ICITL~GAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY .1 - - -- r-- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVEiUS(NG eY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAOiSoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CflcAGO 7BOSTON- * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Carl Petersen . . . . Managing Editor Elliott Maraniss . . . . Editorial Director Stan M. Swinton . . . . . . City Editor Morton L. Linder . . . . Associate Editor Norman A. Schorr . . . . . Associate Editor Dennis Flanagan . . . . . Associate Editor John N. Canavan . . . . Associate Editor Ann vicary . . . . . Women's Editor Mel Fineberg . . . . Sports Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager Paui R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM ELMER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily arc written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The Man Without A Bank Account .. . M ONEY RULES THE WORLD, but national Socialism does not ac- knowledge the rule of money, declared Reich Labor Leader Robert Ley as Fritz Thyssen, Ger- man millionaire and former financer of Hitler, was deprived of his citizenship and properties recently. Dr. Ley also quoted Hitler as saying, "I'm perhaps the only head of a State who not even have a bank account." Inaugurating an internal "revolt against capitalism," in addition to its present war against "hypocritical plutocracies," the Nazis enact another ironic scene in the modern po- litical farce. The paradox lies in the fees Herr Hitler and his boys charge the proletariat for liquidating capitalism. The man without a bank account published a book that sold about 12,000 copies before he became the Fuhrer. Then at once, by govern- ment decree, each public library was required to have 12 copies, and the dozens of youth or- ganizations used the book as a manual. All towns and villages were ordered to present a copy of the Nazi Bible to every couple married in their city limits, and it became a compulsory textbook in all the schools. The United States Securities Exchange Commission estimated roy- alities at one million dollars. Herr Hitler likewise publishes the Nazi party paper Volkische Beobachter which all wise gov- ernment employes buy for the overt purpose of reading. Another million. profit is believed to cone. from this enterprise, and a branch office has been established in Vienna. Lacking a bank account, the Fuhrer must have an obese sock concealed somewhere in Berchtesgaden. AIR MINISTER GORING, born to an aristo- cratic Bavarian family, was forced by pov- erty to peddle airplane rides after the war. Now, taking advantage of the opportunities offered in awarding one half billio dollars worth of airplane contracts yearly,, he has four homes and .a castle on the Isle of Capri stuffed with art pieces from museums under his supervision. His native province gave him 40,000 acres of select forest land, and by various methods he constructed the largest coal, iron and steel trust in German history. With this he recently merged the $80,000,000 industries of Thyssen. Propaganda Minister Goebbels once wrote plays that burlesque managers refused to buy, but now he is the guiding hand of publishing houses, stage and screen. He owns Der Angriff which became the official news organ of the one all-inclusive German labor union. He levies and collects all taxes on radio, business, and advertising. Taxes are paid to the Ministry' not to the2 government; and the law requires no audits of department expenditures.# r ABOR LEADER LEY seized $46,000,000 in abolishing the various labor unions to form the One-Big-Union of the Reich, Hess, Rib- bentrop, and all tle others of the select group either married into Wealth or found the means of wealth min their position. Reports indicate that the several important government leaders have substantial deposits in banks of neutral nations, but Goebbels either suppresses or de- nies tell-tale figures that seep through into publication.. Irn its drive- against capitalism, Der Angriff further announces, "The National Socialist State leadership has not only destroyed plutocracy in Germany and allotted to money its proper role' in economy, it also has-freed the workers from John Bull The Modern Janus G REAT BRITAIN ann ner far-reach- ing empire, astride both hemi- spheres, finds herself involved in numerous para- doxical situations on the various war fronts of the world. These paradoxes comprise a num- ber of seemingly strange combinations of alli- ances, and they can be explained only when one considers Britain's objects in fighting on so wide a scale. Britain's prime objective is, has been and always will be-of course-to keep the Empire secure and intact. In the present hostilities, she professes to accomplish this purpose by crushing totalitarianism and aggression. In put- suance of this end, she has made certain para- doxical alliances, and is fighting with some mighty paradoxical allies. Britain's principal and most obvious enemy at present is Germany-on the so-called wes- tern front. Chamberlain's avowed purpose in this struggle is to crush Hitlerism. Especially after Hitler's many obvious lies, Britain places no trust whatsoever in the Reich. Strange it would seem, then, to find Britain and Germany fighting side-by-side on another war front. Yet that is precisely the case. Although not officially engaged in the war, both London and Berlin are sending valuable material aid to Finland to aid that republic in halting the Russian invasion. Here Britain's object is to halt aggression against a nation whose gove1- mental principles are the same as her own. (This situation is slightly complicated by the recent German-Soviet trade and friendship pact). On still another war front England and the Reich are cooperating. Britain, because of her large economic interests in China, is sending large quantities of war materials to that stricken nation, to aid it in ousting the Japanese in- vader. Germany too has greatly aided the Chiang Kai-Shek government, supplying it with 56 per cent of its munitions up to the fall of Canton; German interests in China midst be protected too. (All this in spite of a German- Japanese friendship pact, and a rumored Anghk Japanese agreement of similar nature). Russia, Britain's enemy in Finland, also is aiding Britain in China by supporting Chinese Red Armies in the field against Japan! Another strange situation involves the Neth- erlands. For more than a century, British policy has supported the Dutch in their position in the valuable East Indies. Little Holland would be no menace to British interests' there). This policy still holds good, although the British fleet is busily engaged now in wiping German shipping from the seas. Yet, with all this sup- port of the Netherlands, Britain is nevertheless clamping a strict and harmful blockade on that country, as on other countries in the European combat area. Britain evidently is missing no opportunity to maintain the security of her Empire, even to the extent of following what seems to be a paradoxical foreign policy. War surely makes strange bedfellows! - Howard A. Goldman. Party Politics: Must The Voter Suffer? . . AFTER AN UNUSUAL DELAY the dates for the national party con- ventions have been set. The Republicans had hoped that they would be able to force the Democrats to fix a definite time so that they could then arrange to convene after that date. This hope was based on strategic considerations that have now been cast aside. It appeared to be essential that when GOP delegates gath- ered to nominate their candidate that they should know exactly what the Democrats were going to do. Will Mr. Roosevlt run again? If not will another New Dealer represent the party or will they select a more conservative candidate? It would seem that the knowledge of these factors would have a considerable ef- fect on the choice of the Republican standard bearer. It was this that prompted John D Hamilton to postpone the determination of the conven- tion date to last week when ordinarily that would have been decided upon in December. But Jim Farley out-smarted him. The Demo- cratic National Committee met prior to the Republican National Committee meeting as Hamilton had planned. Farley, however had the site of the convention chosen but explained to the newspapermen that the exact time would be akcertained some time in the future. When the GOP committeemen gathered last week they realized that they could not play this wait- ing game indefinitely and therefore they finally picked June 24 as the date. The very next dcAy Farley announced that the Democratic dele- gates would assemble three weeks later on July 15. This means that the major parties will con- vene later than at any time since the Civil War. Usually the Republicans meet the first-week in June and the Democrats about the last week in June. Late as the new dates appear to be, it still leaves much too long a period for cam- paigning, It means that weeks before the No- venber election comes around that the can- didates will be exhausted, huge suns of monecy will have been spent, and the voting public will wish that the tremendous campaign barrages would come to, a close quickly. With the modern facilities of communicVion and transportation, it has been suggested by some observers, notably Prof. J. K. Pollock, that the long four month period of campaign- ing should be shortened to eight weeks". It would be less expensive; it would enable the candidates to concentrate- their efforts; and most important, the American public would stand up better as independent thinkers. Under present conditions 'it is difficult for voters to S absorb the punishment of the long emotional # class that precede presidential elections in this ~74~ DITOR The Curiosity Shop... To The Editor: Once more, we the readers of the Michigan Daily, have had had occasion to read one of those curious editorials by Elliot Maraniss, this time an attempted defense of the notorious Com- munist "front" device which has been mis-called the American Youth Congress. It is nothing less than an insult to the young people of this country to say that their aspira- tions are identical with the selfish purposes for which the American Youth Congress was as- sembled. Most of us hate and fear war and want to retain our civil liberties and increase our prospects for a life of greater opportunity and security. All this is true. But we d not alloN our dislike of war to stifle our sympathy with the Finnish people in their struggle against the world's most despicable tyrrany. Nor do we desire a permanent NYA to continue its paternalistic subsidization of American higher education. The NYA ought to be regarded as a temporary re- lief measure, a stop-gap, not as a permanent institution. At any rate, its continued existence should be contingent upon a more careful selec- tion of those who are to profit from such aid. There are only too many examples right here in Ann Arbor of NYA beneficiaries who in real- ity have no need of such assistance. This is not to deny that many are receiving aid who do need it. But if the selections to be made in the future are similar to those already made, then $500,000,000 is too much for the NYA to have. Above all, the bold and disgraceful conduct of the Congress delegates while in Washington is alone sufficient to brand the Congress as un- representative of American young people. The very idea of making nuisances of themselves on the White Hounse premises. That is the sort of conduct which makes Europeans consider that all Americans are morons. Why do not these people spend their time in serious study of these important problems whose answers they child- dishly assume that they have, just because they have the nerve to sho.ut them louder and louder. May they long remember the words of Presi- dent Roosevelt. --Louis P. Nadeau More Curiosity.. .. To The Editor: I have been meaning to write this letter for quite some time but was finally blasted into do- ing so by your latest defense of that destible or- ganization, the American Youth Congress. How you could have the nerve to still back up this or- ganization after its disgraceful conduct in the nation's capitol (screaming and disorderliness in the House galleries; such extreme unruliness at Fort Meyer, where 500 stayed as guests at the request of Mrs. Roosevelt, that the officers called them "brats"; leading hotels which housed them for a dollar-a-night rate refuse to ever house them again even at the request of the President). Besides these uncouth acts they openly insulted and booed the president of the U.S. and his wife who has faced untold criticism to defend -them in the past. When one delegate offered a resolution of sympathy for Finland he was silenced. A resolution denouncing the cruel, tyrannical, beastly invasion of Finland by Russia was not permitted to be introduced. A fine at- titude for a group who are supposed to be for civil liberties and peace. Peace, in other words, for all except the omnipotent despot Joseph Stalin. I don't want to see our country involved in foreign entanglements (nor am I a Roosevelt supporter) but we can at least offer sympathetic understanding to a little country (peace loving and very advanced in their concepts of free- dom and democracy) which is being besieged by a huge, ungodly, unmoral menace. At least we could condemn her aggressor. Furthermore, al- though, with you, I don't agree in many ways with President or Mrs. Roosevelt I think we should have respect for them, and their opinions and not treat them with the impoliteness which is unworthy of anyone, let alone, our chief ex- ecutive. Isn't the theory of civil liberties, the right of free speech? Why should Roosevelt be condemned for expressing his own, probably sin- cere, opinions. In one sweep you cast aside his befriending of labor and liberalism over the last six years because he happened to disagree with one little point you advanced. This isn't, in my opinion, a very loyal or courteous act. It smacks of Stalin's disregard for promises and treaties. - John Mitchell, '41. P.S.- On what did you base your libelous asser- tion a few weeks ago that Herbert Hoover has never had a charitable thought in his life. What has Herbert Hoover to gain by helping Finland? Do you remember Hoover's unselfish and untir- ing efforts to help Belgium and other countries after the World War? Jordan Hall Speaks ,. . To The Editor: We, the undersigned, protest the drive for Fin- nish relief. We consider that what the money is being used for, whether for munitions or not, is immaterial. We are refusing to contribute on the grounds that the Finnish relief drive en- dangers American neutrality, and that it is be- ing used to stir our feelings toward active par- ticipation in the European war. We also object to sending money to Finland that is badly need- ed in America. Furthermore, we object to the way the money is being collected in the dormitory. We protest the strong pressure that is being put on the girls through their sororities and their corridor chair- GULLIVER'S CAVILS By Young qulliver THE HEADLINE on the Women's Page of last Sunday's Daily said CARNEY, GIES MARRIAGE HEADSc LIST OF FOUR WEDDINGS ANDI ENGAGEMENTS. This rang a gongc in Gulliver's brain, for Carney and t Gies, in the days when they were inE Ann Arbor, used to be pals of Gulli- ver's. Miss. Carney was a personablec (and very sensible) young lady with c nice black hair which she wore in a sort of rope around the top of herr head-the girls know what I mean. Joe Gies was unquestionably the most hideous young man that Y.G. has ever known. He was (maybe het still is) tall and rather stupid look-2 ing, with a mop of dishwater blondt hair. All in all, he looked like a1 rather bad caricature of Sterling Holloway of the movies. His face, ins shape and in length, bore a marked resemblance to the face of the av-t erage horse, and his laugh was more like a whinny than a genuine laugh. Gies was one of The Daily boys whos used to actually live in the Publica- tions Building. He was there all day,1 and when it got to be a little late, het would go down to the Women's lounge and curl up on one of the couches for the night. But it can- not be said of Mr. Gies that he frit- tered his time away in the Publica- tions Building. In addition to thev fact that he was continually em-n broiled in arguments on the editorialf page (it didn't make much differencer whether he was arguing for the Loy-1 alists in Spain or the scenic gran-C deurs of Platte, Mich.), he ran, forn a number of years, the Book Pagen of the Sunday Daily. As a result,a every Sunday you could turn to thee back page and read two book reviewso by Joseph Gies, a column by Joseph Gies, and a review by J.G. YES, DEAR OLD JOE, he was quitea a guy. He had funny ideas aboutr borrowing things like books andr money'-lIis guiding principle was that you never give them back. Gulli- ver remembers well the time that he was missing two of his favorite books. He went to Gies' desk and there they were, with Gulliver's name crossed out and Joseph Gies written in un-n derneath very neatly, with the da'teN of acquisition also marked in. Thec business with money was even easier; once he wangled you into "loaning" him a buck he had never had to bother about putting his name on the bill.E NOW THAT you've got the back- ground material, we'll proceed to the business of the wedding. Thet Michigan Daily got the news by Pos- tal Telegraph Press Telegram, COL-x LECT of course, since it was sent out by Mr. Joseph Gies The verbatim account is too good to pass up, and we're reprinting it here. After thet regular hieroglyphics, 1 ZB S DPR,t it goes:s Michigan Daily, Frances E. Carney, '37, former editor of Perspectives and Joseph Gies, '39, were married in ant elaborate ceremony in the of-s fice of the city clerk here Fri- day.- Miss Carney wore a conven- tional bride's costume of sweat- er, skirt and saddle shoes, whilet the groom was attired in an im- maculate grey suit left over1 from his sophomore year. The bride was given away by a deputy clerk who collected a dollar tip. The wedding party consisted of Dorothy Gies, '36, who had to leave in the middle of the services as her lunch hour was up.l A wedding party was held at Child's Nassau St. bar, following wvhich the young couple depart- ed for a brief trip on the Lexing- ton Avenue Subway. A sea voy- age to Bedloc's Island is con- texoplated for the honeymoon. Gies. POOR FRANCES. Her wedded life may not be one long blissful honeymoon, but certainly she will never be bored (or sober either, if Joe Gies is still Joe Gies) . Carnegie Has The Ideu Dale Carnegie, of "How To Win Friends" fame, recently advocated a plan of self-education. Tae advises the would-be self-edu- cator to read extensively. Not only Wal but to read at odd moments, tearing pages or whole chapters out of books to have reading material available at all times. There, we contend, is the solution to study problems. Students need merely rip out a few pages of their textbooks and study them on the run for classes, in Une Commons waiting for a waiter or in the lobby waiting for a date. Then, after loose pages become worn and crumpled with use, they could be discarded on the campus. Additional employment of students would be required to clean up the mess, thus providing jobs for the needy. Simple isn't it? TUESDAY, FEB. 20, 1940 E VOL. L. No. 99 Notices The University Council Committee on Parking earnestly requests that the parking of cars and trucks on the ovals between the Chemistry and Na- tural Science Buildings, or anywhere else on lawns, be discontinued. The grass underneath the snow will be damaged not only by the ice conse- quent to the packing of snow, but also by the dripping of oil from motors. Herbert G. Watkins Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Attendance re- port cards are being distributed through the Departmental Offices. Instructors are requested to report absences to my office in accordance with the rules printed on these cards. Please note especially the regula- tions concerningthree-week absences, and the time limits for dropping courses. The rules relating to ab- sences are printed on the attendance cards. They may also be found on page 36 of the current Announcement of our College. Assistant Dean E. A. Walter Students and Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Grades for laboratory courses, in which extensions of time were auto- matically granted until the end of the first semester 1939-1940, should be reported as soon as possible, but not later than Saturday, February 24. Grades for courses in this category, not reported by February 24 will auto- matically be lapsed to E. The courses affected by this regulation are listed on page 38 of the Announcement of our College. E. A. Walter Ifouseheads, Doritory Directors and Chaperons: Women students may have 1:30 permission on Wednesday night, Feb. 21, and 11 o'clock on Thursday night. - Jeannette Perry To All Faculty Members and Staff: Special Employment Time Reports must be in the Business Office on Wednesday, February 21, to be in- cluded in the roll for February 29. Edna Geiger Miller Payroll Clerk Library Hours on Washington's Birthday: On Thursday, February 22, the Service Departments of the Gen- eral Library will be open the usual hours, 7:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Study Halls outside of the building and the Departmental Libraries will be closed. All Freshman students who were in the Hopwood Contest should come to the Hopwood Room for their manu- scripts this week. The room is open from 2 to 5:30 p.m. R. W. Cowden Teaching Candidates: Examina- tions for applicants for teaching po- sitions in the Toledo, Ohio, Public Schools, will be given in Toledo Sat- urday, April 13, 1940, between the hours 9:00-12:00 a.m. and 1:00-3:00 p.m. Those interested and meeting the requirements for the Ohio Teach- er's Certificate may write direct to Mrs. Ruth Flickinger, Personnel Of- ficer, Toledo Board of Education, for the necessary blanks. The follow- ing items must be on file in the To- ledo office by March 1: Official transcripts of college credits, state- ment of degree or degrees held, no- tarized statement of all teaching ex- perience, money order of $2.50 to de- fray cost of examinations, teacher's application blank completely filled out, and notice of examination field. Further details may be secured at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Infor- mation, 201 Mason Hall Doctoral Examination of Mr. Ken- neth Osborne Wright will be held at 4:00 p.m., on Wednesday, Feb. 21, in the Observatory. Mr. Wright's de- partment of specialization is Astron- omy. The title of his. thesis is "A Study of Line Intensities in the Spectra of Four Solar-Type Stars." Dr. H. D. Curtis, as chairman of the committee, will conduct the ex- amination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candi- dates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others whc might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Tickets for "Julius Caesar" now or sale in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatr( Box Office from 10:00 a.m. to 5:0( p.m. Phone 6300. "Julius Caesar" is presented by Play Production of the Department of Speech. Performance. tomorrow, Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday nights and Saturday matinee Silver Survey: All seniors and grad iinp wmnmn ae oihilmnan who hav TUESDAY, FEB. 20, 1940 DA LY OF F IC IAL BU L L ET IN those interested in further may call the Foundation. details Academic Notices Political Science 52. Make-up ex- amination for section 1 will be given on Wednesday, Feb. 21, at 1:30 p.m. Room 2037, Angell Hall. English 298 (Cowden's section) will meet Wednesday evening at 7:30 in Room 407 General Library. Sociology 51: All students registered in the Thursday lecture section are requested to meet with the Tuesday lecture section today at 9 a.m., Room 1025 Angell Hall. Music 41: Make-up examinations for those who received Incompletes first semester, will be held Friday, Feb. 23, at 1:00 p.m. Room 206, Bur- ton Memorial Tower. Leonard Gregory Make-up examinations in German: All students entitled to take them are requested to call at the office, 204 ij.H.s on or before February 29, for making necessary arrangements. Red Cross Life Saving and Water Safety Class for men students starts Wednesday, Feb. 21, 7:00 to 9:30 p.m., Intramural Pool. Maurice S. Reizen, '40Spec., Red Cross Life Saving and Water Safety Instructor, in charge. First Aid Class for University Stu- dents starts tonight, 7:00 to 9:00, Room 2014, University High School. William F. Saulson, '40 Ed., Red Cross Lay Instructor, in charge. Concerts Graduation Recital: Barbara M. Cahoon ,pianist, will give a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the Bachelor of Music de- gree, in the School of Music Audi- torium on Maynard Street, Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 8:15 o'clock. The general public is invited. Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University organist, will give a recital in Hill Auditorium, Wednesday after- noon, Feb. 21, at 4:15 o'clock. The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited to attend without admission charge. Exhibitions American Indian painting, south gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, until March 1, 2 to 5 p.m. Auspices of Ann Arbor Art Association. Art and Industry, ground floor, Architectural Building, courtesy Col- ege of Architecture and Design. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Francis G. Benedict, former Director, Nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, will lecture on "Sci- ence and the Art of Deception" under the auspices of the Department of In- ternal Medicine at 4:15 p.m. on Wed- nesday, February 21, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. George Steindorff, Professor Emeritus of Egyptology and former Director of the Egyptological Collection, Univer- sity of Leipzig, will lecture on "From Fetishes to Gods in Egypt" (illustrat- ed) under the auspices of the De- partment of Oriental Languages at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, February 21, in the amphitheatre of the Rack- ham Building. The public is cordially invited. §I dayS F ents Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet in Room 319, West Medical Building, at 7:30 tonight. Subject: "Some B Complex Factors Other Than Thiamin." All interested are invited. Lecture No. 7 of the Naval Deserve Series entitled "The Naval Officer" will be given today by Lt. Comdr. G. W. Akers at 4:00 p.m. in Room 336 West Engr. Bldg. Political Science Round Table will' meet tonight in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. Sub- ject: "Recent Trnds in Interstate Relations." le ctricai Egineering Colloquium: An inspection trip through the East Physics Building will be held this afternoon. Demonstrations will be given of the Cyclotron, 1,000,000 volt Research Apparatus, and Ultra-Short Wave Oscillators. All persons in- terested meet in Room 247, W. Eng. Bldg. at 4:30 p.m. Association Forum: Dr. Raphael Isaacs, of the Simpson Memorial In- stitute, will lead the discussion of the lecture by Dr. Carlson on "The Ex- istence and Nature of Religion." at the Association Forum, tonight at .-nn a T-- aTua11