrage in sev- eral Southern states. Other participants selected from the elimination contests were Jeanne1 Abraham, '42, speaking on "Educa- tional Cures," Jack Cohen, '42, on1 "Racketeers in Labor," and Nelson J. Davis, '41, on "Neutrality." t "Life on Mars" was discussed by David Rich, '42, and "Tolerance for Germany" by William Todd, '42. Judges for the contest were Pro-c fessor Louis Eich, Mrs. Frederic Crandall and Mr. Paul Cairns, alli of the speech department. Chair-1 man of the contest was Prof. HenryI M. Moser.t Aviatrix Ruth Chatterton 'Flies' The Link -Courtesy Ann Arbor News Women Fliers May Be Called In Next War, Actress Declares The blue-eyed, notedly feminine' Ruth Chatterton, striding back in slacks from her visit to the aeronau- tical engineering department Tues- day, declared that if the United States enters the war women flyers will be expected to offer their services-and that she will be among the first to go. Star of both stage and screen, Miss Chatterton, who is appearing here this week in the Dramatic Season's "Pygmalion", spoke as a well-knownI pilot of six years standing, accredited with 1,000 flying hours. Not Aerial Combat "You can't expect women to take part in aerial combat, of course," Miss Chatterton explained, "but forI women with nerve there is important work to be done. Like taxiing . and delivering planes . . . and ground work. In this way an enormous in- crease in manpower could be counted upon for the actual fighting." Vitally interested in aviation, Miss Chatterton, accompanied by her lead- ing man, Barry Thomson, and Alan Bott, '42E, president of the University Flying Club, was conducted on a tour Winston Will Talk On Current War, "Is this a War for Freedom?" will be the topic of a lecture to be de- livered by Henry Winston, national secretary of the Young Communist League, under the sponsorship of the Karl Marx Society, at 4 p.m. to- morrow in the Union. Winston is one of America's lead- ing Communists, according to Anna- bel Hill, '41SM, president of the So- ciety. During the past year he has addressed Communist rallies, speak- ing on the same programs as Earlj Browder. This will be the second' lecture held under the sponsorship of the Society. Long and i Lithe asa STEM *5 of the pilot training apparatus at the East Engineering Building by Prof. Edward Stalker. The trip was highlighted by her inspection of the Link, an airplane- like contrivance for training that never leaves the ground. Both Miss Chatterton and Thomson, members of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Asso- ciation, took their turn in 'flying' the Link by instruments. Although she has not taken up a plane for three years, Miss Chatterton acquit- ted herself with credit, according to Professor Stalker, expressing amaze- ment at the sensitivity of the Link. She promised to return for a month of instruction this summer "if hum- anly possible." Aviation Bill In an interview preceding the tour, the surprisingly politically minded actress revealed that she had hoped, along with the late Amelia Earhart, famous aviatrix, to see through Con- gress a bill that would aid airminded youth in America to keep flying. The measure, in brief, would pro- vide to young flyers passing a rigid test a government subsidy, to pay half the price of a plane, which would have to be repaid in five years. This extension of flying privileges to civil- ians would make available more flyers for defense and better pilots. efil ICong ress Requests Old Eixaminations For Library Files Cogress, Independent Men's As- sociation. is attempting to establish a comprehensive file of past final examinationsiin the main and en- gineering libraries, Dick Shuey, '42E, announced yesterday. Students and instructors are urged to cooperate by donating copies of old examination papers The present examination files in Congress were found by Congress to be strikingly deficient in copies dated later than 1935. Congress has obtained permission to use the Uni- versity mails, and requests that all students and instructors who have old examination papers and wish to contribute them to the files should hand them in at the desk of any University library. They will be i ra nr;ferred I Cong ress, where they will bo duplicated, and donated to the tiain and engineering libraries. Barnes To Speak O1 lluope's Crisis Speaking on "The Present World Crisis," Prof. H-Tarry E. Barnes, noted teacher and writer on sociol- ogy, penology and history, will ap- pear at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rack ham Amphitheatre. Professor Barnes, sponsored by the Division of the Social Sciences, will supplement the lecture at 6:30 p.m. at a department dinner. BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME WITH A NEW PAINT JOB You will fied it csy to give your house n, lasting bright cleanliness if you use Boydel onded House aint. The formula on the can as- sures you of its quality and the price $2.75 per gallon by fives- By JUNE McKEE - A radio round table will highlight the twenty-fifth annual conference of the National University Extension Association in the Rackham Auditor- ium at 2 p.m. today. While delegates from Pennsylvania State College and the Universities of Wisconsin, Colorado, Arizona, and Tennessee discuss radio committee reports, radio councils, programs, writing, producing, and teaching, Prof. Waldo Abbot will represent fMichigan in "Informing the Citizen- ry by Radio." When the Institute of Radio En- gineersnholds its annual Ann Arbor meeting in the Engineering Building tomorrow, a special demonstration of frequency modulation will be of- fered by broadcasting students. In skit form for entertainment, the presentation involves "The Great Santa Claus Murder Mystery", di- rected by Margery Soenksen Grad. Frances Mendelson, '41, Duane Nel- son, Grad, Peter Antonelli, '41 and Norman Oxhandler, '41, are included in the cast, while Charlie Zwick, '40, will supply background music. Donn Chown, Grad, will announce. Destined to revolutionize the radio broadcasting art, frequency modula- tion, better known as FM, is being tried out by numerous stations. wIt is being handled here by Jerome Wies- ner, Grad, chief radio engineer. Prof. H. B. Hass Will Talk Here Nitroparafin Preparation To Be Discussed Prof. H. B. Hass of the chemistry department at Purdue University will present an American Chemical So- riety lecture on "The Nitration of aseous Saturated Hydrocarbons" at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 303 of the Chemistry Building. His talk, which, will deal with the preparation of nitro-parafins by the nitration of various petroleum gases, is of particular interest because all conventional text-books have claim- ed that this nitration method is not workable, Prof. Lawrence O. Brock- way of the chemistry department commented yesterday. At present Professor Hass is di- rector of the research department of ihemistry at Purdue. He has also been appointed fellow of the Inter- national Congress of Anaesthetists for his work in cyclopropane. Stockwell To Hold Faculty Reception Stockwell Hall will hold its initial faculty reception from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. today. The receiving line will include Dean Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Fred- erick G. Ray and Judith Mertz, '41, president of Stockwell. All of the dormitory residents will be present to play hostesses to the 700 faculty guests expected, Second and third floor corridors will be open for inspection by the guests. Michigan I. I (Continued from Pane 4) Barnes, Ph.D., Lecturer, New School in Social Research, will lecture on "The Present World Crisis" under the auspices of the Division of the Social Sciences at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. American Chemical Society Lec- ture: Professor H. B. Hass of Purdue University will speak on "The Nitra- tion of Gaseous Saturated Hydrocar- bons" at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 303, Chemistry Building. The meet- ing is open to the public. The Karl Marx Society is sponsor- ing its second lecture on Friday, May 17, at 4 o'clock at the Michigan Union. Henry Winston, National Secretary of the Young Communist League, will speak on "Is This a War for Freedom?" No admission charge --all welcome. Today's Events The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 p.m. today in the Ob- servatory lecture room. Mr. Albert Hiltner will speak on "The Self-Re- cording Direct-Intensity Micropho- tometer." Tea at 4:00 p.m. The Division of the Social Sciences will hold its annual dinner meeting at the Michigan Union tonight. at 6:30. After the dinner, a brief talk by Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes will introduce a general dis- cussion of the present war. Members who plan to attend are requested to notify the secretary of the Division, Prof. Dudley M. Phelps. . Varsity Glee Club: Election tonight in the Glee Club room at 9:15 p.m. Serenade after the election. Please be prompt. Sigma Eta Chi Picnic: Meet at 5:30 p.m. today at Pilgrim Hall, prepared for the outdoors. ' Pi Lambda Theta: Initiation and Dinner at 5:30 tonight in the Michi- gan League. At 7:30 in the Hender- son Room of the League, Carleton W. Angell will talk on "Sculpturing." The public is cordially invited. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Group will meet tonlght with Mrs. Samuel T. Dana, 2031 Hill Street, at 7:30 p.m. Last meeting of the year. Those wishing rides, meet, at the League at 7:15. Comng Events A Sunday Saunter, sponsored by the Women's Athletic Association and the Michigan Union, will leave from the side entrance of the Union Sun- day at 10:00 a.m. The group will go to the Island and will be conducted by Leo Jachowski and a member of the faculty. Eta Kappa Nu will meet in the Union on Sunday, May 19, at 7:00 p.m. Those members wishing to eat in a group will meet in the Tap Room at 6:30. Phi Tau Alpha: Plaulus' "Menae- chmi" will be presented for members and others interested in the Univer- sity High School Auditorium Friday, May 17, at 8:00 p.m. Outdoor Sports Club, W.A.A.: Over- night bicycle trip to the Saline Valley Youth Hostel on Saturday, May 18, returning Sunday, May 19. Bicycles may be rented at a special rate of $1.50 for the weekend. Any woman on campus is invited. Sign up on or before Thursday, May 16, at the desk of the Women's Athletic Build- ing, or call Gertrude Imwood, 2-4471, Room 4515. Senior Engineering Class pienio will be held Saturday, May 18, at 2:00 p.m. on he Island. All members who have paid their dues are invited. Fach one should bring a glass. Hillel Installation Banquet: Reser- vations for annual Banquet Sunday, May 19, at 8:30 p.m. may be made this week by calling the Hillel Foun- datiqn. Suomi Club: Wiener roast Friday evening at the Three Islands. Meet at Lane Hall at 7:30 p.m. Congregational Student Fellowship Picnic Sunday, May 19, at Steiner's farm. Meet at Pilgrim Hall at 4:30 Sunday afternoon. Make reservations at Pilgrim Hall, phone 2-1679,-before Saturday noon. Dames: Homemakingt TRY OUT N 'I mo '7 fr THE SUMMER MICH IGA DAILY Here's an excellent opportunity for pleasant and beneficial news- paper and business experience during the Summer Session ACT NOW! FOR FULL PARTICULARS Pens - Typewriters - Supplies "Writers Trade With Rider's" RIDER'S 302 South State St. FUN- in the Sun! .. Ns t r,4 Here are the sprightly, feminine fashions Miss and Mrs. America will wear this Summer for Fut in the Sun. Slacks in many guises are slated for a big "rush." The new play suits and beach ensembles are pretty and practical enough for every type and taste. P4 Siii 3.95 1 8.95 Stac Sui3 3.95 to 17.95 Swi. £i 3.95 to 8.95 From high bosom to low skirt fullness, the torso is long and supple as a stem! Fluid lines; quiet pride, welU poised ease for you in our Print Torso Jacket dress. The.95 The IN SUMMER COTTONS The ageless, two-piece classic in its