THE MICHIGAN DAILY Novel Course For Teachers To Be Feature Education School Study Stresses Informality, Recreational Activities Novel in the curriculum of the Summer Session of the School of Education will be the new planned summer program for teachers not seeking University credit which will permit them to visit courses of in- terest informally and to engage in all of the social and recreational activities that the summer calendar offers. Under the direction of Prof. George Carrothers of the education school students will enroll in the school and plan their tentative programs around their interests. Lectures, concerts, and directed trips will sup- plement the academic and profes- sional phases of the schedule. Ad- mission to the program may be se- cured without submitting any creden- tials. Living quarters and other ar- rangements will be made by Profes- sor Carrothers to cover the full eight weeks of the session. In previous years it has been pos- sible for visitors to take advantage of some of the opportunities by pay- ment of the regular fees, Professor Carrothers cited. This year, on the other hand, those who wish to follow the program will be charged a lower fee, $20 for Michigan residents and $30 for non-residents. This will also entitle visitors to the usual health services available to other students and subscription to the Summer Michigan Daily, he pointed out. Enrollment in the course of activity may be made through July 15. A student who carries the program for the minimum of five weeks or more will be granted a credential describ- ing the program, issued by Professor Carrothers. It is hoped, he com- mented, that school systems will recognize this credential as evidence of professional growth profitably obtained by a planned non-credit program, rather than by the'formal work done in regular courses. )<=:>o<==-.o<==> <-=y<==o <=-- o( A WOMAN'S IRSTJOY... YEevery woman, whetheri is a bride-to-be, a colleg co-ed or about to celebrate hersumpteenth wedding anni- versary, delights in owning lovely linens. And she will U get only the best from our large line of linens, table cloths, napkins, towels of all o kinds, etc. Or if you are in the market for a gift for any woman, young or old, you'll find just what you want among our handkerchiefs and linens.. U GAGE LINEN SHOP : 10 Nickels Arcade k o't> o ) t ~ >: )C ?) t i Center Of Graduate Activities During summer Session Summer School Graduate Program FeaturesAmerican Cu Itura lInstitute "4- The Horace Rackham School of Graduate studies, shown above, will be the headquarters of the grad- uate school during the summer session. Completed in 1938, it is known as one of the most beautiful build- ings on the campus. Industry Heads, TechniciaOns And Educatolrois Give Course On Engines IV By KARL KESSLER Industrial leaders and technicians will cooperate with educators from five departments of the University to present an eight-week lecture and laboratory course on internal com- bustion engines during the 1940 Sum- mer Session. Entitled the "Internal Combustion Engine Institute," the program will deal with the fundamental principles of both theory and practice in the design, construction and utilization of internal combustion engines, with a specialsadvanced course in the parallel subject of thermodynamics as applied to the internal combus- tion engine open to those interested. Program Delineated The program of the Institute, as set forth in a bulletin issued by the de- partment of mechanical engineering, will be conducted for the benefit of men who already have a basic knowl- edge of this type of engine, gained through formal course work or as an outgrovith of engineering, re- search or teaching experience. Any engineer with a good training in mechanical engineering or allied sub- jects, the bulletin points out, can gain considerable benefit from the program. As a highlight on the program sponsored by the mechanical engin-I eering department, a symposium on vibration problems, under the direc- tion of Dr. S. P. Timoshenko and sponsored jointly by the Timken Rol- ler Bearing Company and the Uni- versity, will be offered. The, program of the Institute has been made possible by the coopera- tion of leading manufacturing com- panies in various branches of the in- ternal combustion engine industry through the loan of members of their technical staffs to serve as special lecturers. Within the University, the Insti- ! tute is under the sponsorship of the department of mechanical engin- eering, with the cooperation of the physics, aeronautical engineering, en- gineering mechanics and mathemat- ics departments. The general objective of the In- stitute, as outlined in the bulletin, is to provide opportunity for clari- fication and discussion of fundamen- tal principles as well as for the pre- sentation of some of the latest de- velopments in this field. Special attention of the institute is called to the following groups: (1) teachers and prospective, teachers of internal combustion engines, (2) en- gineers engaged in such work in in- dustry, and (3) graduate students in- J. Thompson of the aeronautical en- terested in the subject. The Internal Combustion Insti- tute is organized as a part of the Summer Session of the University.' The work will be on the graduate lev- el, and the courses included in the In- stitute program will carry graduate credit in the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies for those who desire it and have the proper credentials. Carry On Research The privilegeof taking part in the work of the Institute and of carry- ing on research in the University lab- oratories and libraries during the Summer Session will be extended to men who have degrees of Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Science by the dean of the graduate school, on the recommendation of the director of the Institute. Those desiring to avail themselves of this privilege should file applications before the opening of the Summer Session in order that satisfactory arrangements may be made in advance. The work of the Institute and the general conduct of courses will be under the direction of Prof. John E. Emswiler, Walter E. Lay, Ransom S. Hawley, Edward T. Vincent and Axel Marin of the mechanical en- gineering department, Prof. Jesse Ormontroyd of the engineering me- chanics department and Prof. Milton gineering department. The fundamental courses on the In- ternal Combustion Engines offered by the faculty of the University will be supplemented by a series of spe- cial lectures, to be given by outstand- ing men loaned from industry, each l a specialist in some particular field, who will lecture on his own subject! and handle any discussion on that phase of the study. A .total of 16 such lectures will be offered, two to be held each Saturday morning for eight weeks. Special Lecturers Named Special lecturers will include Prof. J. H. Keenan of the Massachusetts Institute of - Technology and Prof. S. Timoshenko of Stanford Univer- sity. Lecturers from industry will in- clude Robert Janeway, E. W. Upham and A. D. Wallace of the Chrysler Corporation; W. G. Lovell, G. F. Shoemaker and Lloyd Withrow of General Motors laboratories; J. M. Miller of the Standard Oil Company; F. C. Mock from the Bendix Aviation Corporation; G. Williams of the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Engine Company; E. J. Willis from the Aluminum Company of America; H. F. Wood from the Wyman-Gordon Company; F. M. Young of the Young Radiator Company and V. C. Young of the Wilcox-Rich Corporation. (Continued from Page 9) their students. The round tables will feature questions sent in in ad- vance by students; these meetings will be open only to enrolled students and members of the University fac- ulty. Paralleling the regular lectures and round tables of the Program. Dumas Malone, editor of the "Dic- tionary of American Biography," will give a special series of 14 lec- tures. They will deal with outstand- ing personalities in the five fields under consideration and will be given on the same days as the regular lec- tures. Because of his position, Pro- fessor Hopkins said, Malone is espe- cially fitted to deliver this lecture series. Their titles will be announced in a publication at the opening of the Summer Session. The general aim of the Program is to deal with problems of inter- pretation, definition and appraisal of fundamental elements of our cul- ture and with the forces that have shaped the course of America down to the present day. It is not intended, Professor Hopkins commented, to supply a survey of elementary fac- tual information nor to deal ex- haustively with a terrifically com- plex subject. The calibre of students in the course, he pointed out, is intended to be that of the person who has completed most of the work for a master of arts degree. These stu- dents, he added, should be able to follow the work of such a collabora- tion of scholars as is planned for the curriculum of the Program. Informal activities have been plan- ned for the benefit of those in the Program. Tours will be arranged to the museum at Greenfield Village, to industrial plants in Detroit and to the Detroit Institute of Arts with a gallery talk on the American art in the collection there. The School of Music will give concerts devoted to American music, and American plays will be presented by the Michigan players. A special exhibit of American art will also be held in the galleries of the Raskham Building, while other collections, illustrating various as- pects of the program, will be on display in the Main Library, the Clements Library and the architec- ture college building. "Regionalism and Nationalism," the first of the topics to be studied. will open with a lecture on "Amer- ican Literature as an Instrument for Cultural Analysis," by Prof: Howard M. Jones of Harvart University, Other sub-topics to be considered are "The Old South as a Laboratory for Cutural Analysis," "The Conflict and Fusion of Cultural Groups in the Interior Plains" and "Cultural Trends in Relation to Regional Dif- ferences." A consideration of "Church and State in the New World," by Prof. W. W. Sweet of the University of Chicago, will open the week of lec- tures devoted to the study of "Reli- gion and Education." This will be. followed by addresses on "Religion and Humanitarianism," "Education as a Responsibility of the State" and "The Social Responsibility of Educa- tion" The lectures devote dto "Litera- ture and Art" will open with an ad- dress on "Native Impulses in Amer- ican Literature," by Prof. G. F. Whi- cher of Amherst College. The series will continue with lectures on "Amer- ican Humor and National Sanity," "Some Trends in American Aesthe- tics" and "American Art." A lecture on "Technological Prog- ress in Economic Society," by Har- low S. Person, consultant in busi- ness economics and management of New York, will highlight the series on "Commerce and Industry," being followed by considerations of "Cor- porate Organization and Concentra- tion of Economic Power'," "The Role of Individualism in American Life" and "The Development of Social Con- trol." The final topic to be considered in the weekly lecture groups. "Gov- ernment and Politics." will open with a lecture on "The Origin and De- velopment of' American Political Thought," by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, chairman of the political science de- partment. "The Fundamental Law and Judicial Review," "Individual Freedom as an Objective in Gov- ernment" and "The Function of American Political Parties" are the topics of the concluding lectures. The curriculum of the Program has been arranged through the co- operation of Wilfred B. Shaw, direc- tor of alumni relations and editor of the "Quarterly Review"; Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of University mu- seums, and Prof. Wells I. Bennett, dean of the architecture college; Louis I. Bredvold, chairman of the English department. CFsseiitials o Loveli ,11es We wish to congratulate you on coming to Michigan this summer. We have known the summer school students for forty years, and hope that you will stop in and see us at our convenient location on State Street across from the Campus. 1'ai COSMETIC NEEDS ..-. H UTZEL'S ANN.ARBOR 1 ' r 9 3 for every hour of the day Keep a nine o'clock appointment . meet friends for lunch.. . have tea with some one important . . . or attend the premier dressed appropriately. A busy Creams .. Elizabeth Arden Helena Rubinstein Harriet Hubbard Ayer Max Factor Richard Hudnut Gifts.. Compacts Revlon Manicure Sets Bath Powders and Oils Beach Cosmetic Kits Perfumes.. Caron Lanvin, Worth Guerlain Lientheric Coty, Corday i Q ... millinery ... HfATS that are new are always shown in our shop. ~ at$3.95 and up. DANA RICHARDSON 309 South State ... at the Dillon Shop o: o stac t~c~~c: oo ;aoring th~a et i o amp ortan Thru Summer #ri'sp.hCarefree Casuals.. . Classics You'll "live 9 coldetionus in tailoing h.tfs soim$ot.nt Crisefreh .,. wahabl .. (( nodTrtelypricdl Br coorfu .from dawn 'til dusk! , 9 !4l9 r9 F9 SSLACKS from $2.95 FSKIRTS from $1.95 FPlaysuits from~ $2.959 FShorts . from $1.00 F Spectator Dresses from $7.95 Shirt Frocks S from $595y Tailored Blouses from $1.95 -~ 9 Men's Supplies. Yardley Lientheric Windsor House "/4711"1 HYPO-ALLERGENIC COSMETICS - MARCELLE Drug Needs 0 e - Doctor's Supplies Prescriptions Invalids' Supplies Baby Needs . .. Scales, Foods, Bottles, Talc, Oil, and Soaps. i