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May 15, 1940 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-15

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Personal Appearance Important
In Job Htrnting, Says Purdomn

Job-seeking seniors this June will
lose excellent opportunities for a
career if they continue to make the
fatal mistakes of the average appli-
cant, warned Dr. T. Luther Purdom,
director of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
in an interview yesterday.
Having watched for 11 years the
experiences of students and alumni
in applying for positions at the
Bureau, Dr. Purdom spoke with au-
thority on the errors in judgment,
attitude and appearance that mark
the unsuccessful student in his ap-
plication interview.
Students too often demonstrate an
arrogant attitude, Dr. Purdom .de-
clared, refusing to appear as though
they have any service to render, and
impressing the interviewer with their
desire to reform his business or school.
This attitude of knowing more than
the employer has proved to be fatally
antagonizing in innumerable cases.
Dr. Purdom stressed personal ap-
pearance as, being one of the main
factors taken into account with in-
terviewers making their final deci-
sions. A slovenly appearance, dis-
arranged hair, and, in women partic-
ularly, crooked seams and too much
Ruthven And Feuer
To Be Hillel Guests
President Alexander G. Ruthven
and Rabbi Leon Feuer of Toledo will
be honored guests at Hillel's Bar
Mitzvah banquet, 13th anniversary
celebration of the Foundation on the
Michigan campus, at 6:30 p.m. next
Sunday in the Michigan Union.
President Ruthven and Kenneth
Morgan, director of the Student Re-
ligious Association, will deliver short.
addresses; and Rabbi Feuer, presi-
dent of the Toledo B'nai B'rith and
of the Jewish Community Council
of Toledo, will deliver the principal
talk on "What is a Modern Jew?"
The Hillel Service Cup, which Al-
pha Epsilon Phi has won the last
two years, will be awarded to the
organized house which has cooperat-
ed best with the Foundation during
the year. Permanent possession of
the cup may be gained by the house
winning three successive times.

1 makeup are more important than
the applicant realizes. Dr. Purdom
pointed out that even an excess of
cigarette smoke on a person's breath
has been known to lose him the job.
Although a student may be proper--
ly qualified for a position as far as
courses and degrees are concerned,
employers will give first preference,
other factors .being equal, to scholas-
tic averages of at least a B. In some
fields preference is given to married
men, although married women in
most fields "don't have a ghost of a
chance," Dr. Purdom revealed. Moral
recommendations and religious back-
grounds are also considered.
During the 1938-39 school year
calls were received by the Bureau for
1,343 teachers, and more than 820
were placed. In the general employ-
ment division more than 4 out of 5
of the persons placed are alumni,
according to Dr. Purdom. There is
no limit to the number of times an
applicant may ask the office to aid
him in finding a job.
Placing a portion of the blame for
the inability of students to get jobs
on the lack of interest shown by
students themselves, Dr. Purdom con-
cluded with the statement that the
Bureau, organized as an aid to the
student body, cannot perform this
function unless students cooperate.
Speechl 31 Contest
To Be Held Today
Cheered on by their own class par-
tisans, seven students who have sur-
vived preliminary and. semi-final
eliminations will compete today in
the finals of the second Speech 31
contest of the semester, to be held
at 4 p.m. today in the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium, Prof. Henry Moser,
of the speech department, announced
Finalists and their subjects are:
Jeanne Abraham, '42, "Educational
Cures"; Jack Cohen, '42, "Racketeers
in Labor"; James Daniels, '42, "The
Problems of the Negro in the Profes-
sions"; Nelson Davis, '41, "Neutral-
ity"; Russell La France, '42, "Poll
Tax and Democracy"; David Rich,
'42, "Life on Mars"; and William
Todd, '42, "Tolerance for Germany."

Republican Group
Will Pick Officers
At Me eting Today
The Michigan Chapter of the Col-
lege Republicans of America will hold
its first meeting at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Union to elect members of the
executive committee and hear a dis-
cussion on the report of the program
committee which Glenn Frank, '41,
The College Republicans of Ameri-
ca is directly sponsored by the Re-
publican National Committee in co-
operation with the Young Republi-
can National Confederation. Its pur-
pose is to provide college men and
women a means through which they
can learn politics and promote good
government by actively participating
in political life. The affiliated local
clubs are independent organizations
integrated into the party through the
national organizations of the College
Republicans of America.
Socialist Head
To Talk Here
- C. Krueger Will Speak
On 'American Scene'
One of the few university profes-
sors to be candidates for the vice-
presidency of the United States will
come to Ann Arbor when Maynard
Krueger, 1940 running mate of Nor-
man Thomas on the ticket of the
American Socialist Party, speaks
here at 4:15 p.m., May 17, at Unity
Hall on the "American Scene," Dan-
iel Suits, '40, commented yesterday.
Professor Krueger is a member of
the economics faculty at the Univer-
sity of Chicago and was the keynote
platform speaker at the recent con
vention of. the Socialist Party held
in Washington, D.C. One of the
country's most widely known radio
speakers on economic subjects
through his participation in; the1
University of Chicago Round Table
discussions, Professor Krueger has
been vice-president of the American
Federation of Teachers for three
terms. Suits said.
Inon4sCa ll Me rnbes
To Call For Life Pins
More than 200 Union life member-
ship pins still remain undistributed
and there are but three more weeks
to get them this year, Charles Hein-
en, '41, secretary of the Union, warned
All those who are eligible to re-
ceive the life-membership certificate
and pin are urged to call at the busi-
ness offices of the Union as soon as
possible, Heinen said.
Any male student of the University
who has completed four complete
years of work or its accredited equiv-
alent is eligible to receive the life-
membership, Heinen concluded.



VOL. L. No. 163
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
today from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Note to Seniors, June Graduates,
and Graduate Students: Please file
application for degrees or any special
certificates (i.e. Geology Certificate,
Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once
if you expect to receive a degree or
certificate at Commencement in
June. We cannot guarantee that the
University will confer a degree or cer-
tificate at Commencement upon any
student who fails to file such applica-
tion before the close of business on
Wednesday, May 15. If application
is received later than May 15, your
degree or certificate may not be
awarded until next fall.
If you have not already done so,
candidates for degrees or certificates
may fill out cards at once at office
of the secretary or recorder of their
own school or college (students en-
rolled in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, College of
Architecture and Design, School of
Music, School of Education, and
School of Forestry and Conservation,
please note that application blanks
may be obtained and filed in the
Registrar's Office, Room .4, Univer-
sity Hall). All applications for the
Teacher's Certificate should be made
at the office of the School, of Educa-
Please do not delay until the last
day, as more than 2,500 diplomas
and certificates must be lettered,
signed, and sealed and we shall be
greatly helped in this work by the
early filing of applications and the
resulting longer period for prepara-
tion. Shirley W. Smith
To All Faculty Members:
1. Life Annuities or life insurance
either or both may ;e purchased by
members of the faculties from the
Teachers Insurance and Annuity As-
sociation of America and premiums
for either life Annuity or life Insur-
ance, or both, may be deducted at
the written, request of the policy-
holder from the monthly payroll of
the University, and in such cases will
be remitteddirectly by the Univer-
sity, on the monthly basis. The
secretary's office has on file blank
applications for annuity policies, or
life insurance policies, and rate books,
for the convenience of members of
the University staff desiring to make
use of them.
2. The Regents at their meeting of
January, 1919 agreed that any mem-
ber of the Faculties entering the serv-
ice of the University since Nov. 17,
1915, may purchase an Annuity from
the above-named Association, toward
the cost of which the Regents would
make an equal contribution up to
five per cent of his annual salary

not in excess of $5,000. thus, within
the limit of five per cent of the salary,
doubling the amount of the Annuity
3. The purchase of an Annuity
under the conditions mentioned in1
(2) above is made a condition of em-
ployment in the case of all members
of the Faculties, except instructors,
whose term of Faculty service does
not antedate the University year
1919-1920. With instructors of less
than three years' standing the pur-
chase of an Annuity is optional.
4. Persons who have becorae mem-
bers of the faculties since Nov. 17,
1915 and previous to the year 1919-
1920 have the option of purchasing
annuities under the University's con-
tributory plan.
5. Any person in the employ of the
University may at his own cost pur-
chase annuities from the association
or any of the class of faculty mem-
bers mentioned above may purchase
annuities at his own cost in addition
to those mentioned above. The Uni-
versity itself, however, will contribute
to the expense of such purchase of
annuities only as indicated in sections
2, 3 and 4 above.
6. Any person in the employ of the
University, either as a faculty mem-

ber or otherwise, unless debarred by
his medical examination may, at his
own expense, purchase life insurance
from the Teachers Insurance and An-
nuity Association at its rate. All life
insurance premiums are borne by the
individual himself. The University
makes no contribution toward life
insurance and has nothing to do with
the life insurance feature except that
it will if desired by the insured, de-
duct premiums monthly and remit
the same to the association.
7. The University accounting of-
fices will as a matter of accommoda-
tion to members of the faculties or
employes of the University, who de-
sire to pay either annuity premiums
or insurance premiums monthly, de-
duct such premiums from the pay-
roll in monthly installments. In the
case of the so-called "academic roll"
months of July, August, September,
and October will be deducted from
the double payroll of June 30. While
the accounting offices do not solicit
this work, still it will be cheerfully
assumed where desired.
8. The University has no ar-
rangements with any insurance or-
ganisation except the Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association of
(Continued on Page 4)

_do :: ::

7 -

For Health


NOW ...is the time to hake advantage of the expert
golfing facilities offered at the .
University o Michigan

WANTED TO RENT-House for 15
students, starting in September.
Write Box 12, Mich. Daily. 429
BEN THE TAILOR-More money for
your clothes. Open evenings.
122 E. Washington. 329I
your discarded wearing apparel.
Claude Brown, 512 S. Main Street.
A BARGAIN you can't duplicate-40
scenic acres overlooking beautiful
valley-including well built six-
room house-only four miles from
Ann Arbor-Sacrifice for cash,
$2500. Call owner evenings-6196.
FOR SALE-Northern Michigan ho-
tel in ideal location for club or ex-
clusive summer college. Write
Box 9, Michigan Daily. 431

Local and Long Distance Moving
Storage - Packing - Shipping
Every Load Insured.
310 W. Ann Phone 4297
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 16
FOR RENT: Three-room furnishedI
apartment, walking distance to
Northwestern University-to be
sublet for summer or exchanged
for similar apartment in Ann Ar-
bor for Summer Session. Write
Edward F. Obert, Northwestern
Technological Institute, Evanston,
Illinois. 432
WISE Real Estate Dealers: Run list-
ings of your vacant houses in The
Daily for summer visiting profes-
sors. Dial 23-24-1 for special




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QUESTION: What is a conference- telephone
ANSWER: It's a call on which several persons
at different points are connected on one
telephone circuit. Each can hear all the
others and be heard by all. It's great for
social and family reunions. To place a call,
or inquire about rates, call "Long Dis-
tance" (dial 0).
Alpena .60 Los Angekls, Cal. $2.50
Benton Harbor .... .50 Louisville, Ky. .70
Coldwater. ........ .35 anisc ........... .60
Pittsbuzrgh, Pa. . . ...55 M/. Clemens . .35
Escanaba ...... .80 New York City .,..00
Flint . ...... . .35 Peloskey .65

Via X.+ 5 A .... .. :......';:a~ ,. ....U.........

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