PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1940 PA-E"TWO THURSDAY, & "111-4- Hholland Keeps He Caught T Bus... $200,000,000 In America Dutch Government Makes Its Ambassador Banker Of All Funds In U.S. WASHINGTON, May 8-UP)-The United States' role as the world'sk safety deposit box was emphasized I anew today when it was estimated that the Netherlands have at least $200,000,000 of wealth in this coun- d try-and perhaps a much large/ All told, foreign governments and eitizns have stored more than $11,- 000,O00,00O in the United States for E' protection from war and other dan- gers abroad.s The Dutch Government recognized i the American role of strongbox keeper by appointing its Minister $ to Washington, Dr. A. Loudon, pay- $ r master for all the far-flung Foreign Services of the Netherlands Govern-b ment "in case of emergency." Holland feels assured that if Ger-V many invades her, Dr. Loudon will t be aided by the United States in - t using Dutch money on deposit here Shwn as he left No. 10 Downing Street yesterday morning to face :s the Dutch Government would an angryy louse of Commons, Neville Chamberlain, who declared Hitler Want it used and not as a conquering had "missed the bus" in his Norwegian campaign, smiled wanly ata army might dictate. photographers. The'House gave him a vote of confidence by a narrow p If an invasion occurs and Pres- 200 tf 281 margin. ident Roosevelt follows his action in the cases of Denmark and Norway, hiwill issue an executive order pro- 'R4lIWr' T o JB e 1ought noney from the United States or shipment of wealth to Holland ex-0 cept upon treasury license.n Agar nst Nazis In West Besides sending wealth here, many a goeigners have been secretly hoard- . ing American currency in their na- By KIRKE L. SIMPSON duced a Nazi "protective" dash into tiv.e lands. The amount of American (Associated Press Staff Writer) Norway falls flat against the now- paper money filling foreign socks The Parliamentary row in London revealed picture of hastily extem- sc flower py ofs is n known, ut over the ill-fated campaign in Nor- porized, poorly equipped and inade- is estimated by officials in the hun- dreds of millions of dollars. way has one affirmative value that quately supported Allied landing ex-_ American officials, who boast that cannot be overlooked as an indica- peditions sent to the Trondheim n the. dollar is the "soundest currency tion of Allied war policy. area. 3, the world," have welcomed openly Whatever else comes of it, that It becomes obvious that the Allied the safety-deposit box idea. When full-dress debate makes it glaringly High Command entered as unwill-f Denmark and Norway were invaded, plain that from the start of the war, ingly upon the Norwegian campaign Secretary of the Treasury Morgen- French and British strategists have scaspain-t thau explained that the President's looked to the West front, not Scan- land. The unspoken burden of Prime Qrder "freezing" Danish and Nor- dinavia nor the Balkans, as the place Minister Chamberlain's defense isf wegian funds was "necessary to pro- where a military decision ultimately that conservation of Franco-British tect the integrity of the United will be reached. phatrconre hat musFacomrtshon ;ates as a depository for interna- That did not enter into the two- power for what must come, soonc tinal funds." day tide of recriminations that set or late, on the West Front or innt Privately, aides explained that he the Chamberlain Ministry tottering, the low countries, was the dominant meant that the United States would Yet the doleful picture of Allied un- Allied consideration and still is. ,esist Nazi conquerors who might readiness to meet Germany in Nor- An upsurge of fear in Holland " try to force Danes or Norwegians to way affords a convincing denial of over a possible Nazi invasion gavec bring their money home so the Ger- the Berlin charge that London and added force to that interpretation1 mans could confiscate it. Paris had planned an invasion of of what was left unsaid in the up- Scandinavia to attack Germany's roar of debate at London. --Baltic flank. One passage in Chamberlain's H. W. CLARK It seems increasingly clear that speech to the House was especially English Boo and Shoe Maker the Allied High Command had no important as explaining the real Our shoe repair department-the thought at any time of permitting reason for the withdrawal from Nor- best in the city. Prices are right. Norway to become a major fighting way and the simultaneous strength- SoUTH FOREST AVENUE front. The German contention that ening of Allied naval forces in ther an impending Allied invasion in- Mediterranean. That augmentationf of Allied sea-power had immediatelyt "quieted" the situation in that the-t DAILY AT 2-4-7-9 P.M. atre, he said, with obvious reference1 to wavering Italy, Berlin's uncertaint --Lust Times Today- axis mate.- Whatever the truth about German intentions to strike soon in the Lowr Countries or in Southeastern Eu- rope, it was made quite plain in the1 Parliamentary debate that every Al- lied move of economic pressure or A 20th CenturyFox Picturemilitary preparation centers on the1 thought of confining the war front,1 STARTS FRIDAY not expanding it. If there is to b E war in the Balkans, it will result MA E WEST W. C. FIELDS from the initiative of Germany or " V LITTLE CHICKAwDEE" uher doubtful partners, Italy and "~YLTL HCAE"Russia. This conforms to the French the- sis that the decisive clash of the war will come on the West Front. Behind that lies the fact that to the minds of French and many neutral military leaders the French home army mustf be rated the most powerful and bestI prepared fighting machine in the DOWYour world. It has gone as yet virtually un- used. It is massed in the most pow- erful fortifications the world has yet S U known, the Maginot Line, or dis- posed with the flower of Britain's expanding army to meet a German flank attack via Holland and Bel- S gium. 'CH GAN We've already had a few of M those warm spring days. But i!. the best is yet to conic if you are equipped to enjoy ap- proaching dog day's' with OMFORT! RUGBY SHIRTS fromv R.&H. Rugby sport shirts LASS! in all styles and sizes and sell from $1. to $1.65. Buy one 0OLN ESS! of these shirts in monkscloth, sharkskin,or basketweave and you will be ausured not only EVERYTH ING of coolness but also of class and downright comfort.J ~ Sr~ri~c Win Death Writes ~3O'ITo'ebb iIler's Story \otcd \Var 4Iorres.pondent LONDON. May 3° A>-Webb Mil- ler. 4 years old, veteran American wvar corr'iespondent. for the United Press. was found dead on a railway rack in Southwest London early to- lay, the victim of an accident in the war-time blackout. Authorities said they believed he had suffered a fall from a moving trai while attempting to leave his compartment at Clapham Junction. They said he apparently did not real-; ze, in the blackout, that the trainj already had left the station. He suffered a hard blow on the might side of the head. Although the body was found at 5:.15 a.m., it was believed the accident occurred short- ly after 9 o'clock last night as Miller was returning home after covering the House of Commons debate on the Norwegian campaign. Miller, who was European News Manager for the United Press Associ- ations, had a colorful career as re-# porter on a wide variety of war fronts,' from Mexico in 1916 until the pres- ent European conflict. His experiences were recounted in his autobiographical book, "I Found No Peace," published in 1936. A native of Dowagiac, Mich., Mil- ler was an. employe on a passenger steamboat on Diamond Lake, Mich., and a rural school teacher before he took "a grandstand seat at the most momentous show in history." He went to Chicago in 1912, then in rapid succession covered the Amer- ican punitive expedition to Mexico in 1916, reported inaWashington and New York, and began his career in Europe in 1917. Besides the World War, which he saw from the British and American fronts in France, he covered the Riff uprising in Morocco in 1925, the Ethiopian invasion, the Spanish Civil War, the Russian-Finnish War of a Michigan Men Oppose Pe Womn Flyer Teaim TodayInEngtinle Debate SpeaksToday, Mrs. H. B. Britton To Talk To University Flyers Mrs. H. B. Britton, prominent wo- man flyer, will be the gutest speake~r at the University of Michigan Flying Club meeting at 8 p.m. today in the Union. She will discuss ."How To Obtain an Instrument Rating." Mrs. Britton obtained her instru- ment rating on December 15. 1939, at the Detroit City Airport under II. 0. Setter. This rating requires intensive study and labor and is held by less than ten women in the United States. Setter is now in- structor for the Link Trainer at the University in the Civil Aeronautics Authority flight training program. In 1936 and 1938, Mrs. Britton was president of the 99 clubs, the only national organization for woman flyers and has continually tried to stimulate aviation among women. She has flown over 1,000 hours. SALE + Shown, left to right, are Alec Pentland, Norman Taylor, Max Anning and John Hlammelef, who form the Michigan team. Four men from Michigan will go and John Hammelef, '42E, are alter- to Indianapolis today to contest with nates for the Michigan squad. a team from Purdue University for The debate will take place at 8 p.m. a $50 prize offered by the Society of in the Antler's Hotel under the aus- Automotive Engineers in a debate pices of the Indiana Section of the3 on the comparative advantages of the Americar Society of Automotive En-! two and four stroke diesel engines. gineers. Members of the Purdue Maxwell Anning, '41E, and Norman negative team are R. 0. Duckworth 'Taylor, '42E, make up the Michigan and R. E. Potts of the mechanical team which will take the affirmative engineering school. of the question, "Resolved, That the Judges for the debate will be Two Cycle Diesel Offers Greater Frank Jordine of Cleveland, 0., Macy Commercial Possibilities for the Auto- Orville Teetor of Hagarstown, Ind., motive Field than Does the Four and Prof. Charles E. Walters of In- Cycle Diesel." Alec Pentland, '42E, dianapolis, Ind. Prof. Fuller Comments On Defeat Of Wage-Hour Act Amendments Of fine quality clothes, by Michaels Stern and ether fine makers. Our entire stock all the newest shades and m rnodels. TO PCOATS Reduced 20% Take advantage of this fine chance to save, no charge for alterations, perfect fit guaranteed. Sport Coats $17.50 coats $14.95 $15.00 coats $11.95 Gabardine Slacks $5.95 New Jayson Shirts $2.00 'Southern Bloc' Frustrates Needed Improvements In Present Labor Law few months ago, and a host of other The recent defeat of the amend- historic events such as the Munich ments to the wages, and hours act re- conference and the German march presents both a gain and a setback to into Czecho-Slovakia. friends of labor legislation, according (From President Roosevelt in to Prof. Richard C. Fuller of the so- Washington, through his secretary, ciology department. Stephen Early, came an expression He explained that a victory was of "deep regret" at the death of gained 2n the sense that harmful Miller, "one of the outstanding measures to the act were kept out American correspondents in Europe.") but that it was a defeat because necessary improvements were not War u m mar "There is room for amendments because of several justified com- (By The Associated Press) plaints," he declared, "but inteili- LONDON - Chamberlain Govern- gent and honest efforts by friends of ment saved by 280 to 200 vote of con- the law have been frustrated because fidence in House of Commons; whenever reasonable amendments Churchill accepts "fullest responsi- have been proposed the southern bloc bility" foradefeat in Norway, says from the cheap labor states have in- Britain's difficulties arose from fail- sisted on additional amendments ure to achieve air parity with Ger- which would wreck the act." many. Blames Poll Tax Bloc BERLIN-Germans declare readi- Professor Fuller contended that in- ness to match blow for blow with telligent revision of the act had been Allies anywhere and anytime; re- delayed by the rash and roughshod port Allied columns raided and two methods of the "poll tax bloc." Be- cruisers hit in Narvik area. cause of the disenfranchising device ROME-Fascist report describes l of the poll tax, these southern con- Italy's attitude as "pre-belligerency" gressmen only represent a small pro- rather than "non-belligerency"; Pope portion of the people who would be expresses new fears of war's spread. effected by an emasculation of the AMSTERDAM-Influential com- act, he pointed out. He cited the mentators suggest elaborate defense Barden bill which extended exemp- preparations prompted by desire to tions to almost every enterprise con- test preparedness and not by any cerned with the processing of agri- immediate threat. cultural commodities. Other propos- PARIS-Reynaud calls two Cabi- als even more drastic were submitted. net meetings today (Thursday). Recommends Clarification BUDAPEST-British support re- "The large northern industries are ported offered Hungary if Hungarians not affected by the wage provisions, elect to resist any Nazi move to send because they are already paying high- troops through their territory; direct er wages," he declared. "The Norton answer withheld pending possibility bill attempted, however, to remedy a of such move, situation which the Northern employ- ers had complained about. That is time and a half pay for overtime which the present act requires for all salaried employees. Many have felt this is a burden especially in the case of a white collar worker who is making more than 200 dollars a month," he asserted.' Another improvement which Pro- fessor Fuller feels should be made is a clarification of administrative 'pro- cedure. "In its present form," he said, "it is loosely drawn, indefinite and vague in several places." It is evident that a majority in the the House are in sympathy with the act, Professor Fuller concluded, be- cause they have refused to emascu- late it. i~d Iitt DISTINCTIV b N$ V/IA& 116 EAST LIBERTY ARROW MESH hot weather shirts are shown in the new colors and styles at State Street eq t at Liberty -- .,, "of ,Gyps. +'r o +fl p ° 4? a .... ..:: ,;.chvrr,3'J.a; ur.',1'1no«r,"" s' A* News from the Shirt Front Communique # 36 - Arrow Summer shirts have been peppered from stem to stern with a million tiny holes--completely air conditioned for hot weather comfort. Camouflaged as a shirt, this Arrow cooling system comes in blue, tan, grey, vh and white, in collars of your choice. They're all Sanforized-Shrunk T - . .fabric shrinkage less than 1%. A new * shirt free if one ever shrinks out of fit.... $2 up. Hae You Heard About the New Sbirt with the Cooling Syftem Our new Arrow Mesh shirts have cross-ventilatiqu! Hundreds of tiny pores that you can't even see let out the warm air from your body . . . and let in cooling fresh air! Arrow Mesh has the handsome Arrow collar, the Mitoga better-fit. And it's Sanforized Shrunk! Drop r 11 11