THE MICHIG1TAN TDAILY TI1TURSDAY, MAY 9. 1940 y . . V A-!L. ). \.a 4'1l 1 1 .Al L16. Y 1J 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Responsibility Of Liberal Students Lies In Striving To Preserve Peace Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; 'My mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAalsoN AvE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON 0L8 ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maranisa $tan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Fineberg Editorial Staff . . Bse S. a BuiesStaff . . . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor Business Manager Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager. . Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko D ane Mowers *Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: CARL PETERSEN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the, views of the writers only. '30' For 1940 Editors W ITH this issue, members of the sen- ior staff disappear into the limbo of forgotten editors, and become just names among the thousands who have been associated with The Daily in the course of its 50 years of service to the University community.' If through our efforts, The Daily has been able to fulfill its function as the newspaper of the University community, serving students, faculty and administration faithfully, we are gratified. For this has been our primary fore- most purpose. We have tried, in addition, to keep the editorial columns abreast of the swiftly-moving world events of the past twelve months; to keep them fair and open; to champion at all times the cause of truth and right. The senior editors, feel confident that the new staff headed by Hervie Haufler, Paul Chandler and Alvin Sarasohn will carry on the work of The Daily at the high level of jour- nalistic excellence it has enjoyed for 50 years. -- Carl Petersen Stan M. Swinton Elliott Maraniss Norman A. Schorr Morton L. Linder Dennis Flanagan Jack Canavan Once More By ELLIOTT MARANISS T HE MOST PRESSING PROBLEM of our time is that of war and peace. Clearly and starkly the reality of war in Europe and of imminent American involvement impresses itself upon the hearts of all the people. The pervasive thunder- ings of the cannons in Europe roar through our own nation: they are heard in every home, fac- tory, church and school. War fever is an ugly and deadly disease. It chokes the truth, kills the intelligence and in- tegrity of men. It means a terrifying madness, the result of a constant barrage of lies and sophistries that whips up the blood until people become savages. In such an atmosphere learn- ing and culture and all the other attributes of a university go down the never-ending drain of bigotry and hate and intolerance. My purpose here is to indicate some of the factors involved in a discussion of war and peace in a university community, to analyze some of the attitudes being sponsored by intellectuals, scholars and editors, and to point to the path leading to peace and democracy that is being taken by ever- increasing numbers of people inside and outside of the university community. THE FIRST RESPONSIBILITY of an intellec- tual is to keep his eyes on reality and to pro- claim the truth when he finds it; students and scholars in this period of crisis have a profound obligation to find and tell the truth about war and , peace, about fascism, about democracy. More than any other section of the population we are obliged to resist the emotional currents of government propaganda, the professional patri- oteers, and the sensation-mongering daily press. More than any other group we should be sensi- tive to the daily threats to the basic civil liberties of the American people that the war hysteria is kicking up. Some of us surely remember the horrible example of Mr. George Creel's crew of regimented writers and teachers who deluded themselves that they were supportig a "war free from any taint of self-seeking, a war that will secure the triumph of democracy and inter- nationalize the world." Need one recall the ban- ning of the German language from the Ameri- can public schools; the violent persecution of Debs; the militarization of the campuses; the hounding of aliens and Negroes; and the expul- sion of Beard from Columbia? Many of us are certainly aware of the fact that to talk of peace in a French university today is Grounds for a treason trial; that the students in Great Britain are waging an energetic campaign against the war; that the students at the Universities of Prague and Belgrade, in overwhelming numbers, have called upon student friends in all parts of the world to help bring the war to an end. WITH WHOM are we to cast in our lot? For whose benefit are we to exert our intelli- gences, our will, our power? Are we to repeat, parrot-like, the hypocritical utterances of states- men who have never in their careers indicated the slightest regard for democracy, for small nations, for freedom? Or do we rally to the cause of the imprisoned intellectuals in Nazi and French concentration camps; of the heroic anti- fascist fighters of Spain who suffer from disease and destitution; of the French, British and Czech students who call upon us to help in their fight against the reactionary politics of Munich that led to the present war? I submit that a choice must be made, and made quickly before we all drown in blood, be- fore our own universities are turned over lock, stock and barrel to the war machines. Did you raise your voice in disgust at the racism and chauvinism of the Nazi ideology? Did you pro- test against the infamous non-intervention pol- icy cooked up in London, Paris and Washington against the Spanish Republic? Millions of us did. And in the course of that struggle against the blood and soil philosophy of Hitler we dis- covered that at each stage of the process our fight had to go hand in hand with a fight against Chamberlain. It is one thing to fight Hitler's system: it is another to preserve Chamberlain's. We truly fight fascism only when we lend our support to the forces working for peace. We do not fight fascism when we give our support, no matter .how neatly rationalized, to the forces which betrayed us in Spain andCzechoslovakia. THERE is one other aspect of the war disease that deserves close attention, especially from those who proclaim the defence of democracy. There is being developed in this country, espe- cially among certain liberals and intellectuals whose perceptions of trans-oceanic deviltries have suddenly been sharpened, a mood of com- placency and self-congratulation in regard to the status of American democracy. We are being persuaded that we have such an abundance of the good things at home that we would be selfish Wanted: Unused Sheepskins "The 1940 crop of college graduates will soon be marching out into business," begins an item from Forbes magazine. For 10 years advice on how to get a job has been cheap, but getting a job has not been such an easy task. The advice from Forbes magazine, however, takes a different slant. It's not aimed at col- lege students but is designed for employers. "For the first time since 1929," the editors assert, "many will march straight into jobs. Not only because business is better, but also because some 50 companies are now sending 'talent scouts' to leading universities, to gather executive timber before it leaves the campus. This is nothing new. But the practice is gain- ing so much favor that no company can afford to overlook it. "In most cases, students are not judged on their class records alone. Their appearance, if we did not bestow the surpluses elsewhere, even if it means throwing away a few hundred thousand American lives. In the interest of "national unity" we are being asked to close our eyes to our own shortcomings. This is an atti- tude and a mood that must be fought. The stereotype, so shrewdly cultivated by the press, radio, and in the classrooms, that we have solved our basic difficulties and must now fulfill our obligation to less fortunate parts of the world is patently false. All the bugles in the world should not make us forget the glaring uglinesses in our own backyard. All the newly-found righteous- ness of our crusading statesmen cannot hide the fact that over 11,000,000 Americans are out of work; that the NLRB is under concerted attack by those who beat the war drums most loudly; that the Dies Committee imperils our ele- mentary rights as citizens; that WPA and the other social gains of the past few years have been slashed in favor of armaments, and that the terror of lynching, the curse of the poll tax still harass millions of Negro citizens. The moral for all real democrats is obvious: the fight for democracy begins in our factories and fields, our schools and legislative chambers. THIS does not mean of course that we slip into the divine isolationism that marks some of our tired liberals. This is no occasion for pessi- mism or fatalism of the sort that expresses lack of hope or interest in anything that happens abroad. Sure, things are bad in Europe. The Hitlers, the Chamberlains, the Reynauds and Daladiers are still with us, creating more agony, more terror for the European peoples. But our brothers and sisters in Europe are still living, still fighting, still struggling for a better world. They can be trusted to fashion their own desti- nies. We can help by building our own democ- racy and by organizing for peace. Civilization, "as we have known it" may be over in Europe. That is hardly any reason for abandoning the fight for civilization such as we have always de- sired, both abroad and at home. OUR PEOPLE are confronted with the deepest crisis in American history. This is no time for "summer soldiers" and "sunshine patriots." This is the time for clear, effective action in defense of our peace and for the extension of our democracy. This is the time for every college hall in the land to resound with the command of peace. Our destiny is in our own hands. If we work hard, fast and tirelessly we can still survive. John L. Lewis, chairman of the Congress of the Industrial Organizations has struck the keynote -of our times. Speaking to the auto workers at Flint Mr. Lewis said: "If you don't want your bones to whiten on a European battle- field, then organize, raise your voices; learn to live before you learn to die." By JOHN SCHWARZWALDER There were honors enough to go around at the opening concert of this year's May Festival. Alexander Kipnis, towering Russian basso, scored one of the evening's major triumphs but Eugene Ormandy and the splendid Philedalphia Orchestra also received a well-deserved ovation for remarkable musical attainment. Mr. Kipnis, whose earlier concert here this year was one of the musical events of the sea- son, was twice interrupted by applause during his singing of the incidental solos of the Proko- fieff Lieutenant Kije Suite, was given a tre- mendous recognition by the audience for his interpretation of the Hallucination Scene from Boris Goudounoff, and was given an ovation at the close of the Galitzsky Aria from Borodin's Prince Igor. Kipnis, who substituted for the ailing Lawrence Tibbett, was in one of the toughest spots a singer can get into but if there was one per son in the audience who regretted the substitution after the concert we did not see him. Mr. Kipnis sang in a manner which can only be described as magnificent. His technical feats, his famous pianissimi, his mezzo-voce, his ability to blend his voice into the orchestral color were never more in evi- dence, but his artistry was greatest in the inter- pretations he gave the highly dramatic arias he sang. From the weak but sinister madness of Czar Paul in the Prokofieff Suite to the despairing visions of Boris Goudounoff to the hearty laughter of the cruel Galitzsky, Mr. Kip- nis showed no weaknesses, vocal or artistic, and placed one superb portrait after another. Parenthetically it should be noted that when it is impossible to secure a competent soloist the Prokofieff Suite should be very popular in- deed. Its unusual dynamic and color effects were fully realized by the orchestra and con- ductor and some of the solo passages achieved an almost unbelievable clarity and lucidity. The other event of the evening was the Ormandy interpretation of the much-played Tschaikovsky Fifth. Mr. Ormandy approached the worn in a refreshingly original manner. He seemed to be willing to let the beauty of theme with which the composition abounds speak for itself, and when he came to the banal connecting passages and structural joints he used them as dramatic implements to take the work to a conclusion that was made to seem inevitable. Too often has a reversed procedure been used with the themes wrung dry and the joints of structure unsuccessfully glossed over. Wheth r his auditors knew just why Mr. Ormandy interpretation was so highly superior we can- not say, but their enthusiasm was evidence enough that they realized and appreciated the dynamic vitality with which he invested the Drew Pedtsou Robert SAllen 4 GO$ WASHINGTON-No matter what they may think of Roosevelt's do- mestic policies or politics, some of his severest critics give him credit for being absolutely right on foreign strategy. Exactly two years ago the Pres- ident told his Cabinet in categoric terms that he was convinced war was inescapable in Europe, and that the results would be serious in the extreme for the democracies. Last summer, also, he informed congressional leaders that war was inevitable in the autumn-and got scoffed at for his warning. In view of the President's consis- tent record for accuracy on things international, his present views are very much worth recording. By nature, Roosevelt is an opti- mist. But regarding the present Al- lied position he is not optimistic. In fact, he is inclined to think that the Allies are in for a defeat, that their situation is much more serious than the American public realizes. Naturally, the President is not ex- pressing these views publicly. Also they are subject to change. But the close study he is giving to the Mon- roe Doctrine, the defense of the American continent, and especially to the possibility of enemy air bases in Iceland, Mexico, and around Pan- ama, all indicate that he is figuring on the distinct possibility of a crush- ing Allied defeat. PLACID POLITICIANS "I've got a lot of big shots in my precinct," says Police Captain Clar- ence Tally of George town, on the western edge of Washington. "I've got Justice Roberts and Justice Frankfurter, and Miss Perkins, and Mr. Hopkins, and there's Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, and Senator Wadsworth of New York. "Sometimes, when you have big shots like tlAt, they make a lot of trouble, with complaints about the neighbors and all. But not these. They don't give me any trouble at all." UNDER THE DOME New Hampshire's presidential- minded Senator H. Stiles Bridges is an ardent fancier of sea foods, chiefly broiled lobster. He often pol- ishes off a big helping twice a day- and suffers no consequences . . From the unflattering picture he sends to constituents who ask for an auto- graphed photo, you'd never know that tall, youthful, dark-haired Rep- resentative Lyndon Johnson of Tex- as is one of the handsomest men in Congress. The picture shows him in shirt sleeves, with a growth of stub- bly beard and disheveled hair. "Hell," drawls Johnson when kidded about it, "my constituents sent me to Washington, not to Hollywood". The hobby of Senator Joe Guffey of Pennsylvania is saving dimes. He has a glass bank on his desk, and before closing his office, drops in all the dimes he finds in his pocket. VICE-PRESIDENT DEWEY? Young Tom Dewey continues to turn a deaf ear to vice-presidential prepositions. Whil gin the Far West recently, a prominent Republican cautiously sounded him out regarding the vice- presidency in case he didn't get the presidential nomination. Dewey shook his head. "I don't see how I could afford it," he said. "The vice-presidency only pays $15,000 a year and I can make $50,000." Later, in Utah, Dewey told a friend that if he isn't nominated, he would consider running for the Senate against New Deal incumbent Jinx Mead. This was the first hint of such a plan. Most prominent GOP rival so far mentioned against Mead is Representative Bruce Barton, noted advertising expert. WISCONSIN ROW Meanwhile the Dewey delegation in Wisconsin is having internal trou- ble. Despite the landslide which snowed under Vandenberg, rebellion broke out at a meeting called by Dewey's manager, Ted Bacon, to pick a National Committeeman and Com- mitteewoman from Wisconsin. Bacon, himself, wanted to serve as Committeeman, with Mrs. Jennie Thomas as Committeewoman. But Fred Zimmerman, Wisconsin Secre- tary of State, protested. He, and four other delegates, protested so vigorously that Bacon hurriedly got Dewey on the long distance tele- phone, and had him talk to each of the delegates. It cost Dewey 40 min- utes of long distance tolls.' One significant question which dissident delegates hurled at Ted Bacon during this meeting was whom Wisconsin should support as second choice in case Dewey lost out. But there was no answer. Ba- cni ruled the muestion nut of nrder.' THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1940 VOL. L. No. 158 Notices To the Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Mon- day, May 13, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1009 A.H. AGENDA: Approval of the Minutes. Report of the Advisory Committee to the University Extension Service, C. A. Fisher, Report of the Advisory Committee to the Military Department, A. H. Lovell. Report of the Advisory Committee to the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, G. E. Myers. Report of the Board in Control of Student Publications, W. A. Mc- Laughlin. Report of the Committee on Rhodes Scholarships, A. L. Cross. Report of the Committee on the Henry Russel Award, R. L. Miller. Report of the Committee on Uni- versity Lectures, L. M. Eich. Subjects Offered by Members of the Council. Reports of the Standing Commit- tees: Program and Policy, E. B. Stason. Educational Policies, O. S. Duf- fendack. Student Relations, A. Marin. Public Relations, S. W. Allen., Plant and Equipment, C. S. Schoe- pfle. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary Studnt Loans: There will be a meet- ing of the Loan Committee in Room 2, University Hall, on Monday, May 13, for the consideration of loans for the Summer Session and fall. All applications to be considered at this meeting must be filed in Room 2 on or before Friday, May 11, and ap- pointments made for interviews. All those students who have not had a personal interview with someone here in the office concerning their records, should, if interested in a teaching position, see me at the Bureau between 9 and 12 a.m. and 2 and 4 p.m. Friday, May 10. T. Luther Purdom, Director, Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Commencement Announcements may be ordered through Friday, May 10, at a table outside of Room 4, UH. Hours: 9-12, 1:30-3 daily. Please bring amount to cover purchase. An- nouncements will be available about June 1. Senior Lits: place orders now for caps and gowns for Swingout and Commencement. Moe's Sport Shops are the official outfitters. Applications for summer board jobs at the Michigan Wolverine, 209 South State St., will be taken there, 5:00- 6:00 p.m., on Friday and Saturday, May 10 and 11. Academic Notices English 128: The postponed exami- nation covering all materials up through Swinburne will be held at the regular classroom hour on Satur- day, May 11. Doctoral Examination of William Scott Struve will be held at 2:00 p.m., today in 309 Chemistry Bldg. Mr. Struve's department of specailization is Chemistry. The title of his thesis is "The Synthesis of De- rivatives of Chrysene." Dr. W. E. Bachmann, as chairman of the committee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination anaI to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination of Barbara Jean Sherburne will be held at 3:00 p.m. today, in the West Council Room, Rackham Building. Miss Sherburne's department of Specialization is Psychology. The title of her thesis is "Qualitative Dif- ferences in the Solution of a Problem Involving Reasoning." Dr. N. R. F. Maier, as chairman of the committee, will conduct the ex- amination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral can- didates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present, C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination of Shao Wei Li will be held at 3:00 p.m. today, in 406 West Engineer- ing Bldg. Mr. Li's department of specialization is Engineering Mech- anics. The title of his thesis is "End- Relations for Plane and Three-Di- mensional Pipe Lines by Theory of Timit Desin. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Concerts . May Festival: The Schedule of May Festival concerts is as follows: Thursday, May 9, 8:30 p.m.: Doro- thy Maynor and Rosa Tentoni, sopra- nos; Robert Weede, Baritone; Rich- ard Hale, Narrator; The Philadel- phia Orchestra; The University Choral Union; Eugene Ormandy and Thor Johnson, Conductors. Friday, May 10, 2:30 p.m.: Artur Schnabel, Pianist; The Philadelphia Orchestra; The Young People's Chor- us; Harl McDonald; Juva Higbee and Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Friday, May 10, 8:30 p.m.: Lily Pons, Soprano; Joseph Szigeti, Violin- ist; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eu- gene Ormandy, Conductor. Saturday, May 11, 2:30 p.m.: Joseph Szigeti, Violinist; Emanuel Feuer- mann, Violoncellist; The Philadel- phia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Saturday, May 11, 8:30 p.m.: "Sam- son and Delilah" by Saint-Saens. Enid Szantho, Contralto; Giovanni Martinelli, Tenor; Robert Weede, Baritone; Norman Cordon, Bass; The Philadelphia Orchestra; The Uni- versity Choral Union; Thor Johnson, Conductor. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Photographs of recent architectural work in Florida in the modern manner, by Architects Igor B. Polevitzky and T. Trip Russell. Ground floor corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5, through May 22, except Sunday. The public is invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Drawings of candiiates in the recent competition for the George G. Booth Travelling Fellow- ship in Architecture. Third floor ex- hibition room. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sunday, through May 18. The public is invited. An exhibition of the H. A. Elsbeg collection of coptic and islamic tex- tiles of the University of Michigan. Rackham Building, May 7 to May 18. 2-5 daily. Exhihiin of works in water colors by Cleveland artists, drawings by John Carroll, Walt Disney originals. Auspices Ann Arbor Art Association and University Institute of Fine Arts. Open daily, 2-5 until May 22. Sun- days included. Lectures University Lecture: Professor E. Artin of the University of Indiana will give a lecture today at 4:15 p.m., in Room 3011 A.H., on the subject, "The Fundamental Theorem of Ga- lois Theory." Junior and Senior Medical Stu- dents: Dr. M. M. Smith-Petersen will give the annual Nu Sigma Nu lec- ture Friday, May 10, at 1:30 p.m., in the Hospital Amphitheatre. His sub- ject will be "Arthroplasties of the Hip." All Junior and Senior classes will be dismissed in order that the students may attend this lecture. Today's Events The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 p.m. today in the Observatory lecture room. Dr. W. Carl Rufus will speak on "The Foo-chow Astronomical Chart." Tea at 4:00. A.S.C.I. meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Union. Professor Housl will show movies on tunnel construction, and related problems. An announce- ment will be made concerning the Spring Inspection Trip. Flying Club Meeting tonight at 8 in the Union. Mrs. H. B. Britton, well-known woman pilot, will speak on "Instrument Fly- ing." All C.A.A. students are invited to attend. Details of the National Intercollegiate flying meet in June will be discussed. Come, and bring a date. All R.O.T.C. Students: Report in uniform with rifles to your com- panies on East University at 4:50 p.m. today for a practice parade. This will take the place of regular drill this week. Polish Engineering Society will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Michigan Union. Election of officers. Alpha Phi Omega will meet tonight at 8:00 in the Upper Room of Lane Hall. All Phi Epsilon Kappa men will meet in the Michigan Union tonight at 9:00. Coming Events Junior Mathematical Society will go to Albion on Saturday, May 11, to meet with like clubs from other col- leges throughout Michigan at Albion rCntna _The Lmom nw i laehere Pulitzer Prizes 9 . . O NCE more Morningside 'Heights ad- judges the laurels. There f1kely will be few murmurs of dissent at the distribution. John Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath" is a popular as well as a critical choice. To borrow Rufus Choate's saying about old Chief Justice Shaw of Massachusetts, "We know that it is ugly but we feel that it is great." Mr. William Sar- oyan's comedy, "The Time of Your Life," has been approved by the high court of dramatic critics. Readers of this newspaper have had an opportunity to appreciate the combination of qualities that has made the dispatches of Mr. Otto D. Tolischus from Europe and par- ticularly from Germany so lucid and so various- ly well informed. It is an interesting coijncidence that the Nazi Government of Germany has just given him its own testimonial by driving him out of that country. MR. CARL SANDBURG, another newspaper man and correspondent, in the past won wide esteem as a poet. This year another Muse attends him. His four volumes on "The War Years" of Abraham Lincoln were ineligible to figure as a biography, but they contain the diplomatic, military and political history of the United States for four years. History it is, rather than biography, and as such receives' the distinction which it eminently merits. Mr. Ray Stannard Baker's notable biography of Mr. Wilson, fruit of so long and conscientious labor, takes the biographical palm. The Water- bury Republican and American are honored for their good service in running down rogues in Connecticut. MR. HEATH of The World-Telegram is and of right ought to be the prize reporter of the year. He uncovered the crook that lay hid-