MAGE TWENTY-TWO T HE MICHIGAN DAILY FIDUAY, MASS °, 19 ! Summer School Language Houses Tol' Stress Oil Ptogratm Of Stuty Stressing the great importance of Physicians' Task Easier the spoken foreign language as an aid to formal language study, again Due To New Buildings; this year during the summer session, Hospital Care Given th French and German departments wil Isponsor the Maison Francaise The University Health Service, and the Deutsches Haus. Each house moved to a new building and equip- jwill be the center of French and German social life and activity for ped with an entirely new plant, willG perfom the same services of minster- the summer months. ing to the student's health during The purpose of the houses is to' the summer session as during the provide students anxious to improve regular winter semesters. their facility in speaking French and The Health Service divides its German with opportunities for close functions into two parts, the dispen- association and regular practice in sary and the hospital. In the dis- conversation. Thus their programs pensary students may receive any include special entertainment fea- office medical. attention, including tures as well as the requirement that special examinations and the usual residents must converse at all times medicines, during the regular office in French or German respectively. hours. Students may consult any Success In Past Years physician in the Health Service at Great success in past years with his choice, these language houses has further Provision is also made for the stu- proved the fact that the great value dent requiring bed care by the hos- of constant practice in the spoken pital, situated on the third floor of language lies in that it improves the the new building. If the care of such student's speech rhythm and feeling a student is previously approved by for the language, as well as his vo- the Health Service director, thirty cabulary, and thus entables him also days' free service may be obtained to read the language more smoothly without further expense. However, and comprehensively. Consekuently the extra expense of private nursing undertakings similar to the houses and private rooms in the University established here have appeared in hospital must neceessarily be charged many American colleges and univer- to the student. sities especially within the past few Students may receive attention years. The German department here from a Health Service physician at has even described its venture as an his room, but a charge of $1.00 for "adequate substitute for foreign a day call and $2.00 for a night call travel." is made for this service.T The Health Service has the addi- This year, the German group, tional convenience of the assistance which will again use the Alpha Sigma of the corps of physicians in the Phi fraternity house as its center, University Medical School whenever wil lhave available boarding facilities the student is in need of specialist for about 18 men, but as in past attention. years, arrangements will be made for women to take their meals at the house. This will be especially Physics Symposium Held encouraged this year in an 'attempt to br aden the scope of the activities A symposium in theoretical phys- of the house. ips will be held during the Summer To Have Language oCnsultant Session, it has been announced by This sumemr then, for the first the office of the Director of time, Frau Ruth L. Wendt, who has the Session, Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, served this year as campus foreign It will be devoted particularly to dis- language consultant in the Univer- cussion of problems in nuclear and sity dormitories, will act as social molecular physics. director of the house assisted by members of the faculty. Frau Wendt ] presented during the course of the will preside at meals and help in summer. Faculty men and outside the organization of the activities of the Deutscher Verein whose activ-a ities will center in the house. In pre- vious years picnics have been held and excursions made, while lecture, musicales, and short dramatic read-! ings have been presented evenings inI the house. As in all these activities emphasis each day is put on con- versation at the table, during games, and in discussion groups held in- formally after meals in the cool lounge of the house. A banquet con- cludes the social season. To Have Maison Francaise The Maison Francaise, which in contrast will be able to provide boarding facilities for about 21 wo- men plus meal service for men stu- dents as well at noon and in the eve- ning, will use the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority house as its center. Mlle Jeanne Rosselet, professor of French at Goucher College, Balti- more, Md. will return for her third year as house director, while Mlle. Deirdre McMullan, French teacher at Grosse Pointe High School, will act as social assistant and house man- anger. M. Antoine Jobin will again serve as representative of the French department at the Foyer. In previous years, the majority of the house residents have also been members of the Cercle Francais which meets in the house once a week and plans the special programs international Center Open During Summer Session The International Center, recent- ly established by the University in the south wing of the Michigan Un- ion, will remain open during the Sum- mer Session for the convenience of foreign students enrolled in the Uni- versity. The Center is maintained for the purpose of fostering contacts among foreign students in the Uni- versity. visitors have presented talks, some illustrated, and faculty members have also very frequently contributed to the conversation. Successful mu- sical evenings, with both French folk and popular songs in order, have also been held. Customarily an informal social hour is held after the evening meal and generally a banquet has climaxed the summer's activities. To Prepare French Meals For special occasions meals in the French House have been prepared and served in the French manner. French periodicals are available to the students and in the past it has been noted that the varied group of residents from many parts of the country have provided stimulating contacts, thus giving the students so- cial as well aas practical language value from their summer's work. Further information on the Deu- tsches Haus may be obtained at the German office; on the Maison Fran- caise from M. Jobin of the French Department or by inquiry at the of- fice of the Dean of Women. University Museums Collections I Labs Give Students 1w.Ilo Student Conve ience-Pracijeal 'hIeachig j gn a du en sou niele e in the many labotmories of the In sLumiier as well as during the scientific investigatioll, includin1 University, pportunities are provid- regular session the University's many types, anatomical material, and series ed for practical instruction in all museums will be open to the conven- to represent variation and genetic the laboratory sciences. notably in ience of the student body. relationship. The material in these I physics, chemistry, mineralogy, geol- The several museums and teach- exhibition halls is open to ail stu- ogy, forestry, psychology, botany, and ing collections at present maintained dents during certain hours; the study zoology, as well as in pathology, psys- by the University embrace natural collections are for the use of grad- iological chemistry, bacteriology, an- history, the industrial arts, chemis- s atomy, and physiology, try, material medica. anatomy, arch- uate students enrolled in the depart- In the engineering laboratories and aeology, enthnology, the fine arts, ments of Zoology, Botany, Geology, shops opportunity is given for spec- and history. These collections are and Anthropology. ial work in dynamo electricity, and arranged in such a way to render in woodwork, lathe work, forging, them easily accessible to both stu- In 1860 Southwestern University and foundry work. A course in in- dents and visitors. !students had to attend three daily strument making, under the direc- The principal portion of these col- prayer services, the first beginning tion of skilled mechanics, is also of- lections is housed in the University at four a.m. fered, Museums Building, which was com- ;- 1 1)- - h- - -fl-- - - -ao pleted in 1928. It houses the collec- tions in zoology, botany, paleontol- ogy, and anthropology. Facilities for research are also provided in this building for graduate students. At the present time a large part of the exhibits illustrating the facts and principles of natural history are still under construction, but enough of the mare completed to prove in- teresting to the visitor. In the several natural history mu- seums will be found large series of specimens of properly preserved for I ,4l /adbLt* The Sport Coot you've been looking for ... . IN A COLORFUL TWEED. This is a coat you will wear this Spring, during the Summer and again in the Fall. 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