THE MICHIGAN BIATT THUSDAT, M._U Basis Of Scientific Method Discussed By Prof. Thuma's Honors Seminar United Jewish Appeal Conducts Campaign To Assist Refugees actual experimental work was accom- plished. Next a critical study of medieval science was undertaken. The stu- dents read widely in St. Augustine, St. Basil, and Lactantius. Contrast- ed with. the Greek age, these men were interested primarily in defend- ing the Bible and almost wholly ig- Applications for admission to the program of Honors in Liberal Arts must be submitted to the office of Dean Woodburn in Room 1208, Angell Hall before the end of the week. Applicants must be of sophomore standing with an academic average of "B" or bet- ter. nored observations of nature. Their intellectual efforts were directed to- wards theology, and science suffered a serious neglect. With the advent of Roger Bacon, the seeds of modern science were sown, and the seminar is now begin- ning to study the bases of this new attitude, as expressed in selected writ- ings by Copernicus, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Descartes, and Fran- cis Bacon. When this reading has been com- pleted, the students will have estab- lished a conception of the empirical foundations of the modern scientific method, a study which will be ex- panded and completely developed in the seminar next year. This historical and philosophical apgroach to science was instituted to- wards the end of the first semester. At the beginning of the year the sem- inar had considered the way in which science had grown out of magic and Political Group HoldsMeeting Campus Republicans Plan OrganizationOf Wards The University of Michigan Re- publican Club, affiliated with the College Republicans of America, held a preliminary organization meeting last night pending a formal organ- ization meeting Wednesday, May 8, Clarence Sahline, '40, announced. Purpose of the club, Sahline said, is to arouse student interest in na- tional political situation, to acquaint students with absentee voting laws, to give expression to campus repub- lican opinion and to acquaint the students with the function of the Republican party. The entire campus is to be or- ganized on a ward basis, with ward leaders and committees, and further subdivided into precincts, he added. Two committees were announced last night-publicity, Arnold White, '41, and Daniel Huyett, '42; and con- stitution and by-laws, Ruth Basye, '42, chairman. U.S.C. Government Laws Are Analyzed Student government at the Uni- versity of Southern California fol- lows the same general rule that seems to characterize student de- mocracy at all Western schools, namely, the Associated Students set-up, which includes all main of- ficers of major campus organizations and officers of the classes. In turn, the officers of the Asso- ciated Students, together with pres- idents of the schools and colleges and representatives of the service organizations, meet in a body known as the Student Senate. The Senate, acting as coordinating body for the campus, makes rules and regulations governing activities. religion, and had then proceeded to read and discuss "Science for the Citizen" by Hogben. This method was finally abandoned because Hogben's book was consid- ered by the students and tutor to be excessively technical, somewhat bor- ing, and of a second-hand nature. The seminar as a group re-assessed its aims and techniques, and the historical-philosophical method de- scribed in detail above was adopted. One of the present purposes of the group is to formulate the scientific attitude common to all the specific sciences. The students are urged to integrate and correlate their semi- nar study with courses in the physi- cal and biological sciences. Most of the students in the semi- nar regretted the loss of time in set- ting up the techniques of study fin- ally accepted. Some of them felt that they were inadequately pre- pared to delve into profound philo- sophical works. Big Ten Highghts... By GEORGE W. SALLADE The Big Te turned the spotlight on beauty queens, politics, proms and plays this week in order to get its mind off finals. The queens are holding court at Iowa, Chicago and Ohio State. At Iowa there are many pretenders to the throne. The Lillian Russell Club is trying to select a "Belle of the 40's" (1940's presumably). The can- didates for the honor are Edith Stuart, Georgia Graddis and Jean Lawman. The judge is none other than that Hollywood glamour girl herself, Alice Faye. Thisewas not enough for the Hawkeyes, however, so they had Ted Weems present the six beauties chosen by the yearbook at their Junior Prom. Betty'Hemsky, Alpha Chi Omega, Fern Eggen, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Jane Arnold, Delta Gamma, Dorothy Hunter, Beverly Hunter, Pi Beta Phi and Virginia Miller, Gamma Phi Beta, were the lucky girls. Ohio State, not to be outdone by Iowa, selected Janice J. Hagerty, Kappa Kappa Gamma, as its Senior Prom queen. The Student Senate meanwhile put a damper on the co-eds by rejecting plans for Sadie Hawkins Day. Chicago gets this column's four bells though, for its queen, Ruth Wehlen, was selected the state final- ist in the All-American College Queen contest sponsored by Para- mount. Ruth is a Queen of Queens. In spite of all this thejre are some other conference activities. "Serve It Hot," a variety show similar to the Mimes Union Opera, is being presented at the University of Wis- consin. Around the Wisconsin cam- pus it is known as the Haresfoot show. At Indiana the week's presenta- tion is the Gilbert and Sullivan op- eretta "The Gondoliers." It is one of the most difficult operettas to present and will be given by the Indiana University Pro-Music Club. The political keynote of the week sounded at Northwestern and Min- nesota. The Wildcats, true to their name, staged- a near riot at the torchlight parade, opening their mock Political Convention. The crowd of more than 2,000 pushed with such violence towards the speakers' platform at the end of the parade that many fights broke out. At. Minnesota, however, 500 students participated in a more peaceful torchlight parade preceding campus elections. In greater Germany and in war-torn Poland grief-stricken mothers are praying that their childien may be taken away from them to some other land where they may never see them again but where they will know that their children will face a future of hope rather than misery and starvation. * * * French Relief DancePlanned Frederics' Band Will Play At DetroitCharity Ball To secure funds for the French Relief Fund, le Bal Collegian, semi- formal charity ball, will be spon- sored by the French Committee for Relief in France and the French Red Cross Saturday evening in the Crystal Ballroom of the Book-Cad- illac Hotel, Detroit. Headed by Mr. Maxime Rainquet, French Consular Agent of Detroit, committees have been formed in De- troit, Ann Arbor and neighboring communities. The dance featuring Marvin Frederics and his orchestra, who played for Pay-Off Dance given by Mortar Board here Feb. 23 is planned by students and young peo- ple. Tickets priced at $1.50 may be obtained at the main desk in the Union. Mrs. Rene Talamon, chair- man of the Ann Arbor Committee announced. Meyer Will Speak To Marx Society. Frank Meyer, director of the Chi- cago Workers' School, will speak on "The Theory and Practice of Social- ism" today at 8 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Mr. Meyer's speech will mark the first meeting of the newly form- ed Karl Marx Society, which has been officially recognized by the University, Annabel Hill, '40SM, an- nounced yesterday. The meeting will celebrate the 122nd anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, father of scientific so- cialism. The Karl Marx Society has, been formed to meet the growing interest among students in the teachings of Marx, according to Miss Hill. *4' The Joint Distribution Committee, one of the three constituent agencies of the United Jewish Appeal, is fac- ing the most severe tasks in its 25 year history this year in its campaign to assist Jewish refugees, Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director of Hillel and chairman of the Ann Arbor U.J.A. drive,massertedhyesterday. All of the money collected from the current drive, he declared, will be turned over to the U.J.A. for re- distribution. The drive started yes- terday and will continue until May 10. Dr. Rabinowitz announced the duties which the J.D.C. will under- take this year as follows: Rush all possible assistance to the Jewish communities in Rumania and Hungary and the Baltic countries which are now faced with the vast problem of providing for tens of thousands of war refugees from Po- land. Provide refugee aid in neutral countriessuchas Holland, Belgium, Italy and Switzerland where local communities must now devote all energies to national problems of se- curity. Prepare a large scale program of rehabilitation in order to rebuild Jewish life in Poland and to help in the economic and communal recon- Pakstas Traces Mores, History Of Baltic States (Continued from Page 1) which industry plays a large part. All of the countries greatly empha- size intellectual achievement, and the prominence of the universities is measured by the fact that 80 per- cent of the youth attend them. Mu- sic and poetry have important places in Baltic life; Esthonia has the larg- est choir (20,000 voices) in the world and her language is judged to be the dost musical tongue, Dr. Pak- stas said. Before the Baltic was hermetically shut by Hitler 80 per cent of Baltic commerce flowed to Britain and the Low Countries. Now Russia and Germany monopolize them, he com- mented. Last October Russia leased by pact a number of military posts on the lower Baltic coast. The rela- tionship created by this pact is sim- ilarto the position of Cuba and the United States which has four mili- tary garrisons on the island, Dr. Pak- stas added. Though the Baltic States have individual and independent cultures and political orientation they are in favor of a federated Europe if that federation is not the strong-arm work of some big country, he com- mented in reply to a question. Fin- land, Dr. Pakstas concluded, has been pro-German since the first World War, but has been deceived in her expectation that Germany, would protect her from Russia by Herr Adolf Hitler. struction of the Jewish communities. Assist in providing transportation from neutral countries for refugees who possess visas to enter overseas countries under the present quota regulations. In conjunction with the drive here, a swing concert, tracing the develop- ment of the more modern type of music, will be given Tuesday at the Hillel Foundation by Mr. Phil Dia- mond of the German department. The proceeds will be turned over to the Ann Arbor Jewish Committee, local relief agency. Movies picturing life in PalestineT will be shown at 8:30 p.m. Sunday at the Foundation. They will deal mainly with the work done with monies sent to the Holy Land by the U.J.A. 1 U -I Last Times Today 'R E B E C CA" at 2:00 - 4:32 - 7:13 - 9:45 P.M. 1 E I DIONNE QUINTS ''FIVE TIMES FIVE"' xtra Added I WORLD NEWS r a .4 r """ "1 The familiar Telephone Directory is America's No. 1 Reference Book-consulted millions of times a day by men, women and children in every walk of life. Besides being "America's Calling List," it is also one of the most helpful buying guides. In the classified "Where to Buy It" section (yellow pages) you will find the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of dealers who sell what you want-many of them listed under the trade marks of scores of nationally advertised brands. ii ir nr r fi rInI^