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May 14, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-14

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Cloudy and showers
today and tonight.


BAitt ga


ire Hour
Of Decision...

VOL. L. No. 162 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1940


I i

Phi Eta Sigma
Initiates Hear
Prof. Weaver
At Ceremony
Freshman Honor Society
Inducts 64 Candidates
At Dinner Last Night
Prof. A D. Moore
Speaks To Group
Addressing the annual Phi Eta
Sigma banquet, following the initia-
tion ceremony held last night at the
Union, Prof. Bennett Weaver of the
English department urged 64 newly-
initiated members of the freshman
honor society to continue the main
activity of the university, study, in
order to have agrand showing of
needed power in a democracy.
Preceding Prof. Weaver's address,
toastmaster Robert G. Shedd, '42, in-
troduced Robert T. Wallace, '42E,
president, who welcomed the nqw
members into the society, and Rob-
ert L. Chapman, '43, who responded
for the initiates. Welcoming the
group on behalf of the faculty, Prof.
Arthur D. Moore advised them to
begin now to prepare themselves
for their civic responsibility.
36 In Literary College
Those initiated are: from the Lit-
erary College: Elroy W. Andrews,
Jr., Allan Axelrod, William W. Baker,
Edwin V. Banta, Jr., Philip Baris,
Wilbur R. Birk, Charles M. Boynton,
Otto E. Chady, Robert L. Chapman,
Thomas L. Dalrymple, James K.
Daniels, Robert T. Duff, Robert W.'
Gibson, Richard E. Goldsmith, Wil-
liam J. Halliday, Jr., Irving S. Jaffe,
Bruce J. Kirchenbaum, Alfred H.
Kutschinski and Orville B. Lefko.
The list continues: Ernest J. Lon-
don, Tom G. Lovering, Robert O.
McWilliams, Howard I. Moss, Frank
W. Mount Charles W. O'Dell, Robert'
M. Petteys, Robert H. Preiskel, James1
E. Rubin, Harvey L. Shulman, Fred-
erick W. Stanton, Jr., James R. Ter-
rell, Grover W. Trytten, Howard F.
Wallach; Robert M. Warner; Aaro
E. Whitehorn, James M. Wolfe and
Claude R. Womenr, Jr.
27 From Englneerng School
From the school of engineering:
Paul L. Benedicto, Fred C. Betzhold,
Jr., Brice M. Bowman, Herman Shin-
gee Chiu, Jarrett R. Clark, Robert
W. Ehrlich, Sylvester P. Gentile,
William W. Hutcherson, Richard F.
Kimerer, Daniel J. Klute, Kenneth
K. Kugel, Benjamin M. Lent-Koop,t
James A. O'Malley, Jr., Duane A.
Pagel, Warren M. Parris, John R.
Patten, Bruce J. Renaud, David F.
Robertson, Edward A. RutanWil-
liam T. Sparrow, Jr., C| Stanley
Strong, Robert J. Sundquist, Frank
C. Taylor, Jr., Charles M. Thatcher,
Donald C. West, Jr., and Marvin
L. Zeskind.
Union Honors
Four Students
With Medals
Prof. Carl G. Brandt, head of the
Department of Engineering English,
told 150 student employees of the
Union last night that it is they who
"symbolize the University to those
who visit it," as he presented the an-
nual Michigan Union Merit Awards
to four of their number.

Those who received awards, which
are decided on the basis of a yearly
compilation of individual perform-
ance, were James Kuhns, '40, of1
Greensburg, Pa., who has served at
the Union since 1937 in the billiards
and cafeteria departments; Chris
Zarafonetis, '41M, of Grand Rapids,
at the Union since 1935 in the library
and at the switchboard; Gordon
Hartrick, '40F&C, of Detroit, at the
Union since 1936 in the cafeteria;'
and William Tracy, '40E, of New
Rochelle, N.Y., a Union employee'
since the summer of 1937.'
Four awards, instead of the usual
three, were given this year because
it was thought that three awards
did not adequately reward those who
have given outstanding service the
past year, Mr. Stanley Waltz, manager
of the Union said.
It is the little indescribable some-
thing of personal touch that you dis-
play that has given the University
a wide reputation as the most friend-
ly institution of its kind, Professor

Dies In Auto Accident

-Courtesy Ann Arbor News
A * A
Four Uninjured
As Trowbridge
DiesI n Crash
Car Misses Turn, Strikes
Tree Near Arboretum ;
Football Captain Unhurt
Robert L. Trowbridge, '40, was the
fatal victim of an unusual automo-
bile accident in Nichols Arboretum
early Sunday morning.
Four others were in the car in-
cluding Archie Kodros, captain of the
1939 Michigan football team. All es-
caped injury. Besides Kodros, Trow-
bridge's companions were Dale F.
Puglise, Detroit, a non-student who
was driving, Floyd Skinner and Mel-
vin F. Sobie, both. of whom are resi-
dents of Ann Arbor and attend the
University of Detroit.
The accident, the first traffic fatal-
ity in Ann Arbor in 18 months, oc-
curred when the car in which the
five boys were driving missed a sharp
right angle curve on Glen Drive, a
block from the Washington Heights
entrance to the Arborteum. The car
plunged down the steep embankment
and crashed into a tree. Trowbridge
was killed instantly, his skull frac-
tured and his neck broken, accord-
ing- to Dr. Edwin C.: Ganzhorn, cor-
Trowbridge, 22 years old and a
resident of Royal Oak, worked as an
apartment house caretaker at 809
E. Kingsley Street. He roomed with
Puglise, the driver of the car,
waived examination in justice court
yesterday. He was then arraigned
on a negligent homicide charge in
circuit court before Judge George
W. Sample.
I New York Producer
At Pygmalion Opening
Among the capacity audience that
greeted the opening of the Dramatic
Season last night at the Mendelssohn
Theatre were a Detroit reviewer and
a New York producer who were pres-
ent to watch Ruth Chatterton enact
the Cockney role in Shaw's "Pymal-
ion" that she intends to take to
Broadway in the Fall.
Three University students, Jack Sil-
cott, Grad., Adeline Gittlen, and Rich-
ard Levy, '41Spec, take part in the
production which continues at 8:30

President Asks
Huge Inerease
In Armaments
Roosevelt Draws Up Act
Seeking $500,000,000
For Defense Additions
Congress' So pport
Expected At Once
WASHINGTON, May 13.-(-
President Roosevelt acted today to
speed up America's armament, work-
ing with military and fiscal officials
on a request to Congress for an ex-
traordinary defense fund which re-
liable sources said would probably
exceed $500,000,000.
Initial reaction to the news of his
intention indicated that, as a result
of the total war now raging in
Europe, his recommendation would
have many supporters in both House
and Senate no matter how large it
might be.
Chairman May (D-Ky) of the
House Military Committee, who
with Chairman Vinson (D-Ga) of
the House naval group was called
to confer with Mr. Roosevelt tomor-
row, told reporters he favored an
additional $1,000,000,000 for the Ar-
my and Navy combined.
Adding that he was for "anything
the President asks," May declared:
"We ought to have a national de-
fense setup or quit talking about it.".
Mr. Roosevelt's round of confer-
ences today on the augmented de-
fense program coincided with four
other important developments:
1. An Allied spokesman announced
that England and France had bought
about $350,000,000 worth of Aner-
ican airplanes and airplane motors
within the last four weeks.
2. The question whether the United
States should grant credits to the
Allies reached the House floor.
Netmen Meet
Russell Leads Kalamazoo
In Match With Durst
Back from their weekend trip to
Evanston, Ill., and South Bend, Ind.,
where they lost to Northwestern and
Ohio State and beat Notre Dame, the
Wolverine netters are busily prepar-
ing for another tough week, which
will get under way this afternoon at
3:30 when they face Western State
on the clay courts at Palmer Field,
below Mosher-Jordan.
The Teachers from Kalamazoo
come here with an imposing record,
having taken seven out of eight of
their matches this spring. Their
only loss was at the hands of Chica-
go, -2.
Since Michigan beat Chicago 5-4,
an impartial observer might reason
that they are favorites because of
comparative scores, but, when you
consider that Kalamazoo took Notre
Dame, 6-3, and Michigan could only
beat the Irish 5-4, a prognostication
on today's match could hardly be
classified as more than a guess.
Leading the Kalamazoo netters
will be one Gene Russell. Russell is
one of the five top players in De-
(Continued on Page 3)









Gerpitar y Pierce~s Lowla0nd IDefenses


ZEE ec

ies Push Deep
ries As Britain,
or Great Battle
Dutch Remove Government From Hague;
Queen Wilhelmna Escapes To England
As Nazi Troops Report Seizure Of Leige
NEW YORK, May 13. -(')- NBC picked up a French com-
munique broadcast from London today saying the Germans have
"penetrated the main railroad line" between Brussels and Liege.
* * *
WASHINGTON, May 13.-(p)-Secretary Morgenthau released
government funds of Holland and Belgium in the United States today
from last week's order freezing withdrawals.
STOCKHOLM, May 13. -(,4)-With Sweden calmly preparing
for any emergency, neutral military observers tonight heard reports
of extensive German troop concentrations in Southern Norway and
of increased troop transport movements through Germany's Kiel
* * *

ROME, May 13. -(A)- Large numbers of Dutch citizens
reported leaving Italy tonight as demonstrations throughout
against Britain and France fanned a new Mediterranean crisis.


Despite stubborn resistance, Germany's drive into the Low Coun-
tries continued, with the Nazi war machine rolling over Holland to
the eastern shore of Zuider Zee (1), threatening a new thrust down
the west coast to Amsterdam (broken arrow). Columns pushing toward
The Hague (2) penetrated deeply, while in Belgium adrive carries.
through two defense zones to Waremme (3) inside strategic Liege and
only 40 miles from Brussels. French troops made contact with German
units sweeping over Luxembourg.
Faculty Pharmacologists Debunk
Efficacy Of Hitler's 'Nerve Gas'
Hitler's new so-called "Nerve Gas" weapon in the last war and no one

Invasion Of Holland May Alter
U.S. Foreign Policy, Hyma Says

which the Swiss news service claims
s an important factor in the Nazi
attack of the Netherlands was termed
a ridiculous impossibility yesterday
by various members of the faculty.
Not only do they assert that the
gas reported used does not exist, but
they further claim that no known
substance has the amazing powers
claimed for it of penetrating gas
masks and rendering its victims help-
less and unable to coordinate their
According to news reports, the Ger -
mans captured Fort Eben Emael by
use of the gas driving an opening
wedge into the Belgian defense lines.
The gas which is believed to have
been used is acetyl choline which, ac-
cording to the American Illustrated
Medical Dictionary, is "a combination
of acetic acid and choline, occuring
in ergor and possessing extremely
poisonous properties." However, it
was learned from members of the
pharmacology department that this
substance is a solid and when heated
to a high enough temperature to
form a gas will tend to decompose.
Another member of the faculty, a
noted authority in the field of gases
in warfare, made the statement that
"no such substance 'was used as a
Golfers Down
Illinois, 23-13
Holmstrom Takes Medalist
Honors With 68 Card
Old Man Par took it on the nose
yesterday at the University course as
Michigan's undefeated golfers rolled
on to their eleventh consecutive vic-
tory of the season with an impressive
23-13 win over Illinois.
John Holmstrom, the Illini number
three man, who was Western Junior
champion in '37 and Illinois Amateur
title holder in '38, gave the University
layout a thorough shellacking as he

knows of its use today. "What the
Germans are doing," he declared, "is
putting up a big bluff to destroy the
morale of the Dutch and Beligians."
The general consensus of opinion
from the members of the pharmacol-
ogy department was that acetyl cho-
line would have no effect on the in-
dividual unless it were injected into
his body. They added that breathing
it would only harm a soldier who
didn't posses a gasmmask providing
that it was present in sufifcient
quantities and providing that the
soldier was near enough to the solid
to smell it.
One of the members of the pliar-
macology department once experi-
mented by injecting it into monkeys.
"The effect of this," he pointed out,
"is a general sickly feeling accom-
panied by vomiting and not lassi-
tude." He added that no substancp
which has a geranium odor (the Al-
sociated Press claimed that the gas
used had such an odor) can be used
as a war gas.


BERLIN, May 14 (Tuesday).-(iP)a-The German radio declared
this morning that more than 1,000 enemy airplanes have been de-
stroyed during the first three days of fighting in Belgium and The
German Forces Deep In Belgium
Germany's hard-driving armies plunged one hand deep toward the
vitals of The Netherlands and another into the heart of the Belgian de-
fense last night while pushing the men of the two low countries and their
British-French allies back along the far-flung battle-front from the Zuyder
Zee to France.
But the Allies, pledged to "victory at all costs," were massing their men
in anticipation of a gigantic battle for which the present mighty conflict
is only a preliminary skirmishing.
The Dutch removed their government from The Hague to an uniden-
tified place as the high command gravely reported that the Germans had
broken through part of their main defense line and also passed Moerdijk
bridge across Hollandsch Diep on the sea coast about 15 miles south of
embattled Rotterdam-.
The Nazis reported this thrust had made contact with the parachute
troops previously dropped around Rotterdam and had outflanked the
"so-called" Netherlands fortification system.
Such a move, almost cutting The Netherlands in two, endangers also
the great cities of Amsterdam and The Hague, in the territory for whose
protection the entire Dutch defensive strategy was organized.
T'he Germans already are admittedly established in the northern Nether-
lands provinces, which the Dutch did not seriously attempt to defend.
Adolf Hitler's exultant legions also reported they had seized the "citadel"
of Liege, on the northern edge of that great fortified Belgian city, although
they acknowledged that other forts
C } eof the defenders still were putting up
ing Fmalists a figh
Be A French military spokesman said
To e Chosen the Germansbhad taken only one
Liege fort, Eben Emael, 15 miles
north of the city, which fell Satur-
In Unonionday day.
The British, French, Belgian and
Dutch, however, admitted they were
More than 500 men will represent gradually giving ground all along the
28 fraternities in the preliminaries line except west of Liege. The French
of the annual Interfraternity Sing said the heaviest of fighting was in
at 7:15 p.m. today in the Union and the Belgian Ardennes mountains,
League, Blaz Lucas, '41, president of where 1,500 to 2,000 tanks supported
a big infantry drive against Allied
the Union, and John DeVine, '41, communications.
secretary-treasurer, co-chairman of Counter-Attack Reported
the committee in charge of the Sing, The French reported they had
announced yesterday, made a slashing counter-attack 20
Twelve of the 28 entrants will be miles northwest of Liege, however,
chosen for the finals by judges Har- which cost the Germans many dead,
din Van Deursen and Prof. Arthur and the Belgians also reported a
Hackett, both of the School of Music. tank-sudorted counter-attack, re-
Dean Alice Lloyd will join Mr. Van gaining a German-seized village.
Deursen and Professor Hackett to The withdrawals are not to be
judge the finals at 7:15 p.m. Thurs- regarded as a "retreat," said a
day on the steps of the Main Library. French spokesman.
Instead, he said, the Allies have
erected a "wall on which the great
oes' Emberorattle will be fought."
Location and nature of such a
j'I"wall" were not disclosed.
ed By Congress Queen Wilhelmina and the royal
family of The Netherlands fled to
England amid reports that, had they
the League of Hoboes of the World, stayed in theirehomeland, a "fifth
May 19 in Windsor, Ontario. At column" of secret agents planned a
present he is presiding over the 32nd kidnapping attempt.
Annual Hobo Convention in Mil- Wins Unanimous Vote
waukee, which will close Friday. Winston Churchill, Britain's new
The Hoboes of America is by no prime minister, won a unanimous
means an infant organization. It vote of confidence in the House of
was originated in 1908 and incorpor- Commons as he called out for "vic-
ated in 1914. The association, with tory at all costs-victory in spite
a membership of over a million, is of all terrors," and promised "to
listed by the Department of Com- wage war by land, sea and air-war
merce. It has bestowed its honorary with all our might and all the
title, "Knight of the Road," upon such strength God can give us."
celebrities as Warden Lewis E. Lawes, The air ministry gave emphasis to
Charlie Chaplin, Supreme Court Jus- his words, announcing that 40 more
tice Douglas, Lowell Thomas, Joe German planes had been destroyed
Louis, Harry Hopkins and Jack Demp- yesterday "at very small cost," and
sey. It maintains a missing persons boosting to 135 the toll of German
bureau, a chaplain and a newspaper, planes taken by the British alone

Because of historical ties between
the United States and the Nether-
lands, the importance of the Dutch
East Indies as a source of raw ma-
terials essential to this country and
the powerful influence of certain large
oil, rubber and metal companies fin-
anced by prominent bankersnofGreat
Britain, the Netherlands and this
country, the invasion of the Nether-
lands by Germany will probably
cause important changes in our for-
eign policy, Prof. Albert Hyma of
the history department said yester-
Referring to our historical ties with
the Netherlands, Professor Hyma
pointed out that present relationships
are merely a continuation of connec-
tions dating back to the first half
of the 17th century when Holland
governed New York. He further il-
lustrated this point by referring to
the Dutch ancestry of three of our
Enlarging upon the existence of

Vast oil deposits and refineries in
the United States, Dutch East In-
dies and Venezuela, he continued, are
controlled by Royal Dutch Shell,
whose stock is largely British and
Dutchtowned, although large blocs
have fallen into American hands in
recent years.
Other influential "Holland House"
members mentioned by Professor Hy-
ma are: chairman of the board, Chase
National Bank of the City of New
York; chairman of the board, Stand-
ard Vacuum Oil Company; president,
International Nickel Company of
Canada; director, Netherland Paci-
fic Petroleum Company, the Hague,
who is also an associate of the Stand-
ard Oil Company of California; presi-
dent, International Business Ma-
chines Corporation; managing direc-
tor, Netherlands Indian Trading
Bank, Amsterdam; and chairman of
the board, American Enka Corpora-
tion, who is also president of the
Pocahontas Fuel Company.
Professor Hyma went on to ex-

Jeff Davis, Hob
To Be Featuir
Jeff Davis, who pencils under his
signature, "King Emperor of the Ho-
boes," will hop from his regal coach
-Michigan Central's speediest freight
train-and proceed directly to the
Union, May 21, just one week from
His majesty will then deliver an
oration to his University of Michigan
subjects, on the general topic, "A
Hash of Life," which may confirm
the rumor that college students are
just a lot of bums anyway.
His highness, whose full title is
"Duly Elected King of Hoboes of
America, Emperor of the League of
Hobies of the World," will be trans-
nrtPH ftoAnn AAror t nractipa11v

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