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May 08, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-08

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Fair and wanner today.


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FHA Comes Up
For Renewal.

VOL L. No. 157 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, May 8, 1940


Basso Kipnis
To Open 47th
May Festival
Here Tonight
Philadelphia's Symphony
Orchestra Also To Play
Six Concerts Planned
Sellout Is Predicted
By Chairman Sink
For the forty-seventh consecutive
time, eyes of the music world will
turn to Hill Auditorium at 8:30 p.m.
tonight, where Alexander Kipnis,
Russian basso, and the Philadj lphia
Symphony Orchestra will open the
annual four-day May Festival.
A heavy advance sale which ab-
sorbed the final lot of season tickets
almost a month ago makes it inevit-
able that S.R.O. signs will be hung
out early. Iowever, Dr. Charles A.
Sink, president of the University Mus-
ical Society, said last night that a
limited number of tickets for the,
opening concert may still be obtained
at the School of Music office or at
the Auditorium box office.
Near-record attendance to the six-
concert Festival has been predicted
with the steady arrival since Monday
of cars bearing music-lovers from
all over the Middle West.
More than 30,000 people are ex-
pected to attend the six concerts,
according to the latest ticket reports.
Although only Friday night's concert,
featuring Lily Pons, soprano and
Josef Szigeti, violinist, is sold out
completely, indications are that a
large number of standing-room tick-
ets at $1.00 and $1.50 will be sold.
The opening program tonight, pre-
ceded by a special carillon concert
by Dr. Percival Price, beginning at
7:30 p.m., will be an all-Russian one.
Mr. Kipnis, who signed three weeks
ago to replace Mr. Tibbett, forced to
cancel his - appearance because of a
tonsil ailment, will sing the arias Mr.
Tibbett had planned: the Hallucina-
tion Scene .from "Boris Godounoff"
by Mous rgsk y and Prince. Galitz-
ky's aria from Act I of "Prince Igor"
by Borodin.
Highlight of the orchestral por-
tion of the program will be a rendi-
tion of Tschaikowsky's Fifth Sym-
phony in commemoration of the com-
poser's 100th birthday anniversary.
The Philadelphia Orchestra, conduct-
ed by Eugene Ormandy, will also
play Moussorgsky's "Entr-acte Kho-
vantchina" and Prokofieff's "Lieu-
tenant Kije" Suite.
During the four-day program 12
vocal and instrumental soloists, three
organizations and four conductors
(Continued from Page 2)
Western State
Rallies To Top
Michigan Nine
Texas Leaguer With Bases
Full In Eighth Breaks Up
Tight Pitching Duel, 4-2
A puny handle-hit that fell just
beyond the reach of second baseman
Bill Steppon with the bases f:l and
two out in the eighth enabled West-
ern State Teachers' College to come
from behind and sink a rejuvenated

Michigan team, 4-2, at Ferry Field
yesterday afternoon.
The defeat was a bitter pill for the
Varsity to digest. Until the fatal
eighth the Wolverines had displayed
the best brand of baseball they have
shown all year.
Stymied at the plate by the puz-
zling slants of Western State's five-
foot, six-inch "Stub" Overmire, the
Wolverines backed up Lyle Bond's
airtight pitching with a sparkling
defensive exhibition to preserve a
slender 2-1 lead for the first seven
Bond was in rare form. Up to
the eighth he had set back the hard-
hitting Broncos wi:,h three hits,
walked only one man, and, from the
last batter in the second to the first
hitter in the seventh, had retired 13
men in order. But the slender right-
hander's own fielding miscue led to
his downfall.
Catcher Denny Yarger opened the
eighth for the visitors with a sharp
single to center field. Dave Kribs
bunted and was safe when Bond
fnrhTaI fp all-On nermiram s ..-

More Than 1,000 Hear Debate
Between Slosson And Multila

Senior Ball
Will Present
Glenn Miller
Campus' Swig;Favorite
To Play Here Junie 14
At Seniors' Last Fling
Dance Ticket Sale
To BeginTuesday
Campus favorite Glenn Miller, of
"Tuxedo Junction" and "Moonlight
Serenade" fame, will bring his or-
chestra to Ann Arbor for the sixty-
seventh annual Senior Ball which
will be held Friday, June 14, in the
Intramural Sports Building.
Tickets for the dance will go on
1sale Tuesday, May 14. These may be
purchased from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
either at the League or Union. The
sale is restricted to those bearing
senior identification cards, Richard
Adams, chairman of the ball, an-
Recordings by Miller, who has de-
serted "out-and-out swing," and
features his rhythm section, are in
most music stores, and have made
him tops in local favor.
Before organizing his own band
Miller, who ;ias just climbed to
fame in the, past two months, played
with such orchestras as Ben Pollack,
Dorsey Brothers, Red Nichols, and
Ray Noble. While with these and
other big name bands, he played
alongside Benny Goodman, Tommy
Dorsey and Gene Krupa.
Miller has been voted winner of
Orchestra World's 1939 Achievement
Award and of Downbeat's 1939 Pop-
ularity Poll. He now broadcasts sev-
eral times weekly over the NBC net-
work and has had engagements at
Glen Island Casino, Meadowbrook
Club, N. J., the Pennsylvania Hotel,
and at numerous theatres and col-
lege dances. Featured with the band
are singers Marion Hutton and Ray
Other central committeemen for
the dance are Richard W. Abbott,
in charge of favors and programs;
James H. Bernard, building chair-
man; Helen Brady and John L.
(Continued on Page 5)
Engine Council
Poll Deadlocked

Nazis Reported Initiating
Moves On Balkan, Dutch;
Chamberlain Is Attacked

Sir Roger Keyes Charges
'Shocking Ineptitude';
Cabinet Admits Failures
Churchill To Direct
Operations Of War
LONDON, May 7-(P)-Opposition
to the Chamberlain Cabinet united
tonight behind the challenging lead-
ership of a national naval hero who
shook the British Conservative cita-
del to its foundations by blaming the
GoVernment's "shocking ineptitude"
for the admitted failure of the Nor-
wegian venture.
Only the stocky Churchill figure
and the popular magic of the
Churchill name remained between
the Chamberlain cabinet and disas-
The First fiord, on whose shoulders
the Prime Minister unequivocally
placed the burden of henceforth per-
sonally directing grand strategy on
land, sea and in the air, is to reply
tomorrow to the government critics.
Chamberlain's hour-long, state-
ment, frankly admitting failure in,
central Norway and warning of a
possible German attack on Britain
herself; and" War Secretary Oliver
Stanley's rambling explanation of an
expedition whose history the average
Briton already knows too well, were
overshadowed by opposition attacks
from many directions.



Following the debate in the Natural Science Auditorium, Professor
Slosson (left) and Multila continue the discussion on their own.


More than one thousand eager .and enthusiastic students, faculty and
townspeople filled the seats, aisles, windowsills and every other availablej
inch of space to hear the debate last night between Prof. Preston W.
Slosson of the history department and a representative, of the local YCL.
The YCL's representative, E. R. Multila, district organizer of the
Finnish Workers Federation, upheld - - _

the affirmative of the proposition, i
"Resolved: That the sovereignty of
the small countries of Europe is
better secured by closer cooperation
with the Soviet Union," while Pro-
fessor Slosson argued the negative.
While it was true, Prof. Slosson
stated, there was no love lost between
the Allies and Russia, there is no
reason to believe that England en-
tered the Baltic seeking a base for
an attack upon Russia. The Allies
could' have had a technical reason
to declare war upon Russia when
Russia entered Poland; and again
when Russia invaded Finland; in-
stead the Allies are now entering
trade agreements with Russia..
The motives of Britain and France
for entering Scandinavia were not
"altruistic," Professor Slosson agreed,
but they did want a wedge in the
Baltic to get at Germany, their true
enemy. Germany, he stated, is at
the center of international complica-
tions, whilerRussia "is merely on
the perimeter."
In his constructive speech, Mr.
Multila stated that the rights of
small nations, or any nation, would
be respected by Russia so long as
that country did notbecome a pawn
in the hands of some large nation,
or group of nations, whose purpose
it was to lead an attack upon the
Soviet Union. Russia will recognize
the sovereignty, boundaries and in-
dependence of all countries about
her, he continued, so long as those
countries in turn gave Russia equal
From the fear of a possible future
attack, one which had not actually
taken place, Professor Slosson con-
tended that Russia had led a real
attack upon Finland. Instead of pre-
senting the argument, as Communist

leaders had done, that Leningrad,
the second largest city in, the USSR,
was only fifty miles from Finnish
guns, and hence reason enough to
protect that city, he continued, why
not turn the argument around to say
that Viipuri, Finland's third largest
city was an equal distance away from
4Continued on Page 6)
Netters Defeat
Ypsilanti, 9-0
Shut Out Victory Is Fourth
In Row For Wolverines
Michigan's tennis team won its
fourth straight victory within a week
as they shut out the Michigan Nor-
mal netters, 9-0, on the Ferry Field
Courts yesterday.
Capt. Sam Durst had little trouble
with Victor Mastromarco in the feat-
ure match, winning 6-0, 6-4. This
was Durst's last tune-up before his
match with Seymour Greenberg, Na-
tional Public Parks champion from
Northwestern, Thursday. The slen-
der Wolverine ace went into the net
at every opportunity, his accurately
angled volleys and overheads work-
ing smoothly.
Coach Leroy Weir gave Bob Jef-
fers and Wayne Stille a much needed
rest, inserting Bill Sessions and May-
nard Cohen into the lineup for the
second day, so they could gain valu-
able experience.
Tom Gamon, who hasn't been win-
ning of late, stayed at the baselind
yesterday and simply outsteadied an
(Continued on Page 3)


Local Physicists View Claims For U235:
Long Research Must Precede
Utilizing Element's Atomic Force

With Two Ties
Freshmen, Sophomores
Stalemated After Fight
Produces Heavy Voting
Selection of respresentatives for
the Freshman and Sophomore classes
on the Engineering Council reached
a temporary stalemate last night
when two sophomores and three
freshmen tied for positions in their
respective classes in the - heaviest
Council vote on record, Alexander
Wilkie, '42E, in charge of elections,
announced last night.
In the Junior Class, George P. Hogg
of Pittsburgh and Donald Hartwell
of Detroit received 63 and 51 votes
each of a total of 224 votes cast for
six candidates in that class.
Robert G. Brown, of Valley Stream,
N.Y., and Richard C. Higgins of Eg-
gertsville, N.Y., tied with 37 votes
each of a total of 310 votes cast for
13 candidates in the Sophomore
Class. The winner of the tie, which
will be decided today, will receive a
two-year, the loser a one-year ten-
Deadlocked in a three-way tie in
the Freshman Class were Richard
Gilliom of Indianapolis, Ind., Law-
rence Anderson of Rochester, N.Y.,
and William Hutcherson of Detroit
with 33 votes each out of a total
of 256 votes cast in that class. Three-
year and one-year terms will be
given the winner and runner-up re-
The winners of the ties, unprece-
dented in Council history, will be de-
cided in conference with the candi-
dates today, Wilkie announced late
last night.
A total of 790 votes were cast in
the election yesterday conducted by
the Union. A total of 30 candidates,
six in the Junior, 13 in the Sopho-
more and 11 in the Freshman Classes
of the Engineering College were in-
cluded on the ballot.
Dr. McKenzie's Funeral
To Be Held Here Today
Public funeral services will be held

Judgment Day
Awaits Juniors
On Publication'
For three long years several legions
of youthful journalists have grouped
themselves in weekly meetings around
that sturdy, polished table in the
meeting room of the Student Publica-
tions Building.
Today another group, bearing port-
folios and sheaves of typewritten peti-
tions, will sit around this same table
and will decide which of the youth-
journalists will head The Daily, the
Gargoyle and the 'Ensian.
Today a legion of juniors will feel
that their destiny is being decided by
the "seven old men" of the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Several weeks of hectic prepara-
tion have preceded this day. Juniors
of The Daily spent long hours with
scissors and glue-pots arranging
scrapbooks of the stories they have
written. Every aspirant had to sub-
mit to a third-degree by the Board.
Each staff held an informal "beer-
bust" as a tribute to Auld Lang Syne.
A couple of weeks ago members of
each publication filled out ballots,
marking their choices for the top
positions of their staff. Last week
the outgoing seniors told the Board
of their recommendations.
And now today, like the threads of
a well-executed play, all the inter-
views and petitions and ballots lead'
to the denouement.

Congress Gives
Rockwell Announces Plan
To Select Eight Delegates
From Student Residences'
Dormitories, lodging houses and co-
operatives will be given representa-
tion on the Executive Council of Con-
gress, independent men's organiza-
tion, under the provisions of a reor-
ganization plan announced yesterday
by William H. Rockwell, '41, newly
elected president of Congress.
Composing the proposed council
will be 17 members, of which four
will be chosen from the Lodging1
House Council, one from the Inter-
cooperative Council and three from
the Dormitory Council. The remain-1
ing nine Executive Council members
will consist of two senior officers,
the president and secretary treasurer,
and seven committee heads.
The seven committees are: organi-
zation, scholarship, student welfare,
social, activities, publicity and a Daily
Representatives from the Dormi-
tory and Rooming House Councils
shall be members of those councils
chosen under the direction of the
University. The Inter-Cooperative
Council will select its own representa-
The provision provides that "When
the Executive Council members .
shall take their seats on the Coun-
cil, they shall be assigned duties as
the Executive; Council sees fit. More
committees may be established as it
seems desirable, but they will remain
secondary committees."
Assisting the Executive Council
will be, as at present, a Judiciary
Council consisting of four faculty
advisers, one representative from each
of three minor councils and the out-
going president and secretary-treas-

Telephone Communication
Cut Off As Army Makes
Intensive Preparations
Berlin Says Allies
Want Balkan War
NEW YORK, May 7.-()-.Two
German columns are advancing to-
ward the Netherlands from Bremen
and Dusselford, a highly reliable
source said here tonight, adding that
they were the cause of intense mili-
tary preparations and disruption of
the low country's international com-
This source, kept informed from
Europe despite rigid restrictions
against communications in the area
involved, was the same which reli-
ably' advised the Associated Press a
short time previously that the Neth-
erlands Minister in Washington had
been ordered to take control of Hol-
land's interests outside the mother
country in event of ;a clash with
In Amsterdam it was reported that
the Netherlands cut off all outgoing
telephone calls to all points abroad
from 10 p.m. last night until 8 a.m.
(2 a.m. EST) today.
It was officially explained that the
telephone lines were reserved during
those hours for the use of the Gov-
ernment which yesterday cancelled
all army, navy, air force and anti-
aircraft leaves as a defense precau-
Berlin Asks Transit
Through Hungary
BUDAPEST, May 8 (Wednesday).
-(RP)-The official Hungarian News
Agency published a report today that
Germany has asked the Hungarian
Government for the right to send
troops through the country.
Simultaneously, the newspaper,
Utro, in Sofia, Bulgaria, which has
been called the mouthpiece of Nazi
Germany in Bulgaria, printed a Ber-
lin dispatch declaring Germany and
Italy were prepared to send huge
forces into southeastern Europe at
the first sign of British-French ac-
tion in that area.
The dispatch which was quoted by
the Hungarian agency said that ac-
cording to certain reports in Buda-
pest the Germans had asked passage
through Hungary for their troops
but that so far the report could not
be verified.
Balkan Alliance Proposed
A strong British drive to line up
a Balkan "defensive alliance" against
eithertGerman or Italian attack was
reportedhby Balkan diplomats to-
night, whiletthe Nazi press charged
the Allies with plans to throw south-
east Europe into war.
German Prize Crew
Sunk By British
STOCKHOLM, May 8 (Wednes-
day).-(AP)-The Swedish steamer
Monark, 3,000 tons, with a German
prize crew aboard, was torpedoed by
a British submarine yesterday. The
Monark was on its way from Stavan-
ger, Norway, to a German harbor
with a load of wood pulp.
Five members of the prize crew
were taken aboard the submarine
and two others were saved in life-
boats with Swedish crewmen.
The Monark was at Bergen, Nor-
(Continud on Page 7)


The recently proposed, extraction
of unprecedented quantities of ener-
gy from a pound of an element
known as Uranium 235, though the-
oretically feasible, involves a myri-
ad of technical problems in isolating
and manipulating this "atomic power-
house" which yet require years of in-
tensive research; members of the
physics department here predicted
An announcement in the American
Physical Review by Prof. John R.
Dunning of Columbia University de-
scribing the potentialities of the ele-
ment which had only recently been
isolated by scientists at the Univer-
sity of Minnesota has ignited a bomb-
shell of speculation .among scientists
and news writers.
Painting vivid pictures of sub-
marines and battleships propelled in-
definitely on a few pounds of Uran-
ium 235, speculators prophesied an
impending revolution in all phases
of life, with particular emphasis on
warfare: a pronhesv which, accord-

ating the two can, however, be ac-
complished only by means of a mass
spectrograph, and the low efficiency
of this method is well testified, phy-
sicists here point out, by the fact
that less than a millionth of a gram
has yet been prepared by scientists.
Once the method of preparation has
been refined, there yet remains the
problem of releasing and properly
utilizing the tremendous power with-
in the atom.
Here again, the problem appears
simple in principle. A Uranium 235
atom, when bombarded by a single
low-speed neutron will disintegrate,
releasing an enormous quantity of
energy and ejecting several high-
speed neutrons. A small quantity of
water, when added to the Uranium
235, will both slow down these neu-
trons so that they in turn will ex-
plode other atoms, and will also pro-
vide a source of power through the
steam evolved.
Simple as this scheme appears
when outlined, it can furnish a con-
trollable source of power only if a
varv rdlicat halane of eontrihbting

Federal judge Speaks Here:
Picard Observes Improvement
In Michigan'sLiquor Problem

Frank A. Picard, head of Mich-l
igan's first Liquor Control Commis-
sion and now federal judge in the
eastern district of the State, asserted
here yesterday that the state's liquor
problems are "100 per cent better
than they were during the prohibi-
tion era."
"I only take the trouble to men-
tion this," Picard said, "because re-
cently one of the chief executives
in our state said that 'Michigan is
only trying to make the best of a
bad situation.' This man's com-
ments are untrue."
Legalizing the sale of intoxicants
has changed Ann Arbor from a city
where any youth of 16 years of age
can buy whiskey to a city where it
is almost impossible for anyone to
obtain liquor unless he has the
proper qualifications, he declared.
Annointed by Gov. William Com-

were conceived during prohibition,
he said. "Today women drink free-
ly," he pointed out, "but this prac-
tice first began during our 'great
experiment' when they accompanied
their male friends into blind pigs
and speakeasies. Previously the
number of women who drank was
Picard, in his main address, told
the Michigan alumni that the
younger generation of 1940 faces a
brighter future than its parents be-
cause a "depression came along in
1929 and made us socially conscious."
As a result of this depression, he
said, we have enacted laws that will-
provide compensation for industrial-
ly injured, pensions for the aged, and
living funds for the unemployed.
"The youth of today is better off
because something happened that
made us act and prepare for his

Michigan Men
Say 'o Yeah?"'
To Ypsi Legend
Ypsilanti girls may be "very fine
girls" as the popular campus song
runs, but the contemporary genera-
tion of University students doesn't
think as much of them as did their
An interviewer who questioned stu-
dents on what they thought of the
fairer sex as represented by the en-
rollment at Michigan Normal College
found that not many of those ques-
tioned followed the time hallowed
custom of going to Ypsi for dates.
Those who did know them, didn't


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