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May 10, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-10

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Washington Merry-Go--Round

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; 'y mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Pau] M. Chandler
sar] Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Ifoward A. Goldman
Donald Wirtchafter.
Esther Osser
Ilelen Corman

Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
* . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
S . . .Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
Women's Editor
* .Exchange Editor

Business Staff

Business Manager
Promotion Manager
Credit Manager .
Women's Business Manager.
Women's Advertising Manager

. Irving Guttman
. Volney Morin
*Robert Gilmour
. Helen Bohnsack
. . Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
4 New Staff
Jegins Work .
T HE DAILY is a complex thing, and
we are a little afraid of it. What-
ever gets into its pages may, and sometimes is,
taken as the voice of the University and the
opinion of the campus. Consequently, however
much we may slip into sweeping statements and
glittering generalities in attempting to set forth
our aims in guiding The Daily for a year, we
wgant you to believe, above all, our sincerity in
this one statement: We hope to keep The Daily
as truly representative of the campus as we
know how.
Those are broad, general words and a big
order, and we realize it. But it boils down to
this: We don't want to say things that merely
pat the University on the back. We don't want
to say only the things that the campus desires
to hear. But neither do we want The Daily to
exist as a thing apart, a problem child that,
liked Kipling's cat, goes unconcernedly along its
own path without acknowledging any outward
allegiance whatsoever. Although you as Daily
readers will undoubtedly frequently disagree
with our editorials and be aghast at our judg-
ments, our sincerest hope is that you will not
therefore conclude that The Daily has divorced
itself from the University as a whole and has
dedicated itself to some particular interest.
T ODAY, there are as many diverse opinions
as there are topics to discuss. Since we on
The Daily are attempting to give our readers
as much information and background on these
topics as possible, we shall step on the toes of
many persons. We don't want to alienate any-
one, if we can help it. If you disagree, write
in, give us your opinions-the editorial page,
and the news columns, of The Daily will always
be open.
We are assuming direction of The Daily at a
forbidding time. Part of the world is at war,
and this fact, itself, renders newsgathering and
editorial writing difficult. We do not presume
to think that the great powers of Europe and
Asia will listen to us avidly, nor do we think
that the Hitlers and the Chamberlains will be
very much bothered over what we say. But
there is a definite task for all college news-
papers; all can help to bolster the desire for
peace for our country at least and to preserve
democracy for all men. Economically, too,
these are perilous times, and we shall have occa-
sion to present opinions on this subject that is
closer to us in America than any other prob-
lem of our time. This is an election year, and
the politicians will be out in full force, shouting,
attacking, mudslinging. And, no doubt, some
will be constructive. Any editorials The Daily
may carry on political topics will be concerned
purely with issues. The Daily will not indulge
in personalities.
O THE outgoing senior editors we offer our
thanks for the help they have given us in
the past three years, help that we feel sure will
not be wasted, help that will, in the end, help
us toward maintaining the high standard of
excellence to which they contributed. From
the students in the University we ask under-
standing and cooperation. With the aid of the
whole University, The Daily will continue to
be a Pacemaker among college journals.
- Hervie Haufler
Paul Chandler

WASHINGTON-When Ambassador Phillips
called upon Mussolini last week it was the first
time in one year and a half twith one exception)
that a U.S. envoy had seen the real dictator of
The one exception was when Sumner Welles
visited Rome and insisted that Ambassador Phil-
lips sit in on his talk with Mussolini. For eigh-
teen months prior to that, Il Duce had not seen
one foreign diplomat except the German.
The latest conference between Phillips and
Mussolini was highly significant. In the first
place, Phillips got the audience only because
the President of the United States asked for it
personally. He made representations through the
Italian Embassy in Washington that he wanted
his Ambassador to be received by Mussolir
and no underling.
What Roosevelt wanted, of course, was some
word regarding Italy's war aims.
When Ambassador Phillips finally got in the
inner sanctum, he did not approach the war
question directly. Naturally no ambassador can
ask the ruler of any country whether he intends
to make war. Instead, Phillips raised the ques-
tion of American shipping in the Mediterranean,
and remarked that it would have to be with-
drawn if the situation became more tense.
It was at this point that Mussolini replied
reassuringly, and indicated that American ship-
ping did not have to worry. But there was
nothing very definite or categoric in what he
said. He did not specifically promise that there
would be no war
Italian-U.S. Trade
However, Ambassador Phillips discussed an-
other matter which also required n optimistic
atmosphere, a trade treaty between the United
States and Italy.
This had been proposed about three years ago,
but was dropped because the Italians demanded
too much. Particularly they demanded that the
treaty be signed by the "King of Italy and Em-
peror of Ethiopia"-which would recognize
Italy's conquest of that country.
Non-recognition of territory obtained by force
is one of the rock-ribbed foreign policies of
the United States, particularly in Manchuria.
It was outlined first by William Jennings Bryan,
reaffirmed by Henry L. Stimson, and continued
by Roosevelt. So the trade treaty with Italy,
then proposed, went up the flue.
Now, however, new negotiations are in the
works, and it looks as if this time the United
States would not object to letting King Victor
Emanuel sign his John Henry on the treaty
as "Emperor of Ethiopia." The State Depart-
ment now inclines toward the view that th
would not weaken our non-recognition policy.
Conquers With Ink
Behind all this is the policy which the Wash-
ington diplomatic corps calls "Buttering Up
Benito." Another name for it of course, is
"Benito's Blackmail."
In other words, Mussolini knows he is now
the "swing man" of Europe, can gouge almost
anything he wants out of his neighbors, and
is very busy doing it. Every belligerent editorial
published by the Fascist press, every radio war
warning issued by Grandi, adds to the jitters
of the Allies and sends Mussolini's blackmail
price higher.
Some diplomats figure that he has won more
through the inexpensive medium of printer's
ink than any man in history. For Mussolini
is playing both sides against the middle. From
Hitler he has already won the promise of a
free hand in the Balkans. From the French
he has won a recent invitation to discuss the
problem of North Africa. And from the United
States he may win a trade treaty and left-hand-
ed recognition of Ethiopia.
How far the trade treaty discussions with
Italy will go remains to be seen. There is no
question that the President regards Mussolini
as the key for European peace or for tiping
the scales for violent war. So he wants to butter
him up.
Senator Nye On Benito
Quote of the week comes from Senator Gerald
Nye of North Dakota: "Mussolini is like South-
ern Republic delegates-easy to buy but nard
to keep bought."
Capital Chaff
Dan Tobin, head of the Teamsters, is having

trouble with his own union because of his
third term support for Roosevelt. The A. F. of L.
is boiling with resentment because of Thurman
Arnold's anti-trust prosecutions . . . Some of
the President's intimates devoutly wish he would
drop the proposed reorganization of the Civil
Aeronautics Authority. They figure that if the
plan goes through, he will get the blame for
every airplane crash from now on . . . Those
around the White House are wise-cracking that
whenever the President wants to convince him-
self against a third term, he sends another
chair back to Hyde Park. Roosevelt is inclining
against another four years, but these same
wise-crackers are betting that in the end he
will run.
Iceland And U.S.
There is a lot more behind the rushing of
American consuls to Greenland and Iceland
than appears on the surface.
Boiled down to cold facts, the Roosevelt Ad-
nMinistration is afraid of a Nazi air base only
1500 miles from Maine. Bombing planes al-
ready have been developed which can fly this
Therefore many more preparations are going
on than the State Department is announcing,
all in order to keep these Danish islands in
the North Atlantic from being taken over by

State Department, and reports the Icelanders
eager for close cooperation, if not the actual
protection of the United States.
VM(di iag
F1. G. H., Philadelphia--The President's only
anti-third term statement in 1937 (that he
would wish to be rid of the burdens of office
in 1941) was made privately in an interview
with Arthur Krock of The New York Times a
week before his public statement to the same
effect at the Democratic dinner . . . C. V., Chi-
cago--The Missouri delegation to the Demo-
cratic National Convention will be practically
100 pe;" cent for Roosevelt if he chooses to run
again-thanks to the missionary work of Gov-
ernor Lloyd Stark . . . J. H. S., Atlanta-The
Naval Reserve at present numbers 38,000 en-
listed men and 14,000 officers. Some of these
have had 16 to 20 years of fleet training.
'Happy' Spanking
A. B. ("Happy") Chandler is rated a power-
ful spieler back in Kentucky, but he met, his
match the other da y on the floor of the Senate.
Senator "Shay" Minton was arguing against
speedy consideration of the Logan-Walter bill
to curb administrative agencies, when Chandler
popped up and asked why the Senator from
Indiana hadn't blocked the measure last year
when it came up on the unanimous consent
calendar. Happy's implication was that Minton
had been asleep at the switch.
"If the Senator from Kentucky had been here
a little longer," replied Minton, "he would know
that the unanimous consent calendar is for the
purpose of getting through bills which no one
is against . . . Obviously it is impossible for all
Senators to be present all the time."
"I have not been in the Senate very long,"
said "Happy," "but I have been here sufficiently
long to learn that when bills in which I am in-
terested are on the calendar I should be
"Yes, and the Senator also hasn't been here
long enough to be very busy . . . Some of us
have .. . We can't be here all the time as can
the Senator 'from Kentucky,"
"The Senator from Indiana is mistaken. When
I know he is speaking I make it a point to be
present to hear what he has to say.,,
"I am always delighted," snapped back Mm-
ton, "to have someone present who needs so
badly the enlightenment."


A miracle happened last night at Hill Audi-
torium. As a critic we have tried rather suc-
cessfully to restrain our enthusiasm in the face
of artistry of the highest calibre from other
performers, but the appearance last night of
Dorothy Maynor, Negro soprano, as soloist of
the Second May Festival concert broke down
all barriers. Her singing is a miracle accom-
plished we know not how. Nor does it greatly
matter by what training or natural gifts this
voice was produced. It is enough that as it
stands it is one of the great beauties of the
age. When Miss Maynor came out after tu-
multuous applause for her second encore and
sang, unaccompanied, "Were You There When
They Crucified My Lord?" there remained har-
ly a dry eye in the house. And with reason.
We have never heard the combination of beau-
tiful, no, more than beautiful voice combined
with such touching sincerity, such complete
loss of self in the expression of a prayer from
the very heart of a people.
Miss Maynor also sang Handel's Oh Sleep,.
von Weber's Leise, Leise, from Der Freischutz,
Depuis le Jour from Louise, by Charpentier,
and Schubert's Ave Maria. In all she revealed a
voice capable of the most astonishing vocal
feats in both pitch and color. Her dynamic
range was almost as great, and her pianissimo
was the most perfect and clear that we ever
hope to hear. In addition she has a gift for
the phrase which alone would entitle her to
rank among the great singers of the age.
On any other program the Midwestern pre-
mier of Charles Vardell's new choral work,
The Inimitable Lovers, would have commanded
first attention. Sung by the Choral Union ac-
companied by the Philadelphia Orchestra under
the direction of Thor Johnson, with Rosa Ten-
toni and Robert Weede as soloists, it revealed
a lyric gift and forthright technique which
should take its composer a long way in his
attempt to provide stimulating modern music
for the mixed chorus. The music was not par-
ticularly dissonant but its use of orchestral and
choral color, its contrasting cross-rhythms, its
able. pitting of soloists against the whole, mark
it as an innovation in the field of American
choral music and its composer as one who fol-
lows in the best tradition of modern choral
writing. Mr. Vardell is no seeker after harsh-
ness for the sake of disturbing a hearer but
neither is his lyricism cloying. Given sensitive
direction by Mr. Johnson, who continues to
prove his rank among the best of young Amer-
ican conductors, and an able performance by
both participating groups, the composition well
deserved the enthusiastic welcome it gained
from its audience. If we might be permitted a
suggestion it would be that Mr. Vardell lighten
his orchestration in the first part and reinforce
several lines of his soloists. The Choral Union
was heard to better advantage than ever in our
memory, even its diction being clear most of
the time.
Also on the program was an early work of

To the Editor:
We should like to reply to Julian
Griggs' recent letter. Almost one-
third as many students as attended
the Peace Rally signed the ASU Roll
Call for Peace. On this showing alone
there is a measure of support for the
ASU peace program that the pro-
gram of no other organization has
This is significant, for it consti-
tutes campus recognition of the valid-
ity of the ASU program. In the period
before the outbreak of the European
war, the ASU was correct in basing
its program on the distinction to be,
drawn between the aggressor powers
and vicitims of aggression, and in
bending every effort to combat the
twin forces of aggression and ap-
peasement. When the policies of
aggression and appeasement ran
their course and precipitated armed
struggle between the Allies and Ger-
many, the ASU was correct in recog-
nizing that the war, which we had
sought by collective security to pre-
vent, had (because of the sabotage
of collective security) become a real-
ity, that the governments on both
sides in this war are equally guilty,
and that the main task is to resist
the pressures and steps toward our
involvement on the side of the erst-
while appeasers.
The activity conducted by the ASU
in favor of concerted action and aid
to the victims of aggression was
matched by no other organization on
campus. The activity conducted by
the ASU since September-meetings,
rallies, discussions, speakers bureau,
magazine, leaflets, communiques,
peitions, participation in the Peace
Council-is matched by no other or-
ganization on campus.
The ASU claims that it wants to
keep America out of war, and it
proves and confirms its claim: it
advances a sound peace program,
and it does something to keep us out
of war.
It is representative of the stability
of the ASU that the chapter voted
to adopt a position of non-commit-
ment with regard to the Soviet-Fin-
nish war. This stand was taken in
the teeth of a campaign to stampede
the ASU into condemning the Soviet
Union. Who will deny that con-
demnation would not in the slightest
have strengthened the fight to keep
America at peace but would, on the
contrary, have simply added our voice
to the clamor of anti-Soviet hysteria
which the American press attempted
to provoke during the Finnish con-
flict? The wisdom of the ASU stand
is measured by the increase of its
membership by over a third since the
This soundness of ASU policy arises
from full, free, and democratic dis-
cussion of all sides of all issues, and
from the seriousness with which the
ASU approaches its work. It arises
from the fact that the ASU admits
to membership every student who
agrees with any point on its program
for peace, jobs, civil liberties, and
student security.
The American Student Union in-
vites all students on campus to join
it and to help, by the formulation of
policies and the carrying-through of
activities, to organize student Ameri-
ca for peace.
Ellen Rhea, '41, President
Hugo M. Reichard, Grad,

Our Reduced Wheat Crop
The Agriculture Department's first
Spring report on the growing Winter
wheat crp pconfirms in themain the
apprehension roused by the long-
continued Summer and Autumn
drought. In its last preceding report,
giving conditions as of Dec. 1, 1939,
the department estimated the small-
est Winter-wheat acreage actually
sown in at least seven years and,
with the question of subsequent ade-
quate moisture to offset the conse-
quences of the drought uncertain,
the department tentatively estimated
a -yield of 399,000,000 bushels. This
would have been, except for 1933,
the smallest Winter crop in twenty-
three years. Apparently, there has
been enough rain in the belt since
Dec. 1 to help the crop; for the de-
oartment's estimate, based on the
April 1 conditions, is for 426,215,000.
Even this, however, would be the
smallest Winter crop but one since
1917. Actual plantings had been rel-
atively small, and the department's
present tentative estimate of "Win-
ter-killed" acreageplaces that prob-
able loss around 29 per cent of what,
was sown. This condition, along with
uncertainties in the remaining few
months of growth, accounts for the
high price of wheat since war began,
quite as much as does the possibility
of demand from belligerent Europe.
As a matter of fact, the United
States has sent abroad considerably
less wheat and flour since the mid-



(Continued from Page 2) y
signed, and sealed and we shall be
greatly helped in this work by the
early filing of applications and the
resulting longer period for prepara-
tion. Shiliey W. Smith
Student Accounts: Your attention
is called to the following rules passed
by the Regents at their meeting of
February 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts due
the University not later than the last
day of classes of each semester or
Summer Session. Student loans
which fall due during any semester
or Summer Session which are not
paid or renewed are subject to this
regulation; however, student loans
not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid
accounts due at the close of business
on the last day of classes will be re-
ported to the Cashier of the Univer-
sity, and
ta) All academic credits wil be
withheld, the grades for the semes-
ter or Summer Session just complet-
ed will not be released, and no tran-
script of credits will be issued.
"b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or Sum-
mer Session until payment has been
S. W. Smith, Vice-President
and Secretary
To the Members of the University
Senate: There will be a meeting of,
the University Senate on Monday,
May 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
To the Members of the University'
Council: There will be a meeting
of the University Council on Mon-
day, May 13, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
1009 A.H.
Approval of the Minutes.
Report of the Advisory Committee
to the University Extension Service,
C. A. Fisher.
Report of the Advisory Committee
to the Military Department, A. H.
Report of the Advisory Committee
to the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, G. E.
Report of the Board in Control of
Student Publications, W. A. Mc-
4eport of the Committee on
Rhodes Scholarships, A. L. Cross.
Report of the Committee on the
Henry Russel Award, R. L. Miller.
Report of the Committee on Uni-
versity Lectures, L. M. Eich
Subjects Offered by Members of
the Council.
Reports of the Standing Commit-
Program and Policy, E. B. Stason.
Educational Policies, O. S. Duf-
Student Relations, A. Marin.
Public Relations, S. W. Allen.
Plant and Equipment, C. S. Schoe-
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Facul-
ty of this College on Thursday, May
16, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348,
West Engineering Building. Agenda:
Nomination of panel of three to re-
place Professor A. H. White on Ex-
ecutive Committee. Present mem-
A. H. White to June, 1940.
R. H. Sherlock to June, 1941.
E. L. Eriksen to June, 1942.
R. L. Morrison to June, 1943.
Nomination of member to replace
Professor B. F. Bailey on University
Council. Present members:
B. F. Bailey, term expires 1940.
A. Marin, term expires 1941.
E. M. Bragg, term expires 1942.
R. A. Dodge, term expires 1943.
Routine Business.
A. H. Lovell, Secretatry.

First Mortgage 1Loans: The Uni-
versity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. F.H.A. terms avail-
able. Apply Investment Office, Room
100, South Wing, University Hall.
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of Loan Committee in Room
2, University Hall, on Monday, May
13, for the consideration of loans
for the Summer Session and fall. All
applications to be considered at this
meeting must be filed in Room 2 on
or before Friday, May 11, and ap-
pointments made for interviews.
Commencement Announcements
may be ordered through Friday, May
10, at a table outside of Room 4, UJH.
Hours: 9-12, 1:30-3 daily. Please
bring amount to cover purchase. An-
nouncements will be available about
June 1.
All those students who have not had
a personal interview with someone
here in the office concerning their
records, should, if interested in a
teaching position, see me at the
Bureau between 9 and 12 a.m. and

ers are posted in the %udent Offices
of the Union. All members can ob-
tain ballots and vote there, until
Wednesday, May 15.
German Departmental Library: All
books due not later than May 15.
Acadlemic Notices
English 128: The postponed exami-
nation covering all materials up
through Swinburne will be held at
the regular classroom hour on Satur-
day, May 11.
(211-Music Educat(v-because of
music festival and rehearsals will
meet Monday, 4-6, Room 700 Tower,
instead of the usual Saturday hour.
David Mattern
..May Festival: The Schedule of
May Festival concerts is as follows:
Friday, May 10, 2:30 pm.: Artur
Schnabel, Pianist; The Philadelphia
Orchestra; The Young People's Chor-
us; Haril McDonald; Juva Higbee and
Eugene Ormandy, Conductor.
Friday, May 10, 8:30 p.m.: Lily
Pons, Soprano; Joseph Szigeti, Violin-
ist; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eu-
gene Ormandy, Conductor.
Saturday, May 11, 2:30 p.m.: Joseph.
Szigeti, Violinist; Emanuel Feuer-
mann, Violoncellist; The Philadel-
phia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy,
Saturday, May 11, 8:30 p.m.: "Sam-
:on and Delilah" by Saint-Saens.
Enid Szantho, Contralto; Giovanni
Martinelli, Tenor; Robert Weede,
Baritone; Norman Cordon, Bass;
The Philadelphia Orchestra; The Uni-
versity Choral Union; Thor Johnson,
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Photographs of recent
architectural work in Florida in the
modern manner, by Architects Igor
B. Polevitzky and T. Trip Russell.
Ground floor corridor cases. Open
daily 9 to 5, through May 22, except
Sunday. The public is invited.
Exhibition, College of Arcitecture
and Design: Drawings of canddates
in the recent competition for the
George G. Booth Travelling Fellow-
ship in Architecture. Third floor ex-
hibition room. Open daily 9 to 5
except Sunday, through May 18. The
public is invited.
An exhibition of the H. A. Elsberg
collection of coptic and islamic tex-
tiles of the University of Michigan.
Rackham Building, May 7 to May 18.
2-5 daily.
Exhibition of works in water colors
by Cleveland artists, drawings by
John Carroll, Walt Disney originals.
Auspices Ann Arbor Art Association
and University Institute of Fine Arts.
Open daily, 2-5 until May 22, Alumni
Memorial Hall. Sundays included.
University Lecture: Harry Elmer
Barnes, Ph.D., Lecturer, New School
in Social Research, will lecture on
"The Present World Crisis" inder the
auspices of the Division of the Social
Sciences at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday,
May 16, in the Rackham Amphithe-
atre. The public is cordially invited.
Junior and Senior Medical Stu-
dents: Dr. M. M. Smith-Petersen will
give the annual Nu Sigma. Nu lec-
ture at 4:00 p.m. today m the
Hospital Amphitheatre. His sub-
ject will be "Arthroplasties of the
Hip." All Junior and Senior classes
will be dismissed in order that the
students may attend this lecture.

Notice to Medical Students: Dr.
William S. Middleton, Dean and Pro-
fessor of Medicine at the University
of Wisconsin Medical School, will de-
liver an Extracurricular Lecture to
the medical students on Tuesday,
May 14, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. His topic will be
"The Tools with Which We Work."
All classes of the Medical School are
to be dismissed at 4:00 p.m., in order
that the students may attend this
Today's Events
Varsity Glee Club: Meet at Burton
Memorial Tower at 7:30 tonight.
Election of officers and serenade
Thursday, May 16, 9:15 p.m. Instal-
lation banquet May 23.
Delta Sigma Rho will hold its an-
nual initiation banquet today at 6:15
p.m. in the Michigan Union.
Westminster Student Guild of the
Presbyterian Church will hold open
house tonight 8:30-12:00. There will
be a program of games and4 enter-
tainment with refireshments. All
students are invited.
Fellowship of Reconciliation: The
meditation group will meet immedi-
ately following the May Festival con-

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