TH F MICHIGAN. DAILY ,TUESDAY;:MAY =14, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY *1 )I I1l -.:r _. GI Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associate Pressa The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.0W; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERs,,1NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON * Los ANGELES -SAN FRANCISCo Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Extension Of Facilities For Recreation Needed .. . N NOVEMBER of this year the peo- ple of five counties, Wayne, Ma- comb, Oakland, Livingston and Washtenaw, will go to the polls to vote on Public Act 147, providing for "the establishment of a Metro- politan Authority which would plan and develop 'limited-access' or express-type highways, scenic drives and a variety of recreational features for the use of the public." For many years Michigan has been nationally, advertised by local chambers of commerce aS the recreational center of the Middle West. In Michigan, they boast, there are streams full of fish, crystal clear lakes for clean, healthful swimming, virgin woods stocked with game. But in their eagerness to entice tourist trade to the Michigan playground the chambers of commerce have neglected to observe that suffi- cient recreational facilities are lacking for those who are permanent residents of the state. ACCORDING TO estimates made by the spon- sors of the project, if all the summer camps in the state were fully utilized only five thou- sand of some thirty thousand young people in the state would be able to attend. And if all the beaches in the Detroit metropolitan area were made available to the public, the estimate continues, there would still be thousands of people who could not be accommodated. Even these few observations make it quite evident that Michigan is sorely lacking in the facilities requiredi for the healthful, outdoor recreation of her own people. Public Act 147 calls for the development of adequate recreational facilities and of safe thoroughfares leading from the metropolitan areas' to the recreational areas. If the act is accepted by the people, tax levies will be planned, blueprints will be drawn up, and by 1942 the actual construction work will be un- der way. It is estimated that a tax levy of fifty cents on each voting citizen for a period of from thirty to fifty years will be necessary to finance the project. Fifty cents a year for healthier, happier citizens in general; how much less this is than the estimated $25 medical bill which is handed to the average citizen of this area in Michigan. THE PROJECT is the result of an intensive study made by a privately supported or- ganization of the needs and potentialities of the southeastern areas in Michigan. Its development will be a true justification of the boast that Michigan is the playground of the Middle West. -Gerald E. Burns Fill Editorial Staff ART Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. GoldMan Donald irtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . .City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor Sports Editor .Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . . Promotion Manager . Credit Manager . . Women's Business Manager. Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Volney Morin Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: ROSEBUD SCOTT The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. 'The Hour Of Decision .' / rpHE ANTI-ROOSEVELT viewpoint T expressed Sunday by the Daily's senior editors placed us definitely in the minor- ity. It seems apparent that, as far as the total national attitude is concerned, we are taking the, unenviable' position of "everybody's out- of-step except Johnny." The news dispatches tell us that 90 per cent of the letters received at the White House commended Mr. Roosevelt on his speech Friday night. We still believe we are right. As we see it, the Rooseveltian reasoning is based on two fallacies. In the first place the warns that if the Allies are conquered, the legions of Adolf Hitler will drive on into our hemisphere. We do not predict that Hitler may not try this, but we maintain that it is an extremely remote eventuality. The world may have shrunk, but crossing the Atlantic to jump on America is still a lot different than crossing the Ijssel to attack ,the Dutch. If we remember correctly, Hitler wavered for many day before deciding on blitzkrieging Poland. It seems to us that the President is expressing a "good" reason and not the "real" reason when he paints his grim picture of a Hitler-ized world. We believe Mr. Roosevelt is not looking so far into the future as he pretends. It is not our own ulti- mate security he would have us worry about right now; it is the Allies. THE HOUR OF DECISION can be reduced to assumption that America can go halfway into war, that she can lend "moral" aid o economic aid without in the end sending men. Frankly, we do not know. There is a great backlog of opinion banked solidly against an- other A.E.F. But the once-strong opposition to lending money seems to be dwindling fast and we have no assurance that the anti-A.E.F. sentiments may not melt as swiftly. Our point is that America should not take a chance on it. Evidence is piling up that the Allies might well be the losers this time, and if we pledge our- selves to fight with them at least financially and economically, is this not tantamount to saying that we cannot let them lost at any cost? Colonel Frank Knox editorialized Saturday in - his Chicago Daily News that this is "the hour of decision for the United States." We agree. America must decide if she will again prop- up an Allied cause that is too weak to stand alone. Americans must ask themselves if their coun- try should pledge itself to send men and money to Europe every twenty years to keep Germany down. Colonel Knox says the United States should send money and supplies. To this we disagree. However much we may want England and France to win, however strong may be our cultural ties, we believe that the cost of pre- serving her dominance in Europe is too great for us to withstand. THE HOUR OF DECISION can be reduced to this: Shall w' e plunge in now, shall we di- vert our strength to the Allies and, try, to stop Hitler in Europe? Or shall we prepare our- selves, keep all our strength here at home, and await this eventuality of invasion? We say-wait! - Hervie Haufler DRAMA By JAMES E. GREEN One of the more sparkling pieces of corre- spondence in George Bernard Shaw's reporting of the war between men and women, Pygmalion, constituted the opening offering of the 1940 Dramatic Season. Shaw's reporting is hardly unbiased (he might be called a female chau- vinist) and hence it is completely fitting to the Shavian scheme of things that a wonian should carry off the top honors. Ruth Chatter- ton, as Eliza, was an able female champion and if, at the conclusion of the play, she seems to lower her colors we can, without doing violence to the scheme of the play, feel quite certain that her retreat was only a strategic one. For those, who witnessed last season's debacle, last night's performance was a heartening one. It represented the return to Ann Arbor of a professional standard of production with actors whose performances were, if not always bril- liant, at least always professionally capable. There is no intention here to damn with faint praise, as anyone who witnessed last season's generally slipshod performances of generally mediocre plays will realize. Valentine Windt's debut as director of the Dramatic Season was an auspicious one. Miss Chatterton was at her very excellent best in the scenes of the first two acts, which demanded acting rather than dialectical skill. She has been seen in recent years largely in heavily dramatic parts and the comic gift which she displayed last night is a tribute to her versatility as an actress. Few genuine cockney accents penetrate to the hinterland and we therefore have no standard by which to judge hers, but she showed more than a linguistic skill in so adelptly managing the shift from flower girl to lady. The play demands that she never be absolutely the one or the other and she met its demands handsomely. In the part of Professor Higgins, Barry Thompson was fully as able a male protagonist as Miss Chatterton was a female. Like all Shavian heroes, Henry Higgins bears within him the seeds of his own downfall, and Mr. Thompson's understanding of his role seldom lapsed. Louis Calhern, as Colonel Pickering, gave a good performance as the essentially non-Shavian man whose part in the battle is usually that of the innocent and well-meaning bystander. It can be said generally of the three performances already mentioned that they showed a tendency to lag in the third act. It is more than likely that the fault lies with the play as much as with the actors. Mr. Shaw's third act very often tends to shift from the field of the drama to the field of dialectic. The conflict becomes one. of- words rather than one of action and the fact that the words are always witty and iconoclastic is not always enough to make them good theatre. Richard Temple, as Alfred Doolittle, really deserves more notice than can be given him here. The best of Shaw's humor is written into By ROWENA LA COSTE OUTSTANDING among the year's art exhibi- tions is the triple feature which is being shown from May 8 to May 22 in the exhibition galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association in collaboration with the Institute of Fine Arts. The show includes a choice selection of forty water color drawings from the annual show of the Cleveland Society of Artists, a group o original celluloids by the Walt Disney artists and a collection of twenty-five pencil nudes by John Carroll of the Detroit School of Arts and Crafts. For those who have never seen them, the Walt Disney drawings, consisting of colored cellu- loid figures superimposed on water color back- grounds, are the chief attraction of the show. The technical precision and real artistic per- fection of these drawings, of which thousands are needed for each small scene in a finished production, is most remarkable. However, in some Disney cartoons, the definite mood, like joy or surprise or fear, is clearly distinguishable, but the cartoons in this collection seem to depict the transitional state between two moods. This is necessary for the finished movie, and while one might think that the definite mood is hard- est to depict, in the medium of the cartoon it is much more difficult to refrain from this and make a drawing which will give an even flow to the continuity of action. THE CARTOONS from the Ugly Duckling, like Japanese drawings, are decorative ra- ther than pictorial in effect while those from Pinocchio, Ferdinand and Snow White are nota- ble for their careful attention to the psycho- logical development of the characters they por- tray. Of all the cartoons in the Disney collec- tion the one showing Jiminy Cricket jauntily perched on the arm of a lamp post is most re- freshingly different in color tones. Ranging through yellows and greens to brown, the colors give this drawing remarkable feeling and in- dividuality. The greatest virtue of the Cleveland Society's water colors lies in the consistently high stan- dard of the entire group and not in the obvious excellence of half a dozen of them. Among those that stand out in interest are two pas- toral scenes by Joe E. Wagner II, done with great finesse of style, and a powerful, though subtly done, harbor scene by Arthur Keller, chief guide and mentor of the group for many years. ALSO LAUDABLE is a work called Elegy by Charles Campbell, suggestive of PaulsCad- mus' technique in his picture Coney Island. There is the same pastel-wash with rounded high lights, the same sensuousness of approach in spite of the graveyard setting. Another work to note is Spring Sn by Jack Burton which is strikingly reminiscent of Edward Hopper's House By the Railroad. In his dry brush draw- ing called Jungle, Paul Travis modifies the trop- ical flatness found in the work of the late 19th century French painter, Rousseau, to give his own work greater depth and force. The Carroll works exhibited here do not meet the standards which might be expected on the basis of his reputation. In an attempt to get a vibrancy suggesting movement, the clarity of line is destroyed without achieving the effect he desires. The drawings seem to have been done, in such a hurry that they lack good artistic taste; no doubt his more carefully done work exemplifies better the dreamy, imag- inative concept of art on which his reputation is based. The show is a challenging one since it brings together a substantial piece of contemporary effort which contains much that is good and more that is better-than-average. The galleries are open from 2 to 5 p.m. Monday tirou Saturday. 'The Six Sills . .. That was a provocative speech which W. H. Cowley, president of Hamilton College, delivered at the Founders' Day exercises at Skidmore Col- lege. Saratoga. He named the following as the six "specific skills" which the educated person of this century should possess: 1) Ability to speak one's own language cor- rectly and effectively in conversation and on one's feet before an audience. 2) Ability to read one's own language with a reasonable speed and comprehension. 3) Ability to write a clear and well organized exposition in one's own language. 4) Ability to read a foreign language with facility. 5 Ability to think clearly from a given set of facts. 6) Ability to work and live with other people. At first glance this would appear to be a fairly easy test, with millions of Americans able to pass it. But is it? Take Number One, for example. Doesn't common experience dis- close many persons, who pass as well educated, who simply cannot make sense while talking before an audience. Number Five likewise is not so simple as it may appear; if it were what is all this bickef- ing between the Republicans and Democrats this year-parties who have the same set of facts but who arrive at such different conclu- sions? And as for Number Six, who can say? Sometimes the illiterate peasant can pass that test superbly, and the scholar cannot. More- over, isn't it the most difficult of all the skills to teach? - New York Herald Tribune Silver Policy Revised. , . Nnthing mnre encnuraaing ha hannened in Drew Pecrsos M 4" d 9 RobertS. Allen WASHINGTON-Some devastat- ing criticism of the British Army has been cabled out of Norway and London, but it was not half so criti- cal as the confidential information collected by our own military ob- servers and cabled back to Wash- ington. This information describes ineffi- cency, stupidity and lack of coor- dination almost beyond belief. Also it reveals that Hore-Belisha, deposed War Minister of the Chamberlain Cabinet, was absolutely right in ad- vocating reorganization of the army. Here are some of the unbelievable boners pulled by the British Army in Norway: 1. When the British landed at An- dalsnes, they put ashore 400 anti- tank guns, but not a single round of ammunition for them. The ammu- nition was down in the hold of an- other ship. In short, the British have not yet remedied the mistake they made in the Boer War (1899). They learned then that when a landing party goes ashore, it must be equipped with everything it needs, ready to go into action the minute it sets foot on land. The U.S. Army made the same mistake in the Spanish-American War, but has remedied it since. The British, however, dumped their goods on the shore intNorway, then pro- ceeded to sort them out and dis- tribute them. CUT TO RIBBONS 2. When the British landed two battalions at Namsos, they were without a single anti-tank or anti- aircraft gun. Yet their commanders knew they had to face German forces equipped with the latest tanks and supported by airplanes. As a result, the British were cut to pieces. One battalion lost 45 per cent of its men, the other 30 per cent. 3. There was absolutely no coor- dination between British land and air forces. The Royal Air Force is completely independent of the Army and Navy. This means that today, if a British army commander in France wants more air support, he has to telegraph back to London, which then gives orders to the Air Forces. And what does a pundit sitting at a desk in London know about actual needs in the front line trenches? In contrast, the German com- mander, General Von Falkenhorst, was in complete command of Ger- man naval, air and army units. He was also in command of communica-, tions, so no message could go back to Berlin without his permission. The same jealousy exists between the British air force and the navy which once existed between U.S. armed services. For instance; the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Chief Administrative Analyst, sal- ary $6,500, June 3. Principal Administrative Analyst, salary, $5,600, June 3. Senior Administrative Analyst, salary $4,600, June 3. Student Dietitian, salary, $4,200 (less maint.), June 3. Student Physiotherapy Aide, sal- ary, $420 (less maint.), June 3. MICHIGAN Attendant Nurse B2, salary range $90-110, May 25. CITY OF DETROIT Secretary and Chief Examiner, sal- ary, $6,000, May 24. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. JGP script deadline is November 15. The deadline for synopses or first acts is July 1. All material turned in during the summer should be seit to the League in care of Miss Ethel McCormick. The writer of the script used for production will be paid $100. German Departmental Library: All books due not later than May 15. Academic Notices Juniors concentrating in English are invited to apply for admission to the Senior Honors Course in English. Names should be left in the English Office, 3221 A.H. before noon on Saturday, May 18. W. G. Rice Preliminary Examinations for the doctorate in the School of Education will be held on May 23, 24, and 25. Graduate students desiring to take these examinations should notify my office, 4002 University High School, not later than May 18. Clifford Woody The professional-Degree examina- tian of Max William Benjamin will be held at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, Mayr 15 in the East Council Room, Rack- ham Building. Mr. Benjamin's de- partment of specialization is Mech- anical Engineering. The title of his thesis is "Development of Factors' for Correcting Extraction-Turbine Steam-Rate Tests to Standard Oper- ating Conditions." Professor H. E. Keeler, as chairman of the committee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examina- tion and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Photographs of recent architectural work in Florida in the modern manner, by Architects Igor B. Polevitzky and T. Trip Russell. Ground floor corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5, through May 22, except. Sunday. The public is invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Drawings of candidates in the recent competition for the George G. Booth Travelling Fellow- ship in Architecture. Third floor ex- hibition room: Open daily 9 to 5 except Sunday, through May 18. The public is invited. Exhibition of works in water colors by Cleveland artists, drawings by John Carroll, Walt Disney originals. Auspices Ann Arbor Art Association and University Institute of Fine Arts. Open daily, 2-5 until May 22, Alumni Memorial Hall. Sundays included, An exhibition of the H. A. Elsberg collection of coptic and islamic tex- tiles of the University of Michigan. Rackham Building, through May 18. Eleventh Annual Exhibition of Sculpture of the Institute of Fine Arts in the Michigan League Build- ing on view daily until after Com- mencement. Lectures University Lecture: Harry Elmer Barnes, Ph.D., Lecturer, New School in Social Research, will lecture on "The Present World Crisis" under the auspices of the Division of the Social Sciences at. 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, May 16, in the Rackham Amphithe- atre. The public is cordially invited. Notice to Medical Students: Dr. William S. Middleton, Dean and Pro- fessor of Medicine at the University of Wisconsin Medical School, will de- liver an Extracurricular Lecture to the medical students today at 4:15 p.m., in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. His topic will be "The Tools with Which We Work." All classes of the Medical School are in bo dsmiss eda4:0 n m in nrde, ference Room of the Rackham Build- ing. Mr. Gaskell will speak on "A Problem in Heat Conduc- tion and an Expansion Theorem," and Mr. Fan will speak on "Integra- tion with Respect to an Upper Meas- ure Function." Eleventh Annual Exhibition of Sculpture of the Institute of Fine Arts. Reception: Tonight at 8:30 in the Michigan League Building. Works will be on view daily until after Commencement. The S.A.E. and the A.S.M.E. will hold a joint meeting tonight at 7:30 in the amphitheatre of the Rackham building. Three sound and color movies will be shown covering all phases of automobile racing. Sigma Rho Tau will hold finals in impromptu and after-dinner speech contests tonight in the Union. Final plans for national convention to be discussed. All members please be present. Pan-Hellenic Association meeting today at 4:15 p.m. in the League. Representatives must be there. American Country Dancing tonight, 7:30 to 9:30, at the Women's Ath- letic Building. Mr. Lovett of the Ford School of Dance will instruct. The class in Conversational He- brew will meet tonight at 7:00 at the Foundation. Christian Science Organization will meet tonight at 8:15 p.m, in the chapel of the Michigan League. Coming Events Chemistry Colloquium will meet on Wednesday, May 15, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Building. Dr. R. K. McAlpine will speak on "Basic Nitrates of Chromium." All inter- ested are invited. Research Club will meet on Wed- nesday, May 15, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Annual election of officers and voe on a candidate for membership. Papers by aProessor C. L. Hubbs on "Fishes of the Isolated Waters of the Ameri- can West," and by Professor A. Hy- ma on "Anglo-Dutch Rivalry and Subsequent Friendship in the Far East." The Council will meet at 7:30 in the alcove of the Assembly Hall. Anatomy Research Club Meeting on Wednesday, May 15, at 4:30 p.m., in Room 2501 East Medical Building. Dr. Jacob Sachs will give a paper entitled: "Radioactive Isotopes in Bi- ological Research." Tea at 4:00 p.m. in Room 3502. All interested are invited. Institute of the Aeronautical Set- ences: The final meeting of the Stu- dent Branch will be held on Wednes- day, May 15, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 1042 East Engineering Building. Final arrangements for the trip to the Cur- tiss-Wright and Bell aircraft factories at Buffalo, N.Y., will be discussed. The election of officers for 194041 will also take placeeatrthisrmeeting. All members are urged to be pres- ent. The Pre-Medical Society will elect next year's officers on Tuesday, May 21, at 8:00 p.m., in the East Amphi- theatre of the West Medical Build- ing. All those interested in holding office should contact Leonard Kuttz, chairman of the elections committee, as early as possible, since each can- didate must submit a petition for election by Monday, May 20. Graduate Student Council will meet on Wednesday, May 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the Women's Lounge of the Rackham Building. Election of offi- cers for the coming year, and dis- cussion of program for next fall. All members are urged to attend. The Division of the Social Sciences will hold its annual dinner meeting at the Michigan Union on Thursday, May 16, at 6:30 p.m. After the din- ner, a brief talk by Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes will introduce a general dis- cussion of the present war. Members who plan to attend are requested to notify the secretary of the Division, Prof. Dudley M. Phelps. Graduate Tea on Wednesday, May 15, 4-6 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Professor James K. Pollock of the Political Science Department will speak on "Germany After the War." Graduate students and faculty members are invited. Mimes meeting on Wednesday eve- ning at 7:30 in the Union. Officers will be elected. Those unable to at- tend may vote in the student offices of the Union. The Ann Arbor Independents will meet Wednesday, May 15, at 4:15 p.m. in the League. Royal Air Force limits the numb of planes to behcarried on airpla] carriers (even though they come ui der the Navy), and failed to repla those destroyed during pre-war ope: ations. Result was that the plat carriers operating off Norway we: short of planes. According to U.S. military exper all this is an outgrowth of the ne tia and caste system of the BriWi Army, Officers get their rat through birth and social positio not ability. There is more emphas on tradition than efficiency. "If was good endugh for my father it good enough for me," has been t watchword of the British milita 'perhaps also of the Chamberla Cabinet.) Leslie Hore-Belisha started to roi out some of these evils, but did n go nearly fartenough. He only in tated the military nobility, witho getting at the real weaknesses. BABY SENATOR Today's (Tuesday's) primary West Virginia marks the end of of of the bitterest feuds in the Senate- that between able Senator MatthE Neely and baby Senator Rush DE Holt. They have not spoken a sing word to each other for over ti years. When Neely took the oa of office after re-election, Holt I fused to walk down the corridor wi him, as is customary, while he place his hand upon the Bible. But today, they are united in o posing the West Virginia State Hou gang, Neely running for Govern and Holt for Senator. That much is well-known. But t: little dramatic incident which buri the hatchet has not been told. NeE had urged certain patronage a pointments,mostly postmastershil and he wanted them badly. But t appointments were held up by Hc who is a member of the Senate Pi Offices Committee. One day, when Neely's candidat were brought up before the comm tee, Holt suddenly "lifted his fingE -that is, indicated his approval the Neely men. I