UN1)A-V, MAY 12, Tj-i 0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ....Y. MY ,--TM H A- Healti Studen cts On Fit A represent sional public dramatize a w a country hea sioned for 19 May 14, in th Rackham Bui The skit ist of a broadcas the importan member of a c ment. Altho main, effort h those fundam have a defini balanced publ Charles Mann giene and Pu Ths year'sI annual series sion of Hygie Past program proved to be entertaininga part of the s activities. An invitati faculty and st who desire to Business Seri NASH VILL Big business nearly a hund today for the Away-From-I were no inter public affairs The reason? Under the3 serious won't iDrama Group Re gins Be (;ive lrive To el p To Present Skit) Polish Exilesi tUre Medicine -- Search for Polish educators exiled ,ative group of profes- upon the invasion of their homeland health students will is being initiated by American teach- veekly staff meeting of ers through the Kosciusko Founda- alth department as vi- tion in an effort to restore them to 50 at 3 p.m., Tuesday,a ie amphitheatre of the academic positions in other coun- ding.nded in 1925, the Kosciusko to be given iin tlie form Foundation was established to pro-; st and centers around mote cultural and intellectual rela- t part played by each tionships between the United States omplete health depart- and Poland. In response to appeals ugh humorous in the sent to the memorial to the Polish as been made to include nationalist by two former Polish ex- ental principles which change teachers, Prof. Eric P. Kelly te bearing on -any well of Dartmouth College and Prof. Dan- ic health program, Dr. zel Carr of the University of Hawaii, of the Division of Hy- the drive was begun. iblic Health explained. Based on the records of all of the program is one of the teachers held by the Foundation pre- presented by the Divi- vious to the recent invasion, exten- ne and Public Health. sive campaign to locate approximate- s, Dr. Mann said, have ly 3,000 professors who have been both instructional and teaching in some of the oldest uni- and occupy an integral versities in Europe. tudents' extracurricular Scattered to Lithuania, France, England, the Balkan states and Tur- on is extended to all key, the majority of the Polish schol- udents of the University ars are believed to be still in occupied attend. territories. Headed by Prof. Stephen P. Mizwa, the committee addressed an appeal to American educators and e odcitizens to supplement $12,000 already OiuS Com.,ment.s contributed for this purpose. Prof. Casimir Fajans of the chem- E, Tenn., May 1.P)- istry department has been appointed men of the nation- one of the 23 educators who com- red of them-were here pose the national committee for the ir ninth annual "Get- drive. t-All" junket, but there NEW YORK, May 11. -(P)- Two views or statements on thousand American warplanes-only half of them of a strictly combat type-have been thrown into the bal- rules anyone who gets ance by the Allies in the suddenly in- be invited again. tensified struggle for dominance in German War Planes Threaten Europ's P hiae Of Peace Former SemiiPro Ball Player TuINU P _yu" Freneb torn instumetalvera bill i<,on 11th, mr. Pierson is aCkliuowledlg 'dly tact- personnel of symphonic orchestras fully emphatic in his choice of horn- has become almost a commonplace, playing, but there is a wistful note in ut even the most conditioned observ- his voice when he admits that the r must start a bit at the prospect baseball and music seasons might >f a French horn player who used ' o double on th^ pitching mound. fit very neatly into one scheme. But The Philadelphia Orchestra offered not his: during the summer when tat prosueet durig its four-day the baseball season is at its height, iay here for the May Festival. He he does eight weeks of concert work s Herbert Pierson, the fourth young , with the orchestra in Robin Hood can with a horn in the French horni Dell. section, who, prior to his joining the He hasn't given up "thc strenuous orchestra in 1938, boasts five years life" entirely, however. In fact, he pitching experience in semi-pro base-lw ball leagues. is seriously considering the sugges- Pitched For High School tion of his colleagues that he turn Mr. Piersen started toeing the rub- to golf: he made a hole-in-one the oer in Trenton, N.J., sandlots, pitched other day. for a high school team, and then _________ laid baseball aside for the moment to study at Philadelphia's Curtis GRAND RAPIDS, May 11. -UP)- School of Music. He took it up again Forty-five waiters, all local students upon graduation, and, after several went on strike here this afternoon seasons in the very minor leagues, at the dinner of the Postmasters Con- was given a tryout with the Trentoii vention at which Postmaster General 'Sentors", a Washington "Senators" James A. Farley was guest of honor. ,:arm-team in the Eastern League. He was offered a contract with Winston- Salem of the Eastern Shore League, SEN IORS! but before he could do much with baseball he was given his present Phone Your orchestral position. He hasn't thrown a ball since, but CAP and GOWN he refuses to admit that his predic- tions for this season are any indica- ORDERS tion of how far he has got out of touch with the baseball scene. " e at once picks the Yankees to win in the American League "by at least 20 games," and can't see anyone but Moe P porSu. $ S ops Brooklyn in the National. 6915 7296 As for his vocational preference, - l k This is an air view of the Peace Palace at The Hague, Netherlands, near which the Germans were re- ported to have landed troops at two small airports. Nazi planes hombed The Hague, as Hitler's legions swept into the lowland countries of Belgium, Holland and L uxrmnboi'rg. The Nazi soldiers who landed at The Hague were reported to have been surrounded by Dutch troops. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Paue 4 a.m. "A Day of Worth-Ship" will be speak on "The Ministry of the Beau- --- -----the subject of the sermon by Dr. W. tiful." mon by the Reverend Henry Lewis, P. Lemon. 4:30 p.m. Student Fellowship pic- and Presentation of Choir Awards; 5:00 p.m. Westminster Student nic at Dexter Park. Meet at Pilgrim 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Guild will meet for a picnic supper Hall. Kindergarten, Harris Hall; 7:00 p.m. at the council ring. At 7:00 there 11__ will be an address "The Mission of!. Student Meeting, Harris Hall. Prof. Syria" by Mr. Kakhri Malif, an Ex isciples Guild (Church of Christ) Arthur Dunham will speak on "Chris- change Fellow from the Amerixa 10:45 a.m. Morning .worship. Rev. l~ianit and~.oi~ A ivon1 cangeFelow rom he rnei.an PFred Cowin, minister. tianity and Social AivenrepRe-m.Uversity at Beirut, Syria ® .. Attention MODEL AIRPLANE BUILDERS [rACQUERS * THINNERS o LOTS OF COLORS AND CLEAR DOPES Refer to THE ANN ARBOR AIR SERVICE ::":.{}ti"'%ir4:':: ''r ,yy,'1:1, r, r" . . +tff 3* 1311 :'N 6:3013.. GildSunday Evening freshments. four. St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Morn- Episcopal Student Group: Special ing worship service with the celebra- Unitarian Church: 10 a.m. Break- Menag at 6:30" pm.inHarris Hall tion of Holy Communion at 10:45 fast served. Sunday, May 12, before regular.m Preparatory service at 10:30. 11 a.m. Second in a Series of An- meeting, for all those who are inter- Pastor Brauer will preach on "Pente- nual May Forums: "Youth and the ested in the cause of Peace, and cost-Then and Now." Church" anxious to find out what can be done Professor Albert Hyma of the Uni- ':30 p.m. Round Table Discussion: about it. versity will address the Student Club 1 "Problems of Student Government." at 6:30 on "Lutheranism." The talk - -- First Presbyterian Church : 10:45 wi flo h tuetflosi --- ___will follow the student fellowshii tdn vaglclChpl h --o f-. Student Evangelical Chapel: The supper, which will be held at 6 o'clock Reverend E. J. Tanis of Chicago offi- in te scialroos o thechuch' ciating. 10:30, Women's League Building. Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:30 (ContInued on Page 8) a.m. at Stalker Hall. Prof. Carroth----------- -_-_ ers will lead the discussion on "Work- - ing With and Through Others." This is another in the series on "Qualify- ing for Leadership." Wesleyan Guild Meeting at the Methodist Church at 6 p.m. Prof. John L. Brumm will speak on "Heart and f' Mind." Fellowshiphour and supper followingthe meeting. _ r Let us help you in your Spring housecleaning with our expert and experienced workers. REASONABLE PRICES The AMERICAN RUG CLEANING WORKS 1032 Green Dial 8115 -~ r . fti; .: r:. :: L . : J y i atey I A ,/ ,,, I .{' '. 1 '. : r:;Yir" {IOW,,. 1 V: :.:.} 1940 %. SE NIORALL 10-2, June 14 - Intramural Bldg. "Life Begins With Fort.)" First Methodist Church: Morning Worship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach on "Old and New." First Baptist Church: 9:30: Gradu- ate Bible .Class. Prof. Leroy Water- man, teacher. 10:45. Morning Worship. Sermon Topic, "The Christian Home." 6:15. The Roger Williams Guild, Baptist Student group, will meet in the Guild House, 503 East Huron. Dr. Gustav H. Enss of Plymouth will speak on the subject, "The Genius of Christianity." . C' ! ' p , t , y / e i k '1 , 5 ar, '.. z+.. - 3 o Tickets On Sale Tues at the League and day, 2-5 P.M. II Union. $4. _irst Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m. Public Worship. Dr. Parr will i one type / cloth mean I . . .at the League- one tyjpe of e antnl 0 0 0 i c~ith RE4LM BEfACH Dinner Is Featured JttilJ we l ow the ormu a fie 6? ooal/ in the MAIN DINING ROOM 12:30 - 3 in the CAFETERIA aud/ onzea ompanq 4,a Sole Manufacturers of PALM BEACH 12-2 6-7:30 IIidedtIe E Utiiga i 1 11 i ii 111 I I