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February 21, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-21

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. ~ =
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session. ,
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary
Mel Fineberg

Editorial Staff
. .Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . City Editor
. . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Associate Editor
* . . .Associate Editor
* . . .Associate Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
. . . . . Sports. Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager . .

* Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

THE LETTERS keep pouring in. It seems that
everyone has some kind of trouble or other
and is insisting that Mr. Q. help straighten out
their problems. So here is another "advice to
whomever needs it" column.
Dear Mr. Q.:
I am in a great deal of trouble. I am new
on this campus and am having trouble finding
Yost Field House. I just can't seem to locate it.
I love basketball and wanted so badly to see a
real Big Ten game (I had heard so much about
Conference basketball). Well, last Saturday I
knew that Michigan was playing Chicago in the
Field House and I started down State St. about
7 o'clock to find the place and get a good seat:
I thought I found it and took my seat with a
lot of other people. But when the team started
to play, I knew I was in the wrong place be-
cause I had seen better basketball in my high
Well, Monday, I decided to be very careful
and make sure to find the Field House, because
I did want to see Purdue play. I was very care-
ful in my directions and was sure that I was in
the, Field House but when the game started, I
found I had gotten into the wrong place again
and was watching the same high school league
or even a grammar school game (although they
were a little big for grammar school, except the
ones in the white jerseys).
Can you help me? Where is the Field House?
Dear Puzzled:
You are making a mountain out of a bas-
ketball game. I can't imagine where you
could*have gone astray because, from what
you say you WERE in Yost Field House
watching Big Ten basketball. The next time
you, start out for a game, here's how you can
make sure you are in the Field House. After
you sit down, watch across on-the other side;
if little glows of light flash every second,
signifying a lit match, you are fairly certain
to be in the right place. But, to be abso-
lutely positive, when they make an an-
nouncement asking the people not to smoke,
if the air is so thick with fumes as to make
visibility quite poor, you can know you are-
in the Field House.
You're welcome,
Mr. Q:
Dear Mr. Q.:
Deans are funny people. But they are at least
supposed to be fairly literate. Following is a
quote from a recent Free Press story on a ParenN
Teacher meeting and a little verse that I have
. . . in a propaganda world, clear and in-
cisive thinking is imperative . . . We must har-
ness our educational goals to form anti-toxin
against social catastrophe ...
Oh, dear, what can the matter be?
Parents and teachers at dinner on Saturday
Fearing the advent of social catastrophe
Wanted to saddle our goals.
We may wake up under selfish autocracy
Unless we fight for a sturdy democracy,
Educate all at detecting hypocrisy:
Saddle and bridle our goals
We must be trained in the art leucocytical;
Before poison spreads in the body political;

Demos can generate juice antitoxical
Provided we harness our goals.
G .Watt Bliss,
* * *
Deah Mistah Q.:
Well, ah figguh ah got's as much right's any
da myank to ask you-all sumpin', ah reckon.
Wal, ah's lak tuh ask you-all tuh fetch me-all
one of them thar slogans for this yere demer-
-ratic convenshum thas comin'.
Thankin' youall, suh,
John Nance (in my pants) Garner.
Dear Mr. John Nance (in my pants) Gar-
How about "Gone With the Garner"?
You-all is welcome,
Mr. Rhett (call me enemy) Q.
Dear Mr. Queue:
I am disappointed at the lack of sympathy
your paper shows for the honorable cause of the
Japanese in China. However, I would like your
advice on a very impbrtant matter. My Premier
(I forget this one's name) told me last week
that things are not going so hot in China. "Hi,"
he said, "the Chinese keep popping up all the
time, no matter how many we slug." What can
we do, Mr. Queue?
Dear Hirohito.
If I wasn't sure that you were only in-
terested in helping the poor Chinese, I
wouldn't even bother to answer, but I know
that whatever you do is for their own sake.
And what a swell job you are doing of civiliz-
ing those barbarians! .A admire your meth-
ods: you figure the more you kill off, the
easier it will be to civilize them. But, as a
friend, I think you ought to know that the
Chinese were said to be civilized long be-
fore that chopped herring nation of yours
ever insulted an Englishman. That was
before they started to concentrate on rice,
And I would like to warn you that if you
don't watch out, your own country will get
so concerned over making toys and fire-
crackers that they will forget all about be-
ing civilized. And, as a famous Chinese phi-
lospher named Confucius once said: Jap
who kick Chinese dog will get Nippon foot.
Mr. Queue.
Dear Herr Q.:
Der vass ein mann dot vass opp to see me
gestern in mine house in Berchtesgaden. He
vass a fery funny fellow, mit ein handelbar
Schnurrbart und he hat a hammer in vun hant
und a sticklefritz in der odder. "Vot you vant,
heil hitler?" I ask him. "Vad you gotski," erwi-
derte er. Vell, I tell him I got a pain in der
neck, und he says he got vun off dem dere und
odder places too.
I tell him if he don't mach schnell und tell
me vot he vants I'll haf ein Sturmabteiler putsch
him out, if I could get vun to do it. (You know,
Herr Q., dose boys talk sehr funny to me dese
days). Zo zuletzt he says he vants I should leef
mine hants off dot place down sout', dere, dot
Rumania, because he says he don't tink he's
gonna like to haf ein Sommerhaus up in the
Nort'. Vot am I gonna do, Herr Q.?
Dear Adolf:
Just give him the old oil.
Mr. Q.

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
NYA Helps Out
Crippled Children,...
THE STRONGLY contested objections
to Governor Dickinson's stringent
curtailment of funds for the necessary correc-
tive treatment of crippled children in Michigan
have apparently slipped into the background.
The assignment of 30 NYA workers recently to
avoid the drastic curtailment of operations at
the Mary Free-Bed Convalescent Home in Grand
Rapids because of the sharp reduction in the
crippled childrens' fund appropriation is a pun-
gent reminder that this condition still exists.
Because of the drastic cut in appropriations,
the authorities of the Convalescent Home were
forced to let many of their expeienced work-
ers go. If the NYA had not stepped into the
picture and supplied this institution with 30
part-time, workers, the program of necessary
medical treatment would have been limited to
only a few with the result that many children
who might otherwise have been gradually cured,
would become hopeless cripples for life.
The workers ranging from 18 to 25 years of age
are employed in the many departments of the
Home and are gaining invaluable work ex-
perience. This project is part of an extensive
"nurse aid" program carried on by the NYA
in Grand Rapids.
Two men assist in routine work with boys and
take care of casts and braces. One of them, a
medical student, -assists with dressings, treat-
ments and other medical work under the super-
vision of staff physicians. The girls are em-
ployed in the plhysio-therapy and occupational
therapy departments, in the dining room and
kitchens, in the kindergarten and as nurse
aides. They also make and repair clothing and,
aid in entertaining the children. By working
in these departments, they gain experience in
the adjustment of braces and other orthopedic
appliances, taking temperatures, bathing and
feeding and assisting in keeping muscle charts
and other records.
FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE in nutrition and
the part it plays in the growth of young
bodies is gained while assisting in the prepara-
tion of food in the kitchens. The girls assigned
to the occupational therapy department prepare
materials for beadwork, sewing and clay model-
ing which the young patients are taught to help
pass away the long, tedious house while con-
All girl employes receive wide experience ,
the phases of homemaking through such as-
signed tasks of washing, ironing, sterilizing,
making surgical bandages and taking care of,
surgical instruments. Those, whose talents tur
toward sewing take care of the many altera-
tions necessary to allow clothing to accommo-
date braces and. similar appliances.
In considering the assigning of employes for
work at the Home, many things are taken into
consideration. The young man or woman must
be in good health and submit to periodic ex-
aminations. He must be fond of children, have
a sympathetic and cheerful disposition and un-
limited patience. Convalescent children's care
must be considered carefully. Those not meet-
ing the rigid requirements of this work are trans-
ferred to other projects where these require-
ments are not so necessary and important..
ORE THAN 36 HOSPITALS in Michigan are
enjoying the services of 450 part-time NYA
workers who are employed on nurse aid projects.
Hospital authorities are strong in their approval

Robert S. A en
WASHINGTON-Almost no oneg
knew it, but during the hot clashess
between Roosevelt and the National
Youth Administration, Abbott Simon,t
mainspring of the Youth Congress,
was a house guest in the White
House. He lived there while he or- ]
ganized and staged the Congress. o
After the stormy sessions were over n
and the 5,000 youngsters had left, Si-t
mon got up in the morning to de-s
part from the White House. Passingg
his host in the corridor outside hisw
room, Simon said cheerily:d
"Good morning, Mr. President!"b
FDR stared icily ahead, said noth- V
That incident typifies the gap t
grown between the President and the
group which once looked upon him
as youth's greatest hero.a
Unquestionably the country atL
large, including some of Roosevelt's
Republican critics, were with himo
and against the Youth Congress dur-
ing their skirmish in Washington
Yet some of the President's close
friends, familiar with the real facts,
are worried.
Chief worry is the fact that thereL
are 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 unemployedt
or partially employed youths in thev
country. Discontented youth is then
seed of fascism, and Roosevelt has
lost them.r
The youth danger has been recog-
nized by such highly respectable C
agencies as the American Youth n
Commission, of which Owen D.n
Young and Henry Harriman, formera
head of the United States Chamber
of Commerce, are directors.o
The Commission urges a federal
youth program. This also was the
chief thesis of the American Youth
Congress. They pointed out thath
while U.S. arms budgets soared,1
Roosevelt had cut all appropriations
and the National Youth Administra-
tion by $15,000,000. Some youth lead-
ers also pointed out that no matter ]
how high Roosevelt upped army- t
navy budgets, national defense wase
of little value against fascist seeds ofh
unrest at home.S
Few Communistsa
Fact is that the percentage ofb
communists in the American Youth
Congress is relatively negligible. The
Congress includes youth organiza- C
tions from every walk of life-such 1
conservative groups as the YWCA,1
the Student Christian Movement,c
even the ultra-conservative Brook-t
lyn Young Republicans; also such1
radical outfits as the Young Com-n
munist League, and various tradet
The entire question of Commun-
ism was threshed out .in advance of
the Congress at a private White
House meeting called by Mrs. Roose-t
velt and attended by about 30 liberalt
congressmen. s
Frankest advice given the youthf
leaders came from Sen. Burt Wheel-
er of Montana, who said:
"If you want to get anywhere on
Capitol Hill, you've got to be prac-
tical. Get rid of the Communists."t
Youth leaders argued, however,r
that Communists existed in the Unit-t
ed States and in the ranks of youth,
and that they had a right to be heardr
if the youth movement was really to1
be representative. They told Wheel-
er that the communists could
no more be barred than the name of
the Communist Party could be barredr
from the ballots in a presidential
They also argued that to expel the
Communists would merely send themt
underground, make them more men-
acing; that it was better to let them!
be heard, especially since they were
in a vast minority.-

La Marseillaise
To the Editor:
Mr. Weisinger's review of La Mar-'
seillaise in Saturday's Daily revolves
around a misconception which I am
writing to correct.
The film is indeed, as the review-
er is quick to grasp, a piece of propa-
ganda, and a rather dull one. But it'
cannot be trying to tell us "that the
Second Wqrld War is a struggle for
democracy," and it cannot be an "at-
tempt to equate 1789 with 1940," forI
the simple reason that the film was[
released almost three years ago.
The parallel it attempts to draw is
between the sans-culottes of 1789
and the voters of the Front Populaire
of 1936. It is the story of the Revo-
lution as it would be told by Leon
Blum. When the film appeared it
drew the hilarity of the Right, and
was mentioned as little as possible
by the Left, made touchy by its clum-
siness. An unfavorable review cost
Jean Fayard his post on a Leftist
It is regrettable, is it not, how a po-
litical ideology can prostitute both
art and history? It is regrettable, is
it not, how partisanship (and gross
ignorance of the French nation) can
make a reviewer see, in a would-be
.V . .. 1r.__

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21, 1940 S
VOL. L. No. 10011
To Members of the University Sen- s
ate: The Senate Advisory Committee t
will meet on Monday, Feb. 26. Sug- g
gestions for topics to be cnsidered s
should be sent this week to Dr. R. E. t
McCotter, secretary of the Commit- :
tee, or to J.P. Dawson, chairman.
College of Literature, Science, andn
the Arts; School of Music; and Schooli
of Education: Students who receivedt
marks of "I" or "X" at the close of
their last semester or summer ses-I
sion of attendance will reteive ar
grade of "E" in the course unless this s
work is made up by March 12. Stu-
dents wishing an extension of time p
beyond this date in order to make up
his work should file a petition ad-
dressed to theuappropriate official in
their school with Room 4 U.H. where
it will be transmitted.
Laverne Noys Scholarships: Those h
who have recently consulted me about U
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships and have t
aken application blanks to be filledc
out are urged to bring in their appli-
cations as soon as possible.t
F. E. Robbins s
Students and Faculty, College of ,
Literature, Science, and the Arts::
Grades for laboratory courses, in
which extensions of time were auto- V
matically granted until the end of the
first semester 1939-1940, should be s
reported as soon as possible, but not
ater than Saturday, February 24. v
Grades for courses in this category,
not reported by February 24 will auto-
matically be lapsed to E. The courses r
affected by this regulation are listed 2
on page 38 of the Announcement of a
our College.
E. A. Walter
IHouseheads, Dormitory DirectorsC
and Chaperons: Women students may j
have 1:30 permission for tonight, andT
11 o'clock on Thursday night.
Jeannette erry
Library Hours on Washington'st
Birthday: On Thursday, February 22,
the Service Departments of the Gen- a
eral Library will be open the usual s
hours, 7:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The 6
Study Halls outside of the building
and the Departmental Libraries will
e closed. t
School of Education Students,
Changes of Elections: No course may r
be elected for credit after Saturday,
March 2. Students must report all
changes of elections at the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 4, University Hall.
Membership in a class does not cease i
nor begin until all changes have been t
thus officially registered. Arrange-d
ments made with the instructors aret
not official changes.
All Freshman students who were in
the Hopwood Contest should come to
the Hopwood Room for their manu-
scripts this week. The room is open
from 2 to 5:30 p.m.
R. W. Cowden
Eligibility for Second Semester:L
Students applying for eligibility cer-
tificates for the second semester are
reminded that they must present first
semester report cards at Room 2, Uni-f
versity Hall, in order to assure im-f
mediate receipt of their new cards.I
First semester eligibility certificatest
will be invalid after March 1.
Doctoral Examination of Mr. Ken-1
neth Osborne Wright will be held at1
4:00 p.m. today in the Observ-t
atory. Mr. Wright's department of1
specialization is Astronomy. The
title of his thesis is "A Study
of Line Intensities in the Spec-
tra of Four Solar-Type Stars."
Dr. H. D. Curtis, as chairman of l
the committee, will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-s
ecutive Boar ,the chairman has the

privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and
to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowships:
Graduate Fellowships, each with a sti-
pend of $500 for one year, have been
established by the Honor Society of
Phi Kappa Phi. These Fellowships
will be administered in accordance
with the following regulations:
1. The Fellowships shall be award-
ed to undergraduate members of Phi
Kappa Phi, each of whom wishes to
enroll as a candidate for an advanced
degree in a graduate -school in some
American College or University. A
student registering in a professional
school such as Law or Medicine is not
eligible. - -
2. The recipients of these Fellow-
ships shall be selected from among a
list of applicants as prescribed be-
(a) Those eligible to apply for one
of these Fellowships shall include
members of Phi Kappa Phi who, dur-
ing the year precedirig the proposed
graduate study, were elected to mem-
bership in the society as seniors.
(h Annlieants for thes Fellnw-

ociety shall award the Fellowships,
lot more than one from each Chapter,
(e) In selecting the most worthy
pplicant, each Chapter as well as
he National Committee of Award,
hall give primary consideration to
he applicant's promise of success in
graduate work as revealed by previous
cholastic record, testimonials from
eachers and merit of proposed plan
)f graduate study.
(f) The final awards shall be made
not later than June 1st.
3. It is expected that those accept-
ing these Fellowships WUlA devote
their full time to graduate study
throughout the academic year and
will not at the same time hold other
emnuerative scholarships or Fellow-
hips, nor any salaried position other
than a remission of tuition or fees
provided no return service is required.
R.S. Swinton, 308 Engr. Annex
The University Bureau of Appoint-
nents and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
United States Civil Service examina-
ions. The last date for filing appli-
ations is noted in each case:
Technical Expert in Design and Dis-
tribution of Education Publications,
alary $3,800, March 18.
Specialist in Exhibits (Extension
Service, Dept. of Agriculture), salary
$3,800, March 18.
Senior Specialist in Social Group
Work, salary $4,600, March 18.
Specialist in Social Group Work,
alary $3,800, March 18.
Associate Specialist in Social Group
Work, salary, $3,200, March 18.
Complete announcements on file at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
All Campus Fencing Tournament
entries should be submitted to Ray
Chambers or the office of the Intra-
mural Sports Building today or
Thursday. The tournament will be-
gin Friday.
Julius Caesar: Seats for tonight
hrough Saturday matinee and night
are available at the Lydia Mendels-
ohn Theatre Box Office (phone
Entries for the annual Oratory Con-
est, sponsored by the Hillel Founda-
ion, are still being accepted. All
those interested in further details
may call the Foundation.
Academic Notices
Oriental Languages 106: Students
n this course are expected to attend
he lecture by Professor Georg Stein-
dorff in the Rackham Amphitheatre
today at 4:15 p.m.
English 298 (Cowden's section) will
meet this evening at 7:30 in
Room 407 General Library.
Make-up examinations in German:
All students entitled to take them are
requested to call at the office, 204
U.H., on or before February 29, for
making necessary arrangements.
Music 41: Make-up examinations
for those who received Incompletes
first semester, will be held Friday,
Feb. 23, at 1:00 p.m. Room 206, But-
ton Memorial Tower.
Leonard Gregory
The reading examination, previous-
ly announced in this column, is to
be repeated on Friday, Feb. 23, for
the benefit of students who arrived
late at the earlier examination or
who could not come at that time.
Ths examination is to be held at
4 p.m. in Room 4200 University High
School; the purpose is the same as
that of the one given earlier, It will
serve as a means of selecting stu-
dents for a special non-credit course
in the improvement of reading which

is to be organized shortly. Any stu-
dent interested in this program is
urged to attend the examination.
Flying Club Flight Training Course:
All students who intend to enter the
Flying Club flight training course
later in the year are urged to sit in
on the C.A.A. ground school, held
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
two periods: 6:45 to 7:45 and 7:45
to 8:45 in 1042 East Engineering
Building. These classes are free of
charge. Before soloing, a knowledge
of air tra ffic rules is aboslutely essen-
Red Cross Lif saving and Water
Safety Class for men students starts
tonight, 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Intra-
mural Pool. Maurice S. Reizen,
'40Spec., Red Cross Life Saving
and Water Safety Instructor, in
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University organist, will give a recital
in Hill Auditoriumu this afternoon
at 4:15 o'clock. The general public
wit htheexception of small children,
is invited to attend without admis-
sinn chareer

Jhe EDITOR q. Jlo/-

The Daily calls the attention of contributors
to this column to its established rule that all
letters to the editor must be limited to not
more than 400 words and must be signed. A
pseudonym may be used if the writer wishes,
but no letter not bearing the writer's name.
and address will be published. The names of
contributors, who wish to use a pseudonym,
will be kept in strictest confidence.
Confidentially, It.
Sometime next September, if I am fortunate,
I will be walking across the diagonal of this
campus. But before I have crossed the campus,
T will be interrupted several times by a few
gentlemen with the following ejaculation: "Get
your Michigan Daily," "Know the what and
the how of your campus," "Edited for the stu-
dents and by the students." Then the young
man will go on to tell me that this paper repre-
sents the opinion of the student body, etc., etc.,
with the final remark that I must have a sub-
scription to survive as a competent student on
the campus.
I think that The Daily does a very good job
of printing the news of the world, the activities
of the campus, and the sports review. But I
must say, and I am not alone in erpressing this
opinion, that the editorial page SMELLS!
One would think that the' editorial page was
reserved expressly for the American Student
Union and its sympathizers. Let a person con-
tradict an article by an A.S.U. member or a
policy upheld by this same organization and
what happens? At once half of the editorial
staff and a few other fervid A.S.U. members
come out with a condemnation of this person,
like wolves upon their prey. These fellows would
fit very well into the Fred Allen quotation of,
"Sees Nothing and Knows All." A few more
facts and less propaganda would aid these edi-

liver in the issue of Feb. 13, 1940. I have a deep
sympathy for the Russian people, who I feel,
are being lead into the war like cattle to the
slaughter. The power and the glory of one man
is maintained at the price of the blood of mil-
lions of lives. As any sane person, Mr. Roose-
velt condemned the Russian aggression of Fin-
land which has irritated Gullivers feelings. Gut-
liver therefore procedes to brand Mr. Roosevelt
as a war-monger, a hypocrite, and a few other
despicable names. For what right has a man
in a lowly position as the presidency to condemn
a nation or the policy of its leaders?
But Gulliver goes on to touch the feelings of
the younger generation. Gulliver is very clever
in playing upon the minds of these young people,
who are more prone to accept new ideas and to
jump to conclusions. Young people are more
apt to rush into things than an older person
who will ponder the problems that arise. Gulli-
ver states that this country has not done any-
thing for its youth. I would like to know what
he calls the Civilian Conservation Corps? How
many young men and women have been helped
through school by the National Youth Admin-
istration? I have seen the radicals of this
campus condemn every policy or function of
this Government, and yet there are many of
these same students who are going through
college wholly supported by the government.
What type of minds do these young men pos-
sess? Give them a dollar and they want a
hundred. They haven't the will to work toward
a better system in a democratic way, but they
want a utopia over night, whether it be at the
cost of one life or a million lives.
Truly criticisms are necessary to keep the
country informed of the problems and alive to
to the issues present. Sound criticisms are con-
structive, but criticisms on a false basis are
detrimental as a whole. Let us endeavor to
have fewer and better criticisms, with a better
11C --vs-n i[ rfa r nlirm -- ic.- +1%-+

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