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April 30, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-30

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Park Predicts.
U.S. Attitude
Leads To War
Education Group To Hear
Reviews, Talks Today
At RackhamBuilding
(Continued from Page 1)1
patriots totmake Europe the sham-
bles it is today.
With more than 100 registered for1
the'" first day's sessions, Dr. W. D.
Henderson, director emeritus of the{
Extension Service-co-sponsor of the
Institute-in opening the five-dayr
program pointed out to his audience
that ignorance of current affairs
should be avoided at all costs.
Pro gram Today
Highlight of today's Institute pro-
granl is the address on "Storms or
Rainbows for the Farmer" by Prof.
Ernest L. Anthony, dean of the Col-
eg. of Agriculture at Michigan
State, at 3 p.m. in the Lecture Hall
9f ,the Rackham Building.
The program will begin at 8 a.m.
in the Rackham Building with a
class in parliamentary law given by
Mrs. Enma A. Fox, noted parlia-
mentarian. Following her class at
9 ai.m. will come an analysis of "The
National Defense Policy of the
United States" by Col. Basil D. Ed-
wards, chairman of the Department
of Military Science and Tactics.
'South America--and particularly
Mexico-will come under the scru-
tiny of the delegates at 10 a.m. when
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history
department will discuss America's
immediate neighbor.
In the group of "Great Books of
1939," "America in Mid-Passage,"
by Charles A. Beard will be reviewed
at 11 a.m. today in the Lecture Hall.
Prof. Robert S. Ford, director of the
Bureau of Government, will discuss
the book.
Dictator Josef Stalin is slated for
discussion at 2 p.m. today. George
Neufield, Grad., will offer the anal-
ysis. He is especially qualified to
speak, says Dr. Charles A. Fisher,
director of the Extension Service,
because he is a native of Russia.
Following Dr. Anthony's talk will
be an informal tea at 4:15 p.m. in
the Assembly Hall on the third floor
of: the Rackham Building.
With time out for dinner, the del-
egates will re-convene at 8 p.m. for
a demonstration lecture on sculpture
by Mr. Avard Fairbanks in the Lec-
ture Hall of the Rackham Building.
Tomorrow's session will be fea-
tured by an address by Judge ,lor-
ence E. Allen of the U.S. Ci1cuit
Court of Appeals in Cleve on
the subject "The Constitution, an
Instrument for Freedom."y
" -

1 Solid Year, Lincoln Hotel, N. Y.
play at the

American Youth Act
To Oe Championed
By ASU's Lecturer
"Aid for the Youth of America by
Means of the American Youth Act,"
will be the topic of a lecture by Rich-I
ard Heikkinen, chairman of the State
Committee for the Passage of the
American Youth Act at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union sponsored by
the American Student Union.
Proposed by Senator James E.
Murray of Montana, the Act is the
first proposal in 25 years which at-
tempts to solve the problem of the
unemployed youth between the ages
of 16 and 25 whose numbers are now
4,000,000, according to Yale Fore-
man, '42, chairman of the American
Youth Act Committee of the ASU.
Mr. Heikkinen, who is also a mem-
ber of the executive committee of
the United Automobile Workers, is
well qualified to present the youth
problem to the campus, Foreman
stated. At no time has the youth
situation been in such a deplorable
state, Foreman asserted, and it is of
special significance and interest to
students on this campus to hear Mr.
Heikkinen's talk. An informal dis-
cussion period will follow the speech.
Alumni Group
Plans Air Tour
Novel Party To Be Given
By New York Club
"A Party in the Air" is the novel
event planned for today by the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of New
York City.
Members will assemble at 5:45
p.m. at the United Airlines Hangar,
La Guardia Field. There will be a
conducted tour of the United han-
gars and shops as well as those of
Pan-American Airways.
The party will dine i, the Kitty
Hawk Room of the Administration
Building. Immediately after dinner,
a United Douglas DC-3 airliner, the
latest and largest type of plane in
operation, will take members of the
Club on a flight around the metro-
politan area.
Petitioning For Michigan
Wolverine Board Begins
Petitions for nomination of can-
didates for the Board of Directors
of the Michigan Wolverine are due
Friday, John Scheibe, '42M, presi-
dent of the cooperative restaurant
announced yesterday.
The petitions must carry the sig-
natures of 20 members of the Wol-
verine, Scheibe added.
Election to fill the five vacancies
on the Board will be held at 7 p.m.,
Monday, May 6, Scheibe declared.
Professors Will Speak
Papers by Prof. William A. Mc-
Laughlin and Arthur G. Canfield will
be presented at the meeting of the
Romance Language Journal Club at
4:15 p.m. today in Room 408, Ro-
mance Language Building. Profes-
sor McLaughlin will speak on "A Re-
view of the Works of Francesco Lan-
dini (L. Ellinwood), and Mr. Can-
field will talk on "Amy Robsart,
Cromwell and Paul Meurice."

The 12th Annual Alumni Confer- men and took part in roui
ence of the School of Business Ad- discussions, he continued. Tr
ministration, held Saturday in the calibre of the speakers and thi
Union, was the largest and most suc- of their contributions is ap
cessful that has ever taken place, Dean Griffin said.
Dean Clare E. Griffin of the School Putnam, Stason Speak
said yesterday. Among those present were

e high
e value

More than 175 alumni heard ad- i
dresses by outstanding business
Lyman Wins
Brewer And Roys Given
Second, Third Place
William W. Lyman, '39A, was an-
nounced as the winner of the George
G. Booth Fellowship yesterday by
Wells I. Bennett, Dean of the Col-
lege of Architecture and Design.
Entries submitted by the 11 com-
petitors in the contest are now on
exhibit in the third floor exhibition
room of the Architecture Building,
and can be seen daily from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m. until Saturday. The travel-
ing fellowship was donated by Booth
'to seniors or graduates of the archi-
tecture college, and previous to the
war the prize winner studied abroad.
Plans for a tour on this continent for
this year's winner are now being for-
Arthur Brewer was awarded sec-
ond place and Rufus H. Roys, '40A,
was given third place in the com-
petition. The problem of the con-
test* was the designing of a youth
hostel to be built in northern Michi-
gan. Dean Bennett commented, "Ly-
man's solution was a modern design
carried out in wood and stone, which
are the native materials of the region
where the hostel is to be located."
Jewish Relief Drive
Begins Tomorrow
Plans for the local United Jewish
Appeal, tomorrow to May 7, were for-
mulated Sunday at a meeting of the
Ann Arbor Jewish Committee. This
year's national quota of $23,000,000,
five millions larger than last year's,.
places a proportionately greater
burden on the local committee which
last year raised $4,000.
Money raised is divided among
the National Refugee Service, the
Joint Distribution Committee and
the United Palestine Appeal. Dr.
Isaac Rabinowitz heads the local
drive and has on his committee
Betty Steinhart, '40, heading the in-
dependent women; Jerome W. Meck-.
lenburger, '41E, and Irving Zeiger,
'41, representing independent men;
Robert L. Kann, '40, in charge of
fraternal organizations; Samuel
Grant, '40; Dr. Jacob Sacks; Mr.
Osias Zwerdling, and Prof. Kasmir
Fajans, advisor.
Presser, Violin Student,
To Give Music Recital
William Presser, '40SM, will pre-
sent a music recital at 8:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the School of Music Audi-
torium in partial fulfillment of the
degree Bachelor of Music.
A violinist from Saginaw, Press-

man W. Putnam, new products divi-
sion executive of the Dow Chemical
Co.; Dean E. Blythe Stason of thej
Law School; H. R. E. Black, '34BAd.,
executive of Corning-Illinois Glassl
Co., Kenneth Stewart, research divi-1
sion head of the Eastman Kodak,
Co., and Richard Clair, '32BAd.. re-
search director of the American In-
stitute of Accountants.
The three round tables held dur-
ing the afternoon composed one of
the most important parts of the Con-
ference, bringing graduates together
for presentation and discussion of
business problems of specific and im-
mediate importance, Dean Griffin
The session on marketing, empha-I
sizing new product development, he
explained, brought to light a striking
and encouraging harmony of opin-
ion. The idea was expressed that
American business, contrary to the
pessimistic view commonly held, isj
entering a new era of progress andI
Development Of New Products
While our geographical frontiers
have been expanded to what will
doubtless be their ultimate size, the
alumni emphasized the fact that
through the development of new pro-
ducts and new uses for old ones busi-
ness and employment should con-
tinue to grow. This, Dean Griffin
said, is a matter of importance to
everyone, from college student to
business man.
The general purpose of the Confer-
ences is to bring back to the School
men with practical experience for
the purpose of discussing questions
of policy and problems of business,
he continued, adding that the Con-
ference is never a reunion of class-
mates but a serious consideration
of business matters.
Through the annual Conference
with alumni, the professors of the
School are able to obtain realistic
contacts with conditions in the busi-
ness world, he pointed out, adding
that many professors are able to ob-
tain practical materials for teach-
Tickets For Individual
Plays On Sale Monday

Business Administration Alumni
Hold Largest Annual (oniferrie DAILY OFF IC IAL BULLETIN;

VOL. L. No. 150
To Members of the Faculty, Staff
anad Student Body: Attention of
everyone is called to the Lost and
Found department of the Business
office, Room 1, University Hall. In-
quiry concerning lost articles should
be made promptly at the above men-
tioned office. Articles found on the
campus and in University buildings
should be turned over immediately.
Those articles not called for within
60 days will be surrendered to the
finder. Shirley W. Smith. i
Note to Seniors, June Graduates,
and Graduate Students: Please file
application for degrees or any special
certificates (i.e. Geology Certificate,
Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once
if you expect to receive a degree or
certificate at Commencement in
June. We cannot guarantee that the
University will confer a degree or cer-
tificate at Commencement upon any
student who fails to file such applica-
tion before the close of business on
Wednesday, May 15. If applicationI
is received later than May 15, your
degree or certificate may not be
awarded until next fall.
If you have not already done so,
candidates for degrees or certificates
may fill out cards at once at office
of the secretary or recorder of their
own schOol or college (students en-
rolled in the College of Literal tare,
Sciene, and the Arts, College of
Architecture and Design, School of
Music, School of Education, and.
School of Forestry and Conservation,
please note that application blanks
may be obtained and filed in the

1Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer-
sity Hall). All applications for the
Teacher's Certificate should be made
at the office of the School of Educa-
Please do not delay until the last
day, as more than 2,500 diplomas
and certificates must be lettered,
signed. and sealed and we shall be
greatly helped in this work by the
early filing of applications and the
resulting longer lperiod for prepara-
-shirley W. Smith
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds to
loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. F.H.A. terms avail-
able. Apply Investment Office,
Room 100, South Wing, University
Fiateenth Century Printing: In
celebration of the 500th anniversary
of the invention of printing, the
General Library is making an exhibit
of selections from its collections of
fifteenth century books. It is pro-
posed to print a list of all incunabula
owned in Ann Arbor. Members of the
faculties and others having fifteenth
century books are urged to send their
titles to the Librarian's office before
May 4 for einclusion in this list.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian
School of Education Convocation:
The fifth annual Convocation of
unt1dergraduate and graduate students
who are candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate during the academic year
will be held in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre on Tuesday, May 7,
at 4:15 o'clock. This Convocation

kis sponsored by the School of Edu-
"cation; and members of ther facul-
ties, students, and the general public
are cordially invited. It is urged, but
not required, that candidates for the
Teacher's Certificate wear academic
costume. President Ruthven will pre-
side at the Convocation and Dean
Harold Benjamin of the University of
Maryland will give the address.
Student Loans: Loan Committee
will meet in Room 2, University Hall,
on Tuesday, May 7, for the considera-
tion of loans for the Summer Ses-
sion and fall. All applications to
be considered at this meeting must
be filed in Room 2 on or before Sat-
urday, May 4, and appointments
made for interviews.
Results on Contemporary Affairs
Test: Students who took the Ameri-
can Council on Education Contem-
porary Affairs test may receive their
scores and percentile ranks on Wed-
nesday or Thursday (May 1 and 2)
at 3:30 to 4:30 in Room 4009 Uni-
versity High School. A key of cor-
rect answers will be furnished at
this time.
L. E. Campbell.
Dormitory Directors, Chaperons
and Househeads: Freshmen women
may have 10:30 permission for the
(Continued on Page 4)
Rebecca Starts at
2:00 - 4:32 -7:13 -9:45



The Michigan Daily and the Merchants of Ann Arbor
Invite You to Attend


0 0- I9l t.

flu dI'Ctf (/4? (1/

itunmer -

er has been studying for the past
two years under Prof. Wassily Besek-
irksy of the faculty.

For theatre-goers who do not wish
to see all the plays in the repertory
of the 1940 IDrama Season, sale of
tickets for individual plays will be-
gin at 10 a.m. Monday at the League
Sale of season tickets continues
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each 'day in
the Garden Room of the League.
Plays thus far selected for the
Season, which begins May 13, in-
clude: Shaw's "Pygmalion", Shake-
speare's "The Winter's Tale", Sid-
ney Kingsley's "The World We
Make", and St. John Ervine's "Boyd's
Shop." Negotiations for a fifth play
have not yet been completed.
- celbrates

Assure Yourself of a Good Seat
by Attending the Early Matinee.

Produced by DAVID 0.SELZNICK
News of the Day


Coming! "Young Tom


-. - ----


Sponsored by W.A.A. and
Men's Glee Club
0*Hear "Shuffle Rhythm"
* Hear "Bon Bon," Out-
stainding Song Stylist
* See America's Most Pop-
ular Young Name
Direct from nine months at the
Hotel Lincoln in New York comes
this stellar band. Profit from the
Swing Concert will be used to
help finance the proposed women's
swimming pool. Admission is only
5¢ cents and there are lots of seats.
You'll never have a better time!

You'll return from seeing ti
to find yourself hysteric

fr0n "anudetx
ti~he offire , n to
Wah usband,
Leal !


U nF

M for


...®. ..

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