Tfl~ MCRIG NRlIL THE MICHIGAN DAILY Stand For Peace Remains Firm Despite New Blitzkrieg Editor Says Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summner Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for, republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4A00;'by mall, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVEk.SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON , LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCI) Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Stafff By HERVIE HAUFLER T IS ONE-THIRTY Friday morning and we are sitting here listening to the radio bulle- tins from Europe. They tell of another German blitzkrieg, spreading the war to Holland, Bel- gium and Luxembourg. Between the dispatches, while swing bands play, the fellows debate ex- citedly this new move in world affairs. This is too big a moment to be fully under- stocl all at once. It should be broken up and taken a bit at a time. Dazed, tense, we sit here and listen to the communiques that are like paint-strokes filling in a grim and terrible picture. A bulletin comes in announcing that Holland is flooding her lowlands in a desperate effort to check the German invaders. We argue about England, we attack Cham- berlain, we debate on what Italy will do, what Japan is planning for the Dutch Indies. We ask ourselves what this event-this blood- spilling half a world away-will mean to us. Several of the boys believe this is the turning point, that America will not drift inexorably into an economic war with Germany. There will be no sending of troops, they say-all that the Allies need are our supplies and money. Hitler must be stopped, even if we must pay the bill.' THE DISPATCHES confuse me. This is a trend I have opposed from the first-I cannot but believe that money and supplies ultimately mean men. I have taken the hard- headed view that whatever happens to Eng- land and France is not our concern. Although I believe the Allies are fighting the "holier" war and I would prefer to see them win (since one side must apparently receive the meaning- less label of "victor"), I cannot believe that we should bleed ourselves white, either physi- cally or economically, to secure victory for an England that is giving ever more support to the "treat Germany rough" line of thought. Our blood will purchase only another smashed Germany, another Hitler, another rearming, another war. That is what I have thought. For the moment I am not so sure. The radio bulletins batter at my assurance. I say to myself: Don't let Belgium-that poor little Belgium of the 1917 atrocity stories-be the hinge swinging us into another war. Don't let this sympathy we Amer- icans have for the underdog launch us again into something we will only regret when the inventory of blood and bankruptcy is at last made. But tonight I am not so firm in my conviction. There are boys here who say they are willing to go to Europe now in an effort to stop Hitler. They visualize a great land- grabbing in which Germany, Italy and Russia will divide up Europe, Russia will get India, and Japan will take China, the Dutch East In- dies and maybe the Philippines. Some of the boys are already at a war-pitch-at least for tonight, while the radio bulletins punctuate the \ music. Besides their ardor my leave-it-alone attitude seems pale and weak, selfish and os- trich-like, antithetical to all idealism. AND YET I know that that is the danger: this is a terrific blow at peace. This is tilting down many an American on war's side of the fence. This may well be the divide whose down- ward slope leads to complete war hysteria. And it is no time for feeling beaten in our resolve for peace. Tonight's events need effect no basic alteration in our stand. This is a time for those of us who have not submitted to war- thinking to reaffirm our demand for peace more strongly than ever. For us the events of this night should mean only one thing: We have a new legion of recruits facing us from the camp of war. Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky. Howard A. Goldman Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director City .Editor . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . . Promotion Manager . . Credit Manager . . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Volney Morin Robert Gilmour Helen Bolnsack .Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: A. P. BLAUSTEIN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Keynes Performs A Service T rHEY USED TO SAY, and they still do, that you can't have silly, ideal- istic theorists running governments. You have $o have "hard-headed" politicians and busi- nessmen in control of things, men who know what's going 'on and who have the practical knowledge necessary for directing the affairs of a great country. In fact, even the small countries need "hard-headed" businessmen and politicians. The practical leaders who are run- ning England at the present .time, however, don't seem to be doing so well. They are being out-tricked by Herr Hitler all the time. And the only man in Great Britain who has pro- posed and done anything to help general con- ditions is, of all things, an economic theorist- John Maynard Keynes. In this day of confusion and votes of confi- Blence, Keynes, always trying to help his coun- try, has brought out a plan whereby he hopes Great Britain may avoid much economic hard- ship both during and after the war. He has brought before the English people a concrete proposal complete with all the conditions of warfare provided for. He is not the silly, fan- piful theorist here, he is the English patriot and thinking economist who is offering his country the benefit of his training, studie and intelligence at a time when such qualities seem painfully absent. In brief, Keynes would have forced deposits placed on wages and incomes of all citizens and held by the government until the war s over. This forced deposit would stop in some measure the inflation that comes in wartime when earning power-that is, money wages- is raised abnormally high without a correspond- ing increase in real goods produced. There is a lot of money in circulation since everyone is put to work on something, and, consequently, there is great competition for products. But, alas, no more real goods are produced; in fact, much of industry is pressed into munitions production. The result is that the competition for the limited supply of real goods is so keen that prices shoot up, inflation is apt to result and workers have a harder time than before,. because their money is worth very little to them. The forced deposit would remove some of this money from circulation, keep inflation down. After the war, this money, in the form of savings, can be used for the reconstruction. The money that is being saved during war- time will be used for wartime expenses, Keynes proposes ,and the savers will be paid back after the war by capital levies. Thus we have one intelligent plan submitted by an Englishman to his people, and the politicians are just one plan behind. There are faults with the Keynes proposal. He is not too definite about the cap- ital levy and how it is to be legislated. The greatest fault seems to lie in the fact that the release of the stored funds' after the war will tend to be inflationary unless production is quickly stepped up. But these are faults that can be corrected by consultation, by argument in Parliament. That is, they can be corrected if the hard-headed businessmen and Tory pol- iticians who have been busy doing nothing will recognize that the government must take over new duties and make use of new ideas. -Alvin Sarasohn 27~EDITOR gt3 o7d1- Those Ypsi Letters .,.. To whomever on The Daily staff con- siders him or herself an authority on the girls from Michigan State Normal, and Mr. Wunsch: We're sick and tired of hearing what the Michigan men think of the Ypsi girls, who are "very fine girls, so they say," or "keep away," or however that song goes. With reference to your amusing little article of May 8, we must admit that the percentage of "goon girls" at Ypsilanti is very nearly a' high as it is at Michigan, so we certainly appre- ciate your comment that most of the Ypsi girls have "fairly nice personalities." That's very generous, for a Michigan student, Mr. Wunsch. Maybe you'd like to know what we think of the "contemporary generation of Uni- versity students,"-and maybe you wouldn't. Smokey Stover has 'a word for it. What's the matter with the way we do our hair? We like it. You don't really like that shaggy, wild and woolly, amateur glamour girl effect that seems to go over among coeds here, do you? We just guess you'd better stick to the Michigan girls. You don't sound as though we'd like you much anyway. Ruth Marian Thompson Mary Ann McLean Thompson To the Editor: If we didn't know so many nice Michigan boys, we'd boycott you. So there! Do you remember what happened when the Yale boys came to Ann Arbor last fall? You didn't like the Michigan girls so well then. We have come to the conclusion that you don't know what you want, you're conceited and spoiled, and a lot of you talk too much. The Ypsi Girls * * * To the Editor: We don't want to get personal, but imagine quoting Hal Wilson on the topic of silliness. You ought to play 'golf with him sometime! The Thetas * * * To the Editor: Maybe we aren't so terribly good looking. We come from a school where intelligence and charm of manner are a lot more important than a pretty face. But so far we've had no complaints, and we have a number of reasons to believe that all the Michigan men don't agree with the ones quoted in The Daily. These reasons carry quite a bit of weight around here, too. Something like 175 pounds apiece! The Uphold Ypsilanti Committee But More Seriously.,.. To the Editor: In the old days, people sat in the aisles to listen to religious debates-now it is politics. As I listened to the Slosson-Multila debate, I wondered if they were not reproducing some of the old fundamentalist fireworks. The hot partisanship of those who came to "learn" was also reminiscent of people sure of their own position. It seemed to me that the undertones of the debate were more significant than the map and the unused pointir. The announced topic wasn't strictly followed by speakers or listeners. the Finland of Mannerheim or the Finland of a suppressed workers' party? Whose Latvia, whose Poland, whose Norway, and since the night of the debate, whose England? I'd like to hear another debate which would keep this distinction in mind. It might make for clarity to argue the proposition, "Resolved, that a workers' government can be trusted.1 And, just to make the scales balance, why not have a professor and a labor leader on each side of the argument? It's not sporting to have the professors gang up on the organizers when they venture on to the campus. If this war is a horizontal one-a war of parties and classes, rather than a vertical one of nations, let us do our debating on this basis. We may never convince each other, but our "plan of salvation" will be more realistic. - H. P. Marley, Unitarian Church Edison And U.S. Navy Defense S ECRETARY of the Navy Edison's statement that "aircraft now have a temporary ad- vantage over ships" is liable to many inter- pretations or misinterpretations, particularly so at this time, when an unprecedented test of sea power versus air power is being made in the grim laboratory of war off the Norwegian coast. Mr. Edison's press conference remarks were not explicit, but it is clear that he was discussing two related but vastly different subjects: first, the effect of air power upon naval design, and second, the effect of air power upon naval tac- tics and naval strategy. Most of the discussion seemed to center around the first subject, and here the Secretary emphasized his belief that there is need of changes in naval design-"putting anti-air- craft guns in turrets and placing control ap- paratus where it will be protected," eliminating splinter-causing structures, etc. His conclu- sions in this respect will not represent a new thought to naval designers, but he has done well to voice again criticisms that have long been made; for only recently have our own naval designers incorporated in our new ships measures such as those which Mr. Edison advo- cates. Even the newest of our ships-such as the Brooklyn class of cruisers-have had too much built-up bridge structure forward, too much tenement-house design, somewhat after the pagoda-like pattern of the Japanese, in- stead of the simple but heavily armored "cone" mast like the French Algerie, or our newest battleships now on the ways. In these respects we have lagged and Mr. Edison is right in calling attention to that lag. But at the same time it should be pointed out that the basic design of our ships appears to be rugged and to compare favorably with fcV- eign vessels. And it is still the underwater hull of a man-of-war-not its upper decks-that is its Achilles heel. The bomb is formidable, but the modern mine and torpedo, carrying per- haps twice the explosive charges of most of those used in the World War, are even more so. Since the sinking of the British battleship Royal Oak in Scapa Flow by German torpedoes the design of the underwater hull of our 45,000 ton giants-Iowa and New Jersey-has been entirely modified in order to give these ships even more cellular compartmentation than had been planned, and thus to localize underwater damage and flooding. But despite the triple or quadruple skins of the modern battleship's mUSIC By JOHN SCHWARZWALDER It seems that each concert of this year's May Festival brings to Ann Arbor the talents of at least one soloist who is pre-eminent in his field. Friday afternoon Arthur Schnabel, perhaps the greatest of contemporary interpreters of the works of Beethoven, played the Con- certo No. 4 in G major, Opus 58. Mr. Schnabel is, of course, far beyond our praise or censure and a review of his ability to interpret Beethoven must of necessity be more an appreciation than a criticism. Schnabel, then, is that rarest being among artists, he who combines tremendous technical ability with an uncanny mental and intellectual understanding of the work he is about. If this alone were not enough it should be noted that he approaches perhaps more closely, than any performing artist the defi- nition of that critic who insisted that an artist must be able, intellectually, to correlate theworld in which he lives with the music which he plays. A listener hearing Mr. Schnabel play, feels at once that here is an artist who realizes intellectually and emotionally just what the world is about, just how art and the things pertaining to the spirit are intimately related to each material breath a liv- ing organism must take. The impor- tance of this in a world where artists are too prone to withdraw themselves into a background of retreat or de- spair cannot be over-estimated. As to the music itself it should be said that the artist played it in mood and feeling as the output of a sincere and emotionally potent creator who was searching for an answer to prob- lems that remain essentially unsolv- able. The quiet strength of the com- poser was matched by that of his interpreters (for Mr. Ormandy and the orchestra deserve a large part of the credit) and by that of the musical problem they attempted to resolve. Seldom indeed has such variety of tone color, such absorbing emotional statement been wooed from the piano. The cooperation of orches- tra and soloist was one of those rare events that occur when each has con- fidence and unbounded respect for the other. The rest of the program brought forth two Ormandy transcriptions of Bach chorales, sensitively and care- fully played, and the Young. People's Chorus under Juva Higbee which sang six utterly charming folk songs and sang them very well indeed. Marion McArtor's arrangements were I exceptionally well done. For the Santa Fe Trail Symphony by Harl McDonald we could not mus- ter any great enthusiasm. Granted it is capably written atmospheric music on an inspiring theme, granted that it was capably played by the orchestra and ably directed by its composer, it still remains a rather dull reminiscent score, too heavily orchestrated and apparently con- ceived in a moment bereft of inspira- tion. It should make a beautiful background for ahmeqdramatic movie but by itself it hardly stands as an important work. It is essentially pro- gram music without a program. ** * WE HAVE the feeling that the ap- pearance of Miss Lily Pons, which highlighted the fourth fes- tival concert should be covered rather as a news event or on the women's page than in this column. Miss Pons sang well, of course, her trills being perfect and her high E flat all that can be asked of a high E flat: but what excited and pleased her audience most seemed to be her 1890 dress, complete with hoops and paniers (honest) and her manner of approach and departure which was faintly reminiscent of a way- ward colt. The best singing she did, in the Mozart aria from II Re Pas- tore was the least appreciated so probably Miss Pons is right and we are wrong, but we still feel that style shows and mannerisms are in place elsewhere than on the concert stage. We realize that the whole history of the coloratura is again.qt us and with Miss Pons but the cir- cus came to town last week. The first local appearance of Jo- seph Szigeti coincided with that of Miss Pons. We say coincided but Mr. Szigeti deserves more than that. In his playing of the Chausson Poeme he conclusively showed a tremendous technique and a sensitive and able musicianship. The warmth of his playing was especially welcome to an audience that had had up to that time little evidence of emotion. The interpretation of the Franck Symphony by Mr. Ormandy and the orchestra was novel, at least as far as we are concerned, but it revealed the artistry of the conductor all the more for that. Franck's intentions are hard to state definitely but it is safe to say that they rose out of the fundamentally religious nature of his character. The search for the ideal and the real is both tortuous and harassing, but through these paths comes the final realization of religion or philosophy or what you DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) to the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, G. E. Myers. Report of the Board in Control of Student Publications, W. A. Mc- Laughlin. Report of the. Committee on Rhodes Scholarships, A. L. Cross Report of the Committee on the Henry Russel Award, R. L. Miller. Report of the Committee on Uni- versity Lectures, L. M. Eich. Subjects Offered by Members of the Council. Reports of the Standing Commit- tees: Program and Policy, E. B. Stason. Educational Policies, O. S. Duf- fendack Student Relations, A. Marin. Public Relations, S. W. Allen. Plant and Equipment, C. S. Schoe- pfle. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary To the Members of the University Senate: There will be a meeting of the University Senate on Monday, May 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall, Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary German Departmental Library: All books due not later than May 15. Phi Beta Kappa: The keys for the initiates may be obtained at the office of the Secretary, Observatory. JGP script deadline is November 15. The deadline for synopses or first acts is July 1. All material turned in during the summer should be sent to the League in care of Miss Ethel McCormick. The writer of the script used for production will be paid $100. Mimes: The nominations for offic- ers are posted in the Student Offices of the Union. All members can ob- tain ballots and vote there, until Wednesday, May 15. Academic Notices C211-Music Education-because of music festival and rehearsals will meet Monday, 4-6, Room 700 Tower,a instead of the usual Saturday hour., David Mattern Qualifying examinations for candi- dates for the Degree Program for Honors in Liberal Arts will be given in Room 2235 Angell Hall on Mon- day, May 13, at 3 p.m. The Doctoral Examination of Lowell Angus Woodbury will be held at 4:00 p.m., Monday, May 13, in 3089 N.S. Mr. Woodbury'sdepartment oftspe- cialization is Zoology. The title of his thesis is "A Quantitative Study of Parasites of Fishes with Speciali Reference to Clinostomum margina- turn in the Perch of Walsh Lake, Michigan." Dr. G. R. La Rue, as chairman of the committee, will conduct the ex- amination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral can- didates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Ykumn Doctoral Examination of Richard Oliver Edgerton will be held at 2:00 p.m., Monday, May 13, in 309 Chem- istry Bldg. Mr. Edgerton's depart- ment of specialization is Chemistry. The title of his thesis is "The Syn- thesis of Polycyclic Compounds." Dr. W. E. Bachmann, as chairman of the committee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Concerts May Festival: The Schedule of May Festival concerts is as follows: Saturday, May 11, 2:30 p.m.: Joseph Szigeti, Violinist; Emanuel Feuer- mann, Violoncellist; The Philadel- phia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Saturday, May 11, 8:30 p.m.: "Sam- son and 'Delilah" by Saint-Saens. Enid Szantho, Contralto; Giovanni Martinelli, Tenor; Robert Weede, Baritone; Norman Cordon, Bass; the Philadelphia Orchestra; The Uni- versity Choral Union; Thor Johnson. Conductor. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Photographs of recent architectural work in Florida in the modern manner, by Architects Igor B. Polevitzky and T. Trip Russell. Ground floor corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5, through May 22, except Sunday. The public is invited. by Cleveland artists, drawings by John Carroll, Walt Disney originals. Auspices Ann Arbor Art Association and University Institute of Fine Arts. Open daily, 2-5 until May 22, Alumni Memorial Hall. Sundays included, An exhibition of the H. A. Elsberg collection of coptic and islamic tex- tiles of the University of Michigan. Rackham Building, May 7 to May 18. 2-5 daily. Lectures Notice to Medical Students: Dr. William S. Middleton, Dean and Pro- fessor of Medicine at the University of Wisconsin Medical School, will de- liver an Extracurricular Lecture to the medical students on Tuesday, May 14, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. His topic will be "The Tools with Which We Work." All classes of the Medical School are to be dismissed at 4:00 p.m., in order that the students may attend this lecture. Today's Events Biological Chemistry Seminar: The seminar in biological chemistry will be held in Room 319, West Medical Building, at 10:00 a.m. today. The subject to be discussed is "Chemical Factors in Immunity Reactions." All interested are in- vited. The Angell Observatory will be open to the public this eve- ning, May 11, 8:00-10:00. The moon and the planet Venus will be shown through the telescopes. Other objects of interest will be shown if time per- mits. Children must be accompanied by adults. Coming Events The English Journal Club will meet in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building, Wednes- day, May 15, at 8 p.m. Mr. Morris Greenhut will read a paper, "The study of the humanities-the formal vs. the historical approach." Physics Colloquium: Professor Ed- ward Teller of George Washington University will speak on "Energy Sources in Stars" on Monday, May 13, at 4:15 in Room 1041 E. Physics Bldg. Institute of the Aeronautical S- ,nces: Members intending to make the trip to Buffalo, N.Y., to visit the Curtiss-Wright and Bell Aircraft fac- tories, should list their names on the Bulletin Board of the' Aeronauti- cal Engineering Department. De- tails and expenses for the trip will be explained there. Seminar in Bacteriology will meet in Room 1564 East Medical Building Monday, May 13, at 8:00 pm. Sub- ject: "Aciduric Organisms and Den- tal Caries." All interested are in- vited. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room, Michigan Union. All faculty members inter- asted in speaking German are cordial- ly invited. There will be a brief in- Lormal talk by Professor William H. Worrell on "Die Zauberkunst als LIeb- haberei." Phi Eta Sigma., freshman honor 3ociety, will hold its spring initiation in the Michigan Union on Monday, May 13, at 5:30 p.m. The banquet will follow at 6:15 p.m. A tronomical Motion Pietires: Some of the McMath-Hulbert motion pictures of the moon, a total solar eclipse, solar prominences, and other phenomena will be shown for the benefit of students electing courses in astronomy at 4:15- Monday, May 13, in the Natural Science Auditor- ium. University Club: The annual meet- ing and election of officers will be held on Monday evening, May 13, in the club lounge. Acolytes meeting Monday at 7:30 in the Rackham Building. Mr. Copi- lowich, Mr. Weitz, and Mr. Maluf will conduct a symposium on the A Priori. The Fellowship of Reconciliation meets in Lane Hall at '7:00 p.m. Mon- day. Mr. Joseph Mazzawi will talk on the Arab-Jewish problem in Pal- estine. Hillel Installation Banquet: Reser- vations for annual Banquet Sunday, May 19, at 8:30 p.m. may be made this week by calling the Hillel Founda- tion. Churches St. Andrew's Episcopal Chich: Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser- mon by the Reverend Henry Lewis, and Presentation of Choir Awards: