r otfl THE lVLHIi 2A- TDAI ......H ....i i~ i THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of JUlchigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every_ morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 44.00; Iby mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVER.SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 4C GMADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGOOSTONe C'LOSANGELES -SAN tResACIs8C ,Member, Associated Collegiate Press,. 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M.' Swinton Morton L. Linder Nprman A. Schorr Dennis ,Flan~agan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary . Mel Fineberg . Business Manager Editorial Staff .ss. . Business Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director * . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Women's Editor . Sports Editor . Paul R. Park Ganson P..Taggart Zenovia skoratko . Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HOWARD A. GOLDMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Students Disapprove Of Ghost Writing . . . A STUDENT OPINION SURVEYS poll has canvassed a cross section of college students throughout the country and comes up with the finding that 75 per cent dis- approve of ghostwriting, 10 per cent don't care, and 15 per cent approve. And there we see what college students probably think about those circular letters that come around about twice a year purporting to help laggard students through courses that stump them. The "ghost", will write brilliant theses and term papers for a nominal sum on any topic you can think of. A little money, and the dumbest collegian can hand in a paper as erudite as the smartest student in the class; indeed, it is doubtful whether the professor, himself, could turn out such a classy gem, so the circular would claim BUT THE POLL is not too reassuring even though it does say that the great majority of students disapprove of getting by in a course on the work of someone else. There is the 25 per cent of the students that doesn't mind employing ghosts. This might mean that these persons believe that the diploma is the impor- tant thing in college, and it must be obtained if only through subterfuge. It might mean, as some of those questioned claimed, that ghost writing helps students to put more time toward studying more important courses. It might mean pure laziness. It is probable that students who attempt to go through a whole college career on the written work of another will not last long. If their money does not run out first, their teachers may notice the difference between classroom opinions and those of written work. Teachers may notice a great difference in approach- they may wonder at the strange treatment of the subject. Lastly, students who rely on ghost writers may one day run into that vagary called "conscience." Dishonesty has not yet become a virtue. The argument that holds that ghost writing enables students to devote more time to impor- tant subjecs implies a course of study that has not been carefully thought out. At any rate, this sort of claim seems rather foolish when one considers that a course which is thought unimportant should take very little of the student's time and effort. He should be able to complete his work in such a course without too much thought or trouble. FINALLY, we have the ghost writer, himself, to consider. This learned individual and supposed employer of learned individuals seems quite similar to those literary agents who claim to be able to teach willing persons how to write well enough to sell copiously to magazines and thus make a great deal of money. It is to be wondered why such persons do not do the writing themselves and thus take for themselves the money. They say that they have the secret of writing and the secret of finding the markets-why don't they take all the gravy for themselves? The ghost writer is another of this type. If he knows enough to write learned dissertations on every subject in the college curriculum; if his wealth of in- formation enables him even to write masters' theses-why doesn't he use that information in his -own behalf, instead of accepting mere "i; fn.a-frnm ctidc ytc iio'1n, a nrc f MAY DAY0 "Now the 'sping, sun in the opei sky, was shiing In his glory, and waring the pregnant earth From its fertile flank life was leaping out, buds were bursting into green leaves, and the fields were quivering with the growth of the grass. .Men, too, were springing forth, a black avenging army, germinating slowly in the furrows, growing towards the harvests of the next century, and this ger- mination would soon overturn the eart."--EMILE ZOLA erlinal. By ROBERT SPECKHARD filAY DAY, 1940--The sap is rising in the ashen trees, bursting gray-habited buds into glorious green. Men and women, too, are burst- ing this day, bursting from their factory posts, from decks of ships and docks, from spinner's reel, trucker's cab, from foundry's forge, as- sembly lines. It's strike day. It's labor's day all over the world. For on May 1 of every year there resounds throughout the world the voices of a greater solidarity that has no national limits or devo- tion. It pervades all with commonness of pur- pose. It is the conviction and challenge of laborers of every race, of every color, for mutual peace, security and liberty. It was back in 1886 when the struggle for the eight-hour day in the United States was climaxed in the general strike, centered in Chi- cago, that May Day became the international workers' day. The strike culminated in the arrest of eight labor leaders and the execution of five of them following the bomb explosion in Haymarket Square while a huge mass meeting was in progress. Today the immediate objective of that strike, the eight-hour day, is widely Praise For The Alumni Association * *a* C LOSE SCRUTINY of yesterday's Daily reveals a short article on a "Party in the Air," given by the University of Michigan of New York City. Behind that little story is a vast and highly important organiza- tion, the University of Michigan Alumni Asso- ciation. Few students realize the great value of this smoothly running organization. Yet, its services and functions soon will provide members of the June Class of 1940 with the only tangible ties with their alma mater. When this graduating class leaves the campus to join the ranks of more than 95,000 living Michigan alumni, its members will scatter to their various homes in all parts of the country, with some even leaving American borders. For the first few years after graduation the Univer- sity will still be fresh in their minds, their thoughts will dwell long on their college days, and doubtless many of them will make return visits to the campus. After that, however, ties with the University become ever weaker, and the typical alumnus takes only incidental interest in his alma mater. Herein lies the value of the Alumni Association. More than 200 Michigan alumni clubs are organized throughout the world, some officially chartered as University of Michigan Clubs, oth- ers existing and actively functioning without charters. On almost every day of the year at least one of these clubs is sponsoring an affair to discuss various alumni projects closely con- nected with the University, to entertain a prom- inent visitor from the campus, to help influence good prospects to matriculate at Michigan, or merely to bring together all Michigan alumni of any locality for a good, old-fashioned, rem- iniscing bull session. Such an affair was the New York alumni group's "Party in the Air." Such an affair, too. was Monday's U. of M. Night, sponsored by the University of Michigan Club of Detroit in order to "bring about a closer relationship be- tween the University and its Detroit alumni." Another example would be the reception held recently by an Oklahoma alumni group for Michigan's Tom Dewey. Some. of these clubs hold weekly meetings; others get together at monthly dinners; all of them amply justify their existence by keeping alive in the University's vast army of alumni a spark of interest in their alma mater. This Year's graduating seniors may not real- ize now the importance of these numerous cases' of Michigan comradeship. A few years hence, however, they may be only too glad to take advantage of the valuable services and func- tions of their alumni organization. They will do well, immediately after graduation, to asso- icate themselves with the University of Mich- igan Clubs nearest their homes. The University needs its alumni. Each suc- ceeding graduating class must do its part to keep alive and strengthen the remarkable or- ganization already built up. - Howard A. Goldman 2J7ie EDITOR To the Editor: Noting with interest that the Building and Grounds department is spending time, money and effort in a vain attempt to save some grass, it occurred to me that it might be more important for it to invest in a few light bulbs so that after four years in Michigan's ill- lighted, ill-ventilated buildings the student might still be able to see what grass remains. a a a a*a 1940 achieved, But May Day still lives on, an ever dynamic symbol of labor's unceasing struggle. WARS have come and passed since then but ''today once more laborers find themselves enmeshed and impressed again in the bitter, imperialist rivalries that are renting the world. This sordid mess is not their struggle; no cause of theirs is involved. Theirs is a constructive task; a common fight for security and peace, It is a battle on every domestic front for jobs, decent living wages, and ,an opportunity to en- joy the productivity of their countries at peace. American workers recognize this greater struggle and still have the chance to express it. In their local meetings, in their state and national conventions they are articulating their demands for a program in America that shall make employment, health, and the opportunity for happiness the heritage, not only of them- selves, but of all Americans. American workers are the pressure behind social reform; they are the sap that will burst the bud of a New America. Yes, the common people recognize this greater struggle, and in their parades throughout the country today they who are still fortunately not yet involved in war's cataclysm are dedicat- ing this May Day, 1940, with a pledge that they shall remain at peace. While military boots are marching towards Europe's battlefields, American workers are marching on May Day to block an American M-Day. AND FROM their struggles, from their strikes for better working conditions, for higher wages, for clean, decent homes to live in, for security and peace there is evolving a unity whose commonness of conviction "would soon overturn the earth." They are "germinating slowly, growing to- wards the harvest." crh Drew Pesos Robert SAln WHEN cocky ex-champagne salesman Joa- chim von Ribbentrop summoned diplomats and the press to a gala presentation of the Nazi white paper the other day, it may have been that he was chiefly concerned with cover- ing up some dynamite which the Allies had discovered. At that meeting Ribbentrop claimed that Germany went into Norway because secret Allied plans to penetrate Scandinavia first had been discovered. But the real truth, as reported to official sources here, was very dif- ferent. What actually happened was that six or seven days before the invasion of Norway, French and British inteligence services got wind of a German plan to launch a whirlwind war about mid-May. This lightning war was to include the inva- sion of Norway; the invasion of Holland; the occupation of Greece by Mussolini; and an at- tack on the Maginot Line. Apparently the strategy was hatched at the famous Hitler- Mussolini conference at the Brenner Pass, and was calculated to sweep the Allies off their feet. Naturally when Allied intelligence agents learned of this, the first thing the British did was check into the situation in Norway. There, thanks to British prodding, the Norwegian Gov- ernment (which is a labor government) uncov- ered certain high-placed officers who were sympathetic to the Nazis, in some cases ready to go over to them. So Norway started to clean house. Naturally when. the pro-Nazi Norwegians were fired, it tipped off the Germans to the fact that the Allies, were in on their plot. So they started into Norway almost immediately. There is no question that before the Norwe- gian Government had time to oust many o the inside plotters, the British had prepared maps of Norway and had figured on the possi- bility of military operations there. Some of the more forceful in the Chamberlain Cabinet even wanted to do what Ribbentrop accused them of planning-going into Norway first. But Chamberlain and a majority of the Cabinet were against it. This was about all the truth there was to the Ribbentrop white paper. * * * SEVERAL WEEKS before fast-working Gov- ernor Ed Rivers ofgGeorgia had officially lined up Georgia's delegates for a third term, he made a trip to Washington and reported to Roosevelt that unofficially he had the G gia Democrats in line. "I've followed your instructions, Mr. Presi- dent," reported Rivers, "and I've got all the Georgia delegates bagged for your man at the convention. But you know how cats are when you get 'em in a bag. They're a-scratchin' and a-clawin', and I don't know when they're going to get out." "That's fine, Ed," replied the President, "just keep hold of that bag." However, the Governor of Georgia was not as enthusiastic as the President. Doubtless, also, he was interested in pinning him down on the third term. He said: "Well, I can hold 'em all right, Mr. President, if I'm holding them for you. But if I'm holding them for someone else, then they want to know GULLIVER'S CAVILS 1Y Youvig Gulliver THE CURRENT IDOL of American readers is quite a man. And maybe it's not such a bad sign that mothers are now saying to their kiddies not "Eat your spinach and someday you'll be another Franklin Roosevelt," but "Be a good boy and some day you'll grow up to be like Leland Stowe." Stowe's dispatches from the Scandinavian countries are unprecedented (that's right) in the history of journalism. The man has- n't had one scoop, but a whole series of scoops. And he has- ri't written them up in a corny fash- ion, either; not only do they make good reading now, but they will be exciting readers years from now. His dispatches from Finland, from Nor- way, from Sweden, will take their place alongside such masterpieces as William Hazlitt's The Fight and John Reed's Ten Days That Shook The World. Stowe may not be a profound po- litical thinker; one occasionally gets just the opposite impression from some of his dispatches. But he is just about the best foreign corres- pondent in the world right now. And .t is ironical to recall that the Her- ald Tribune didn't want to send Stowe to Europe last year because he was "too old." Right now they are probably kicking themselves for that, but that's beside the point. Not many people today remember that Leland Stowe was in Spain throughout most of the fascist inva- sion; it is Gulliver's opinion that his dispatches from Madrid rank just as high, if not higher, than his Scan- dinavian stories. Stowe is a very earnest man, ter- ribly sincere. Several years ago he was in Ann Arbor to speak for Loyalist Spain. If Y. G. remembers correctly, about thirty people showed up. Stowe got up and made a short speech. He is a little man, probably not much over five feet, with snow white hair and a ruddy, youthful face. But he was really impre ;sive, standing there and pounding away at the fascist sympathizers in this country and extolling the noble qual- ities of the defenders of Madrid. That's going to be one of Gulliver's Little Memories-Leland Stowe har- anguing a handful of Ann Arborites, pleading with them to get on the ball for Spain before it was too late i r G r 1 i a 5 this time. Tennis round of be played. (Continued from Pase 21 Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present, C. S. Yoakum 1940 Dramatic Season: Five great plays, May 13 through June 15. Save by buying Season Tickets now on sale in Garden Room, Michigan League Building. Results on Contemporary Affairs Test: Students who took the Ameri- can Council on Education Contem- porary Affairs test may receive their scores and percentile ranks on Wed- nesday or Thursday (May 1 and 2) at 3:30 to 4:30 in Room 4009 Uni- versity High School. A key of cor- rect answers will be furnished at, L. E. Campbell. Tournament: The second the women's singles must off by Thursday, May 2. Rackham Building. Professor H. Carver will speak on "Statistics Biology," Refreshments. C. in Graduate Tea: Professor Robert, B. Hall will discuss "American Defiien- cies in Strategic Raw Materials" today, West Conference Room, Rack- ham Building, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Gradu- ate students and faculty are invited. Graduate Student Council will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m.cin the Women's Lounge of the Rackham Building. The constitution will be discussed and voted upon, and a nominating committee will be appointed, following a discussion on plans for the election of officers. All council members are ur ged to attend. Graduate students and other stu- dents interested are invited to listen to a concert of recorded music today at 4:15 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building. Tryouts for all those interested in Cheer Leading, report to Art Treut, North Entrance, Yost Field House at 5:00 p.m. today. Ann Arbor Independents will meet today in the League at 4:15 p.m. American Student Union: Richard Heikkinen, chairman of the State American Youth Act Committee, will speak here tonight at 7:30 in the Union on the topic. "Aid for the Youth of America." University Girls' Glee Club: No rehearsal tonight. Rehearsal Fri- day, May 3, at 3:00 p.m. in Qame Room of League. Rehearsal Satur- day at 1:00 p.m. at Methodist Church. OF ALL THINGS! .. By m~lrt -. A SHORT WHILE AGO that big- mouthed Gulliver got the adver- tising staff into trouble by giving a free plug to a competitor of some lucrative Daily advertisers. Not that it mattered very much because no one saw it anyhow, but it was just the principle. At any rate, the reac- tion set some kind of a precedent- you know, like a Supreme Court-so now Mr. Q. has to be careful not to mention any commercial names. It's a shame too, because there's a certain picture playing at a certain show in town that Mr. Q, would like very much to recommend to you. But, since it would make the other theatres sore, and since the theatres are big advertisers, there's not . . What's that you say? All the the- atres are under one management? They won't get sore? Well, that's different. The picture is "Rebecca," now playing at the Majestic, and it is one of the finest of its kind Mr. Q. has ever seen. If Alfred Hitchcock doesn't win the year's award for his direction in this movie, well, they may as well toss the whole Motion Picture Academy in the drink. Not many pictures have come out of Hollywood with such delicate shadings and magnifi-i cent dramatic overtones. It's the kind of touch to be found in "Grand Illusion" or "Of Mice and Men": sensitive, rich and meaningful. WHILE on the subject of pic- tures, Mr. Q. might as well get off a few chuckles over the people who hurried to see "Har- vest" because they heard it was "dirty." Mr. Q. overheard one fellow comment to this effect (before he saw the picture): "Wonder how come the Uni- versity ever let a sexy picture like this be shown?" And so they went into the theatre, sat down and waited for the por- nography. When Arsule leaves Gedemus, the itinerant. knife- grinder, to live with Panturle in the deserted village, they sat up in their seats eagerly, figur- ing that the objectionable parts must at last come in. There was almost an audible sigh of regret ne the tn wn an*ohnn# cimnrla N DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Concerts Graduation Recital: William Pres- ser, violinist of Saginaw, with Wil- liam Schottstaedt at the piano, will give a recital in partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Music at the School of Music Auditorium on Maynard Street, tonight at 8:15 o'clock, to which the general public is invited. Exhibitions An Exhibit of the Art of Eastern Asia, under the auspices of the Insti- tute of Fine Arts on the occasion of the opening of new quarters for Far Eastern Art in Alumni Memorial Hall, through Friday, May 3 (2 to 5 p.m. only). Retrospective exhibits of the etch- ings and drawings of Dr. Warren P. Lombard, and the paintings of Hor- atio W. Shaw, until May 3, West Gal- lery, Alumni Memorial Hall, 2-5, every day, including Sundays. Auspices University Institute of Fine Arts and Ann Arbor Art Association. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Kazys Pakstas, Professor of Geography at the University of Vytautas-the-Great (Kaunas, Lithuania) will lecture on "The Baltic States: Gateway to Rus- sia" under the auspices of the De- partment of Geography at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. Henry Russel Lecture: Dr. Frank N. Wilson, Professor of Internal Med- icine, will deliver the Henry Russel Lecture for 1939-40 at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, May 2, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, on the subject "The Electrical Currents Produced by the Heart Beats" (illustrated by stere- optican). The Henry Russel Award for 1939-40 will be announced at this time. The public is cordially invited. Today's Events Open House: gThe new buildings of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation In- stitute: Graduate and Post Gradu- ate Dentistry, and the Health Service will be open for inspection this week. Both buildings will be open for in- spection by members of the faculty and citizens of Ann Arbor from 7:30 to 10:00 tonight. The Health Service building only will be open for inspection by Uni- versity students on Thursday eve- ning from 7:30 to 10:00, May 2. The purpose of these functions is to give the public an opportunity to view the general features of these unusual and interesting building pro- jects. No special exhibits are being planned. Members of the staffs will be present in the various units to explain them to visitors. Chemical and Metallurgical Engin- eering Seminar. Mr. Robert R. White will speak at the Seminar for Gradu- ate Students today at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Subject: "Vapor Liquid Equilibrium of Petrol- eum Mixtures at Elevated Tempera- tures and Pressures." Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ing at 4:15 p.m. today. Dr. Eugene H. Eyster will speak on "Physical Investigations in the Structural Chemistry of Azides and Cyanates." Graduate Education Club will meet today at 4 p.m. in the University Elementary School Library. Dr. Walter C. Reckless, Visiting Pro- fessor of Sociology from the Univer- sity of Chicago, will speak on "Juven- ile Delinquency and Truancy prob- lems." Archery 4:30 p.m. Club meeting on the range. Crop and Saddle Club will meet at Barbour Gymnasium at 4:30 p.m. today for a supper ride and drill practice. Dues will be accepted. Mimes meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Student Offices of the Union. Final plans for the Mimes Dance will be discussed. Tennis Club meeting" today at 4:30 p.m. in the Women's Athletic Bldg. Come dressed to play. All women interested are welcome. Disciples Guild: Students interest- ed in a discussion of the address given last Suni by Rev. Owen Geer are invited to meet at the Guild House this evening at 5:30 for supper. No charge. Call 5838 be- fore 3 p.m. for reservations. The Jewish History class will Meet at the Hillel Foundation tonight at 7:15. Avukah meeting at the Hillel Foun- dation tonight at 7:30. All mem- bers are urged to attend for elec- tion of officers. Michigan Dames: Click and Sttch Group will meet tonight at ' at the home of Mrs. J. H. Waldner, 223 Crest. Coming Events Geological Journal Club will lheet in Room 3056 Natural Science Build- ing at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, My 2. Program: Prof. W. A. Kelly of Mich- igan State College will lecture on "Structural Trends in the Cana ian Shield, and Their Relation to Min- ing." Polish Engineering Society will meet Thursday, May 2, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 220 of the Michigan Union. The Senior Ball Committee will meet Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Rooni 323 of the Michigan Union. Social Committee will meet Thurs- day, May 2, at 4:00 p.m. at the TVich- igan League. All wishing to be ac- tivt on the'committee next year must attend or call Virginia Osgood at 2-2285. Appointments for the com- ing year will be announced at this meeting. Episcopal Student Guild: Celebra- tion of the Holy Communion will be held at 7:00 a.m., Thursday, May 2, in the Williams Memorial Chapel at Harris Hall, Breakfast. All R.O.T.C. Students: Report in uniform with rifles to your companies on East University between W ter- man Gymnasium and West Egin- eering Building on Thursday, My 2, at 4:50 p.m. for practice parade. This parade will take the place of regular drill this week. Notice to All Student and Fa ulty Members of the Michigan Wolverine Student Cooperative, Inc. Anhual Meeting on Monday, May 6, at 7:00 40 today at I N