Generally fair
with rising temperature.
Supreme (Court
And The Logan BJRl
VOL. L. No. 154 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, May 4,1940
Petersen, Taggart
Chosen As Heads
Of Summer Daily
Rockwell, Panar To Head Congress
Nazi Blitzkrieg
Norwegians Seek Peace
Will Become Managing
Editor, Business Chief
For Eight-Week Term
Other Positions
To Be Announced
Carl Petersen, '40, of Highland
Park, and Ganson P. Taggart, '40E,
of Albany, N. Y., will serve as man-
aging editor and business manager
respectively of the Summer Daily,
the Board in Control of Student
Publications announced yesterday.
Other summer positions on the
editorial and business staffs will be
announced in the near future, Peter-
sen said last night.
Appointments for positions on the
regular Daily will be made public
Member Of Senate
A member of The Daily editorial
staff for four years, Petersen has
been managing editor this year. He
has also been a member of the Stu-
dent Senate, acting as minority lea-
der in 1939, and has been elected
to Sphinx and Michigamua, junior
and senior literary college honorary
In addition, Petersen was chosen
chairnian of the Crippled Children's
Benefit Committee this year and
chairman of the Campus Peace
Taggart, a member of Psi Upsilon
fraternity where he has served as
president, has also been on The
Daily for four years. As a junior he
was national advertising manager
and circulation manager and this
year he held the post of assistant
business manager.
Publicity chairman of the Slide
Rule Ball for 1940, Taggart is a
member of Triangles and Vulcans,
junior and senior honorary societies
in the engineering college, and Phi
Eta Sigma, freshman ' honorary
Named By Board
Members of the Board in Control
of Student Publications include
Prof. William A. McLaughlin, of the
romance languages department,J
chairman; Prof. Edson R. Sunder-
land of the Law School; Prof. How-1
ard B. Calderwood of the political
science department; and Acting
Dean of Students Walter B. Rea.
Student members are Albert P.i
Mayio, Grad., former editorial di-<
rector of The Daily; Philip F. West-
brook, Jr., '40, former president of
Congress; and Philip W. Buchen,I
'41L, former business manager of#
The Daily.-
Carey Funerale
Rites Planned'
Bruce's Health
Speech Closes
Adult Institute
Concluding the Eighth Annual
Adult Education Institute yesterday,
Dr. James D. Bruce, director of post-
graduate studies in the University,
emphasized that the Greeks were
right in saying that their ideal hap-
piness was in "a sound body and a
sound mind."
Confessing that his years in the
medical profession have made him
biased as far as health is concerned,
Dr. Bruce pointed out that despite
this fact it is "hard to stipulate
health rules."
Labor's right to participate in poli-
tics was defended by Arthur E. Raab,
chairman of the Michigan labor med-
iation board.
Labor has a big stake, he said, in
the "production and preservation of
the material wealth of nations" and
as such is committed politically to
honesty in government and efficient
administration of public affairs.
Discussing labor's objectives, eco-
nomic and political, Raab asserted
that "labor has actually more to
fear from its well meaning but blun-
dering friends, and from plain rack-
eteers and thugs who have muscled
in on the labor movement, than
from the great'majority of employers.
House Changes
n Wage-Hour
Act Abandoned
Bill Is Returned To Labor
Committee For Study,
Revision Chance Gone
WASHINGTON, May 3.-)-All
prospect of Wage-Hour Law revisions
at this session of Congress vanished
today when the House voted to directt
its Labor Committee to give further
study to the question.
The decision climaxed a week of{
noisy and angry debate on proposedf
The House had adopted amend-
ments, one at a time, which would
have exempted many hundreds of
thousands of workers-the exact1
number was in furious dispute-fromr
the provisions of the law. Then ite
surveyed its handiwork in its en-
tirety and found it bad.
A roll-call vote of 211 to 171 un-
did all that had been done and re-
jected the amendments as a whole.-
A second vote, 205 to 175, recommit--
ted the entire subject to the House
Labor Committee for further study
and recommendations.
Under the prevailing situation,
leaders had no expectation that the
committee could complete its work
in time for action before the ses-
sion's scheduled June adjournment.
The result was both a victory and
a defeat for Administration lead-c
ers in Congress. The latter had vig-I
)rously opposed the sweeping amend-t
ments which were written into thev
ill in the course of the debate Theirf
victory lay in the fact that in the end
these amendments were rejected. I
Doctors Pla s
New Course
William H. Rockwell, '41, left, was named Thursday to serve as
president of Congress, Independent Men's Association, and
David Panar, '41E, was appointed secretary-treasurer. Rockwell was
formerly student welfare chairman and Panar activities chairman of
Friers Tells MIPA Members
Of World Hitchhiking Ventures
Muyskens, Marshall Talk;
High School Editor Tells
Impressions Of Campus
Seven hundred members of the
Michigan Interscholastic Press Asso-
ciation heard Bob Friers, '40, "world's
champion hitchhiker", relate his ex-
periences on a trip around the world
at a banquet last night, in the second
day of convention activities.
Friers narrated how, to win a five-
dollar bet with his roommate, he left
Ann Arbor for Montreal, where he
secured passage on an Irish 'freighter
bound for Belfast, He told of per-
suading an Arab truck driver to take
him across the Arabian desert to Bag-
dad for a fare of 50 cents, a shirt, two
neckties and a hunting knife.
Prof. John H. Muyskens of the
speech department warnedsthe stu-
dents of the tyranny of words in an
address entitled "Words, Words,
Words." He stressed the difference
between concrete and abstract words,
noting the flexibility of the latter.
Tracing an example word through
the definitions given by the philoso-
pher, the logician, the dictionary, and
the psychologist, Professor Muyskens
observed that contradictory and in-
complete meanings were given by
each. He concluded that word mean-
ings are built into each individuals
culture and are necessarily different.
Delving into a colorful past for ex-
periences with which to illustrate
newspaper maxims, S. L. A. Marshall,
editorial writer for the Detroit News
and foreign news commentator for
WWJ, drew up a code of professional
conduct for the high school journal-
''High school journalists should take
no sides in controversial issues," Fred
Osenbury, of the University of De-
troit, advised members of the editor-
ial policy conference. He pointed out
that each publication represents the
attitude of the entire school, and
that a handful of newspapermen
could not assume a spokesmanship.
(Continued on Page 2)
High School Editor
Gives Impressions
(These impressions of Michigan and
the MIPA convention were written by
the editor of The Jungaleer, of South-
eastern High School, Detroit:)
Michigan coeds may be the cream!
of the college crop but they don't;
look it to me. In my eyes, they're
little more than babushkas, saddle-
shoes and armsfuls and textbooks.
College men, on the other hand,
have impressed the female delegates
to the MIPA convention as very
good-looking youths. But, darn it,
they seem too serious.
Two days on the Michigan campus
have shown us that college isn't
what Goldwyn thinks it is. We
thought it was all play and no
work; now we realize that it's a hard,
hi mdrum existence.
We were impressed by Bob Friers,
,he "world's champion hitch-hiker,"
who spoke to us at last night's ban-
We think the MIPA is a grand
organization. It has enabled us to
learn about the mistakes in our
high school paper and how to cor-
rect them. We'd like to thank the
University and especially the jour-
nalism department for affording us
this opportunity.
British Evacuate Namsos;
Germans Are Repulsed
In North, Report Says
New Attack Is Made
On English Cabinet
LONDON, May 3.-(R)--Great Bri-
tain tonight announced the aban-
donment of Namsos and central
Norway-an acknowledgement that
added new force to unrest surging
within the very foundation of Prime
Minister Neville Chamberlain's gov-
A communique telling of the end
of the campaign to wrest southern
Norway from the Germans said Al-
lied troops still in the far northern
Narvik area repulsed German coun-
terattacks Wednesday and Thursday.
It mentioned no operations there
Brings New Criticism
Coming as it did within a day of
the abandonment of Andalsnes, to-
night's announcement quickened at-
tacks on the Chamberlain govern-
ment even from within its own
Clement Davies, member of the
Liberal Nationals who support the
government declared:
"The country cannot be properly
organized until the government
Davies told of a meeting with a
group of colleagues who thought the
same way he did and decided to
work against any vote of confidence
during "the biggest crisis we ever
1had to face."
Announce Withdrawal
The terse war office communique
announcing the Namsos withdrawal
during last night, after a day of
{uncertainty in which Britons already
had heard the news from Sweden
and Germany, said the "reembarka-
tion was carried out with complete
success and without loss." (Norwe-
gian reports said a German air bomb
killed 30, wounded 60.)
It said the abandonment of the
Namsos front, north of German-held
Trondheim, was carried out "in ac-
cordance with the general plan of
withdrawal from the immediate
neighborhood of Trondheim."
Despite tonight's announcement, a
reliable military source earlier in
the day had declared emphatically
that Great Britain has "no inten-
tion of abandoning Norway."
Gloom nevertheless spread over
the rooms of the Norwegian lega-
tion and the ominous word "submis-
sion" was heard there for the first
'Dawn Patrol'
To Visit City
On Social Hop
Whether it's too much or too lit-
tle sleep you'll get tonight, it won't
be the cause of the buzzing in your
ears early tomorrow morning.
A peek out the window will reveal
some 35 airplanes winging their way
toward the Ann Arbor Airport. The
planes, due about 7:30 or 8 a.m.,
compose the Dawn Patrol, a group
of fliers from Ohio, Indiana and
Michigan who are in the habit of
flying to various cities in the three
states for Sunday breakfast during
the summer.
Tomorrow's flight will be the sea-
son's first, and also the first time
the group has breakfasted in Ann
Arbor since its conception three
years ago.
After a reception at the airport,
the flying socialites are slated for
a breakfast graced by an official"
welcome from Mayor Walter C. Sad-
ler. From breakfast, the pilots will
come to the campus for a tour of
the aeronautical engineering depart-
ment, an inspection of the Univer-
sity's Link trainer and wind tunnel.
Slosson, YCL
Will Discuss
Soviet Union
Public Debate Will Climax
Controversy OnRussian
Relations With Neutrals
A controversy of long standing
between Prof. Preston W. Slosson
of the history department and the
Youth Communist League will be
climaxed at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the
Natural Science Auditorium when
Professor Slosson will meet a repre-
sentative of the YCL in a public
debate on the question: "Resolved,
That the sovereignty of the small
countries of Europe is better secured
by closer cooperation with the So-
viet Union."
E. R. Multila, district organizer
of the Finnish Workers Federation,
speaking in support of the YCL pro-
gram, will uphold the affirmative on
the proposition and Professor Slos-
son will uphold the negative.
The debate will be conducted
along the lines laid down in the
"Town Hall Meeting of the Air,"
with time being allowed for the au-
dience to address questions to each
speaker. Carl Petersen, '40, man-
aging editor of The Daly, will chair
the meeting.
The debate climaxes a long series
of exchanges between Professor Slos-
son and the YCL at Spring Parleys
and in "The Editor Gets Told" col-
umn of The Daily. Particularly spi-
rited have been the expressions of
opinion on the subject of Soviet
policy in relation to the small na-
tions of Europe. In an open letter
published in The Daily April 17 the
YCL challenged Professor Slossonto
a public debate on the above ques-
tion and the challenge was imme-
diately accepted.
Ohio Linksmen
Meet Golfers
Wolverines Try For Ninth
Straight Victory Today
Come what may in the way of
weather, Michigan's golfers, who
have yet to lose a match this sea-
son, will tee off at 8:30 a.m. today
on the University course against
Ohio State in the second meeting of
the two teams this season.
The Wolverines outscored the
Buckeyes in Columbus, 14/2-9%, at
the conclusion of their highly suc-
cessful southern trin. Since then.
Norwegian Chief Blames
Great Britain, France
For Defeat By Invaders
FDR Seeks Peace
In Mediterranean
(By The Associated Press)
Precipitous departure of the Bri-
tish and French forces from all of
Norway below the Arctic circle
forced the embittered Norwegian
command last night to seek peace
with a proud and victorious Ger-
many, whose Blitzkrieg Formula
worked in 24 days.
Destination of the Allied troops-
who pulled out of Namsos, Norway,
above Trondheim so quickly that
they left behind many supplies and
much heavy equipment-remained a
subject of speculation.
Returning To England
A British officer told J. Norman
Lodge, Associated Press staff man,
who was put aboard a warship there,
that they were bound for England.
Some -Scandinavian quarters rais-
ed the possibility that they might
go instead to Narvik, the Arctic port
300 miles northward which was the
center of the original Allied-Ger-
man clash over Norway and which
is held by a besieged German garri-
son-apparently the only spot in
Norway where Germany still con-
fronts opposition.
There were indications in London
and Paris thatdBritish, French and
Norwegians had been taken toward
Nrvik from Andalsnes, below
Trondheim. The Andasnes with-
drawal was announced Thursday,
The heavy-hearted Norwegian act-
ing commander, Col. . B. Getz, an-
nounced surrender on the central
front, He squarely blamed the Bri-
'tish and French.
Critoiazese Allies
He bitterly criticized the Allies for
not even notifying him that they
were pulling out Thursday night,
and thus cutting off any retreat for
the doughty Norwegian defenders,
who had scarcely a day's supply of
ammunition remaining.
Effort To Keep Peace
Made By President
WASHINGTON, May 3.- (P)-An
effort by the United States to pre-
vent the spread of the European war
to the Mediterranean was revealed
today by President Roosevelt,
Explaining the conferences that
have been held in the past few days
between Premier Mussolini and the
American ambassador to Rome and
between the President himself and
the Italian ambassador to Washing-
ton, Mr. Roosevelt said this country
was striving, as it had all along, to
prevent the extension of the Euro-
pean war to new areas.
Informed sources said Ambassador
Phillips might have told Mussolini
that if Italy became a belligerent
it would have an unfortunate effect
on American public opinion.
Fresh Air Camp
Tag Da y Intake
Amounts To $970
Despite unfavorable weather con-
ditions, yesterday's Tag Day sale on
campus fell only slightly behind last
year's total for the first day, Prof.
F. N. Menefee, chairman of the
Fresh Air Camp Committee, said
last night.
Yesterday's total was $969.15, to
which 30 fraternities and sororities
contributed $157.70, merchant so-
licitation, $79.07, and the campus
tag sale, $732.38,
fidence that with the completion of
merchant and downtown, solicita-
tion today, and with the receipt of
contributions from the fraternities
and sororities not yet heard from,
the total figure for the two-day
campaign will equal the $1300 mark
of last year.
Second Sunday Saunter
Takes Plie Tomorrnw
Pastor Succums
Route To Havana
Thinclads Open Home Season Today;
Wolverine Nine Upsets Illinois, 8-6
Parishioners of St. Thomas
Church mourned the death of their
pastor, Rev. Thomas R. Carey, who
died Thursday en route to Havana',
as plans for the funeral were ar-
ranged here.
The body will be transported from
Havana to Miami, and will arrive
here Wednesday. Although still tci-
tative, the services al- planned for
Thursday in three masses. The first
will be attended by children of the
parish, the second by members of the
parish, and the third by priests of
the archdiocese, relatives and close
While the body lies in state a
guard of honor will be formed by
the Knights of Columbus, Usher's
Club, Catholic Youth Society and
the Holy Name Society.
Noted for his building of St.
Thomas School in 1930, Fr. Carey
was well-known for his direction of
St. Mary's Student Chapel and his
12-year pastorship at St. Thomas
Church. Graduating from the Uni-
versity of Detroit, he received de-
grees also from St. Mary's Sem-
inary, of Baltimo'e, and later an
honorary degree from the University
of Detroit.
In Series
To Be Taught
Of Lectures
A short, intensive course in proc-
tology arranged for practicing phy-
sicians will be given in the Receiving
Hospital, Detroit, May 13, 14 and
The course is sponsored by the
Department of Postgraduate Medi-
cine and will be under the direction
of Dr. Edward G. Martin, and Dr.
Louis J. Hirschman of the Depart-
ment of Proctology at Wayne Uni-
x ,
Michigan opens its 1940 home out-
door track season at 2 p.m, today on
Ferry Field, with its ancient rival,
the University of Illinois, providing
what opposition it can for the Con-
ference champions.
Coach Ken Doherty is still in a
Des Moines hospital, and will not
be on hand to watch his men in
action against an Illinois team
weakened by injuries. However, the
Wolverines have been working out
under the surveyance of freshman
coach Chester Stackhouse, and are
in good condition.
Michigan last night lost the ser-
vices of senior pole vaulter Dave
Cushing. Dave was attempting to
turn a shower handle which was
stuck, and broke it off, cutting his
hand, and requiring six stitches to
close the wound.
Hopes for a real race in the 440
were blasted last night when word
was received from Illinois that Capt.
Will McCown, who has defeated
Michigan's Warren Breidenbach this
year, has not recovered fully from
an ankle injury suffered in the
Drake Relays. The Illinois coach,
Leo Johnson, has scratched his mile
relay team, as well as his two-milers,
(Special To The Daily)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., May 3.-The
Michigan baseball team took advan-
tage of a prolonged wild streak on
the part of four Illinois pitchers and
literally walked to an 8-6 triumph
over the Illini here today.
Trailing, 4-2, going into the eighth
inning, Coach Ray Fisher's charges
put on a vicious "waiting attack" and
pushed across six big runs to cinch
the game.
Bill Steppon started the rally mov-
ing with a sharp single to left field.
Fred Trosko doubled to send Steppon
to third and Davie Nelson was hit by
one of Joe Alexander's pitches to fill
the bases.
Alexander then walked George
Ruehle, George Harms and Lyle Bond
to force in three runs before he was
derricked by Coach Wally Roettger
in favor of Adolph Gruenfeld.
After retiring Capt. Charlie Pink
on a fly, Gruenfeld sandwiched
a wild pitch in between three more
passes to Mike Sofiak, Forest Eva-
shevski and Steppon, up for the sec-
ond time in the inning, to present
Michigan with an 8-4 lead,
Bond, taking the cue from his gen-
erous opponents, ran into a wild
streak of his own in he Wolverines'
.. ..checks rally
Toastmasters Choose
Next. V axr'x Ofib/err
Olsen has run 14.6 for the 120-
yard high hurdles, and is reputed
to be relatively better over the lows.