7 MTTit i 3C-2 W ATL Faculty Reception T pnSm e School SocalP ogram Weekly Bridge, Dance Classes Are Arra wred Classical Record Concerts To Be Featured Daily; Plan Watermelon Ctt Highlighting the social activitic of the summer session, will be the dents on Friday, June 28, at the reception of the faculty to the stu- Horace H. Rackham School, Miss Ethel McCormick social director of the University, announced. Though definite plans have not been announced, an extensive pro- gram will be arranged for all stu- dents attending the Un iversi ty Ibis summer. Benjamin B. Lovett of the Edi.Mn Institute at Dearborn will be here at five different times to lead in square and country dancing. Last summer the dances were held on the mall in front of the Rackham Build- ing and proved to be a huge success. Dancing classes will be held through- out the session for beginners and intermediate students. At intervals, duplicate bridge will be available for all students inter- ested, as will bridge lessons. Danc- ing will be held once a week from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.. at the if aue and students may attend with dates or come stag. As throughout the winter months, dancing will be held every Friday and Saturday night at the League and at the Union, though stags are urged to attend. Record concerts will be held daily and have proved in the past to be a quiet way to spend a hot afternoon. A water- melon cut will be scheduled at a later date and always has proved to be in keeping with the time of year. The general reception of the fac- ulty to the students of the summer session will be held at 8:30 p.m. Fri- day, June 28, at the Horace H. Rack- ham School. As in previous yearst the reception will be followed by a Sharkskin Is Favorite y t +- x White sharkskin is favored by this model as she wears a cool, col- larless dress trimmed with a blue suede belt and a blue zipper in the front. dance which is open to all students free of charge.' Completing activities of the sum- mer is the breakfast which is held just before finals for all students who will receive their Masters de- gree. President Ruthven has always addressed the group and, Miss Mc- Cormick said it is a grand finale forj a grand social program. Summer Se Schedule Summer school students have a full schedule of religious activitiesl planned for them, according to Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in Religious Education. Three times during the Summer Session, vespers will be held in Hill Auditorium. They are under the direction of Kenneth Morgan, Direc- tor of Student Religious Association, Prof. David Mattern, School of Mu- sic Director, and Lewis A. Hopkins, Director of the Summer Session, Dates for the vespers are set for July 7, and 21, and August 4. A chorus promoted by Professor Mattern and composed of summer school students will be there to furnish the music. The second annual summer parley will meet here on a date to be set by the newly elected Senate. It will probably be sometime in the middle of July, according to Dr. Blakeman. These sessions, planned along lines similar to those of the spring parley, were inaugurated last summer, and the main topic discussed then was "Which Way Progress: Social Re- sponsibility or Individualism?" The parley is under the supervision of the University Commission of Religious Education headed by Dr. Blakemian and Prof. Leroy Waterman. During the week of July 7-14, the annual Conference on Religion will feature lectures on religion and cul- ture and 10 courses (as in 1939) open to clergymen and religious edu- cators each day. The former will be held in the afternoon while the semi- nars are planned for the morning. Dr. Blakeman will conduct the class- es, which will be held in Room 9, University Hall. In these Summer Conferences, em- phasis has varied from year to year. The first conference in 1934 was up- on "The Meaning of Worship"; "Re- ligion and World Peace" was the topic of the second. The third and fourth 1 ssion Of I7I Have Full Residence Applications Received ?eligious Aetivities sare devoted to "Religious and Pub- lie Education" and "'Translating the Scriptures" respectively. Last sum- iaer's conference concerned the "Re- tigions of the Near East". Accor.iing to Dr. Blakeman, this1 annual Conference was introduced at the University of Michigan as one of the direct attempts to understand divergent views of religion and as a means of relating both laymen in the Summer Session and ministers of the state to the religious educa-, Lionewhich is being developed for students. The University takes a census, too. At the beginning of every school ses- sion a survey is taken of the church preferences of every student. Dur- ing the summer, the only churches to continue their student guilds will be the First Baptist, St. Mary's Cath- olic Chapel, Church of Christ Dis- ciples, St. Andrew's Protestant Epis- copal, First Methodist, and the First Prebyterian. Applications for residence in the University of Michigan Residencel Halls are now being received in the offices of the Dean of Students and the Dean of Women. The Betsy Barbour House (already filled for the summer, the Univer- sity House, and Stockwell Hall will be open to graduate students. Under- graduate women will live in Mosher Hall. The University House accom- odates 14 women who wish to be free to take their meals where they please. The West Quadrangle of Men's Residence Halls, adjacent to the Union, will be open to all men stu- dents this summer. The Victor C. Vaughan House, adjacent to the University Hospital, will be open dur- ing the coming Summer Session for students in medicine, public health, and the biological sciences. Fletcher Hall is open to all men students, but preference will be given to students who enroll for the eight-week Sum- mer Session. Board is provided and compulsory for all Halls and Houses except Uni- versity House and Fletcher Hall. The Glenville State Teachers College basketball teams have tra- veled more than 250,000 miles in the past' 14 years. . .. .. - a., . _ . .-nom ... .... r.. .., .. .,, " r' . \ l -. a &. . ( [ > $ ?_ . ": is ' ;±: i.,, [: 7s (: a M ,.. .If. t rS .. x. ", The WLEAGUE o/ t4e University of Michigan . 4 a. ' E ' ??, ;> ,. y k ; 'a .; < . . , \ 3 F . . > r S: t:. c.: 6 f. , :-> , ,, 2 \ 1 . , _ ts' } > { y " " f t . y , t . . J ;. , { fi 1 ti ; .,-0 : 2 . { .. . , ,ti, wr / . J + ,1 S Y. {: 4'. _. ., - . V i ;: p,: s ?' \ { { ,;; : ; :.., . 1 :{; Lx 4'. }. . -.. t.,. . " t r . i . '" . $: ; 2 f . y J } x} ::: :. 5 : 0 # > s s ,: : ::, >' x "Oll } xCF .axa a ¢ 0A Where the best food in Ann Arbor is waiting for your approval in the friendly atmosphere of our CAFETERIA or, if you prefer, the wore formal DINING ROOM. In either you will find the most delicious food . .. well cooked and well served. The way you want it and at the price you can (-M o rd. Dazzling WHITE SHnRKS14 The Whitest W fir:; r . 111\\ r y. y -41 KIN k f. " . ,i ... : . F---°. ' x' , , . ::>., /' ;..'^M . . - % .' 7 .: } y ::: ::. r-' :. w < Y f ° s t "j :. : ; ., - r y 1 I,,' }...: hite Cal et erla Hours Open three meals a dray. Dining Room HoUrs of III Sleek, cool, ever-crisp and fashionable .. . wear dazzling whine sharkskin from morn x r y ' .. : " , :- : . ::: ,.y. ... ::. .; . r 4 r.YJ .i C _. ti 1: 5 C 'tis "v 6 l 12- 1:3 6 - 7:3C 30.......... 35c to 85c . .....65c to 1.25 '6114u the Srrer VA.. 4 Aj' till night! See our beach to ballroom sharkskins today ... they're irresistible .. . and. law priced l Dazzling White Spectator Frocks . $7.95. D©zzling White Play Suits . . . . . $Z.95 Dazzling White Slack Suits'. $3.95 . Y I