THE MiCHIGAN DAILY SAT" .... . . . MAT KiT 4, 1940 RefurgeerMovies T Be Shownti[n OFFINA Tomorrow At Hillel Foundationl ,1 SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1940 VOL. L No. 154 Ntwies Prsident and Mrs. Ruihven will be, at home to members of the facultyI and ote iCoownspeople (n Sunda. May 5, from 4 to 6 o'clO(k. likely ito be able to use it. in somze instances the apparatus may be sent to the University Chemistry store on consignment and if it is not sold within a reasonable time, it will be returned to the department from which it was received. The object of this arrangement is to promote economy by reducing the amount of unused apparatus. It is hoped that departments having such apparatus will realize the advantage to them- selves and to the University in avail- ing thems of this opportunity. Shirley I. Smith. A group of refugees brought to Palestine from Europe by the United Jewish Appeal are pictured above returning from their work. The funds to bring them from the war areas is provided by the United Jewish Appeal, which is conducting its annual drive in Ann Arbor, May 1 to 10. Movies picturing the work done ment of the Jewish community of for refugees in Palestine by the 500,000 in Palestine; United Palestine Appeal will be Strengthen Palestine's economic shown at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at position to meet problems created the. Hillel Foundation as part of the by the conflict and extend immigra - current United Jewish Appeal drive tion opportunities for new victims in Ann Arbor. of homelessness and distress in Cen- The United Palestine Appeal is tral and Eastern Europe. one of the three agencies receiving A swing concert will also be pre- funds from the U. J. A. to aid in sented in conjunction with the drive bringing refugees from Europe to Tuesday at the Hillel Foundation. the Holy Land and maintaining The program, which will trace the them there. The drive here began development of the more modern Wednesday and will continue until type of music, will be conducted by May 10. Philip Diamond of the German Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director of department. The proceeds will be the Hillel Foundation and chairman turned over to the A.A.J.C. of the Ann Arbor Jewish Committee, local relief agency, outlined the du- Friers Describes ties of the U.P.A. as follows: Provide for increased immigration Hitchhiking Tour of refugees from Germany and other a European countries who are contin- uing to enter Palestine despite the (Continued from Page 1) present war; Help maintain progress of settle- coudl not assume a spokesmanship. ment activity and economic develop- At the feature conference Milo Ry-i Apparatus Exchange: The Regents at their meeting in March, 1927, au-f thorized an arrangement for the sale of scientific apparatus by one de-i partment to another, the proceeds ! of the sale to be credited to the1 budget account of the depariment, from which te apparatus is trans-! ferred.1 LDepartrments bhavlng apparatus which is not in active use are advised to send description thereof to the University Chemistry Store, of which Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The Chemistry store headquarters are in Room 223 Chemistry Building. An effort will be made to sell the appara- tus to other departments which are Lutherai C Wlub To Liohi IPinner OIf cer-, XWill Be Inlst ll At. Banquet: 'f.ouiorrow Tie annual foundation banquet of the Zion Lutheran Church will take place at 6 p.m. tomorrow in the par- ish hall, when the new officers of the student association will be in- stalled. Stuart Anderson, '42E, the incom- ing president, will make brief re- marks about plans for next year, while George Hanson, Grad., the re- tiring president, will discuss the ac- complishments of the past year. The Fellowship Supper, which will be sponsored jointly by the Lutheran Student Association and the Univer- sity of Michigan Lutheran Student Foundation, will have as its toast- master Melvin D. Anderson of Grand Rapids, vice-presir' nt of the Founda- tion. Dr. Carroll Roc. ey, Pastor of the Hope Lutheran Church of Detroit, will be the principal speaker of the evening, although students will also participate in the discussion. Srom i Cib Meets Today Scandinavian Club members will be guests of the Suomi Club, organ- ization for students of Finnish ex- traction, at a meeting at 8 p.m. to- day at the International Center. To the Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The seventh regular meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic session of 1939-1940 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Monday, May 6, at 4:10 p.m. The reports of the several com- mittees, instead of being read orally at the meeting, have been prepared in advance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should, be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the May meeting. Edward H. Kraus AGENDA: 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of April 1, 1940 (pp. 626-629), which were distributed by campus mail. 2. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with the call to the meeting: a. Executive Committee, Professor P. S. Welch. b. University Council, Professor O. S. Duffendack. c. Ex- ecutive Board of the Graduate School, Professor E. F. Barker. d. Senate Advisory Committee on Uni- versity Affairs, Professor C. F. Re- mer. e. Deans' Conference, Dean E. H. Kraus. 3. Teacher education, Professor J. W.Bradshaw. 4. Evaluation of faculty services. 5. New business. Attention Seniors: Senior Com- mencement Booklets and Announce- ments are now on sale in all colleges and schools of the University. Seniors are urged to cooperate with their class committees by placing their or- ders without delay. Information as to time and place of sale should be on the bulletin boards in the vari- ous departments. School of Education Convocation: The fifth annual Convocation of un- dergraduate and graduate students who are candidates for the Teach- er's Certificate during the academic year will be held in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre on Tuesday, May 7, at ' 4:15 o'clock. This Convoca- tion is sponsored by the School o: Education; members of other facul- ties, students, and the general pub- lic are cordially invited. Students who are candidates for the Teach- er's Certificate are urged, but no required, to wear academic costume President Ruthven will preside a the Convocation and. Dean Harold Benjamin of the University of Mary land will give the address. cation at. 1208 Angell Hall this week. L. S. Woodburne May Festival Tickets: A limited number of tickets for individual May Festival concerts are available at the office of the School of Music, May- nard Street. as follows: Wednesday evening: $1.50 and $1.00. Thursday evening: $1.50 and $1.00. Friday afternoon: $2.00. $1.50 and $1.00. Friday evening is sold out. Saturday afternoon: $1.50 and $1.00. Saturday evening: $1.00. A limited number of standing room tickets for all concerts will be on sale at $1.50 and $1.00 each. Through Tuesday afternoon in- quiries for tickets, etc., may be made at the School of Music office on Maynard Street. Beginning Wed- nesday morning, May 8, all inquiries should be made at the box office in Hill Auditorium. Doctoral Examination of David Wil- lis Holmes will be held at 2:00 p.m., Monday, May 6, in 309 Chemistry Bldg. Mr. Holmes' department of specialization is Chemistry. The title of his thesis is "The Synthesis of Compounds Related to the Female Sex Hormones." Dr. W. E. Bachmann, as chairman of the committee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candi- dates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Voakum Doctoral Examination of Helen Vandervort Smith will be held at 9:00 a.m., Monday, May 6, in 1129 NS. Mrs. Smith's department 1o specialization is Botany. The title of her thesis is "A Miocene Flora from Thorn Creek, Idaho." Professor H. H. Bartlett, as chair- man of the committee, will conduci the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctora candidates to attend the examinatior and to grant permission to other, who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum The University Bureau of Appoint s ments and Occupational Informa tion has received information con cerning the various types of examin ~ ations given by the Federal Civi y Service Commission, together with r list of specific examinations, sal f aries, etc., given during the past si: ~ years. This information is sent chief ly for the benefit of undergraduate s who may be interested in preparing themselves for the government serv. t ice. Anyone interested may read th . material in the office of the Univer t sity Bureau of Appointments an( d Occupational Information, 201 Ma - son Hall. Office hours: 9-12 an 2-4. bring amount to cover purchase. An- nouncements will be available about June 1. Summer Employment: The Bureau of Appointments has received a call for young men holding U.S. Commer- cial Radiotelegraph Operator License, either First or Second Class, and in- terested in summer work from about June 5 to September 10. Ability to operate typewriter and facility with English are also essential. For fur- ther details call at the Bureau of Appointments, office hours 9-12, 2-4. Academic Notiees Playwriting (English 150 and 298) will not meet Tuesday, May 7. Exhibitions An Exhibit of the Art of Eastern Asia, under the auspices of the Insti- tute of Fine Arts on the occasion of the opening of new quarters for Far Eastern Art in Alumni Memorial Hall, through Friday, May 3 (2 to 5 p.m. only). Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Photographs of recent architectural work in Florida in the modern manner, by Architects Igor B. Polevitzky and T. Trip Russell. Ground floor corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5, through May 22, except Sunday. The public is invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Drawings of candidates in the recent competition for the George G. Booth Travelling Fellow- ship in Architecture. Third floor ex- hibition room. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sunday, through May 18. The public is invited. Lectures Carnegie Lectures: Dr. Carlos Del- (Continued on Page 4) SR A Sets Deadline On Last Publication Deadline for the final issue of Re- ligious Forum, publication of the Student Religious Association, is May 11, John A. Huston, '41, editor, an- nounced yesterday. The Religious Forum is devoted to ethical, philosophical 'and religious discussion.- Contributions from the student body in any literary medium and representing any point of view are welcome. an, of Wayne University outlined 14 types of special features which may be utilized to inject interest into a newspaper. Magazine problems were discussed by Prof. Donal H. Haines of the jour- nalism school. Professor Haines stressed the advantage which maga- zines have over newspapers in their ability to interpret news with more leisure and a broader perspective. Other speakers were Ruth Browne, adviser of the High School of Com- merce in Detroit; Arthur W. Stace, editor of the Ann Arbor News; L. T. Lounsbury, of Chicago; A. J. Wiltse, of the Ann Arbor Press; and Andrew M. Ray, of Chicago. ENTIRE MEAL all at one time in an HANDY SERVICE DIIECTOIIIYl PARSLEY POTATOES Students wishing to apply for admission to the Degree Pro- gram for Honors in Liberal Arts in September, 1940, must make appli- Commencement Announcements may be ordered through Friday, May 10, at a table outside of Room 4, UH. Hours: 9-12, 1:30-3 daily. Please ROLLED RIB ROAST GRAVY 1r Handy Service Advertising Rates Cash Rates 12c per reading line for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Charge Rates 15c per reading line for one or two insertions. 13c per reading line for three or more insertions. Five average words to a reading line. Minimum of three lines per insertion. CONTRACT RATES ON REQUEST Our Want-Advisor will be de- lighted to assist you in composing your ad. Dial 23-24-1 or stop at the Michigan Daily Business Office, 420 Maynard Street. LAUNDERING-9 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 16 II I FOR RENT RENT-Stinson 105 airplane by the hour. Cross-country only. 2-S rating required. Phone 9383, Rai- ney Hotel. 387 ONE DOUBLE and one single room for Summer Session. No other roomers. Reasonable rates and ex- cellent care. Phone 8726 any eve- ning. 395 SUMMER STUDENTS: Rooms from $1.75 up. Shower baths, inner spring mattresses. Meals if de- sired. Phone 2-1196. 1022 Forest Ave. 405 TO RENT : Study and bedroom in private home. Available summer or fall semester. Location and rooms ideal for teacher in Univer- sity. Phone 8726 any evening. 380 WANTED -TO RENT--6 WANTED TO RENT: Bachelor apartment for graduate working girl, year around basis. One room, kitchenette, private bath. Unfur- nished excepting refrigerator and stove. Painted and cleaned reg- ularly. Apartment building pre- ferred. Write Box 4, Mich. Daily. STRAYED, LOST, FOUND-I LOST: Phi Kappa Phi pin probably near Michigan Theatre. Call 21454 and ask for Rosa. Reward. *390 LOST: Trench coat, Tuesday. Cor- ner Washtenaw and S. University. Labeled "Mattamac." Reward. Call 21311. 396 WANTED-TO BUY-4 BEN THE TAILOR-More money for your clothes. Open evenings. 122 E. Washington. 329 HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for your discarded wearing apparel. Claude Brown, 512 S. Main Street. 146 Ut BUTTERED CARROTS NEW Y STRING BEANS H ERE is a way to save hours of time in the kitchen: Sim- ply put a whole meal into your electric cooker, and go out for the afternoon while dinner is cooking! A complete stove in itself The electric cooker will per- form nearly every 'cooking operation possible on a large stove. It will roast all cuts of meat; bake cakes, pies, cookies, biscuits and muffins; steam vegetables, puddings, etc. and stew all casserole dishes to perfection. Best of all, you can use the cooker anywhere. Simply plug it into the nearest convenience outlet, and it is ready to pro- duce delicious meals-water- less electric cooking at its easiest and best. 2~v I Dank by ail Twenty-Four-Hour Serice Safe, Easy, Efficient You will find this one of the many services that makes banking here so pleasant and easy. If you are going on a vacation or find frequent trips to the bank inconven- ient come in today and let us explain how easy it is to use this service. Our plan also provides an efficient way to save. ANY OLD CLOTHING-PAY $5.00 TO $500. SUITS, OVERCOATS, FURS, MINKS, PERSIAN LAMBS, DIAMONDS, TYPEWRITERS, &{ l; I { I U II I I