Weather 4c uin ii ud PluvialI 4-_M-,m mw Sfr4b I3aittj Editorial rA~ ci VOL. L. No. 152 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS British Naval Units Hit German Supply Route Off Sweden Missionary Discusses Arabia Before Educational Institute Some Nazi Land Forces Retreat To Southward, Norse Sources Report Foreign Vol u nteer's Assist Norwegians By WES GALLAGHER STOCKHOLM, May 1.-(I)-Bri- tish navy raiding units, varying their submarine attack on Ger- many's supply and transport line! across the Kattegat to Norway, brought planes and warships into play in a large-scale naval engage- ment off the Swedish west coast today. Observers at Goteborg, Sweden, said they saw one German ship set afire and another sunk during a two-hour battle about 10 miles northwest of that important Swe- dish naval base. German warships convoying trans- ports and supply ships returned the British fire. Nazis Leave For Roroo This sea fight came almost simul- taneously with an announcement by Norwegian authorities that Germn troops, composing an excellently equipped tank unit of about 150 men, retreated southward from Roros, key point in the Osterdalen valley, and also had withdrawn from Tynset, 25 miles farther south. The Norwegians said Norse troops with "foreign volunteers" had reoc- cupied the area around Roros but not the town itself because the Ger- mans had threatened to subject it to aerial bombardment if they did. The "foreign volunteers" possibly could have included Swedes, Nor- wegian sources said, but they de- clined to be positive about it. Retreat 'Necessary' Norwegian authorities quoted a German officer as saying that "our retreat is necessary because our com- munications have been cut." (London advices said Germans taken prisoner at Roros explained that they were short of supplies. (Other London dispatches said Al- lied forces also were advances south- ward on the Steinkjer front, north of Trondheim.) An Allied-Norwegian communique issued from Grong, back of the Steinkjer front, said there was little ground activity but much warfare in the air in that sector. The Norwegian troops entered Roros suberts about 5 a.m., afitsr the Germans had withdrawn during the night, and established commu- nication with Sweden. Forces Reorganized Norwegian 'military sources indi- cated reorganized Norwegian forces, now geared to shift quickly, were harassing the Germans' rear, making necessary their retreat from thr northernmost posts, and were inter- fering with their supply lines. , It was. not yet clear whether the German withdrawal was only a tem- porary tactic to await reinforce- ments. This strategy is a favorite one with the Reichswehr. It also was not yet clear whether the Germans' retreat would vitally affect their position at Trondheim, on the west central coast. The Osterdalen is the easternmost of two valleys used in their "blitz" campaign to establish a connection between Oslo and Trondheim. The Germans yesterday reported this connection completed in the Gudbrandsdalen, the valley to the west, the eastern line would be of less importance to them if the Gud- brandsdalen line is secure. Heikkinen Cites Youth Problem Says Unemployed Millions Endanger Democracy Speaking to a hundred and fifty students, townspeople and faculty members, Richard Heikkinen, chair- man of the State Committee for the Passage of the American Youth Act, stated last night that the primary problem confronting the nation to- Townspeople, Faculty View Health Center More than 250 townspeople and faculty inspected the new Health Service and the W. K. Kellogg Foun- dation Institute for Graduate and Postgraduate Dentistry yesterday in the first annual open houses of both institutions. Reaction of the visitors to both buildings *as one of the highest praise for their equipment dan facil- ities. Authorities of both the Health Service and Institute attributed the small attendance to the inclement weather. The Health Service, but not the Institute, will continue its open house from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. to- day. This session especially for stu- dents will feature the same routine as yesterday. Pakstas Traces Mores, History Of Baltic States Nations Favor Federation Of European Countries, Visiting Lecturer Says "It was shortly after the engulf- ment of Czechoslovakia by the Hitler regime that I received a telegram from the University of California asking me to deliver a series of lec- tures on the minorities, language, culture, and political geography of central and eastern Europe." With this as his theme, Dr. Kazys Pakstas, chairman of the geography department at the University of Vy- tautas-the-great at Kaunas, Lithu- ania, proceeded to delineate the con- temporary and historical life of the Baltic States: Finland, Latvia, Es- thonia and Lithuania, the cultural gateway between western Europe and Russia. Both the climate and terrain of the Baltic States is very similar to that of the cut-over coutry of north- ern Michigan, Dr. Pakstas said. The language of this region and espe- cially Lithuania is the purest and oldest of all Europe. This is due to the isolation that is afforded Lithu- ania by the swamps and lakes south of it and the immense forests which covered it for centuries. Knowledge of the Lithuanian language is the clue to many of the philological and philosophical riddles of today, he added. Speaking of the various qualities in which the Baltic States excel, Dr. Pakstas declared that the Finnish people in general are the strongest living not only because of the ad- verse climate they live in, but also because of the rational diet they follow. Pastry and sweets have made Western civilization "soft." All three of the lower Baltic States have been rapidly changing from an agricultural economy to one in (Continued on Page 2) Harrison Delivers Feature Lecture At Eighth Annul Adult Convocation Here' By RICHARD HARMEL While characterizing the Arabian civilization as "one of the great cul- tures of the world" in the featured address of the Eighth Annual Adult EducationHInstitute yesterday, Dr. Paul W. Harrison, for 30 years a medical missionary in Arabia, paint- ed a graphic picture of the arid land of the Bedouins. The Bedouinwho represents the Arabian culture for Dr. Harrison is the most cheerful person in the world, the finest development of physical courage, the most hospita- ble, the most intelligent in his pe- culiar way and the most conceited individual in existence. His cheerfulness, says Dr. Harri- son, is attributable to his constantly cheerful companion-the goat. His courage is found in his joyous raid- ing of his neighbors' four-legged property which is characterized by a happy disregard for bullets, a dis- regard motivated by his confident assurance that to die in battle is a one-way express ticket to paradise. The Bedouin's hospitality goes so far, according to Dr. Harrison, that he will lay his worldly possessions at your feet if you deign to be his guest. His intelligence is found in his uncanny ability to read tracks. His conceit is illustrated by his firm conviction that the Arabs are a su- perior race and the Mohammedan a superior religion. As far as women are concerned in Arabia, Dr. Harrison disclosed, they enjoy a complete subservience to a code so strict that even minor infractions mean death. On the other hand, men have no such con- finements. But modern civilization is en- croaching on this unique culture, Dr. Student Senate TO Inaugurate New Members Meeting Tonight Includes Reports Of Committees And Officer's Elections New members of the Student Sen- ate, elected last Friday, will be in- augurated at their first meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in Lane Hall, Ar- nold White, '41, secretary of the Senate, announced yesterday. A new president, vice-president, and secretary will be elected follow- ing the welcoming of the new Sen- ators, White said. Several committee reports are also scheduled on to- night's agenda. Senator Richard Steudel, '41, chairman of the cleaning committee, is to give a report on a meeting which he attended in conjunction with representatives of local clean- ers and a representative of the Uni- versity, White said. Last and final report on the ac- tivities of the Spring Parley Ccim- mittee will be aired by Senator Dan- iel Huyett, '42, chairman, White in- dicated, while new committees and plans for future Parleys will be se- lected. Retiring President Paul Robert- son, '40E, is expected to address the new members, and will give a for- mal retiring speech outlining his suggestions and experiences during his term of office. Harrison declared. Henry Ford and the Standard Oil Co. are in a large pat responsible. King Ibn-Saud has imported 400 Fords and they prom- ise to replace the came in the fu-, ture. The oil company is changing' the Bedouin from a nomad to a re- finery worker. Japan, too, is boring into Arabia, according to Dr. Harrison. Her huge cement plants along the coast and usurpation of the trade once enjoyed by Europe and America are affecting the Arabian culture. It is necessary then, Dr. Harri- son concluded, thatAmerica discover some way to replace her foreign markets because what is happening in Arabia is indication of the ten- dency to lose her foreign trade eve- rywhere. Headlined event of the program today is Mr. Orin W. Kaye's discus- sion of "The National Youth Admin- istration in Michigan" at the 12:15 p.m. luncheon in the League. Other featured addresses during the course of the day in the Lecture (Continued on Page 6) Dr. F. . Wilson To Give Russel Lecture Today; Ruthven To Make Award To Notable Research Specialist Of Past Year The University will honor its out- standing research specialists of 1939-40 at 4:15 p.m. today when Dr. Frank N. Wilson will deliver the Henry Russel lecture and President Ruthvenannounces thedwinner of the Henry Russel Award. Russel honors are given annually in two divisions: the Lectureship is awarded for the most outstanding research of a member of the fac- ulty, and the Award is given to the outstanding junior member of the faculty. Dr. Wilson was selected as Lec- turer several weeks ago on the basis of his study of the electrical move- ments of the human heart. The winner of the Russel Award will not be made public until this afternoon. Both the Lectureship and the Award are presented on the basis of recommendations from the Re- search Club. Prof. Edson R. Sunder- land, president of the club, will par- ticipate in today's program. Winner of the Russel Lectureship last year was Prof. Cambell Bonner, of the Greek department. Prof. Nor- man R. F. Maier, of the psychology department, won the Russel Award. Scholarships Are Awarded Marsh And Mandelbaum Prizes Given To Nine Announcement of nine wimners of Marsh and Mandelbaum scholar- ships for 1939-40 was n'ade today by Dean Edward H. Kaus, of the literary college. Simon Mandelbaum scholarships, carrying a stipend of $385 each, were awarded to: Clayton H. Manry, '41, Frank A. Rideout, '41, Jack X. Bender, '41. Fanny Ransom Marsh scholarships, carrying stipends of $60 or $55 each, were awarded to: Anson D. Solem, '41, Harry E. Good- man, '42, Charlotte M. Babinski, '41. John Pitt Marsh scholarships, also carrying stipends of $60 or $55 each, were awarded to: Isabella H. Lu- goski, '42, Helen S. Horvath, '41, Vir- ginia E. Graham, '42. The selection committee was com- posed of Prof. Norman E. Nelson of the English department, Prof. F. E. Eggleton of the zoology depart- ment; and Prof. A. B. Peck, of the geology department. Research Disorde In Behavior Tests Students Open Annual Press Meeting Here 800 High School Delegates Are Expected To Gather For MIPA Convention :Disculssion Groups Will Be Featured By ROBERT SPECKHARD High school journalists from throughout the state are flocking to Ann Arbor today to open the 19th annual convention of the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association with a general assembly, reception and dance tonight at the Union. More than 800 students from ap- proximately 200 high schools are expected to attend the three-day conference sponsored by the jour- nalism department. Following the dance tonight the neophyte journal- ists will be conducted through the Student Publications Building to see how a daily newspaper operates. Muyskens To Speak Tomorrow morning will be high- lighted by an address entitled "Words, Words, Words," by Prof. John H. Muyskens of the depart- ments of speech and human adjust- ments at the general assembly at 9 a.m. The remainder of the morn- ing will be spent in the various "clinics" or discussion groups on the special problems of high school jour- nalism. Editorial content is the topic of the clinic conducted by Prof. John L. Brumm of the department of jour- nalism and Prof. W. H. Maurer of the department will illustrate his clinic on makeup with lantern slides. Also among those scheduled to speak during the convention are: S. L. A. Marshall, editorial writer for the Detroit News and foreign news commentator for Radio Sta- tion WWJ; Robert Friers, '40, who has made an international reputa- tion as a traveler, "shoe-string ad- venturer," and lecturer; Lee A. White of the Detroit News; Mrs. Virginia Lawson Skinner, Associate Director Consumer Division, Crom- well-Collier Publishing Company; and T. Luther Purdom, Director of the University Bureau of Appoint- ments. Scholarship Offered An annual scholarship named in honor. of Professor Brumm will be offered at the convention. Scholas- tic rating in high school is the chief basis for judgment of the recipient of the award which is being present- ed by the*Council of Advisers of High School Publications from, funds available to the MIPA. Kappa Tau Alpha and Theta Sig- ma Phi, national honorary journal- istic societies are cooperating with the journalism department in acting as host to the visiting high school editors and their advisers. Members of the MIPA will also be guests of the Michigan Athletic Association at the Michigan-Illinois track meeting this Saturday afternoon. Roll Call For Peace Will Be Continued The Roll Call for Peace being conducted by the American Student Union as part of its regular mem- bership campaign, will be continued today and Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at tables in the Main Library and University Hall, Ellen Rhea, '41, announced yesterday. The organization decided to con- tinue the Roll Call to enable a great- er number of students to sign the petition. Savitl Gives All So Coeds May Get Pool Italy WillNot Enter War Now, Il Duce Assures U.S. Envoy Heavy Surtaxes Imposed At Cabinet Meeting As War Tension Relaxes British Deny Change In Italian Relations I I v NORMA KAPHAN Lovers of long-hair music will have their day at the May Festival soon, but last night was hep-cat night on the campus.7 Jan Savitt and his Top. Hatters orchestra came to town especially; for hep-cat night and he didn't have to give away dishes or offer Bingo prizes to get 3.000 rhythmaniacs into .Yost Field House. It was as festive as May Day in Moscowf but hardly as disciplined. The audience whistled and cheered and jumped up and down in their seats. And ever time Savitt's copy- righted "shuffle rhythm" shuffled, the prospective women's swimming pool came closer to realization. Savitt seemed to understand that Michigan's second annual Swing Concert was being sponsored by the Women's Athletic Association and the Men's Glee Club to raise folding money for a coed natatorium, for he put enough "oomph" into the show to make Ann Sheridan jealous. He included such classics as "W.P.A.," "720 In The Books" and "Tuxedo Junction." The coeds had the best time of all; the tapping of their saddle shoes could be heard for miles. Engineers calmly admired the design of Sa- vitt's specially - constructed slide trombones. A Fifth Column was. present, composed of long-hairs who remembered the days when Savitt was first violinist with the Phila- delphia Symphony. Durst Wins As Netters Defeat Kalamazoo, 5-4 Kohl And Dober Duo Win Final Match With Ease To Clinch Varsity Victory By GERRY SCHAFLANDER Michigan's tennis team, forced in- doors by rain, edged out the Kalama- zoo College netters, 5-4, yesterday afternoon on the indoor courts at the Sports Building. In the feature match, Capt. Sam Durst pulled a sensational upset by defeating Marian Shane, Kalamazoo ace, 6-4, 2-6, 7-5. Before today's match, "Buck" Shane, Kalamazoo's captain and number one man, had compiled one of the most amazing conseceutive win records in the his- tory of college tennis. Shane had rolled up 56 victories in a row, and had been unbeaten in dual meet competition for the past two and one-half years. The match started on the Palmer Field courts with Durst and Shane splitting the first two sets. Durst won the first at 6-4, with Shane tak- ing the second, 6-2. Playing very steadily despite a severe wind and intermittent cloudbursts, Shane won the first three games in the third set before unplayable weather con- ditions forced a cessation of play. After a short discussion, the Durst- I (Continued on Page 3) By RICHARD G. MASSOCK ROME, May 1. -()- President Roosevelt's ambassador to Italy, Wil- liam Phillips, was understood tonight to have received directly from Pre- mier Mussolini an assurance that taly contemplates no move into the war at present. The ambassador made a timely call upon Il Duce. He wanted to obtain a clear view of Italy's foreign policy, at a time when the expres- sions of the Italian press and cer- tain Fascist leaders have made it look as if Italy might be getting ready for war on the side of Ger- many. Mussolini Affable He found Mussolini fit and affable. Details of this interview are not available, but Il Duce was reported to have confirmed the widely-held impression that Italy, pending some important development, will remain he non-belligerentmally of Germany, Phillips' visit preceded Mussolini's ttendance at a cabinet session at which heavy surtaxes on war indus- try profits were imposed. The inter- view took place in the Premier's of- ice in the interior ministry and asted for 45 minutes. Only Phillips and Mussolini were present. While Phillips was so occupied the British charge d'affaires, Sir Noel Charles, was explaining to Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano, the meaning of Britain's diversion of her through shipping from the Mediter- ranean to the long Cape of Good Hope route. Meeting Called Cordial This meeting was described as cor- dial and it was indicated there was mention of Britain's desire for good relations with Italy and resumption of long-suspended trade negotiations. The meeting took place at Ciano's re- quest. Belief was expressed in British circles that the decision to divert Birtish ships from the Mediterran- ean reflected no change in relations between Britain and Italy. Italy's press reported the British announcement of the decision to di- vert shipping verbatim. This an- nouncement said "certain precau- tions" were being taken in regard to British shipping which normally follows the Mediterranean route be- cause of the recent anti-allied ex- pressions of the Italian press and some Fascists. French Group Will Give Play Ticket Sale For Friday's Comedy Opens Today Tickets for "Happy Days," this year's French play sponsored by Le Cercle Francais will go on sale today and Friday at 10 a.m. through 6 p.m. at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office in the League. The single performance of the comedy will begin at 8:15 p.m. to- morrow featuring a six-person cast of French students having excep- tional fluency in French pronuncia- tion and dramatic ability. Tickets are priced at 50 cents and at 25 cents for holders of season tickets to the series of French lectures also sponsored by the club. This year's play is noted for the excellent French used by all of the characters, Professor Rene Talamon, one of the directors of the play commented. A complete summary Transportation Club Has Annual Dinner The development and operation of turbo-electric locomotives was the subject of the illustrated talk by C. C. Bailey of the General Electric Company at the annual spring ban- quet of the Transportation Club last n~iaht in the TT'ninn_ Ruthven Endorses Tag Day Sale To Aid Fresh Air Camp Fund By MILTON ORSHEFSKY President Ruthven gave official endorsement to the annual Tag Day sale tomorrow an Saturday in a statement released yesterday ex- pressing the hope that "members of the University community and their friends" will continue to support the regular campaign for funds for the University Fresh-Air Camp. The statement follows: "Those who have been privileged to contribute to the support of the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp during the past 20 years have derived a genuine and well-founded satisfaction. They know that the Camp has been capably and suc- cessfully managed, and that it has benefitted hundreds of underprivi- leged boys, physically, mentally, and possible a project which so well em- bodies the true spirit of the Univer- sity of Michigan." The campaign has also received the endorsement of Mayor Walter C. Sadler of Ann Arbor. In his proc- lamation designating tomorrow and Saturday as "University Fresh Mv Camp Days," the mayor called the Tag Day sale "one of the most effi- cient and beneficial camp move- ments which has ever come to my attention." Richard Fletcher, '41, student chairman of the campaign, an- nounced last night that seven more campus organiations have pledged their active support. They are: the League, Panhellenic Society, Assem- bly including the women's dormi- tories, League houses and Ann Arbor Molnar's Guardsman' Is Picked For Drama Season Program Cited By Reckless Completing a roster of five plays, officials of the 1940 Anta Arbor Drama Season announced yesterday that Ferenc Molnar's "The Guards- man" will be presented June 11 to 15 in the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. Plays already scheduled are: Shaw's "Pygmalion," May 13 to 18; Shakespear's "The Winter Tale," May 21 to 25; Sidney Kingsley's "The, World We Make," May 28 to June 1; and St. John Ervine's "Boyd's Shop," June 4 to 8. Interest has been aroused in Mol- nar's work by the presence of the n rl a ,rwr Amvvrnn. aand by he -i the husband of actress Tallulah Bankhead, daughter of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and star of the current Broadway suc- cess, "The Little Foxes." Mme. Bridewell is a former Metro- politan Opera star who has appeared in Ann Arbor on May Festival pro- grams and who, since her retirement from opera, has been successful on the legitimate stage. She will play the part of Mama, made famous by Helen Westley in the Lunt-Fontaine production of "The Guardsman." Other actors recently signed for the Season include Hathaway Kale, Alice Jon.rxwho ashpan seen uwith Modern sociologists and psychol- ogists tend to create a maze of chil- dren's behavior problems in their elaborate research techniques, Dr. Walter Reckless, visiting lecturer in sociology, asserted in his lecture at the last- meeting of the fGraduaite