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May 12, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-12

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SUNDAY,MAY 12, 1940



_t i
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively, entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein alo
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter..
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.O0; 'y mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representalive
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40

Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler .
Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman .
Donald Wirtchafter .
Esther Osser

. . . Managing Editor
. . 2Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
* . .Exchange Editor.

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Promotion Manager ,
Credit Manager . .
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Mazager

Irving Guttman
. Volney Morin
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Threat Of Fascism
Lies In America .. .
E QUALLY as shocking to the Amer-
ican people today as Hitler's sudden
attack upon the neutral Low Countries must be
the speech of President Roosevelt before the
Eighth American Scientific Congress yesterday.
ican Scientific Congress' yesterday.-
The distance from Europe is less than that
covered by the "chariots of Alexander" rolling
down Macedonia to Persia, the President said.
Very short, in plain language. He questioned
whether the new world could continue its policy
of "peaceful construction" if another principle
of life spread over all the rest of the globe.
And this spread is going to be :perpetrated
by the "chariots of Alexander" and the "ships
and legions of Caesar," according to the Pres-
ident's declaration. In contemporary language
the President says that Fascism or Nazism will
come to America on the wings of Hitler's bomb-
ers and the decks of battleships some time ii
the future.
VERY WELL, we agree with the President
that our country, our hemisphere, does not
possess a "mystic immunity" from fascism. But
before we "act with unanimity and singleness
of purpose," as he would have us do, we want
to determine how to act and why, we want to
know exactly what fascism is and how it might
very easily arise in America.
The best example that suggests itself to us
is Germany, the place where fascism is now
running its fullest course.
Fascism in Germany did not nave its begin-
nings in 1932 when Hitler took over the Chan-
cellorship. The basic roots of fascism lay in
the disorganized and crushed economy of post-
war Germany. Hugely excessive reparation pay-
ments, loss of markets and colonies, and the
bereavement of Alsace Lorraine left the most
highly developed industrialized, processing na-
tion of Europe hopelessly hamstrung.
Added to this was the psychological feeling
of resentment created in the youth of Germany
by the oppressive treatment that the Allies
dealt upon them for the sins of the Kaiser's
AND WHEN the world depression of 1929-30
accentuated the inadequacy of an already
crippled economy there appeared in bold re-
lief those elements and conditions for the growth
of fascism. Millions of unemployed, especially
youth, disillusioned and without a legitimate
place in life, were receptive to the panaceas
and oratory of demagogues. The position of the
farmers and small business men became steadily
worse as purchasing power declined., And the
big industries, so vitally important in a highly
industrialized economy such as that of Germany
and America, began rocking at their founda-
tions. Politically the whole process of decadence
was manifested by increasingly large and ar-
ticulate socialist elements in the Reichstag.
Industrial and political leaders were sensitive
to the implications of the time. Hitler's organ-
ized National Socialist party attacked vocifer-
ously the left-wing groups with the traditional
charges of subversive activity. Big industrialists
like Thyssen gave him financial support; dis-
gruntled farmers and small business men sym-
pathized with him; disillusioned youth flocked
to his activist program. The army leaders liked
the sense of order and diciline Hitler main-,

B y/ henior Editors
Franklin Roosevelt for the work he
has done. We admire his personality as
a leader and will not indulge in person-
alities when talking about him. But we
cannot follow him out of the camp of
We do not say his speech Friday night
was war-mongering. He is not definitely
proposing intervention in the European
war; he has not asked for another A.E.F.
Our protest is that he who once resolved
himself to fight for peace has admitted
a defeatist attitude toward peace for
America. We may be blind to the facts,
we may be sticking our heads in the sand,
but we refuse to submit to the thesis that
America cannot remain aloof from an
inflamed Europe.
We need no elaborate historical anal-
ogy to prove to us that the world has
shrunk. The war-forces of Europe might
be able to sweep over every mile of the
earth's surface as the President declared.
Some military men say yes. Some say no.
But it remains at best a hypothesis-and
we believe a highly improbable hypo-
thesis-that Hitler's legions will come
swooping down on America. Although
we readily grant that we are not wholly
safe, not immune, we do not think that
the air-raid alarms should start sounding
for so remote an eventuality.
want us to wait. He does not say
what we should do about the militarists
of Europe. He merely warns, focuses
our attention, starts the war hysteria to
percolating. Should we pitch in with
England and France now? Some people
have read that interpretation into the
President's speech. Mr. Roosevelt has
worked a lot of people into a mood ap-
proaching war-frenzy, and has not sug-
gested an outlet for their zeal. Or does
he expect that to come later, when his
leaven of alarm has done its work?
We protest especially against the broad
implications of the speech. . .. . defend
by every means our science, our culture,
our freedom and our civilization." What
does this mean? What lies beyond these
stereotypes? The President does not an-
swer-yet. Are we unduly cautious and
hostile in suspecting that this is only a
precursor to more positive declarations,
more positive leanings toward war?
EFORE THESE new blitzkriegs on Nor-
way and the Lowlands came, James
Cromwell, American minister to Canada,
brought public rebuke down upon his
head by too frankly declaring his pro-
Allied views. Cromwell was a little pre-
vious. Americans, remembering their de-
votion to peace which President Roose-
velt had himself fostered in the early days
of the war, were not ready to give up
their ideal. As columnist Raymond Clap-
today in America. They aren't subversive for-
eign agents, but the very domestic products of
a failing American economy that is not meeting
the vital needs of the American people.
We have milions of unemployed, ten millions
in fact; and four millions are youth, most sus-
ceptible to the calls of demagogues like Cough-
lin, Dies and Smith for crusades against the
easiest scapegoat. Approximately half of our
farmers are tenants and more of them are be-
coming so. The mortality among small busi-
nesses is astonishing. We have an army, trained
for military obedience to those who might at

any time control them, that is being increased
alarmingly. And our large industries have and
still are experiencing unprecedented stagna-
tion, broken only by tremendous government
spending for public works, relief, and now war
preparations. There is hunger and misery midst
the potentiality of plenty. Here, in America
itself the latent elements of fascism lay preg-
President Roosevelt questions whether we can
continue our policy of "peaceful construction,"
if fascism spreads to this country.
JF WE DON'T vigorously pursue a policy of
construction (which the President has al-
ready miserably abandoned) it is very true that
fascism will, not spread to America, but will
rise in America. The distinction is the crux
upon which the action of America resides.
Our battlefields are laid out before us-on
every domestic front the fight must be waged to
eliminate these fascist potentials-unemploy-
ment, insecurity, human misery, and above all
today, the continuance of a war economy. While
the greatest military battle of all times is in
progress in Europe, America must wage the
greatest and most crucial social program she
has yet known for the preservation and promo-
tion of those ideals which are in the throes
of midpassage today.
-Robert Speckhard
130 Years Of PeaceI

per pointed out, however, there was even
then a vast undercurrent of opinion
leaning toward England and France, an
undercurrent which, in deference to the
public desire for peace, did not receive
overt expression. We believe President
Roosevelt's defeatism has opened the
gates. The war-thinkers will feel free to
express themselves. The war drums are
beginning to roll.
The only hope for us who still believe
that involvement in Europe would be
both futile and ruinous was indicated by
the President himself: f
"It is our compelling duty to guard
and enrich that legacy (Preservation of
civilization), to preserve it for a world
which must be reborn from the ashes of
the Present disaster."
We cannot believe that this "duty"
need take us outside this hemisphere. We
believe that we can continue our "peace-
ful construction," and that in that con-
inuation lies the only permanent fulfill-
ment of our "duty." And we cannot
reconcile the enrichment and the preser-
vation of our legacy with a blackout
of peace in America.
This column has been criticized for its in-
sistance upon finding a meaning, a message,
in the interpretations Mr. Ormandy and the
Philadelphia Orchestra give to each of the major
symphonies. Such criticism is part of a musical
quarrel that has gone on for a long time. To
us it would seem that a work of art in what-
ever medium must be judged for what it has
to say. If it is true that music cannot be even
approximately translated into words then there
is no field whatever for the critic. But if, like
art, the dance, and poetry it has an expressible
theme then it is only the critic's duty to set
this down as he hears it.
This preamble is a method of stating that
yesterday afternoon's program of music writ-
ten by Johannes Brahms was tremendously im-
portant not only for the fine execution given
the compositions by the participants, not only
for the mellow and haunting beauty of the
strings, the perfection of the brass and wood-
winds, not alone for the expressive phrasing
and clarity of orchestral diction, but also for
the spirit and mentality of its conductor and
for the cooperation of orchestra and soloists
in giving to the audience a message that will
endure as long as their memories can hold the
name of Brahms.
For though there can be little question but
that the program was varied enough to suit
the most exacting listener, yet each of the works:
played had esentially the same message to give.
The Haydn Variations lent us the picture of
the ideal and transformed it from a vignette of
other times into an immediate present. The
Second Symphony enlarged upon the message,
showing those who listened that the essential
conditions of human happiness are the gemut-
lichkeit, the singing, the dancing, the very
living that we do. May those who now own
the Germany Brahms loved so well find their
reward for the destruction of that kindness of
spirit the composer prized so highly.
The A minor Double Concerto deserves a
special section of its own if only for the great
performances given it by Josef ;3zigeti and
Emanuel Feuermann, violinist and 'cellist re-
spectively. These artists were so much at one
with one another and with the conductor that
they seemed an extension of each other's per-
sonality, some sort of giant violin (or 'cello)
played by one master hand. The power of their
feeling no less than the perfection if their
technics carried the work through to a con-
clusion that necessarily was as perfect- as the
composer's conception had been. The effectI

of the strings against the orchestra, the solo
statement against the orchestral whole was
never more perfectly carried out. There was
credit in this afternoon's performance for all
concerned including the Festival management,
for this most worthy program.
* * *
Thor Johnson gave a pleasant surprise to the
large audience which attended the performance
of Saint-Saen's Samson and Delilah last night.
In the successful termination of the May Fes-
tival he was ably assisted by a quartet of excel-
lent soloists and by the best trained Choral
Union it has ever been our privilege to hear.
The concert opera is traditionally slower paced
than its equivalent on the stage but last night's
;erformance was so energetically carried through
that it was impossible for the most music-worn
listener to become even slightly bored. Under
Mr. Johnson's direction the opera was vital,
dynamic and exciting throughout. The singers
acquitted themselves ably at most times and
occasionally were superb in their rendition of
the traditional solos. Mr. Martinelli and Miss
Enid Szantho, a newcomer to the Festival, had
their best moments in the familiar "Mon Coeur
a ta Voix Douce" and Mr. Robert Weede con-
tributed a dramatic moment as the high priest
in the first act and again near the close of the
opera. Norman Cordon's brief appearances were
perhaps the most perfectly voiced of all, the
rich quality and mature feeling of his voice be-
ing especially welcome as a contrast to the dra-

Drew Peairson

W10 ice tiue te5cretaryN, uObservatory.
Academic Notices
WASHINGTON-In addition to Zoology 32 (heredity): The third
. Axammtion w-l beadditioThnrs-
the San Francisco Fair the Presi- examMatio will held on Thurs-
dent has two "musts" on the sight- day. May 16.
seeing schedule of his transcontinen- A. Franklin Shull
tal trip next month. They are King
a i 1ifii.Qualifying examinations for candi-


Although lie refused to be drawn nation will consume about four hours'

out on any political plans for the
trip, he did reveal that he expected
to take a southern route on the way
west and return via the north, af-
ter visiting his daughter, Mrs. John
Boettiger, in Seattle.
"I'm very anxious to spend some
time in the national parks," he said.
"particularly King Canyon and Yo-
semite. These beauty spots have al-
ways intrigued me, and I haven't
gad a leisurely trip for several years."
There was one event on the Ken-
tuck Derby program that not many
people knew about. It occurred in
he private car of genial L. W. "Chip"
Robert, secretary of the Democratic
National Committee, when some of
the big politicos got up a hat pool
on the presidential race.
A total of $1,800 was placed in the
Democratic pool for President and
$1,800 in the Republican, with eight
Democratic candidates, one Demo-
cratic dark horse, and eight Repub-
lican candidates plus a Republican
dark horse.
The names were auctioned off to
the highest bidder by Chip Robert,
and the biggest prices on the Demo-
cratic side went to Roosevelt, Hull
and Farley. They all sold for about
the same price-around $225.
Three Republican candidates-
Dewey, Taft and Vandenberg-also
brought between $200 and $225. Jus-
tice Owens Roberts brought the
lowest price on the Republican tic-
ket, while Wendell Willkie was
bought for next to nothing by John
Traphagen, president of the Bank
of New York and Trust Company.
The other Republican candidates
were Bricker, Landon and Hoover;
the other Democratic candidates
Garner, McNutt, Wheeler, Jesse
Jones and Barkley.
Jesse Jones finally was bought in
by a vice-president of the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, which owes sev-
eral million dollars to Jesse's Recon-
struction Finance Corporation. Per-
haps the B. and O., which was haul-
ing the special car, considered Jones'
candidacy a necessary investment.
When Herbert Hoover's name first
was mentioned the bidding was not
enthusiastic. Finally someone bid
"Fifty dollars I am offered for
Hoover," barked auctioneer Robert.
"Fifty dollars for Hoover! Are you
going to let this fine presidential
bargain go for only fifty dollars?"
"Sixty dollars," bid old Vincent
Bendix, donor of the Bendix aviation
trophy, who was sittig, sleepy-eyed,
in the corner.
"Sixty dollars," continued Robert,
"Just listen, folks, here's Herbert
Hoover going for $60! Are you going
to let him be knocked down for $60?
Going! Going!"
"Hey, wait a minute," shouted
Bendix. "I thought I was bidding
for J. Edgar Hoover."
"All right," countered Robert,
"we'll throw in J. Edgar Hoover,
Herbert Hoover and the Hoover vac-
uum people all for $75. Sold!"
Note-Names of the candidates
and their purchasers were carefully
registered, and the money held for
the election next November.
Opinion toward Hitler inside Hun-
gary is mixed-some opposed, some
favoring a Nazi alliance which would
help reconquer Transylvania from
But the one Hungarian who hates
Hitler most, and in turn is hated
most by Hitler, is the Regent, Ad-
miral Horthy.
Two years ago, Hitler invited Hor-
thy to visit him to discuss the idea
of a Hungarian-German military al-
liance. Horthy, however, was cool.

time; promptuess is therefore essen-
June Candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate: The Comprehensive Ex-
amination in Education will be given
on Saturday, May 18, from 9 to 12
o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock)
in the auditorium of the University
High School. Students having Sat-
urday morning classes may take the
examination in the afternoon. Print-
ed information regarding the exam-
inationrmay be secuied in the School
of Education office.
The Doctoral Examination of Lowel
Angus Woodbury will be held at 4:00
p.m., Monday, May 13, in 3089 N.S.
Mr. Woodbury's department of spe-
cialization is Zoology. The title of
his thesis is "A Quantitative Studi
of Parasites of Fishes with Special
Reference to Clinostomnum margina-
tum in the Perch of Walsh Lake,
Dr. G. R. La Rue, as chairman of
the committee; will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the dhairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral can-
didates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination of Richard
Oliver Edgerton will be held at 2:00
p.m., Monday, May 13, in 309 Chem-
istry Bldg. Mr. Egerton's depart-
ment of specialization is Chemistry.
The title of his thesis is "The Syn-
thesis of Polycyclic Compounds."
Dr. W. E. Bachmann, as chairman
of the committee, will conduct the
examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Photographs of recent
architectural work in Florida in the
modern manner, by Architects Igor
B. Polevitzky and T. Trip Russell.
Ground floor corridor cases. Open
daily 9 to 5, through May 22, except
Sunday. The public is invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Drawings of candidates
in the recent competition for the
George G. Booth Travelling Fellow-
ship in Architecture. Third floor ex-
hibition room. Open daily 9 to 5
except Sunday, through May 18. The
public is invited.
Exhibition of works in water colors
by Cleveland artists, drawings by
John Carroll, Walt Disney originals.
Auspices Ann Arbor Art Association
and University Institute of Fine Arts.
Open daily, 2-5 until May 22, Alumni
Memorial Hail. Sundays included.
An exhibition of the H. A. Elsberg
collection of coptic and islamic tex-
tiles of the University of Michigan.
Rackham Building, May 7 to May 18.
2-5 daily.
University Lecture: Harry Elmer
Barnes, Ph.D., Lecturer, New School
in Social Research, will lecture on
"The Present World Crisis" under the
auspices of the Division of the Social
Sciences at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday,
May 16, in the Rackham Amphithe-
atre. The public is cordially invited.

k-U11y ,,IIll ...'At l a l lu s x m e AI e
National Park.
He revealed this to the delegation
cf California Congressmen who pro-
tested the use of government-owned
ships to transport cement and lum-
ber to the Panama Canal Zone from
Atlantic ports. The Californians said
this put Pacific Coast dealers at an
unfair disadvantage. The President
promised to look into the matter and
then the group asked him about his
travelling plans for this summer.
He countered by inquiring when
Congress would adjourn, saying his
trip depended upon that.
"We're willing to call it a dayI
whenever you givetthe word," said
Representative Ed Izac of San Diego,
echoed by Representatives Dick
Welch and Frank Havenner of San
Francisco. Roosevelt replied with
a grin that he hoped the windup
would be around June 10 or 12.

(Continued from Page 2)
initiates may be obtained at the
nfffin f th 1'S - *,,C.*,-.fn

dates for the Degree Program for
Honors in Liberal Arts will be given
in Room 2235 Angell Hall on Mon-
day. May 13, at 3 p.m.
Preliminary Examinations for the
doctorate in the School of Education
will be held on May 23, 24, and 25.
Graduate students desiring to take
these examinations should notify my
office, 4002 University High School,
not later than May 18.
Clifford Woody
3 Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
lamination: All students expecting to
elect directed teaching (Educ. D100)
next semester are required to pass a
qualifying examination in the sub-
ject which they expect to teach. This
examination will be held on Satur-
day, May 18, at 1 o'clock. Students
will meet in the auditorium of the
University High School. The exami-

that the students may attend this
Coming Events
Seminar in Bacteriology will meet
in Room 1564 East Medical Building
Monday, May 13, at 8:00 p.m. Sub-
ject: "Aciduric Organisms and Den-
tal Caries." All interested are in-
Physics Colloquium: Professor Ed-
ward Teller of George Washington
University will speak on "Energy
Sources in Stars" on Monday, May
13, at 4:15 in Room 1041 E. Physics
Research Club will meet on Wed-
nesday, May 15, at 8:00 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. Annual
election of officers and vote on a
candidate for membership. Papers
by Professor C. L. Hubbs on "Fishes
of the Isolated Waters of the Ameri-
can West," and by Professor A. Hy-
ma on "Anglo-Dutch Rivalry and
Subsequent Friendship in the Far
East." The Council will meet at 7:30
in the alcove of the Assembly Hall.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. All faculty members inter-
ested in speaking German are cordial-
ly invited. There will be a brief in-
formal talk by Professor William H.
Worrell on "Die Zauberkunst als Lieb-
Senior class presidents will meet
to discuss Commencement plans on
Tuesday, May 14, at 7:00 p.m. in
Room 227, West Engineering Build-
Mathematics Club will meet on
Tuesday, May 14, at 8 p.m., in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Mr. Gaskell will
speak on "A Problem in Heat Con-
duction and an Expansion Theorem,"
and Mr. Fan will speak o "Integra-
tion with Respect to an Upper Meas-
ure Function."
Sigma Rho Tau will hold finals in
impromptu and after-dinner speech
contests on Tuesday evening, May 14,
in the Union. Final plans for na-
tional convention to be discussed. All
members please be present.
University Club: The annual meet-
ing and election of officers will be
held on Monday evening, May 13, in
the club lounge.
Acolytes meeting Monday at 7:30
in the Rackham Building Mr. Copi-
lowich, Mr. Weitz, and Mr. Maluf
will conduct a symposium on the
A Priori.
The executive council of Congress,
Independent Men's Association, will
meet in Room 306 of the Union at
10:00 p.m. Monday night.
Graduate Tea on Wednesday, May
15, 4-6 p.m., West Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Professor James
K. Pollock of the Political Science
Department will speak on "Germany
After the War." Graduate students
and faculty members are invited.
The Division of the Social Sciences
will hold its annual dinner meeting
at the Michigan Union on Thursday,
May 16, at 6:30 p.m. After the din-
ner, a brief talk by Dr. Harry Elmer
Barnes will introduce a general dis-
cussion of the present war. Members
who plan to attend are requested to
notify the secretary of the Division,
Prof. Dudley M. Phelps.
Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honor
society, will hold its spring initiation
in the Michigan Union on Monday,
May 13, at 5:30 p.m. The banquet
will follow at 6:15 p.m.

All members of Athena Speech
Society, accepting pledges are request-
ed to meet at 5 p.m. Monday in the
League Lobby to discuss initiation
An open meeting for all those in-
terested in student cooperatives will
be held at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, May
13, at the Union. Those interested
in living or boarding at a cooperative
next semester are especially invited.
A faculty man and two students will
speak on Michigan's men's and wo-
men's cooperatives.
The College Republicans of Ameri-
ca will meet Wednesday, May 15, in
the Michigan Union. All students
and faculty members interested in
the party are invited to attend.
The Fellowship of Reconciliation
meets in Lane Hall at 7:00 p.m. Mon-
day. Mr. Joseph Mazzawi will talk
on the Arab-Jewish problem in Pal-
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship will hold its regular semi-an-
nual business meeting on Monday,
May 13, 1940 at 7:30 p.m. in Lane

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